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# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <>.
import os
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 18:32:11 +00:00
import sys
import inspect
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 18:32:11 +00:00
import traceback
import threading
import platform
import locale
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 18:32:11 +00:00
import mylar
from mylar import helpers
import logging
from logging import getLogger, WARN, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG, StreamHandler, Formatter, Handler
from lib.six import PY2
#setup logger for non-english (this doesnt carry thru, so check here too)
localeinfo = locale.getdefaultlocale()
language = localeinfo[0]
charset = localeinfo[1]
if any([language is None, charset is None]):
raise AttributeError
except AttributeError:
#if it's set to None (ie. dockerized) - default to en_US.UTF-8.
if language is None:
language = 'en_US'
if charset is None:
charset = 'UTF-8'
LOG_LANG = language
LOG_CHARSET = charset
if not LOG_LANG.startswith('en'):
# Simple rotating log handler that uses RotatingFileHandler
class RotatingLogger(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.filehandler = None
self.consolehandler = None
def stopLogger(self):
lg = logging.getLogger('mylar')
def handle_exception(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt):
sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
logger.exception('Uncaught Exception', excinfo=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))
sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, None)
def initLogger(self, loglevel=1, log_dir=None, max_logsize=None, max_logfiles=None):
import sys
sys.excepthook = RotatingLogger.handle_exception
logging.getLogger('apscheduler.scheduler').propagate = False
logging.getLogger('apscheduler.threadpool').propagate = False
lg = logging.getLogger('mylar')
if log_dir is not None:
self.filename = os.path.join(log_dir, self.filename)
#concurrentLogHandler/0.8.7 (to deal with windows locks)
#since this only happens on windows boxes, if it's nix/mac use the default logger.
if mylar.OS_DETECT == 'Windows':
#set the path to the lib here - just to make sure it can detect cloghandler & portalocker.
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(mylar.PROG_DIR, 'lib'))
from ConcurrentLogHandler.cloghandler import ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler as RFHandler
mylar.LOGTYPE = 'clog'
except ImportError:
mylar.LOGTYPE = 'log'
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler as RFHandler
mylar.LOGTYPE = 'log'
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler as RFHandler
filehandler = RFHandler(
fileformatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-7s :: %(message)s', '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')
self.filehandler = filehandler
if loglevel:
consolehandler = logging.StreamHandler()
if loglevel == 1:
if loglevel >= 2:
consoleformatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s :: %(message)s', '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')
self.consolehandler = consolehandler
def log(message, level):
logger = logging.getLogger('mylar')
threadname = threading.currentThread().getName()
# Get the frame data of the method that made the original logger call
if len(inspect.stack()) > 2:
frame = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[2][0])
program = os.path.basename(frame.filename)
method = frame.function
lineno = frame.lineno
program = ""
method = ""
lineno = ""
if PY2:
message = safe_unicode(message)
message = message.encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
if level != 'DEBUG' or mylar.LOG_LEVEL >= 2:
mylar.LOGLIST.insert(0, (, message, level, threadname))
if len(mylar.LOGLIST) > 2500:
del mylar.LOGLIST[-1]
message = "%s : %s:%s:%s : %s" % (threadname, program, method, lineno, message)
if level == 'DEBUG':
elif level == 'INFO':
elif level == 'WARNING':
mylar_log = RotatingLogger('mylar.log')
filename = 'mylar.log'
def debug(message):
if mylar.LOG_LEVEL > 1:
mylar_log.log(message, level='DEBUG')
def fdebug(message):
if mylar.LOG_LEVEL > 1:
mylar_log.log(message, level='DEBUG')
def info(message):
if mylar.LOG_LEVEL > 0:
mylar_log.log(message, level='INFO')
def warn(message):
mylar_log.log(message, level='WARNING')
def error(message):
mylar_log.log(message, level='ERROR')
def safe_unicode(obj, *args):
""" return the unicode representation of obj """
if not PY2:
return str(obj, *args)
return unicode(obj, *args)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
ascii_text = str(obj).encode('string_escape')
return unicode(ascii_text)
# Mylar logger
logger = logging.getLogger('mylar')
class LogListHandler(logging.Handler):
Log handler for Web UI.
def emit(self, record):
message = self.format(record)
message = message.replace("\n", "<br />")
mylar.LOGLIST.insert(0, (, message, record.levelname, record.threadName))
def initLogger(console=False, log_dir=False, init=False, loglevel=1, max_logsize=None, max_logfiles=5):
#concurrentLogHandler/0.8.7 (to deal with windows locks)
#since this only happens on windows boxes, if it's nix/mac use the default logger.
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
#set the path to the lib here - just to make sure it can detect cloghandler & portalocker.
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(mylar.PROG_DIR, 'lib'))
from ConcurrentLogHandler.cloghandler import ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler as RFHandler
mylar.LOGTYPE = 'clog'
except ImportError:
mylar.LOGTYPE = 'log'
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler as RFHandler
mylar.LOGTYPE = 'log'
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler as RFHandler
if all([init is True, max_logsize is None]):
max_logsize = 1000000 #1 MB
if max_logsize is None:
max_logsize = 1000000 # 1 MB
Setup logging for Mylar. It uses the logger instance with the name
'mylar'. Three log handlers are added:
* RotatingFileHandler: for the file Mylar.log
* LogListHandler: for Web UI
* StreamHandler: for console
logging.getLogger('apscheduler.scheduler').propagate = False
logging.getLogger('apscheduler.threadpool').propagate = False
# Close and remove old handlers. This is required to reinit the loggers
# at runtime
for handler in logger.handlers[:]:
# Just make sure it is cleaned up.
if isinstance(handler, RFHandler):
elif isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler):
# Configure the logger to accept all messages
logger.propagate = False
if init is True:
if loglevel == 1: #normal
elif loglevel >= 2: #verbose
# Add list logger
loglist_handler = LogListHandler()
# Setup file logger
if log_dir:
filename = os.path.join(log_dir, 'mylar.log')
file_formatter = Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-7s :: %(name)s.%(funcName)s.%(lineno)s : %(threadName)s : %(message)s', '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')
file_handler = RFHandler(filename, "a", maxBytes=max_logsize, backupCount=max_logfiles)
if loglevel == 1: #normal
elif loglevel >= 2: #verbose
# Setup console logger
if console:
console_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s :: %(name)s.%(funcName)s.%(lineno)s : %(threadName)s : %(message)s', '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
if loglevel == 1: #normal
elif loglevel >= 2: #verbose
# Install exception hooks
def initHooks(global_exceptions=True, thread_exceptions=True, pass_original=True):
This method installs exception catching mechanisms. Any exception caught
will pass through the exception hook, and will be logged to the logger as
an error. Additionally, a traceback is provided.
This is very useful for crashing threads and any other bugs, that may not
be exposed when running as daemon.
The default exception hook is still considered, if pass_original is True.
def excepthook(*exception_info):
# We should always catch this to prevent loops!
message = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exception_info))
logger.error("Uncaught exception: %s", message)
# Original excepthook
if pass_original:
# Global exception hook
if global_exceptions:
sys.excepthook = excepthook
# Thread exception hook
if thread_exceptions:
old_init = threading.Thread.__init__
def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
old_run =
def new_run(*args, **kwargs):
old_run(*args, **kwargs)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) = new_run
# Monkey patch the run() by monkey patching the __init__ method
threading.Thread.__init__ = new_init
# Expose logger methods
info =
warn = logger.warn
error = logger.error
debug = logger.debug
warning = logger.warning
message =
exception = logger.exception
fdebug = logger.debug