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import requests
import json
class LoginRequired(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return 'Please login first.'
class Client(object):
"""class to interact with qBittorrent WEB API"""
def __init__(self, url):
if not url.endswith('/'):
url += '/'
self.url = url
session = requests.Session()
check_prefs = session.get(url+'query/preferences')
if check_prefs.status_code == 200:
self._is_authenticated = True
self.session = session
elif check_prefs.status_code == 404:
self._is_authenticated = False
raise RuntimeError("""
This wrapper only supports qBittorrent applications
with version higher than 3.1.x.
Please use the latest qBittorrent release.
self._is_authenticated = False
def _get(self, endpoint, **kwargs):
Method to perform GET request on the API.
:param endpoint: Endpoint of the API.
:param kwargs: Other keyword arguments for requests.
:return: Response of the GET request.
return self._request(endpoint, 'get', **kwargs)
def _post(self, endpoint, data, **kwargs):
Method to perform POST request on the API.
:param endpoint: Endpoint of the API.
:param data: POST DATA for the request.
:param kwargs: Other keyword arguments for requests.
:return: Response of the POST request.
return self._request(endpoint, 'post', data, **kwargs)
def _request(self, endpoint, method, data=None, **kwargs):
Method to hanle both GET and POST requests.
:param endpoint: Endpoint of the API.
:param method: Method of HTTP request.
:param data: POST DATA for the request.
:param kwargs: Other keyword arguments.
:return: Response for the request.
final_url = self.url + endpoint
if not self._is_authenticated:
raise LoginRequired
rq = self.session
if method == 'get':
request = rq.get(final_url, **kwargs)
request =, data, **kwargs)
request.encoding = 'utf_8'
if len(request.text) == 0:
data = json.loads('{}')
data = json.loads(request.text)
except ValueError:
data = request.text
return data
def login(self, username='admin', password='admin'):
Method to authenticate the qBittorrent Client.
Declares a class attribute named ``session`` which
stores the authenticated session if the login is correct.
Else, shows the login error.
:param username: Username.
:param password: Password.
:return: Response to login request to the API.
self.session = requests.Session()
login ='login',
data={'username': username,
'password': password})
if login.text == 'Ok.':
self._is_authenticated = True
return login.text
def logout(self):
Logout the current session.
response = self._get('logout')
self._is_authenticated = False
return response
def qbittorrent_version(self):
Get qBittorrent version.
return self._get('version/qbittorrent')
def api_version(self):
Get WEB API version.
return self._get('version/api')
def api_min_version(self):
Get minimum WEB API version.
return self._get('version/api_min')
def shutdown(self):
Shutdown qBittorrent.
return self._get('command/shutdown')
def torrents(self, **filters):
Returns a list of torrents matching the supplied filters.
:param filter: Current status of the torrents.
:param category: Fetch all torrents with the supplied label.
:param sort: Sort torrents by.
:param reverse: Enable reverse sorting.
:param limit: Limit the number of torrents returned.
:param offset: Set offset (if less than 0, offset from end).
:return: list() of torrent with matching filter.
params = {}
for name, value in filters.items():
# make sure that old 'status' argument still works
name = 'filter' if name == 'status' else name
params[name] = value
return self._get('query/torrents', params=params)
def get_torrent(self, infohash):
Get details of the torrent.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of the torrent.
return self._get('query/propertiesGeneral/' + infohash.lower())
def get_torrent_trackers(self, infohash):
Get trackers for the torrent.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of the torrent.
return self._get('query/propertiesTrackers/' + infohash.lower())
def get_torrent_webseeds(self, infohash):
Get webseeds for the torrent.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of the torrent.
return self._get('query/propertiesWebSeeds/' + infohash.lower())
def get_torrent_files(self, infohash):
Get list of files for the torrent.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of the torrent.
return self._get('query/propertiesFiles/' + infohash.lower())
def global_transfer_info(self):
Get JSON data of the global transfer info of qBittorrent.
return self._get('query/transferInfo')
def preferences(self):
Get the current qBittorrent preferences.
Can also be used to assign individual preferences.
For setting multiple preferences at once,
see ``set_preferences`` method.
Note: Even if this is a ``property``,
to fetch the current preferences dict, you are required
to call it like a bound method.
prefs = self._get('query/preferences')
class Proxy(Client):
Proxy class to to allow assignment of individual preferences.
this class overrides some methods to ease things.
Because of this, settings can be assigned like::
In [5]: prefs = qb.preferences()
In [6]: prefs['autorun_enabled']
Out[6]: True
In [7]: prefs['autorun_enabled'] = False
In [8]: prefs['autorun_enabled']
Out[8]: False
def __init__(self, url, prefs, auth, session):
super(Proxy, self).__init__(url)
self.prefs = prefs
self._is_authenticated = auth
self.session = session
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.prefs[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
kwargs = {key: value}
return self.set_preferences(**kwargs)
def __call__(self):
return self.prefs
return Proxy(self.url, prefs, self._is_authenticated, self.session)
def sync(self, rid=0):
Sync the torrents by supplied LAST RESPONSE ID.
Read more @
:param rid: Response ID of last request.
return self._get('sync/maindata', params={'rid': rid})
def download_from_link(self, link, **kwargs):
Download torrent using a link.
:param link: URL Link or list of.
:param savepath: Path to download the torrent.
:param category: Label or Category of the torrent(s).
:return: Empty JSON data.
# old:new format
old_arg_map = {'save_path': 'savepath'} # , 'label': 'category'}
# convert old option names to new option names
options = kwargs.copy()
for old_arg, new_arg in old_arg_map.items():
if options.get(old_arg) and not options.get(new_arg):
options[new_arg] = options[old_arg]
options['urls'] = link
# workaround to send multipart/formdata request
dummy_file = {'_dummy': (None, '_dummy')}
return self._post('command/download', data=options, files=dummy_file)
def download_from_file(self, file_buffer, **kwargs):
Download torrent using a file.
:param file_buffer: Single file() buffer or list of.
:param save_path: Path to download the torrent.
:param label: Label of the torrent(s).
:return: Empty JSON data.
if isinstance(file_buffer, list):
torrent_files = {}
for i, f in enumerate(file_buffer):
torrent_files.update({'torrents%s' % i: f})
torrent_files = {'torrents': file_buffer}
data = kwargs.copy()
if data.get('save_path'):
data.update({'savepath': data['save_path']})
return self._post('command/upload', data=data, files=torrent_files)
def add_trackers(self, infohash, trackers):
Add trackers to a torrent.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of torrent.
:param trackers: Trackers.
data = {'hash': infohash.lower(),
'urls': trackers}
return self._post('command/addTrackers', data=data)
def _process_infohash_list(infohash_list):
Method to convert the infohash_list to qBittorrent API friendly values.
:param infohash_list: List of infohash.
if isinstance(infohash_list, list):
data = {'hashes': '|'.join([h.lower() for h in infohash_list])}
data = {'hashes': infohash_list.lower()}
return data
def pause(self, infohash):
Pause a torrent.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of torrent.
return self._post('command/pause', data={'hash': infohash.lower()})
def pause_all(self):
Pause all torrents.
return self._get('command/pauseAll')
def pause_multiple(self, infohash_list):
Pause multiple torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/pauseAll', data=data)
def set_label(self, infohash_list, label):
Set the label on multiple torrents.
IMPORTANT: OLD API method, kept as it is to avoid breaking stuffs.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
data['label'] = label
return self._post('command/setLabel', data=data)
def set_category(self, infohash_list, category):
Set the category on multiple torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
data['category'] = category
return self._post('command/setCategory', data=data)
def resume(self, infohash):
Resume a paused torrent.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of torrent.
return self._post('command/resume', data={'hash': infohash.lower()})
def resume_all(self):
Resume all torrents.
return self._get('command/resumeAll')
def resume_multiple(self, infohash_list):
Resume multiple paused torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/resumeAll', data=data)
def delete(self, infohash_list):
Delete torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/delete', data=data)
def delete_permanently(self, infohash_list):
Permanently delete torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/deletePerm', data=data)
def recheck(self, infohash_list):
Recheck torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/recheck', data=data)
def increase_priority(self, infohash_list):
Increase priority of torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/increasePrio', data=data)
def decrease_priority(self, infohash_list):
Decrease priority of torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/decreasePrio', data=data)
def set_max_priority(self, infohash_list):
Set torrents to maximum priority level.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/topPrio', data=data)
def set_min_priority(self, infohash_list):
Set torrents to minimum priority level.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/bottomPrio', data=data)
def set_file_priority(self, infohash, file_id, priority):
Set file of a torrent to a supplied priority level.
:param infohash: INFO HASH of torrent.
:param file_id: ID of the file to set priority.
:param priority: Priority level of the file.
if priority not in [0, 1, 2, 7]:
raise ValueError("Invalid priority, refer WEB-UI docs for info.")
elif not isinstance(file_id, int):
raise TypeError("File ID must be an int")
data = {'hash': infohash.lower(),
'id': file_id,
'priority': priority}
return self._post('command/setFilePrio', data=data)
# Get-set global download and upload speed limits.
def get_global_download_limit(self):
Get global download speed limit.
return self._get('command/getGlobalDlLimit')
def set_global_download_limit(self, limit):
Set global download speed limit.
:param limit: Speed limit in bytes.
return self._post('command/setGlobalDlLimit', data={'limit': limit})
global_download_limit = property(get_global_download_limit,
def get_global_upload_limit(self):
Get global upload speed limit.
return self._get('command/getGlobalUpLimit')
def set_global_upload_limit(self, limit):
Set global upload speed limit.
:param limit: Speed limit in bytes.
return self._post('command/setGlobalUpLimit', data={'limit': limit})
global_upload_limit = property(get_global_upload_limit,
# Get-set download and upload speed limits of the torrents.
def get_torrent_download_limit(self, infohash_list):
Get download speed limit of the supplied torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/getTorrentsDlLimit', data=data)
def set_torrent_download_limit(self, infohash_list, limit):
Set download speed limit of the supplied torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
:param limit: Speed limit in bytes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
data.update({'limit': limit})
return self._post('command/setTorrentsDlLimit', data=data)
def get_torrent_upload_limit(self, infohash_list):
Get upoload speed limit of the supplied torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/getTorrentsUpLimit', data=data)
def set_torrent_upload_limit(self, infohash_list, limit):
Set upload speed limit of the supplied torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
:param limit: Speed limit in bytes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
data.update({'limit': limit})
return self._post('command/setTorrentsUpLimit', data=data)
# setting preferences
def set_preferences(self, **kwargs):
Set preferences of qBittorrent.
Read all possible preferences @
:param kwargs: set preferences in kwargs form.
json_data = "json={}".format(json.dumps(kwargs))
headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
return self._post('command/setPreferences', data=json_data,
def get_alternative_speed_status(self):
Get Alternative speed limits. (1/0)
return self._get('command/alternativeSpeedLimitsEnabled')
alternative_speed_status = property(get_alternative_speed_status)
def toggle_alternative_speed(self):
Toggle alternative speed limits.
return self._get('command/toggleAlternativeSpeedLimits')
def toggle_sequential_download(self, infohash_list):
Toggle sequential download in supplied torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/toggleSequentialDownload', data=data)
def toggle_first_last_piece_priority(self, infohash_list):
Toggle first/last piece priority of supplied torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
return self._post('command/toggleFirstLastPiecePrio', data=data)
def force_start(self, infohash_list, value=True):
Force start selected torrents.
:param infohash_list: Single or list() of infohashes.
:param value: Force start value (bool)
data = self._process_infohash_list(infohash_list)
data.update({'value': json.dumps(value)})
return self._post('command/setForceStart', data=data)