# Mylar Custom Exception listings # In an effort to map ComicVine to GCD correctly, use this. # # # Make changes/additions, and rename this file to 'custom_exceptions.csv'. # # # Required Format, : code, ComicVineID, GCDComicID, GCDComicIDs (for volume spanning series) # ----Format Breakdown # code = # of volumes in series to be checked minus 1 (if there are 4 volumes in a series, put 3) # = 99 is mismatched names. If a series won't match on GCD, this is what you would put. # ComicVineID = the ComicVineID (taken from the searchresults, or the ..Loading.. detail screen) # GCDComicID = the correct GCD Comic ID that Mylar is to match with. # GCDComicIDs = put the GCD Comic ID's here for the given multiple volume spanning series seperated by a '/' # use 'none' if you are not using an option (yes, it's necessary) # #-----Volume Spanning Series----- #-----Mismatched Names------ #test 99,1111,22222,none