Commit Graph

129 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
evilhero 3d28371dcb FIX: Annuals with identical numbering across multiple volumes for the same series would be incorrectly dupe-checked during post-processing and/or incorrectly assigned the wrong status for the given issue 2017-05-04 14:41:05 -04:00
evilhero caa5894554 FIX:(#1529) Retrying downloads would fail to start search, FIX: One-off downloads from the weekly pull should now be working again, FIX: Test button for 32P Auth mode option will display proper response 2017-01-20 14:15:15 -05:00
evilhero e602518ea6 IMP: Added Hash field to Snatched table to allow for future torrent features 2017-01-06 13:41:13 -05:00
evilhero 9519153db3 FIX:(#1522) Fix for weekly pull list being empty when using alt_pull 0 method 2017-01-06 13:06:58 -05:00
evilhero d1c5fa63fa FIX: When annual integration enabled, but annual added to watchlist as individual series would fail to update status of filechecked issues properly 2016-12-24 02:24:14 -05:00
evilhero 021459c280 FIX:(#1466) When post-processing if filename did not have issue year or volume, would error, IMP:(#1418) Separate copy/move/hardlink/symlink option for Story arcs, IMP:(#1417) Added story arc format folder to story arc options - can now specify folder format for story arc naming, IMP:(#1374) Added rtorrent_authentication to config.ini allowing user to specify digest/basic authentication, as well as the rpc_url (rtorrent_rpc_url) and ssl (rtorrent_ssl). Rtorrent_host no longer requires protocol in field, IMP: Instead of hitting the intermediary/32P site to get the torrent group, will now retain specific id for torrent group to speed up searches, FIX: (#1472) Fixed some problems with series being searched against 32P which had special characters and would return no results, FIX: Added some specific exception catches when attempting to retrieve search results for nzb providers, FIX: Fixed publisher retaining problem for story arcs (note story arcs will have to be refreshed), FIX: Fixed a problem with the pull-list matching up to the correct series when the issue was an annual for a given series with the alt_pull 2 method (would create an invalid link on the Wanted tab), IMP:(#1470) Added config.ini option to specify folder-formatting for weekly folder numbering, 0=YYYY-WN, 1=YYYY-MM-DD, IMP: (#1471) Added quick check to ensure that newznab host entries do not contain leading/trailing spaces and will strip accordingly, FIX:(#1476) Annuals now have option to add to reading list via the series detail page, IMP: Fixed password fields to allow for special characters within password, IMP: Weekly pull will now correctly show status for previous/future weeks for watchlisted series, IMP: Download option on pullist will work for previous weeks, FIX: Fixed some issues with one-off and story arc post-processing using different file operations, FIX: Fixed error when performing an 'Force Update Active Comics' from the Manage tab (or the scheduled updating of all active comics), IMP: Storyarc issues that are not on watchlist will now retain value for volume to help when searching and file-checking/post-processing, FIX:(#1473) Changed pullist dates on pullist page to unicode to allow for non-English presentation 2016-12-02 12:45:49 -05:00
evilhero a774a3ba0b FIX:(#1455)(#1452)Added search_32p option in config.ini to indicate where Mylar will do the initial compare to see if a series exists on 32p before attempting to retrieve/compare the search results (0 = WS, 1 = 32P). The default setting of 0 will fix the auth mode issues all users were having, FIX: One-off's from the pullist would not snatch in some cases 2016-11-11 11:52:24 -05:00
evilhero 7c7aef0d38 FIX: Fix for filechecking series that had more 200 issues in them and was incorrectly setting the status to Archived for issues, FIX: When copying issues to story-arc directory will now check to see if multiple destination directory is in effect and grab file from the correct location 2016-11-09 11:49:06 -05:00
evilhero cef076ee83 FIX:(#1431) Fixed post-processing cleanup when using SAB + files resided in a sub-folder of the path sent from SAB, IMP: Added hardlink/softlink option for non-windows users (note that metatagging is forcibly disabled when these options are enabled), IMP: Added Enforce Permissions option to force Mylar to either force / ensure permissions are as set within Mylar, or to ignore permissions and just try to perform the given action (this is for adding series, post-processing, importing, arcs, etc), FIX: Fixed a problem where if local watchdir was set and a torrent downloader was selected, both would attempt to be used, but only the watchdir was actually utilized (now it's one or the other, never both), FIX: Mylar will now remove issues that are in Failed status that have incorrect Series Data attached, FIX:(#1438) When file-checking/post-processing if issue date in Mylar was current year and date in filename was the following year (for end-of-year issues), would cause traceback error, FIX: If series year polled from CV is incorrect or not provided, option is available in Edit Settings of series detail page that allows user to specify the correct series year, FIX:(#1427) Fixed a typo when the Scan Library option is used and ComicID's were able to be parsed from the files, FIX: When issues were archived, depending on if series had issues in a Downloaded status or not, would give different results to the Have totals, IMP: Manage tab / Manage Comics now has metatag option available to allow metatagging multiple series in a batch mode, IMP:(#1419) When 'write cvinfo' option is enabled, will now also write cvinfo into story arc directories when added / refreshed, FIX: Fixed a problem when group metatag was being used and causing errors, IMP: Manage Failed page now will link back to the series for easier reference, and the 'link' column was removed due to invalid references, FIX: Removed the 'issue not updated' from the series detail page as was not accurate, IMP: Added a Select Filtered Issues button to the series detail page to allow for selecting of all filtered issues (Show ALL MUST be enabled for it to work properly) 2016-11-02 11:00:56 -04:00
evilhero b437d7450a FIX:(#1411) When arc issue searching using 32p, would cause an error in regards to publisher not being present, FIX:(#1415) Fixed error with story arcs and searching when the year isn't specified, FIX: Copy/Move will during post-processing will now cleanup cache files properly, FIX:(#1413)(#1416) Fix for invalid reference when updating Story Arc settings.FIX: Added issue exception for issue 112/113, FIX: When story arc issue did not have an issue name present, would error, FIX: multiple destination dirs won't be scanned if the dir(s) don't exist 2016-10-14 13:52:55 -04:00
evilhero df0eb49d9e FIX: When have total for a series was > 1000, updating status would fail when creating query, FIX: Filechecker/Importer will now account for filenames in the format of 'filename - year - issue', IMP: Added story arc diretory location in GUI when viewing story arc details, FIX: Removed inactive options on Story Arc main page 2016-10-11 11:08:30 -04:00
evilhero e971620b43 FIX: When alt_pull 2 method was offline, would fail to drop-down to alt_pull 0/1 method and continue checking for new releases, FIX:(#1402) Fixed adding directly to uTorrent client, FIX: Added some exception traps for when Wanted tab is inaccessible, FIX: Updating public tracker demonoid to use new url for rss feeds, FIX: should now account for unicode issue numbers when filechecking, FIX: Attempt to improve unicode handling when importing, FIX: When importing a series, would not flip into Manual Intevention status when more than one search result came back in some instances 2016-10-05 10:12:58 -04:00
evilhero d57741515e FIX:(#1400) Added option to Manage Comics to bulk Recheck Files, FIX:(#1370) Fixed multiple problms with the Manage Comics options to mass delete and mass refresh series, FIX: When using alt-pull 2 method for pullist, when pull-list is updated with new info, status on series detail page wouldn't reflect Wanted status, IMP: Added some additoinal publisher logos, FIX: Removed some placeholder options from the Story Arc Details page 2016-09-30 16:10:08 -04:00
evilhero a850e386d4 IMP: Added new Public Torrent providers to TPSE option (will use TPSE for searches, and both WWT and DEM to poll RSS Feeds from), FIX: Removed KAT as a provider, IMP: Added ability for Retry Issue option to scan through all previous snatches instead of just using the last option, FIX: Tried to fix problems with Wanted tab causing an error when opening (usually after a new install), IMP: Will now store the last time that Mylar retrieved a pullist with alt_pull =2 method and will check every 2 hours for new issues and/or issues being delayed, FIX: Fixed a notification error when doing one-off downloads from the pull-list, FIX:(#1348) Fixed an issue with escape characters when performing a mass update change to the comic location (loc_move setting), FIX:(#1350) When post-processing if filename didn't have a year present, and volume of series wasn't given would cause an error 2016-08-20 17:56:30 -04:00
evilhero 55eedb1869 IMP: Added ALT_PULL=2 method for weeklypull management. Will now update against an external site and pull down already populated ComicID/IssueID's for the series that exist on the pullist. Alternate Search Names aren't needed with this option to match on pullist, as well as CV API Hits are also not used since it is all populated. Also allows for future viewing of pullists (up to 4 weeks in advance), FIX: Alternate search names now will be searched against when doing manual post-processing, FIX: When manually post-processing, if series volume wasn't specified would fail to match against v1 (by default), IMP:(#1309) Https_chain option now allowed within config.ini, IMP: 32P pack support on a per series basis (will search individual torrents first before packs), IMP: When pack is snatched, will mark all issues within pack that are not in a Downloaded status as Snatched within Mylar (annuals currently don't work), IMP: Removed unnecessary config spamming on startup when verbose mode was enabled, IMP: Allow for searching on 32p against series+publisher for some titles that distinguish between series by different publisher, IMP: Better series matching when trying to find series matches on 32P, FIX: When metatagging, if volume label is not provided within Mylar would default to None (now will be v1), IMP:(#1304) Attempt at better file parsing when utf-8 filenames are being parsed, FIX: Proper handling of Infinity issue number when file-checking, FIX: When adding series and annuals were enabled, if annual was a new release, would not be shown on the annual subset table for the given series (and subsequently wouldn't be auto-marked as Wanted), FIX:(#1306) Correct handling of the imported value when doing an import and moving files was selected (would previously error out during moving for some imports), FIX: When cbz files were being imported and were attempted to being auto-imported, would fail due to improper handling of the imported variable, FIX: Manage issues will now default the dropdown to the correct selected option, FIX: Manage Comics - fixed dropdown options for multiple selection of series - delete/pause/resume, IMP: Added 'delete stragglers' option to Story Arcs when deleting an arc to ensure that all traces of the arc are removed from the db, FIX: Manual/group metatagging would not tag properly if the START_YEAR_AS_VOLUME option was enabled, FIX: (#1313) NzbHydra wouldn't set the nzbid properly when using Failed Download handling/Retrying 2016-07-10 18:28:14 -04:00
evilhero 8f53f854ff FIX: When manually post-processing files, if files were in more than one subdirectory level deep would use incorrect path resulting in error, FIX:(#1261, #1262) Traceback error when searching and returned value had volume, FIX: If filenames had the Volume label after the issue number, would fail to recognize the series title properly resulting in errors during scanning, FIX: Removing imported series from the Import List via dropdowns, IMP: Improved upon imports matching up to series that have multiple volumes by comparing issue counts & years, IMP: If an import is determined to need manual intervention, will display only the results that have passed the issue counts/years/name matching as opposed to showing all the results, FIX: When moving files during an import will now only move those files that are attached to the specific grouping by series title/volume, FIX: Import Manual Intervention results sortable by Year column now, FIX: Fixed an errant callback to home during configuration saves that caused web browser error when used with reverse proxy, FIX: During story arc searching if a story arc had a '-' in the arc name, would not be able to find it, FIX: When adding a story-arc, if files pre-existed in the directory attached to the arc would error, FIX: When adding a series, if was used for Folder Format and the volume label didn't exist would label directory with 'noversion', FIX: Selecting to metatag annuals via the manual metatag option on the series detail page, FIX: When retrieving from KAT and response returned was a 404 would ignore it, now will retry alternate torcache site 2016-04-25 11:35:12 -04:00
evilhero 64c9e88e18 FIX:(#1253) Story arc would fail on adding and error on post-processing due to Dynamic Names not being updated, FIX: Fixed some errant unicode conversion when dealing with Issue Numbering, FIX: Removed some str references when adding/refreshing a series that caused unicode characters to break, FIX: If issue number was unicoded, would error out during scan / actual import 2016-04-17 13:17:40 -04:00
evilhero 4bd6cc7cf0 FIX:(#1245)(#1246) Post-processing failure and issue counts not updating properly during post-processing/Recheck Files scan 2016-04-13 14:29:42 -04:00
evilhero a4b2bad38e FIX:(#1242) Problem with # in filenames when issue number is a digit or series title contains numeric, FIX:(#1243) Fixfor incorrect volume label being removed during search parsing, FIX: Removed excessive logging from experimental search, FIX: Removed 200 status code being returned on getting results from provider api, FIX: If annual existed in series directory, and annuals were enabled - but annual was not discovered, would fail to update status' for other issues in series 2016-04-12 23:19:37 -04:00
evilhero 6085c9f993 FIX: When retrieving feeds from 32p and in Auth mode, personal notification feeds contained some invalid html entries that weren't removed properly resulting in no results when attempting to match for downloading, FIX: When searching 32P, if title had a '/' within the title - Mylar would mistakingly skip it due to some previous exceptions that were made for CBT, FIX: Main page would quickly display & hide the have% column instead of always being hidden, FIX: Adjusted some incorrect spacing for non-alphanumeric characters when comparing search results (should result in better matching hopefully), FIX: When adding a series and the most recent issue was present on the weekly-pull list, it would sometimes not mark it as Wanted and auto-attempt to search for it (if auto mark Upcoming enabled), FIX: Added Test Connection button for 32P where it will test logon credentials as well as if Captcha is present, IMP: If captcha is enabled for 32p and signon is required because keys are stale, will not send authentication information and will just bypass as a provider, IMP: Test Connection button added for SABnzbd, IMP: Added ability to directly add torrents to rtorrent and apply label + download directory options (config.ini only atm), FIX: If a search result had a 'vol.' label in it, depending on how the format of the label was mylar would refuse to remove the volume which resulted in failed matches (also fixed a similar issue with failing to remove the volume label when comparing search results), FIX: When filechecking, if a series had a - in the title, will now account for it properly, IMP: Completely redid the filecheck module which allows for integration into other modules as well as more detailed failure logs, IMP: Added Dynamic handder integration into filechecker and subsequent modules that use it which allows for special characters to be replaced with any other type of character, IMP: Manual post-processing speed improved greatly due to new usage of filecheck module, IMP: Importer backend code redone to include new filecheck module, IMP: Added status/counter to import process, IMP: Added force unlock option to importer for failed imports, IMP: Added new status to Import labelled as 'Manual Intervention' for imports that need the user to manually select an option from an available list, FIX: When import said there were search results to view, but none available - would blank screen, IMP: Added a failure log entry showing all the failed files that weren't able to be scanned in during an import (will be in GUI eventually), IMP: if only partial metadata is available during import, Mylar will attempt to use what's available from the metatagging instead of picking all of one/other, IMP: Better grouping of series/volumes when viewing the import results page as well as now indicating if annuals are present within the files, IMP: Added a file-icon beside each imported item on the import result page which allows the user to view the files that are associated with the given series grouping, IMP: Added a blacklisted_publishers option to config.ini which will blacklist specific publishers from being returned during search / import results, FIX: If duplicate dump folder had a value, but duplicate dump wasn't enabled - would still use the duplicate dump folder during post-processing runs, FIX: (#1194) Patch to allow for fixed H1 elements for title (thnx chazlarson), FIX: Removed UnRAR dependency checks in cmtagmylar since not being used anymore, FIX: Fixed a problem with non-ascii characters being recognized during a file-check in certain cases, IMP: Attmept by Mylar to grab an alternate jpg from file when viewing the issue details if it complies with the naming conventions, FIX: Fixed some metatagging issues with ComicBookLover tags not being handled properly if they didn't exist, IMP: Dupecheck now has a failback if it's comparing a cbr/cbr, cbz/cbz and cbr/cbz-priority is enabled, FIX: Quick check added for when adding/refreshing a comic that if a cover already existed, it would delete the cover prior to the attempt to retrieve it, IMP: Added some additional handling for when searching/adding fails, FIX: If a story arc didn't have proper issue dates (or invalid ones) would error out on loading the story arc main page - usually when arcs were imported using a cbl file. 2016-04-07 13:09:06 -04:00
evilhero d182321d9b FIX: included version of comictagger should now work with both Windows and *nix based OS' again, IMP: Global Copy/Move option available when performing post-processing, IMP: Added a verbose file-checking option (FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE) - when enabled will log as it currently does during manual post-processing/file-checking runs, when disabled it will not spam the log nearly as much resulting in more readable log files, IMP: Added Verbose debug logging both via startup option(-v), as well as toggle button in Log GUI (from headphones), as well as per-page loading of log file(s) in GUI, FIX: When doing manual post-processing on issues that were in story arcs, will now indicate X story-arc issues were post-processed for better visibility, FIX: Fixed an issue with deleting from the nzblog table when story arc issues were post-processed, IMP: Added WEEKFOLDER_LOC to the config.ini to allow for specification of where the weekly download directories will default to (as opposed to off of ComicLocation root), IMP: Better handling of some special character references in series titles when looking for series on the auto-wanted list, IMP: 32P will now auto-disable provider if logon returns invalid credentials, FIX: When using alt_pull on weekly pull list, xA0 unicode character caused error, FIX: If title had invalid character in filename that was replaced with a character that already existed in the title, would not scan in during file-checking, FIX: When searching for a series (weeklypull-list/add a series), if the title contained 'and' or '&' would return really mixed up results, FIX: When Post-Processing, if filename being processed had special characters (ie. comma) and was different than nzbname, in some cases would fail to find/move issues, IMP: Utilize internal comictagger to convert from cbr/cbz, IMP: Added more checks when post-processing to ensure files are handled correctly, IMP: Added meta-tag reading when importing series/issues - if previously tagged with CT, will reverse look-up the provided IssueID to reference the correct ComicID, IMP: If scanned directory during import contins cvinfo file, use that and force the ComicID to entire directory when importing a series, IMP: Manual meta-tagging issues will no longer create temporary directories and/or create files in the Comic Location root causing problems for some users, FIX: Annuals weren't properly sorted upon loading of comic details page for some series, IMP: Added some extra checks when validating/creating directories, FIX: Fixed a problem when displaying some covers of .cbz files on the comic details page 2016-01-26 02:49:56 -05:00
evilhero efe447f517 FIX: New CV API Rate limiting (1/s) will now be honoured (no more 400/15 mins), FIX: Removed old API lmiter/counters/display, FIX:(#1166) When more than one provider was selected, would leave out one provider when performing searches, FIX: Modified ComicTagger lib is now included due to CV API Rate limiting and causing API problems with normal ComicTagger. 2015-11-23 03:25:59 -05:00
evilhero caa8654b4a IMP: (#1122) Added provider OMGWTFNZBS (results untested), FIX:(#1124) Experimental search results had a 1/9 (or simliar) parts as part of the header, would error out trying to create the nzb due to invalid path, FIX: When importing a series, if Move Files wasn't enabled would error out during the import process, FIX: When on Import page, if selecting Save Changes without Scanning Library would leave pop-up notification up forever, FIX: When searching for series (like A-Force), results would return 16000+ which would look like it locked up due to the excessive number of results - will now better handle such titles, and overall search results are limited to the first 1000 hits, FIX: When clicking on 'Add Series' from the pull-list, if a series was a new series with no issues published would return 0 results from CV even though the series would exist, FIX:(#1120) Story Arcs with special characters would cause error during manual post-processing run, FIX:(#1125) If year is fuzzied for a given series when searching, would error out with invalid date comparisons 2015-09-11 11:49:56 -04:00
evilhero d43f2674c2 FIX: Added User/Group permissions for *nix-based OS' - will be enforced on file-checking/post-processing and manual meta-tagging, FIX: Fixed incorrect order being displayed on weekly pull-list that displayed issues that had Status' at the beginning of their publisher bracket ignoring their actual place in the ordered list, FIX: Added better error handling for failed authentication to 32P if the site is not available, FIX:(#1064) If weekly directory creation wasn't enabled, sending to read-list would not work 2015-07-01 18:52:26 -04:00
evilhero d87ed182f4 FIX: Will actually restrict CV usage to 400 hits / 15 minutes instead of erroring out and empty filling issue data, IMP: Updated version checker to utilize the requests module, IMP: Can now specify the git user and branch to pull from instead of defaulting to this one (in case I ever retire), IMP: Added hidden option in config.ini (host_return) which allows one to specify the complete url to return for sabnzbd to retrieve the nzb for from mylar the api when downloading nzbs - useful for sabnzbd and mylar machines that are on seperate subnets, IMP: Improved the auto-watch option on the weekly pull list - will now better match up to series when attempting to auto-populate the series into watchlists, IMP: Removed some unnecessary logging when refreshing series, IMP: Increased delay between series refreshes when doing the DBUpdate call (Update Active Series) from 5 to 15s (improves odds of CV not maxing out during large dbupdate sequence), FIX: Will now skip post-processing file(s) if said file(s) cannot be located with nzb_folder, or if it is not a valid cbr/cbz file. 2015-06-21 23:38:10 -04:00
evilhero 0c1e864099 FIX: (#1013) Story Arcs now have a Refresh option which will refresh the issue data from ComicVine. The Arc must be added via the search in order for the Refresh option to appear (using a cbl file won't allow for a refresh currently), FIX:(#1023) Filenames that have the wording of 'Vol.' as well as having an Issue Year present, or some filenames that have a vYEAR format could not be scanned in, FIX: When doing an Import a Directory, when on Windows OS and running with suppressed console, would receive bad file descriptor errors,
FIX: Unicode filenames will now accept 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 (all unicoded) within the actual filename when scanning (usually during manual post-processing), FIX: Blackhole method for nzb's was failing when trying to send to SABnzbd
2015-05-27 01:40:38 -04:00
Adrian Moisey 9a4a6b4bc5 Whitespace cleanup 2015-05-27 00:43:43 -04:00
evilhero af64a462cb FIX: Fixed issue with sending nzbs to nzb client - will now download nzb and then pass that directly into the client (since it has to download it initially anyways to parse out the proper filename from within the nzb), IMP: Issue title matching should now be working when searching for issues where the results have the issue title within the name, IMP: If a nzb provider is offline (service unavailable) will stop searching, FIX: If searching 32P, will now ignore the vol.0 in the results if it's a 0-day release (since the vol doesn't get correctly populated until hours/days after), IMP: Pull-list will now reflect status of Snatched immediately after said action (before it would only reflect it on a restart/refresh). 2015-05-21 11:50:15 -04:00
evilhero 173b9304fe FIX:(#1011) Possible fix for duplicate apikeys being posted for addurl link in SAB for nzbgeek, FIX: [Story Arcs] When Search Missing option was used, would error out in GUI and immediately fail search, FIX: [Story Arcs] When post-processing and meta-tagging enabled, would pass an invalid IssueID into the tagger resulting in no tags being written, FIX: If nzbname had decimals in place of spaces, would fail to match during post-processing and return an error indicating could not locate nzbfile in database 2015-05-11 04:14:47 -04:00
evilhero f0305ec1ae IMP: 32P legacy mode (rss feed only) and Auth mode (user/pass) available now. With Auth mode, will monitor all of personal notification feeds, IMP: Changed access methods to 32P for retrieving links, FIX:(#1007) Fixed error for one-off downloading via weekly pull list, FIX: (#1004) Fix for post-processing errors (missing files), FIX: (#1001) Extra scripts & pre-scripts will now accept bash scripts, FIX: Annuals were being incorrectly tallied in Have total as well as not having status correctly updated, IMP: Fixed some discrepencies with the provider_order generation line, IMP: Made some additional adjustments to the file-checking to account for some additional variations in naming, FIX: Fixed traceback errors when folder monitor was running and wouldn't be able to complete the post-processing properly, FIX: Cleanup code and some other small fixes.... 2015-05-08 22:39:28 -04:00
evilhero e58f17f958 FIX:(#995) Fix for various Readlist problems - cannot locate IssueID, IMP: Weekly Pull-list will now be updated as soon as post-processing has completed for new pulls (as opposed to manually having to refresh pull-list or wait 24hrs), IMP: Weekly Pull-list Comic Name field will now link back to the related watchcomic series page when it's been successfully matched on the pull-list, IMP: Force Update Active Comics now has a config.ini option (update_ended) which will if enabled (1) only update series that are in Continuing status, or (0) the default, update all series regardless of Continuing/Ended status 2015-04-27 22:15:53 -04:00
evilhero cdc3e8a7a0 IMP: Cleaned up interface for StoryArcs / Story Arc Details, IMP: Cleaned up interface for Reading list Management, IMP: Added better reading list management - new status (added, downloaded, read), IMP: Added sync option for use with another device for reading list transfer (ie. tablet) Android only, IMP: Autopopulate new weekly pull releases to reading list, IMP: 'Watch' option in weekly pull list now fully functional. Will watch CV for series' that do not have any series data yet as they are new starting series. Will auto-add once available, IMP: Auto-watch check is run after every refresh/recreate of the weeklypull list, IMP: Improved the Add a Series option where it will now look for issues that are 'new' or 'wanted' during add sequence, IMP: Main page interface now has coloured have/total bars to denote series completion, IMP: New scheduler / threading locks in place in an attempt to avoid database locks, FIX: Removed some erroneous locking that was going on when importing a directory was being run, IMP: Stat counter now present when post-processing multiple issues in sequence, FIX: for issue number error when post-processing and issue number was a non-alphanumeric, FIX: for metatagging: when original file was .cbz, would try to convert and fail, FIX: for issues that were negative and were preceeded by a # in the filename (filechecker), FIX: for publisher having non-alphanumeric character in name when attempting to determine publisher, FIX: if annuals enabled, would incorrectly show as being 'already in library' when viewing search results if results constained annuals, FIX:(#944) for incorrect nzbname being used when post-processing was being performed from an nzb client (experimental mainly), IMP: Turned off logging for ComicVine API counter, FIX: Added retry attempts when connecting to ComicVine in order to avoid errors when adding a series, IMP:(#963) Added ability to add snatched to filter when viewing Wanted issues on Wanted tab, FIX: When importing and then selecting a series to import via the select screen, will now flip back to the importresults and add the selected series in the background, IMP:(#952) Main page is now sorted in ascending order by Continuing/Ended status (and subbed by whether is Active/Paused).Custom sorting is still available, FIX: Dupecheck will now automatically assume existing 0-byte files are to be overwritten when performing post-processing, FIX: If publication date for series contained a '?' (usually with brand new series) will force to 'Present' to allow for pull-list comparisons to take place, FIX: Mylar will now disallow search results which have 'covers only' or 'variant' in the filename, IMP: Better nzbname generation/retrieval (will check inside nzb for possible names) to be used when post-processing, IMP: DB Update will now perform update to all active comics in descending order by Latest Date (instead of random order), FIX: Enforce the 5hr limit rule when running DB update (will only update series that haven't been updated in >5 hours), FIX: Annuals will now have/retain the proper status upon doing DB Update, FIX: Have totals will now be updated when doing a recheck files (sometimes wouldn't get updated depending on various states of status'), FIX:(#966) Added urllib2.URLError exeception trap when attempting to check Git for updates, IMP: Removed the individual sqlite calls for weeklypull, and brought them into line with using the db module (which will minimize concurrent access, which seemed to be causing db locks), IMP: Cleaned up some code and shuffled some functions so they are in more appropriate locations 2015-03-27 13:27:59 -04:00
evilhero dea9ee73a2 FIX:(#944) When using RSS Feeds, and grabbing off of them - would sometimes take an incorrect value for the nzbname which would result in a failed post-processing message (due to the nzbname being generated off of the d-nzbname-proper) 2015-02-18 14:33:18 -05:00
evilhero a692cfb745 FIX: Hopefully addressed the issue where re-downloads of the pull-list occur after they've already been downloaded, FIX: Having duplicate issues within the series directory will now be handled properly based entirely on duplication settings in the GUI, FIX: Fixed a small bug when adding a series, would not populate the pull-list when the series was on said list, IMP: Removed Downloaded status as an available option to change issues to on the comic details page, FIX: Formatted multiple series diretories on the comic details page a bit better, IMP: Added different css colouring for Downloaded status on the weekly pull list, FIX: Annuals should now be appearing on the Manage Issues tab 2015-02-09 13:44:10 -05:00
evilhero 3945ba4a0d Many updates & bug fixes - too many too list here (check changelog @ 2015-01-16 14:40:08 -05:00
evilhero d748d80ff1 IMP: Added ability to set Snatched Status as being able to accumulate the HAVE totals for every series - (config.ini - snatched_havetotal = 0/1) 2014-12-08 12:48:13 -05:00
evilhero 4c8935804c Way too many fixes, some improvements (multipe_dest_dirs, alt weekly pull) 2014-11-21 12:16:28 -05:00
evilhero fa1168d9d0 FIX: (#852) Bi-Annual would not post-process / file-scan at all and give odd results 2014-10-10 14:35:09 -04:00
evilhero 9066ebb965 IMP: (#844)Annuals now deleted from table on a Delete Series command, IMP: (#837)Better volume detection when searching for issues, IMP: (#842)(#808) Added some handling for issue titles when searching (it's not perfect, but it works for most), IMP: (#836)Added .cb7 for filechecking purposes only, IMP: (#830)issue numbers that are -1 can now be renamed, FIX: 'bi-annual' now fixed along with some other improvements for annual handling, IMP: Added version check for autoProcessComics and ComicRN - in order to help warn users of changes and the need to update these files since they are usually outside of the mylar git directory when being used, FIX:(#840) Boxcar2 should be working again, FIX: (#845) If search returned a filename that had no distinction between issue number and issue title and/or extra information, would error out if any of the words contained NOW, IMP: (#823) Added some better detection for NZBGet parameters when using 2014-10-06 14:10:36 -04:00
evilhero a26f761334 FIX:(#802) Saving cover.jpg into series folders via configuration option, would not copy under certain conditions, IMP: Removed unnecessary (spam) logging when refreshing a series 2014-08-26 22:20:16 -04:00
evilhero e7216072f9 IMP: Added some extra handling for series on the weekly pull-list that have totals out of whack and was causing problems when filechecking new issues, FIX:(#794) Can't change annual status using checkboxes, IMP: If trying to view the details for an issue, if it was a cbz file and contained no metadata it would error out 2014-08-18 15:54:34 -04:00
evilhero 4f32f92082 FIX:(#786) ANNComicID referenced before assignment error 2014-08-08 02:54:16 -04:00
evilhero 7076adccfb FIX: (#777) Check Folder option now works again (scheduled manual post-processing on a pre-determined directory), IMP: Removed an unnecessary logging line when file checking and fixed an incorrect len statement 2014-07-30 01:11:19 -04:00
evilhero 78261e8fd8 FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing and scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things.... 2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00
evilhero 8b118ed55e IMP:(#753) Better handling of cbz files when using metatagging option, IMP: Added option for MetaTagging to enable/disable overwriting of existing metadata on cbz files, IMP: Post-Processing will now delete folders that are identical to filenames after successful post-processing, FIX:(#756) Fix for Manual Search for an Issue which resulted in traceback errors upon not finding any matches (Windows), IMP: Added module-name to logging for some modules to help troubleshooting (eventually all will be done), IMP: If a filename contained repeated characters for spaces (ie. ___ or ...), it would fail on post-processing due to the nzbname being off, IMP: Monitoring of CV API will now be persitent on restarts/shutdowns/etc, IMP: Added a maximum CV API global so that it can be adjusted for monitoring more easily should API requirements change, IMP: When Adding new series, will now only mark issues that are actually upcoming as Wanted (based on Store Date) 2014-06-22 04:32:45 -04:00
evilhero c510860c46 FIX: (#746) updated /'s which will now send proper completion messeages to clients, FIX: (#752) refresh series will now test if a series is 'out of whack' with it's numerical issue count (ie. 5/4) or it has no issue data due to a bad refresh / api maxing out and will adjust it's processing to accomodate either, IMP: (#750) Added ComicVine API Checker which will check API counts at regular intervals to inform/warn users of usage, as well as adding a screen-time display of API hits / mins used at the bottom of every page (refreshing/reloading pages will update counts), FIX: (#747)EOL normalization (dos2unix) on - removed classes & exceptions as not being used, IMP: (#747) Skip processing issues with an invalid store date & issue date (thnx rupaschomaker), FIX: Removed strings when searching/logging torrents as was causing ascii errors especially with KAT, IMP: Added [META-TAGGING] to logging for meta-tagging module, IMP: Added ability in GUI to select CR or Cbl tags (or both) when writing metadata to cbz files, IMP: Improved support/usage with ComicTagger v1.1.15 which allows for personal CV API Key usage - if supplied to Mylar, will use when tagging with ComicTagger, IMP: Added Manual Search option to allow for individual searches of issues without changing initial status. 2014-06-18 15:58:19 -04:00
evilhero 3b148298df FIX:(#742) Overlapping of text on ManageComics screen, FIX: Parsed names showing up on Upcoming list instead of actual series titles, FIX:(#744) If Alternate Search used, with a series that has '&' in it, would never get any matches, FIX:(#741) Search results would return multiples for the same search results (default search mode), FIX:(#738) Wipe Nzblog should now return to History page after wipe, IMP: Removed unnecessary logging that resulted in excessive spam, FIX: ManageComics screen - using checkboxes would result in errorswith a table error 2014-06-11 14:39:50 -04:00
evilhero 1f2073b64c FIX: Updated the dbupdater module so it's identical to the Refresh Series option (other was abit buggy and outdated) 2014-05-25 15:08:15 -04:00
evilhero ea02cd83f2 IMP: Ability to now specify search provider order (regardless of torrents or nzb) within the config.ini, IMP: (#667) Changed the db module to try to accomodate db locking errors and lowering the amount of actual write transactions that were committed along with a new scheduler system, IMP: Changed sabnzbd directory to post-processing, and included subdirs for sabnzbd & nzbget ComicRN scripts, IMP: NZBGet Post-Processing script (updated for use with nzbget v11.0+)added & updated in post-processing/nzbget directory (thnx ministoat), FIX: If Issue Location was None, and status was Downloaded would cause error in GUI and break series, IMP: (#689) Minimum # of seeders added (will work with KAT), IMP: (#680) Added Boxcar 2 IO Notifications, IMP: Added PushBullet Notifications, IMP: Cleaned up some notification messages so it's not so cluttered, IMP: Added Clickable series link in History tab, IMP: Added Post-Processed as a status to History tab to show manually post-processed items, IMP: Removed log level dropdown from Logs page & added 'ThreadName' as a column, IMP: Added Force Check Availability & View Future Pull-list to Upcoming sub-tabs, IMP: Added '--safe' option to startup options which will redirect directly to Manage Comics screen incase things are broken, FIX: Added proper month conversions for manual post-processing when doing comparitive issue analysis for matches, FIX: (#613) Allow for negative issue numbers in post-processing when renaming and issue padding is enabled, FIX: File Permissions on post-processing would stop post-processing if couldn't change, now will just log the error and continue, IMP: Added Scheduler (from sickbeard) to allow for threadnaming and better scheduling, IMP: Filenames in the format of ' () ' will now get scanned in, IMP: During manual post-processing will now stop looking for matches upon a successful match, IMP: A Refresh/Weeklypull series check will now just scan in issue data, instead of series info,etc, IMP: Removed some legacy GCD code that is no longer in use, IMP: Exception/traceback handling will now be logged, FIX: Unable to grab torrents from KAT due to content-encoding detection failing, IMP: Added universal date-time conversion to allow for non-english based dates to be properly compared when checking search results against publication dates, FIX: Annuals will now get proper notification (prior was leaving out the word 'annual' from notification/logs), IMP: Improved future pull-list detection and increased retension (now ~5 months), IMP: Will now mark new issues as Wanted on a Refresh Series if autowant upcoming is enabled (was reverting to a status of None previously), IMP: Cannot change status to Downloaded if current status is Skipped or Wanted, FIX: (#704) UnSkipped will now work (X in options column on comic details page), IMP: future_check will check upcoming future issues (future pull-list) that have no series data yet (ie. #1's) and auto-add them to watchlist when the data is available and auto-want accordingly, IMP: (#706) Downloading issues to local machine (via comicdetails screen) with special characters in filename now will work, IMP: improved comparison checks during weekly pull list and improved speed abit since only refreshing issue data now instead of entire series, Other Referenced issues: (#670)(#690) and some others.... 2014-05-25 14:32:11 -04:00
evilhero e0299e5c35 FIX: Removed unnecessary print statements from importResults, FIX: If Issue number contains a negative, when renaming would rename to '00-1' (with padding enabled), FIX: When searching RSS cache for search results, would use both CBT and KAT regardless if only one was enabled (but either was used previously), FIX: Allow for some issues store dates to have a fluctuation of 1.5 weeks in order to account for some discrepencies in dates with the weekly pullist, FIX: (#671) Issues tagged as Archived (either manually, or by auto-checks) would not tally count the Have totals properly - it would not add the Archived count to the total Have Issue count. 2014-04-20 00:01:23 -04:00