#!/bin/bash set -eu output_dir="../priv/static/img/pics" resolutions=( 480 1024 1920 ) ignore=( homepage_background.png ) file_extension () { filename=$(basename -- "$file") echo "${filename##*.}" } file_name () { filename=$(basename -- "$file") echo "${filename%.*}" } convert_image () { name=$(file_name) extension=$(file_extension) res="$1w" output="$output_dir/$name-$res.$extension" convert -geometry "$resolution"x $file $output } progress() { local w=80 p=$1; shift # create a string of spaces, then change them to dots printf -v dots "%*s" "$(( $p*$w/100 ))" ""; dots=${dots// /.}; # print those dots on a fixed-width space plus the percentage etc. printf "\r\e[K|%-*s| %3d %% %s" "$w" "$dots" "$p" "$*"; } echo "Generating responsive versions of the pictures…" if ! command -v convert &> /dev/null then echo "$(tput setaf 1)ERROR: The convert command could not be found. You need to install ImageMagick.$(tput sgr 0)" exit 1 fi nb_files=$( shopt -s nullglob ; set -- $output_dir/* ; echo $#) tasks=$((${#resolutions[@]}*$nb_files)) i=1 for file in $output_dir/* do if [[ -f $file ]]; then for resolution in "${resolutions[@]}"; do convert_image $resolution progress $(($i*100/$tasks)) still working... i=$((i+1)) done fi done echo -e "\nDone!"