<%inherit file="base.html"/> <%! import os from mylar import db import mylar %> <%def name="headerIncludes()">
Refresh Comic Delete Comic %if mylar.CONFIG.RENAME_FILES: Rename Files %endif Recheck Files %if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META: Manual MetaTagging %endif %if comic['Status'] == 'Paused': Resume Comic %else: Pause Comic %endif %if annuals: Delete Annuals %endif Add All to Readinglist
<%def name="body()">

%if comic['Status'] == 'Loading': loading %endif
${comic['ComicName']} (${comic['ComicYear']}) %if comic['Status'] == 'Loading':

(Comic information is currently being loaded)


% if 'Previous' in series: % endif % if 'Next' in series: % endif
<% if comicConfig['percent'] == 101: css = '
' if comicConfig['percent'] == 100: css = '
' if comicConfig['percent'] < 100: css = '
' %>
%if comicConfig['publisher_image'] is not None: ${comicConfig['publisher_image_alt']} %endif
<% if comic['Type'] == 'None' or comic['Type'] is None or comic['Type'] == 'Print': comictype = 'Print' else: comictype = 'Digital' %>
%if mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None': <% try: archive_path = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(comic['ComicLocation'])) except: archive_path = 'None' %> %if os.path.exists(archive_path) and archive_path != comic['ComicLocation']:

Primary: ${comic['ComicLocation']}
Secondary: ${archive_path}

%else: %endif %else: %endif
%if comicConfig['publisher_image'] is not None: ${comicConfig['publisher_image_alt']} %endif

%if any([comic['ComicYear'] == '2099',comic['ComicYear'] == '0000', comic['ComicYear'] == '', comic['Corrected_SeriesYear']]):


the directory where all the comics are located for this particular comic
Alternate comic names to be searched in case naming is different (ie. Hack/Slash = hack-slash)
Alternate file-naming to be used when post-processing / renaming files instead of the actual title.
<% year_options = "Default - Keep the Year as is\nYear Removal - Remove issue publication year from searches (dangerous)\nFuzzy the Year - Increase & Decrease the issue publication year by one" %> Default  Year Removal  Fuzzy the Year
%if all([mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_32P is True, mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENT_SEARCH is True, mylar.CONFIG.MODE_32P == 1]):
Mark selected issues as selected issues
%for issue in issues: <% if issue['Status'] == 'Skipped': grade = 'Z' elif issue['Status'] == 'Wanted': grade = 'X' elif issue['Status'] == 'Snatched': grade = 'C' elif issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded': grade = 'A' elif issue['Status'] == 'Archived': grade = 'A' elif issue['Status'] == 'Ignored': grade = 'A' elif issue['Status'] == 'Failed': grade = 'C' else: grade = 'A' %> <% if len(issue['IssueName']) > 70: issuename = "%s..." % issue['IssueName'][:70] else: issuename = issue['IssueName'] endif %> %endfor
IntIssNum Number Name Date Status Options
${issue['Int_IssueNumber']} ${issue['Issue_Number']}${issuename} ${issue['IssueDate']} ${issue['Status']} %if issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or issue['Status'] == 'Archived': <%Csize = mylar.helpers.human_size(issue['ComicSize'])%> %endif %if issue['Status'] == 'Skipped' or issue['Status'] == 'Ignored': %elif (issue['Status'] == 'Wanted'): %elif (issue['Status'] == 'Snatched'): %if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING: %endif %elif (issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded'): <% if issue['Location'] is not None: linky = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'],issue['Location']) if not os.path.isfile(linky): if mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None': pathdir = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(comic['ComicLocation'])) linky = os.path.join(pathdir,issue['Location']) else: linky = None else: linky = None %> %if linky: %if linky.endswith('.cbz'):

%endif %if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META: %endif %endif %else: %endif
%if annuals:


%for aninfo in annualinfo: ${aninfo['annualComicName']} %endfor
Mark selected annuals as selected annuals
%for annual in annuals: <% if annual['Status'] == 'Skipped': agrade = 'Z' elif annual['Status'] == 'Wanted': agrade = 'X' elif annual['Status'] == 'Snatched': agrade = 'C' elif annual['Status'] == 'Downloaded': agrade = 'A' elif annual['Status'] == 'Archived': agrade = 'A' elif annual['Status'] == 'Ignored': agrade = 'A' elif annual['Status'] == 'Failed': agrade = 'C' else: agrade = 'A' %> <% if annual['Int_IssueNumber'] is None: annual_Number = annual['Int_IssueNumber'] else: annual_Number = annual['Int_IssueNumber'] - 100000 %> %endfor
Int_IssNumber Number Name Date Status Options
${annual_Number} ${annual['Issue_Number']} ${annual['IssueName']} ${annual['IssueDate']} ${annual['Status']} %if annual['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or annual['Status'] == 'Archived': <%Csize = mylar.helpers.human_size(annual['ComicSize'])%> %endif <% amode = 'want_ann' %> %if annual['Status'] == 'Skipped' or annual['Status'] == 'Ignored': %elif (annual['Status'] == 'Wanted'): %elif (annual['Status'] == 'Snatched'): %if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING: %endif %elif (annual['Status'] == 'Downloaded'): <% try: if annual['Location'] is not None: linky = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'],annual['Location']) if not os.path.isfile(linky): if mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None': pathdir = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(comic['ComicLocation'])) linky = os.path.join(pathdir,issue['Location']) else: linky = None else: linky = None except: linky = None %> %if linky: %if linky.endswith('.cbz'):

%endif %if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META: %endif %endif %else: %endif
%endif %if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON:
<%def name="headIncludes()"> %if comic['Status'] == 'Loading': %endif <%def name="javascriptIncludes()">