To start it, type in 'python' from within the root of the mylar directory. Adding a --help option to the command will give a list of available options.
Once it's started, navigate to to localhost:8090 in your web browser (or whatever IP the machine that has Mylar is on).
Here are some helpful hints hopefully:
- Add a comic (series) using the Search button, or using the Pullist.
- Make sure you specify Comic Location as well as your SABnzbd settings in the Configuration!
(Mylar auto-creates the Comic Series directories under the Comic Location. The directory is displayed on the Comic Detail page).
- You need to specify a search-provider in order to get the downloads to send to SABnzbd. If you don't have either listed, choose Experimental!
- In the Configuration section, if you enable 'Automatically Mark Upcoming Issues as Wanted' it will mark any NEW comic from the pullist that is on your 'watchlist' as wanted.
- There are times when adding a comic it will fail with an 'Error', submit a bug and it will be checked out (usually an easy fix).
- For the most up-to-date build, use the Development build. Master doesn't get updated as frequently (> month), and Development is usually fairly stable.
The Mylar Forums are now online: (it's new - don't be scared to post)
Please submit issues via git for any outstanding problems that need attention.
(Post-Processing has now been done to try and mimic the way SickBeard handles it.)
- Within the sabnzbd/ folder of Mylar there are 3 files (, autoProcessComics.cfg.sample,
- Edit (put in your Mylar host, port, login and password (if required), and ssl(0 for no, 1 for yes) and rename the autoProcessComics.cfg.sample to autoProcessComics.cfg.
- Copy, autoProcessComics.cfg and into your SABnzbd scripts directory (or wherever your SABnzbd stores it's scripts).
- Make sure SABnzbd is setup to have a 'comic-related' category that points it to the script that was just moved.
- Ensure in Mylar that the category is named exactly the same.
- Folder Format - if left blank, it will default to just using the default Comic Directory [ and creating subdirectories beneath in the format of ComicName-(Year) ]
You can do multi-levels as well - so you could do $Publisher/$Series/$Year to have it setup like DC Comics/Batman/2011 (as an example)
- File Format - if left blank, Mylar will use the original file and not rename at all. This includes replacing spaces, and zero suppression (both renaming features).
- Folder Format IS used on every Add Series / Refresh Series request. Enabling Renaming has no bearing on this, so make sure if you're not using the default, that it's what you want.