FIX:(#613) Negative issues now accounted for properly when File Checking, FIX: If filename extension was uppercase, would be ignored (again), FIX: When creating temporary directory for metatagging, will raise exception on error, FIX: Changed 'Enable RSS Feeds' to 'Enable RSS Feeds for torrents & nzbs', IMP: Removed some unnecessary print statements
2014-04-14 14:10:10 -04:00 |
FIX:(#663) Weekly pull list would crash on issues with decimal places if series on watchlist, FIX: Error logging when performing search, FIX:(#662) Removed 'Test SABnzbd button' as was causing configuration saving issues. Can still be used by url : /SABtest, IMP: Added more logic checking to weeklypull list when comparing series for matches (to ensure an issue is part of a given series), IMP: Removed dead references to nzbx as a provider, FIX: If issue had no leading 0 in a decimal issue, mylar would crash, FIX: None status would occur when refreshing a series and more than one issue was being pulled in for data, IMP: When using manual post-processing, if issue date was near end/start of year issue comparison would fail. Comparison by month now added, FIX: file checking - if decimal in issue and no year present, would skip issue, FIX: manual post-processing - would fail/skip if no year provided for issue within filename, FIX: Manual Annual Add option will only be available if annuals_on=1 within the config.ini now
2014-04-07 12:20:05 -04:00 |
IMP: Removed unneeded code from several modules, IMP:(#659) Subdirectories now will be scanned in properly when in series directories, FIX:(#635)(#658) Moved code from html into module to allow for better integration and further templating needs, IMP: Added ability for mylar to auto-grab SABnzbd API when provided with user/pass, IMP: Test SABnzbd button works again - will auto-rollback to NZBKey usage, IMP: Added counts to Upcoming page, IMP: Added some more detailed parsing to the ImportResults, IMP: ImportResults will now show proper series title, IMP: Improved some logic when determining if a new weekly issue is on a watchlist if a rebooted series, IMP: A bunch of smaller fixes, and some various code tweaks...
2014-04-02 15:08:59 -04:00 |
FIX:(#627) Rebooted #1's showing incorrectly on pull-list/matching, FIX:(#630) identify cbr/cbz files only in filechecker, FIX:(#632) NZBGet Download directory option added, IMP: Manual Annual add now supported via comicid directly (on bottom of comicdetails screen), IMP: Publisher now accounted for when searching, IMP: / added for file format values, IMP: Store/Publication dates now used to help better matching during et all, FIX:(#620) dognzb/nzb.su should be working (again), IMP: Very generic API implemented (taken from headphones), lots of other fixes...
2014-02-26 14:48:50 -05:00 |
IMP:(#559) Differences between pull-list naming and ComicVine - substitutions.csv usage, FIX:(#583) When Importing Series, if filenames had a volume label it would error out, FIX:(#597) When Importing Series, decimal in issue would cause error, FIX:(#600) Annuals file format now inluded as (thanks uspider7), IMP:(#571) centos-init.d and ubuntu-init.d added, Various other fixes....
2014-01-16 15:25:02 -05:00 |
IMP: Added ForceRSS Check and Test SABnzbd Connection buttons in Config, FIX: If Annuals not enabled, would error on home screen, IMP: updated mylar.init.d (thnx Kalinon), FIX: Manual Post-Processing fix for Manual Run (thnx Kalinon), IMP: Library Monitor working (check folder every X minutes and Post-Process), IMP: Future Upcoming introduction, IMP: Experimental search better handling of year inclusions, FIX: Filechecker will now pick up series with years in the series title accordingly, FIX: Torrent seedbox sending would lockup occassionally when attempting to send torrent file, FIX: malformed image url on some series, IMP: Moved issue updating to a seperate function, IMP: When series was refreshed, would download the last issue (or few issues depending on date), regardless of status, IMP: When series is volume 1 or volume label doesn't exist, either assume V1 or remove volume requirements to improve matching hits, IMP: StoryArcs will now check in StoryArc folder for existing issues and change status in StoryArc accordingly...
2013-11-28 10:48:59 -05:00 |
FIX: Removed unnecessary provider statements
2013-10-01 15:10:40 -04:00 |
FIX: necessary git catchup (bad merge)
2013-10-01 14:37:42 -04:00 |
IMP: added necessary abbreviations
2013-10-01 13:41:33 -04:00 |
IMP: Added pretty notification icons to config, FIX: When searching, if found title contained 'the' it wouldn't match, FIX:(#532) Annuals reflected correctly in Total column on homepage, FIX: Forcibly marking a series as Continuing wasn't reflected properly on homepage, IMP: Changed 'Zero Suppression' to 'Issue Number Padding' in Configuration GUI
2013-09-08 00:49:09 -04:00 |
IMP: Boxcar support now added (awaiting Review), IMP: Manage tab now contains Import Directory, Manual Run, and other options, FIX: added status' to StoryArcs
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00 |
FIX: Updated search to better account for versioning, FIX/IMP: Improved KAT torrent support, FIX:(#509) github issue link, FIX: Manual Run Post-Processing should be working again, FIX: FileChecking inclusions added, as well as more parsing (Issue Titles currently not supported)
2013-08-11 01:31:41 -04:00 |
FIX:(#500) Can't start Mylar after update - failed newznab migration, IMP:(#499) Annuals will now filecheck, Alphanumeric Issues should work now, IMP:Added nzblog wipe button to History page - will Wipe the nzblog table for those having problems with post-processing and the .1 folders.
2013-08-05 20:53:10 -04:00 |
FIX:(#492) Rssdb Empty - UID fields added to Providers, RSS not run if not enabled, FIX:(#496) Incorrect Path for Metatagging for Mac OS, FIX:(#495) Versioning now fully detected when searching, FIX: If issue had alpha-numerics, now will seperate for more results, FIX: Newznab would loop an extra time (or more) when doing searches / rss, FIX:(#490)(#482) Invalid literal during PostProcessing (FileChecking), IMP: Cleaned up some unneeded code and streamlined some process'
2013-08-04 01:57:21 -04:00 |
IMP: Torrent Integration with CBT and KAT, IMP: RSS Feed Integration, IMP: Multiple Alternate Search Names, IMP: Newznab Provider Name Field, FIX:(#475) Metatagging not changing status, FIX:(#468) Covers not displaying in FF, FIX:(#469)(#459) NZB Search Scan Error, FIX: (#467) Annuals not found ... too many to list.
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00 |
FIX: When using Experimental Search, would error out when parsing results due to filesize addition, IMP: Removed 'Experimental Only' from tite in configuration File-Size Search Restrictions
2013-07-10 23:55:40 -04:00 |
IMP:(#398) Manual PostProcess inclusion, FIX:(#434) Search related issues when series title has 'the' and a numeric, FIX:(#432) Age of Ultron (AI), FIX:(#426) -1 Issue support, FIX:(#419) Filecheck support for Title inclusion in filenames, FIX:(#417) Status displayed wrongly on main, IMP:(#417) Indipendent publisher now can set time btwn issues for Continuing/Ended, FIX:(#414) Unicode problem, IMP:(#409) Annual Inclusion (config.ini/Annuals=1), IMP: ReadingLists inclusion (../readlist.html) & more
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00 |
FIX:(#390) If year not present within brackets in nzb filename would discard - now attempts to put within brackets (rupaschomaker), IMP: Redid Newznab section to allow for better integration and future improvements (rankings, priority, max results,etc)
2013-05-19 00:07:18 -04:00 |
FIX for ComicVine (inadvertently?) switching to beta API site. Configuration/Web Interface option now available to turn on/off (on = beta..., off = normal api)
2013-05-01 14:13:07 -04:00 |
IMP:(#298) Added Pushover notification option (Pull Request from pyntel)
2013-04-22 00:13:56 -04:00 |
IMP:(#268) Added CHMOD Config options, fixed missing directory errors (Pull Request from claym)
2013-04-21 23:43:57 -04:00 |
FIX:(#304) Index out of range on recheck, FIX:(#303) Comicvine link updated on details page, FIX:(#302) Query rate (Search Delay) Added as a configuration option, FIX:(#300) Version number error on searching when no version number, FIX:(#297) Manual Rename of Files working, FIX:(#294) 'AU' issue problems should be resolved now, FIX:(#290) V#(year) and Vol#(year) added to filechecking, IMP: ComicVine data use only now as a hidden option (cv_only = 1 in config.ini), IMP: added as options for file naming, IMP: Rough drafting of Annuals (annuals_on = 1 in config.ini), Other fixes..
2013-04-06 05:43:18 -04:00 |
IMP:(#267) Previous/Next arrows on Comic Details page to skip to said series, IMP: Added some Mylar blurb info on Configuration
2013-03-12 21:41:45 -04:00 |
FIX: Synology Fix (if you're having parsing problems, or things are getting stuck on adding/updating, try enabling this option), FIX:(#244) Slight fix for some unicode parsing problems with series with special characters
2013-03-06 11:20:09 -05:00 |
FIX: Mako Runtime error on startup (#227), IMP: Added Status filters on comic details page
2013-02-25 10:36:43 -05:00 |
FIX: NZBGet port would always revert to None (Thnx ministoat)
2013-02-21 11:22:34 -05:00 |
IMP: (beta) NZBGet functionality added (#213)(#144)
2013-02-19 22:03:51 -05:00 |
IMP: Added NMA and Prowl notifications, IMP: Info now given on detail page when Issue Count is out due to new issue not being available on online DB's (only happens btwn new pullist and Wednesday)
2013-02-18 12:39:00 -05:00 |
FIX:(#211/#212)Split Latest Issue/Last Published (Thnx ClayM), FIX:(#215) Exception-based series would never update on a DB refresh and would get dropped, IMP:(#191) Download link available per issue (Copy icon first, then Download link is available), IMP: Added icons on issue details screen instead of textual options, IMP:(#32) 'This Week' has an indicator light when new pull-list is available, IMP: Braggin Rights section in Configuration/Information tab (WIP)
2013-02-17 05:31:18 -05:00 |
FIX: When searching, if & present in nzb it would only use information after the &, FIX: PostProcessing would fail if & present in title, FIX: adding a series would fail occasionally/or lock when trying to load in comic information
2013-02-14 13:56:55 -05:00 |
FIX: numerous fixes - trying to get everything back in sync with my box. Expect some things to be broken after this one until the bugs are found :( (#210)(#204)
2013-02-12 20:27:24 -05:00 |
Fix:(#208) Removed invalid tooltip script call
2013-02-12 14:09:44 -05:00 |
FIX:(#162) Sab Download directory option available for Post-Processing, FIX:(#195) Series that had digits in the title would error out occasionally on File Checking, IMP: Minimum/Maximum size restrictions available for Experimental Search ONLY, IMP: some further work on the directory import screens
2013-02-08 22:34:02 -05:00 |
IMP:(#133) CVinfo option added in Configuration/Advanced Options
2013-01-23 03:22:22 -05:00 |
FIX: on/off option for searching for nzbs on startup, FIX: Updating the weekly pull list would always happen (now only on new lists), IMP: Abit more info on startup, FIX: No trailing slash on newznab provider would always return 0 results, FIX: directly adding GCD ID would result in fail, IMP: removed some unecessary code
2013-01-15 12:32:08 -05:00 |
FIX: some fuzzy-year errors, IMP: added as folder/file naming option (#134), IMP: Lowercase entire filename option in Config (#134), FIX: Parse error on adding new series using Ultron-Checker (#151)
2013-01-14 00:12:59 -05:00 |
merged manders2600 pull request #140
2013-01-13 12:10:41 -05:00 |
FiX: error on startup involving git-removed, FIX:Error on weekly check (thnx ClayM), FIX: Nzbx.co would error on no results, FIX: duplicate issues appearing in comic list, IMP:Fuzzy year logic now in Series tab, probably other small stuff...
2013-01-13 10:59:46 -05:00 |
IMP: error on adding comics will now enter into Ultron Error-Checker for custom_exceptions, Fix: Blackhole naming of ':' in filename, IMP: search for wanted comics will start shortly after Mylar starts up now, FIX: Weekly matches of comics weren't matching if title had a 'The', IMP: nzbx.co provider added (not tested), IMP: Configuration tab showing Mylar paths / build information
2013-01-11 16:20:51 -05:00 |
Fix: weekly pull error on startup, Fix: & in send-to-SAB error, IMP: cover.jpg option (Advanced tab), IMP: Extra script functionality (PP tab), IMP: changed post-processing logs, probably more fixes too
2012-12-27 10:04:03 -05:00 |
Fix: DogNZB issues and not being able to find any results, Fix: Newznab selection caused additional searching and duplicate sends, IMP: added verbose logging option in Config (currently only for searches and multiple-volume series adds)
2012-12-20 05:39:37 -05:00 |
fix: Experimental search, fix: dognzb not able to download nzbs, fix:nzb.su fix for nzb filenames (broke renaming/post-processing), add: newznab provider added, add:explicit search.log
2012-12-16 12:57:02 -05:00 |
tonnes of fixes/updates in this...new post-processing (like sickbeard), custom format for folers/files now, comic detail image fix, status changes (archived status added), have counts reflected on Archived status, file-scanner redone to be more inclusive, 1/2 issue fix
2012-10-30 06:43:01 -04:00 |
added ability to change priority of SABnzbd downloads
2012-09-28 11:42:25 -04:00 |
fixed problem with Replace Spaces option not saving
2012-09-14 13:44:32 -04:00 |
Recheck files locates # now, added replace with spaces option in config for filenames
2012-09-14 13:29:01 -04:00 |
attempted fix for : and & in Comic Titles when adding
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00 |