
168 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
2016-09-07 04:04:42 +00:00
import feedparser
import re
import logger
import mylar
import unicodedata
import urllib
def Startit(searchName, searchIssue, searchYear, ComicVersion, IssDateFix):
#searchName = "Uncanny Avengers"
#searchIssue = "01"
#searchYear = "2012"
if searchName.lower().startswith('the '):
searchName = searchName[4:]
cName = searchName
#clean up searchName due to webparse.
searchName = searchName.replace("%20", " ")
if "," in searchName:
searchName = searchName.replace(",", "")
#logger.fdebug("name:" + str(searchName))
#logger.fdebug("issue:" + str(searchIssue))
#logger.fdebug("year:" + str(searchYear))
encodeSearch = urllib.quote_plus(searchName)
splitSearch = encodeSearch.split(" ")
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
joinSearch = "+".join(splitSearch) +"+" +searchIssue
searchIsOne = "0" +searchIssue
searchIsTwo = "00" +searchIssue
if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: joinSearch = joinSearch + " .cbr"
elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: joinSearch = joinSearch + " .cbz"
if "-" in searchName:
searchName = searchName.replace("-", '((\\s)?[-:])?(\\s)?')
regexName = searchName.replace(" ", '((\\s)?[-:])?(\\s)?')
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
#logger.fdebug('searchName:' + searchName)
#logger.fdebug('regexName:' + regexName)
if mylar.USE_MINSIZE:
size_constraints = "minsize=" + str(mylar.MINSIZE)
size_constraints = "minsize=10"
if mylar.USE_MAXSIZE:
size_constraints = size_constraints + "&maxsize=" + str(mylar.MAXSIZE)
if mylar.USENET_RETENTION != None:
max_age = "&age=" + str(mylar.USENET_RETENTION)
feeds = []
feeds.append(feedparser.parse("" + str(size_constraints) + str(max_age) + "&dq=%s&max=50&more=1" %joinSearch))
feeds.append(feedparser.parse("[]=41&g[]=510&sort=agedesc&hidespam=0&max=&more=1" %joinSearch))
entries = []
mres = {}
tallycount = 0
for feed in feeds:
totNum = len(feed.entries)
tallycount += len(feed.entries)
#keyPair = {}
keyPair = []
regList = []
countUp = 0
#logger.fdebug(str(totNum) + " results")
while countUp < totNum:
urlParse = feed.entries[countUp].enclosures[0]
#keyPair[feed.entries[countUp].title] = feed.entries[countUp].link
#keyPair[feed.entries[countUp].title] = urlParse["href"]
keyPair.append({"title": feed.entries[countUp].title,
"link": urlParse["href"],
"length": urlParse["length"],
"pubdate": feed.entries[countUp].updated})
countUp=countUp +1
#logger.fdebug('keypair: ' + str(keyPair))
# thanks to SpammyHagar for spending the time in compiling these regEx's!
regEx = "(%s\\s*(0)?(0)?%s\\s*\\(%s\\))" %(regexName, searchIssue, searchYear)
regExOne = "(%s\\s*(0)?(0)?%s\\s*\\(.*?\\)\\s*\\(%s\\))" %(regexName, searchIssue, searchYear)
#Sometimes comics aren't actually published the same year comicVine says - trying to adjust for these cases
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
regExTwo = "(%s\\s*(0)?(0)?%s\\s*\\(%s\\))" %(regexName, searchIssue, int(searchYear) +1)
regExThree = "(%s\\s*(0)?(0)?%s\\s*\\(%s\\))" %(regexName, searchIssue, int(searchYear) -1)
regExFour = "(%s\\s*(0)?(0)?%s\\s*\\(.*?\\)\\s*\\(%s\\))" %(regexName, searchIssue, int(searchYear) +1)
regExFive = "(%s\\s*(0)?(0)?%s\\s*\\(.*?\\)\\s*\\(%s\\))" %(regexName, searchIssue, int(searchYear) -1)
regexList=[regEx, regExOne, regExTwo, regExThree, regExFour, regExFive]
except_list=['releases', 'gold line', 'distribution', '0-day', '0 day']
for entry in keyPair:
title = entry['title']
#logger.fdebug("titlesplit: " + str(title.split("\"")))
splitTitle = title.split("\"")
noYear = 'False'
_digits = re.compile('\d')
for subs in splitTitle:
#logger.fdebug('sub:' + subs)
regExCount = 0
if len(subs) >= len(cName) and not any(d in subs.lower() for d in except_list) and bool( is True:
#Looping through dictionary to run each regEx - length + regex is determined by regexList up top.
# while regExCount < len(regexList):
# regExTest = re.findall(regexList[regExCount], subs, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
# regExCount = regExCount +1
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
# if regExTest:
# logger.fdebug(title)
# entries.append({
# 'title': subs,
# 'link': str(link)
# })
# this will still match on crap like 'For SomeSomayes' especially if the series length < 'For SomeSomayes'
if subs.lower().startswith('for'):
if cName.lower().startswith('for'):
#this is the crap we ignore. Continue (commented else, as it spams the logs)
#logger.fdebug('this starts with FOR : ' + str(subs) + '. This is not present in the series - ignoring.')
if IssDateFix != "no":
if IssDateFix == "01" or IssDateFix == "02": ComicYearFix = str(int(searchYear) - 1)
else: ComicYearFix = str(int(searchYear) + 1)
ComicYearFix = searchYear
if searchYear not in subs and ComicYearFix not in subs:
noYear = 'True'
noYearline = subs
if (searchYear in subs or ComicYearFix in subs) and noYear == 'True':
#this would occur on the next check in the line, if year exists and
#the noYear check in the first check came back valid append it
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
subs = noYearline + ' (' + searchYear + ')'
noYear = 'False'
if noYear == 'False':
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
'title': subs,
'link': entry['link'],
'pubdate': entry['pubdate'],
'length': entry['length']
break # break out so we don't write more shit.
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
# if len(entries) >= 1:
if tallycount >= 1:
mres['entries'] = entries
2015-05-22 08:32:51 +00:00
return mres
logger.fdebug("No Results Found")
return "no results"