FIX: undefined on filter box on startup, IMP: Added Meta-Tagging options on a series / issue basis on comic details screen, IMP: Issue Information is now available per issue and is extracted currently from the cbz file to display (if no cbz is present, the option isn't available), IMP: Failed Download handling is implemented and available in GUI - required to replace existing autoProcessComics.py and ComicRN.py scripts, IMP: Added ability to specify post-processing script instead of ComicRN.py, IMP: Added abilty to edit the issue date for a given issue by simply clicking on it - this will help to avoid dates that have incorrect or 0000-00-00, IMP: Story Arc searching is working (not adding yet), IMP: Added Archived/Ignored options to Upcoming/Wanted tab, IMP: Fixed some alignment and display issues on the Upcoming section, IMP: Added better directory handling for Updating Comic Location when it needs to get changed for all existing series (locmove in config.ini), IMP: Added better handling for unicode characters in series titles when searching / filechecking, IMP: When adding a new series with no data, Mylar would error out (now will add and just retain 0 issues), FIX: When year was fuzzied, search would still attempt to do a date-check comparison and say everything failed, IMP: Better handling of nzb names when retaining for post-processing comparisons, IMP: Future Upcoming now will use actual shipping date of issue if available in order to see if issue is available, FIX: If annuals were enabled, refreshing a series would put some issues into an Archived status because the actual counts would be off, IMP: When file checking, Alternate Naming would be searched last which resulted in matching incorrectly to the series title or other alternate naming for the given series, now will check the Alternate Naming first for a match, then drop back down to the series name itself otherwise, IMP: Improved Annual detection when integrated with a given series, IMP: Improved the checking of the future Upcoming list for issues marked as Wanted but not available yet and then auto-adding, IMP: Improved upon story arc checking for missing issues / searching for wanted, IMP: Enabling Annuals support now within Configuration GUI, bunch of other things....
2014-07-28 15:28:09 -04:00 |
IMP: Removed unneeded code from several modules, IMP:(#659) Subdirectories now will be scanned in properly when in series directories, FIX:(#635)(#658) Moved code from html into module to allow for better integration and further templating needs, IMP: Added ability for mylar to auto-grab SABnzbd API when provided with user/pass, IMP: Test SABnzbd button works again - will auto-rollback to NZBKey usage, IMP: Added counts to Upcoming page, IMP: Added some more detailed parsing to the ImportResults, IMP: ImportResults will now show proper series title, IMP: Improved some logic when determining if a new weekly issue is on a watchlist if a rebooted series, IMP: A bunch of smaller fixes, and some various code tweaks...
2014-04-02 15:08:59 -04:00 |
IMP: Added ForceRSS Check and Test SABnzbd Connection buttons in Config, FIX: If Annuals not enabled, would error on home screen, IMP: updated mylar.init.d (thnx Kalinon), FIX: Manual Post-Processing fix for Manual Run (thnx Kalinon), IMP: Library Monitor working (check folder every X minutes and Post-Process), IMP: Future Upcoming introduction, IMP: Experimental search better handling of year inclusions, FIX: Filechecker will now pick up series with years in the series title accordingly, FIX: Torrent seedbox sending would lockup occassionally when attempting to send torrent file, FIX: malformed image url on some series, IMP: Moved issue updating to a seperate function, IMP: When series was refreshed, would download the last issue (or few issues depending on date), regardless of status, IMP: When series is volume 1 or volume label doesn't exist, either assume V1 or remove volume requirements to improve matching hits, IMP: StoryArcs will now check in StoryArc folder for existing issues and change status in StoryArc accordingly...
2013-11-28 10:48:59 -05:00 |
IMP: Added pretty notification icons to config, FIX: When searching, if found title contained 'the' it wouldn't match, FIX:(#532) Annuals reflected correctly in Total column on homepage, FIX: Forcibly marking a series as Continuing wasn't reflected properly on homepage, IMP: Changed 'Zero Suppression' to 'Issue Number Padding' in Configuration GUI
2013-09-08 00:49:09 -04:00 |
IMP: Added Advanced Options tab to Manage for easier access to hidden options, IMP: attempt to clear out errors when annuals inclusion (not quite working yet), IMP: Removed alot of unnecessary print statements and did some renaming, FIX: Experimental search should now be working (regex's removed), FIX: Metatagging option will now take windows paths, FIX: PostProcessing would error out on using Metatagging option
2013-07-09 21:45:10 -04:00 |
IMP:(#398) Manual PostProcess inclusion, FIX:(#434) Search related issues when series title has 'the' and a numeric, FIX:(#432) Age of Ultron (AI), FIX:(#426) -1 Issue support, FIX:(#419) Filecheck support for Title inclusion in filenames, FIX:(#417) Status displayed wrongly on main, IMP:(#417) Indipendent publisher now can set time btwn issues for Continuing/Ended, FIX:(#414) Unicode problem, IMP:(#409) Annual Inclusion (config.ini/Annuals=1), IMP: ReadingLists inclusion (../readlist.html) & more
2013-07-01 01:19:15 -04:00 |
FIX:(#378) Improved filechecker to pick up different variations in Volume inclusions, as well as special chars, IMP: Pullist improvements with regards to identical titles but not recent (would get confused), IMP: Added some extra checks when determining if a series is Continuing vs Ended
2013-05-08 22:22:47 -04:00 |
IMP: Added 'All' as data-display value in dropdown to tide over lack of pagination at top for the time being
2013-04-13 22:55:00 -04:00 |
FIX:(#259) More checks in place to avoid errors on loading Main Home page, FIX:(#267) Previous/Next comic selection now working
2013-03-14 04:33:16 -04:00 |
FIX: Ongoing Limited Series wouldn't have status of Continuing and wouldn't get marked on weekly pull list (ie.Alpha:Big Time), IMP: Comic Volume is now autopopulated (v2,v3,etc) - can also be edited
2013-03-11 13:25:45 -04:00 |
FIX:(#231) Error about lower() on startup via browser, FIX:(#230) Manual Renaming button did nothing (works now - code in place), FIX:(#220) Uncommented line required for pre-scripts, IMP: Removed unnecessary repetitive logging when parsing, IMP:InfoPop on Downloaded/Archived issues that shows Filename and size.
2013-02-27 03:28:40 -05:00 |
FIX:(#211/#212)Split Latest Issue/Last Published (Thnx ClayM), FIX:(#215) Exception-based series would never update on a DB refresh and would get dropped, IMP:(#191) Download link available per issue (Copy icon first, then Download link is available), IMP: Added icons on issue details screen instead of textual options, IMP:(#32) 'This Week' has an indicator light when new pull-list is available, IMP: Braggin Rights section in Configuration/Information tab (WIP)
2013-02-17 05:31:18 -05:00 |
IMP: Continuing/Ended on main screen, IMP: Publication dates used now for issue dates, attempts to figure out if no issue date (#193), FIX: If dots used in place of spaces would error on file checking (#199), FIX: When selecting issue for download, would Alt.Search for None regardless if enabled or not (#192), IMP: added more coding for eventual implementation of Importing a directory.
2013-02-06 14:55:23 -05:00 |
FIX:(#170) Possible Fix due to page-encoding - added some error traps, FIX:(#184) unclosed table row cell, possible fix, FIX:(#77) A+X would not match on results, IMP: Delete all None and Error-d out (ComicID displaying) from DB on startup - 'if Present in watchd...'(#170)
2013-01-27 05:07:08 -05:00 |
FIX: Home screen will remember number of results/page now
2013-01-23 04:50:33 -05:00 |
IMP: Filtered data and colours now working on main page and comic detail page (meaning you can now display 10,25,50,100 titles / issues at a time per page), IMP: Removed unnecessary html files
2013-01-23 04:43:21 -05:00 |
fix for : in comic using filechecker, status goes to Error when can't find search results, attempt at accounting for '-' in Comic Name
2012-09-17 01:12:40 -04:00 |
attempted fix for : and & in Comic Titles when adding
2012-09-13 11:27:34 -04:00 |