FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
import logging
import random
import re
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
import subprocess
2016-12-28 10:47:09 +01:00
from copy import deepcopy
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
from time import sleep
from requests . sessions import Session
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
try :
from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError :
from urllib . parse import urlparse
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
__version__ = " 1.9.5 "
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
" Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/65.0.3325.181 Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; Moto G (5) Build/NPPS25.137-93-8) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.137 Mobile Safari/537.36 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11B554a Safari/9537.53 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0 "
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
BUG_REPORT = """ \
Cloudflare may have changed their technique , or there may be a bug in the script .
Please read https : / / github . com / Anorov / cloudflare - scrape #updates, then file a \
bug report at https : / / github . com / Anorov / cloudflare - scrape / issues . " \
The challenge answer was not properly accepted by Cloudflare . This can occur if \
the target website is under heavy load , or if Cloudflare is experiencing issues . You can
potentially resolve this by increasing the challenge answer delay ( default : 8 seconds ) . \
For example : cfscrape . create_scraper ( delay = 15 )
If increasing the delay does not help , please open a GitHub issue at \
https : / / github . com / Anorov / cloudflare - scrape / issues \
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
class CloudflareScraper ( Session ) :
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
self . delay = kwargs . pop ( " delay " , 8 )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
super ( CloudflareScraper , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
if " requests " in self . headers [ " User-Agent " ] :
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
# Set a random User-Agent if no custom User-Agent has been set
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
self . headers [ " User-Agent " ] = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
def is_cloudflare_challenge ( self , resp ) :
return (
resp . status_code == 503
and resp . headers . get ( " Server " , " " ) . startswith ( " cloudflare " )
and b " jschl_vc " in resp . content
and b " jschl_answer " in resp . content
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
def request ( self , method , url , * args , * * kwargs ) :
resp = super ( CloudflareScraper , self ) . request ( method , url , * args , * * kwargs )
# Check if Cloudflare anti-bot is on
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
if self . is_cloudflare_challenge ( resp ) :
resp = self . solve_cf_challenge ( resp , * * kwargs )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
return resp
2016-12-28 10:47:09 +01:00
def solve_cf_challenge ( self , resp , * * original_kwargs ) :
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
sleep ( self . delay ) # Cloudflare requires a delay before solving the challenge
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
body = resp . text
parsed_url = urlparse ( resp . url )
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
domain = parsed_url . netloc
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
submit_url = " %s :// %s /cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl " % ( parsed_url . scheme , domain )
2016-12-28 10:47:09 +01:00
cloudflare_kwargs = deepcopy ( original_kwargs )
params = cloudflare_kwargs . setdefault ( " params " , { } )
headers = cloudflare_kwargs . setdefault ( " headers " , { } )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
headers [ " Referer " ] = resp . url
try :
params [ " jschl_vc " ] = re . search ( r ' name= " jschl_vc " value= " ( \ w+) " ' , body ) . group ( 1 )
params [ " pass " ] = re . search ( r ' name= " pass " value= " (.+?) " ' , body ) . group ( 1 )
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
except Exception as e :
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
# Something is wrong with the page.
# This may indicate Cloudflare has changed their anti-bot
# technique. If you see this and are running the latest version,
# please open a GitHub issue so I can update the code accordingly.
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
raise ValueError ( " Unable to parse Cloudflare anti-bots page: %s %s " % ( e . message , BUG_REPORT ) )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
# Solve the Javascript challenge
params [ " jschl_answer " ] = self . solve_challenge ( body , domain )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
2016-12-28 10:47:09 +01:00
# Requests transforms any request into a GET after a redirect,
# so the redirect has to be handled manually here to allow for
# performing other types of requests even as the first request.
method = resp . request . method
cloudflare_kwargs [ " allow_redirects " ] = False
redirect = self . request ( method , submit_url , * * cloudflare_kwargs )
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
redirect_location = urlparse ( redirect . headers [ " Location " ] )
if not redirect_location . netloc :
redirect_url = " %s :// %s %s " % ( parsed_url . scheme , domain , redirect_location . path )
return self . request ( method , redirect_url , * * original_kwargs )
2016-12-28 10:47:09 +01:00
return self . request ( method , redirect . headers [ " Location " ] , * * original_kwargs )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
def solve_challenge ( self , body , domain ) :
try :
js = re . search ( r " setTimeout \ (function \ ( \ ) { \ s+(var "
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
" s,t,o,p,b,r,e,a,k,i,n,g,f.+? \r ? \n [ \ s \ S]+?a \ .value =.+?) \r ? \n " , body ) . group ( 1 )
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
except Exception :
raise ValueError ( " Unable to identify Cloudflare IUAM Javascript on website. %s " % BUG_REPORT )
js = re . sub ( r " a \ .value = (.+ \ + t \ .length).+ " , r " \ 1 " , js )
js = re . sub ( r " \ s { 3,}[a-z](?: = | \ .).+ " , " " , js ) . replace ( " t.length " , str ( len ( domain ) ) )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
# Strip characters that could be used to exit the string context
# These characters are not currently used in Cloudflare's arithmetic snippet
js = re . sub ( r " [ \ n \\ ' ] " , " " , js )
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
if " toFixed " not in js :
raise ValueError ( " Error parsing Cloudflare IUAM Javascript challenge. %s " % BUG_REPORT )
# Use vm.runInNewContext to safely evaluate code
# The sandboxed code cannot use the Node.js standard library
js = " console.log(require( ' vm ' ).runInNewContext( ' %s ' , Object.create(null), {timeout: 5000} )); " % js
try :
result = subprocess . check_output ( [ " node " , " -e " , js ] ) . strip ( )
except OSError as e :
if e . errno == 2 :
raise EnvironmentError ( " Missing Node.js runtime. Node is required and must be in the PATH (check with `node -v`). Your Node binary may be called `nodejs` rather than `node`, in which case you may need to run `apt-get install nodejs-legacy` on some Debian-based systems. (Please read the cfscrape "
" README ' s Dependencies section: " )
except Exception :
logging . error ( " Error executing Cloudflare IUAM Javascript. %s " % BUG_REPORT )
try :
float ( result )
except Exception :
raise ValueError ( " Cloudflare IUAM challenge returned unexpected answer. %s " % BUG_REPORT )
return result
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
def create_scraper ( cls , sess = None , * * kwargs ) :
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
Convenience function for creating a ready - to - go CloudflareScraper object .
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
scraper = cls ( * * kwargs )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
if sess :
attrs = [ " auth " , " cert " , " cookies " , " headers " , " hooks " , " params " , " proxies " , " data " ]
for attr in attrs :
val = getattr ( sess , attr , None )
if val :
setattr ( scraper , attr , val )
return scraper
## Functions for integrating cloudflare-scrape with other applications and scripts
def get_tokens ( cls , url , user_agent = None , * * kwargs ) :
scraper = cls . create_scraper ( )
if user_agent :
scraper . headers [ " User-Agent " ] = user_agent
try :
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
resp = scraper . get ( url , * * kwargs )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
resp . raise_for_status ( )
except Exception as e :
logging . error ( " ' %s ' returned an error. Could not collect tokens. " % url )
domain = urlparse ( resp . url ) . netloc
cookie_domain = None
for d in scraper . cookies . list_domains ( ) :
if d . startswith ( " . " ) and d in ( " . " + domain ) :
cookie_domain = d
else :
2016-12-28 10:47:09 +01:00
raise ValueError ( " Unable to find Cloudflare cookies. Does the site actually have Cloudflare IUAM ( \" I ' m Under Attack Mode \" ) enabled? " )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
return ( {
" __cfduid " : scraper . cookies . get ( " __cfduid " , " " , domain = cookie_domain ) ,
" cf_clearance " : scraper . cookies . get ( " cf_clearance " , " " , domain = cookie_domain )
} ,
scraper . headers [ " User-Agent " ]
def get_cookie_string ( cls , url , user_agent = None , * * kwargs ) :
Convenience function for building a Cookie HTTP header value .
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
tokens , user_agent = cls . get_tokens ( url , user_agent = user_agent , * * kwargs )
FIX:(#1358) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:(#1372)(#1369) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:(#1373) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:(#1366) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:(#1370) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
return " ; " . join ( " = " . join ( pair ) for pair in tokens . items ( ) ) , user_agent
create_scraper = CloudflareScraper . create_scraper
get_tokens = CloudflareScraper . get_tokens
IMP: Tiered wanted list searching - anything older than 2 weeks will only by searched for using RSS and/or manual means (scheduled searches only), IMP: Tiered option viewable in Upcoming tab, FIX: Fixed API searching against WWT option (RSS is still broken however, as that is due to WWT), IMP: Removed cherrypy logging in some instances, IMP: Updated cfscrape library to most recent, FIX: Fixed problem with simliar titles being incorrectly post-processed due to multiple matches when manual post-processing, FIX: Fixed notifications not firing off on a successful manual post-process/folder monitor due to some previous changes, FIX: If grabbag_dir was not set, would not correctly set the location, FIX:(#2051) When using nzbget, if nzbToMylar is enabled along with CDH - warning will be issued within Mylar to indicate as such
2018-08-31 12:03:54 -04:00
get_cookie_string = CloudflareScraper . get_cookie_string