FIX:(#375) bug with previous/next buttons when deleting ..(softball)!

This commit is contained in:
evilhero 2013-05-05 22:34:01 -04:00
parent 19eee4d913
commit cbc8d99f71
1 changed files with 142 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
myDB.action('DELETE from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
myDB.action('DELETE from issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
myDB.action('DELETE from upcoming WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") = True
@ -718,6 +719,21 @@ class WebInterface(object):
newcomics ='SELECT * from newartists')
return serve_template(templatename="managenew.html", title="Manage New Artists", newcomics=newcomics) = True
def markImports(self, action=None, **args):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
comicstoimport = []
for ComicName in args:
if action == 'massimport':"initiating mass import mode for " + ComicName)
cid = ComicName.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
if len(comicstoimport) > 0:
logger.debug("Mass importing the following series: %s" % comicstoimport)
threading.Thread(target=self.preSearchit, args=[None, comicstoimport, len(comicstoimport)]).start()
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") = True
def markComics(self, action=None, **args):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
@ -1255,7 +1271,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
ctrlVal = {"ComicName": result['ComicName']}
newVal = {"IssueCount": countit}
myDB.upsert("importresults", newVal, ctrlVal)"counted " + str(countit) + " issues for " + str(result['ComicName']))"counted " + str(countit) + " issues for " + str(result['ComicName']))
#need to reload results now
results ="SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%' group by ComicName COLLATE NOCASE")
watchresults ="SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE WatchMatch is not Null AND WatchMatch NOT LIKE 'C%' group by ComicName COLLATE NOCASE")
@ -1269,142 +1285,148 @@ class WebInterface(object):
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") = True
def preSearchit(self, ComicName):
def preSearchit(self, ComicName, comiclist=None, mimp=0):
#print ("imp_rename:" + str(imp_rename))
#print ("imp_move:" + str(imp_move))
myDB = db.DBConnection()
results = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE ComicName=?", [ComicName])
#if results > 0:
# print ("There are " + str(results[7]) + " issues to import of " + str(ComicName))
#build the valid year ranges and the minimum issue# here to pass to search.
yearRANGE = []
yearTOP = 0
minISSUE = 0
startISSUE = 10000000
comicstoIMP = []
if mimp == 0:
comiclist = []
for cl in comiclist:
ComicName = cl
print ("comicName: " + str(ComicName))
myDB = db.DBConnection()
results = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE ComicName=?", [ComicName])
#if results > 0:
# print ("There are " + str(results[7]) + " issues to import of " + str(ComicName))
#build the valid year ranges and the minimum issue# here to pass to search.
yearRANGE = []
yearTOP = 0
minISSUE = 0
startISSUE = 10000000
comicstoIMP = []
movealreadyonlist = "no"
movedata = []
movealreadyonlist = "no"
movedata = []
for result in results:
if result is None:
for result in results:
if result is None:
if result['WatchMatch']:
watchmatched = result['WatchMatch']
watchmatched = ''
if watchmatched.startswith('C'):
print ("Confirmed. ComicID already provided - initiating auto-magik mode for import.")
comicid = result['WatchMatch'][1:]
print (result['WatchMatch'] + " .to. " + str(comicid))
#since it's already in the watchlist, we just need to move the files and re-run the filechecker.
if mylar.IMP_MOVE:"Mass import - Move files")
comloc = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
movedata_comicid = comicid
movedata_comiclocation = comloc['ComicLocation']
movedata_comicname = ComicName
movealreadyonlist = "yes"
#check for existing files... (this is already called after move files in importer)
if result['WatchMatch']:
watchmatched = result['WatchMatch']
print ("nothing to do if I'm not moving.")
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults")
comicstoIMP.append(result['ComicLocation'].decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))
getiss = result['impID'].rfind('-')
getiss = result['impID'][getiss+1:]
print("figured issue is : " + str(getiss))
if (result['ComicYear'] not in yearRANGE) or (yearRANGE is None):
if result['ComicYear'] <> "0000":
print ("adding..." + str(result['ComicYear']))
yearTOP = str(result['ComicYear'])
if int(getiss) > int(minISSUE):
print ("issue now set to : " + str(getiss) + " ... it was : " + str(minISSUE))
minISSUE = str(getiss)
if int(getiss) < int(startISSUE):
print ("issue now set to : " + str(getiss) + " ... it was : " + str(startISSUE))
startISSUE = str(getiss)
watchmatched = ''
if watchmatched.startswith('C'):
print ("Confirmed. ComicID already provided - initiating auto-magik mode for import.")
comicid = result['WatchMatch'][1:]
print (result['WatchMatch'] + " .to. " + str(comicid))
#since it's already in the watchlist, we just need to move the files and re-run the filechecker.
if mylar.IMP_MOVE:"Mass import - Move files")
comloc = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
movedata_comicid = comicid
movedata_comiclocation = comloc['ComicLocation']
movedata_comicname = ComicName
movealreadyonlist = "yes"
#check for existing files... (this is already called after move files in importer)
print ("nothing to do if I'm not moving.")
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults")
comicstoIMP.append(result['ComicLocation'].decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))
getiss = result['impID'].rfind('-')
getiss = result['impID'][getiss+1:]
print("figured issue is : " + str(getiss))
if (result['ComicYear'] not in yearRANGE) or (yearRANGE is None):
if result['ComicYear'] <> "0000":
print ("adding..." + str(result['ComicYear']))
yearTOP = str(result['ComicYear'])
if int(getiss) > int(minISSUE):
print ("issue now set to : " + str(getiss) + " ... it was : " + str(minISSUE))
minISSUE = str(getiss)
if int(getiss) < int(startISSUE):
print ("issue now set to : " + str(getiss) + " ... it was : " + str(startISSUE))
startISSUE = str(getiss)
#taking this outside of the transaction in an attempt to stop db locking.
if mylar.IMP_MOVE and movealreadyonlist == "yes":
# for md in movedata:
mylar.moveit.movefiles(movedata_comicid, movedata_comiclocation, movedata_comicname)
#taking this outside of the transaction in an attempt to stop db locking.
if mylar.IMP_MOVE and movealreadyonlist == "yes":
# for md in movedata:
mylar.moveit.movefiles(movedata_comicid, movedata_comiclocation, movedata_comicname)
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults")
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults")
#figure out # of issues and the year range allowable
if yearTOP > 0:
maxyear = int(yearTOP) - (int(minISSUE) / 12)
print ("there is a " + str(maxyear) + " year variation based on the 12 issues/year")
print ("no year detected in any issues...Nulling the value")
yearRANGE = None
#determine a best-guess to # of issues in series
#this needs to be reworked / refined ALOT more.
#minISSUE = highest issue #, startISSUE = lowest issue #
numissues = int(minISSUE) - int(startISSUE)
#normally minissue would work if the issue #'s started at #1.
print ("the years involved are : " + str(yearRANGE))
print ("highest issue # is : " + str(minISSUE))
print ("lowest issue # is : " + str(startISSUE))
print ("approximate number of issues : " + str(numissues))
print ("issues present on system : " + str(len(comicstoIMP)))
print ("versioning checking: ")
cnsplit = ComicName.split()
#cnwords = len(cnsplit)
#cnvers = cnsplit[cnwords-1]
ogcname = ComicName
for splitt in cnsplit:
print ("split")
if 'v' in str(splitt):
print ("possible versioning detected.")
if splitt[1:].isdigit():
print (splitt + " - assuming versioning. Removing from initial search pattern.")
ComicName = re.sub(str(splitt), '', ComicName)
print ("new comicname is : " + ComicName)
# we need to pass the original comicname here into the entire importer module
# so that we can reference the correct issues later.
#figure out # of issues and the year range allowable
if yearTOP > 0:
maxyear = int(yearTOP) - (int(minISSUE) / 12)
print ("there is a " + str(maxyear) + " year variation based on the 12 issues/year")
print ("no year detected in any issues...Nulling the value")
yearRANGE = None
#determine a best-guess to # of issues in series
#this needs to be reworked / refined ALOT more.
#minISSUE = highest issue #, startISSUE = lowest issue #
numissues = int(minISSUE) - int(startISSUE)
#normally minissue would work if the issue #'s started at #1.
print ("the years involved are : " + str(yearRANGE))
print ("highest issue # is : " + str(minISSUE))
print ("lowest issue # is : " + str(startISSUE))
print ("approximate number of issues : " + str(numissues))
print ("issues present on system : " + str(len(comicstoIMP)))
print ("versioning checking: ")
cnsplit = ComicName.split()
#cnwords = len(cnsplit)
#cnvers = cnsplit[cnwords-1]
ogcname = ComicName
for splitt in cnsplit:
print ("split")
if 'v' in str(splitt):
print ("possible versioning detected.")
if splitt[1:].isdigit():
print (splitt + " - assuming versioning. Removing from initial search pattern.")
ComicName = re.sub(str(splitt), '', ComicName)
print ("new comicname is : " + ComicName)
# we need to pass the original comicname here into the entire importer module
# so that we can reference the correct issues later.
if yearRANGE is None:
sresults = mb.findComic(ComicName, mode, issue=numissues)
sresults = mb.findComic(ComicName, mode, issue=numissues, limityear=yearRANGE)
if yearRANGE is None:
sresults = mb.findComic(ComicName, mode, issue=numissues)
sresults = mb.findComic(ComicName, mode, issue=numissues, limityear=yearRANGE)
if len(sresults) == 1:
sr = sresults[0]
print ("only one result...automagik-mode enabled for " + str(sr['comicid']))
resultset = 1
# #need to move the files here.
elif len(sresults) == 0 or len(sresults) is None:
print ("no results, removing the year from the agenda and re-querying.")
sresults = mb.findComic(ComicName, mode, issue=numissues)
if len(sresults) == 1:
sr = sresults[0]
print ("only one result...automagik-mode enabled for " + str(sr['comicid']))
resultset = 1
# #need to move the files here.
elif len(sresults) == 0 or len(sresults) is None:
print ("no results, removing the year from the agenda and re-querying.")
sresults = mb.findComic(ComicName, mode, issue=numissues)
if len(sresults) == 1:
sr = sresults[0]
print ("only one result...automagik-mode enabled for " + str(sr['comicid']))
resultset = 1
resultset = 0
print ("returning results to screen - more than one possibility.")
resultset = 0
print ("returning results to screen - more than one possibility.")
resultset = 0
if resultset == 1:
cresults = self.addComic(comicid=sr['comicid'],comicname=sr['name'],comicyear=sr['comicyear'],comicpublisher=sr['publisher'],comicimage=sr['comicimage'],comicissues=sr['issues'],imported='yes',ogcname=ogcname) #imported=comicstoIMP,ogcname=ogcname)
print ("ogcname -- " + str(ogcname))
return serve_template(templatename="searchfix.html", title="Error Check", comicname=sr['name'], comicid=sr['comicid'], comicyear=sr['comicyear'], comicimage=sr['comicimage'], comicissues=sr['issues'], cresults=cresults, imported='yes', ogcname=str(ogcname))
return serve_template(templatename="searchresults.html", title='Import Results for: "' + ComicName + '"',searchresults=sresults, type=type, imported='yes', ogcname=ogcname) #imported=comicstoIMP, ogcname=ogcname)
if resultset == 1:
cresults = self.addComic(comicid=sr['comicid'],comicname=sr['name'],comicyear=sr['comicyear'],comicpublisher=sr['publisher'],comicimage=sr['comicimage'],comicissues=sr['issues'],imported='yes',ogcname=ogcname) #imported=comicstoIMP,ogcname=ogcname)
print ("ogcname -- " + str(ogcname))
return serve_template(templatename="searchfix.html", title="Error Check", comicname=sr['name'], comicid=sr['comicid'], comicyear=sr['comicyear'], comicimage=sr['comicimage'], comicissues=sr['issues'], cresults=cresults, imported='yes', ogcname=str(ogcname))
return serve_template(templatename="searchresults.html", title='Import Results for: "' + ComicName + '"',searchresults=sresults, type=type, imported='yes', ogcname=ogcname) #imported=comicstoIMP, ogcname=ogcname) = True