# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """This module defines the "ns" enum for natsort.""" from __future__ import ( print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import ) class ns(object): """ Enum to control the `natsort` algorithm. This class acts like an enum to control the `natsort` algorithm. The user may select several options simultaneously by or'ing the options together. For example, to choose ``ns.INT``, ``ns.PATH``, and ``ns.LOCALE``, you could do ``ns.INT | ns.LOCALE | ns.PATH``. Each function in the :mod:`natsort` package has an `alg` option that accepts this enum to allow fine control over how your input is sorted. Each option has a shortened 1- or 2-letter form. .. note:: Please read :ref:`locale_issues` before using ``ns.LOCALE``. Attributes ---------- INT, I (default) The default - parse numbers as integers. FLOAT, F Tell `natsort` to parse numbers as floats. UNSIGNED, U (default) Tell `natsort` to ignore any sign (i.e. "-" or "+") to the immediate left of a number. This is the default. SIGNED, S Tell `natsort` to take into account any sign (i.e. "-" or "+") to the immediate left of a number. REAL, R This is a shortcut for ``ns.FLOAT | ns.SIGNED``, which is useful when attempting to sort real numbers. NOEXP, N Tell `natsort` to not search for exponents as part of a float number. For example, with `NOEXP` the number "5.6E5" would be interpreted as `5.6`, `"E"`, and `5` instead of `560000`. NUMAFTER, NA Tell `natsort` to sort numbers after non-numbers. By default numbers will be ordered before non-numbers. PATH, P Tell `natsort` to interpret strings as filesystem paths, so they will be split according to the filesystem separator (i.e. '/' on UNIX, '\\' on Windows), as well as splitting on the file extension, if any. Without this, lists of file paths like ``['Folder/', 'Folder (1)/', 'Folder (10)/']`` will not be sorted properly; 'Folder/' will be placed at the end, not at the front. It is the same as setting the old `as_path` option to `True`. COMPATIBILITYNORMALIZE, CN Use the "NFKD" unicode normalization form on input rather than the default "NFD". This will transform characters such as '⑦' into '7'. Please see https://stackoverflow.com/a/7934397/1399279, https://stackoverflow.com/a/7931547/1399279, and http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/ for full details into unicode normalization. LOCALE, L Tell `natsort` to be locale-aware when sorting. This includes both proper sorting of alphabetical characters as well as proper handling of locale-dependent decimal separators and thousands separators. This is a shortcut for ``ns.LOCALEALPHA | ns.LOCALENUM``. Your sorting results will vary depending on your current locale. LOCALEALPHA, LA Tell `natsort` to be locale-aware when sorting, but only for alphabetical characters. LOCALENUM, LN Tell `natsort` to be locale-aware when sorting, but only for decimal separators and thousands separators. IGNORECASE, IC Tell `natsort` to ignore case when sorting. For example, ``['Banana', 'apple', 'banana', 'Apple']`` would be sorted as ``['apple', 'Apple', 'Banana', 'banana']``. LOWERCASEFIRST, LF Tell `natsort` to put lowercase letters before uppercase letters when sorting. For example, ``['Banana', 'apple', 'banana', 'Apple']`` would be sorted as ``['apple', 'banana', 'Apple', 'Banana']`` (the default order would be ``['Apple', 'Banana', 'apple', 'banana']`` which is the order from a purely ordinal sort). Useless when used with `IGNORECASE`. Please note that if used with ``LOCALE``, this actually has the reverse effect and will put uppercase first (this is because ``LOCALE`` already puts lowercase first); you may use this to your advantage if you need to modify the order returned with ``LOCALE``. GROUPLETTERS, G Tell `natsort` to group lowercase and uppercase letters together when sorting. For example, ``['Banana', 'apple', 'banana', 'Apple']`` would be sorted as ``['Apple', 'apple', 'Banana', 'banana']``. Useless when used with `IGNORECASE`; use with `LOWERCASEFIRST` to reverse the order of upper and lower case. Generally not needed with `LOCALE`. CAPITALFIRST, C Only used when `LOCALE` is enabled. Tell `natsort` to put all capitalized words before non-capitalized words. This is essentially the inverse of `GROUPLETTERS`, and is the default Python sorting behavior without `LOCALE`. UNGROUPLETTERS, UG An alias for `CAPITALFIRST`. NANLAST, NL If an NaN shows up in the input, this instructs `natsort` to treat these as +Infinity and place them after all the other numbers. By default, an NaN be treated as -Infinity and be placed first. TYPESAFE, T Deprecated as of `natsort` version 5.0.0; this option is now a no-op because it is always true. VERSION, V Deprecated as of `natsort` version 5.0.0; this option is now a no-op because it is the default. DIGIT, D Same as `VERSION` above. Notes ----- If you prefer to use `import natsort as ns` as opposed to `from natsort import natsorted, ns`, the `ns` options are available as top-level imports. >>> import natsort as ns >>> a = ['num5.10', 'num-3', 'num5.3', 'num2'] >>> ns.natsorted(a, alg=ns.REAL) == ns.natsorted(a, alg=ns.ns.REAL) True """ # Following were previously now options but are now defaults. TYPESAFE = T = 0 INT = I = 0 VERSION = V = 0 DIGIT = D = 0 UNSIGNED = U = 0 # The below are options. The values are stored as powers of two # so bitmasks can be used to extract the user's requested options. FLOAT = F = 1 << 0 SIGNED = S = 1 << 1 REAL = R = FLOAT | SIGNED NOEXP = N = 1 << 2 PATH = P = 1 << 3 LOCALEALPHA = LA = 1 << 4 LOCALENUM = LN = 1 << 5 LOCALE = L = LOCALEALPHA | LOCALENUM IGNORECASE = IC = 1 << 6 LOWERCASEFIRST = LF = 1 << 7 GROUPLETTERS = G = 1 << 8 UNGROUPLETTERS = UG = 1 << 9 CAPITALFIRST = C = UNGROUPLETTERS NANLAST = NL = 1 << 10 COMPATIBILITYNORMALIZE = CN = 1 << 11 NUMAFTER = NA = 1 << 12 # The below are private options for internal use only. _NUMERIC_ONLY = REAL | NOEXP _DUMB = 1 << 31