defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.API.Search do @moduledoc """ API for search. """ alias Mobilizon.Actors alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Actor, as: ActivityPubActor alias Mobilizon.Service.GlobalSearch alias Mobilizon.Storage.Page import Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Event.Utils require Logger @doc """ Searches actors. """ @spec search_actors(map(), integer | nil, integer | nil, atom()) :: {:ok, Page.t(Actor.t())} | {:error, String.t()} def search_actors(%{term: term} = args, page \\ 1, limit \\ 10, result_type) do term = String.trim(term) cond do # Some URLs could be domain.tld/@username, so keep this condition above # the `handle?` function url?(term) -> # skip, if it's not an actor case process_from_url(term) do %Page{total: _total, elements: [%Actor{} = _actor]} = page -> {:ok, page} _ -> {:ok, %{total: 0, elements: []}} end handle?(term) -> {:ok, process_from_username(term)} true -> if global_search?(args) do service = GlobalSearch.service() {:ok, service.search_groups(, fn {k, v} -> {k, v} end))} else page = Actors.search_actors( term, [ actor_type: result_type, radius: Map.get(args, :radius), location: Map.get(args, :location), bbox: Map.get(args, :bbox), minimum_visibility: Map.get(args, :minimum_visibility, :public), current_actor_id: Map.get(args, :current_actor_id), exclude_my_groups: Map.get(args, :exclude_my_groups, false), exclude_stale_actors: true, local_only: Map.get(args, :search_target, :internal) == :self, sort_by: Map.get(args, :sort_by) ], page, limit ) {:ok, page} end end end @doc """ Search events """ @spec search_events(map(), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: {:ok, Page.t(Event.t())} def search_events(%{term: term} = args, page \\ 1, limit \\ 10) do term = String.trim(term) if url?(term) do # skip, if it's not an event case process_from_url(term) do %Page{total: _total, elements: [%Event{} = event]} = page -> if Map.get(args, :current_user) != nil || check_event_access?(event) do {:ok, page} else {:ok, %{total: 0, elements: []}} end _ -> {:ok, %{total: 0, elements: []}} end else if global_search?(args) do service = GlobalSearch.service() {:ok, service.search_events(, fn {k, v} -> {k, v} end))} else results = args |> Map.put(:term, term) |> Map.put(:local_only, Map.get(args, :search_target, :internal) == :self) |> Events.build_events_for_search(page, limit) {:ok, results} end end end @spec interact(String.t()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, :not_found} def interact(uri) do case ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url(uri) do {:ok, object} -> {:ok, object} {:error, _err} -> Logger.debug(fn -> "Unable to find or make object from URI '#{uri}'" end) {:error, :not_found} end end # If the search string is an username @spec process_from_username(String.t()) :: Page.t(Actor.t()) defp process_from_username(search) do case ActivityPubActor.find_or_make_actor_from_nickname(search) do {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} -> %Page{total: 1, elements: [actor]} {:error, _err} -> Logger.debug(fn -> "Unable to find or make actor '#{search}'" end) %Page{total: 0, elements: []} end end # If the search string is an URL @spec process_from_url(String.t()) :: Page.t(struct()) defp process_from_url(search) do case ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url(search) do {:ok, object} -> %Page{total: 1, elements: [object]} {:error, _err} -> Logger.debug(fn -> "Unable to find or make object from URL '#{search}'" end) %Page{total: 0, elements: []} end end @spec url?(String.t()) :: boolean defp url?(search), do: String.starts_with?(search, ["http://", "https://"]) @spec handle?(String.t()) :: boolean defp handle?(search), do: String.match?(search, ~r/@/) defp global_search?(%{search_target: :global}) do global_search_enabled?() end defp global_search?(_), do: global_search_enabled?() && global_search_default?() defp global_search_enabled? do Application.get_env(:mobilizon, :search) |> get_in([:global]) |> get_in([:is_enabled]) end defp global_search_default? do Application.get_env(:mobilizon, :search) |> get_in([:global]) |> get_in([:is_default_search]) end end