diff --git a/mylar/updater.py b/mylar/updater.py index 9491dee0..0cba5021 100755 --- a/mylar/updater.py +++ b/mylar/updater.py @@ -263,16 +263,16 @@ def forceRescan(ComicID,archive=None): # temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ') temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc) - #logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc)) + logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc)) if 'annual' not in temploc: #remove the extension here extensions = ('.cbr','.cbz') if temploc.lower().endswith(extensions): - #print ("removed extension for issue:" + str(temploc)) + #logger.fdebug("removed extension for issue:" + str(temploc)) temploc = temploc[:-4] deccnt = str(temploc).count('.') if deccnt > 1: - #print ("decimal counts are :" + str(deccnt)) + #logger.fdebug("decimal counts are :" + str(deccnt)) #if the file is formatted with '.' in place of spaces we need to adjust. #before replacing - check to see if digits on either side of decimal and if yes, DON'T REMOVE occur=1 @@ -286,28 +286,28 @@ def forceRescan(ComicID,archive=None): while start >=0 and n > 1: start = temploc.find('.', start+len('.')) n-=1 - #print "occurance " + str(occur) + " of . at position: " + str(start) + #logger.fdebug("occurance " + str(occur) + " of . at position: " + str(start)) if temploc[prevstart:start].isdigit(): if digitfound == "yes": - #print ("this is a decimal, assuming decimal issue.") + #logger.fdebug("this is a decimal, assuming decimal issue.") decimalfound = "yes" reconst = "." + temploc[prevstart:start] + " " else: - #print ("digit detected.") + #logger.fdebug("digit detected.") digitfound = "yes" reconst = temploc[prevstart:start] else: reconst = temploc[prevstart:start] + " " - #print "word: " + reconst + #logger.fdebug("word: " + reconst) tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + reconst - #print ("tempreconstruct is : " + tempreconstruct) + #logger.fdebug("tempreconstruct is : " + tempreconstruct) prevstart = (start+1) occur+=1 - #print "word: " + temploc[prevstart:] - tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + temploc[prevstart:] - #print ("final filename to use is : " + str(tempreconstruct)) + #logger.fdebug("word: " + temploc[prevstart:]) + tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + " " + temploc[prevstart:] + #logger.fdebug("final filename to use is : " + str(tempreconstruct)) temploc = tempreconstruct - #print("checking " + str(temploc)) + #logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc)) fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc)) fcn = len(fcnew) n = 0