diff --git a/mylar/search.py b/mylar/search.py
index 9f77c6e3..725f299c 100644
--- a/mylar/search.py
+++ b/mylar/search.py
@@ -1,573 +1,594 @@
-# This file is part of Mylar.
-# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Mylar. If not, see .
-import mylar
-from mylar import logger, db, updater, helpers, parseit
-nzbsu_APIID = "22451"
-nzbsu_APIkey = mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY
-dognzb_APIkey = mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY
-LOG = mylar.LOG_DIR
-import lib.feedparser
-import urllib
-import os, errno
-import string
-import sqlite3 as lite
-import sys
-import getopt
-import re
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear):
- #print ("ComicName:" + ComicName)
- #print ("Issue:" + str(IssueNumber))
- if ComicYear == None: ComicYear = '2012'
- else: ComicYear = str(ComicYear)[:4]
- #print ("ComicYear:" + str(ComicYear))
- #print ("SeriesYear:" + str(SeriesYear))
- ##nzb provider selection##
- ##'dognzb' or 'nzb.su'
- nzbprovider = []
- nzbp = 0
- if mylar.NZBSU == 1:
- nzbprovider.append('nzb.su')
- nzbp+=1
- #print ("nzb.su search activated")
- if mylar.DOGNZB == 1:
- nzbprovider.append('dognzb')
- nzbp+=1
- #print ("dognzb search activated")
- # --------
- # Xperimental
- if mylar.EXPERIMENTAL == 1:
- nzbprovider.append('experimental')
- nzbp+=1
- #print ("Experimental raw search activated!")
- # --------
- nzbpr = nzbp-1
- while (nzbpr >= 0 ):
- if nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'experimental':
- #this is for experimental
- nzbprov = 'experimental'
- #print ("engaging experimental search for " + str(ComicName) + " " + str(IssueNumber))
- findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr)
- if findit == 'yes':
- break
- else:
- nzbpr-=1
- if nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'nzb.su':
- # ----
- # this is for nzb.su
- d = feedparser.parse("http://nzb.su/rss?t=7030&dl=1&i=" + str(nzbsu_APIID) + "&r=" + str(nzbsu_APIkey))
- #print ("before NZBSU rss search.")
- #--LATER ?search.rss_find = RSS_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber)
- #print ("after..")
- #if rss_find == 0:
- nzbprov = 'nzb.su'
- findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr)
- if findit == 'yes':
- break
- else:
- nzbpr-=1
- # ----
- elif nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'dognzb':
- # this is for dognzb.com
- d = feedparser.parse("http://dognzb.cr/rss.cfm?r=" + str(dognzb_APIkey) + "&t=7030&num=100")
- #print ("Before DOGNZB RSS search")
- #RSS_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber)
- #print (ComicName + " : " + str(IssueNumber))
- nzbprov = 'dognzb'
- findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr)
- if findit == 'yes':
- break
- else:
- nzbpr-=1
- # ----
- return findit
-def RSS_Search(ComicName, IssueNumber):
- #this all needs to be REDONE...#
- loopd = int(w-1)
- ssab = []
- ssabcount = 0
- print ("--------RSS MATCHING-----------------")
- for entry in d['entries']:
- # test for comic name here
- print loopd, entry['title']
- #print kc[loopd]
- #while (loopd > -1):
- # if str(kc[loopd]).lower() in str(entry['title'].lower()):
- #print entry['title']
- # more precision - let's see if it's a hit on issue as well
- # Experimental process
- # since we're comparing the watchlist titles to the rss feed (for more robust matching)
- # the results will be 2nd/3rd variants, MR's, and comics on the watchlist but not necessarily 'NEW' rele$
- # let's first compare watchlist to release list
- incloop = int (tot -1)
- while (incloop > -1):
- #print ("Comparing " + str(entry['title']) + " - for - " + str(watchfnd[incloop]))
- cleantitle = helpers.cleanName(entry['title'])
- if str(watchfnd[incloop]).lower() in str(cleantitle).lower():
- #print ("MATCHED - " + str(watchfnd[incloop]).lower())
- if str(watchfndextra[incloop]).lower() is not None:
- if str(watchfndextra[incloop]).lower() not in str(cleantitle).lower():
- #print ("no extra matching - not a match")
- #print (watchfndextra[incloop].lower())
- break
- # now we have a match on watchlist and on release list, let's check if the issue is the same
- # on the feed and the releaselist
- # we have to remove the # sign from the ki[array] field first
- ki[incloop] = re.sub("\D", "", str(ki[incloop]))
- if str(ki[incloop]) in str(cleantitle):
- print ("MATCH FOR DOWNLOAD!!\n WATCHLIST: " + str(watchfnd[incloop]) + "\n RLSLIST: " + str(kc[incloop]) + " ISSUE# " + str(ki[incloop]) + "\n RSS: " + str(cleantitle))
- #let's do the DOWNLOAD and send to SABnzbd
- #this is for nzb.su - API LIMIT :(
- linkstart = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[0]
- #following is JUST for nzb.su
- if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
- linkit = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[1]
- linkit = linkit.replace("&", "%26")
- thislink = str(linkstart) + str(linkit)
- else:
- # this should work for every other provider
- linkstart = linkstart.replace("&", "%26")
- thislink = str(linkstart)
- tmp = "" + str(thislink) + "&pp=3&cat=comics&apikey=" + str(SABAPI)
- print tmp
- ssab.append(str(watchfnd[incloop]))
- ssabcount+=1
- urllib.urlopen(tmp);
- # time.sleep(5)
- incloop-=1
- # - End of Experimental Process
- #break
- #loopd-=1
- print ("snatched " + str(ssabcount) + " out of " + str(tot) + " comics via rss...")
- return ssabcount
-def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr):
- logger.info(u"Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for " + ComicName + " issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " using " + str(nzbprov))
- if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
- apikey = mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY
- elif nzbprov == 'dognzb':
- apikey = mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY
- elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
- apikey = 'none'
- #print ("-------------------------")
- if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 0: filetype = ""
- elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: filetype = ".cbr"
- elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: filetype = ".cbz"
- # search dognzb via api!
- # http://dognzb.cr/api?t=search&apikey=3ef08672ffa5abacf6e32f8f79cfeb1b&q=winter%20soldier&o=xml&cat=7030
- # figure out what was missed via rss feeds and do a manual search via api
- #tsc = int(tot-1)
- findcomic = []
- findcomiciss = []
- findcount = 0
- ci = ""
- comsearch = []
- isssearch = []
- comyear = str(ComicYear)
- #print ("-------SEARCH FOR MISSING------------------")
- findcomic.append(str(ComicName))
- IssueNumber = str(re.sub("\.00", "", str(IssueNumber)))
- #print ("issueNumber" + str(IssueNumber))
- findcomiciss.append(str(re.sub("\D", "", str(IssueNumber))))
- #print ("we need : " + str(findcomic[findcount]) + " issue: #" + str(findcomiciss[findcount]))
- # replace whitespace in comic name with %20 for api search
- cm = re.sub(" ", "%20", str(findcomic[findcount]))
- #print (cmi)
- #---issue problem
- # if issue is '011' instead of '11' in nzb search results, will not have same
- # results. '011' will return different than '11', as will '009' and '09'.
- if len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 1:
- cmloopit = 3
- elif len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 2:
- cmloopit = 2
- else:
- cmloopit = 1
- isssearch.append(str(findcomiciss[findcount]))
- comsearch.append(cm)
- findcount+=1
- # ----
- #print ("------RESULTS OF SEARCH-------------------")
- findloop = 0
- foundcomic = []
- #---issue problem
- # if issue is '011' instead of '11' in nzb search results, will not have same
- # results. '011' will return different than '11', as will '009' and '09'.
- while (findloop < (findcount) ):
- comsrc = comsearch[findloop]
- #print (str(comsearch[findloop]))
- while (cmloopit >= 1 ):
- # here we account for issue pattern variations
- if cmloopit == 3:
- comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%2000" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
- #print (comsearch[findloop])
- elif cmloopit == 2:
- comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%200" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
- #print (comsearch[findloop])
- elif cmloopit == 1:
- comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%20" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
- #print (comsearch[findloop])
- #print ("NZB Provider set to: " + nzbprov)
- if nzbprov != 'experimental':
- if nzbprov == 'dognzb':
- #print ("dog-search.")
- findurl = "http://dognzb.cr/api?t=search&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
- elif nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
- #print ("nzb.su search")
- findurl = "http://nzb.su/api?t=search&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
- bb = feedparser.parse(findurl)
- #print (findurl)
- elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
- #print ("experimental raw search")
- bb = parseit.MysterBinScrape(comsearch[findloop])
- done = False
- foundc = "no"
- if bb == "no results":
- #print ("no results found...attempting alternate search")
- pass
- elif (len(bb['entries']) == 0):
- #print ("Nothing found for : " + str(findcomic[findloop]) + " Issue: #" + str(findcomiciss[findloop]))
- #print ("Will try search again in 60 minutes...")
- foundc = "no"
- else:
- #print ("Found for: " + str(findcomic[findloop]))
- for entry in bb['entries']:
- #print str(entry['title'])
- cleantitle = helpers.cleanName(str(entry['title']))
- if done:
- break
- #print ("title: " + str(cleantitle))
- #print ("link: " + entry['link'])
- #let's narrow search down - take out year (2010), (2011), etc
- #let's check for first occurance of '(' as generally indicates
- #that the 'title' has ended
- comlen = str(cleantitle).find(' (')
- comsub = str(cleantitle)[:comlen]
- #print("first bracket occurs at position: " + str(comlen))
- #print("actual name with iss: " + str(comsub))
- #we need to now determine the last position BEFORE the issue number
- #take length of findcomic (add 1 for space) and subtract comlen
- #will result in issue
- comspos = comsub.rfind(" ")
- #print ("last space @ position: " + str(comspos) )
- #print ("COMLEN: " + str(comlen) )
- comiss = comsub[comspos:comlen]
- # -- we need to change if there is no space after issue #
- # -- and bracket ie...star trek tng 1(c2c)(2012) etc
- # --
- #print ("the comic issue is actually: #" + str(comiss))
- splitit = []
- splitcomp = []
- comyx = comsub[:comspos]
- #print ("comyx: " + str(comyx))
- splitchk = comyx.replace(" - ", " ")
- splitit = splitchk.split(None)
- #print (str(splitit))
- splitcomp = findcomic[findloop].split(None)
- #print ( "split length:" + str(len(splitit)) )
- if len(splitit) != len(splitcomp):
- #print ("incorrect comic lengths...not a match")
- if str(comyx[:3]).lower() == "the":
- #print ("THE word detected...attempting to adjust pattern matching")
- splitMOD = splitchk[4:]
- splitit = splitMOD.split(None)
- else:
- #print ("length match..proceeding")
- n = 0
- scount = 0
- while ( n <= (len(splitit)-1) ):
- #print ("Comparing: " + splitcomp[n] + " .to. " + splitit[n] )
- if str(splitcomp[n].lower()) in str(splitit[n].lower()):
- #print ("word matched on : " + splitit[n])
- scount+=1
- elif ':' in splitit[n] or '-' in splitit[n]:
- splitrep = splitit[n].replace('-', '')
- #print ("non-character keyword...skipped on " + splitit[n])
- pass
- else:
- #print ("non-match for: " + splitit[n])
- pass
- n+=1
- spercent = ( scount/int(len(splitit)) ) * 100
- #print (str(spercent) + "% match")
- #if spercent >= 75: print ("it's a go captain...")
- #if spercent < 75: print ("failure - we only got " + str(spercent) + "% right!")
- #print ("this should be a match!")
- #issue comparison now as well
- #print ("comiss:" + str(comiss))
- #print ("findcomiss:" + str(findcomiciss[findloop]))
- if int(findcomiciss[findloop]) == int(comiss):
- #print ("issues match!")
- #check for 'extra's - ie. Year
- comex = str(cleantitle)[comlen:]
- comspl = comex.split()
- LENcomspl = len(comspl)
- n = 0
- while (LENcomspl > n):
- if str(comyear) not in comspl[n]:
- #print (str(comyear) + " - not right year baby!")
- yearmatch = "false"
- break
- else:
- #print (str(comyear) + " - years match baby!")
- yearmatch = "true"
- break
- n+=1
- if yearmatch == "false": break
- ## -- start.
- ## -- start.
- ## -- inherit issue. Comic year is non-standard. nzb year is the year
- ## -- comic was printed, not the start year of the comic series and
- ## -- thus the deciding component if matches are correct or not
- ## -- check to see if directory exists for given comic
- #splitcom = ComicName.replace(' ', '_')
- # here we should decide if adding year or not and format
- #comyear = '_(2012)'
- #compath = '/mount/mediavg/Comics/Comics/' + str(splitcom) + str(comyear)
- #print ("The directory should be: " + str(compath))
- #if os.path.isdir(str(compath)):
- # print("Directory exists!")
- #else:
- # print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
- # try:
- # os.makedirs(str(compath))
- # print ("Directory successfully created at: " + str(compath))
- # except OSError.e:
- # if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
- # raise
- ## -- end.
- linkstart = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[0]
- #print ("linkstart:" + str(linkstart))
- #following is JUST for nzb.su
- if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
- linkit = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[1]
- #print ("linkit: " + str(linkit))
- linkit = linkit.replace("&", "%26")
- linkapi = str(linkstart) + str(linkit)
- else:
- # this should work for every other provider
- linkstart = linkstart.replace("&", "%26")
- linkapi = str(linkstart)
- #here we distinguish between rename and not.
- #blackhole functinality---
- #let's download the file to a temporary cache.
- if mylar.BLACKHOLE:
- if os.path.exists(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR):
- filenamenzb = str(ComicName) + " " + str(IssueNumber) + " (" + str(comyear) + ").nzb"
- urllib.urlretrieve(linkapi, str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb))
- logger.info(u"Successfully sent .nzb to your Blackhole directory : " + str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb) )
- #end blackhole
- else:
- tmppath = "cache/"
- if os.path.exists(tmppath):
- print ("before the path..")
- filenamenzb = os.path.split(linkapi)[1]
- print ("filenamenzb:" + str(filenamenzb))
- filenzb = os.path.join(tmppath,filenamenzb)
- print ("filenzb:" + str(filenzb))
- if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
- filenzb = linkstart[21:]
- if nzbprov == 'experimental':
- filenzb = filenamenzb[6:]
- savefile = str(mylar.PROG_DIR) + "/" + str(tmppath) + str(filenzb) + ".nzb"
- if nzbprov == 'dognzb':
- filenzb == str(filenamenzb)
- savefile = str(mylar.PROG_DIR) + "/" + str(filenzb) + ".nzb"
- urllib.urlretrieve(linkapi, str(savefile))
- #print (str(mylar.RENAME_FILES))
- #pause sab first because it downloads too quick (cbr's are small!)
- pauseapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=pause&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
- urllib.urlopen(pauseapi);
- if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
- #print ("Saved file to: " + str(savefile))
- tmpapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=addlocalfile&name=" + str(savefile) + "&pp=3&cat=" + str(mylar.SAB_CATEGORY) + "&script=ComicRN.py&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
- else:
- tmpapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=addurl&name=" + str(linkapi) + "&pp=3&cat=" + str(mylar.SAB_CATEGORY) + "&script=ComicRN.py&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
- #print (str(tmpapi))
- time.sleep(5)
- urllib.urlopen(tmpapi);
- if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
- #let's give it 5 extra seconds to retrieve the nzb data...
- time.sleep(5)
- outqueue = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=queue&start=START&limit=LIMIT&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
- #print ("outqueue line generated")
- urllib.urlopen(outqueue);
- time.sleep(5)
- #print ("passed api request to SAB")
- #.nzb filename
- #chang nzbfilename to include series(SAB will auto rename based on this)
- #api?mode=queue&name=rename&value=&value2=NEWNAME
- from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
- import urllib2
- file = urllib2.urlopen(outqueue);
- data = file.read()
- file.close()
- dom = parseString(data)
- queue_slots = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')
- queue_cnt = len(queue_slots)
- #print ("there are " + str(queue_cnt) + " things in SABnzbd's queue")
- que = 0
- slotmatch = "no"
- for queue in queue_slots:
- #retrieve the first xml tag (data)
- #that the parser finds with name tagName:
- queue_file = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')[que].firstChild.wholeText
- while ('Trying to fetch NZB' in queue_file):
- #let's keep waiting until nzbname is resolved by SABnzbd
- time.sleep(5)
- file = urllib2.urlopen(outqueue);
- data = file.read()
- file.close()
- dom = parseString(data)
- queue_file = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')[que].firstChild.wholeText
- #print (str(queue_file))
- #print (str(filenzb))
- queue_file = queue_file.replace("_", " ")
- if str(queue_file) in str(filenzb):
- #print ("matched")
- slotmatch = "yes"
- slot_nzoid = dom.getElementsByTagName('nzo_id')[que].firstChild.wholeText
- #print ("slot_nzoid: " + str(slot_nzoid))
- break
- que=+1
- if slotmatch == "yes":
- renameit = str(ComicName.replace(' ', '_')) + "_" + str(IssueNumber) + "_(" + str(SeriesYear) + ")" + "_" + "(" + str(comyear) + ")"
- nzo_ren = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=queue&name=rename&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY) + "&value=" + str(slot_nzoid) + "&value2=" + str(renameit)
- print ("attempting to rename queue to " + str(nzo_ren))
- urllib2.urlopen(nzo_ren);
- print ("renamed!")
- #delete the .nzb now.
- #delnzb = str(mylar.PROG_DIR) + "/" + str(filenzb) + ".nzb"
- #if mylar.PROG_DIR is not "/":
- #os.remove(delnzb)
- #we need to track nzo_id to make sure finished downloaded with SABnzbd.
- #controlValueDict = {"nzo_id": str(slot_nzoid)}
- #newValueDict = {"ComicName": str(ComicName),
- # "ComicYEAR": str(comyear),
- # "ComicIssue": str(IssueNumber),
- # "name": str(filenamenzb)}
- #print ("updating SABLOG")
- #myDB = db.DBConnection()
- #myDB.upsert("sablog", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
- else: logger.info(u"Couldn't locate file in SAB - are you sure it's being downloaded?")
- #let's unpause queue now that we did our jobs.
- resumeapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=resume&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
- urllib.urlopen(resumeapi);
- #raise an exception to break out of loop
- foundc = "yes"
- done = True
- break
- else:
- #print ("issues don't match..")
- foundc = "no"
- #else:
- #print ("this probably isn't the right match as the titles don't match")
- #foundcomic.append("no")
- #foundc = "no"
- if done == True: break
- cmloopit-=1
- findloop+=1
- if foundc == "yes":
- foundcomic.append("yes")
- #print ("we just found Issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + ")" )
- logger.info(u"Found :" + str(ComicName) + " (" + str(comyear) + ") issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " using " + str(nzbprov))
- break
- elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr <> 0:
- logger.info(u"More than one search provider given - trying next one.")
- #print ("Couldn't find with " + str(nzbprov) + ". More than one search provider listed, trying next option" )
- elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr == 0:
- foundcomic.append("no")
- #print ("couldn't find Issue " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + ")" )
- logger.info(u"Couldn't find Issue " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + "). Status kept as wanted." )
- break
- #print (foundc)
- return foundc
-def searchforissue(issueid=None, new=False):
- myDB = db.DBConnection()
- if not issueid:
- myDB = db.DBConnection()
- results = myDB.select('SELECT * from issues WHERE Status="Wanted"')
- new = True
- for result in results:
- comic = myDB.action('SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [result['ComicID']]).fetchone()
- foundNZB = "none"
- SeriesYear = comic['ComicYear']
- if result['IssueDate'] == None:
- ComicYear = comic['ComicYear']
- else:
- ComicYear = str(result['IssueDate'])[:4]
- if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
- foundNZB = search_init(result['ComicName'], result['Issue_Number'], str(ComicYear), comic['ComicYear'])
- if foundNZB == "yes":
- #print ("found!")
- updater.foundsearch(result['ComicID'], result['IssueID'])
- else:
- pass
- #print ("not found!")
- else:
- #print ("attempting to configure search parameters...")
- result = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues where IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone()
- ComicID = result['ComicID']
- comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics where ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
- SeriesYear = comic['ComicYear']
- if result['IssueDate'] == None:
- IssueYear = comic['ComicYear']
- else:
- IssueYear = str(result['IssueDate'])[:4]
- foundNZB = "none"
- if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
- #print ("entering search parameters...")
- foundNZB = search_init(result['ComicName'], result['Issue_Number'], str(IssueYear), comic['ComicYear'])
- if foundNZB == "yes":
- #print ("found!")
- updater.foundsearch(ComicID=result['ComicID'], IssueID=result['IssueID'])
- else:
- pass
- #print ("not found!")
+# This file is part of Mylar.
+# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Mylar. If not, see .
+import mylar
+from mylar import logger, db, updater, helpers, parseit
+nzbsu_APIID = "22451"
+nzbsu_APIkey = mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY
+dognzb_APIkey = mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY
+LOG = mylar.LOG_DIR
+import lib.feedparser as feedparser
+import urllib
+import os, errno
+import string
+import sqlite3 as lite
+import sys
+import getopt
+import re
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear):
+ #print ("ComicName:" + ComicName)
+ #print ("Issue:" + str(IssueNumber))
+ if ComicYear == None: ComicYear = '2012'
+ else: ComicYear = str(ComicYear)[:4]
+ #print ("ComicYear:" + str(ComicYear))
+ #print ("SeriesYear:" + str(SeriesYear))
+ ##nzb provider selection##
+ ##'dognzb' or 'nzb.su'
+ nzbprovider = []
+ nzbp = 0
+ if mylar.NZBSU == 1:
+ nzbprovider.append('nzb.su')
+ nzbp+=1
+ #print ("nzb.su search activated")
+ if mylar.DOGNZB == 1:
+ nzbprovider.append('dognzb')
+ nzbp+=1
+ #print ("dognzb search activated")
+ # --------
+ # Xperimental
+ if mylar.EXPERIMENTAL == 1:
+ nzbprovider.append('experimental')
+ nzbp+=1
+ #print ("Experimental raw search activated!")
+ # --------
+ nzbpr = nzbp-1
+ while (nzbpr >= 0 ):
+ if nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'experimental':
+ #this is for experimental
+ nzbprov = 'experimental'
+ #print ("engaging experimental search for " + str(ComicName) + " " + str(IssueNumber))
+ findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr)
+ if findit == 'yes':
+ break
+ else:
+ nzbpr-=1
+ if nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'nzb.su':
+ # ----
+ # this is for nzb.su
+ d = feedparser.parse("http://nzb.su/rss?t=7030&dl=1&i=" + str(nzbsu_APIID) + "&r=" + str(nzbsu_APIkey))
+ #print ("before NZBSU rss search.")
+ #--LATER ?search.rss_find = RSS_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber)
+ #print ("after..")
+ #if rss_find == 0:
+ nzbprov = 'nzb.su'
+ findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr)
+ if findit == 'yes':
+ break
+ else:
+ nzbpr-=1
+ # ----
+ elif nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'dognzb':
+ # this is for dognzb.com
+ d = feedparser.parse("http://dognzb.cr/rss.cfm?r=" + str(dognzb_APIkey) + "&t=7030&num=100")
+ #print ("Before DOGNZB RSS search")
+ #RSS_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber)
+ #print (ComicName + " : " + str(IssueNumber))
+ nzbprov = 'dognzb'
+ findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr)
+ if findit == 'yes':
+ break
+ else:
+ nzbpr-=1
+ # ----
+ return findit
+def RSS_Search(ComicName, IssueNumber):
+ #this all needs to be REDONE...#
+ loopd = int(w-1)
+ ssab = []
+ ssabcount = 0
+ print ("--------RSS MATCHING-----------------")
+ for entry in d['entries']:
+ # test for comic name here
+ print loopd, entry['title']
+ #print kc[loopd]
+ #while (loopd > -1):
+ # if str(kc[loopd]).lower() in str(entry['title'].lower()):
+ #print entry['title']
+ # more precision - let's see if it's a hit on issue as well
+ # Experimental process
+ # since we're comparing the watchlist titles to the rss feed (for more robust matching)
+ # the results will be 2nd/3rd variants, MR's, and comics on the watchlist but not necessarily 'NEW' rele$
+ # let's first compare watchlist to release list
+ incloop = int (tot -1)
+ while (incloop > -1):
+ #print ("Comparing " + str(entry['title']) + " - for - " + str(watchfnd[incloop]))
+ cleantitle = helpers.cleanName(entry['title'])
+ if str(watchfnd[incloop]).lower() in str(cleantitle).lower():
+ #print ("MATCHED - " + str(watchfnd[incloop]).lower())
+ if str(watchfndextra[incloop]).lower() is not None:
+ if str(watchfndextra[incloop]).lower() not in str(cleantitle).lower():
+ #print ("no extra matching - not a match")
+ #print (watchfndextra[incloop].lower())
+ break
+ # now we have a match on watchlist and on release list, let's check if the issue is the same
+ # on the feed and the releaselist
+ # we have to remove the # sign from the ki[array] field first
+ ki[incloop] = re.sub("\D", "", str(ki[incloop]))
+ if str(ki[incloop]) in str(cleantitle):
+ print ("MATCH FOR DOWNLOAD!!\n WATCHLIST: " + str(watchfnd[incloop]) + "\n RLSLIST: " + str(kc[incloop]) + " ISSUE# " + str(ki[incloop]) + "\n RSS: " + str(cleantitle))
+ #let's do the DOWNLOAD and send to SABnzbd
+ #this is for nzb.su - API LIMIT :(
+ linkstart = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[0]
+ #following is JUST for nzb.su
+ if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
+ linkit = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[1]
+ linkit = linkit.replace("&", "%26")
+ thislink = str(linkstart) + str(linkit)
+ else:
+ # this should work for every other provider
+ linkstart = linkstart.replace("&", "%26")
+ thislink = str(linkstart)
+ tmp = "" + str(thislink) + "&pp=3&cat=comics&apikey=" + str(SABAPI)
+ print tmp
+ ssab.append(str(watchfnd[incloop]))
+ ssabcount+=1
+ urllib.urlopen(tmp);
+ # time.sleep(5)
+ incloop-=1
+ # - End of Experimental Process
+ #break
+ #loopd-=1
+ print ("snatched " + str(ssabcount) + " out of " + str(tot) + " comics via rss...")
+ return ssabcount
+def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr):
+ logger.info(u"Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for " + ComicName + " issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " using " + str(nzbprov))
+ if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
+ apikey = mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY
+ elif nzbprov == 'dognzb':
+ apikey = mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY
+ elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
+ apikey = 'none'
+ #print ("-------------------------")
+ if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 0: filetype = ""
+ elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: filetype = ".cbr"
+ elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: filetype = ".cbz"
+ # search dognzb via api!
+ # http://dognzb.cr/api?t=search&apikey=3ef08672ffa5abacf6e32f8f79cfeb1b&q=winter%20soldier&o=xml&cat=7030
+ # figure out what was missed via rss feeds and do a manual search via api
+ #tsc = int(tot-1)
+ findcomic = []
+ findcomiciss = []
+ findcount = 0
+ ci = ""
+ comsearch = []
+ isssearch = []
+ comyear = str(ComicYear)
+ #print ("-------SEARCH FOR MISSING------------------")
+ findcomic.append(str(ComicName))
+ IssueNumber = str(re.sub("\.00", "", str(IssueNumber)))
+ #print ("issueNumber" + str(IssueNumber))
+ findcomiciss.append(str(re.sub("\D", "", str(IssueNumber))))
+ #print ("we need : " + str(findcomic[findcount]) + " issue: #" + str(findcomiciss[findcount]))
+ # replace whitespace in comic name with %20 for api search
+ cm = re.sub(" ", "%20", str(findcomic[findcount]))
+ #print (cmi)
+ #---issue problem
+ # if issue is '011' instead of '11' in nzb search results, will not have same
+ # results. '011' will return different than '11', as will '009' and '09'.
+ if len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 1:
+ cmloopit = 3
+ elif len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 2:
+ cmloopit = 2
+ else:
+ cmloopit = 1
+ isssearch.append(str(findcomiciss[findcount]))
+ comsearch.append(cm)
+ findcount+=1
+ # ----
+ #print ("------RESULTS OF SEARCH-------------------")
+ findloop = 0
+ foundcomic = []
+ #---issue problem
+ # if issue is '011' instead of '11' in nzb search results, will not have same
+ # results. '011' will return different than '11', as will '009' and '09'.
+ while (findloop < (findcount) ):
+ comsrc = comsearch[findloop]
+ #print (str(comsearch[findloop]))
+ while (cmloopit >= 1 ):
+ # here we account for issue pattern variations
+ if cmloopit == 3:
+ comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%2000" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
+ #print (comsearch[findloop])
+ elif cmloopit == 2:
+ comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%200" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
+ #print (comsearch[findloop])
+ elif cmloopit == 1:
+ comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%20" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
+ #print (comsearch[findloop])
+ #print ("NZB Provider set to: " + nzbprov)
+ if nzbprov != 'experimental':
+ if nzbprov == 'dognzb':
+ #print ("dog-search.")
+ findurl = "http://dognzb.cr/api?t=search&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
+ elif nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
+ #print ("nzb.su search")
+ findurl = "http://nzb.su/api?t=search&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
+ bb = feedparser.parse(findurl)
+ #print (findurl)
+ elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
+ #print ("experimental raw search")
+ bb = parseit.MysterBinScrape(comsearch[findloop])
+ done = False
+ foundc = "no"
+ if bb == "no results":
+ #print ("no results found...attempting alternate search")
+ pass
+ elif (len(bb['entries']) == 0):
+ #print ("Nothing found for : " + str(findcomic[findloop]) + " Issue: #" + str(findcomiciss[findloop]))
+ #print ("Will try search again in 60 minutes...")
+ foundc = "no"
+ else:
+ #print ("Found for: " + str(findcomic[findloop]))
+ for entry in bb['entries']:
+ #print str(entry['title'])
+ cleantitle = helpers.cleanName(str(entry['title']))
+ if done:
+ break
+ #print ("title: " + str(cleantitle))
+ #print ("link: " + entry['link'])
+ #let's narrow search down - take out year (2010), (2011), etc
+ #let's check for first occurance of '(' as generally indicates
+ #that the 'title' has ended
+ comlen = str(cleantitle).find(' (')
+ comsub = str(cleantitle)[:comlen]
+ #print("first bracket occurs at position: " + str(comlen))
+ #print("actual name with iss: " + str(comsub))
+ #we need to now determine the last position BEFORE the issue number
+ #take length of findcomic (add 1 for space) and subtract comlen
+ #will result in issue
+ comspos = comsub.rfind(" ")
+ #print ("last space @ position: " + str(comspos) )
+ #print ("COMLEN: " + str(comlen) )
+ comiss = comsub[comspos:comlen]
+ # -- we need to change if there is no space after issue #
+ # -- and bracket ie...star trek tng 1(c2c)(2012) etc
+ # --
+ #print ("the comic issue is actually: #" + str(comiss))
+ splitit = []
+ splitcomp = []
+ comyx = comsub[:comspos]
+ #print ("comyx: " + str(comyx))
+ splitchk = comyx.replace(" - ", " ")
+ splitit = splitchk.split(None)
+ #print (str(splitit))
+ splitcomp = findcomic[findloop].split(None)
+ #print ( "split length:" + str(len(splitit)) )
+ if len(splitit) != len(splitcomp):
+ #print ("incorrect comic lengths...not a match")
+ if str(comyx[:3]).lower() == "the":
+ #print ("THE word detected...attempting to adjust pattern matching")
+ splitMOD = splitchk[4:]
+ splitit = splitMOD.split(None)
+ else:
+ #print ("length match..proceeding")
+ n = 0
+ scount = 0
+ while ( n <= (len(splitit)-1) ):
+ #print ("Comparing: " + splitcomp[n] + " .to. " + splitit[n] )
+ if str(splitcomp[n].lower()) in str(splitit[n].lower()):
+ #print ("word matched on : " + splitit[n])
+ scount+=1
+ elif ':' in splitit[n] or '-' in splitit[n]:
+ splitrep = splitit[n].replace('-', '')
+ #print ("non-character keyword...skipped on " + splitit[n])
+ pass
+ else:
+ #print ("non-match for: " + splitit[n])
+ pass
+ n+=1
+ spercent = ( scount/int(len(splitit)) ) * 100
+ #print (str(spercent) + "% match")
+ #if spercent >= 75: print ("it's a go captain...")
+ #if spercent < 75: print ("failure - we only got " + str(spercent) + "% right!")
+ #print ("this should be a match!")
+ #issue comparison now as well
+ #print ("comiss:" + str(comiss))
+ #print ("findcomiss:" + str(findcomiciss[findloop]))
+ if int(findcomiciss[findloop]) == int(comiss):
+ #print ("issues match!")
+ #check for 'extra's - ie. Year
+ comex = str(cleantitle)[comlen:]
+ comspl = comex.split()
+ LENcomspl = len(comspl)
+ n = 0
+ while (LENcomspl > n):
+ if str(comyear) not in comspl[n]:
+ #print (str(comyear) + " - not right year baby!")
+ yearmatch = "false"
+ break
+ else:
+ #print (str(comyear) + " - years match baby!")
+ yearmatch = "true"
+ break
+ n+=1
+ if yearmatch == "false": break
+ ## -- start.
+ ## -- start.
+ ## -- inherit issue. Comic year is non-standard. nzb year is the year
+ ## -- comic was printed, not the start year of the comic series and
+ ## -- thus the deciding component if matches are correct or not
+ ## -- check to see if directory exists for given comic
+ #splitcom = ComicName.replace(' ', '_')
+ # here we should decide if adding year or not and format
+ #comyear = '_(2012)'
+ #compath = '/mount/mediavg/Comics/Comics/' + str(splitcom) + str(comyear)
+ #print ("The directory should be: " + str(compath))
+ #if os.path.isdir(str(compath)):
+ # print("Directory exists!")
+ #else:
+ # print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
+ # try:
+ # os.makedirs(str(compath))
+ # print ("Directory successfully created at: " + str(compath))
+ # except OSError.e:
+ # if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ # raise
+ ## -- end.
+ linkstart = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[0]
+ #print ("linkstart:" + str(linkstart))
+ #following is JUST for nzb.su
+ if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
+ linkit = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[1]
+ #print ("linkit: " + str(linkit))
+ linkit = linkit.replace("&", "%26")
+ linkapi = str(linkstart) + str(linkit)
+ else:
+ # this should work for every other provider
+ linkstart = linkstart.replace("&", "%26")
+ linkapi = str(linkstart)
+ #here we distinguish between rename and not.
+ #blackhole functinality---
+ #let's download the file to a temporary cache.
+ if mylar.BLACKHOLE:
+ if os.path.exists(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR):
+ filenamenzb = str(ComicName) + " " + str(IssueNumber) + " (" + str(comyear) + ").nzb"
+ urllib.urlretrieve(linkapi, str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb))
+ logger.info(u"Successfully sent .nzb to your Blackhole directory : " + str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb) )
+ #end blackhole
+ else:
+ tmppath = "cache/"
+ if os.path.exists(tmppath):
+ print ("before the path..")
+ filenamenzb = os.path.split(linkapi)[1]
+ print ("filenamenzb:" + str(filenamenzb))
+ filenzb = os.path.join(tmppath,filenamenzb)
+ print ("filenzb:" + str(filenzb))
+ if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
+ filenzb = linkstart[21:]
+ if nzbprov == 'experimental':
+ filenzb = filenamenzb[6:]
+ savefile = str(mylar.PROG_DIR) + "/" + str(tmppath) + str(filenzb) + ".nzb"
+ if nzbprov == 'dognzb':
+ filenzb == str(filenamenzb)
+ savefile = str(mylar.PROG_DIR) + "/" + str(filenzb) + ".nzb"
+ urllib.urlretrieve(linkapi, str(savefile))
+ #print (str(mylar.RENAME_FILES))
+ #check sab for current pause status
+ sabqstatusapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=qstatus&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
+ from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
+ import urllib2
+ file = urllib2.urlopen(sabqstatusapi);
+ data = file.read()
+ file.close()
+ dom = parseString(data)
+ for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('paused'):
+ pausestatus = node.firstChild.wholeText
+ #print pausestatus
+ if pausestatus != 'True':
+ #pause sab first because it downloads too quick (cbr's are small!)
+ pauseapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=pause&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
+ urllib.urlopen(pauseapi);
+ #print "Queue paused"
+ #else:
+ #print "Queue already paused"
+ if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
+ #print ("Saved file to: " + str(savefile))
+ tmpapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=addlocalfile&name=" + str(savefile) + "&pp=3&cat=" + str(mylar.SAB_CATEGORY) + "&script=ComicRN.py&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
+ else:
+ tmpapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=addurl&name=" + str(linkapi) + "&pp=3&cat=" + str(mylar.SAB_CATEGORY) + "&script=ComicRN.py&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
+ #print (str(tmpapi))
+ time.sleep(5)
+ urllib.urlopen(tmpapi);
+ if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
+ #let's give it 5 extra seconds to retrieve the nzb data...
+ time.sleep(5)
+ outqueue = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=queue&start=START&limit=LIMIT&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
+ #print ("outqueue line generated")
+ urllib.urlopen(outqueue);
+ time.sleep(5)
+ #print ("passed api request to SAB")
+ #.nzb filename
+ #chang nzbfilename to include series(SAB will auto rename based on this)
+ #api?mode=queue&name=rename&value=&value2=NEWNAME
+ from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
+ import urllib2
+ file = urllib2.urlopen(outqueue);
+ data = file.read()
+ file.close()
+ dom = parseString(data)
+ queue_slots = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')
+ queue_cnt = len(queue_slots)
+ #print ("there are " + str(queue_cnt) + " things in SABnzbd's queue")
+ que = 0
+ slotmatch = "no"
+ for queue in queue_slots:
+ #retrieve the first xml tag (data)
+ #that the parser finds with name tagName:
+ queue_file = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')[que].firstChild.wholeText
+ while ('Trying to fetch NZB' in queue_file):
+ #let's keep waiting until nzbname is resolved by SABnzbd
+ time.sleep(5)
+ file = urllib2.urlopen(outqueue);
+ data = file.read()
+ file.close()
+ dom = parseString(data)
+ queue_file = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')[que].firstChild.wholeText
+ #print (str(queue_file))
+ #print (str(filenzb))
+ queue_file = queue_file.replace("_", " ")
+ if str(queue_file) in str(filenzb):
+ #print ("matched")
+ slotmatch = "yes"
+ slot_nzoid = dom.getElementsByTagName('nzo_id')[que].firstChild.wholeText
+ #print ("slot_nzoid: " + str(slot_nzoid))
+ break
+ que=+1
+ if slotmatch == "yes":
+ renameit = str(ComicName.replace(' ', '_')) + "_" + str(IssueNumber) + "_(" + str(SeriesYear) + ")" + "_" + "(" + str(comyear) + ")"
+ nzo_ren = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=queue&name=rename&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY) + "&value=" + str(slot_nzoid) + "&value2=" + str(renameit)
+ print ("attempting to rename queue to " + str(nzo_ren))
+ urllib2.urlopen(nzo_ren);
+ print ("renamed!")
+ #delete the .nzb now.
+ #delnzb = str(mylar.PROG_DIR) + "/" + str(filenzb) + ".nzb"
+ #if mylar.PROG_DIR is not "/":
+ #os.remove(delnzb)
+ #we need to track nzo_id to make sure finished downloaded with SABnzbd.
+ #controlValueDict = {"nzo_id": str(slot_nzoid)}
+ #newValueDict = {"ComicName": str(ComicName),
+ # "ComicYEAR": str(comyear),
+ # "ComicIssue": str(IssueNumber),
+ # "name": str(filenamenzb)}
+ #print ("updating SABLOG")
+ #myDB = db.DBConnection()
+ #myDB.upsert("sablog", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
+ else: logger.info(u"Couldn't locate file in SAB - are you sure it's being downloaded?")
+ #resume sab if it was running before we started
+ if pausestatus != 'True':
+ #let's unpause queue now that we did our jobs.
+ resumeapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=resume&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
+ urllib.urlopen(resumeapi);
+ #print "Queue resumed"
+ #else:
+ #print "Queue already paused"
+ #raise an exception to break out of loop
+ foundc = "yes"
+ done = True
+ break
+ else:
+ #print ("issues don't match..")
+ foundc = "no"
+ #else:
+ #print ("this probably isn't the right match as the titles don't match")
+ #foundcomic.append("no")
+ #foundc = "no"
+ if done == True: break
+ cmloopit-=1
+ findloop+=1
+ if foundc == "yes":
+ foundcomic.append("yes")
+ #print ("we just found Issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + ")" )
+ logger.info(u"Found :" + str(ComicName) + " (" + str(comyear) + ") issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " using " + str(nzbprov))
+ break
+ elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr <> 0:
+ logger.info(u"More than one search provider given - trying next one.")
+ #print ("Couldn't find with " + str(nzbprov) + ". More than one search provider listed, trying next option" )
+ elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr == 0:
+ foundcomic.append("no")
+ #print ("couldn't find Issue " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + ")" )
+ logger.info(u"Couldn't find Issue " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + "). Status kept as wanted." )
+ break
+ #print (foundc)
+ return foundc
+def searchforissue(issueid=None, new=False):
+ myDB = db.DBConnection()
+ if not issueid:
+ myDB = db.DBConnection()
+ results = myDB.select('SELECT * from issues WHERE Status="Wanted"')
+ new = True
+ for result in results:
+ comic = myDB.action('SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [result['ComicID']]).fetchone()
+ foundNZB = "none"
+ SeriesYear = comic['ComicYear']
+ if result['IssueDate'] == None:
+ ComicYear = comic['ComicYear']
+ else:
+ ComicYear = str(result['IssueDate'])[:4]
+ if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
+ foundNZB = search_init(result['ComicName'], result['Issue_Number'], str(ComicYear), comic['ComicYear'])
+ if foundNZB == "yes":
+ #print ("found!")
+ updater.foundsearch(result['ComicID'], result['IssueID'])
+ else:
+ pass
+ #print ("not found!")
+ else:
+ #print ("attempting to configure search parameters...")
+ result = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues where IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone()
+ ComicID = result['ComicID']
+ comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics where ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
+ SeriesYear = comic['ComicYear']
+ if result['IssueDate'] == None:
+ IssueYear = comic['ComicYear']
+ else:
+ IssueYear = str(result['IssueDate'])[:4]
+ foundNZB = "none"
+ if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
+ #print ("entering search parameters...")
+ foundNZB = search_init(result['ComicName'], result['Issue_Number'], str(IssueYear), comic['ComicYear'])
+ if foundNZB == "yes":
+ #print ("found!")
+ updater.foundsearch(ComicID=result['ComicID'], IssueID=result['IssueID'])
+ else:
+ pass
+ #print ("not found!")