OPDS Add Recent Additions

This commit is contained in:
DarkSir23 2017-11-22 23:44:29 -05:00 committed by evilhero
parent 7be5b02ff6
commit be108c6579
1 changed files with 80 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from cherrypy.lib.static import serve_file, serve_download
import datetime
from mylar.webserve import serve_template
cmd_list = ['root', 'Publishers', 'AllTitles', 'StoryArcs', 'ReadList', 'Comic', 'Publisher', 'Issue', 'StoryArc']
cmd_list = ['root', 'Publishers', 'AllTitles', 'StoryArcs', 'ReadList', 'Comic', 'Publisher', 'Issue', 'StoryArc', 'Recent']
class OPDS(object):
@ -121,6 +121,17 @@ class OPDS(object):
links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self'))
links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=search' % self.opdsroot, type='application/opensearchdescription+xml',rel='search',title='Search'))
publishers = myDB.select("SELECT ComicPublisher from comics GROUP BY ComicPublisher")
'title': 'Recent Additions',
'id': 'Recent',
'updated': mylar.helpers.now(),
'content': 'Recently Added Issues',
'href': '%s?cmd=Recent' % self.opdsroot,
'kind': 'acquisition',
'rel': 'subsection',
if len(publishers) > 0:
count = len(publishers)
@ -394,6 +405,74 @@ class OPDS(object):
self.data = feed
def _Recent(self, **kwargs):
index = 0
if 'index' in kwargs:
index = int(kwargs['index'])
myDB = db.DBConnection()
links = []
recents = self._dic_from_query('SELECT * from snatched WHERE Status = "Post-Processed" order by DateAdded DESC LIMIT 120')
if index <= len(recents):
number = 1
subset = recents[index:(index+30)]
for issue in subset:
issuebook = myDB.fetch('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID = ?', (issue['IssueID'],)).fetchone()
if len(issuebook) == 0:
issuebook = myDB.fetch('SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID = ?', (issue['IssueID'])).fetchone()
comic = myDB.fetch('SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID = ?', (issue['ComicID'],)).fetchone()
updated = issue['DateAdded']
image = None
thumbnail = None
logger.info("TEMP: %s" % dict(zip(issuebook.keys(), issuebook)))
if 'DateAdded' in issuebook.keys():
title = escape('%03d: %s #%s - %s' % (index + number, issuebook['ComicName'], issuebook['Issue_Number'], issuebook['IssueName']))
image = issuebook['ImageURL_ALT']
thumbnail = issuebook['ImageURL']
title = escape('%03d: %s Annual %s - %s' % (index + number, issuebook['ComicName'], issuebook['Issue_Number'], issuebook['IssueName']))
fileloc = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'],issuebook['Location'])
metainfo = None
metainfo = mylar.helpers.IssueDetails(fileloc)
if not metainfo:
metainfo = [{'writer': None,'summary': ''}]
'title': title,
'id': escape('comic:%s - %s' % (issuebook['ComicName'], issuebook['Issue_Number'])),
'updated': updated,
'content': escape('%s' % (metainfo[0]['summary'])),
'href': '%s?cmd=Issue&amp;issueid=%s&amp;file=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(issuebook['IssueID']),quote_plus(issuebook['Location'])),
'kind': 'acquisition',
'rel': 'file',
'author': metainfo[0]['writer'],
'image': image,
'thumbnail': thumbnail,
number += 1
feed = {}
feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - New Arrivals'
feed['id'] = escape('New Arrivals')
feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now()
links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home'))
links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=Recent' % (self.opdsroot),type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self'))
if len(recents) > (index + 30):
getLink(href='%s?cmd=Recent&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot,index+30), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next'))
if index >= 30:
getLink(href='%s?cmd=Recent&amp;index=%s' % (self.opdsroot,index-30), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous'))
feed['links'] = links
feed['entries'] = entries
self.data = feed
def _Issue(self, **kwargs):
if 'issueid' not in kwargs:
self.data = self._error_with_message('No ComicID Provided')