2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< %inherit file="base.html"/>
< %!
import mylar
< %def name="headerIncludes()">
< div id = "subhead_container" >
< div id = "subhead_menu" >
< a id = "menu_link_shutdown" href = "shutdown" > Shut Down< / a >
< a id = "menu_link_shutdown" href = "restart" > Restart< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< /%def>
< %def name="body()">
2014-12-20 12:12:46 -05:00
< %
mylar.DONATEBUTTON = False
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div id = "paddingheader" >
< h1 class = "clearfix" > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/icon_gear.png" alt = "settings" / > Settings< / h1 >
< / div >
< form action = "configUpdate" method = "post" class = "form" id = "configUpdate" >
< div id = "tabs" >
< ul >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< li > < a href = "#tabs-1" > Information< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#tabs-2" > Web Interface< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#tabs-3" > Download settings< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#tabs-4" > Search providers< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#tabs-5" > Quality & Post Processing< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#tabs-6" > Advanced Settings< / a > < / li >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / ul >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< div id = "tabs-1" >
< table class = "configtable" summary = "Information" >
< tr >
< td >
< fieldset >
< legend > Configuration Options< / legend >
< div >
< label > < strong > Mylar Version: < / strong > ${config['branch']}< / br > -- ${config['br_type']} build ${config['br_version']}.< / label > < / br >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< label > < strong > Python Version :< / strong > ${config['py_version']}< / label > < / br > < / br >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< legend > MYLAR PROGRAM OPTIONS< / legend >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< label > < strong > Mylar Data Directory :< / strong > ${config['data_dir']}< / label > < / br >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< label > < strong > Mylar Program Directory :< / strong > ${config['prog_dir']}< / label > < / br >
< label > < strong > Mylar Cache Directory :< / strong > ${config['cache_dir']}< / label > < / br >
< label > < strong > Mylar Config File :< / strong > ${config['config_file']}< / label > < / br >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2014-12-01 20:13:50 -05:00
< fieldset >
< legend > DONATIONS< / legend >
< a name = "donate" > < / a >
< div align = "center" >
< label > < strong > Mylar is free to use,< / br >
but you can contribute and support the development< / br >
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00
by buying me a coffee (or several)< / strong > < / label > < / br > < / br >
2014-12-01 20:13:50 -05:00
< / div >
IMP: Cleaned up interface for StoryArcs / Story Arc Details, IMP: Cleaned up interface for Reading list Management, IMP: Added better reading list management - new status (added, downloaded, read), IMP: Added sync option for use with another device for reading list transfer (ie. tablet) Android only, IMP: Autopopulate new weekly pull releases to reading list, IMP: 'Watch' option in weekly pull list now fully functional. Will watch CV for series' that do not have any series data yet as they are new starting series. Will auto-add once available, IMP: Auto-watch check is run after every refresh/recreate of the weeklypull list, IMP: Improved the Add a Series option where it will now look for issues that are 'new' or 'wanted' during add sequence, IMP: Main page interface now has coloured have/total bars to denote series completion, IMP: New scheduler / threading locks in place in an attempt to avoid database locks, FIX: Removed some erroneous locking that was going on when importing a directory was being run, IMP: Stat counter now present when post-processing multiple issues in sequence, FIX: for issue number error when post-processing and issue number was a non-alphanumeric, FIX: for metatagging: when original file was .cbz, would try to convert and fail, FIX: for issues that were negative and were preceeded by a # in the filename (filechecker), FIX: for publisher having non-alphanumeric character in name when attempting to determine publisher, FIX: if annuals enabled, would incorrectly show as being 'already in library' when viewing search results if results constained annuals, FIX:(#944) for incorrect nzbname being used when post-processing was being performed from an nzb client (experimental mainly), IMP: Turned off logging for ComicVine API counter, FIX: Added retry attempts when connecting to ComicVine in order to avoid errors when adding a series, IMP:(#963) Added ability to add snatched to filter when viewing Wanted issues on Wanted tab, FIX: When importing and then selecting a series to import via the select screen, will now flip back to the importresults and add the selected series in the background, IMP:(#952) Main page is now sorted in ascending order by Continuing/Ended status (and subbed by whether is Active/Paused).Custom sorting is still available, FIX: Dupecheck will now automatically assume existing 0-byte files are to be overwritten when performing post-processing, FIX: If publication date for series contained a '?' (usually with brand new series) will force to 'Present' to allow for pull-list comparisons to take place, FIX: Mylar will now disallow search results which have 'covers only' or 'variant' in the filename, IMP: Better nzbname generation/retrieval (will check inside nzb for possible names) to be used when post-processing, IMP: DB Update will now perform update to all active comics in descending order by Latest Date (instead of random order), FIX: Enforce the 5hr limit rule when running DB update (will only update series that haven't been updated in >5 hours), FIX: Annuals will now have/retain the proper status upon doing DB Update, FIX: Have totals will now be updated when doing a recheck files (sometimes wouldn't get updated depending on various states of status'), FIX:(#966) Added urllib2.URLError exeception trap when attempting to check Git for updates, IMP: Removed the individual sqlite calls for weeklypull, and brought them into line with using the db module (which will minimize concurrent access, which seemed to be causing db locks), IMP: Cleaned up some code and shuffled some functions so they are in more appropriate locations
2015-03-27 13:27:59 -04:00
< div style = "width: 60%; margin: 0px auto;" >
< a id = "navDonate" href = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EWQADB5AMVRFU" rel = "noreferrer" onclick = "window.open('http://dereferer.org/?' + this.href); return false;" > < img src = "https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif" alt = "[donate]" / > < / a >
2014-12-01 20:13:50 -05:00
< a href = "https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=evilhero&url=https://github.com/evilhero/mylar&title=Mylar%20Donation%description=Supporting&20the%development%20of%20Mylar&language=en_CA&hidden=1&category=software" target = "_blank" >
< img src = "//api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png" alt = "Flattr this" title = "Flattr this" border = "0" align = "center" >
< / a >
< a href = "#" onclick = "javascript:window.prompt('Please copy/paste my Bitcoin address into your Bitcoin client.', '18eCE9wZxnNiZgE4Cc5pwJMnMjEfhdmH4U');" > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/bitcoin.png" alt = "Bitcoin" height = "20" align = "center" > < / a > < / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-02-17 05:31:18 -05:00
< / td >
< td >
< fieldset >
< legend > Bragging Rights< / legend >
< div >
2014-12-01 20:13:50 -05:00
< label > < strong > # of Series you're watching: < / strong > ${comicinfo['COUNT_COMICS']}< / br > < / label >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< label > < strong > # of Issues you're watching: < / strong > ${comicinfo['COUNT_ISSUES']}< / br > < / label >
< label > < strong > # of Issues you actually have: < / strong > ${comicinfo['COUNT_HAVES']}< / br > < / label >
< label > < strong > ... total HD-space being used: < / strong > ${comicinfo['COUNT_SIZE']}< / br > < / label >
2013-02-17 05:31:18 -05:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Useful Information< / legend >
< div class = "row" >
< label > < strong > Homepage< / strong > < / label >
< div > Coming Soon...< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > < strong > Forums< / strong > < / label >
2014-12-20 12:12:46 -05:00
< div > < a href = "http://forum.mylarcomics.com/" target = "_blank" > http://forum.mylarcomics.com< / a > < / div >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > < strong > Source< / strong > < / label >
2014-12-20 12:12:46 -05:00
< div > < a href = "https://github.com/evilhero/mylar/" target = "_blank" > https://github.com/evilhero/mylar/< / a > < / div >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > < strong > Issues< / strong > < / label >
2014-12-20 12:12:46 -05:00
< div > < a href = "https://github.com/evilhero/mylar/issues" target = "_blank" > https://github.com/evilhero/mylar/issues/< / a > < / div >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > < strong > Internet Relay Chat< / strong > < / label >
2014-12-20 12:12:46 -05:00
< div > < a href = "irc://irc.freenode.net/#mylar" target = "_blank" > #mylar on irc.freenode.net< / a > < / div >
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Branch history< / legend >
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
< label > This would be a nice place to see revision history...< / label >
2014-01-16 15:25:02 -05:00
< div > ${config['branch_history']}< / div >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< / fieldset >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< div id = "tabs-2" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< table class = "configtable" summary = "Web Interface" >
< tr >
< td >
< fieldset >
< legend > Basic< / legend >
< div class = "row" >
< label > HTTP Host< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "http_host" value = "${config['http_host']}" size = "30" >
< small > e.g. localhost or< / small >
< / div >
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > HTTP Port< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "http_port" value = "${config['http_port']}" size = "10" >
< div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "enable_https" id = "enable_https" value = "1" $ { config [ ' enable_https ' ] } / >
< label title = "Enable HTTPS for web server for encrypted communication" >
Enable HTTPS
< / label >
< / div >
< div id = "https_options" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > HTTPS Cert< / label >
< input type = "text" title = "the FULL path to the certificate" name = "https_cert" value = "${config['https_cert']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > HTTPS Key< / label >
< input type = "text" title = "the FULL path to the key" name = "https_key" value = "${config['https_key']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > HTTP Username< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "http_username" value = "${config['http_user']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > HTTP Password< / label >
< input type = "password" name = "http_password" value = "${config['http_pass']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "launch_browser" value = "1" $ { config [ ' launch_browser ' ] } / > < label > Launch Browser on Startup< / label >
< / div >
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
2012-12-20 05:39:37 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "logverbose" value = "2" $ { config [ ' logverbose ' ] } / > < label > Verbose Logging< / label >
2012-12-20 05:39:37 -05:00
< br / > < small > *Use this only when experiencing problems*< / small >
< / div >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
2013-03-06 11:20:09 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "syno_fix" value = "1" $ { config [ ' syno_fix ' ] } / > < label > Synology Fix< / label >
< br / > < small > *Use this if experiencing parsing problems*< / small >
< / div >
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "auto_update" value = "1" $ { config [ ' auto_update ' ] } / > < label > Automatic Updates< / label >
< br / > < small > Install new updates with no intervention< / small >
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / fieldset >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Annual Handling< / legend >
< div >
< small class = "heading" > < span style = "float: left; margin-right: .3em; margin-top: 4px;" class = "ui-icon ui-icon-info" > < / span > Series need to be Refreshed for annuals to appear< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "annuals_on" value = "1" $ { config [ ' annuals_on ' ] } / > < label > Enable Series-Annual Integration< / label >
< / div >
< / br > < small > Enabled: Annuals are tracked as part of the series it belongs to< / small > < / br >
< small > Disabled: Annuals are tracked independently and will appear on your watchlist as a series< / small >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / td >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< td >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< fieldset >
< legend > API< / legend >
2014-06-09 03:55:05 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > ComicVine API Key< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "comicvine_api" value = "${config['comicvine_api']}" title = "get one for free @ http://api.comicvine.com" size = "40" >
< small > specify your own CV API key here < / small >
< / div >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input id = "api_enabled" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "api_enabled" value = "1" $ { config [ ' api_enabled ' ] } / > < label > Enable API< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "apioptions" >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
2014-06-09 03:55:05 -04:00
< label > Mylar API key< / label >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< input type = "text" name = "api_key" id = "api_key" value = "${config['api_key']}" size = "20" >
< input type = "button" value = "Generate" id = "generate_api" >
< small > Current API key: < strong > ${config['api_key']}< / strong > < / small >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Interval< / legend >
2013-01-15 12:32:08 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< label > NZB Search Interval< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nzb_search_interval" value = "${config['nzb_search_interval']}" size = "4" > mins
2013-01-15 12:32:08 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "nzb_startup_search" value = "1" $ { config [ ' nzb_startup_search ' ] } / > < label > NZB Search on startup< / label >
< / div >
FIX:(#304) Index out of range on recheck, FIX:(#303) Comicvine link updated on details page, FIX:(#302) Query rate (Search Delay) Added as a configuration option, FIX:(#300) Version number error on searching when no version number, FIX:(#297) Manual Rename of Files working, FIX:(#294) 'AU' issue problems should be resolved now, FIX:(#290) V#(year) and Vol#(year) added to filechecking, IMP: ComicVine data use only now as a hidden option (cv_only = 1 in config.ini), IMP: added as options for file naming, IMP: Rough drafting of Annuals (annuals_on = 1 in config.ini), Other fixes..
2013-04-06 05:43:18 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< label > Search delay< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "search_delay" value = "${config['search_delay']}" size = "4" / > mins
FIX:(#304) Index out of range on recheck, FIX:(#303) Comicvine link updated on details page, FIX:(#302) Query rate (Search Delay) Added as a configuration option, FIX:(#300) Version number error on searching when no version number, FIX:(#297) Manual Rename of Files working, FIX:(#294) 'AU' issue problems should be resolved now, FIX:(#290) V#(year) and Vol#(year) added to filechecking, IMP: ComicVine data use only now as a hidden option (cv_only = 1 in config.ini), IMP: added as options for file naming, IMP: Rough drafting of Annuals (annuals_on = 1 in config.ini), Other fixes..
2013-04-06 05:43:18 -04:00
< / div >
2013-01-15 12:32:08 -05:00
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< label > Library Scan Interval< / label >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< input type = "text" name = "libraryscan_interval" value = "${config['libraryscan_interval']}" size = "4" > mins
< / div >
< legend > Comic Location< / legend >
< div >
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00
< small class = "heading" > < span style = "float: left; margin-right: .3em; margin-top: 4px;" class = "ui-icon ui-icon-info" > < / span > Automatic folder creation happens BENEATH this path< / small >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Comic Location Path< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "destination_dir" value = "${config['destination_dir']}" size = "50" >
< small > Where do you store your comics?< br / > (or where do you want me to store them)< / small >
< small > e.g. /Users/name/Comics or /Volumes/share/comics< / small >
2013-04-21 23:43:57 -04:00
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
2013-04-21 23:43:57 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Directory CHMOD< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "chmod_dir" value = "${config['chmod_dir']}" size = "50" >
< small > Permissions on created/moved directories< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > File CHMOD< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "chmod_file" value = "${config['chmod_file']}" size = "50" >
< small > Permissions on created/moved directories< / small >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
2015-07-01 18:52:26 -04:00
%if 'windows' not in mylar.OS_DETECT:
< div class = "row" >
< label > Owner< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "chowner" value = "${config['chowner']}" size = "50" >
< small > Set Ownership of files/directories (name OR uid)< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Group< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "chgroup" value = "${config['chgroup']}" size = "50" >
< small > Set Group Ownership of files/directories (name OR gid)< / small >
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / fieldset >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< div id = "tabs-3" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< table class = "configtable" summary = "Download Settings" >
< tr >
< td >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Usenet< / legend >
< input type = "radio" name = "nzb_downloader" id = "nzb_downloader_sabnzbd" value = "0" $ { config [ ' nzb_downloader_sabnzbd ' ] } > Sabnzbd < input type = "radio" name = "nzb_downloader" id = "nzb_downloader_nzbget" value = "1" $ { config [ ' nzb_downloader_nzbget ' ] } > NZBget < input type = "radio" name = "nzb_downloader" id = "nzb_downloader_blackhole" value = "2" $ { config [ ' nzb_downloader_blackhole ' ] } > Black Hole
< / fieldset >
2014-04-14 14:10:10 -04:00
< fieldset id = "sabnzbd_options" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > SABnzbd Host:< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "sab_host" value = "${config['sab_host']}" size = "30" >
< small > usually http://localhost:8080< / small >
2013-02-19 22:03:51 -05:00
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > SABnzbd Username< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "sab_username" value = "${config['sab_user']}" size = "20" >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / div >
IMP: Removed unneeded code from several modules, IMP:(#659) Subdirectories now will be scanned in properly when in series directories, FIX:(#635)(#658) Moved code from html into module to allow for better integration and further templating needs, IMP: Added ability for mylar to auto-grab SABnzbd API when provided with user/pass, IMP: Test SABnzbd button works again - will auto-rollback to NZBKey usage, IMP: Added counts to Upcoming page, IMP: Added some more detailed parsing to the ImportResults, IMP: ImportResults will now show proper series title, IMP: Improved some logic when determining if a new weekly issue is on a watchlist if a rebooted series, IMP: A bunch of smaller fixes, and some various code tweaks...
2014-04-02 15:08:59 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > SABnzbd Password:< / label >
< input type = "password" name = "sab_password" value = "${config['sab_pass']}" size = "20" >
< / div >
< div Class = "row" >
< div class = "populatesab" >
< label > SABnzbd API:< / label >
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00
< input type = "text" name = "sab_apikey" id = "sab_apikey" value = "${config['sab_api']}" size = "28" >
< input style = "float:right" type = "button" > < image src = "interfaces/default/images/submit.png" height = "20" width = "20" title = "Attempt to auto-populate SABnzbd API" id = "find_sabapi" >
< a href = "#" style = "float:right" type = "button" id = "find_sabapi" data-success = "Sucessfully retrieved SABnzbd API" data-error = "Error auto-populating SABnzbd API" > < span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-extlink" > < / span > Get API< / a >
< / div >
IMP: Removed unneeded code from several modules, IMP:(#659) Subdirectories now will be scanned in properly when in series directories, FIX:(#635)(#658) Moved code from html into module to allow for better integration and further templating needs, IMP: Added ability for mylar to auto-grab SABnzbd API when provided with user/pass, IMP: Test SABnzbd button works again - will auto-rollback to NZBKey usage, IMP: Added counts to Upcoming page, IMP: Added some more detailed parsing to the ImportResults, IMP: ImportResults will now show proper series title, IMP: Improved some logic when determining if a new weekly issue is on a watchlist if a rebooted series, IMP: A bunch of smaller fixes, and some various code tweaks...
2014-04-02 15:08:59 -04:00
< / div >
2013-02-08 22:34:02 -05:00
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< label > SABnzbd Category:< / label >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< input type = "text" name = "sab_category" value = "${config['sab_cat']}" size = "20" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
< label > SAB Priority< / label >
2013-02-19 22:03:51 -05:00
< select name = "sab_priority" >
2014-06-02 15:02:28 -04:00
%for prio in ['Default', 'Low', 'Normal', 'High', 'Paused']:
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
< %
if config['sab_priority'] == prio:
outputselect = 'selected'
outputselect = ''
2014-06-02 15:02:28 -04:00
< option value = ${prio} $ { outputselect } > ${prio}< / option >
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
< / select >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / div >
2015-06-06 21:44:46 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "sab_to_mylar" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "sab_to_mylar" value = "1" $ { config [ ' sab_to_mylar ' ] } / > < label > Are Mylar / SABnzbd on seperate machines< / label >
< small class = "heading" > < span style = "float: left; margin-right: .3em; margin-top: 4px;" class = "ui-icon ui-icon-info" > < / span > This is *ONLY* required if Mylar and SABnzbd are on seperate machines, otherwise don't touch it< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > SABnzbd Download Directory< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "sab_directory" value = "${config['sab_directory']}" size = "36" / >
< small > Where your SAB downloads go (required for PP)< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00
< a href = "#" style = "float:right" type = "button" onclick = "doAjaxCall('addAction();SABtest',$(this))" data-success = "Sucessfully tested SABnzbd connection" data-error = "Error testing SABnzbd connection" > < span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-extlink" > < / span > Test SABnzbd< / a >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / div >
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / fieldset >
< fieldset id = "nzbget_options" >
2013-02-19 22:03:51 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZBGet Host:< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nzbget_host" value = "${config['nzbget_host']}" size = "30" >
< small > usually http://localhost< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZBGet Port:< / label >
2013-02-21 11:22:34 -05:00
< input type = "text" name = "nzbget_port" value = "${config['nzbget_port']}" size = "36" >
2013-02-19 22:03:51 -05:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZBGet Username:< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nzbget_username" value = "${config['nzbget_user']}" size = "20" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZBGet Password:< / label >
< input type = "password" name = "nzbget_password" value = "${config['nzbget_pass']}" size = "20" >
2014-04-14 14:10:10 -04:00
< / div >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZBGet Download Directory< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nzbget_directory" value = "${config['nzbget_directory']}" size = "36" / >
< small > Where your NZBGet downloads go... (optional)< / small >
< / div >
2013-02-19 22:03:51 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZBGet Category:< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nzbget_category" value = "${config['nzbget_cat']}" size = "20" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZBGet Priority< / label >
< select name = "nzbget_priority" >
%for prio in ['Default', 'Low', 'Normal', 'High', 'Paused']:
< %
if config['nzbget_priority'] == prio:
outputselect = 'selected'
outputselect = ''
< option value = ${prio} $ { outputselect } > ${prio}< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / fieldset >
< fieldset id = "blackhole_options" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Black Hole Directory< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "blackhole_dir" value = "${config['blackhole_dir']}" size = "30" >
< small > Folder your Download program watches for NZBs< / small >
< / div >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / fieldset >
< fieldset id = "general_nzb_options" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div class = "checkbox row" >
< label > Usenet Retention (in days)< / label >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< input type = "text" name = "usenet_retention" value = "${config['usenet_retention']}" size = "10" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / td >
< td >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< legend > Torrents< / legend >
< fieldset >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input id = "enable_torrents" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "enable_torrents" value = 1 $ { config [ ' enable_torrents ' ] } / > < label > Use Torrents< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Minimum # of seeders< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "minseeds" value = "${config['minseeds']}" size = "10" >
< / div >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "torrent_local" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "torrent_local" value = 1 $ { config [ ' torrent_local ' ] } / > < label > Local Torrent Client< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div Class = "row" >
< label > Watch Directory< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "local_watchdir" value = "${config['local_watchdir']}" size = "30" > < br / >
< small > Local Folder your torrent client watches< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "torrent_seedbox" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "torrent_seedbox" value = 1 $ { config [ ' torrent_seedbox ' ] } / > < label > Seedbox Client< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Seedbox Host< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "seedbox_host" value = "${config['seedbox_host']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Seedbox Port (SFTP)< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "seedbox_port" value = "${config['seedbox_port']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Seedbox Username< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "seedbox_user" value = "${config['seedbox_user']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Seedbox Password< / label >
< input type = "password" name = "seedbox_pass" value = "${config['seedbox_pass']}" size = "30" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Watch Directory< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "seedbox_watchdir" value = "${config['seedbox_watchdir']}" size = "30" > < br / >
< small > Folder path your torrent seedbox client watches< / small >
< / div >
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
< / div >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< div id = "tabs-4" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< table class = "configtable" summary = "Search Providers" >
< tr >
< td >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< fieldset >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
2014-04-14 14:10:10 -04:00
< input id = "enable_rss" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "enable_rss" value = 1 $ { config [ ' enable_rss ' ] } / > < label > Enable RSS Feed Searches (nzbs & torrents)< / label >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< label > RSS Inteval Feed Check< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "rss_checkinterval" value = "${config['rss_checkinterval']}" size = "6" / > < small > (Mins)< / small >
IMP: Added ForceRSS Check and Test SABnzbd Connection buttons in Config, FIX: If Annuals not enabled, would error on home screen, IMP: updated mylar.init.d (thnx Kalinon), FIX: Manual Post-Processing fix for Manual Run (thnx Kalinon), IMP: Library Monitor working (check folder every X minutes and Post-Process), IMP: Future Upcoming introduction, IMP: Experimental search better handling of year inclusions, FIX: Filechecker will now pick up series with years in the series title accordingly, FIX: Torrent seedbox sending would lockup occassionally when attempting to send torrent file, FIX: malformed image url on some series, IMP: Moved issue updating to a seperate function, IMP: When series was refreshed, would download the last issue (or few issues depending on date), regardless of status, IMP: When series is volume 1 or volume label doesn't exist, either assume V1 or remove volume requirements to improve matching hits, IMP: StoryArcs will now check in StoryArc folder for existing issues and change status in StoryArc accordingly...
2013-11-28 10:48:59 -05:00
< a href = "#" style = "float:right" type = "button" onclick = "doAjaxCall('force_rss',$(this))" data-success = "RSS Force now running" data-error = "Error trying to retrieve RSS Feeds" > < span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-extlink" > < / span > Force RSS< / a >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< / br > < small > < % rss_last=mylar.RSS_LASTRUN %>last run: ${rss_last}< / small >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< fieldset >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "usenzbsu" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "nzbsu" value = "1" $ { config [ ' use_nzbsu ' ] } / > < legend > NZB.SU< / legend >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
2013-08-04 01:57:21 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZB.SU UID< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nzbsu_uid" value = "${config['nzbsu_uid']}" size = "15" >
2013-08-05 20:53:10 -04:00
< small > ( only needed for RSS feed )< / small >
2013-08-04 01:57:21 -04:00
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > NZB.SU API< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nzbsu_apikey" value = "${config['nzbsu_api']}" size = "36" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
< fieldset >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "usedognzb" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "dognzb" value = "1" $ { config [ ' use_dognzb ' ] } / > < legend > DOGNZB< / legend >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > DOGNZB API< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "dognzb_apikey" value = "${config['dognzb_api']}" size = "36" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< fieldset >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "useexperimental" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "experimental" value = "1" $ { config [ ' use_experimental ' ] } / > < legend > Use Experimental Search< / legend >
< / div >
< div >
< small class = "heading" > < span style = "float: left; margin-right: .3em; margin-top: 4px;" class = "ui-icon ui-icon-info" > < / span > Note: this is an experimental search - results may be better/worse.< / small >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< fieldset >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "enable_torrent_search" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "enable_torrent_search" value = 1 $ { config [ ' enable_torrent_search ' ] } / > < legend > Torrents< / legned >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "enable_kat" type = "checkbox" name = "enable_kat" value = 1 $ { config [ ' enable_kat ' ] } / > < label > Enable KAT< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
IMP: 32P legacy mode (rss feed only) and Auth mode (user/pass) available now. With Auth mode, will monitor all of personal notification feeds, IMP: Changed access methods to 32P for retrieving links, FIX:(#1007) Fixed error for one-off downloading via weekly pull list, FIX: (#1004) Fix for post-processing errors (missing files), FIX: (#1001) Extra scripts & pre-scripts will now accept bash scripts, FIX: Annuals were being incorrectly tallied in Have total as well as not having status correctly updated, IMP: Fixed some discrepencies with the provider_order generation line, IMP: Made some additional adjustments to the file-checking to account for some additional variations in naming, FIX: Fixed traceback errors when folder monitor was running and wouldn't be able to complete the post-processing properly, FIX: Cleanup code and some other small fixes....
2015-05-08 22:39:28 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" id = "enable_32p" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "enable_32p" value = 1 $ { config [ ' enable_32p ' ] } / > < label > Enable 32P< / label >
2015-06-12 21:28:02 -04:00
< div align = "left" >
< small class = "heading" > < span style = "float: left; margin-left: .3em; margin-top: 4px;" class = "ui-icon ui-icon-info" > < / span > python 2.7.9 required for 32P usage< / small >
IMP: 32P legacy mode (rss feed only) and Auth mode (user/pass) available now. With Auth mode, will monitor all of personal notification feeds, IMP: Changed access methods to 32P for retrieving links, FIX:(#1007) Fixed error for one-off downloading via weekly pull list, FIX: (#1004) Fix for post-processing errors (missing files), FIX: (#1001) Extra scripts & pre-scripts will now accept bash scripts, FIX: Annuals were being incorrectly tallied in Have total as well as not having status correctly updated, IMP: Fixed some discrepencies with the provider_order generation line, IMP: Made some additional adjustments to the file-checking to account for some additional variations in naming, FIX: Fixed traceback errors when folder monitor was running and wouldn't be able to complete the post-processing properly, FIX: Cleanup code and some other small fixes....
2015-05-08 22:39:28 -04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< fieldset >
2015-06-12 21:28:02 -04:00
< div align = "center" >
< input type = "radio" name = "mode_32p" id = "legacymode_32p" value = "0" $ { config [ ' legacymode_32p ' ] } > Legacy Mode < input type = "radio" name = "mode_32p" id = "authmode_32p" value = "1" $ { config [ ' authmode_32p ' ] } > Auth Mode
< / div >
IMP: 32P legacy mode (rss feed only) and Auth mode (user/pass) available now. With Auth mode, will monitor all of personal notification feeds, IMP: Changed access methods to 32P for retrieving links, FIX:(#1007) Fixed error for one-off downloading via weekly pull list, FIX: (#1004) Fix for post-processing errors (missing files), FIX: (#1001) Extra scripts & pre-scripts will now accept bash scripts, FIX: Annuals were being incorrectly tallied in Have total as well as not having status correctly updated, IMP: Fixed some discrepencies with the provider_order generation line, IMP: Made some additional adjustments to the file-checking to account for some additional variations in naming, FIX: Fixed traceback errors when folder monitor was running and wouldn't be able to complete the post-processing properly, FIX: Cleanup code and some other small fixes....
2015-05-08 22:39:28 -04:00
< / fieldset >
< fieldset id = "legacy32p_options" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > & nbspPasskey< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "passkey_32p" value = "${config['passkey_32p']}" size = "36" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > & nbspRSS feed< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "rssfeed_32p" value = "${config['rssfeed_32p']}" size = "36" >
< small > ( enter in the full url for any CURRENT 32P RSS feed )< / small >
< small > ( Currently will only montior NEW releases feed )< / small >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
< fieldset id = "auth32p_options" >
2015-06-12 21:28:02 -04:00
< div align = "center" >
< small class = "heading" > do NOT use a VPN with this option< / small >
IMP: 32P legacy mode (rss feed only) and Auth mode (user/pass) available now. With Auth mode, will monitor all of personal notification feeds, IMP: Changed access methods to 32P for retrieving links, FIX:(#1007) Fixed error for one-off downloading via weekly pull list, FIX: (#1004) Fix for post-processing errors (missing files), FIX: (#1001) Extra scripts & pre-scripts will now accept bash scripts, FIX: Annuals were being incorrectly tallied in Have total as well as not having status correctly updated, IMP: Fixed some discrepencies with the provider_order generation line, IMP: Made some additional adjustments to the file-checking to account for some additional variations in naming, FIX: Fixed traceback errors when folder monitor was running and wouldn't be able to complete the post-processing properly, FIX: Cleanup code and some other small fixes....
2015-05-08 22:39:28 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > & nbspUserName< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "username_32p" value = "${config['username_32p']}" size = "36" >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > & nbspPassword< / label >
< input type = "password" name = "password_32p" value = "${config['password_32p']}" size = "36" >
< small > ( monitor the NEW releases feed & your personal notifications )< / small >
< / div >
2015-06-12 21:28:02 -04:00
< / fieldset >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
< / td >
< td >
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Newznab< / legend >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input id = "usenewznab" type = "checkbox" name = "newznab" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" value = "1" $ { config [ ' use_newznab ' ] } / > < label > Use Newznab< / label >
< / div >
< div id = "newznab_providers" >
< %
2013-05-19 00:07:18 -04:00
newznab_number = 1
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
%for newznab in config['extra_newznabs']:
< %
2013-08-04 01:57:21 -04:00
if newznab[4] == '1' or newznab[4] == 1:
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
newznab_enabled = "checked"
newznab_enabled = ""
< div class = "config" id = "newznab${newznab_number}" >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Newznab Name< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "newznab_name${newznab_number}" value = "${newznab[0]}" size = "30" >
< / div >
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Newznab Host< / label >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< input type = "text" name = "newznab_host${newznab_number}" value = "${newznab[1]}" size = "30" >
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Newznab API< / label >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< input type = "text" name = "newznab_api${newznab_number}" value = "${newznab[2]}" size = "36" >
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
< / div >
2013-08-04 01:57:21 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Newznab UID< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "newznab_uid${newznab_number}" value = "${newznab[3]}" size = "15" >
2013-08-05 20:53:10 -04:00
< small > ( only needed for RSS feed )< / small >
2013-08-04 01:57:21 -04:00
< / div >
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input id = "newznab_enabled" type = "checkbox" name = "newznab_enabled${newznab_number}" value = "1" $ { newznab_enabled } / > < label > Enabled< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< input type = "button" class = "remove" id = "newznab${newznab_number}" value = "Remove ${newznab[0]}" >
< / div >
< / div >
< %
newznab_number += 1
< input type = "button" value = "Add Newznab" class = "add_newznab" id = "add_newznab" / >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
2013-10-01 15:10:40 -04:00
2013-10-01 14:37:42 -04:00
< fieldset >
< div id = "newznab providers" >
< %
order_number = 1
%for p_order in config['provider_order']:
< div class = "config" id = "p_order${order_number}" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > ${p_order[0]}< / label >
< label > ${p_order[1]}< / label >
< / div >
< div >
< %
order_number += 1
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-10-01 15:10:40 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< div id = "tabs-5" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< table class = "configtable" summary = "Post Processing" >
< tr >
< td >
< fieldset >
< legend > Quality< / legend >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< div class = "row radio left clearfix" >
< input type = "radio" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "preferred_quality" value = "1" $ { config [ ' pref_qual_1 ' ] } / > < label > cbr< / label >
< input type = "radio" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "preferred_quality" value = "2" $ { config [ ' pref_qual_2 ' ] } / > < label > cbz< / label >
< input type = "radio" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "preferred_quality" value = "0" $ { config [ ' pref_qual_0 ' ] } / > < label > Whichever - just get it< / label >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
< fieldset >
2013-07-10 23:55:40 -04:00
< legend > File-Size Search Restrictions< / legend >
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox left" >
< input id = "use_minsize" type = "checkbox" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "use_minsize" value = "1" $ { config [ ' use_minsize ' ] } / > < label > Minimum File size< small > (MB)< / small > < / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
IMP: 32P legacy mode (rss feed only) and Auth mode (user/pass) available now. With Auth mode, will monitor all of personal notification feeds, IMP: Changed access methods to 32P for retrieving links, FIX:(#1007) Fixed error for one-off downloading via weekly pull list, FIX: (#1004) Fix for post-processing errors (missing files), FIX: (#1001) Extra scripts & pre-scripts will now accept bash scripts, FIX: Annuals were being incorrectly tallied in Have total as well as not having status correctly updated, IMP: Fixed some discrepencies with the provider_order generation line, IMP: Made some additional adjustments to the file-checking to account for some additional variations in naming, FIX: Fixed traceback errors when folder monitor was running and wouldn't be able to complete the post-processing properly, FIX: Cleanup code and some other small fixes....
2015-05-08 22:39:28 -04:00
< input type = "text" name = "minsize" value = "${config['minsize']}" size = "6" >
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
< fieldset >
< div class = "row checkbox left" >
< input id = "use_maxsize" type = "checkbox" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "use_maxsize" value = "1" $ { config [ ' use_maxsize ' ] } / > < label > Maximum File size< small > (MB)< / small > < / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
< input type = "text" name = "maxsize" value = "${config['maxsize']}" size = "6" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Duplicate Handling< / legend >
2015-01-16 14:40:08 -05:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Retain based on< / label >
< select name = "dupeconstraint" >
%for x in ['filesize', 'filetype-cbr', 'filetype-cbz']:
< %
if config['dupeconstraint'] == x:
outputselect = 'selected'
outputselect = ''
< option value = ${x} $ { outputselect } > ${x}< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
< / fieldset >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< fieldset >
< legend > Failed Download Handling< / legend >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "enable_failed" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($this));" name = "failed_download_handling" value = "1" $ { config [ ' failed_download_handling ' ] } / > < label > Enable Failed Download Handling< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "failed_auto" value = "1" $ { config [ ' failed_auto ' ] } / > < label > Enable Automatic-Retry for Failed Downloads< / label >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / td >
< td >
< fieldset >
< legend > Post-Processing< / legend >
2013-02-12 14:09:44 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" id = "post_processing" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($this));" name = "post_processing" value = "1" $ { config [ ' post_processing ' ] } / > < label > Enable Post-Processing< small > (not checked = NO post-processing/post-management)< / small > < / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "enable_check_folder" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($this));" name = "enable_check_folder" value = "1" $ { config [ ' enable_check_folder ' ] } / > < label > Enable Folder Monitoring< small > < / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Folder location to monitor< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "check_folder" value = "${config['check_folder']}" size = "30" >
< small > enter in the absolute path to monitor for new issues< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Folder Monitor Scan Interval< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "download_scan_interval" value = "${config['download_scan_interval']}" size = "4" > mins
< small > enter in the time delay scanning the folder< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
2013-02-12 14:09:44 -05:00
< / div >
2013-01-13 12:10:41 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" id = "enable_pre_scripts" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($this));" name = "enable_pre_scripts" value = "1" $ { config [ ' enable_pre_scripts ' ] } / > < label > Use Extra Script BEFORE Post-Processing< / label >
2013-01-13 12:10:41 -05:00
< / div >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
2013-01-13 12:10:41 -05:00
< label > Pre - Script Location< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "pre_scripts" value = "${config['pre_scripts']}" size = "30" >
< small > enter in the absolute path to the script< / small >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< / div >
2013-01-13 12:10:41 -05:00
< / div >
2012-12-27 10:04:03 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" id = "enable_extra_scripts" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($this));" name = "enable_extra_scripts" value = "1" $ { config [ ' enable_extra_scripts ' ] } / > < label > Use Extra Script AFTER Post-Processing< / label >
2012-12-27 10:04:03 -05:00
< / div >
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Extra Script Location< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "extra_scripts" value = "${config['extra_scripts']}" size = "30" >
< small > enter in the absolute path to the script< / small >
< / div >
2013-01-13 12:10:41 -05:00
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / fieldset >
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00
< fieldset >
FIX: (#746) updated autoProcessComics.py / ComicRN.py's which will now send proper completion messeages to clients, FIX: (#752) refresh series will now test if a series is 'out of whack' with it's numerical issue count (ie. 5/4) or it has no issue data due to a bad refresh / api maxing out and will adjust it's processing to accomodate either, IMP: (#750) Added ComicVine API Checker which will check API counts at regular intervals to inform/warn users of usage, as well as adding a screen-time display of API hits / mins used at the bottom of every page (refreshing/reloading pages will update counts), FIX: (#747)EOL normalization (dos2unix) on search.py - removed classes & exceptions as not being used, IMP: (#747) Skip processing issues with an invalid store date & issue date (thnx rupaschomaker), FIX: Removed strings when searching/logging torrents as was causing ascii errors especially with KAT, IMP: Added [META-TAGGING] to logging for meta-tagging module, IMP: Added ability in GUI to select CR or Cbl tags (or both) when writing metadata to cbz files, IMP: Improved support/usage with ComicTagger v1.1.15 which allows for personal CV API Key usage - if supplied to Mylar, will use when tagging with ComicTagger, IMP: Added Manual Search option to allow for individual searches of issues without changing initial status.
2014-06-18 15:58:19 -04:00
< legend > Metadata Tagging< / legend > < small class = "heading" > < span style = "float: left; margin-right: .3em; margin-top: 4px;" class = "ui-icon ui-icon-info" > < / span > ComicTagger and configparser are required< / small >
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input id = "enable_meta" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($this));" name = "enable_meta" value = "1" $ { config [ ' enable_meta ' ] } / > < label > Enable Metadata Tagging< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "config" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > ComicTagger Path< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "cmtagger_path" value = "${config['cmtagger_path']}" size = "30" / >
< small > If left blank, will assume it's in root of mylar< / small >
< / div >
FIX: (#746) updated autoProcessComics.py / ComicRN.py's which will now send proper completion messeages to clients, FIX: (#752) refresh series will now test if a series is 'out of whack' with it's numerical issue count (ie. 5/4) or it has no issue data due to a bad refresh / api maxing out and will adjust it's processing to accomodate either, IMP: (#750) Added ComicVine API Checker which will check API counts at regular intervals to inform/warn users of usage, as well as adding a screen-time display of API hits / mins used at the bottom of every page (refreshing/reloading pages will update counts), FIX: (#747)EOL normalization (dos2unix) on search.py - removed classes & exceptions as not being used, IMP: (#747) Skip processing issues with an invalid store date & issue date (thnx rupaschomaker), FIX: Removed strings when searching/logging torrents as was causing ascii errors especially with KAT, IMP: Added [META-TAGGING] to logging for meta-tagging module, IMP: Added ability in GUI to select CR or Cbl tags (or both) when writing metadata to cbz files, IMP: Improved support/usage with ComicTagger v1.1.15 which allows for personal CV API Key usage - if supplied to Mylar, will use when tagging with ComicTagger, IMP: Added Manual Search option to allow for individual searches of issues without changing initial status.
2014-06-18 15:58:19 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "ct_tag_cr" value = "1" $ { config [ ' ct_tag_cr ' ] } / > < label > Write ComicRack (cr) tags (ComicInfo.xml)< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "ct_tag_cbl" value = "1" $ { config [ ' ct_tag_cbl ' ] } / > < label > Write ComicBookLover (Cbl) tags (zip comment)< / label >
< / div >
IMP:(#753) Better handling of cbz files when using metatagging option, IMP: Added option for MetaTagging to enable/disable overwriting of existing metadata on cbz files, IMP: Post-Processing will now delete folders that are identical to filenames after successful post-processing, FIX:(#756) Fix for Manual Search for an Issue which resulted in traceback errors upon not finding any matches (Windows), IMP: Added module-name to logging for some modules to help troubleshooting (eventually all will be done), IMP: If a filename contained repeated characters for spaces (ie. ___ or ...), it would fail on post-processing due to the nzbname being off, IMP: Monitoring of CV API will now be persitent on restarts/shutdowns/etc, IMP: Added a maximum CV API global so that it can be adjusted for monitoring more easily should API requirements change, IMP: When Adding new series, will now only mark issues that are actually upcoming as Wanted (based on Store Date)
2014-06-22 04:32:45 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "ct_cbz_overwrite" value = "1" $ { config [ ' ct_cbz_overwrite ' ] } / > < label > Overwrite existing cbz tags (if they exist)< / label >
< / div >
FIX: (#746) updated autoProcessComics.py / ComicRN.py's which will now send proper completion messeages to clients, FIX: (#752) refresh series will now test if a series is 'out of whack' with it's numerical issue count (ie. 5/4) or it has no issue data due to a bad refresh / api maxing out and will adjust it's processing to accomodate either, IMP: (#750) Added ComicVine API Checker which will check API counts at regular intervals to inform/warn users of usage, as well as adding a screen-time display of API hits / mins used at the bottom of every page (refreshing/reloading pages will update counts), FIX: (#747)EOL normalization (dos2unix) on search.py - removed classes & exceptions as not being used, IMP: (#747) Skip processing issues with an invalid store date & issue date (thnx rupaschomaker), FIX: Removed strings when searching/logging torrents as was causing ascii errors especially with KAT, IMP: Added [META-TAGGING] to logging for meta-tagging module, IMP: Added ability in GUI to select CR or Cbl tags (or both) when writing metadata to cbz files, IMP: Improved support/usage with ComicTagger v1.1.15 which allows for personal CV API Key usage - if supplied to Mylar, will use when tagging with ComicTagger, IMP: Added Manual Search option to allow for individual searches of issues without changing initial status.
2014-06-18 15:58:19 -04:00
< div >
< small > < center > If ComicVine API Key specified, will use with ComicTagger< / center > < / small >
< small > < center > Writing each type of metadata will increase API count respectively< / center > < / small >
< / div >
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< div id = "tabs-6" >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< table class = "configtable" summary = "Advanced Settings" >
< tr >
< td >
< fieldset >
< legend > Renaming options< / legend >
2013-01-23 03:22:22 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "rename_files" value = "1" $ { config [ ' rename_files ' ] } / > < label > Rename files < / label >
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< div >
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
< label > *Folder Format is used only when adding new comics*< / label >
2013-02-12 14:09:44 -05:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
< label > Folder Format< / label >
2013-02-08 22:34:02 -05:00
< input type = "text" title = "$Publisher, $Series, $Year" name = "folder_format" value = "${config['folder_format']}" size = "43" >
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
< small > Use: $Publisher, $Series, $Year< br / >
E.g.: $Publisher/$Series ($Year) = DC Comics/Action Comics (2011)< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
2013-02-12 14:09:44 -05:00
< label > File Format< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "file_format" value = "${config['file_format']}" size = "43" >
FIX:(#304) Index out of range on recheck, FIX:(#303) Comicvine link updated on details page, FIX:(#302) Query rate (Search Delay) Added as a configuration option, FIX:(#300) Version number error on searching when no version number, FIX:(#297) Manual Rename of Files working, FIX:(#294) 'AU' issue problems should be resolved now, FIX:(#290) V#(year) and Vol#(year) added to filechecking, IMP: ComicVine data use only now as a hidden option (cv_only = 1 in config.ini), IMP: added as options for file naming, IMP: Rough drafting of Annuals (annuals_on = 1 in config.ini), Other fixes..
2013-04-06 05:43:18 -04:00
< %
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
file_options = "$Series = SeriesName\n$Year = SeriesYear\n$Annual = Annual (word)\n$Issue = IssueNumber\n$VolumeY = V{SeriesYear}\n$VolumeN = V{Volume#}\n$month = publication month number\n$monthname = publication month name"
FIX:(#304) Index out of range on recheck, FIX:(#303) Comicvine link updated on details page, FIX:(#302) Query rate (Search Delay) Added as a configuration option, FIX:(#300) Version number error on searching when no version number, FIX:(#297) Manual Rename of Files working, FIX:(#294) 'AU' issue problems should be resolved now, FIX:(#290) V#(year) and Vol#(year) added to filechecking, IMP: ComicVine data use only now as a hidden option (cv_only = 1 in config.ini), IMP: added as options for file naming, IMP: Rough drafting of Annuals (annuals_on = 1 in config.ini), Other fixes..
2013-04-06 05:43:18 -04:00
< a href = "#" title = "${file_options}" > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/info32.png" height = "16" alt = "" / > < / a >
2013-02-12 14:09:44 -05:00
< small > Use: $Series, $Year, $Issue< br / >
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
E.g.: $Series $Issue ($Year) = Animal Man 0 (2012) < / small >
FIX:(#304) Index out of range on recheck, FIX:(#303) Comicvine link updated on details page, FIX:(#302) Query rate (Search Delay) Added as a configuration option, FIX:(#300) Version number error on searching when no version number, FIX:(#297) Manual Rename of Files working, FIX:(#294) 'AU' issue problems should be resolved now, FIX:(#290) V#(year) and Vol#(year) added to filechecking, IMP: ComicVine data use only now as a hidden option (cv_only = 1 in config.ini), IMP: added as options for file naming, IMP: Rough drafting of Annuals (annuals_on = 1 in config.ini), Other fixes..
2013-04-06 05:43:18 -04:00
< small > if tag isn't available, won't create it< / small >
2013-02-12 14:09:44 -05:00
< / div >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / fieldset >
< fieldset >
< legend > Advanced Options< / legend >
2012-09-14 13:29:01 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
2012-09-14 13:44:32 -04:00
< input id = "replace_spaces" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "replace_spaces" value = "1" $ { config [ ' replace_spaces ' ] } / > < label > Replace Spaces< / label >
2012-09-14 13:29:01 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Format< / label >
< select name = "replace_char" >
%for x in ['.', '_']:
< %
if config['replace_char'] == x:
outputselect = 'selected'
outputselect = ''
< option value = ${x} $ { outputselect } > ${x}< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
2013-09-08 00:49:09 -04:00
< input id = "zero_level" type = "checkbox" onclick = "initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name = "zero_level" value = "1" $ { config [ ' zero_level ' ] } / > < label > Issue Number Padding< / label >
2013-01-23 03:22:22 -05:00
< / div >
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Format< / label >
< select name = "zero_level_n" >
%for zeros in ['none', '0x', '00x']:
< %
if config['zero_level_n'] == zeros:
outputselect = 'selected'
outputselect = ''
< option value = ${zeros} $ { outputselect } > ${zeros}< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2012-09-14 13:29:01 -04:00
2013-01-14 00:12:59 -05:00
< div class = "row checkboxclearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "lowercase_filenames" value = "1" $ { config [ ' lowercase_filenames ' ] } / > < label > Lowercase the entire filename< / label > < br / >
< small > (will work regardless if Rename Files is enabled)< / small >
< / div >
2012-09-14 13:29:01 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / fieldset >
< / td >
< td >
< fieldset >
< legend > Miscellaneous< / legend >
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox left clearfix" >
< input type = "checkbox" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "autowant_upcoming" value = "1" $ { config [ ' autowant_upcoming ' ] } / > < label > Automatically Mark Upcoming Issues as Wanted< / label >
< input type = "checkbox" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "autowant_all" value = "1" $ { config [ ' autowant_all ' ] } / > < label > Automatically Mark All Issues as Wanted< / label >
< input type = "checkbox" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "comic_cover_local" value = "1" $ { config [ ' comic_cover_local ' ] } / > < label > Place cover.jpg into Comic Directory for each comic< / label >
2013-01-23 03:22:22 -05:00
< input type = "checkbox" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "cvinfo" value = "1" $ { config [ ' cvinfo ' ] } / > < label > Write cvinfo into each comic directory< / label >
2014-06-02 15:02:28 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" name = "snatchedtorrent_notify" value = "1" $ { config [ ' snatchedtorrent_notify ' ] } / > < label > Manual Post-Processing - Notify on Completed Torrents< / label >
2013-01-23 03:22:22 -05:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / div >
< / fieldset >
< fieldset >
< legend > Interface< / legend >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Interface< / label >
< select name = "interface" > < h3 >
%for interface in config['interface_list']:
< %
if interface == mylar.INTERFACE:
selected = 'selected="selected"'
selected = ''
< option value = "${interface}" $ { selected } > ${interface}< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Log Directory:< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "log_dir" value = "${config['log_dir']}" size = "50" >
< / div >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< div class = "row" >
< label > Maximum Log Size (bytes):< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "max_logsize" value = "${config['max_logsize']}" size = "20" >
< / div >
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / fieldset >
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
< h2 > Notifications< / h2 >
< fieldset >
2013-09-08 00:49:09 -04:00
< h3 > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/prowl_logo.png" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" height = "30" width = "30" / > Prowl< / h3 >
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "prowl_enabled" id = "prowl" value = "1" $ { config [ ' prowl_enabled ' ] } / > < label > Enable Prowl Notifications< / label >
< / div >
< div id = "prowloptions" >
< div class = "row" >
< label > API key< / label > < input type = "text" name = "prowl_keys" value = "${config['prowl_keys']}" size = "50" >
< / div >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "prowl_onsnatch" value = "1" $ { config [ ' prowl_onsnatch ' ] } / > < label > Notify on snatch?< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Priority (-2,-1,0,1 or 2):< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "prowl_priority" value = "${config['prowl_priority']}" size = "2" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
< fieldset >
2013-09-08 00:49:09 -04:00
< h3 > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/nma_logo.png" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" height = "30" width = "30" / > NotifyMyAndroid< / h3 >
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
< div class = "checkbox row" >
2014-01-16 15:25:02 -05:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "nma_enabled" id = "nma" value = "1" $ { config [ ' nma_enabled ' ] } / > < label > Enable NotifyMyAndroid< / label >
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
< / div >
< div id = "nmaoptions" >
< div class = "row" >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
2014-01-16 15:25:02 -05:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "nma_onsnatch" value = "1" $ { config [ ' nma_onsnatch ' ] } / > < label > Notify on snatch?< / label >
< / div >
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
< label > NotifyMyAndroid API Key< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "nma_apikey" value = "${config['nma_apikey']}" size = "30" >
< small > Separate multiple api keys with commas< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Priority< / label >
< select name = "nma_priority" >
%for x in [-2,-1,0,1,2]:
< %
if config['nma_priority'] == x:
nma_priority_selected = 'selected'
nma_priority_selected = ''
if x == -2:
nma_priority_value = 'Very Low'
elif x == -1:
nma_priority_value = 'Moderate'
elif x == 0:
nma_priority_value = 'Normal'
elif x == 1:
nma_priority_value = 'High'
nma_priority_value = 'Emergency'
< option value = ${x} $ { nma_priority_selected } > ${nma_priority_value}< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
2013-04-22 00:13:56 -04:00
< fieldset >
2013-09-08 00:49:09 -04:00
< h3 > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/pushover_logo.png" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" height = "30" width = "30" / > Pushover< / h3 >
2013-04-22 00:13:56 -04:00
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "pushover_enabled" id = "pushover" value = "1" $ { config [ ' pushover_enabled ' ] } / > < label > Enable Pushover Notifications< / label >
< / div >
< div id = "pushoveroptions" >
< div class = "row" >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< label > API key< / label > < input type = "text" title = "Leave blank if you don't have your own API (recommended to get your own)" name = "pushover_apikey" value = "${config['pushover_apikey']}" size = "50" >
2013-04-22 00:13:56 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > User key< / label > < input type = "text" name = "pushover_userkey" value = "${config['pushover_userkey']}" size = "50" >
< / div >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "pushover_onsnatch" value = "1" $ { config [ ' pushover_onsnatch ' ] } / > < label > Notify on snatch?< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > Priority (-2,-1,0,1 or 2):< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "pushover_priority" value = "${config['pushover_priority']}" size = "2" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
< fieldset >
2013-09-08 00:49:09 -04:00
< h3 > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/boxcar_logo.png" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" height = "30" width = "30" / > Boxcar.IO< / h3 >
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
< div class = "checkbox row" >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "boxcar_enabled" id = "boxcar" value = "1" $ { config [ ' boxcar_enabled ' ] } / > < label > Enable Boxcar.IO Notifications< / label >
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
< / div >
< div id = "boxcaroptions" >
< div class = "row" >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "boxcar_onsnatch" value = "1" $ { config [ ' boxcar_onsnatch ' ] } / > < label > Notify on snatch?< / label >
< / div >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< label > Boxcar Token< / label >
< input type = "text" name = "boxcar_token" value = "${config['boxcar_token']}" size = "30" >
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< fieldset >
< h3 > < img src = "interfaces/default/images/pushbullet_logo.png" style = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px; margin-top: -1px;" height = "30" width = "30" / > Pushbullet< / h3 >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "pushbullet_enabled" id = "pushbullet" value = "1" $ { config [ ' pushbullet_enabled ' ] } / > < label > Enable PushBullet Notifications< / label >
< / div >
< div id = "pushbulletoptions" >
< div class = "row checkbox" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "pushbullet_onsnatch" value = "1" $ { config [ ' pushbullet_onsnatch ' ] } / > < label > Notify on snatch?< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< label > API Key< / label > < input type = "text" name = "pushbullet_apikey" value = "${config['pushbullet_apikey']}" size = "50" >
2015-01-31 17:21:42 -05:00
< small > Warning: Will send to ALL your pushbullet devices< / small >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
2015-01-31 17:21:42 -05:00
<!-- <label>Device ID</label><input type="text" name="pushbullet_deviceid" value="${config['pushbullet_deviceid']}" size="50">
< label > Pushbullet device list< / label >
IMP: (#844)Annuals now deleted from table on a Delete Series command, IMP: (#837)Better volume detection when searching for issues, IMP: (#842)(#808) Added some handling for issue titles when searching (it's not perfect, but it works for most), IMP: (#836)Added .cb7 for filechecking purposes only, IMP: (#830)issue numbers that are -1 can now be renamed, FIX: 'bi-annual' now fixed along with some other improvements for annual handling, IMP: Added version check for autoProcessComics and ComicRN - in order to help warn users of changes and the need to update these files since they are usually outside of the mylar git directory when being used, FIX:(#840) Boxcar2 should be working again, FIX: (#845) If search returned a filename that had no distinction between issue number and issue title and/or extra information, would error out if any of the words contained NOW, IMP: (#823) Added some better detection for NZBGet parameters when using ComicRN.py
2014-10-06 14:10:36 -04:00
< select name = "pushbullet_device_list" id = "pushbullet_device_list" > < / select >
< input type = "hidden" id = "pushbullet_deviceid" value = "${config['pushbullet_deviceid']}" / >
< input type = "button" class = "btn" value = "Update device list" id = "getPushbulletDevices" / >
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
< / td >
< / tr >
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
< / table >
< / div >
< input type = "button" value = "Save Changes" onclick = "doAjaxCall('configUpdate',$(this),'tabs',true);return false;" data-success = "Changes saved successfully" >
< div class = "message" >
< p > < span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-info" style = "float: left; margin-right: .3em;" > < / span > Web Interface changes require a restart to take effect< / p >
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
< /%def>
< %def name="javascriptIncludes()">
< script >
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
hideServerDivs = function () {
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
handleNewSelection = function () {
switch ($(this).val()) {
case 'custom':
case 'mylar':
function initThisPage()
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
if ($("#api_enabled").is(":checked"))
if ($("#api_enabled").is(":checked"))
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
if ($("#prowl").is(":checked"))
if ($("#prowl").is(":checked"))
if ($("#nma").is(":checked"))
if ($("#nma").is(":checked"))
2013-04-22 00:13:56 -04:00
if ($("#pushover").is(":checked"))
if ($("#pushover").is(":checked"))
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
if ($("#boxcar").is(":checked"))
if ($("#boxcar").is(":checked"))
IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing ComicRN.py script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others....
2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
if ($("#pushbullet").is(":checked"))
if ($("#pushbullet").is(":checked"))
IMP: 32P legacy mode (rss feed only) and Auth mode (user/pass) available now. With Auth mode, will monitor all of personal notification feeds, IMP: Changed access methods to 32P for retrieving links, FIX:(#1007) Fixed error for one-off downloading via weekly pull list, FIX: (#1004) Fix for post-processing errors (missing files), FIX: (#1001) Extra scripts & pre-scripts will now accept bash scripts, FIX: Annuals were being incorrectly tallied in Have total as well as not having status correctly updated, IMP: Fixed some discrepencies with the provider_order generation line, IMP: Made some additional adjustments to the file-checking to account for some additional variations in naming, FIX: Fixed traceback errors when folder monitor was running and wouldn't be able to complete the post-processing properly, FIX: Cleanup code and some other small fixes....
2015-05-08 22:39:28 -04:00
if ($("#legacymode_32p").is(":checked"))
if ($("#legacymode_32p").is(":checked"))
$("#auth32p_options").fadeOut("fast", function() { $("#legacy32p_options").fadeIn() });
$("#legacy32p_options").fadeOut("fast", function() { $("#auth32p_options").fadeIn() });
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
if ($("#nzb_downloader_sabnzbd").is(":checked"))
2014-04-14 14:10:10 -04:00
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
if ($("#nzb_downloader_nzbget").is(":checked"))
if ($("#nzb_downloader_blackhole").is(":checked"))
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
if ($("#nzb_downloader_sabnzbd").is(":checked"))
$("#nzbget_options,#blackhole_options").fadeOut("fast", function() { $("#sabnzbd_options").fadeIn() });
if ($("#nzb_downloader_nzbget").is(":checked"))
$("#sabnzbd_options,#blackhole_options").fadeOut("fast", function() { $("#nzbget_options").fadeIn() });
if ($("#nzb_downloader_blackhole").is(":checked"))
$("#sabnzbd_options,#nzbget_options").fadeOut("fast", function() { $("#blackhole_options").fadeIn() });
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
var deletedNewznabs = 0;
$(".remove").click(function() {
deletedNewznabs = deletedNewznabs + 1;
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
$('#api_key').click(function(){ $('#api_key').select() });
if (data.error != undefined) {
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00
if ($("#enable_https").is(":checked"))
if ($("#enable_https").is(":checked"))
IMP: Removed unneeded code from several modules, IMP:(#659) Subdirectories now will be scanned in properly when in series directories, FIX:(#635)(#658) Moved code from html into module to allow for better integration and further templating needs, IMP: Added ability for mylar to auto-grab SABnzbd API when provided with user/pass, IMP: Test SABnzbd button works again - will auto-rollback to NZBKey usage, IMP: Added counts to Upcoming page, IMP: Added some more detailed parsing to the ImportResults, IMP: ImportResults will now show proper series title, IMP: Improved some logic when determining if a new weekly issue is on a watchlist if a rebooted series, IMP: A bunch of smaller fixes, and some various code tweaks...
2014-04-02 15:08:59 -04:00
$('#sab_apikey').click(function(){ $('#sab_apikey').select() });
if (data.error != undefined) {
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
$("#add_newznab").click(function() {
var intId = $("#newznab_providers > div").size() + deletedNewznabs + 1;
2014-08-05 15:06:44 -04:00
var formfields = $("< div class = \"config\" id = \"newznab" + intId + " \ " > < div class = \"row\" > < label > Newznab Name< / label > < input type = \"text\" name = \"newznab_name" + intId + " \ " size = \"36\" > < / div > < div class = \"row\" > < label > Newznab Host< / label > < input type = \"text\" name = \"newznab_host" + intId + " \ " + value = \"http://\" + size = \"30\" > < / div > < div class = \"row\" > < label > Newznab API< / label > < input type = \"text\" name = \"newznab_api" + intId + " \ " size = \"36\" > < / div > < div class = \"row\" > < label > Newznab UID< / label > < input type = \"text\" name = \"newznab_uid" + intId + " \ " size = \"15\" > < / div > < div class = \"row checkbox \ " > < input type = \"checkbox\" name = \"newznab_enabled" + intId + " \ " value = \"1\" checked / > < label > Enabled< / label > < / div > ");
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
var removeButton = $("< div class = \"row\" > < input type = \"button\" class = \"remove\" value = \"Remove\" / > < / div > ");
removeButton.click(function() {
deletedNewznabs = deletedNewznabs + 1;
formfields.append("< / div > ");
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00
function addAction() {
$('#autoadd').append('< input type = "hidden" name = "tsab" value = 1 / > ');
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
$(function() {
$( "#tabs" ).tabs();
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00
2015-06-06 21:44:46 -04:00
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
IMP: 32P support added (identical to CBT, no backlog searching but full RSS url is required for usage), IMP: Threaded RSS Check (will only run once concurrently), IMP: Added option to enable/disable Snatched/Failed to show on Wanted tab, FIX: Removed UID from dognzb config, IMP: Removed apikey from being stored in db for dognzb, IMP: Will only store ID/HASH for torrents, instead of entire link - will recreate dynamically as required, IMP: Switched to requests for torrent retrieval, IMP: Removed getdefaultlocal requirements on startup (would fail startup on some OSX systems), IMP: Will now display covers that are in 00.png format when viewing issue details, IMP: Fixed incorrect logic for dupecheck status checks, FIX: Removed some unneeded print statements
2015-04-15 00:10:52 -04:00
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
2012-09-14 13:44:32 -04:00
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00
FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00
$(document).ready(function() {
< / script >
< /%def>