Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/evilhero/mylar synced 2025-03-19 10:05:25 +00:00

Fix for duplicate issues on story arc details page

This commit is contained in:
Roberto Pastor 2016-11-03 09:08:03 +01:00 committed by evilhero
parent fdfbedbb40
commit 7e8d17ae94

View file

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
if force_continuing is None:
force_continuing = 0
if mylar.DELETE_REMOVE_DIR is None:
if allowpacks is None:
allowpacks = "0"
if all([comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] is not None, comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] != '', comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] != 'None']):
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
issuePublisher = cid['Publisher']
newCtrl = {"IssueArcID": AD['IssueArcID'],
newCtrl = {"IssueID": AD['IssueID'],
"StoryArcID": AD['StoryArcID']}
newVals = {"ComicID": AD['ComicID'],
"IssueID": AD['IssueID'],
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
logger.warn('Unable to remove directory after removing series from Mylar.')
logger.warn('Unable to remove directory as it does not exist in : ' + seriesdir)
logger.warn('Unable to remove directory as it does not exist in : ' + seriesdir)
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home")
@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
logger.warn('Unable to locate provider reference for attempted Retry. Will see if I can just get the last attempted download.')
chk_the_log = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=? and Provider != "CBT" and Provider != "KAT"', [IssueID]).fetchone()
if chk_the_log is None:
if len(providers_snatched) == 1:
logger.info('Unable to locate provider information ' + ps['Provider'] + ' from nzblog - if you wiped the log, you have to search/download as per normal')
@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
StoreDate = dateload['StoreDate']
Publisher = dateload['IssuePublisher']
SeriesYear = dateload['SeriesYear']
if ComicYear is None: ComicYear = SeriesYear
logger.info('Marking ' + ComicName + ' #' + ComicIssue + ' as wanted...')
logger.fdebug('publisher: ' + Publisher)
@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
logger.warn('Problem repopulating the pullist for week ' + str(weeknumber) + ', ' + str(year))
if mylar.ALT_PULL == 2:
logger.warn('Attempting to repoll against legacy pullist in order to have some kind of updated listing for the week.')
repoll = self.manualpull()
repoll = self.manualpull()
if repoll['status'] == 'success':
w_results = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly WHERE weeknumber=?", [str(weeknumber)])
@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
linkit = None
if all([weekly['ComicID'] is not None, weekly['ComicID'] != '']) and haveit == 'No':
linkit = 'http://comicvine.gamespot.com/volume/4050-' + str(weekly['ComicID'])
x = None
x = float(weekly['ISSUE'])
@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
logger.info("Deleted existed pull-list data. Recreating Pull-list...")
forcecheck = 'yes'
return threading.Thread(target=weeklypull.pullit, args=[forcecheck]).start()
if int(upc['weeknumber']) == int(weeknumber) and int(upc['year']) == int(weekyear):
if upc['Status'] == 'Wanted':
upcoming_count +=1
@ -2353,7 +2353,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
maxyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4])
if int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) < lowyear:
lowyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4])
if maxyear == 0:
spanyears = la['SeriesYear']
elif lowyear == maxyear:
@ -2714,7 +2714,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
wantedlist = []
sarc_title = None
showonreadlist = 1 # 0 won't show storyarcissues on readinglist main page, 1 will show
showonreadlist = 1 # 0 won't show storyarcissues on readinglist main page, 1 will show
for arc in ArcWatch:
sarc_title = arc['StoryArc']
logger.fdebug('[' + arc['StoryArc'] + '] ' + arc['ComicName'] + ' : ' + arc['IssueNumber'])
@ -2759,7 +2759,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
logger.fdebug("Issue: " + str(arc['IssueNumber']))
logger.fdebug("IssueArcID: " + str(arc['IssueArcID']))
#gather the matches now.
"match_storyarc": arc['StoryArc'],
"match_name": arc['ComicName'],
"match_id": isschk['ComicID'],
@ -2779,7 +2779,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
"IssueYear": arc['IssueYear']})
logger.fdebug('destination location set to : ' + dstloc)
#fchk = filechecker.FileChecker(dir=dstloc, watchcomic=arc['ComicName'], Publisher=None, sarc='true', justparse=True)
#filechk = fchk.listFiles()
if filelist is not None:
@ -3251,11 +3251,11 @@ class WebInterface(object):
mylar.IMPORTLOCK = False
#thread the scan.
if scan == '1':
if scan == '1':
scan = True
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Now starting the import'
return self.ThreadcomicScan(scan, queue)
scan = False
comicScan.exposed = True
@ -3422,11 +3422,11 @@ class WebInterface(object):
DynamicName = cl['DynamicName']
logger.fdebug('comicname: ' + ComicName)
logger.fdebug('dyn: ' + DynamicName)
if volume is None or volume == 'None':
comic_and_vol = ComicName
comic_and_vol = ComicName + ' (' + str(volume) + ')'
comic_and_vol = ComicName + ' (' + str(volume) + ')'
logger.info('[' + comic_and_vol + '] Now preparing to import. First I need to determine the highest issue, and possible year(s) of the series.')
if volume is None or volume == 'None':
logger.info('[none] dynamicname: ' + DynamicName)
@ -3568,7 +3568,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
#we now need to cycle through the results until we get a hit on both dynamicname AND year (~count of issues possibly).
logger.fdebug('[' + str(len(sresults)) + '] search results')
search_matches = []
for results in sresults:
for results in sresults:
rsn = filechecker.FileChecker()
rsn_run = rsn.dynamic_replace(results['name'])
result_name = rsn_run['mod_seriesname']
@ -3599,7 +3599,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
'issues': results['issues'],
'ogcname': ogcname,
'comicyear': results['comicyear']})
if len(search_matches) == 1:
sr = search_matches[0]
logger.info("There is only one result...automagik-mode enabled for " + sr['series'] + " :: " + str(sr['comicid']))
@ -3628,7 +3628,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
search_matches.append({'comicid': results['comicid'],
'series': results['name'],
'dynamicseries': result_name,
'seriesyear': result_year,
'seriesyear': result_year,
'publisher': results['publisher'],
'haveit': results['haveit'],
'name': results['name'],
@ -3639,7 +3639,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
'issues': results['issues'],
'ogcname': ogcname,
'comicyear': results['comicyear']})
if len(search_matches) == 1:
sr = search_matches[0]
logger.info("There is only one result...automagik-mode enabled for " + sr['series'] + " :: " + str(sr['comicid']))
@ -3651,7 +3651,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
resultset = 0
#generate random Search Results ID to allow for easier access for viewing logs / search results.
import random
SRID = str(random.randint(100000, 999999))
@ -3777,8 +3777,8 @@ class WebInterface(object):
'DynamicName': DynamicName,
'Volume': Volume,
'filelisting': files,
'srid': SRID}
'srid': SRID}
return serve_template(templatename="importresults_popup.html", title="results", searchtext=ComicName, searchresults=searchresults, imported=imported)
importresults_popup.exposed = True
@ -4435,7 +4435,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
newznab_enabled = int(kwargs['newznab_enabled' + newznab_number])
except KeyError:
newznab_enabled = 0
mylar.EXTRA_NEWZNABS.append((newznab_name, newznab_host, newznab_verify, newznab_api, newznab_uid, newznab_enabled))
# Sanity checking
@ -4469,7 +4469,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
if mylar.FILE_OPTS is None:
mylar.FILE_OPTS = 'move'
if any([mylar.FILE_OPTS == 'hardlink', mylar.FILE_OPTS == 'softlink']):
#we can't have metatagging enabled with hard/soft linking. Forcibly disable it here just in case it's set on load.
mylar.ENABLE_META = 0
@ -4483,7 +4483,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
if mylar.NZB_DOWNLOADER == 0: mylar.USE_SABNZBD = True
elif mylar.NZB_DOWNLOADER == 1: mylar.USE_NZBGET = True
elif mylar.NZB_DOWNLOADER == 2: mylar.USE_BLACKHOLE = True
mylar.USE_WATCHDIR = True
elif mylar.TORRENT_DOWNLOADER == 1:
@ -4559,7 +4559,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
return 'Unable to retrieve data from SABnzbd'
return 'Unable to retrieve data from SABnzbd'
logger.info('status code: ' + str(r.status_code))
@ -4812,7 +4812,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
logger.fdebug('Failed to remove temporary directory: ' + cache_dir)
manual_metatag.exposed = True