FIX:(#1736) Error when adding/refreshing series that had invalid dates (ie.0000-00-00)

This commit is contained in:
evilhero 2017-09-28 23:11:46 -04:00
parent 98d705fabc
commit 7c02c6e4df
1 changed files with 34 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -971,18 +971,25 @@ def issue_collection(issuedata, nostatus):
# Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is already in the database
if iss_exists is None:
newValueDict['DateAdded'] =
dk = re.sub('-', '', issue['ReleaseDate']).strip() # converts date to 20140718 format
datechk = datetime.datetime.strptime(dk, "%Y%m%d")
issue_week = datetime.datetime.strftime(datechk, "%Y%U")
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
#logger.fdebug('autowant all')
elif issue_week >= now_week and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
#logger.fdebug(str(datechk) + ' >= ' + str(nowtime))
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
if issue['ReleaseDate'] == '00000000':
dk = re.sub('-', '', issue['IssueDate']).strip()
dk = re.sub('-', '', issue['ReleaseDate']).strip() # converts date to 20140718 format
if dk == '00000000':
logger.warn('Issue Data is invalid for Issue Number %s. Marking this issue as Skipped' % issue['Issue_Number'])
newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
#logger.fdebug('status is : ' + str(newValueDict))
datechk = datetime.datetime.strptime(dk, "%Y%m%d")
issue_week = datetime.datetime.strftime(datechk, "%Y%U")
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
#logger.fdebug('autowant all')
elif issue_week >= now_week and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
#logger.fdebug(str(datechk) + ' >= ' + str(nowtime))
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
#logger.fdebug('status is : ' + str(newValueDict))
logger.fdebug('Existing status for issue #%s : %s' % (issue['Issue_Number'], iss_exists['Status']))
if any([iss_exists['Status'] is None, iss_exists['Status'] == 'None']):
@ -1491,16 +1498,24 @@ def annual_check(ComicName, SeriesYear, comicid, issuetype, issuechk, annualslis
iss_exists = myDB.selectone('SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [issid]).fetchone()
if iss_exists is None:
dk = re.sub('-', '', issdate).strip() # converts date to 20140718 format
datechk = datetime.datetime.strptime(dk, "%Y%m%d")
issue_week = datetime.datetime.strftime(datechk, "%Y%U")
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
astatus = "Wanted"
elif issue_week >= now_week and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
astatus = "Wanted"
if firstval['ReleaseDate'] == '00000000':
dk = re.sub('-', '', firstval['IssueDate']).strip()
astatus = "Skipped"
dk = re.sub('-', '', firstval['ReleaseDate']).strip() # converts date to 20140718 format
if dk == '00000000':
logger.warn('Issue Data is invalid for Issue Number %s. Marking this issue as Skipped' % firstval['Issue_Number'])
astatus = "Skipped"
dk = re.sub('-', '', issdate).strip() # converts date to 20140718 format
datechk = datetime.datetime.strptime(dk, "%Y%m%d")
issue_week = datetime.datetime.strftime(datechk, "%Y%U")
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
astatus = "Wanted"
elif issue_week >= now_week and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
astatus = "Wanted"
astatus = "Skipped"
astatus = iss_exists['Status']