mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 20:11:31 +00:00
uTorrent Support
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 349 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# Got this from here: https://gist.github.com/1126793
# The contents of this file are subject to the Python Software Foundation
# License Version 2.3 (the License). You may not copy or use this file, in
# either source code or executable form, except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.python.org/license.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# Written by Petru Paler
# Minor modifications made by Andrew Resch to replace the BTFailure errors with Exceptions
def decode_int(x, f):
f += 1
newf = x.index('e', f)
n = int(x[f:newf])
if x[f] == '-':
if x[f + 1] == '0':
raise ValueError
elif x[f] == '0' and newf != f+1:
raise ValueError
return (n, newf+1)
def decode_string(x, f):
colon = x.index(':', f)
n = int(x[f:colon])
if x[f] == '0' and colon != f+1:
raise ValueError
colon += 1
return (x[colon:colon+n], colon+n)
def decode_list(x, f):
r, f = [], f+1
while x[f] != 'e':
v, f = decode_func[x[f]](x, f)
return (r, f + 1)
def decode_dict(x, f):
r, f = {}, f+1
while x[f] != 'e':
k, f = decode_string(x, f)
r[k], f = decode_func[x[f]](x, f)
return (r, f + 1)
decode_func = {}
decode_func['l'] = decode_list
decode_func['d'] = decode_dict
decode_func['i'] = decode_int
decode_func['0'] = decode_string
decode_func['1'] = decode_string
decode_func['2'] = decode_string
decode_func['3'] = decode_string
decode_func['4'] = decode_string
decode_func['5'] = decode_string
decode_func['6'] = decode_string
decode_func['7'] = decode_string
decode_func['8'] = decode_string
decode_func['9'] = decode_string
def bdecode(x):
r, l = decode_func[x[0]](x, 0)
except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError):
raise Exception("not a valid bencoded string")
return r
from types import StringType, IntType, LongType, DictType, ListType, TupleType
class Bencached(object):
__slots__ = ['bencoded']
def __init__(self, s):
self.bencoded = s
def encode_bencached(x,r):
def encode_int(x, r):
r.extend(('i', str(x), 'e'))
def encode_bool(x, r):
if x:
encode_int(1, r)
encode_int(0, r)
def encode_string(x, r):
r.extend((str(len(x)), ':', x))
def encode_list(x, r):
for i in x:
encode_func[type(i)](i, r)
def encode_dict(x,r):
ilist = x.items()
for k, v in ilist:
r.extend((str(len(k)), ':', k))
encode_func[type(v)](v, r)
encode_func = {}
encode_func[Bencached] = encode_bencached
encode_func[IntType] = encode_int
encode_func[LongType] = encode_int
encode_func[StringType] = encode_string
encode_func[ListType] = encode_list
encode_func[TupleType] = encode_list
encode_func[DictType] = encode_dict
from types import BooleanType
encode_func[BooleanType] = encode_bool
except ImportError:
def bencode(x):
r = []
encode_func[type(x)](x, r)
return ''.join(r)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
# This file is part of Mylar and is adapted from Headphones.
import hashlib
import urllib
import json
import time
from collections import namedtuple
import urllib2
import urlparse
import cookielib
import re
import os
import mylar
from mylar import logger
from bencode import bencode, bdecode
from hashlib import sha1
class utorrentclient(object):
TOKEN_REGEX = "<div id='token' style='display:none;'>([^<>]+)</div>"
UTSetting = namedtuple("UTSetting", ["name", "int", "str", "access"])
def __init__(self, base_url=None, username=None, password=None, ):
host = mylar.UTORRENT_HOST
if not host.startswith('http'):
host = 'http://' + host
if host.endswith('/'):
host = host[:-1]
if host.endswith('/gui'):
host = host[:-4]
self.base_url = host
self.username = mylar.UTORRENT_USERNAME
self.password = mylar.UTORRENT_PASSWORD
self.opener = self._make_opener('uTorrent', self.base_url, self.username, self.password)
self.token = self._get_token()
# TODO refresh token, when necessary
def _make_opener(self, realm, base_url, username, password):
"""uTorrent API need HTTP Basic Auth and cookie support for token verify."""
auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
auth.add_password(realm=realm, uri=base_url, user=username, passwd=password)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth)
cookie_jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
cookie_handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)
handlers = [auth, cookie_handler]
opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)
return opener
def _get_token(self):
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, 'gui/token.html')
response = self.opener.open(url)
except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
logger.debug('URL: ' + str(url))
logger.debug('Error getting Token. uTorrent responded with error: ' + str(err))
match = re.search(utorrentclient.TOKEN_REGEX, response.read())
return match.group(1)
def list(self, **kwargs):
params = [('list', '1')]
params += kwargs.items()
return self._action(params)
def add_url(self, url):
# can receive magnet or normal .torrent link
params = [('action', 'add-url'), ('s', url)]
return self._action(params)
def start(self, *hashes):
params = [('action', 'start'), ]
for hash in hashes:
params.append(('hash', hash))
return self._action(params)
def stop(self, *hashes):
params = [('action', 'stop'), ]
for hash in hashes:
params.append(('hash', hash))
return self._action(params)
def pause(self, *hashes):
params = [('action', 'pause'), ]
for hash in hashes:
params.append(('hash', hash))
return self._action(params)
def forcestart(self, *hashes):
params = [('action', 'forcestart'), ]
for hash in hashes:
params.append(('hash', hash))
return self._action(params)
def getfiles(self, hash):
params = [('action', 'getfiles'), ('hash', hash)]
return self._action(params)
def getprops(self, hash):
params = [('action', 'getprops'), ('hash', hash)]
return self._action(params)
def setprops(self, hash, s, val):
params = [('action', 'setprops'), ('hash', hash), ("s", s), ("v", val)]
logger.debug('Params: ' + str(params))
return self._action(params)
def setprio(self, hash, priority, *files):
params = [('action', 'setprio'), ('hash', hash), ('p', str(priority))]
for file_index in files:
params.append(('f', str(file_index)))
return self._action(params)
def get_settings(self, key=None):
params = [('action', 'getsettings'), ]
status, value = self._action(params)
settings = {}
for args in value['settings']:
settings[args[0]] = self.UTSetting(*args)
if key:
return settings[key]
return settings
def remove(self, hash, remove_data=False):
if remove_data:
params = [('action', 'removedata'), ('hash', hash)]
params = [('action', 'remove'), ('hash', hash)]
return self._action(params)
def _action(self, params, body=None, content_type=None):
if not self.token:
url = self.base_url + '/gui/' + '?token=' + self.token + '&' + urllib.urlencode(params)
request = urllib2.Request(url)
if body:
request.add_header('Content-length', len(body))
if content_type:
request.add_header('Content-type', content_type)
response = self.opener.open(request)
return response.code, json.loads(response.read())
except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
logger.debug('URL: ' + str(url))
logger.debug('uTorrent webUI raised the following error: ' + str(err))
def labelTorrent(hash):
label = mylar.UTORRENT_LABEL
uTorrentClient = utorrentclient()
if label:
uTorrentClient.setprops(hash, 'label', str(label))
def removeTorrent(hash, remove_data=False):
uTorrentClient = utorrentclient()
status, torrentList = uTorrentClient.list()
torrents = torrentList['torrents']
for torrent in torrents:
if torrent[0].upper() == hash.upper():
if torrent[21] == 'Finished':
logger.info('%s has finished seeding, removing torrent and data' % torrent[2])
uTorrentClient.remove(hash, remove_data)
return True
'%s has not finished seeding yet, torrent will not be removed, will try again on next run' %
return False
return False
def setSeedRatio(hash, ratio):
uTorrentClient = utorrentclient()
uTorrentClient.setprops(hash, 'seed_override', '1')
if ratio != 0:
uTorrentClient.setprops(hash, 'seed_ratio', ratio * 10)
# TODO passing -1 should be unlimited
uTorrentClient.setprops(hash, 'seed_ratio', -10)
def addTorrent(link):
uTorrentClient = utorrentclient()
def calculate_torrent_hash(link, data=None):
Calculate the torrent hash from a magnet link or data. Raises a ValueError
when it cannot create a torrent hash given the input data.
if link.startswith("magnet:"):
torrent_hash = re.findall("urn:btih:([\w]{32,40})", link)[0]
if len(torrent_hash) == 32:
torrent_hash = b16encode(b32decode(torrent_hash)).lower()
elif data:
info = bdecode(data)["info"]
torrent_hash = sha1(bencode(info)).hexdigest()
raise ValueError("Cannot calculate torrent hash without magnet link " \
"or data")
logger.debug("Torrent hash: " + torrent_hash)
return torrent_hash.upper()
Reference in a new issue