# This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . from __future__ import with_statement import re import time import threading import platform import urllib, urllib2 from xml.dom.minidom import parseString, Element from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError import requests import mylar from mylar import logger, db, cv from mylar.helpers import multikeysort, replace_all, cleanName, listLibrary, listStoryArcs import httplib mb_lock = threading.Lock() def patch_http_response_read(func): def inner(*args): try: return func(*args) except httplib.IncompleteRead, e: return e.partial return inner httplib.HTTPResponse.read = patch_http_response_read(httplib.HTTPResponse.read) if platform.python_version() == '2.7.6': httplib.HTTPConnection._http_vsn = 10 httplib.HTTPConnection._http_vsn_str = 'HTTP/1.0' def pullsearch(comicapi, comicquery, offset, type): cnt = 1 for x in comicquery: if cnt == 1: filterline = '%s' % x else: filterline+= ',name:%s' % x cnt+=1 PULLURL = mylar.CVURL + str(type) + 's?api_key=' + str(comicapi) + '&filter=name:' + filterline + '&field_list=id,name,start_year,site_detail_url,count_of_issues,image,publisher,deck,description,first_issue,last_issue&format=xml&sort=date_last_updated:desc&offset=' + str(offset) # 2012/22/02 - CVAPI flipped back to offset instead of page #all these imports are standard on most modern python implementations #logger.info('MB.PULLURL:' + PULLURL) #new CV API restriction - one api request / second. if mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE is None or mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE < 2: time.sleep(2) else: time.sleep(mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE) #download the file: payload = None try: r = requests.get(PULLURL, params=payload, verify=mylar.CONFIG.CV_VERIFY, headers=mylar.CV_HEADERS) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Error fetching data from ComicVine: %s' % e) return try: dom = parseString(r.content) #(data) except ExpatError: if u'Abnormal Traffic Detected' in r.content: logger.error('ComicVine has banned this server\'s IP address because it exceeded the API rate limit.') else: logger.warn('[WARNING] ComicVine is not responding correctly at the moment. This is usually due to some problems on their end. If you re-try things again in a few moments, it might work properly.') return except Exception as e: logger.warn('[ERROR] Error returned from CV: %s' % e) return else: return dom def findComic(name, mode, issue, limityear=None, type=None): #with mb_lock: comicResults = None comicLibrary = listLibrary() comiclist = [] arcinfolist = [] commons = ['and', 'the', '&', '-'] for x in commons: cnt = 0 for m in re.finditer(x, name.lower()): cnt +=1 tehstart = m.start() tehend = m.end() if any([x == 'the', x == 'and']): if len(name) == tehend: tehend =-1 if not all([tehstart == 0, name[tehend] == ' ']) or not all([tehstart != 0, name[tehstart-1] == ' ', name[tehend] == ' ']): continue else: name = name.replace(x, ' ', cnt) originalname = name if '+' in name: name = re.sub('\+', 'PLUS', name) pattern = re.compile(ur'\w+', re.UNICODE) name = pattern.findall(name) if '+' in originalname: y = [] for x in name: y.append(re.sub("PLUS", "%2B", x)) name = y if limityear is None: limityear = 'None' comicquery = name if mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API is None: logger.warn('You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - this is a requirement. Get your own @ http://api.comicvine.com.') return else: comicapi = mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API if type is None: type = 'volume' #let's find out how many results we get from the query... searched = pullsearch(comicapi, comicquery, 0, type) if searched is None: return False totalResults = searched.getElementsByTagName('number_of_total_results')[0].firstChild.wholeText logger.fdebug("there are " + str(totalResults) + " search results...") if not totalResults: return False if int(totalResults) > 1000: logger.warn('Search returned more than 1000 hits [' + str(totalResults) + ']. Only displaying first 1000 results - use more specifics or the exact ComicID if required.') totalResults = 1000 countResults = 0 while (countResults < int(totalResults)): #logger.fdebug("querying " + str(countResults)) if countResults > 0: offsetcount = countResults searched = pullsearch(comicapi, comicquery, offsetcount, type) comicResults = searched.getElementsByTagName(type) body = '' n = 0 if not comicResults: break for result in comicResults: #retrieve the first xml tag (<tag>data</tag>) #that the parser finds with name tagName: arclist = [] if type == 'story_arc': #call cv.py here to find out issue count in story arc try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') names = len(result.getElementsByTagName('name')) n = 0 logger.fdebug('length: ' + str(names)) xmlpub = None #set this incase the publisher field isn't populated in the xml while (n < names): logger.fdebug(result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].parentNode.nodeName) if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].parentNode.nodeName == 'story_arc': logger.fdebug('yes') try: xmlTag = result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].firstChild.wholeText xmlTag = xmlTag.rstrip() logger.fdebug('name: ' + xmlTag) except: logger.error('There was a problem retrieving the given data from ComicVine. Ensure that www.comicvine.com is accessible.') return elif result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].parentNode.nodeName == 'publisher': logger.fdebug('publisher check.') xmlpub = result.getElementsByTagName('name')[n].firstChild.wholeText n+=1 except: logger.warn('error retrieving story arc search results.') return siteurl = len(result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')) s = 0 logger.fdebug('length: ' + str(names)) xmlurl = None while (s < siteurl): logger.fdebug(result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[s].parentNode.nodeName) if result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[s].parentNode.nodeName == 'story_arc': try: xmlurl = result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[s].firstChild.wholeText except: logger.error('There was a problem retrieving the given data from ComicVine. Ensure that www.comicvine.com is accessible.') return s+=1 xmlid = result.getElementsByTagName('id')[0].firstChild.wholeText if xmlid is not None: arcinfolist = storyarcinfo(xmlid) logger.info('[IMAGE] : ' + arcinfolist['comicimage']) comiclist.append({ 'name': xmlTag, 'comicyear': arcinfolist['comicyear'], 'comicid': xmlid, 'cvarcid': xmlid, 'url': xmlurl, 'issues': arcinfolist['issues'], 'comicimage': arcinfolist['comicimage'], 'publisher': xmlpub, 'description': arcinfolist['description'], 'deck': arcinfolist['deck'], 'arclist': arcinfolist['arclist'], 'haveit': arcinfolist['haveit'] }) else: comiclist.append({ 'name': xmlTag, 'comicyear': arcyear, 'comicid': xmlid, 'url': xmlurl, 'issues': issuecount, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'publisher': xmlpub, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'arclist': arclist, 'haveit': haveit }) logger.fdebug('IssueID\'s that are a part of ' + xmlTag + ' : ' + str(arclist)) else: xmlcnt = result.getElementsByTagName('count_of_issues')[0].firstChild.wholeText #here we can determine what called us, and either start gathering all issues or just limited ones. if issue is not None and str(issue).isdigit(): #this gets buggered up with NEW/ONGOING series because the db hasn't been updated #to reflect the proper count. Drop it by 1 to make sure. limiter = int(issue) - 1 else: limiter = 0 #get the first issue # (for auto-magick calcs) iss_len = len(result.getElementsByTagName('name')) i=0 xmlfirst = '1' xmllast = None try: while (i < iss_len): if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[i].parentNode.nodeName == 'first_issue': xmlfirst = result.getElementsByTagName('issue_number')[i].firstChild.wholeText if '\xbd' in xmlfirst: xmlfirst = '1' #if the first issue is 1/2, just assume 1 for logistics elif result.getElementsByTagName('name')[i].parentNode.nodeName == 'last_issue': xmllast = result.getElementsByTagName('issue_number')[i].firstChild.wholeText if all([xmllast is not None, xmlfirst is not None]): break i+=1 except: xmlfirst = '1' if all([xmlfirst == xmllast, xmlfirst.isdigit(), xmlcnt == '0']): xmlcnt = '1' #logger.info('There are : ' + str(xmlcnt) + ' issues in this series.') #logger.info('The first issue started at # ' + str(xmlfirst)) cnt_numerical = int(xmlcnt) + int(xmlfirst) # (of issues + start of first issue = numerical range) #logger.info('The maximum issue number should be roughly # ' + str(cnt_numerical)) #logger.info('The limiter (issue max that we know of) is # ' + str(limiter)) if cnt_numerical >= limiter: cnl = len (result.getElementsByTagName('name')) cl = 0 xmlTag = 'None' xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" xml_lastissueid = 'None' while (cl < cnl): if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[cl].parentNode.nodeName == 'volume': xmlTag = result.getElementsByTagName('name')[cl].firstChild.wholeText #break if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[cl].parentNode.nodeName == 'image': xmlimage = result.getElementsByTagName('super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText if result.getElementsByTagName('name')[cl].parentNode.nodeName == 'last_issue': xml_lastissueid = result.getElementsByTagName('id')[cl].firstChild.wholeText cl+=1 if (result.getElementsByTagName('start_year')[0].firstChild) is not None: xmlYr = result.getElementsByTagName('start_year')[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlYr = "0000" yearRange = [] tmpYr = re.sub('\?', '', xmlYr) if tmpYr.isdigit(): yearRange.append(tmpYr) tmpyearRange = int(xmlcnt) / 12 if float(tmpyearRange): tmpyearRange +1 possible_years = int(tmpYr) + tmpyearRange for i in range(int(tmpYr), int(possible_years),1): if not any(int(x) == int(i) for x in yearRange): yearRange.append(str(i)) logger.fdebug('[RESULT][' + str(limityear) + '] ComicName:' + xmlTag + ' -- ' + str(xmlYr) + ' [Series years: ' + str(yearRange) + ']') if tmpYr != xmlYr: xmlYr = tmpYr if any(map(lambda v: v in limityear, yearRange)) or limityear == 'None': xmlurl = result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText idl = len (result.getElementsByTagName('id')) idt = 0 xmlid = None while (idt < idl): if result.getElementsByTagName('id')[idt].parentNode.nodeName == 'volume': xmlid = result.getElementsByTagName('id')[idt].firstChild.wholeText break idt+=1 if xmlid is None: logger.error('Unable to figure out the comicid - skipping this : ' + str(xmlurl)) continue publishers = result.getElementsByTagName('publisher') if len(publishers) > 0: pubnames = publishers[0].getElementsByTagName('name') if len(pubnames) >0: xmlpub = pubnames[0].firstChild.wholeText else: xmlpub = "Unknown" else: xmlpub = "Unknown" #ignore specific publishers on a global scale here. if mylar.CONFIG.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS is not None and any([x for x in mylar.CONFIG.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS if x.lower() == xmlpub.lower()]): logger.fdebug('Blacklisted publisher [' + xmlpub + ']. Ignoring this result.') continue try: xmldesc = result.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" #this is needed to display brief synopsis for each series on search results page. try: xmldeck = result.getElementsByTagName('deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" xmltype = None if xmldeck != 'None': if any(['print' in xmldeck.lower(), 'digital' in xmldeck.lower(), 'paperback' in xmldeck.lower(), 'one shot' in re.sub('-', '', xmldeck.lower()).strip(), 'hardcover' in xmldeck.lower()]): if all(['print' in xmldeck.lower(), 'reprint' not in xmldeck.lower()]): xmltype = 'Print' elif 'digital' in xmldeck.lower(): xmltype = 'Digital' elif 'paperback' in xmldeck.lower(): xmltype = 'TPB' elif 'hardcover' in xmldeck.lower(): xmltype = 'HC' elif 'oneshot' in re.sub('-', '', xmldeck.lower()).strip(): xmltype = 'One-Shot' else: xmltype = 'Print' if xmldesc != 'None' and xmltype is None: if 'print' in xmldesc[:60].lower() and all(['print edition can be found' not in xmldesc.lower(), 'reprints' not in xmldesc.lower()]): xmltype = 'Print' elif 'digital' in xmldesc[:60].lower() and 'digital edition can be found' not in xmldesc.lower(): xmltype = 'Digital' elif all(['paperback' in xmldesc[:60].lower(), 'paperback can be found' not in xmldesc.lower()]) or 'collects' in xmldesc[:60].lower(): xmltype = 'TPB' elif 'hardcover' in xmldesc[:60].lower() and 'hardcover can be found' not in xmldesc.lower(): xmltype = 'HC' elif any(['one-shot' in xmldesc[:60].lower(), 'one shot' in xmldesc[:60].lower()]) and any(['can be found' not in xmldesc.lower(), 'following the' not in xmldesc.lower()]): i = 0 xmltype = 'One-Shot' avoidwords = ['preceding', 'after the special', 'following the'] while i < 2: if i == 0: cbd = 'one-shot' elif i == 1: cbd = 'one shot' tmp1 = xmldesc[:60].lower().find(cbd) if tmp1 != -1: for x in avoidwords: tmp2 = xmldesc[:tmp1].lower().find(x) if tmp2 != -1: xmltype = 'Print' i = 3 break i+=1 else: xmltype = 'Print' if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" comiclist.append({ 'name': xmlTag, 'comicyear': xmlYr, 'comicid': xmlid, 'url': xmlurl, 'issues': xmlcnt, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'publisher': xmlpub, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'type': xmltype, 'haveit': haveit, 'lastissueid': xml_lastissueid, 'seriesrange': yearRange # returning additional information about series run polled from CV }) #logger.fdebug('year: %s - constraint met: %s [%s] --- 4050-%s' % (xmlYr,xmlTag,xmlYr,xmlid)) else: #logger.fdebug('year: ' + str(xmlYr) + ' - contraint not met. Has to be within ' + str(limityear)) pass n+=1 #search results are limited to 100 and by pagination now...let's account for this. countResults = countResults + 100 return comiclist def storyarcinfo(xmlid): comicLibrary = listStoryArcs() arcinfo = {} if mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API is None: logger.warn('You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - this is a requirement. Get your own @ http://api.comicvine.com.') return else: comicapi = mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API #respawn to the exact id for the story arc and count the # of issues present. ARCPULL_URL = mylar.CVURL + 'story_arc/4045-' + str(xmlid) + '/?api_key=' + str(comicapi) + '&field_list=issues,publisher,name,first_appeared_in_issue,deck,image&format=xml&offset=0' #logger.fdebug('arcpull_url:' + str(ARCPULL_URL)) #new CV API restriction - one api request / second. if mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE is None or mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE < 2: time.sleep(2) else: time.sleep(mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE) #download the file: payload = None try: r = requests.get(ARCPULL_URL, params=payload, verify=mylar.CONFIG.CV_VERIFY, headers=mylar.CV_HEADERS) except Exception as e: logger.warn('While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s' % e) return try: arcdom = parseString(r.content) except ExpatError: if u'<title>Abnormal Traffic Detected' in r.content: logger.error('ComicVine has banned this server\'s IP address because it exceeded the API rate limit.') else: logger.warn('While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s for data: %s' % (e, r.content)) return except Exception as e: logger.warn('While parsing data from ComicVine, got exception: %s for data: %s' % (e, r.content)) return try: logger.fdebug('story_arc ascension') issuedom = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') issuecount = len( issuedom ) #arcdom.getElementsByTagName('issue') ) isc = 0 arclist = '' ordernum = 1 for isd in issuedom: zeline = isd.getElementsByTagName('id') isdlen = len( zeline ) isb = 0 while ( isb < isdlen): if isc == 0: arclist = str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText).strip() + ',' + str(ordernum) else: arclist += '|' + str(zeline[isb].firstChild.wholeText).strip() + ',' + str(ordernum) ordernum+=1 isb+=1 isc+=1 except: logger.fdebug('unable to retrive issue count - nullifying value.') issuecount = 0 try: firstid = None arcyear = None fid = len ( arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id') ) fi = 0 while (fi < fid): if arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].parentNode.nodeName == 'first_appeared_in_issue': if not arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText == xmlid: logger.fdebug('hit it.') firstid = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('id')[fi].firstChild.wholeText break # - dont' break out here as we want to gather ALL the issue ID's since it's here fi+=1 logger.fdebug('firstid: ' + str(firstid)) if firstid is not None: firstdom = cv.pulldetails(comicid=None, type='firstissue', issueid=firstid) logger.fdebug('success') arcyear = cv.Getissue(firstid,firstdom,'firstissue') except: logger.fdebug('Unable to retrieve first issue details. Not caclulating at this time.') try: xmlimage = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg" try: xmldesc = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('desc')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldesc = "None" try: xmlpub = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('publisher')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmlpub = "None" try: xmldeck = arcdom.getElementsByTagName('deck')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: xmldeck = "None" if xmlid in comicLibrary: haveit = comicLibrary[xmlid] else: haveit = "No" arcinfo = { #'name': xmlTag, #theese four are passed into it only when it's a new add #'url': xmlurl, #needs to be modified for refreshing to work completely. #'publisher': xmlpub, 'comicyear': arcyear, 'comicid': xmlid, 'issues': issuecount, 'comicimage': xmlimage, 'description': xmldesc, 'deck': xmldeck, 'arclist': arclist, 'haveit': haveit, 'publisher': xmlpub } return arcinfo