FIX:(#1197) Startup errors on Windows systems after last commit related to stderr/stdout problems, FIX: Selecting copy/move option from GUI configuration wouldn't retain settings, FIX: Removed unnecessary stdout calls from included CT module, FIX: When copy/moving during post-processing and meta-tagging enabled, won't move files to tag if copy is selected
2016-01-27 03:57:27 -05:00 |
FIX: included version of comictagger should now work with both Windows and *nix based OS' again, IMP: Global Copy/Move option available when performing post-processing, IMP: Added a verbose file-checking option (FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE) - when enabled will log as it currently does during manual post-processing/file-checking runs, when disabled it will not spam the log nearly as much resulting in more readable log files, IMP: Added Verbose debug logging both via startup option(-v), as well as toggle button in Log GUI (from headphones), as well as per-page loading of log file(s) in GUI, FIX: When doing manual post-processing on issues that were in story arcs, will now indicate X story-arc issues were post-processed for better visibility, FIX: Fixed an issue with deleting from the nzblog table when story arc issues were post-processed, IMP: Added WEEKFOLDER_LOC to the config.ini to allow for specification of where the weekly download directories will default to (as opposed to off of ComicLocation root), IMP: Better handling of some special character references in series titles when looking for series on the auto-wanted list, IMP: 32P will now auto-disable provider if logon returns invalid credentials, FIX: When using alt_pull on weekly pull list, xA0 unicode character caused error, FIX: If title had invalid character in filename that was replaced with a character that already existed in the title, would not scan in during file-checking, FIX: When searching for a series (weeklypull-list/add a series), if the title contained 'and' or '&' would return really mixed up results, FIX: When Post-Processing, if filename being processed had special characters (ie. comma) and was different than nzbname, in some cases would fail to find/move issues, IMP: Utilize internal comictagger to convert from cbr/cbz, IMP: Added more checks when post-processing to ensure files are handled correctly, IMP: Added meta-tag reading when importing series/issues - if previously tagged with CT, will reverse look-up the provided IssueID to reference the correct ComicID, IMP: If scanned directory during import contins cvinfo file, use that and force the ComicID to entire directory when importing a series, IMP: Manual meta-tagging issues will no longer create temporary directories and/or create files in the Comic Location root causing problems for some users, FIX: Annuals weren't properly sorted upon loading of comic details page for some series, IMP: Added some extra checks when validating/creating directories, FIX: Fixed a problem when displaying some covers of .cbz files on the comic details page
2016-01-26 02:49:56 -05:00 |
FIX: New CV API Rate limiting (1/s) will now be honoured (no more 400/15 mins), FIX: Removed old API lmiter/counters/display, FIX:(#1166) When more than one provider was selected, would leave out one provider when performing searches, FIX: Modified ComicTagger lib is now included due to CV API Rate limiting and causing API problems with normal ComicTagger.
2015-11-23 03:25:59 -05:00 |
FIX:(#1046) if nzbname had '+' within title, would fail to create nzb within cache (nzb only), IMP:(#1079) test notification buttons added, FIX: Changed names of functions to ResumeSeries/DeleteSeries/PauseSeries, IMP: pushbullet notification converted now using requests module, FIX:(#1088) better versioning detection when searching, enforce permissions on cache directory before writing (to ensure nzbs will be written with proper permissions), IMP: Popup dialog box on Delete Series in Comic Details page - option to delete series folder & contents avaiable as well, IMP: Try to determine local IP on startup to allow for better execution of sending nzbs to nzb client
2015-07-21 02:37:41 -04:00 |
IMP: Upgraded requests to 2.7.0
2015-05-19 13:38:36 -04:00 |
FIX: Another attempt at a fix for the insecure https requests errors
2015-04-17 14:35:05 -04:00 |
FIX: Added requests to library
2015-04-15 01:42:03 -04:00 |
IMP: Added HTTPS support, with certificate/key generation, FIX: If a series had a ', search results would miss some key results when not hitting rss feeds, IMP: Better handling of series' that have non-alphanumeric characters when it comes to requesting search results, FIX: Removed some unnecessary spamming when file-checking/manual post-processing in relation to # signs
2015-01-24 21:26:22 -05:00 |
Many updates & bug fixes - too many too list here (check changelog @ http://forum.mylarcomics.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=545)
2015-01-16 14:40:08 -05:00 |
FIX:ReadingList table not defined, IMP:added icon for Readinglists, IMP:mock-empty directory for comictaggerlib
2013-07-02 01:50:14 -04:00 |
attempted fix for : and & in Comic Titles when adding
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00 |