IncludeExtras, LastUpdated, [ArtworkURL, ThumbURL]: a remote url to the artwork/thumbnail. To get the cached image path, see getArtistArt command.
ThumbURL is added/updated when an artist is added/updated. If your using the database method to get the artwork,
it's more reliable to use the ThumbURL than the ArtworkURL)
getComic&id=$comicid (fetch artist data. returns the artist object (see above) and album info: Status, AlbumASIN, DateAdded, AlbumTitle, ArtistName, ReleaseDate, AlbumID, ArtistID, Type, ArtworkURL: hosted image path. For cached image, see getAlbumArt command)
getIssue&id=$comicid (fetch data from album page. Returns the album object, a description object and a tracks object. Tracks contain: AlbumASIN, AlbumTitle, TrackID, Format, TrackDuration (ms), ArtistName, TrackTitle, AlbumID, ArtistID, Location, TrackNumber, CleanName (stripped of punctuation /styling), BitRate)
findArtist&name=$artistname[&limit=$limit] (perform artist query on musicbrainz. Returns: url, score, name, uniquename (contains disambiguation info), id)
findAlbum&name=$albumname[&limit=$limit] (perform album query on musicbrainz. Returns: title, url (artist), id (artist), albumurl, albumid, score, uniquename (artist - with disambiguation)
addComic&id=$comicid (add an comic to the db by comicid)
addAlbum&id=$releaseid (add an album to the db by album release id)
delComic&id=$comicid (delete Comic from db by comicid)
pauseComic&id=$artistid (pause an comic in db)
resumeComic&id=$artistid (resume an comic in db)
refreshComic&id=$comicid (refresh info for comic in db)
queueIssue&id=$issueid (Mark an issue as wanted and start the search.
unqueueIssue&id=$issueid (Unmark issue as wanted / i.e. mark as skipped)
forceSearch (force search for wanted issues - not launched in a separate thread so it may take a bit to complete)