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mirror of https://github.com/evilhero/mylar synced 2025-01-03 05:24:43 +00:00

FIX: Fix for unicode logging errors when searching

This commit is contained in:
evilhero 2019-02-26 18:23:41 -05:00
parent 2e2b13b440
commit 90c3678a7a

View file

@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
logger.info("Annual/Special issue search detected. Appending to issue #")
#anything for mode other than None indicates an annual.
if all(['annual' not in ComicName.lower(), 'special' not in ComicName.lower()]):
ComicName = ComicName + " Annual"
ComicName = '%s Annual' % ComicName
if all([AlternateSearch is not None, AlternateSearch != "None", 'special' not in ComicName.lower()]):
AlternateSearch = AlternateSearch + " Annual"
AlternateSearch = '%s Annual' % AlternateSearch
if mode == 'pullwant' or IssueID is None:
#one-off the download.
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
for torznab_host in mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_TORZNABS:
if torznab_host[4] == '1' or torznab_host[4] == 1:
torprovider.append('torznab:' + str(torznab_host[0]))
torprovider.append('torznab: %s' % torznab_host[0])
##nzb provider selection##
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
for newznab_host in mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS:
if newznab_host[5] == '1' or newznab_host[5] == 1:
nzbprovider.append('newznab:' + str(newznab_host[0]))
nzbprovider.append('newznab: %s' % newznab_host[0])
ddls = 0
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
logger.fdebug('nzbprovider(s): ' + str(nzbprovider))
logger.fdebug('nzbprovider(s): %s' % nzbprovider)
# --------
torproviders = torp + torznabs
logger.fdebug('There are %s torrent providers you have selected.' % torproviders)
@ -158,26 +158,26 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
if torpr < 0:
torpr = -1
providercount = int(nzbp + newznabs)
logger.fdebug("there are : " + str(providercount) + " nzb providers you have selected.")
logger.fdebug('There are : %s nzb providers you have selected' % providercount)
if providercount > 0:
logger.fdebug("Usenet Retention : " + str(mylar.CONFIG.USENET_RETENTION) + " days")
logger.fdebug('Usenet Retention : %s days' % mylar.CONFIG.USENET_RETENTION)
if ddls > 0:
logger.fdebug("there are %s Direct Download providers that are currently enabled." % ddls)
logger.fdebug('there are %s Direct Download providers that are currently enabled.' % ddls)
findit = {}
findit['status'] = False
totalproviders = providercount + torproviders + ddls
if totalproviders == 0:
logger.error('[WARNING] You have ' + str(totalproviders) + ' search providers enabled. I need at least ONE provider to work. Aborting search.')
logger.error('[WARNING] You have %s search providers enabled. I need at least ONE provider to work. Aborting search.' % totalproviders)
findit['status'] = False
nzbprov = None
return findit, nzbprov
prov_order, torznab_info, newznab_info = provider_sequence(nzbprovider, torprovider, newznab_hosts, torznab_hosts, ddlprovider)
# end provider order sequencing
logger.fdebug('search provider order is ' + str(prov_order))
logger.fdebug('search provider order is %s' % prov_order)
#fix for issue dates between Nov-Dec/(Jan-Feb-Mar)
IssDt = str(IssueDate)[5:7]
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
c_number = str(c_number) + '.' + str(c_num_a4)
logger.fdebug("calpha/cnumber: " + str(dsp_c_alpha) + " / " + str(c_number))
logger.fdebug('calpha/cnumber: %s / %s' % (dsp_c_alpha, c_number))
if c_number is None:
c_number = findcomiciss # if it's None, means no special alphas or decimals
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
logger.fdebug('Found result on first run, exiting search module now.')
logger.fdebug("Initiating Search via : " + str(searchmode))
logger.fdebug('Initiating Search via : %s' % searchmode)
while (cmloopit >= 1):
prov_count = 0
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
loopit = len(chkthealt)
for calt in chkthealt:
AS_Alternate = re.sub('##', '', calt)
logger.info(u"Alternate Search pattern detected...re-adjusting to : " + str(AS_Alternate))
logger.info('Alternate Search pattern detected...re-adjusting to : %s' % AS_Alternate)
findit = NZB_SEARCH(AS_Alternate, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, searchprov, send_prov_count, IssDateFix, IssueID, UseFuzzy, newznab_host, ComicVersion=ComicVersion, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, RSS="yes", ComicID=ComicID, issuetitle=issuetitle, unaltered_ComicName=AS_Alternate, allow_packs=allow_packs, oneoff=oneoff, cmloopit=cmloopit, manual=manual, torznab_host=torznab_host, digitaldate=digitaldate, booktype=booktype)
if findit['status'] is True:
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
loopit = len(chkthealt)
for calt in chkthealt:
AS_Alternate = re.sub('##', '', calt)
logger.info(u"Alternate Search pattern detected...re-adjusting to : " + str(AS_Alternate))
logger.info('Alternate Search pattern detected...re-adjusting to : %s' % AS_Alternate))
findit = NZB_SEARCH(AS_Alternate, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, searchprov, send_prov_count, IssDateFix, IssueID, UseFuzzy, newznab_host, ComicVersion=ComicVersion, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, RSS="no", ComicID=ComicID, issuetitle=issuetitle, unaltered_ComicName=unaltered_ComicName, allow_packs=allow_packs, oneoff=oneoff, cmloopit=cmloopit, manual=manual, torznab_host=torznab_host, torrentid_32p=torrentid_32p, digitaldate=digitaldate, booktype=booktype)
if findit['status'] is True:
@ -428,9 +428,9 @@ def search_init(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueD
#if searchprov == '32P':
# pass
if manualsearch is None:
logger.info('Finished searching via :' + str(searchmode) + '. Issue not found - status kept as Wanted.')
logger.info('Finished searching via : %s. Issue not found - status kept as Wanted.' % searchmode)
logger.fdebug('Could not find issue doing a manual search via : ' + str(searchmode))
logger.fdebug('Could not find issue doing a manual search via : %s' % searchmode)
if searchprov == '32P':
if mylar.CONFIG.MODE_32P == 0:
return findit, 'None'
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
category_torznab = torznab_host[3]
if any([category_torznab is None, category_torznab == 'None']):
category_torznab = '8020'
logger.fdebug("using Torznab host of : " + str(name_torznab))
logger.fdebug('Using Torznab host of : %s' % name_torznab)
elif nzbprov == 'newznab':
#updated to include Newznab Name now
name_newznab = newznab_host[0].rstrip()
@ -481,23 +481,23 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
if '#' in newznab_host[4].rstrip():
catstart = newznab_host[4].find('#')
category_newznab = newznab_host[4][catstart +1:]
logger.fdebug('non-default Newznab category set to :' + str(category_newznab))
logger.fdebug('Non-default Newznab category set to : %s' % category_newznab)
category_newznab = '7030'
logger.fdebug("using Newznab host of : " + str(name_newznab))
logger.fdebug('Using Newznab host of : %s' % name_newznab)
if RSS == "yes":
if 'newznab' in nzbprov:
tmpprov = name_newznab + '(' + nzbprov + ')' + ' [RSS]'
tmpprov = '%s (%s) [RSS]' % (name_newznab, nzbprov)
elif 'torznab' in nzbprov:
tmpprov = name_torznab + '(' + nzbprov + ')' + ' [RSS]'
tmpprov = '%s (%s) [RSS]' % (name_torznab, nzbprov)
tmpprov = str(nzbprov) + " [RSS]"
tmpprov = '%s [RSS]' % nzbprov)
if 'newznab' in nzbprov:
tmpprov = name_newznab + ' (' + nzbprov + ')'
tmpprov = '%s (%s)' % (name_newznab, nzbprov)
elif 'torznab' in nzbprov:
tmpprov = name_torznab + ' (' + nzbprov + ')'
tmpprov = '%s (%s)' % (name_torznab, nzbprov)
tmpprov = nzbprov
if cmloopit == 4:
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
# results. '011' will return different than '11', as will '009' and '09'.
while (findloop < findcount):
logger.fdebug('findloop: ' + str(findloop) + ' / findcount: ' + str(findcount))
logger.fdebug('findloop: %s / findcount: %s' % (findloop, findcount))
comsrc = comsearch
if nzbprov == 'dognzb' and not mylar.CONFIG.DOGNZB:
foundc['status'] = False
@ -628,10 +628,10 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
elif RSS == "yes":
if nzbprov == '32P' or nzbprov == 'Public Torrents':
cmname = re.sub("%20", " ", str(comsrc))
logger.fdebug("Sending request to [" + str(nzbprov) + "] RSS for " + ComicName + " : " + str(mod_isssearch))
logger.fdebug('Sending request to [%s] RSS for %s : %s' % (nzbprov, ComicName, mod_isssearch))
bb = rsscheck.torrentdbsearch(ComicName, mod_isssearch, ComicID, nzbprov, oneoff)
logger.fdebug("Sending request to RSS for " + str(findcomic) + " : " + str(mod_isssearch) + " (" + str(ComicYear) + ")")
logger.fdebug('Sending request to RSS for %s : %s (%s)' % (findcomic, mod_isssearch, ComicYear))
if nzbprov == 'newznab':
nzbprov_fix = name_newznab
elif nzbprov == 'torznab':
@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
bb = "no results"
elif nzbprov == 'Public Torrents':
cmname = re.sub("%20", " ", str(comsrc))
logger.fdebug("Sending request to [WWT-SEARCH] for " + str(cmname) + " : " + str(mod_isssearch))
logger.fdebug('Sending request to [WWT-SEARCH] for %s : %s' % (cmname, mod_isssearch))
ww = wwt.wwt(cmname, mod_isssearch)
bb = ww.wwt_connect()
#bb = rsscheck.torrents(pickfeed='TPSE-SEARCH', seriesname=cmname, issue=mod_isssearch)#cmname,issue=mod_isssearch)
@ -724,11 +724,11 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
hnc = host_newznab_fix
if any([hnc[:3] == '10.', hnc[:4] == '172.', hnc[:4] == '192.', hnc.startswith('localhost'), newznab_local is True]) and newznab_local != False:
logger.info('local domain bypass for ' + name_newznab + ' is active.')
logger.info('local domain bypass for %s is active.' % name_newznab)
localbypass = True
if localbypass == False:
logger.info("pausing for " + str(pause_the_search) + " seconds before continuing to avoid hammering")
logger.info('Pausing for %s seconds before continuing to avoid hammering' % pause_the_search)
# Add a user-agent
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
verify = False
#logger.fdebug('[SSL: ' + str(verify) + '] Search URL: ' + findurl)
logger.fdebug('[SSL: ' + str(verify) + '] Search URL: ' + str(logsearch))
logger.fdebug('[SSL: %s] Search URL: %s' % (verify, logsearch))
r = requests.get(findurl, params=payload, verify=verify, headers=headers)
@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
if str(r.status_code) != '200':
logger.warn('Unable to retrieve search results from ' + tmpprov + ' [Status Code returned: ' + str(r.status_code) + ']')
logger.warn('Unable to retrieve search results from %s [Status Code returned: %s]' % (tmpprov, r.status_code))
if str(r.status_code) == '503':
logger.warn('Unavailable indexer detected. Disabling for a short duration and will try again.')
@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
logger.fdebug('No results for search query from %s' % tmprov)
elif bb['feed']['error']:
logger.error('[ERROR CODE: ' + str(bb['feed']['error']['code']) + '] ' + str(bb['feed']['error']['description']))
logger.error('[ERROR CODE: %s] %s' % (bb['feed']['error']['code'], bb['feed']['error']['description']))
if bb['feed']['error']['code'] == '910':
logger.warn('DAILY API limit reached. Disabling provider usage until 12:01am')
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
ComicTitle = entry['title']
for subs in splitTitle:
logger.fdebug('sub:' + subs)
logger.fdebug('sub: %s' % subs)
regExCount = 0
if len(subs) >= len(ComicName.split()) and not any(d in subs.lower() for d in except_list) and bool(_digits.search(subs)) is True:
@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
if '(digital first)' in ComicTitle.lower(): #entry['title'].lower():
dig_moving = re.sub('\(digital first\)', '', ComicTitle.lower()).strip() #entry['title'].lower()).strip()
dig_moving = re.sub('[\s+]', ' ', dig_moving)
dig_mov_end = dig_moving + ' (Digital First)'
dig_mov_end = '%s (Digital First)' % dig_moving
thisentry = dig_mov_end
thisentry = ComicTitle #entry['title']
@ -1098,13 +1098,13 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
if 'mixed format' in cleantitle.lower():
cleantitle = re.sub('mixed format', '', cleantitle).strip()
logger.fdebug('removed extra information after issue # that is not necessary: ' + str(cleantitle))
logger.fdebug('removed extra information after issue # that is not necessary: %s' % cleantitle)
# if it's coming from 32P, remove the ' -' at the end as it screws it up.
if nzbprov == '32P':
if cleantitle.endswith(' - '):
cleantitle = cleantitle[:-3]
logger.fdebug("cleaned up title to : " + str(cleantitle))
logger.fdebug('Cleaned up title to : %s' % cleantitle)
#send it to the parser here.
p_comic = filechecker.FileChecker(file=ComicTitle)
@ -1187,37 +1187,37 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
result_comyear = parsed_comic['issue_year']
logger.fdebug('year looking for: %s' % comyear)
if str(comyear) in result_comyear:
logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + " - right years match baby!")
logger.fdebug('%s - right years match baby!' % comyear)
yearmatch = "true"
logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + " - not right - years do not match")
logger.fdebug('%s - not right - years do not match' % comyear)
yearmatch = "false"
if UseFuzzy == "2":
#Fuzzy the year +1 and -1
ComUp = int(ComicYear) + 1
ComDwn = int(ComicYear) - 1
if str(ComUp) in result_comyear or str(ComDwn) in result_comyear:
logger.fdebug("Fuzzy Logic'd the Year and got a match with a year of " + str(result_comyear))
logger.fdebug('Fuzzy Logic\'d the Year and got a match with a year of %s' % result_comyear)
yearmatch = "true"
logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + "Fuzzy logic'd the Year and year still didn't match.")
logger.fdebug('%s Fuzzy logic\'d the Year and year still did not match.' % comyear)
#let's do this here and save a few extra loops ;)
#fix for issue dates between Nov-Dec/Jan
if IssDateFix != "no" and UseFuzzy is not "2":
if IssDateFix == "01" or IssDateFix == "02" or IssDateFix == "03":
ComicYearFix = int(ComicYear) - 1
if str(ComicYearFix) in result_comyear:
logger.fdebug("further analysis reveals this was published inbetween Nov-Jan, decreasing year to " + str(ComicYearFix) + " has resulted in a match!")
logger.fdebug('Further analysis reveals this was published inbetween Nov-Jan, decreasing year to %s has resulted in a match!' % ComicYearFix)
yearmatch = "true"
logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + " - not the right year.")
logger.fdebug('%s- not the right year.' % comyear)
ComicYearFix = int(ComicYear) + 1
if str(ComicYearFix) in result_comyear:
logger.fdebug("further analysis reveals this was published inbetween Nov-Jan, incrementing year to " + str(ComicYearFix) + " has resulted in a match!")
logger.fdebug('Further analysis reveals this was published inbetween Nov-Jan, incrementing year to %s has resulted in a match!' % ComicYearFix)
yearmatch = "true"
logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + " - not the right year.")
logger.fdebug('%s - not the right year.' % comyear)
elif UseFuzzy == "1": yearmatch = "true"
if yearmatch == "false": continue
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
nzbprov = 'DEM'
if all([nzbprov == '32P', allow_packs == True, RSS == 'no']):
logger.fdebug('pack:' + entry['pack'])
logger.fdebug('pack: %s' % entry['pack'])
if (all([nzbprov == '32P', RSS == 'no', allow_packs == True]) and any([entry['pack'] == '1', entry['pack'] == '2'])) or (all([nzbprov == 'ddl', pack_test is True])): #allow_packs is True
if nzbprov == '32P':
if entry['pack'] == '2':
@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
#modify the name for annualization to be displayed properly
if annualize == True:
modcomicname = ComicName + ' Annual'
modcomicname = '%s Annual' % ComicName
modcomicname = ComicName
@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
#generate nzbname
nzbname = nzbname_create(nzbprov, info=mylar.COMICINFO, title=ComicTitle) #entry['title'])
if nzbname is None:
logger.error('[NZBPROVIDER = NONE] Encountered an error using given provider with requested information: ' + mylar.COMICINFO + '. You have a blank entry most likely in your newznabs, fix it & restart Mylar')
logger.error('[NZBPROVIDER = NONE] Encountered an error using given provider with requested information: %s. You have a blank entry most likely in your newznabs, fix it & restart Mylar' % mylar.COMICINFO)
#generate the send-to and actually send the nzb / torrent.
#logger.info('entry: %s' % entry)
@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
issinfo = mylar.COMICINFO['pack_issuelist']
if issinfo is not None:
#we need to get EVERY issue ID within the pack and update the log to reflect that they're being downloaded via a pack.
logger.fdebug("Found matching comic within pack...preparing to send to Updater with IssueIDs: " + str(issueid_info) + " and nzbname of " + str(nzbname))
logger.fdebug('Found matching comic within pack...preparing to send to Updater with IssueIDs: %s and nzbname of %s' % (issueid_info, nzbname))
#because packs need to have every issue that's not already Downloaded in a Snatched status, throw it to the updater here as well.
for isid in issinfo['issues']:
updater.nzblog(isid['issueid'], nzbname, ComicName, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, id=nzbid, prov=tmpprov, oneoff=oneoff)
@ -1532,11 +1532,11 @@ def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDa
if alt_nzbname is None or alt_nzbname == '':
logger.fdebug("Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: " + str(IssueID) + " and nzbname: " + str(nzbname))
logger.fdebug('Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: %s and nzbname: %s' % (IssueID, nzbname))
if '[RSS]' in tmpprov: tmpprov = re.sub('\[RSS\]', '', tmpprov).strip()
updater.nzblog(IssueID, nzbname, ComicName, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, id=nzbid, prov=tmpprov, oneoff=oneoff)
logger.fdebug("Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: " + str(IssueID) + " and nzbname: " + str(nzbname) + '[' + alt_nzbname + ']')
logger.fdebug('Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: %s and nzbname: %s [%s]' % (IssueID, nzbname, alt_nzbname))
if '[RSS]' in tmpprov: tmpprov = re.sub('\[RSS\]', '', tmpprov).strip()
updater.nzblog(IssueID, nzbname, ComicName, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, id=nzbid, prov=tmpprov, alt_nzbname=alt_nzbname, oneoff=oneoff)
#send out the notifications for the snatch.
@ -1582,10 +1582,10 @@ def searchforissue(issueid=None, new=False, rsscheck=None, manual=False):
if not issueid or rsscheck:
if rsscheck:
logger.info(u"Initiating RSS Search Scan at the scheduled interval of " + str(mylar.CONFIG.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + " minutes.")
logger.info('Initiating RSS Search Scan at the scheduled interval of %s minutes' % mylar.CONFIG.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL)
mylar.SEARCHLOCK = True
logger.info(u"Initiating check to add Wanted items to Search Queue....")
logger.info('Initiating check to add Wanted items to Search Queue....')
myDB = db.DBConnection()
@ -1676,18 +1676,18 @@ def searchforissue(issueid=None, new=False, rsscheck=None, manual=False):
if all([comic is None, result['mode'] == 'story_arc']):
comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND IssueArcID=?", [result['StoryArcID'],result['IssueArcID']]).fetchone()
if comic is None:
logger.fdebug(str(result['ComicID']) + ' has no associated comic information in the Arc. Skipping searching for this series.')
logger.fdebug('%s has no associated comic information in the Arc. Skipping searching for this series.' % result['ComicID'])
OneOff = True
elif comic is None:
logger.fdebug(str(result['ComicID']) + ' has no associated comic information in the Arc. Skipping searching for this series.')
logger.fdebug('%s has no associated comic information in the Arc. Skipping searching for this series.' % result['ComicID'])
storyarc_watchlist = True
if result['StoreDate'] == '0000-00-00' or result['StoreDate'] is None:
if any([result['IssueDate'] is None, result['IssueDate'] == '0000-00-00']) and result['DigitalDate'] == '0000-00-00':
logger.fdebug('ComicID: ' + str(result['ComicID']) + ' has invalid Date data. Skipping searching for this series.')
logger.fdebug('ComicID: %s has invalid Date data. Skipping searching for this series.' % result['ComicID'])
foundNZB = "none"
@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@ def searchIssueIDList(issuelist):
issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone()
mode = 'want_ann'
if issue is None:
logger.warn('unable to determine IssueID - perhaps you need to delete/refresh series? Skipping this entry: ' + issueid)
logger.warn('Unable to determine IssueID - perhaps you need to delete/refresh series? Skipping this entry: %s' % issueid)
if any([issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded', issue['Status'] == 'Snatched']):
@ -1993,9 +1993,9 @@ def nzbname_create(provider, title=None, info=None):
str_IssueNumber = 'infinity'
str_IssueNumber = IssueNumber
nzbname = str(re.sub(" ", ".", str(Bl_ComicName))) + "." + str(str_IssueNumber) + ".(" + str(comyear) + ")"
nzbname = '%s.%s.(%s)' % (re.sub(" ", ".", str(Bl_ComicName)), str_IssueNumber, comyear)
logger.fdebug("nzb name to be used for post-processing is : " + str(nzbname))
logger.fdebug('nzb name to be used for post-processing is : %s' % nzbname)
elif any([provider == '32P', provider == 'WWT', provider == 'DEM', provider == 'ddl']):
#filesafe the name cause people are idiots when they post sometimes.
@ -2010,29 +2010,29 @@ def nzbname_create(provider, title=None, info=None):
# let's change all space to decimals for simplicity
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] entry[title]: ' + title)
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] entry[title]: %s' % title)
#gotta replace & or escape it
nzbname = re.sub('\&amp;(amp;)?|\&', 'and', title)
nzbname = re.sub('[\,\:\?\'\+]', '', nzbname)
nzbname = re.sub('[\(\)]', ' ', nzbname)
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] nzbname (remove chars): ' + nzbname)
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] nzbname (remove chars): %s' % nzbname)
nzbname = re.sub('.cbr', '', nzbname).strip()
nzbname = re.sub('.cbz', '', nzbname).strip()
nzbname = re.sub('[\.\_]', ' ', nzbname).strip()
nzbname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', nzbname) #make sure we remove the extra spaces.
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] nzbname (\s): ' + nzbname)
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] nzbname (\s): %s' % nzbname)
nzbname = re.sub(' ', '.', nzbname)
#remove the [1/9] parts or whatever kinda crap (usually in experimental results)
pattern = re.compile(r'\W\d{1,3}\/\d{1,3}\W')
match = pattern.search(nzbname)
if match:
nzbname = re.sub(match.group(), '', nzbname).strip()
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] end nzbname: ' + nzbname)
logger.fdebug('[SEARCHER] end nzbname: %s' % nzbname)
if nzbname is None:
return None
logger.fdebug("nzbname used for post-processing:" + nzbname)
logger.fdebug('nzbname used for post-processing: %s' % nzbname)
return nzbname
def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, directsend=None, newznab=None, torznab=None, rss=None):
@ -2099,16 +2099,16 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
if any([oneoff is True, IssueID is None]):
#one-off information
logger.fdebug("ComicName: " + ComicName)
logger.fdebug("Issue: " + str(IssueNumber))
logger.fdebug("Year: " + str(comyear))
logger.fdebug("IssueDate: " + comicinfo[0]['IssueDate'])
logger.fdebug('ComicName: %s' % ComicName)
logger.fdebug('Issue: %s' % IssueNumber)
logger.fdebug('Year: %s' % comyear)
logger.fdebug('IssueDate: %s' % comicinfo[0]['IssueDate'])
if IssueNumber is None:
logger.info('Found %s (%s) using %s' % (ComicName, comyear, tmpprov))
logger.info('Found %s (%s) #%s using %s' % (ComicName, comyear, IssueNumber, tmpprov))
logger.fdebug("link given by: " + str(nzbprov))
logger.fdebug('link given by: %s' % nzbprov)
logger.info('nzbid: %s' % nzbid)
@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
call_the_fail = Failed.FailedProcessor(nzb_name=nzbname, id=nzbid, issueid=IssueID, comicid=ComicID, prov=tmpprov)
check_the_fail = call_the_fail.failed_check()
if check_the_fail == 'Failed':
logger.fdebug('[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] [' + str(tmpprov) + '] Marked as a bad download : ' + str(nzbid))
logger.fdebug('[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] [%s] Marked as a bad download : %s' % (tmprov, nzbid))
return "downloadchk-fail"
elif check_the_fail == 'Good':
logger.fdebug('[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] This is not in the failed downloads list. Will continue with the download.')
@ -2211,11 +2211,11 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
tmp_url_en = len(tmp_url)
tmp_line += tmp_url[tmp_url_en:]
#tmp_url = helpers.apiremove(down_url.copy(), '&')
logger.fdebug('[PAYLOAD-NONE]Download URL: ' + str(tmp_line) + ' [VerifySSL:' + str(verify) + ']')
logger.fdebug('[PAYLOAD-NONE] Download URL: %s [VerifySSL: %s]' % (tmp_line, verify))
tmppay = payload.copy()
tmppay['apikey'] = 'YOUDONTNEEDTOKNOWTHIS'
logger.fdebug('[PAYLOAD] Download URL: ' + down_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(tmppay) + ' [VerifySSL:' + str(verify) + ']')
logger.fdebug('[PAYLOAD] Download URL: %s?%s [VerifySSL: %s]' % (down_url, urllib.urlencode(tmppay), verify))
if down_url.startswith('https') and verify == False:
@ -2259,10 +2259,10 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
if filen is None:
if payload is None:
logger.error('[PAYLOAD:NONE] Unable to download nzb from link: ' + str(down_url) + ' [' + link + ']')
logger.error('[PAYLOAD:NONE] Unable to download nzb from link: %s [%s]' % (down_url, link))
errorlink = down_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(payload)
logger.error('[PAYLOAD:PRESENT] Unable to download nzb from link: ' + str(errorlink) + ' [' + link + ']')
logger.error('[PAYLOAD:PRESENT] Unable to download nzb from link: %s [%s]' % (errorlink, link))
return "sab-fail"
#convert to a generic type of format to help with post-processing.
@ -2270,33 +2270,33 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
filen = re.sub('[\,\:\?\']', '', filen)
filen = re.sub('[\(\)]', ' ', filen)
filen = re.sub('[\s\s+]', '', filen) #make sure we remove the extra spaces.
logger.fdebug('[FILENAME] filename (remove chars): ' + filen)
logger.fdebug('[FILENAME] filename (remove chars): %s' % filen)
filen = re.sub('.cbr', '', filen).strip()
filen = re.sub('.cbz', '', filen).strip()
logger.fdebug('[FILENAME] nzbname (\s): ' + filen)
logger.fdebug('[FILENAME] nzbname (\s): %s' % filen)
#filen = re.sub('\s', '.', filen)
logger.fdebug('[FILENAME] end nzbname: ' + filen)
logger.fdebug('[FILENAME] end nzbname: %s' % filen)
if re.sub('.nzb', '', filen.lower()).strip() != re.sub('.nzb', '', nzbname.lower()).strip():
alt_nzbname = re.sub('.nzb', '', filen).strip()
alt_nzbname = re.sub('[\s+]', ' ', alt_nzbname)
alt_nzbname = re.sub('[\s\_]', '.', alt_nzbname)
logger.info('filen: ' + filen + ' -- nzbname: ' + nzbname + ' are not identical. Storing extra value as : ' + alt_nzbname)
logger.info('filen: %s -- nzbname: %s are not identical. Storing extra value as : %s' % (filen, nzbname, alt_nzbname))
#make sure the cache directory exists - if not, create it (used for storing nzbs).
if os.path.exists(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR):
logger.fdebug("Cache Directory successfully found at : " + mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR + ". Ensuring proper permissions.")
logger.fdebug('Cache Directory successfully found at : %s. Ensuring proper permissions.' % mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)
#enforce the permissions here to ensure the lower portion writes successfully
filechecker.setperms(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, True)
logger.fdebug("Cache Directory successfully found at : " + mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)
logger.fdebug('Cache Directory successfully found at : %s' % mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)
#let's make the dir.
logger.fdebug("Could not locate Cache Directory, attempting to create at : " + mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)
logger.fdebug('Could not locate Cache Directory, attempting to create at : %s' % mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)
filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, True)
logger.info("Temporary NZB Download Directory successfully created at: " + mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)
logger.info('Temporary NZB Download Directory successfully created at: %s' % mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)
except OSError:
@ -2322,13 +2322,13 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
if ddl_it['success'] is True:
logger.info('Successfully snatched %s from DDL site. It is currently being queued to download in position %s' % (nzbname, mylar.DDL_QUEUE.qsize()))
logger.info('Failed to retrieve %s from the DDL site.' % (nzbname))
logger.info('Failed to retrieve %s from the DDL site.' % nzbname)
return "ddl-fail"
sent_to = "is downloading it directly via DDL"
elif mylar.USE_BLACKHOLE and all([nzbprov != '32P', nzbprov != 'WWT', nzbprov != 'DEM', nzbprov != 'torznab']):
logger.fdebug("using blackhole directory at : " + str(mylar.CONFIG.BLACKHOLE_DIR))
logger.fdebug('Using blackhole directory at : %s' % mylar.CONFIG.BLACKHOLE_DIR)
if os.path.exists(mylar.CONFIG.BLACKHOLE_DIR):
#copy the nzb from nzbpath to blackhole dir.
@ -2336,8 +2336,8 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
except (OSError, IOError):
logger.warn('Failed to move nzb into blackhole directory - check blackhole directory and/or permissions.')
return "blackhole-fail"
logger.fdebug("filename saved to your blackhole as : " + nzbname)
logger.info(u"Successfully sent .nzb to your Blackhole directory : " + os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.BLACKHOLE_DIR, nzbname))
logger.fdebug('Filename saved to your blackhole as : %s' % nzbname)
logger.info('Successfully sent .nzb to your Blackhole directory : %s' % os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.BLACKHOLE_DIR, nzbname))
sent_to = "has sent it to your Blackhole Directory"
@ -2376,16 +2376,16 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
#torrents (32P & DEM)
elif any([nzbprov == '32P', nzbprov == 'WWT', nzbprov == 'DEM', nzbprov == 'torznab']):
logger.fdebug("ComicName:" + ComicName)
logger.fdebug("link:" + link)
logger.fdebug("Torrent Provider:" + nzbprov)
logger.fdebug('ComicName: %s' % ComicName)
logger.fdebug('link: %s' % link)
logger.fdebug('Torrent Provider: %s' % nzbprov)
rcheck = rsscheck.torsend2client(ComicName, IssueNumber, comyear, link, nzbprov, nzbid) #nzbid = hash for usage with public torrents
if rcheck == "fail":
logger.error('Unable to send torrent to client. Assuming incomplete link - sending to Failed Handler and continuing search.')
if any([oneoff is True, IssueID is None]):
logger.fdebug('One-off mode was initiated - Failed Download handling for : ' + ComicName + ' #' + str(IssueNumber))
logger.fdebug('One-off mode was initiated - Failed Download handling for : %s #%s' % (ComicName, IssueNumber))
comicinfo = {"ComicName": ComicName,
"IssueNumber": IssueNumber}
@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ def searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, direc
mylar.LOCAL_IP = s.getsockname()[0]
logger.warn('Unable to determine local IP. Defaulting to host address for Mylar provided as : ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_HOST))
logger.warn('Unable to determine local IP. Defaulting to host address for Mylar provided as : %s' % mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_HOST)
#mylar has the return value already provided (easier and will work if it's right)
@ -2717,7 +2717,7 @@ def notify_snatch(sent_to, comicname, comyear, IssueNumber, nzbprov, pack):
logger.info(u"Sending Prowl notification")
prowl = notifiers.PROWL()
prowl.notify(snatched_name, "Download started using " + sent_to)
prowl.notify(snatched_name, 'Download started using %s' % sent_to)
logger.info(u"Sending NMA notification")
nma = notifiers.NMA()
@ -2766,16 +2766,16 @@ def IssueTitleCheck(issuetitle, watchcomic_split, splitit, splitst, issue_firstw
issuetitle = re.sub('[\-\:\,\?\.]', ' ', str(issuetitle))
issuetitle_words = issuetitle.split(None)
#issue title comparison here:
logger.fdebug('there are ' + str(len(issuetitle_words)) + ' words in the issue title of : ' + str(issuetitle))
logger.fdebug('there are %s words in the issue title of : %s' % (len(issuetitle_words), issuetitle))
# we minus 1 the splitst since the issue # is included in there.
if (splitst - 1) > len(watchcomic_split):
logger.fdebug('splitit:' + str(splitit))
logger.fdebug('splitst:' + str(splitst))
logger.fdebug('len-watchcomic:' + str(len(watchcomic_split)))
possibleissue_num = splitit[len(watchcomic_split)] #[splitst]
logger.fdebug('possible issue number of : ' + str(possibleissue_num))
logger.fdebug('possible issue number of : %s' % possibleissue_num)
extra_words = splitst - len(watchcomic_split)
logger.fdebug('there are ' + str(extra_words) + ' left over after we remove the series title.')
logger.fdebug('there are %s left over after we remove the series title.' % extra_words)
wordcount = 1
#remove the series title here so we just have the 'hopefully' issue title
for word in splitit:
@ -2802,20 +2802,20 @@ def IssueTitleCheck(issuetitle, watchcomic_split, splitit, splitst, issue_firstw
if len(chkspot) == (len(decit[0]) + len(decit[1]) + 1):
logger.fdebug('lengths match for possible decimal issue.')
if '.' in chkspot:
logger.fdebug('decimal located within : ' + str(chkspot))
logger.fdebug('decimal located within : %s' % chkspot)
possibleissue_num = chkspot
splitst = splitst -1 #remove the second numeric as it's a decimal and would add an extra char to
logger.fdebug('search_issue_title is : ' + str(search_issue_title))
logger.fdebug('possible issue number of : ' + str(possibleissue_num))
logger.fdebug('search_issue_title is : %s' % search_issue_title)
logger.fdebug('possible issue number of : %s' % possibleissue_num)
if hyphensplit is not None and 'of' not in search_issue_title:
logger.fdebug('hypen split detected.')
issue_start = search_issue_title.find(issue_firstword)
logger.fdebug('located first word of : ' + str(issue_firstword) + ' at position : ' + str(issue_start))
logger.fdebug('located first word of : %s at position : %s' % (issue_firstword, issue_start))
search_issue_title = search_issue_title[issue_start:]
logger.fdebug('corrected search_issue_title is now : ' + str(search_issue_title))
logger.fdebug('corrected search_issue_title is now : %s' % search_issue_title)
except TypeError:
logger.fdebug('invalid parsing detection. Ignoring this result.')
return vals.append({"splitit": splitit,
@ -2833,46 +2833,46 @@ def IssueTitleCheck(issuetitle, watchcomic_split, splitit, splitst, issue_firstw
if wsplit.lower() == 'part' or wsplit.lower() == 'of':
if wsplit.lower() == 'of':
of_chk = True
logger.fdebug('not worrying about this word : ' + str(wsplit))
logger.fdebug('not worrying about this word : %s' % wsplit)
misword +=1
if wsplit.isdigit() and of_chk == True:
logger.fdebug('of ' + str(wsplit) + ' detected. Ignoring for matching.')
logger.fdebug('of %s detected. Ignoring for matching.' % wsplit)
of_chk = False
for sit in sit_split:
logger.fdebug('looking at : ' + str(sit.lower()) + ' -TO- ' + str(wsplit.lower()))
logger.fdebug('looking at : %s -TO- %s' % (sit.lower(), wsplit.lower()))
if sit.lower() == 'part':
logger.fdebug('not worrying about this word : ' + str(sit))
logger.fdebug('not worrying about this word : %s' % sit)
misword +=1
elif sit.lower() == wsplit.lower():
logger.fdebug('word match: ' + str(sit))
logger.fdebug('word match: %s' % sit)
isstitle_match +=1
if int(sit) == int(wsplit):
logger.fdebug('found matching numeric: ' + str(wsplit))
logger.fdebug('found matching numeric: %s' % wsplit)
isstitle_match +=1
logger.fdebug('isstitle_match count : ' + str(isstitle_match))
logger.fdebug('isstitle_match count : %s' % isstitle_match)
if isstitle_match > 0:
iss_calc = ((isstitle_match + misword) / watch_split_count) * 100
logger.fdebug('iss_calc: ' + str(iss_calc) + ' % with ' + str(misword) + ' unaccounted for words')
logger.fdebug('iss_calc: %s %s with %s unaccounted for words' % (iss_calc, '%', misword))
iss_calc = 0
logger.fdebug('0 words matched on issue title.')
if iss_calc >= 80: #mylar.ISSUE_TITLEMATCH - user-defined percentage to match against for issue name comparisons.
logger.fdebug('>80% match on issue name. If this were implemented, this would be considered a match.')
logger.fdebug('we should remove ' + str(len(isstitle_removal)) + ' words : ' + str(isstitle_removal))
logger.fdebug('we should remove %s words : %s' % (len(isstitle_removal), isstitle_removal))
logger.fdebug('Removing issue title from nzb filename to improve matching algorithims.')
splitst = splitst - len(isstitle_removal)
isstitle_chk = True