
126 lines
3.7 KiB

<div class="container mx-auto w-96">
<div v-show="authApplicationLoading && !resultCode">
<o-skeleton active size="large" class="mt-6" />
<o-skeleton active width="80%" />
class="rounded-lg bg-mbz-warning shadow-xl my-6 p-4 flex items-center gap-2"
<o-skeleton circle active width="42px" height="42px" />
<div class="w-full">
<o-skeleton active />
<o-skeleton active />
<o-skeleton active />
<div class="rounded-lg bg-white shadow-xl my-6">
<div class="p-4 pb-0">
<p class="text-3xl"><o-skeleton active size="large" /></p>
<o-skeleton active width="40%" />
<div class="flex gap-3 p-4">
<o-skeleton active />
<o-skeleton active />
v-show="!authApplicationLoading && !authApplicationError && !resultCode"
<div v-show="authApplicationError">
class="rounded-lg text-white bg-mbz-danger shadow-xl my-6 p-4 flex items-center gap-2"
v-if="authApplicationGraphError?.code === 'application_not_found'"
<AlertCircle :size="42" />
<p class="font-bold">
{{ t("Application not found") }}
<p>{{ t("The provided application was not found.") }}</p>
:to="{ name: RouteName.HOME }"
>{{ t("Back to homepage") }}</o-button
class="rounded-lg bg-white shadow-xl my-6 p-4 flex items-center gap-2"
<p class="font-bold">
{{ t("Your application code") }}
"You need to provide the following code to your application. It will only be valid for a few minutes."
<p class="text-4xl">{{ resultCode }}</p>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useRouteQuery } from "vue-use-route-query";
import { useHead } from "@unhead/vue";
import { computed, ref } from "vue";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
import { useQuery } from "@vue/apollo-composable";
import { AUTH_APPLICATION } from "@/graphql/application";
import { IApplication } from "@/types/application.model";
import AlertCircle from "vue-material-design-icons/AlertCircle.vue";
import type { AbsintheGraphQLError } from "@/types/errors.model";
import RouteName from "@/router/name";
import AuthorizeApplication from "@/components/OAuth/AuthorizeApplication.vue";
const { t } = useI18n({ useScope: "global" });
const clientId = useRouteQuery("client_id", null);
const redirectURI = useRouteQuery("redirect_uri", null);
const state = useRouteQuery("state", null);
const scope = useRouteQuery("scope", null);
const resultCode = ref<string | null>(null);
const {
result: authApplicationResult,
loading: authApplicationLoading,
error: authApplicationError,
} = useQuery<{ authApplication: IApplication }, { clientId: string }>(
() => ({
clientId: clientId.value as string,
() => ({
enabled: clientId.value !== null,
const authApplication = computed(
() => authApplicationResult.value?.authApplication
const authApplicationGraphError = computed(
() => authApplicationError.value?.graphQLErrors[0] as AbsintheGraphQLError
title: computed(() => t("Authorize application")),