diff --git a/data/interfaces/default/manage.html b/data/interfaces/default/manage.html
index 8fa603b1..8047ef7e 100755
--- a/data/interfaces/default/manage.html
+++ b/data/interfaces/default/manage.html
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
Rename files to configuration settings
diff --git a/mylar/librarysync.py b/mylar/librarysync.py
index 1b91a928..01a3620e 100755
--- a/mylar/librarysync.py
+++ b/mylar/librarysync.py
@@ -145,6 +145,29 @@ def libraryScan(dir=None, append=False, ComicID=None, ComicName=None, cron=None)
for i in comic_list:
print i['ComicFilename']
+ #if mylar.IMP_METADATA:
+ #logger.info('metatagging checking enabled.')
+ #if read tags is enabled during import, check here.
+ #if i['ComicLocation'].endswith('.cbz'):
+ # logger.info('Attempting to read tags present in filename: ' + str(i['ComicLocation']))
+ # issueinfo = helpers.IssueDetails(i['ComicLocation'])
+ # if issueinfo is None:
+ # pass
+ # else:
+ # logger.info('Successfully retrieved some tags. Lets see what I can figure out.')
+ # comicname = issueinfo[0]['series']
+ # logger.fdebug('Series Name: ' + comicname)
+ # issue_number = issueinfo[0]['issue_number']
+ # logger.fdebug('Issue Number: ' + str(issue_number))
+ # issuetitle = issueinfo[0]['title']
+ # logger.fdebug('Issue Title: ' + issuetitle)
+ # issueyear = issueinfo[0]['year']
+ # logger.fdebug('Issue Year: ' + str(issueyear))
+ # # if used by ComicTagger, Notes field will have the IssueID.
+ # issuenotes = issueinfo[0]['notes']
+ # logger.fdebug('Notes: ' + issuenotes)
comfilename = i['ComicFilename']
comlocation = i['ComicLocation']
#let's clean up the filename for matching purposes
@@ -515,3 +538,59 @@ def libraryScan(dir=None, append=False, ComicID=None, ComicName=None, cron=None)
import_comicids['comic_info'] = import_by_comicids
print ("import comicids: " + str(import_by_comicids))
return import_comicids, len(import_by_comicids)
+def scanLibrary(scan=None, queue=None):
+ valreturn = []
+ if scan:
+ try:
+ soma,noids = libraryScan()
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.error('Unable to complete the scan: %s' % e)
+ return
+ if soma == "Completed":
+ print ("sucessfully completed import.")
+ else:
+ logger.info(u"Starting mass importing..." + str(noids) + " records.")
+ #this is what it should do...
+ #store soma (the list of comic_details from importing) into sql table so import can be whenever
+ #display webpage showing results
+ #allow user to select comic to add (one at a time)
+ #call addComic off of the webpage to initiate the add.
+ #return to result page to finish or continue adding.
+ #....
+ #threading.Thread(target=self.searchit).start()
+ #threadthis = threadit.ThreadUrl()
+ #result = threadthis.main(soma)
+ myDB = db.DBConnection()
+ sl = 0
+ print ("number of records: " + str(noids))
+ while (sl < int(noids)):
+ soma_sl = soma['comic_info'][sl]
+ print ("soma_sl: " + str(soma_sl))
+ print ("comicname: " + soma_sl['comicname'].encode('utf-8'))
+ print ("filename: " + soma_sl['comfilename'].encode('utf-8'))
+ controlValue = {"impID": soma_sl['impid']}
+ newValue = {"ComicYear": soma_sl['comicyear'],
+ "Status": "Not Imported",
+ "ComicName": soma_sl['comicname'].encode('utf-8'),
+ "DisplayName": soma_sl['displayname'].encode('utf-8'),
+ "ComicFilename": soma_sl['comfilename'].encode('utf-8'),
+ "ComicLocation": soma_sl['comlocation'].encode('utf-8'),
+ "ImportDate": helpers.today(),
+ "WatchMatch": soma_sl['watchmatch']}
+ myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue)
+ sl+=1
+ # because we could be adding volumes/series that span years, we need to account for this
+ # add the year to the db under the term, valid-years
+ # add the issue to the db under the term, min-issue
+ #locate metadata here.
+ # unzip -z filename.cbz will show the comment field of the zip which contains the metadata.
+ #self.importResults()
+ valreturn.append({"somevalue" : 'self.ie',
+ "result" : 'success'})
+ return queue.put(valreturn)
+ #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults")
diff --git a/mylar/webserve.py b/mylar/webserve.py
index dd5d80f4..561ece47 100755
--- a/mylar/webserve.py
+++ b/mylar/webserve.py
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ class WebInterface(object):
# if it's a manual search, return to null here so the thread will die and not cause http redirect errors.
if ComicID:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % ComicID)
+ return cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % ComicID)
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect)
queueissue.exposed = True
@@ -1882,6 +1882,13 @@ class WebInterface(object):
#.schema readinglist
#(StoryArcID TEXT, ComicName TEXT, IssueNumber TEXT, SeriesYear TEXT, IssueYEAR TEXT, StoryArc TEXT, TotalIssues TEXT,
# Status TEXT, inCacheDir TEXT, Location TEXT, IssueArcID TEXT, ReadingOrder INT, IssueID TEXT);
+ if any(d['ComicName'] == Arc_MS['ComicName'] for d in AMS):
+ #store the high value
+ if helpers.issuedigit(Arc_MS['IssueNumber']) >= helpers.issuedigit(d['highvalue']):
+ for key in AMS.keys():
+ if key == "highvalue":
+ AMS[key] = Arc_MS['IssueNumber']
if not any(d['ComicName'] == Arc_MS['ComicName'] for d in AMS):
AMS.append({"StoryArcID": Arc_MS['StoryArcID'],
@@ -1889,9 +1896,10 @@ class WebInterface(object):
"IssueNumber": Arc_MS['IssueNumber'],
"SeriesYear": Arc_MS['SeriesYear'],
"IssueYear": Arc_MS['IssueYear'],
- "IssueID": Arc_MS['IssueID']})
+ "IssueID": Arc_MS['IssueID'],
+ "highvalue": Arc_MS['IssueNumber']})
+ print str(AMS)
# mode='series'
# if yearRANGE is None:
# sresults, explicit = mb.findComic(comicname, mode, issue=numissues, explicit='all')
@@ -2383,6 +2391,10 @@ class WebInterface(object):
confirmResult.exposed = True
def comicScan(self, path, scan=0, libraryscan=0, redirect=None, autoadd=0, imp_move=0, imp_rename=0, imp_metadata=0):
+ import Queue
+ queue = Queue.Queue()
+ #save the values so they stick.
mylar.LIBRARYSCAN = libraryscan
mylar.ADD_COMICS = autoadd
mylar.COMIC_DIR = path
@@ -2390,61 +2402,18 @@ class WebInterface(object):
mylar.IMP_RENAME = imp_rename
mylar.IMP_METADATA = imp_metadata
- if scan:
- try:
- soma,noids = librarysync.libraryScan()
- except Exception, e:
- logger.error('Unable to complete the scan: %s' % e)
- return
- if soma == "Completed":
- print ("sucessfully completed import.")
- else:
- logger.info(u"Starting mass importing..." + str(noids) + " records.")
- #this is what it should do...
- #store soma (the list of comic_details from importing) into sql table so import can be whenever
- #display webpage showing results
- #allow user to select comic to add (one at a time)
- #call addComic off of the webpage to initiate the add.
- #return to result page to finish or continue adding.
- #....
- #threading.Thread(target=self.searchit).start()
- #threadthis = threadit.ThreadUrl()
- #result = threadthis.main(soma)
- myDB = db.DBConnection()
- sl = 0
- print ("number of records: " + str(noids))
- while (sl < int(noids)):
- soma_sl = soma['comic_info'][sl]
- print ("soma_sl: " + str(soma_sl))
- print ("comicname: " + soma_sl['comicname'].encode('utf-8'))
- print ("filename: " + soma_sl['comfilename'].encode('utf-8'))
- controlValue = {"impID": soma_sl['impid']}
- newValue = {"ComicYear": soma_sl['comicyear'],
- "Status": "Not Imported",
- "ComicName": soma_sl['comicname'].encode('utf-8'),
- "DisplayName": soma_sl['displayname'].encode('utf-8'),
- "ComicFilename": soma_sl['comfilename'].encode('utf-8'),
- "ComicLocation": soma_sl['comlocation'].encode('utf-8'),
- "ImportDate": helpers.today(),
- "WatchMatch": soma_sl['watchmatch']}
- myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue)
- sl+=1
- # because we could be adding volumes/series that span years, we need to account for this
- # add the year to the db under the term, valid-years
- # add the issue to the db under the term, min-issue
- #locate metadata here.
- # unzip -z filename.cbz will show the comment field of the zip which contains the metadata.
- # unzip -z filename.cbz < /dev/null will remove the comment field, and thus the metadata.
- #self.importResults()
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults")
- if redirect:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect)
- else:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home")
+ #thread the scan.
+ if scan == '1': scan = True
+ else: scan = False
+ thread_ = threading.Thread(target=librarysync.scanLibrary, name="LibraryScan", args=[scan, queue])
+ thread_.start()
+ thread_.join()
+ chk = queue.get()
+ while True:
+ if chk[0]['result'] == 'success':
+# yield logger.info('I should now enable the Results button somehow.')
+ break
comicScan.exposed = True
def importResults(self):
@@ -2537,8 +2506,8 @@ class WebInterface(object):
yearTOP = str(result['ComicYear'])
getiss_num = helpers.issuedigits(getiss)
- miniss_num = helpers.issuedigits(minISSUE)
- startiss_num = helpers.issuedigits(startISSUE)
+ miniss_num = helpers.issuedigits(str(minISSUE))
+ startiss_num = helpers.issuedigits(str(startISSUE))
if int(getiss_num) > int(miniss_num):
implog = implog + "issue now set to : " + str(getiss) + " ... it was : " + str(minISSUE) + "\n"
minISSUE = str(getiss)
@@ -3450,3 +3419,13 @@ class WebInterface(object):
CreateFolders.exposed = True
+ def getPushbulletDevices(self, api=None):
+ logger.fdebug('here')
+ notifythis = notifiers.pushbullet
+ result = notifythis.get_devices(api)
+ if result:
+ return result
+ else:
+ return 'Error sending Pushbullet notifications.'
+ getPushbulletDevices.exposed = True