IMP: Boxcar support now added (awaiting Review), IMP: Manage tab now contains Import Directory, Manual Run, and other options, FIX: added status' to StoryArcs
2013-09-07 02:05:32 -04:00 |
IMP: Torrent Integration with CBT and KAT, IMP: RSS Feed Integration, IMP: Multiple Alternate Search Names, IMP: Newznab Provider Name Field, FIX:(#475) Metatagging not changing status, FIX:(#468) Covers not displaying in FF, FIX:(#469)(#459) NZB Search Scan Error, FIX: (#467) Annuals not found ... too many to list.
2013-07-30 00:57:37 -04:00 |
IMP:(#398) Manual PostProcess inclusion, FIX:(#434) Search related issues when series title has 'the' and a numeric, FIX:(#432) Age of Ultron (AI), FIX:(#426) -1 Issue support, FIX:(#419) Filecheck support for Title inclusion in filenames, FIX:(#417) Status displayed wrongly on main, IMP:(#417) Indipendent publisher now can set time btwn issues for Continuing/Ended, FIX:(#414) Unicode problem, IMP:(#409) Annual Inclusion (config.ini/Annuals=1), IMP: ReadingLists inclusion (../readlist.html) & more
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00 |