2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
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FIX: (#746) updated autoProcessComics.py / ComicRN.py's which will now send proper completion messeages to clients, FIX: (#752) refresh series will now test if a series is 'out of whack' with it's numerical issue count (ie. 5/4) or it has no issue data due to a bad refresh / api maxing out and will adjust it's processing to accomodate either, IMP: (#750) Added ComicVine API Checker which will check API counts at regular intervals to inform/warn users of usage, as well as adding a screen-time display of API hits / mins used at the bottom of every page (refreshing/reloading pages will update counts), FIX: (#747)EOL normalization (dos2unix) on search.py - removed classes & exceptions as not being used, IMP: (#747) Skip processing issues with an invalid store date & issue date (thnx rupaschomaker), FIX: Removed strings when searching/logging torrents as was causing ascii errors especially with KAT, IMP: Added [META-TAGGING] to logging for meta-tagging module, IMP: Added ability in GUI to select CR or Cbl tags (or both) when writing metadata to cbz files, IMP: Improved support/usage with ComicTagger v1.1.15 which allows for personal CV API Key usage - if supplied to Mylar, will use when tagging with ComicTagger, IMP: Added Manual Search option to allow for individual searches of issues without changing initial status.
2014-06-18 15:58:19 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
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IMP: (#844)Annuals now deleted from table on a Delete Series command, IMP: (#837)Better volume detection when searching for issues, IMP: (#842)(#808) Added some handling for issue titles when searching (it's not perfect, but it works for most), IMP: (#836)Added .cb7 for filechecking purposes only, IMP: (#830)issue numbers that are -1 can now be renamed, FIX: 'bi-annual' now fixed along with some other improvements for annual handling, IMP: Added version check for autoProcessComics and ComicRN - in order to help warn users of changes and the need to update these files since they are usually outside of the mylar git directory when being used, FIX:(#840) Boxcar2 should be working again, FIX: (#845) If search returned a filename that had no distinction between issue number and issue title and/or extra information, would error out if any of the words contained NOW, IMP: (#823) Added some better detection for NZBGet parameters when using ComicRN.py
2014-10-06 14:10:36 -04:00
table#series_table { background-color: black; width: 100%; padding: 10px; }
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
table#series_table th#publisher { text-align: left; min-width: 50px; }
table#series_table th#name { text-align: left; min-width: 250px; }
IMP: (#844)Annuals now deleted from table on a Delete Series command, IMP: (#837)Better volume detection when searching for issues, IMP: (#842)(#808) Added some handling for issue titles when searching (it's not perfect, but it works for most), IMP: (#836)Added .cb7 for filechecking purposes only, IMP: (#830)issue numbers that are -1 can now be renamed, FIX: 'bi-annual' now fixed along with some other improvements for annual handling, IMP: Added version check for autoProcessComics and ComicRN - in order to help warn users of changes and the need to update these files since they are usually outside of the mylar git directory when being used, FIX:(#840) Boxcar2 should be working again, FIX: (#845) If search returned a filename that had no distinction between issue number and issue title and/or extra information, would error out if any of the words contained NOW, IMP: (#823) Added some better detection for NZBGet parameters when using ComicRN.py
2014-10-06 14:10:36 -04:00
table#series_table th#year { text-align: left; max-width: 25px; }
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
table#series_table th#issue { text-align: left; min-width: 100px; }
table#series_table th#published { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width:40px; }
FIX: When retrieving feeds from 32p and in Auth mode, personal notification feeds contained some invalid html entries that weren't removed properly resulting in no results when attempting to match for downloading, FIX: When searching 32P, if title had a '/' within the title - Mylar would mistakingly skip it due to some previous exceptions that were made for CBT, FIX: Main page would quickly display & hide the have% column instead of always being hidden, FIX: Adjusted some incorrect spacing for non-alphanumeric characters when comparing search results (should result in better matching hopefully), FIX: When adding a series and the most recent issue was present on the weekly-pull list, it would sometimes not mark it as Wanted and auto-attempt to search for it (if auto mark Upcoming enabled), FIX: Added Test Connection button for 32P where it will test logon credentials as well as if Captcha is present, IMP: If captcha is enabled for 32p and signon is required because keys are stale, will not send authentication information and will just bypass as a provider, IMP: Test Connection button added for SABnzbd, IMP: Added ability to directly add torrents to rtorrent and apply label + download directory options (config.ini only atm), FIX: If a search result had a 'vol.' label in it, depending on how the format of the label was mylar would refuse to remove the volume which resulted in failed matches (also fixed a similar issue with failing to remove the volume label when comparing search results), FIX: When filechecking, if a series had a - in the title, will now account for it properly, IMP: Completely redid the filecheck module which allows for integration into other modules as well as more detailed failure logs, IMP: Added Dynamic handder integration into filechecker and subsequent modules that use it which allows for special characters to be replaced with any other type of character, IMP: Manual post-processing speed improved greatly due to new usage of filecheck module, IMP: Importer backend code redone to include new filecheck module, IMP: Added status/counter to import process, IMP: Added force unlock option to importer for failed imports, IMP: Added new status to Import labelled as 'Manual Intervention' for imports that need the user to manually select an option from an available list, FIX: When import said there were search results to view, but none available - would blank screen, IMP: Added a failure log entry showing all the failed files that weren't able to be scanned in during an import (will be in GUI eventually), IMP: if only partial metadata is available during import, Mylar will attempt to use what's available from the metatagging instead of picking all of one/other, IMP: Better grouping of series/volumes when viewing the import results page as well as now indicating if annuals are present within the files, IMP: Added a file-icon beside each imported item on the import result page which allows the user to view the files that are associated with the given series grouping, IMP: Added a blacklisted_publishers option to config.ini which will blacklist specific publishers from being returned during search / import results, FIX: If duplicate dump folder had a value, but duplicate dump wasn't enabled - would still use the duplicate dump folder during post-processing runs, FIX: (#1194) Patch to allow for fixed H1 elements for title (thnx chazlarson), FIX: Removed UnRAR dependency checks in cmtagmylar since not being used anymore, FIX: Fixed a problem with non-ascii characters being recognized during a file-check in certain cases, IMP: Attmept by Mylar to grab an alternate jpg from file when viewing the issue details if it complies with the naming conventions, FIX: Fixed some metatagging issues with ComicBookLover tags not being handled properly if they didn't exist, IMP: Dupecheck now has a failback if it's comparing a cbr/cbr, cbz/cbz and cbr/cbz-priority is enabled, FIX: Quick check added for when adding/refreshing a comic that if a cover already existed, it would delete the cover prior to the attempt to retrieve it, IMP: Added some additional handling for when searching/adding fails, FIX: If a story arc didn't have proper issue dates (or invalid ones) would error out on loading the story arc main page - usually when arcs were imported using a cbl file.
2016-04-07 13:09:06 -04:00
table#series_table th#have_percent { text-align: left; max-width: 25px; }
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
table#series_table th#have { text-align: center; }
table#series_table th#status { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width: 25px; }
IMP: (#844)Annuals now deleted from table on a Delete Series command, IMP: (#837)Better volume detection when searching for issues, IMP: (#842)(#808) Added some handling for issue titles when searching (it's not perfect, but it works for most), IMP: (#836)Added .cb7 for filechecking purposes only, IMP: (#830)issue numbers that are -1 can now be renamed, FIX: 'bi-annual' now fixed along with some other improvements for annual handling, IMP: Added version check for autoProcessComics and ComicRN - in order to help warn users of changes and the need to update these files since they are usually outside of the mylar git directory when being used, FIX:(#840) Boxcar2 should be working again, FIX: (#845) If search returned a filename that had no distinction between issue number and issue title and/or extra information, would error out if any of the words contained NOW, IMP: (#823) Added some better detection for NZBGet parameters when using ComicRN.py
2014-10-06 14:10:36 -04:00
table#series_table th#active { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 20px; }
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
table#series_table td#publisher { text-align: left; max-width: 100px; }
table#series_table td#name { text-align: left; max-width: 250px; }
table#series_table td#year { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 30px; }
table#series_table td#issue { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 100px; }
table#series_table td#published { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 40px; }
FIX: When retrieving feeds from 32p and in Auth mode, personal notification feeds contained some invalid html entries that weren't removed properly resulting in no results when attempting to match for downloading, FIX: When searching 32P, if title had a '/' within the title - Mylar would mistakingly skip it due to some previous exceptions that were made for CBT, FIX: Main page would quickly display & hide the have% column instead of always being hidden, FIX: Adjusted some incorrect spacing for non-alphanumeric characters when comparing search results (should result in better matching hopefully), FIX: When adding a series and the most recent issue was present on the weekly-pull list, it would sometimes not mark it as Wanted and auto-attempt to search for it (if auto mark Upcoming enabled), FIX: Added Test Connection button for 32P where it will test logon credentials as well as if Captcha is present, IMP: If captcha is enabled for 32p and signon is required because keys are stale, will not send authentication information and will just bypass as a provider, IMP: Test Connection button added for SABnzbd, IMP: Added ability to directly add torrents to rtorrent and apply label + download directory options (config.ini only atm), FIX: If a search result had a 'vol.' label in it, depending on how the format of the label was mylar would refuse to remove the volume which resulted in failed matches (also fixed a similar issue with failing to remove the volume label when comparing search results), FIX: When filechecking, if a series had a - in the title, will now account for it properly, IMP: Completely redid the filecheck module which allows for integration into other modules as well as more detailed failure logs, IMP: Added Dynamic handder integration into filechecker and subsequent modules that use it which allows for special characters to be replaced with any other type of character, IMP: Manual post-processing speed improved greatly due to new usage of filecheck module, IMP: Importer backend code redone to include new filecheck module, IMP: Added status/counter to import process, IMP: Added force unlock option to importer for failed imports, IMP: Added new status to Import labelled as 'Manual Intervention' for imports that need the user to manually select an option from an available list, FIX: When import said there were search results to view, but none available - would blank screen, IMP: Added a failure log entry showing all the failed files that weren't able to be scanned in during an import (will be in GUI eventually), IMP: if only partial metadata is available during import, Mylar will attempt to use what's available from the metatagging instead of picking all of one/other, IMP: Better grouping of series/volumes when viewing the import results page as well as now indicating if annuals are present within the files, IMP: Added a file-icon beside each imported item on the import result page which allows the user to view the files that are associated with the given series grouping, IMP: Added a blacklisted_publishers option to config.ini which will blacklist specific publishers from being returned during search / import results, FIX: If duplicate dump folder had a value, but duplicate dump wasn't enabled - would still use the duplicate dump folder during post-processing runs, FIX: (#1194) Patch to allow for fixed H1 elements for title (thnx chazlarson), FIX: Removed UnRAR dependency checks in cmtagmylar since not being used anymore, FIX: Fixed a problem with non-ascii characters being recognized during a file-check in certain cases, IMP: Attmept by Mylar to grab an alternate jpg from file when viewing the issue details if it complies with the naming conventions, FIX: Fixed some metatagging issues with ComicBookLover tags not being handled properly if they didn't exist, IMP: Dupecheck now has a failback if it's comparing a cbr/cbr, cbz/cbz and cbr/cbz-priority is enabled, FIX: Quick check added for when adding/refreshing a comic that if a cover already existed, it would delete the cover prior to the attempt to retrieve it, IMP: Added some additional handling for when searching/adding fails, FIX: If a story arc didn't have proper issue dates (or invalid ones) would error out on loading the story arc main page - usually when arcs were imported using a cbl file.
2016-04-07 13:09:06 -04:00
table#series_table td#have_percent { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 30px; }
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
table#series_table td#have { text-align: center; }
table#series_table td#status { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 25px; }
table#series_table td#active { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 20px; }
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
div#paddingheader { padding-top: 48px; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }
FIX: (#746) updated autoProcessComics.py / ComicRN.py's which will now send proper completion messeages to clients, FIX: (#752) refresh series will now test if a series is 'out of whack' with it's numerical issue count (ie. 5/4) or it has no issue data due to a bad refresh / api maxing out and will adjust it's processing to accomodate either, IMP: (#750) Added ComicVine API Checker which will check API counts at regular intervals to inform/warn users of usage, as well as adding a screen-time display of API hits / mins used at the bottom of every page (refreshing/reloading pages will update counts), FIX: (#747)EOL normalization (dos2unix) on search.py - removed classes & exceptions as not being used, IMP: (#747) Skip processing issues with an invalid store date & issue date (thnx rupaschomaker), FIX: Removed strings when searching/logging torrents as was causing ascii errors especially with KAT, IMP: Added [META-TAGGING] to logging for meta-tagging module, IMP: Added ability in GUI to select CR or Cbl tags (or both) when writing metadata to cbz files, IMP: Improved support/usage with ComicTagger v1.1.15 which allows for personal CV API Key usage - if supplied to Mylar, will use when tagging with ComicTagger, IMP: Added Manual Search option to allow for individual searches of issues without changing initial status.
2014-06-18 15:58:19 -04:00
div#paddingheadertitle { padding-top: 24px; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
div#nopaddingheader { font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }
FIX: Added user-agent to all CV queries, and switched all queries to utilize the requests module, FIX: Added User-Agent to ComicTagger and switched to requests module for all CV queries, FIX: Removed libraryscan option from GUI as no longer used, FIX: Ability to sort 'Have' column on main index page properly now (by % complete), FIX: Fixed some display issues with the series detail page and displaying, FIX: Metatagging should now be working again for story-arc, and one-off post-processing, FIX: Fixed post-processing problem with decimal places if number was padded, FIX: Updated CV-URL to point to new CV api location, FIX: Fixed problem when file-checking and series contained numbers and/or decimals, would take the modified series name instead of the actual series name resulting in some missed matches, IMP: Added another keyword to ignore when checking for annuals against a particular series, FIX:(#1210) When importing files, if issues were meta-tagged with CVS would not scan the metadata properly, FIX: Fixed checkboxes on annuals table so drop-down will work again (just doesn't refresh the screen afterwards atm), FIX:(#1182) Notifications not respecting http base, IMP: Added option to specify SSL Verification on/off per provider when searching/downloading, FIX: Possible fix for cache_dir not being used on restarts of mylar, FIX: configparser check would only check on linux systems, and if not present would cause errors during post-processing on non nix-based systems, FIX:(#1181) Manual renaming an entire series would fail if lowercase_filenames was enabled as an option
2016-02-25 11:40:09 -05:00
table#issue_table { background-color: white; width: 100%; padding: 10px; }
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
FIX: Added user-agent to all CV queries, and switched all queries to utilize the requests module, FIX: Added User-Agent to ComicTagger and switched to requests module for all CV queries, FIX: Removed libraryscan option from GUI as no longer used, FIX: Ability to sort 'Have' column on main index page properly now (by % complete), FIX: Fixed some display issues with the series detail page and displaying, FIX: Metatagging should now be working again for story-arc, and one-off post-processing, FIX: Fixed post-processing problem with decimal places if number was padded, FIX: Updated CV-URL to point to new CV api location, FIX: Fixed problem when file-checking and series contained numbers and/or decimals, would take the modified series name instead of the actual series name resulting in some missed matches, IMP: Added another keyword to ignore when checking for annuals against a particular series, FIX:(#1210) When importing files, if issues were meta-tagged with CVS would not scan the metadata properly, FIX: Fixed checkboxes on annuals table so drop-down will work again (just doesn't refresh the screen afterwards atm), FIX:(#1182) Notifications not respecting http base, IMP: Added option to specify SSL Verification on/off per provider when searching/downloading, FIX: Possible fix for cache_dir not being used on restarts of mylar, FIX: configparser check would only check on linux systems, and if not present would cause errors during post-processing on non nix-based systems, FIX:(#1181) Manual renaming an entire series would fail if lowercase_filenames was enabled as an option
2016-02-25 11:40:09 -05:00
table#issue_table th#select { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 10px; }
table#issue_table th#int_issuenumber { text-align: left; max-width: 50px }
table#issue_table th#issuenumber { text-align: left; max-width: 50px; }
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
table#issue_table th#issuename { text-align: center; min-width: 200px; }
FIX: Added user-agent to all CV queries, and switched all queries to utilize the requests module, FIX: Added User-Agent to ComicTagger and switched to requests module for all CV queries, FIX: Removed libraryscan option from GUI as no longer used, FIX: Ability to sort 'Have' column on main index page properly now (by % complete), FIX: Fixed some display issues with the series detail page and displaying, FIX: Metatagging should now be working again for story-arc, and one-off post-processing, FIX: Fixed post-processing problem with decimal places if number was padded, FIX: Updated CV-URL to point to new CV api location, FIX: Fixed problem when file-checking and series contained numbers and/or decimals, would take the modified series name instead of the actual series name resulting in some missed matches, IMP: Added another keyword to ignore when checking for annuals against a particular series, FIX:(#1210) When importing files, if issues were meta-tagged with CVS would not scan the metadata properly, FIX: Fixed checkboxes on annuals table so drop-down will work again (just doesn't refresh the screen afterwards atm), FIX:(#1182) Notifications not respecting http base, IMP: Added option to specify SSL Verification on/off per provider when searching/downloading, FIX: Possible fix for cache_dir not being used on restarts of mylar, FIX: configparser check would only check on linux systems, and if not present would cause errors during post-processing on non nix-based systems, FIX:(#1181) Manual renaming an entire series would fail if lowercase_filenames was enabled as an option
2016-02-25 11:40:09 -05:00
table#issue_table th#reldate { text-align: center; max-width: 75px; }
table#issue_table th#status { text-align: center; max-width: 75px; }
table#issue_table th#options { text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#issue_table td#select { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 10px; }
table#issue_table td#int_issuenumber { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 50px; }
table#issue_table td#issuenumber { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 50px; }
table#issue_table td#issuename { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 200px; font-size: 9px; }
table#issue_table td#reldate { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; max-width: 75px; }
table#issue_table td#status { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; max-width: 75px; font-size: 13px; }
table#issue_table td#options { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00
table#annual_table { background-color: white; width: 100%; padding: 10px; }
FIX: Added user-agent to all CV queries, and switched all queries to utilize the requests module, FIX: Added User-Agent to ComicTagger and switched to requests module for all CV queries, FIX: Removed libraryscan option from GUI as no longer used, FIX: Ability to sort 'Have' column on main index page properly now (by % complete), FIX: Fixed some display issues with the series detail page and displaying, FIX: Metatagging should now be working again for story-arc, and one-off post-processing, FIX: Fixed post-processing problem with decimal places if number was padded, FIX: Updated CV-URL to point to new CV api location, FIX: Fixed problem when file-checking and series contained numbers and/or decimals, would take the modified series name instead of the actual series name resulting in some missed matches, IMP: Added another keyword to ignore when checking for annuals against a particular series, FIX:(#1210) When importing files, if issues were meta-tagged with CVS would not scan the metadata properly, FIX: Fixed checkboxes on annuals table so drop-down will work again (just doesn't refresh the screen afterwards atm), FIX:(#1182) Notifications not respecting http base, IMP: Added option to specify SSL Verification on/off per provider when searching/downloading, FIX: Possible fix for cache_dir not being used on restarts of mylar, FIX: configparser check would only check on linux systems, and if not present would cause errors during post-processing on non nix-based systems, FIX:(#1181) Manual renaming an entire series would fail if lowercase_filenames was enabled as an option
2016-02-25 11:40:09 -05:00
table#annual_table th#select { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 10px; }
table#annual_table th#aint_issuenumber { text-align: left; max-width: 1px }
table#annual_table th#aissuenumber { text-align: left; max-width: 50px; }
2013-07-09 21:45:10 -04:00
table#annual_table th#aissuename { text-align: center; min-width: 200px; }
FIX: Added user-agent to all CV queries, and switched all queries to utilize the requests module, FIX: Added User-Agent to ComicTagger and switched to requests module for all CV queries, FIX: Removed libraryscan option from GUI as no longer used, FIX: Ability to sort 'Have' column on main index page properly now (by % complete), FIX: Fixed some display issues with the series detail page and displaying, FIX: Metatagging should now be working again for story-arc, and one-off post-processing, FIX: Fixed post-processing problem with decimal places if number was padded, FIX: Updated CV-URL to point to new CV api location, FIX: Fixed problem when file-checking and series contained numbers and/or decimals, would take the modified series name instead of the actual series name resulting in some missed matches, IMP: Added another keyword to ignore when checking for annuals against a particular series, FIX:(#1210) When importing files, if issues were meta-tagged with CVS would not scan the metadata properly, FIX: Fixed checkboxes on annuals table so drop-down will work again (just doesn't refresh the screen afterwards atm), FIX:(#1182) Notifications not respecting http base, IMP: Added option to specify SSL Verification on/off per provider when searching/downloading, FIX: Possible fix for cache_dir not being used on restarts of mylar, FIX: configparser check would only check on linux systems, and if not present would cause errors during post-processing on non nix-based systems, FIX:(#1181) Manual renaming an entire series would fail if lowercase_filenames was enabled as an option
2016-02-25 11:40:09 -05:00
table#annual_table th#areldate { text-align: center; max-width: 75px; }
table#annual_table th#astatus { text-align: center; max-width: 75px; }
table#annual_table th#aoptions { text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#annual_table td#select { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 10px; }
table#annual_table td#aint_issuenumber { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 1 px; }
table#annual_table td#aissuenumber { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; max-width: 50px; }
table#annual_table td#aissuename { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; font-size: 9px; min-width: 200px; }
table#annual_table td#areldate { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; max-width: 75px; }
table#annual_table td#astatus { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; max-width: 75px; font-size: 13px; }
table#annual_table td#aoptions { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
table#history_table { background-color: white; width: 100%; font-size: 13px; }
table#history_table td#dateadded { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 150px; font-size: 14px; }
table#history_table td#filename { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 100px; font-size: 15px; }
table#history_table td#size { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 75px; font-size: 14px; }
table#history_table td#status { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; }
table#history_table td#action { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; }
table#log_table { background-color: white; }
table#log_table th#timestamp { text-align: left; min-width: 150px; }
table#log_table th#level { text-align: left; min-width: 60px; }
table#log_table th#message { text-align: left; min-width: 500px; }
table#upcoming_table th#albumart { text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#upcoming_table th#albumname { text-align: center; min-width: 200px; }
table#upcoming_table th#artistname { text-align: center; min-width: 150px; }
table#upcoming_table th#reldate { text-align: center; min-width: 100px; }
table#upcoming_table th#type { text-align: center; min-width: 75px; }
table#upcoming_table td#select { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; }
table#upcoming_table td#albumart { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#upcoming_table td#albumname { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 200px; }
table#upcoming_table td#artistname { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 150px; }
table#upcoming_table td#reldate { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 100px; }
table#upcoming_table td#type { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 75px; }
table#upcoming_table td#status { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; }
table#wanted_table th#albumart { text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#wanted_table th#albumname { text-align: center; min-width: 200px; }
table#wanted_table th#artistname { text-align: center; min-width: 150px; }
table#wanted_table th#reldate { text-align: center; min-width: 100px; }
table#wanted_table th#type { text-align: center; min-width: 75px; }
table#wanted_table td#select { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; }
table#wanted_table td#albumart { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#wanted_table td#albumname { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 200px; }
table#wanted_table td#artistname { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 150px; }
table#wanted_table td#reldate { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 100px; }
table#wanted_table td#type { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 75px; }
table#wanted_table td#status { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; }
table#searchresults_table th#name { text-align: left; min-width: 500px; }
table#searchresults_table th#comicyear { text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#searchresults_table th#issues { text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
table#searchresults_table td#name { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width: 500px; }
table#searchresults_table td#comicyear { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width: 50px; }
table#searchresults_table td#issues { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; min-width: 50px; }
IMP: Added Choose specific Download option to manually select from result list on Upcoming/Details/Weekly tabs, IMP: Added Wanted storyarcs to the overall Wanted section so now will search as per global options (storyarc issues can be displayed optionally on Wanted tab), IMP: Added custom url option for image banners/posters for storyarcs, IMP: updated Cherrypy, FIX: Fixed ComicRN not working when forms authentication used - in conjunction updated autoProcessComics to 2.0 which now uses apikey instead of user/pass, IMP: Alternate Series Covers option for alternating existing series image to the most current issue image, IMP: Added overall series total to series page for reference, IMP: Search workflow completely changed to accomodate more than one indexer - now will simultaneously sumbit initial request to each provider, wait 30s submit additional as required at 30s intervals, FIX: Removed TPSE as an option and relabelled to just Public Torrents, IMP: Added direct backlog search to WWT option (pack support will follow), FIX: Removed line about configparser being required for ComicTagger usage, IMP: Test code in place for newzab testing, FIX: Fixed layout problem with torrents that are in auto-snatch status on weekly tab, IMP: backend code improvements to allow for better alias usage and annual linking directly from WS, IMP: Updated systemd init-scripts with read.me, IMP: When post-processing, will now check for available destination free space before actually moving files, IMP: Will copy during metatagging to cache folder instead of move being an option so cleanup is cleaner if something fails, FIX: Changed readinglist table to storyarcs for clarity, IMP: When post-processing issues, will now only update the one issue status and adjust totals accordingly (instead of doing a complete rescan of the series), FIX: Clear out empty ID's from the Failed DB on startup, IMP: Initial code-run at REST API interface, FIX: Fixed some matching problems with 32p due to case, IMP: removed apikeys from log entries that were accidentally logging, IMP: When searching 32p, if items get packed up - will now delete the cached reference so new items of the same can be located, IMP: ForceSearch option switched to scheduler so simultaneous runs should not occur, FIX: Fixed manual metatagging error that would occur if multiple destination directories existed
2018-02-16 14:57:01 -05:00
table#downloads_table th#title { text-align: center; min-width: 100px; }
2018-03-01 14:49:30 -05:00
table#downloads_table th#provider { text-align: center; min-width: 30px; }
IMP: Added Choose specific Download option to manually select from result list on Upcoming/Details/Weekly tabs, IMP: Added Wanted storyarcs to the overall Wanted section so now will search as per global options (storyarc issues can be displayed optionally on Wanted tab), IMP: Added custom url option for image banners/posters for storyarcs, IMP: updated Cherrypy, FIX: Fixed ComicRN not working when forms authentication used - in conjunction updated autoProcessComics to 2.0 which now uses apikey instead of user/pass, IMP: Alternate Series Covers option for alternating existing series image to the most current issue image, IMP: Added overall series total to series page for reference, IMP: Search workflow completely changed to accomodate more than one indexer - now will simultaneously sumbit initial request to each provider, wait 30s submit additional as required at 30s intervals, FIX: Removed TPSE as an option and relabelled to just Public Torrents, IMP: Added direct backlog search to WWT option (pack support will follow), FIX: Removed line about configparser being required for ComicTagger usage, IMP: Test code in place for newzab testing, FIX: Fixed layout problem with torrents that are in auto-snatch status on weekly tab, IMP: backend code improvements to allow for better alias usage and annual linking directly from WS, IMP: Updated systemd init-scripts with read.me, IMP: When post-processing, will now check for available destination free space before actually moving files, IMP: Will copy during metatagging to cache folder instead of move being an option so cleanup is cleaner if something fails, FIX: Changed readinglist table to storyarcs for clarity, IMP: When post-processing issues, will now only update the one issue status and adjust totals accordingly (instead of doing a complete rescan of the series), FIX: Clear out empty ID's from the Failed DB on startup, IMP: Initial code-run at REST API interface, FIX: Fixed some matching problems with 32p due to case, IMP: removed apikeys from log entries that were accidentally logging, IMP: When searching 32p, if items get packed up - will now delete the cached reference so new items of the same can be located, IMP: ForceSearch option switched to scheduler so simultaneous runs should not occur, FIX: Fixed manual metatagging error that would occur if multiple destination directories existed
2018-02-16 14:57:01 -05:00
table#downloads_table th#size { text-align: center; min-width: 20px; }
table#downloads_table th#kind { text-align: center; min-width: 20px; }
table#downloads_table td#title { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width: 100px; }
table#downloads_table td#provider { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width: 30px; }
table#downloads_table td#size { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width: 20px; }
table#downloads_table td#kind { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; min-width: 20px; }
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
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