
586 lines
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# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <>.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import re
import helpers
import logger
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from HTMLParser import HTMLParseError
def GCDScraper(ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicID, quickmatch=None):
NOWyr =
if == 12:
NOWyr = NOWyr + 1
logger.fdebug("We're in December, incremented search Year to increase search results: " + str(NOWyr))
comicnm = ComicName
comicyr = ComicYear
comicis = Total
comicid = ComicID
#print ( "comicname: " + str(comicnm) )
#print ( "comicyear: " + str(comicyr) )
#print ( "comichave: " + str(comicis) )
#print ( "comicid: " + str(comicid) )
comicnm = re.sub(' ', '+', comicnm)
input = '' + str(comicyr) + '-01-01&end_date=' + str(NOWyr) + '-12-31&series=' + str(comicnm) + '&is_indexed=None'
response = urllib2.urlopen ( input )
soup = BeautifulSoup ( response)
cnt1 = len(soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_even"}))
cnt2 = len(soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_odd"}))
cnt = int(cnt1 + cnt2)
2012-09-09 19:34:53 +00:00
#print (str(cnt) + " results")
resultName = []
resultID = []
resultYear = []
resultIssues = []
resultURL = None
n_odd = -1
n_even = -1
n = 0
while ( n < cnt ):
if n%2==0:
resultp = soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_even"})[n_even]
resultp = soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_odd"})[n_odd]
rtp = resultp('a')[1]
2012-09-09 19:34:53 +00:00
#print ( "Comic Name: " + str(resultName[n]) )
fip = resultp('a',href=True)[1]
#print ( "ID: " + str(resultID[n]) )
subtxt3 = resultp('td')[3]
resultYear[n] = resultYear[n].replace(' ','')
subtxt4 = resultp('td')[4]
resiss = resultIssues[n].find('issue')
resiss = int(resiss)
resultIssues[n] = resultIssues[n].replace('','')[:resiss]
resultIssues[n] = resultIssues[n].replace(' ','')
2012-09-09 19:34:53 +00:00
#print ( "Year: " + str(resultYear[n]) )
#print ( "Issues: " + str(resultIssues[n]) )
CleanComicName = re.sub('[\,\.\:\;\'\[\]\(\)\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\-\_\+\=\?\/]', '', comicnm)
CleanComicName = re.sub(' ', '', CleanComicName).lower()
CleanResultName = re.sub('[\,\.\:\;\'\[\]\(\)\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\-\_\+\=\?\/]', '', resultName[n])
CleanResultName = re.sub(' ', '', CleanResultName).lower()
#print ("CleanComicName: " + str(CleanComicName))
#print ("CleanResultName: " + str(CleanResultName))
if CleanResultName == CleanComicName or CleanResultName[3:] == CleanComicName:
#if resultName[n].lower() == helpers.cleanName(str(ComicName)).lower():
2012-09-09 19:34:53 +00:00
#print ("n:" + str(n) + "...matched by name to Mylar!")
#this has been seen in a few instances already, so trying to adjust.
#when the series year is 2011, in gcd it might be 2012 due to publication
#dates overlapping between Dec/11 and Jan/12. Let's accept a match with a
#1 year grace space, and then pull in the first issue to see the actual pub
# date and if coincides with the other date..match it.
if resultYear[n] == ComicYear or resultYear[n] == str(int(ComicYear)+1):
2012-09-09 19:34:53 +00:00
#print ("n:" + str(n) + "...matched by year to Mylar!")
#print ( "Year: " + str(resultYear[n]) )
#Occasionally there are discrepancies in comic count between
#GCD and CV. 99% it's CV not updating to the newest issue as fast
#as GCD does. Therefore, let's increase the CV count by 1 to get it
#to match, any more variation could cause incorrect matching.
#ie. witchblade on GCD says 159 issues, CV states 161.
if int(resultIssues[n]) == int(Total) or int(resultIssues[n]) == int(Total)+1 or (int(resultIssues[n])+1) == int(Total):
#print ("initial issue match..continuing.")
if int(resultIssues[n]) == int(Total)+1:
issvariation = "cv"
elif int(resultIssues[n])+1 == int(Total):
issvariation = "gcd"
issvariation = "no"
#print ("n:" + str(n) + "...matched by issues to Mylar!")
#print ("complete match!...proceeding")
TotalIssues = resultIssues[n]
resultURL = str(resultID[n])
rptxt = resultp('td')[6]
resultPublished = rptxt.findNext(text=True)
#print ("Series Published: " + str(resultPublished))
# it's possible that comicvine would return a comic name incorrectly, or gcd
# has the wrong title and won't match 100%...
# (ie. The Flash-2011 on comicvine is Flash-2011 on gcd)
# this section is to account for variations in spelling, punctuation, etc/
basnumbs = {'one':1,'two':2,'three':3,'four':4,'five':5,'six':6,'seven':7,'eight':8,'nine':9,'ten':10,'eleven':11,'twelve':12}
if resultURL is None:
#search for number as text, and change to numeric
for numbs in basnumbs:
#print ("numbs:" + str(numbs))
if numbs in ComicName.lower():
numconv = basnumbs[numbs]
#print ("numconv: " + str(numconv))
ComicNm = re.sub(str(numbs), str(numconv), ComicName.lower())
#print ("comicname-reVISED:" + str(ComicNm))
return GCDScraper(ComicNm, ComicYear, Total, ComicID)
if ComicName.lower().startswith('the '):
ComicName = ComicName[4:]
return GCDScraper(ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicID)
2012-09-15 05:01:55 +00:00
if ':' in ComicName:
ComicName = re.sub(':', '', ComicName)
return GCDScraper(ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicID)
if '-' in ComicName:
ComicName = re.sub('-', ' ', ComicName)
return GCDScraper(ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicID)
if 'and' in ComicName.lower():
ComicName = ComicName.replace('and', '&')
return GCDScraper(ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicID)
if not quickmatch: return 'No Match'
#vari_loop = 0
if quickmatch == "yes":
if resultURL is None: return 'No Match'
else: return 'Match'
return GCDdetails(comseries=None, resultURL=resultURL, vari_loop=0, ComicID=ComicID, TotalIssues=TotalIssues, issvariation=issvariation, resultPublished=resultPublished)
def GCDdetails(comseries, resultURL, vari_loop, ComicID, TotalIssues, issvariation, resultPublished):
gcdinfo = {}
gcdchoice = []
gcount = 0
i = 0
if vari_loop > 1:
resultPublished = "Unknown"
if vari_loop == 99: vari_loop = 1
while (i <= vari_loop):
if vari_loop > 0:
boong = comseries['comseries'][i]
except IndexError:
resultURL = boong['comseriesID']
ComicID = boong['comicid']
TotalIssues+= int(boong['comseriesIssues'])
resultURL = resultURL
# if we're here - it means it's a mismatched name.
# let's pull down the publication date as it'll be blank otherwise
inputMIS = '' + str(resultURL)
resp = urllib2.urlopen ( inputMIS )
soup = BeautifulSoup ( resp )
parsed = soup.find("div", {"id" : "series_data"})
subtxt3 = parsed.find("dd", {"id" : "publication_dates"})
resultPublished = subtxt3.findNext(text=True).rstrip()
#print ("pubdate:" + str(resultPublished))
coverst = soup.find("div", {"id" : "series_cover"})
if coverst < 0:
gcdcover = "None"
subcoverst = coverst('img',src=True)[0]
gcdcover = subcoverst['src']
#print ("resultURL:" + str(resultURL))
#print ("comicID:" + str(ComicID))
input2 = '' + str(resultURL) + 'details/'
resp = urllib2.urlopen(input2)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp)
#for newer comics, on-sale date has complete date...
#for older comics, is to be used
type = soup.find(text=' On-sale date ')
if type:
#print ("on-sale date detected....adjusting")
datetype = "on-sale"
#print ("pub date defaulting")
datetype = "pub"
cnt1 = len(soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "row_even_False"}))
cnt2 = len(soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "row_even_True"}))
cnt = int(cnt1 + cnt2)
#print (str(cnt) + " Issues in Total (this may be wrong due to alternate prints, etc")
n_odd = -1
n_even = -1
n = 0
PI = "1.00"
altcount = 0
while ( n < cnt ):
if n%2==0:
parsed = soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "row_even_False"})[n_odd]
ntype = "odd"
ntype = "even"
parsed = soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "row_even_True"})[n_even]
subtxt3 = parsed.find("a")
ParseIssue = subtxt3.findNext(text=True)
fid = parsed('a',href=True)[0]
resultGID = fid['href']
resultID = resultGID[7:-1]
#print ( "ID: " + str(resultID) )
if ',' in ParseIssue: ParseIssue = re.sub("\,", "", ParseIssue)
#print ("ParseIssue before : " + str(ParseIssue))
if 'Vol' in ParseIssue or '[' in ParseIssue:
ParseIssue = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", ParseIssue)
isslen = ParseIssue.find(' ')
#if 'isslen' exists, it means that it's an alternative cover.
#however, if ONLY alternate covers exist of an issue it won't work.
#let's use the FIRST record, and ignore all other covers for the given issue.
isschk = ParseIssue[:isslen]
#print ("Parse is now: " + str(isschk))
#check if decimal or '1/2' exists or not, and store decimal results
halfchk = "no"
if '.' in isschk:
isschk_find = isschk.find('.')
isschk_b4dec = isschk[:isschk_find]
isschk_decval = isschk[isschk_find+1:]
elif '/' in isschk:
ParseIssue = "0.50"
isslen = 0
halfchk = "yes"
isschk_decval = ".00"
if isslen > 0:
isschk = ParseIssue[:isslen]
isschk2 = str(isschk) + isschk_decval
#logger.fdebug("isschk: " + str(isschk) + " ...isschk2: " + str(isschk2))
if 'a' in isschk or 'b' in isschk or 'c' in isschk:
isschk2 = ParseIssue[:isslen-1] + isschk_decval
#altcount == 2
ParseIssue = str(isschk2)
#logger.fdebug("Alt.cover found = " + str(isschk2))
if str(PI) == str(isschk2):
#logger.fdebug("matched on PI: " + str(PI) + " .. and isschk2: " + str(isschk2))
if altcount == 0:
#logger.fdebug("first occurance - marking and continuing..." + str(isschk2))
#this handles the first occurance..
ParseIssue = str(isschk2)
PI = str(isschk2)
altcount = 1
#logger.fdebug("Using only first record for issue - ignoring further alternate matches")
ParseIssue = "this is wrong"
#logger.fdebug("issues didn't match.")
altcount = 1
ParseIssue = str(isschk) + isschk_decval
if halfchk == "yes": pass
ParseIssue = ParseIssue + isschk_decval
#print ("no alt.cover detected for - " + str(ParseIssue))
altcount = 1
if (altcount == 1):
#logger.fdebug("adding issue to db : " + str(ParseIssue))
# in order to get the compare right, let's decimialize the string to '.00'.
gcdinfo['ComicIssue'] = ParseIssue
#print "Issue: " + str(ParseIssue)
#^^ will retrieve issue
#if datetype == "on-sale":
subtxt1 = parsed('td')[2]
ParseDate = subtxt1.findNext(text=True)
pdlen = len(ParseDate)
#print "sale-date..ParseDate:" + str(ParseDate)
#print ("Parsed Date length: " + str(pdlen))
if len(ParseDate) < 7:
subtxt3 = parsed('td')[0]
ParseDate = subtxt3.findNext(text=True)
#print "pub-date..ParseDate:" + str(ParseDate)
if ParseDate == ' ':
#default to empty so doesn't error out.
ParseDate = "0000-00-00"
#ParseDate = ParseDate.replace('?','')
ParseDate = ParseDate.replace(' ','')
#print "Parse date: " + str(ParseDate)
gcdinfo['ComicDate'] = ParseDate
#^^ will retrieve date #
if not any(d.get('GCDIssue', None) == str(gcdinfo['ComicIssue']) for d in gcdchoice):
#logger.fdebug("adding: " + str(gcdinfo['ComicIssue']))
if ComicID[:1] == "G":
'GCDid': ComicID,
'IssueID': resultID,
'GCDIssue': gcdinfo['ComicIssue'],
'GCDDate': gcdinfo['ComicDate']
'GCDid': ComicID,
'GCDIssue': gcdinfo['ComicIssue'],
'GCDDate': gcdinfo['ComicDate']
gcdinfo['gcdchoice'] = gcdchoice
#--if 2 identical issue numbers legitimately exist, but have different
#--publication dates, try to distinguish
logger.fdebug("2 identical issue #'s have been found...determining if it's intentional.")
#get current issue & publication date.
logger.fdebug("Issue #:" + str(gcdinfo['ComicIssue']))
logger.fdebug("IssueDate: " + str(gcdinfo['ComicDate']))
#get conflicting issue from tuple
for d in gcdchoice:
if str(d['GCDIssue']) == str(gcdinfo['ComicIssue']):
logger.fdebug("Issue # already in tuple - checking IssueDate:" + str(d['GCDDate']) )
if str(d['GCDDate']) == str(gcdinfo['ComicDate']):
logger.fdebug("Issue #'s and dates match...skipping.")
logger.fdebug("Issue#'s match but different publication dates, not skipping.")
#logger.fdebug("Duplicate issue detected in DB - ignoring subsequent issue # " + str(gcdinfo['ComicIssue']))
PI = ParseIssue
# -- this needs a rework --
# if issue only has alternative covers on, it won't match
# and will cause the script to return a cannot retrieve..
#compare previous issue to current issue (to help with alt.cover count)
# PI = ParseIssue
# altcount+=1
# print ("alternate issue - ignoring")
#altcount = 0
gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] = issvariation
if ComicID[:1] == "G":
gcdinfo['totalissues'] = gcount
gcdinfo['totalissues'] = TotalIssues
gcdinfo['ComicImage'] = gcdcover
gcdinfo['resultPublished'] = resultPublished
#print ("gcdvariation: " + str(gcdinfo['gcdvariation']))
return gcdinfo
## -- end (GCD) -- ##
def GCDAdd(gcdcomicid):
serieschoice = []
series = {}
logger.fdebug("I'm trying to find these GCD comicid's:" + str(gcdcomicid))
for gcdid in gcdcomicid:
logger.fdebug("looking at gcdid:" + str(gcdid))
input2 = '' + str(gcdid)
logger.fdebug("---url: " + str(input2))
resp = urllib2.urlopen ( input2 )
soup = BeautifulSoup ( resp )
logger.fdebug("SeriesName section...")
parsen = soup.find("span", {"id" : "series_name"})
#logger.fdebug("series name (UNPARSED): " + str(parsen))
subpar = parsen('a')[0]
resultName = subpar.findNext(text=True)
logger.fdebug("ComicName: " + str(resultName))
logger.fdebug("Covers section...")
coverst = soup.find("div", {"id" : "series_cover"})
if coverst < 0:
gcdcover = "None"
logger.fdebug("unable to find any covers - setting to None")
subcoverst = coverst('img',src=True)[0]
#logger.fdebug("cover (UNPARSED) : " + str(subcoverst))
gcdcover = subcoverst['src']
logger.fdebug("Cover: " + str(gcdcover))
#covers end
#publisher start
logger.fdebug("Publisher section...")
pubst = soup.find("div", {"class" : "item_data"})
catchit = pubst('a')[0]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
pubst = soup.findAll("div", {"class" : "left"})[1]
catchit = pubst.find("a")
publisher = catchit.findNext(text=True)
logger.fdebug("Publisher: " + str(publisher))
#publisher end
parsed = soup.find("div", {"id" : "series_data"})
#logger.fdebug("series_data: " + str(parsed))
#print ("parse:" + str(parsed))
subtxt3 = parsed.find("dd", {"id" : "publication_dates"})
#logger.fdebug("publication_dates: " + str(subtxt3))
pubdate = subtxt3.findNext(text=True).rstrip()
logger.fdebug("pubdate:" + str(pubdate))
subtxt4 = parsed.find("dd", {"id" : "issues_published"})
noiss = subtxt4.findNext(text=True)
lenwho = len(noiss)
lent = noiss.find(' ',2)
lenf = noiss.find('(')
stringit = noiss[lenf:lenwho]
stringout = noiss[:lent]
noissues = stringout.rstrip(' \t\r\n\0')
numbering = stringit.rstrip(' \t\r\n\0')
logger.fdebug("noissues:" + str(noissues))
logger.fdebug("numbering:" + str(numbering))
"ComicID": gcdid,
"ComicName": resultName,
"ComicYear" : pubdate,
"ComicIssues" : noissues,
"ComicPublisher" : publisher,
"ComicCover" : gcdcover
series['serieschoice'] = serieschoice
return series
def ComChk(ComicName, ComicYear, ComicPublisher, Total, ComicID):
comchkchoice = []
comchoice = {}
NOWyr =
if == 12:
NOWyr = NOWyr + 1
logger.fdebug("We're in December, incremented search Year to increase search results: " + str(NOWyr))
comicnm = ComicName
comicyr = ComicYear
comicis = Total
comicid = ComicID
comicpub = ComicPublisher
#print ( "comicname: " + str(comicnm) )
#print ( "comicyear: " + str(comicyr) )
#print ( "comichave: " + str(comicis) )
#print ( "comicpub: " + str(comicpub) )
#print ( "comicid: " + str(comicid) )
# do 3 runs at the search to get the best results
comicrun = []
# &pub_name=DC
# have to remove the spaces from Publisher or else will not work (ie. DC Comics vs DC will not match)
# take the 1st word ;)
#comicpub = comicpub.split()[0]
# if it's not one of the BIG publisher's it might fail - so let's increase the odds.
pubbiggies = [ 'DC',
'IDW' ]
uhuh = "no"
for pb in pubbiggies:
if pb in comicpub:
#keep publisher in url if a biggie.
uhuh = "yes"
#print (" publisher match : " + str(comicpub))
conv_pub = comicpub.split()[0]
#print (" converted publisher to : " + str(conv_pub))
#1st run setup - leave it all as it is.
cruncnt = 0
#2nd run setup - remove the last character and do a broad search (keep year or else will blow up)
if len(str(comicnm).split()) > 2:
comicrun.append(' '.join(comicnm.split(' ')[:-1]))
# to increase the likely hood of matches and to get a broader scope...
# lets remove extra characters
if re.sub('[\.\,\:]', '', comicnm) != comicnm:
comicrun.append(re.sub('[\.\,\:]', '', comicnm))
totalcount = 0
cr = 0
#print ("cruncnt is " + str(cruncnt))
while (cr <= cruncnt):
#print ("cr is " + str(cr))
comicnm = comicrun[cr]
#leaving spaces in will screw up the search...let's take care of it
comicnm = re.sub(' ', '+', comicnm)
#print ("comicnm: " + str(comicnm))
if uhuh == "yes":
publink = "&pub_name=" + str(conv_pub)
if uhuh == "no":
publink = "&pub_name="
input = '' + str(comicyr) + '-01-01&end_date=' + str(NOWyr) + '-12-31' + '&title=&feature=&job_number=&pages=&script=&pencils=&inks=&colors=&letters=&story_editing=&genre=&characters=&synopsis=&reprint_notes=&story_reprinted=None&notes=' + str(publink) + '&pub_notes=&brand=&brand_notes=&indicia_publisher=&is_surrogate=None&ind_pub_notes=&series=' + str(comicnm) + '&series_year_began=&series_notes=&tracking_notes=&issue_count=&is_comics=None&format=&color=&dimensions=&paper_stock=&binding=&publishing_format=&issues=&volume=&issue_title=&variant_name=&issue_date=&indicia_frequency=&price=&issue_pages=&issue_editing=&isbn=&barcode=&issue_notes=&issue_reprinted=None&is_indexed=None'
response = urllib2.urlopen ( input )
soup = BeautifulSoup ( response)
cnt1 = len(soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_even"}))
cnt2 = len(soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_odd"}))
cnt = int(cnt1 + cnt2)
# print ("cnt1: " + str(cnt1))
# print ("cnt2: " + str(cnt2))
# print (str(cnt) + " results")
resultName = []
resultID = []
resultYear = []
resultIssues = []
resultPublisher = []
resultURL = None
n_odd = -1
n_even = -1
n = 0
while ( n < cnt ):
if n%2==0:
resultp = soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_even"})[n_even]
resultp = soup.findAll("tr", {"class" : "listing_odd"})[n_odd]
rtp = resultp('a')[1]
# print ( "Comic Name: " + str(resultName[n]) )
pub = resultp('a')[0]
# print ( "Publisher: " + str(resultPublisher[n]) )
fip = resultp('a',href=True)[1]
# print ( "ID: " + str(resultID[n]) )
subtxt3 = resultp('td')[3]
resultYear[n] = resultYear[n].replace(' ','')
subtxt4 = resultp('td')[4]
resiss = resultIssues[n].find('issue')
resiss = int(resiss)
resultIssues[n] = resultIssues[n].replace('','')[:resiss]
resultIssues[n] = resultIssues[n].replace(' ','')
# print ( "Year: " + str(resultYear[n]) )
# print ( "Issues: " + str(resultIssues[n]) )
# print ("comchkchoice: " + str(comchkchoice))
if not any(d.get('GCDID', None) == str(resultID[n]) for d in comchkchoice):
#print ( str(resultID[n]) + " not in DB...adding.")
"ComicID": str(comicid),
"ComicName": str(resultName[n]),
"GCDID": str(resultID[n]).split('/')[2],
"ComicYear" : str(resultYear[n]),
"ComicPublisher" : str(resultPublisher[n]),
"ComicURL" : "" + str(resultID[n]),
"ComicIssues" : str(resultIssues[n])
#print ( str(resultID[n]) + " already in DB...skipping" )
totalcount= totalcount + cnt
comchoice['comchkchoice'] = comchkchoice
return comchoice, totalcount