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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Erik Svensson <>
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import re, time, operator, warnings, os
import base64
import json
from transmissionrpc.constants import DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
from transmissionrpc.error import TransmissionError, HTTPHandlerError
from transmissionrpc.utils import LOGGER, get_arguments, make_rpc_name, argument_value_convert, rpc_bool
from transmissionrpc.httphandler import DefaultHTTPHandler
from transmissionrpc.torrent import Torrent
from transmissionrpc.session import Session
from six import PY3, integer_types, string_types, iteritems
if PY3:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urlparse import urlparse
from urllib2 import urlopen
def debug_httperror(error):
Log the Transmission RPC HTTP error.
data = json.loads(
except ValueError:
data =
'response': {
'url': error.url,
'code': error.code,
'msg': error.message,
'headers': error.headers,
'data': data,
def parse_torrent_id(arg):
"""Parse an torrent id or torrent hashString."""
torrent_id = None
if isinstance(arg, integer_types):
# handle index
torrent_id = int(arg)
elif isinstance(arg, float):
torrent_id = int(arg)
if torrent_id != arg:
torrent_id = None
elif isinstance(arg, string_types):
torrent_id = int(arg)
if torrent_id >= 2**31:
torrent_id = None
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if torrent_id is None:
# handle hashes
int(arg, 16)
torrent_id = arg
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return torrent_id
def parse_torrent_ids(args):
Take things and make them valid torrent identifiers
ids = []
if args is None:
elif isinstance(args, string_types):
for item in re.split('[ ,]+', args):
if len(item) == 0:
addition = None
torrent_id = parse_torrent_id(item)
if torrent_id is not None:
addition = [torrent_id]
if not addition:
# handle index ranges i.e. 5:10
match = re.match('^(\d+):(\d+)$', item)
if match:
idx_from = int(
idx_to = int(
addition = list(range(idx_from, idx_to + 1))
except ValueError:
if not addition:
raise ValueError('Invalid torrent id, \"%s\"' % item)
elif isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
for item in args:
torrent_id = parse_torrent_id(args)
if torrent_id == None:
raise ValueError('Invalid torrent id')
ids = [torrent_id]
return ids
Torrent ids
Many functions in Client takes torrent id. A torrent id can either be id or
hashString. When supplying multiple id's it is possible to use a list mixed
with both id and hashString.
Since most methods results in HTTP requests against Transmission, it is
possible to provide a argument called ``timeout``. Timeout is only effective
when using Python 2.6 or later and the default timeout is 30 seconds.
class Client(object):
Client is the class handling the Transmission JSON-RPC client protocol.
def __init__(self, address='localhost', port=DEFAULT_PORT, user=None, password=None, http_handler=None, timeout=None):
if isinstance(timeout, (integer_types, float)):
self._query_timeout = float(timeout)
self._query_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
urlo = urlparse(address)
if urlo.scheme == '':
base_url = 'http://' + address + ':' + str(port)
self.url = base_url + '/transmission/rpc'
if urlo.port:
self.url = urlo.scheme + '://' + urlo.hostname + ':' + str(urlo.port) + urlo.path
self.url = urlo.scheme + '://' + urlo.hostname + urlo.path'Using custom URL "' + self.url + '".')
if urlo.username and urlo.password:
user = urlo.username
password = urlo.password
elif urlo.username or urlo.password:
LOGGER.warning('Either user or password missing, not using authentication.')
if http_handler is None:
self.http_handler = DefaultHTTPHandler()
if hasattr(http_handler, 'set_authentication') and hasattr(http_handler, 'request'):
self.http_handler = http_handler
raise ValueError('Invalid HTTP handler.')
if user and password:
self.http_handler.set_authentication(self.url, user, password)
elif user or password:
LOGGER.warning('Either user or password missing, not using authentication.')
self._sequence = 0
self.session = None
self.session_id = 0
self.server_version = None
self.protocol_version = None
self.torrent_get_arguments = get_arguments('torrent-get'
, self.rpc_version)
def _get_timeout(self):
Get current timeout for HTTP queries.
return self._query_timeout
def _set_timeout(self, value):
Set timeout for HTTP queries.
self._query_timeout = float(value)
def _del_timeout(self):
Reset the HTTP query timeout to the default.
self._query_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
timeout = property(_get_timeout, _set_timeout, _del_timeout, doc="HTTP query timeout.")
def _http_query(self, query, timeout=None):
Query Transmission through HTTP.
headers = {'x-transmission-session-id': str(self.session_id)}
result = {}
request_count = 0
if timeout is None:
timeout = self._query_timeout
while True:
LOGGER.debug(json.dumps({'url': self.url, 'headers': headers, 'query': query, 'timeout': timeout}, indent=2))
result = self.http_handler.request(self.url, query, headers, timeout)
except HTTPHandlerError as error:
if error.code == 409:'Server responded with 409, trying to set session-id.')
if request_count > 1:
raise TransmissionError('Session ID negotiation failed.', error)
session_id = None
for key in list(error.headers.keys()):
if key.lower() == 'x-transmission-session-id':
session_id = error.headers[key]
self.session_id = session_id
headers = {'x-transmission-session-id': str(self.session_id)}
if session_id is None:
raise TransmissionError('Unknown conflict.', error)
raise TransmissionError('Request failed.', error)
request_count += 1
return result
def _request(self, method, arguments=None, ids=None, require_ids=False, timeout=None):
Send json-rpc request to Transmission using http POST
if not isinstance(method, string_types):
raise ValueError('request takes method as string')
if arguments is None:
arguments = {}
if not isinstance(arguments, dict):
raise ValueError('request takes arguments as dict')
ids = parse_torrent_ids(ids)
if len(ids) > 0:
arguments['ids'] = ids
elif require_ids:
raise ValueError('request require ids')
query = json.dumps({'tag': self._sequence, 'method': method
, 'arguments': arguments})
self._sequence += 1
start = time.time()
http_data = self._http_query(query, timeout)
elapsed = time.time() - start'http request took %.3f s' % (elapsed))
data = json.loads(http_data)
except ValueError as error:
LOGGER.error('Error: ' + str(error))
LOGGER.error('Request: \"%s\"' % (query))
LOGGER.error('HTTP data: \"%s\"' % (http_data))
LOGGER.debug(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
if 'result' in data:
if data['result'] != 'success':
raise TransmissionError('Query failed with result \"%s\".' % (data['result']))
raise TransmissionError('Query failed without result.')
results = {}
if method == 'torrent-get':
for item in data['arguments']['torrents']:
results[item['id']] = Torrent(self, item)
if self.protocol_version == 2 and 'peers' not in item:
self.protocol_version = 1
elif method == 'torrent-add':
item = None
if 'torrent-added' in data['arguments']:
item = data['arguments']['torrent-added']
elif 'torrent-duplicate' in data['arguments']:
item = data['arguments']['torrent-duplicate']
if item:
results[item['id']] = Torrent(self, item)
raise TransmissionError('Invalid torrent-add response.')
elif method == 'session-get':
elif method == 'session-stats':
# older versions of T has the return data in "session-stats"
if 'session-stats' in data['arguments']:
elif method in ('port-test', 'blocklist-update', 'free-space', 'torrent-rename-path'):
results = data['arguments']
return None
return results
def _update_session(self, data):
Update session data.
if self.session:
self.session = Session(self, data)
def _update_server_version(self):
"""Decode the Transmission version string, if available."""
if self.server_version is None:
version_major = 1
version_minor = 30
version_changeset = 0
version_parser = re.compile('(\d).(\d+) \((\d+)\)')
if hasattr(self.session, 'version'):
match = version_parser.match(self.session.version)
if match:
version_major = int(
version_minor = int(
version_changeset =
self.server_version = (version_major, version_minor, version_changeset)
def rpc_version(self):
Get the Transmission RPC version. Trying to deduct if the server don't have a version value.
if self.protocol_version is None:
# Ugly fix for 2.20 - 2.22 reporting rpc-version 11, but having new arguments
if self.server_version and (self.server_version[0] == 2 and self.server_version[1] in [20, 21, 22]):
self.protocol_version = 12
# Ugly fix for 2.12 reporting rpc-version 10, but having new arguments
elif self.server_version and (self.server_version[0] == 2 and self.server_version[1] == 12):
self.protocol_version = 11
elif hasattr(self.session, 'rpc_version'):
self.protocol_version = self.session.rpc_version
elif hasattr(self.session, 'version'):
self.protocol_version = 3
self.protocol_version = 2
return self.protocol_version
def _rpc_version_warning(self, version):
Add a warning to the log if the Transmission RPC version is lower then the provided version.
if self.rpc_version < version:
LOGGER.warning('Using feature not supported by server. RPC version for server %d, feature introduced in %d.'
% (self.rpc_version, version))
def add_torrent(self, torrent, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Add torrent to transfers list. Takes a uri to a torrent or base64 encoded torrent data in ``torrent``.
Additional arguments are:
===================== ===== =========== =============================================================
Argument RPC Replaced by Description
===================== ===== =========== =============================================================
``bandwidthPriority`` 8 - Priority for this transfer.
``cookies`` 13 - One or more HTTP cookie(s).
``download_dir`` 1 - The directory where the downloaded contents will be saved in.
``files_unwanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that shouldn't be downloaded.
``files_wanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that should be downloaded.
``paused`` 1 - If True, does not start the transfer when added.
``peer_limit`` 1 - Maximum number of peers allowed.
``priority_high`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have high priority.
``priority_low`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have low priority.
``priority_normal`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have normal priority.
===================== ===== =========== =============================================================
Returns a Torrent object with the fields.
if torrent is None:
raise ValueError('add_torrent requires data or a URI.')
torrent_data = None
parsed_uri = urlparse(torrent)
if parsed_uri.scheme in ['ftp', 'ftps', 'http', 'https']:
# there has been some problem with T's built in torrent fetcher,
# use a python one instead
torrent_file = urlopen(torrent)
torrent_data =
torrent_data = base64.b64encode(torrent_data).decode('utf-8')
if parsed_uri.scheme in ['file']:
filepath = torrent
# uri decoded different on linux / windows ?
if len(parsed_uri.path) > 0:
filepath = parsed_uri.path
elif len(parsed_uri.netloc) > 0:
filepath = parsed_uri.netloc
torrent_file = open(filepath, 'rb')
torrent_data =
torrent_data = base64.b64encode(torrent_data).decode('utf-8')
if not torrent_data:
if torrent.endswith('.torrent') or torrent.startswith('magnet:'):
torrent_data = None
might_be_base64 = False
# check if this is base64 data
if PY3:
might_be_base64 = True
except Exception:
if might_be_base64:
torrent_data = torrent
args = {}
if torrent_data:
args = {'metainfo': torrent_data}
args = {'filename': torrent}
for key, value in iteritems(kwargs):
argument = make_rpc_name(key)
(arg, val) = argument_value_convert('torrent-add', argument, value, self.rpc_version)
args[arg] = val
return list(self._request('torrent-add', args, timeout=timeout).values())[0]
def add(self, data, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Deprecated, please use add_torrent.
args = {}
if data:
args = {'metainfo': data}
elif 'metainfo' not in kwargs and 'filename' not in kwargs:
raise ValueError('No torrent data or torrent uri.')
for key, value in iteritems(kwargs):
argument = make_rpc_name(key)
(arg, val) = argument_value_convert('torrent-add', argument, value, self.rpc_version)
args[arg] = val
warnings.warn('add has been deprecated, please use add_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
return self._request('torrent-add', args, timeout=timeout)
def add_uri(self, uri, **kwargs):
Deprecated, please use add_torrent.
if uri is None:
raise ValueError('add_uri requires a URI.')
# there has been some problem with T's built in torrent fetcher,
# use a python one instead
parsed_uri = urlparse(uri)
torrent_data = None
if parsed_uri.scheme in ['ftp', 'ftps', 'http', 'https']:
torrent_file = urlopen(uri)
torrent_data =
torrent_data = base64.b64encode(torrent_data).decode('utf-8')
if parsed_uri.scheme in ['file']:
filepath = uri
# uri decoded different on linux / windows ?
if len(parsed_uri.path) > 0:
filepath = parsed_uri.path
elif len(parsed_uri.netloc) > 0:
filepath = parsed_uri.netloc
torrent_file = open(filepath, 'rb')
torrent_data =
torrent_data = base64.b64encode(torrent_data).decode('utf-8')
warnings.warn('add_uri has been deprecated, please use add_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
if torrent_data:
return self.add(torrent_data, **kwargs)
return self.add(None, filename=uri, **kwargs)
def remove_torrent(self, ids, delete_data=False, timeout=None):
remove torrent(s) with provided id(s). Local data is removed if
delete_data is True, otherwise not.
{'delete-local-data':rpc_bool(delete_data)}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def remove(self, ids, delete_data=False, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use remove_torrent.
warnings.warn('remove has been deprecated, please use remove_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.remove_torrent(ids, delete_data, timeout)
def start_torrent(self, ids, bypass_queue=False, timeout=None):
"""Start torrent(s) with provided id(s)"""
method = 'torrent-start'
if bypass_queue and self.rpc_version >= 14:
method = 'torrent-start-now'
self._request(method, {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def start(self, ids, bypass_queue=False, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use start_torrent.
warnings.warn('start has been deprecated, please use start_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.start_torrent(ids, bypass_queue, timeout)
def start_all(self, bypass_queue=False, timeout=None):
"""Start all torrents respecting the queue order"""
torrent_list = self.get_torrents()
method = 'torrent-start'
if self.rpc_version >= 14:
if bypass_queue:
method = 'torrent-start-now'
torrent_list = sorted(torrent_list, key=operator.attrgetter('queuePosition'))
ids = [ for x in torrent_list]
self._request(method, {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def stop_torrent(self, ids, timeout=None):
"""stop torrent(s) with provided id(s)"""
self._request('torrent-stop', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def stop(self, ids, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use stop_torrent.
warnings.warn('stop has been deprecated, please use stop_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.stop_torrent(ids, timeout)
def verify_torrent(self, ids, timeout=None):
"""verify torrent(s) with provided id(s)"""
self._request('torrent-verify', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def verify(self, ids, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use verify_torrent.
warnings.warn('verify has been deprecated, please use verify_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.verify_torrent(ids, timeout)
def reannounce_torrent(self, ids, timeout=None):
"""Reannounce torrent(s) with provided id(s)"""
self._request('torrent-reannounce', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def reannounce(self, ids, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use reannounce_torrent.
warnings.warn('reannounce has been deprecated, please use reannounce_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.reannounce_torrent(ids, timeout)
def get_torrent(self, torrent_id, arguments=None, timeout=None):
Get information for torrent with provided id.
``arguments`` contains a list of field names to be returned, when None
all fields are requested. See the Torrent class for more information.
Returns a Torrent object with the requested fields.
if not arguments:
arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments
torrent_id = parse_torrent_id(torrent_id)
if torrent_id is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid id")
result = self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': arguments}, torrent_id, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
if torrent_id in result:
return result[torrent_id]
for torrent in result.values():
if torrent.hashString == torrent_id:
return torrent
raise KeyError("Torrent not found in result")
def get_torrents(self, ids=None, arguments=None, timeout=None):
Get information for torrents with provided ids. For more information see get_torrent.
Returns a list of Torrent object.
if not arguments:
arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments
return list(self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': arguments}, ids, timeout=timeout).values())
def info(self, ids=None, arguments=None, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use get_torrent or get_torrents. Please note that the return argument has changed in
the new methods. info returns a dictionary indexed by torrent id.
warnings.warn('info has been deprecated, please use get_torrent or get_torrents instead.', DeprecationWarning)
if not arguments:
arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments
return self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': arguments}, ids, timeout=timeout)
def list(self, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use get_torrent or get_torrents. Please note that the return argument has changed in
the new methods. list returns a dictionary indexed by torrent id.
warnings.warn('list has been deprecated, please use get_torrent or get_torrents instead.', DeprecationWarning)
fields = ['id', 'hashString', 'name', 'sizeWhenDone', 'leftUntilDone'
, 'eta', 'status', 'rateUpload', 'rateDownload', 'uploadedEver'
, 'downloadedEver', 'uploadRatio', 'queuePosition']
return self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': fields}, timeout=timeout)
def get_files(self, ids=None, timeout=None):
Get list of files for provided torrent id(s). If ids is empty,
information for all torrents are fetched. This function returns a dictionary
for each requested torrent id holding the information about the files.
<torrent id>: {
<file id>: {
'name': <file name>,
'size': <file size in bytes>,
'completed': <bytes completed>,
'priority': <priority ('high'|'normal'|'low')>,
'selected': <selected for download (True|False)>
fields = ['id', 'name', 'hashString', 'files', 'priorities', 'wanted']
request_result = self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': fields}, ids, timeout=timeout)
result = {}
for tid, torrent in iteritems(request_result):
result[tid] = torrent.files()
return result
def set_files(self, items, timeout=None):
Set file properties. Takes a dictionary with similar contents as the result
of `get_files`.
<torrent id>: {
<file id>: {
'priority': <priority ('high'|'normal'|'low')>,
'selected': <selected for download (True|False)>
if not isinstance(items, dict):
raise ValueError('Invalid file description')
for tid, files in iteritems(items):
if not isinstance(files, dict):
wanted = []
unwanted = []
high = []
normal = []
low = []
for fid, file_desc in iteritems(files):
if not isinstance(file_desc, dict):
if 'selected' in file_desc and file_desc['selected']:
if 'priority' in file_desc:
if file_desc['priority'] == 'high':
elif file_desc['priority'] == 'normal':
elif file_desc['priority'] == 'low':
args = {
'timeout': timeout
if len(high) > 0:
args['priority_high'] = high
if len(normal) > 0:
args['priority_normal'] = normal
if len(low) > 0:
args['priority_low'] = low
if len(wanted) > 0:
args['files_wanted'] = wanted
if len(unwanted) > 0:
args['files_unwanted'] = unwanted
self.change_torrent([tid], **args)
def change_torrent(self, ids, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Change torrent parameters for the torrent(s) with the supplied id's. The
parameters are:
============================ ===== =============== =======================================================================================
Argument RPC Replaced by Description
============================ ===== =============== =======================================================================================
``bandwidthPriority`` 5 - Priority for this transfer.
``downloadLimit`` 5 - Set the speed limit for download in Kib/s.
``downloadLimited`` 5 - Enable download speed limiter.
``files_unwanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that shouldn't be downloaded.
``files_wanted`` 1 - A list of file id's that should be downloaded.
``honorsSessionLimits`` 5 - Enables or disables the transfer to honour the upload limit set in the session.
``location`` 1 - Local download location.
``peer_limit`` 1 - The peer limit for the torrents.
``priority_high`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have high priority.
``priority_low`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have normal priority.
``priority_normal`` 1 - A list of file id's that should have low priority.
``queuePosition`` 14 - Position of this transfer in its queue.
``seedIdleLimit`` 10 - Seed inactivity limit in minutes.
``seedIdleMode`` 10 - Seed inactivity mode. 0 = Use session limit, 1 = Use transfer limit, 2 = Disable limit.
``seedRatioLimit`` 5 - Seeding ratio.
``seedRatioMode`` 5 - Which ratio to use. 0 = Use session limit, 1 = Use transfer limit, 2 = Disable limit.
``speed_limit_down`` 1 - 5 downloadLimit Set the speed limit for download in Kib/s.
``speed_limit_down_enabled`` 1 - 5 downloadLimited Enable download speed limiter.
``speed_limit_up`` 1 - 5 uploadLimit Set the speed limit for upload in Kib/s.
``speed_limit_up_enabled`` 1 - 5 uploadLimited Enable upload speed limiter.
``trackerAdd`` 10 - Array of string with announce URLs to add.
``trackerRemove`` 10 - Array of ids of trackers to remove.
``trackerReplace`` 10 - Array of (id, url) tuples where the announce URL should be replaced.
``uploadLimit`` 5 - Set the speed limit for upload in Kib/s.
``uploadLimited`` 5 - Enable upload speed limiter.
============================ ===== =============== =======================================================================================
.. NOTE::
transmissionrpc will try to automatically fix argument errors.
args = {}
for key, value in iteritems(kwargs):
argument = make_rpc_name(key)
(arg, val) = argument_value_convert('torrent-set' , argument, value, self.rpc_version)
args[arg] = val
if len(args) > 0:
self._request('torrent-set', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
ValueError("No arguments to set")
def change(self, ids, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Deprecated, please use change_torrent.
warnings.warn('change has been deprecated, please use change_torrent instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.change_torrent(ids, timeout, **kwargs)
def move_torrent_data(self, ids, location, timeout=None):
"""Move torrent data to the new location."""
args = {'location': location, 'move': True}
self._request('torrent-set-location', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def move(self, ids, location, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use move_torrent_data.
warnings.warn('move has been deprecated, please use move_torrent_data instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.move_torrent_data(ids, location, timeout)
def locate_torrent_data(self, ids, location, timeout=None):
"""Locate torrent data at the provided location."""
args = {'location': location, 'move': False}
self._request('torrent-set-location', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout)
def locate(self, ids, location, timeout=None):
Deprecated, please use locate_torrent_data.
warnings.warn('locate has been deprecated, please use locate_torrent_data instead.', DeprecationWarning)
self.locate_torrent_data(ids, location, timeout)
def rename_torrent_path(self, torrent_id, location, name, timeout=None):
Rename directory and/or files for torrent.
Remember to use get_torrent or get_torrents to update your file information.
torrent_id = parse_torrent_id(torrent_id)
if torrent_id is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid id")
dirname = os.path.dirname(name)
if len(dirname) > 0:
raise ValueError("Target name cannot contain a path delimiter")
args = {'path': location, 'name': name}
result = self._request('torrent-rename-path', args, torrent_id, True, timeout=timeout)
return (result['path'], result['name'])
def queue_top(self, ids, timeout=None):
"""Move transfer to the top of the queue."""
self._request('queue-move-top', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
def queue_bottom(self, ids, timeout=None):
"""Move transfer to the bottom of the queue."""
self._request('queue-move-bottom', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
def queue_up(self, ids, timeout=None):
"""Move transfer up in the queue."""
self._request('queue-move-up', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
def queue_down(self, ids, timeout=None):
"""Move transfer down in the queue."""
self._request('queue-move-down', ids=ids, require_ids=True, timeout=timeout)
def get_session(self, timeout=None):
Get session parameters. See the Session class for more information.
self._request('session-get', timeout=timeout)
return self.session
def set_session(self, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Set session parameters. The parameters are:
================================ ===== ================= ==========================================================================================================================
Argument RPC Replaced by Description
================================ ===== ================= ==========================================================================================================================
``alt_speed_down`` 5 - Alternate session download speed limit (in Kib/s).
``alt_speed_enabled`` 5 - Enables alternate global download speed limiter.
``alt_speed_time_begin`` 5 - Time when alternate speeds should be enabled. Minutes after midnight.
``alt_speed_time_day`` 5 - Enables alternate speeds scheduling these days.
``alt_speed_time_enabled`` 5 - Enables alternate speeds scheduling.
``alt_speed_time_end`` 5 - Time when alternate speeds should be disabled. Minutes after midnight.
``alt_speed_up`` 5 - Alternate session upload speed limit (in Kib/s).
``blocklist_enabled`` 5 - Enables the block list
``blocklist_url`` 11 - Location of the block list. Updated with blocklist-update.
``cache_size_mb`` 10 - The maximum size of the disk cache in MB
``dht_enabled`` 6 - Enables DHT.
``download_dir`` 1 - Set the session download directory.
``download_queue_enabled`` 14 - Enables download queue.
``download_queue_size`` 14 - Number of slots in the download queue.
``encryption`` 1 - Set the session encryption mode, one of ``required``, ``preferred`` or ``tolerated``.
``idle_seeding_limit`` 10 - The default seed inactivity limit in minutes.
``idle_seeding_limit_enabled`` 10 - Enables the default seed inactivity limit
``incomplete_dir`` 7 - The path to the directory of incomplete transfer data.
``incomplete_dir_enabled`` 7 - Enables the incomplete transfer data directory. Otherwise data for incomplete transfers are stored in the download target.
``lpd_enabled`` 9 - Enables local peer discovery for public torrents.
``peer_limit`` 1 - 5 peer-limit-global Maximum number of peers.
``peer_limit_global`` 5 - Maximum number of peers.
``peer_limit_per_torrent`` 5 - Maximum number of peers per transfer.
``peer_port`` 5 - Peer port.
``peer_port_random_on_start`` 5 - Enables randomized peer port on start of Transmission.
``pex_allowed`` 1 - 5 pex-enabled Allowing PEX in public torrents.
``pex_enabled`` 5 - Allowing PEX in public torrents.
``port`` 1 - 5 peer-port Peer port.
``port_forwarding_enabled`` 1 - Enables port forwarding.
``queue_stalled_enabled`` 14 - Enable tracking of stalled transfers.
``queue_stalled_minutes`` 14 - Number of minutes of idle that marks a transfer as stalled.
``rename_partial_files`` 8 - Appends ".part" to incomplete files
``script_torrent_done_enabled`` 9 - Whether or not to call the "done" script.
``script_torrent_done_filename`` 9 - Filename of the script to run when the transfer is done.
``seed_queue_enabled`` 14 - Enables upload queue.
``seed_queue_size`` 14 - Number of slots in the upload queue.
``seedRatioLimit`` 5 - Seed ratio limit. 1.0 means 1:1 download and upload ratio.
``seedRatioLimited`` 5 - Enables seed ration limit.
``speed_limit_down`` 1 - Download speed limit (in Kib/s).
``speed_limit_down_enabled`` 1 - Enables download speed limiting.
``speed_limit_up`` 1 - Upload speed limit (in Kib/s).
``speed_limit_up_enabled`` 1 - Enables upload speed limiting.
``start_added_torrents`` 9 - Added torrents will be started right away.
``trash_original_torrent_files`` 9 - The .torrent file of added torrents will be deleted.
``utp_enabled`` 13 - Enables Micro Transport Protocol (UTP).
================================ ===== ================= ==========================================================================================================================
.. NOTE::
transmissionrpc will try to automatically fix argument errors.
args = {}
for key, value in iteritems(kwargs):
if key == 'encryption' and value not in ['required', 'preferred', 'tolerated']:
raise ValueError('Invalid encryption value')
argument = make_rpc_name(key)
(arg, val) = argument_value_convert('session-set' , argument, value, self.rpc_version)
args[arg] = val
if len(args) > 0:
self._request('session-set', args, timeout=timeout)
def blocklist_update(self, timeout=None):
"""Update block list. Returns the size of the block list."""
result = self._request('blocklist-update', timeout=timeout)
if 'blocklist-size' in result:
return result['blocklist-size']
return None
def port_test(self, timeout=None):
Tests to see if your incoming peer port is accessible from the
outside world.
result = self._request('port-test', timeout=timeout)
if 'port-is-open' in result:
return result['port-is-open']
return None
def free_space(self, path, timeout=None):
Get the ammount of free space (in bytes) at the provided location.
result = self._request('free-space', {'path': path}, timeout=timeout)
if result['path'] == path:
return result['size-bytes']
return None
def session_stats(self, timeout=None):
"""Get session statistics"""
self._request('session-stats', timeout=timeout)
return self.session