#/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . import os import re import sys import glob import shutil import operator import urllib import logging import unicodedata import optparse from fnmatch import fnmatch import datetime as dt import subprocess from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output import mylar from mylar import logger, helpers class FileChecker(object): def __init__(self, dir=None, watchcomic=None, Publisher=None, AlternateSearch=None, manual=None, sarc=None, justparse=None, file=None, pp_mode=False): #dir = full path to the series Comic Location (manual pp will just be psssing the already parsed filename) if dir: self.dir = dir else: self.dir = None if watchcomic: #watchcomic = unicode name of series that is being searched against self.og_watchcomic = watchcomic self.watchcomic = re.sub('\?', '', watchcomic).strip() #strip the ? sepearte since it affects the regex. self.watchcomic = re.sub(u'\u2014', ' - ', watchcomic).strip() #replace the \u2014 with a normal - because this world is f'd up enough to have something like that. self.watchcomic = re.sub(u'\u2013', ' - ', watchcomic).strip() #replace the \u2013 with a normal - because again, people are dumb. if type(self.watchcomic) != str: self.watchcomic = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', self.watchcomic).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') else: self.watchcomic = None if Publisher: #publisher = publisher of watchcomic self.publisher = Publisher else: self.publisher = None #alternatesearch = list of alternate search names if AlternateSearch: self.AlternateSearch = AlternateSearch else: self.AlternateSearch = None #manual = true / false if it's a manual post-processing run if manual: self.manual = manual else: self.manual = None #sarc = true / false if it's being run against an existing story-arc if sarc: self.sarc = sarc else: self.sarc = None #justparse = true/false when manually post-processing, will quickly parse the filename to find #the series name in order to query the sql instead of cycling through each series in the watchlist. if justparse: self.justparse = True else: self.justparse = False #file = parse just one filename (used primarily during import/scan) if file: self.file = file self.justparse = True else: self.file = None if pp_mode: self.pp_mode = True else: self.pp_mode = False self.failed_files = [] self.dynamic_handlers = ['/','-',':',';','\'',',','&','?','!','+','(',')','\u2014','\u2013'] self.dynamic_replacements = ['and','the'] self.rippers = ['-empire','-empire-hd','minutemen-','-dcp'] #pre-generate the AS_Alternates now AS_Alternates = self.altcheck() self.AS_Alt = AS_Alternates['AS_Alt'] self.AS_Tuple = AS_Alternates['AS_Tuple'] def listFiles(self): comiclist = [] watchmatch = {} dirlist = [] comiccnt = 0 if self.file: runresults = self.parseit(self.dir, self.file) return {'parse_status': runresults['parse_status'], 'sub': runresults['sub'], 'comicfilename': runresults['comicfilename'], 'comiclocation': runresults['comiclocation'], 'series_name': runresults['series_name'], 'series_name_decoded': runresults['series_name_decoded'], 'issueid': runresults['issueid'], 'dynamic_name': runresults['dynamic_name'], 'series_volume': runresults['series_volume'], 'alt_series': runresults['alt_series'], 'alt_issue': runresults['alt_issue'], 'issue_year': runresults['issue_year'], 'issue_number': runresults['issue_number'], 'scangroup': runresults['scangroup'], 'reading_order': runresults['reading_order'], 'booktype': runresults['booktype'] } else: filelist = self.traverse_directories(self.dir) for files in filelist: filedir = files['directory'] filename = files['filename'] filesize = files['comicsize'] if filename.startswith('.'): continue logger.debug('[FILENAME]: ' + filename) runresults = self.parseit(self.dir, filename, filedir) if runresults: try: if runresults['parse_status']: run_status = runresults['parse_status'] except: if runresults['process_status']: run_status = runresults['process_status'] if any([run_status == 'success', run_status == 'match']): if self.justparse: comiclist.append({ 'sub': runresults['sub'], 'comicfilename': runresults['comicfilename'], 'comiclocation': runresults['comiclocation'], 'series_name': helpers.conversion(runresults['series_name']), 'series_name_decoded': runresults['series_name_decoded'], 'issueid': runresults['issueid'], 'alt_series': helpers.conversion(runresults['alt_series']), 'alt_issue': runresults['alt_issue'], 'dynamic_name': runresults['dynamic_name'], 'series_volume': runresults['series_volume'], 'issue_year': runresults['issue_year'], 'issue_number': runresults['issue_number'], 'scangroup': runresults['scangroup'], 'reading_order': runresults['reading_order'], 'booktype': runresults['booktype'] }) else: comiclist.append({ 'sub': runresults['sub'], 'ComicFilename': runresults['comicfilename'], 'ComicLocation': runresults['comiclocation'], 'ComicSize': files['comicsize'], 'ComicName': helpers.conversion(runresults['series_name']), 'SeriesVolume': runresults['series_volume'], 'IssueYear': runresults['issue_year'], 'JusttheDigits': runresults['justthedigits'], 'AnnualComicID': runresults['annual_comicid'], 'issueid': runresults['issueid'], 'scangroup': runresults['scangroup'], 'booktype': runresults['booktype'] }) comiccnt +=1 else: #failure self.failed_files.append({'parse_status': 'failure', 'sub': runresults['sub'], 'comicfilename': runresults['comicfilename'], 'comiclocation': runresults['comiclocation'], 'series_name': helpers.conversion(runresults['series_name']), 'series_volume': runresults['series_volume'], 'alt_series': helpers.conversion(runresults['alt_series']), 'alt_issue': runresults['alt_issue'], 'issue_year': runresults['issue_year'], 'issue_number': runresults['issue_number'], 'issueid': runresults['issueid'], 'scangroup': runresults['scangroup'], 'booktype': runresults['booktype'] }) watchmatch['comiccount'] = comiccnt if len(comiclist) > 0: watchmatch['comiclist'] = comiclist if len(self.failed_files) > 0: logger.info('FAILED FILES: %s' % self.failed_files) return watchmatch def parseit(self, path, filename, subpath=None): #filename = filename.encode('ASCII').decode('utf8') path_list = None if subpath is None: subpath = path tmppath = None path_list = None else: logger.fdebug('[CORRECTION] Sub-directory found. Altering path configuration.') #basepath the sub if it exists to get the parent folder. logger.fdebug('[SUB-PATH] Checking Folder Name for more information.') #sub = re.sub(origpath, '', path).strip()}) logger.fdebug('[SUB-PATH] Original Path : %s' % path) logger.fdebug('[SUB-PATH] Sub-directory : %s' % subpath) subpath = helpers.conversion(subpath) if 'windows' in mylar.OS_DETECT.lower(): if path in subpath: ab = len(path) tmppath = subpath[ab:] else: tmppath = subpath.replace(path, '').strip() path_list = os.path.normpath(tmppath) if '/' == path_list[0] or '\\' == path_list[0]: #need to remove any leading slashes so the os join can properly join the components path_list = path_list[1:] logger.fdebug('[SUB-PATH] subpath set to : ' + path_list) #parse out the extension for type comic_ext = ('.cbr','.cbz','.cb7','.pdf') if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].endswith(comic_ext): filetype = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] else: filetype = 'unknown' #find the issue number first. #split the file and then get all the relevant numbers that could possibly be an issue number. #remove the extension. modfilename = re.sub(filetype, '', filename).strip() reading_order = None #if it's a story-arc, make sure to remove any leading reading order #'s if self.sarc and mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME: removest = modfilename.find('-') # the - gets removed above so we test for the first blank space... if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[SARC] Checking filename for Reading Order sequence - Reading Sequence Order found #: ' + str(modfilename[:removest])) if modfilename[:removest].isdigit() and removest <= 3: reading_order = {'reading_sequence': str(modfilename[:removest]), 'filename': filename[removest+1:]} modfilename = modfilename[removest+1:] if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[SARC] Removed Reading Order sequence from subname. Now set to : ' + modfilename) #grab the scanner tags here. scangroup = None rippers = [x for x in self.rippers if x.lower() in modfilename.lower()] if rippers: #it's always possible that this could grab something else since tags aren't unique. Try and figure it out. if len(rippers) > 0: m = re.findall('[^()]+', modfilename) cnt = 1 for rp in rippers: while cnt < len(m): if m[cnt] == ' ': pass elif rp.lower() in m[cnt].lower(): scangroup = re.sub('[\(\)]', '', m[cnt]).strip() logger.fdebug('Scanner group tag discovered: ' + scangroup) modfilename = modfilename.replace(m[cnt],'').strip() break cnt +=1 modfilename = modfilename.replace('()','').strip() issueid = None x = modfilename.find('[__') if x != -1: y = modfilename.find('__]', x) if y != -1: issueid = modfilename[x+3:y] logger.fdebug('issueid: %s' % issueid) modfilename = '%s %s'.strip() % (modfilename[:x], modfilename[y+3:]) logger.fdebug('issueid %s removed successsfully: %s' % (issueid, modfilename)) #here we take a snapshot of the current modfilename, the intent is that we will remove characters that match #as we discover them - namely volume, issue #, years, etc #the remaining strings should be the series title and/or issue title if present (has to be detected properly) modseries = modfilename #try and remove /remember unicode character strings here (multiline ones get seperated/removed in below regex) pat = re.compile(u'[\x00-\x7f]{3,}', re.UNICODE) replack = pat.sub('XCV', modfilename) wrds = replack.split('XCV') tmpfilename = modfilename if len(wrds) > 1: for i in list(wrds): if i != '': tmpfilename = re.sub(i, 'XCV', tmpfilename) tmpfilename = ''.join(tmpfilename) modfilename = tmpfilename sf3 = re.compile(ur"[^,\s_]+", re.UNICODE) split_file3 = sf3.findall(modfilename) if len(split_file3) == 1: logger.fdebug('Improperly formatted filename - there is no seperation using appropriate characters between wording.') sf3 = re.compile(ur"[^,\s_\.]+", re.UNICODE) split_file3 = sf3.findall(modfilename) logger.fdebug('NEW split_file3: ' + str(split_file3)) ret_sf2 = ' '.join(split_file3) sf = re.findall('''\( [^\)]* \) |\[ [^\]]* \] |\[ [^\#]* \]|\S+''', ret_sf2, re.VERBOSE) #sf = re.findall('''\( [^\)]* \) |\[ [^\]]* \] |\S+''', ret_sf2, re.VERBOSE) ret_sf1 = ' '.join(sf) #here we should account for some characters that get stripped out due to the regex's #namely, unique characters - known so far: +, & #c11 = '\+' #f11 = '\&' #g11 = '\'' ret_sf1 = re.sub('\+', 'c11', ret_sf1).strip() ret_sf1 = re.sub('\&', 'f11', ret_sf1).strip() ret_sf1 = re.sub('\'', 'g11', ret_sf1).strip() #split_file = re.findall('(?imu)\([\w\s-]+\)|[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+|[\w-]+|#?\d\.\d+|#(? 0: logger.fdebug('[MINI-DECIMAL SERIES] MAX ISSUES IN SERIES: %s' % x) spf.append('(of %s)' % x) except Exception as e: spf.append(x) elif x == ')': pass elif x == 'p' or x == 'ctc': try: if spf[wrdcnt-1].isdigit(): logger.debug('THIS SHOULD BE : %s%s' % (spf[wrdcnt-1], x)) newline = '%s%s' % (spf[wrdcnt-1], x) spf[wrdcnt -1] = newline #wrdcnt =-1 elif spf[wrdcnt-1][-1] == 'p' and spf[wrdcnt-1][:-1].isdigit() and x == 'ctc': logger.fdebug('THIS SHOULD BE : %s%s' % (spf[wrdcnt-1], x)) newline = '%s%s' % (spf[wrdcnt-1], x) spf[wrdcnt -1] = newline #wrdcnt =-1 except Exception as e: spf.append(x) else: spf.append(x) wrdcnt +=1 if len(spf) > 0: split_file = spf logger.fdebug('NEWLY SPLIT REORGD: %s' % split_file) #10-20-2018 ---END if len(split_file) == 1: logger.fdebug('Improperly formatted filename - there is no seperation using appropriate characters between wording.') ret_sf1 = re.sub('\-',' ', ret_sf1).strip() split_file = re.findall('(?imu)\([\w\s-]+\)|[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+|[\w-]+|#?\d\.\d+|#(?= 0 and not volumeprior: dtcheck = re.sub('[\(\)\,]', '', sf).strip() #if there's more than one date, assume the right-most date is the actual issue date. if any(['19' in dtcheck, '20' in dtcheck]) and not any([dtcheck.lower().startswith('v19'), dtcheck.lower().startswith('v20')]) and len(dtcheck) >=4: logger.fdebug('checking date : ' + str(dtcheck)) checkdate_response = self.checkthedate(dtcheck) if checkdate_response: logger.fdebug('date: ' + str(checkdate_response)) datecheck.append({'date': dtcheck, 'position': split_file.index(sf), 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position)}) #this handles the exceptions list in the match for alpha-numerics test_exception = ''.join([i for i in sf if not i.isdigit()]) if any([x for x in exceptions if x.lower() == test_exception.lower()]): logger.fdebug('Exception match: ' + test_exception) if lastissue_label is not None: if lastissue_position == (split_file.index(sf) -1): logger.fdebug('alphanumeric issue number detected as : ' + str(lastissue_label) + ' ' + str(sf)) for x in possible_issuenumbers: possible_issuenumbers = [] if int(x['position']) != int(lastissue_position): possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': x['number'], 'position': x['position'], 'mod_position': x['mod_position'], 'validcountchk': x['validcountchk']}) possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': str(lastissue_label) + ' ' + str(sf), 'position': lastissue_position, 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) else: #if the issue number & alpha character(s) don't have a space seperating them (ie. 15A) #test_exception is the alpha-numeric logger.fdebug('Possible alpha numeric issue (or non-numeric only). Testing my theory.') test_sf = re.sub(test_exception.lower(), '', sf.lower()).strip() logger.fdebug('[' + test_exception + '] Removing possible alpha issue leaves: ' + test_sf + ' (Should be a numeric)') if test_sf.isdigit(): possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': sf, 'position': split_file.index(sf), 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) else: test_position = modfilename[self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf,lastmod_position)-1] if test_position == '#': possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': sf, 'position': split_file.index(sf), 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) if sf == 'XCV': # new 2016-09-19 \ attempt to check for XCV which replaces any unicode above for x in list(wrds): if x != '': tmpissue_number = re.sub('XCV', x, split_file[split_file.index(sf)]) logger.info('[SPECIAL-CHARACTER ISSUE] Possible issue # : ' + tmpissue_number) possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': sf, 'position': split_file.index(sf), 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) count = None found = False match = re.search('(?<=\sof\s)\d+(?=\s)', sf, re.IGNORECASE) if match: logger.fdebug('match') count = match.group() found = True if found is False: match = re.search('(?<=\(of\s)\d+(?=\))', sf, re.IGNORECASE) if match: count = match.group() found = True if count: # count = count.lstrip("0") logger.fdebug('Mini-Series Count detected. Maximum issue # set to : ' + count.lstrip('0')) # if the count was detected, then it's in a '(of 4)' or whatever pattern # 95% of the time the digit immediately preceding the '(of 4)' is the actual issue # logger.fdebug('Issue Number SHOULD BE: ' + str(lastissue_label)) validcountchk = True match2 = re.search('(\d+[\s])covers', sf, re.IGNORECASE) if match2: num_covers = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', match2.group()).strip() #logger.fdebug('%s covers detected within filename' % num_covers) continue if all([lastissue_position == (split_file.index(sf) -1), lastissue_label is not None, '#' not in sf, sf != 'p']): #find it in the original file to see if there's a decimal between. findst = lastissue_mod_position+1 if findst >= len(modfilename): findst = len(modfilename) -1 if modfilename[findst] != '.' or modfilename[findst] != '#': #findst != '.' and findst != '#': if sf.isdigit(): seper_num = False for x in datecheck: if x['position'] == split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position): seper_num = True if seper_num is False: logger.fdebug('2 seperate numbers detected. Assuming 2nd number is the actual issue') #possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': sf, # 'position': split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position), #modfilename.find(sf)}) # 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), # 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) #used to see if the issue is an alpha-numeric (ie. 18.NOW, 50-X, etc) lastissue_position = split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position) lastissue_label = sf lastissue_mod_position = file_length else: pass else: bb = len(lastissue_label) + findst #find current sf #logger.fdebug('bb: ' + str(bb) + '[' + modfilename[findst:bb] + ']') cf = modfilename.find(sf, file_length) #logger.fdebug('cf: ' + str(cf) + '[' + modfilename[cf:cf+len(sf)] + ']') diff = bb #logger.fdebug('diff: ' + str(bb) + '[' + modfilename[bb] + ']') if modfilename[bb] == '.': #logger.fdebug('decimal detected.') logger.fdebug('[DECiMAL-DETECTION] Issue being stored for validation as : ' + modfilename[findst:cf+len(sf)]) for x in possible_issuenumbers: possible_issuenumbers = [] #logger.fdebug('compare: ' + str(x['position']) + ' .. ' + str(lastissue_position)) #logger.fdebug('compare: ' + str(x['position']) + ' .. ' + str(split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position))) if int(x['position']) != int(lastissue_position) and int(x['position']) != split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position): possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': x['number'], 'position': x['position'], 'mod_position': x['mod_position'], 'validcountchk': x['validcountchk']}) possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': modfilename[findst:cf+len(sf)], 'position': split_file.index(lastissue_label, lastissue_position), 'mod_position': findst, 'dec_position': bb, 'rem_position': split_file.index(sf), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) else: if ('#' in sf or sf.isdigit()) or validcountchk: if validcountchk: #if it's not a decimal but the digits are back-to-back, then it's something else. possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': lastissue_label, 'position': lastissue_position, 'mod_position': lastissue_mod_position, 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) validcountchk = False #used to see if the issue is an alpha-numeric (ie. 18.NOW, 50-X, etc) lastissue_position = split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position) lastissue_label = sf lastissue_mod_position = file_length elif '#' in sf: logger.fdebug('Iissue number found: ' + sf) #pound sign will almost always indicate an issue #, so just assume it's as such. locateiss_st = modfilename.find('#') locateiss_end = modfilename.find(' ', locateiss_st) if locateiss_end == -1: locateiss_end = len(modfilename) possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': modfilename[locateiss_st:locateiss_end], 'position': split_file.index(sf), #locateiss_st}) 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) #now we try to find the series title &/or volume lablel. if any( [sf.lower().startswith('v'), sf.lower().startswith('vol'), volumeprior == True, 'volume' in sf.lower(), 'vol' in sf.lower(), 'part' in sf.lower()] ) and sf.lower() not in {'one','two','three','four','five','six'}: if any([ split_file[split_file.index(sf)].isdigit(), split_file[split_file.index(sf)][3:].isdigit(), split_file[split_file.index(sf)][1:].isdigit() ]): if all(identifier in sf for identifier in ['.', 'v']): volume = sf.split('.')[0] else: volume = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", sf) if volumeprior: try: volume_found['position'] = split_file.index(volumeprior_label, current_pos -1) #if this passes, then we're ok, otherwise will try exception logger.fdebug('volume_found: ' + str(volume_found['position'])) #remove volume numeric from split_file split_file.pop(volume_found['position']) split_file.pop(split_file.index(sf, current_pos-1)) #join the previous label to the volume numeric #volume = str(volumeprior_label) + str(volume) #insert the combined info back split_file.insert(volume_found['position'], volumeprior_label + volume) split_file.insert(volume_found['position']+1, '') #volume_found['position'] = split_file.index(sf, current_pos) #logger.fdebug('NEWSPLITFILE: %s' % split_file) except: volumeprior = False volumeprior_label = None sep_volume = False continue else: volume_found['position'] = split_file.index(sf, current_pos) volume_found['volume'] = volume logger.fdebug('volume label detected as : Volume %s @ position: %s' % (volume, volume_found['position'])) volumeprior = False volumeprior_label = None elif all(['vol' in sf.lower(), len(sf) == 3]) or all(['vol.' in sf.lower(), len(sf) == 4]): #if there's a space between the vol and # - adjust. volumeprior = True volumeprior_label = sf sep_volume = True logger.fdebug('volume label detected, but vol. number is not adjacent, adjusting scope to include number.') elif 'volume' in sf.lower() or all(['part' in sf.lower(), len(sf) == 4]): volume = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", sf) if volume.isdigit(): volume_found['volume'] = volume volume_found['position'] = split_file.index(sf) else: volumeprior = True volumeprior_label = sf sep_volume = True elif any([sf == 'I', sf == 'II', sf == 'III', sf == 'IV']) and volumeprior: volumeprior = False volumeprior_label = None sep_volume = False continue else: #reset the sep_volume indicator here in case a false Volume detected above sep_volume = False #check here for numeric or negative number if sf.isdigit() and split_file.index(sf, current_pos) == 0: continue if sf.isdigit(): possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': sf, 'position': split_file.index(sf, current_pos), #modfilename.find(sf)}) 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) #used to see if the issue is an alpha-numeric (ie. 18.NOW, 50-X, etc) lastissue_position = split_file.index(sf, current_pos) lastissue_label = sf lastissue_mod_position = file_length #logger.fdebug('possible issue found: ' + str(sf) else: try: x = float(sf) #validity check if x < 0: logger.fdebug('I have encountered a negative issue #: ' + str(sf)) possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': sf, 'position': split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position), #modfilename.find(sf)}) 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) lastissue_position = split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position) lastissue_label = sf lastissue_mod_position = file_length elif x > 0: logger.fdebug('I have encountered a decimal issue #: ' + str(sf)) possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': sf, 'position': split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position), #modfilename.find(sf)}) 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) lastissue_position = split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position) lastissue_label = sf lastissue_mod_position = file_length else: raise ValueError except ValueError, e: #10-20-2018 - to detect issue numbers such as #000.0000½ if lastissue_label is not None and lastissue_position == int(split_file.index(sf))-1 and sf == 'XCV': logger.info('this should be: %s%s' % (lastissue_label, sf)) pi = [] for x in possible_issuenumbers: if (x['number'] == lastissue_label and x['position'] == lastissue_position) or (x['number'] == sf and x['position'] == split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position)): pass else: pi.append({'number': x['number'], 'position': x['position'], 'mod_position': x['mod_position'], 'validcountchk': x['validcountchk']}) lastissue_label = '%s%s' % (lastissue_label, sf) pi.append({'number': lastissue_label, 'position': lastissue_position, 'mod_position': lastmod_position, 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) if len(pi) > 0: possible_issuenumbers = pi elif sf.lower() == 'of' and lastissue_label is not None and lastissue_position == int(split_file.index(sf))-1: logger.info('MINI-SERIES DETECTED') else: if any([re.sub('[\(\)]', '', sf.lower()).strip() == 'tpb', re.sub('[\(\)]', '', sf.lower()).strip() == 'digital tpb']): logger.info('TRADE PAPERBACK DETECTED. NOT DETECTING ISSUE NUMBER - ASSUMING VOLUME') booktype = 'TPB' try: if volume_found['volume'] is not None: possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': volume_found['volume'], 'position': volume_found['position'], 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, volume_found['volume'], lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) except: possible_issuenumbers.append({'number': '1', 'position': split_file.index(sf, lastissue_position), #modfilename.find(sf)}) 'mod_position': self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position), 'validcountchk': validcountchk}) elif any([sf.lower() == 'gn', sf.lower() == 'graphic novel']): logger.info('GRAPHIC NOVEL DETECTED. NOT DETECTING ISSUE NUMBER - ASSUMING VOLUME') booktype = 'GN' else: if 'could not convert string to float' not in str(e): logger.fdebug('[%s] Error detecting issue # - ignoring this result : %s' % (e, sf)) volumeprior = False volumeprior_label = None sep_volume = False pass #keep track of where in the original modfilename the positions are in order to check against it for decimal places, etc. file_length += len(sf) + 1 #1 for space if file_length > len(modfilename): file_length = len(modfilename) lastmod_position = self.char_file_position(modfilename, sf, lastmod_position) highest_series_pos = len(split_file) issue2year = False issue_year = None possible_years = [] yearmodposition = None logger.fdebug('datecheck: ' + str(datecheck)) if len(datecheck) > 0: for dc in sorted(datecheck, key=operator.itemgetter('position'), reverse=True): a = self.checkthedate(dc['date']) ab = str(a) sctd = self.checkthedate(str(dt.datetime.now().year)) logger.fdebug('sctd: ' + str(sctd)) # + 1 sctd so that we can allow for issue dates that cross over into the following year when it's nearer to the end of said year. if int(ab) > int(sctd) + 1: logger.fdebug('year is in the future, ignoring and assuming part of series title.') yearposition = None yearmodposition = None continue else: issue_year = dc['date'] logger.fdebug('year verified as : ' + str(issue_year)) if highest_series_pos > dc['position']: highest_series_pos = dc['position'] yearposition = dc['position'] yearmodposition = dc['mod_position'] if len(ab) == 4: issue_year = ab logger.fdebug('year verified as: ' + str(issue_year)) possible_years.append({'year': issue_year, 'yearposition': dc['position'], 'yearmodposition': dc['mod_position']}) else: issue_year = ab logger.fdebug('date verified as: ' + str(issue_year)) if len(possible_years) == 1: issueyear = possible_years[0]['year'] yearposition = possible_years[0]['yearposition'] yearmodposition = possible_years[0]['yearmodposition'] else: if len(possible_issuenumbers) > 0: for x in possible_years: logger.info('yearposition[%s] -- dc[position][%s]' % (yearposition, x['yearposition'])) if yearposition < x['yearposition']: if all([len(possible_issuenumbers) == 1, possible_issuenumbers[0]['number'] == x['year'], x['yearposition'] != possible_issuenumbers[0]['position']]): issue2year = True highest_series_pos = x['yearposition'] yearposition = x['yearposition'] yearmodposition = x['yearmodposition'] if yearposition is not None and highest_series_pos > yearposition: highest_series_pos = yearposition #dc['position']: highest_series_pos = dc['position'] else: issue_year = None yearposition = None yearmodposition = None logger.fdebug('No year present within title - ignoring as a variable.') logger.fdebug('highest_series_position: ' + str(highest_series_pos)) issue_number = None dash_numbers = [] issue_number_position = len(split_file) if len(possible_issuenumbers) > 0: logger.fdebug('possible_issuenumbers: ' + str(possible_issuenumbers)) if len(possible_issuenumbers) >= 1: p = 1 if '-' not in split_file[0]: finddash = modfilename.find('-') if finddash != -1: logger.fdebug('hyphen located at position: ' + str(finddash)) if yearposition: logger.fdebug('yearposition: ' + str(yearposition)) else: finddash = -1 logger.fdebug('dash is in first word, not considering for determing issue number.') for pis in sorted(possible_issuenumbers, key=operator.itemgetter('position'), reverse=True): a = ' '.join(split_file) lenn = pis['mod_position'] + len(pis['number']) if lenn == len(a) and finddash != -1: logger.fdebug('Numeric detected as the last digit after a hyphen. Typically this is the issue number.') if pis['position'] != yearposition: issue_number = pis['number'] #logger.info('Issue set to: ' + str(issue_number)) issue_number_position = pis['position'] if highest_series_pos > pis['position']: highest_series_pos = pis['position'] #break elif pis['validcountchk'] == True: issue_number = pis['number'] issue_number_position = pis['position'] logger.fdebug('Issue verified and detected as part of a numeric count sequnce: ' + issue_number) if highest_series_pos > pis['position']: highest_series_pos = pis['position'] break elif pis['mod_position'] > finddash and finddash != -1: if finddash < yearposition and finddash > (yearmodposition + len(split_file[yearposition])): logger.fdebug('issue number is positioned after a dash - probably not an issue number, but part of an issue title') dash_numbers.append({'mod_position': pis['mod_position'], 'number': pis['number'], 'position': pis['position']}) continue #2019-10-05 fix - if decimal-spaced filename has a series title with a hyphen will include issue # as part of series title elif yearposition == pis['position']: logger.info('Already validated year, ignoring as possible issue number: ' + str(pis['number'])) continue #end 2019-10-05 elif yearposition == pis['position']: logger.fdebug('Already validated year, ignoring as possible issue number: ' + str(pis['number'])) continue if p == 1: issue_number = pis['number'] issue_number_position = pis['position'] logger.fdebug('issue number :' + issue_number) #(pis) if highest_series_pos > pis['position'] and issue2year is False: highest_series_pos = pis['position'] #else: #logger.fdebug('numeric probably belongs to series title: ' + str(pis)) p+=1 else: issue_number = possible_issuenumbers[0]['number'] issue_number_position = possible_issuenumbers[0]['position'] if highest_series_pos > possible_issuenumbers[0]['position']: highest_series_pos = possible_issuenumbers[0]['position'] if issue_number: issue_number = re.sub('#', '', issue_number).strip() else: if len(dash_numbers) > 0 and finddash !=-1 : #there are numbers after a dash, which was incorrectly accounted for. fin_num_position = finddash fin_num = None for dn in dash_numbers: if dn['mod_position'] > finddash and dn['mod_position'] > fin_num_position: fin_num_position = dn['mod_position'] fin_num = dn['number'] fin_pos = dn['position'] if fin_num: logger.fdebug('Issue number re-corrected to : ' + fin_num) issue_number = fin_num if highest_series_pos > fin_pos: highest_series_pos = fin_pos #--- this is new - 2016-09-18 /account for unicode in issue number when issue number is not deteted above logger.fdebug('issue_position: ' + str(issue_number_position)) if all([issue_number_position == highest_series_pos, 'XCV' in split_file, issue_number is None]): for x in list(wrds): if x != '': issue_number = re.sub('XCV', x, split_file[issue_number_position-1]) highest_series_pos -=1 issue_number_position -=1 if issue_number is None: if any([booktype == 'TPB', booktype == 'GN']): logger.info('%s detected. Volume assumption is number: %s' % (booktype, volume_found)) else: if len(volume_found) > 0: logger.info('UNKNOWN TPB/GN detected. Volume assumption is number: %s' % (volume_found)) else: logger.info('No issue number present in filename.') else: logger.fdebug('issue verified as : ' + issue_number) issue_volume = None if len(volume_found) > 0: issue_volume = 'v' + str(volume_found['volume']) if all([highest_series_pos + 1 != volume_found['position'], highest_series_pos != volume_found['position'] + 1, sep_volume == False, booktype == 'issue', len(possible_issuenumbers) > 0]): logger.fdebug('Extra item(s) are present between the volume label and the issue number. Checking..') split_file.insert(int(issue_number_position), split_file.pop(volume_found['position'])) #highest_series_pos-1, split_file.pop(volume_found['position'])) logger.fdebug('new split: ' + str(split_file)) highest_series_pos = volume_found['position'] -1 issue_number_position -=1 else: if highest_series_pos > volume_found['position']: if sep_volume: highest_series_pos = volume_found['position'] - 1 else: highest_series_pos = volume_found['position'] logger.fdebug('Volume detected as : ' + issue_volume) if all([len(volume_found) == 0, booktype != 'issue']) or all([len(volume_found) == 0, issue_number_position == len(split_file)]): issue_volume = 'v1' #at this point it should be in a SERIES ISSUE VOLUME YEAR kind of format #if the position of the issue number is greater than the highest series position, make it the highest series position. if issue_number_position != len(split_file) and issue_number_position > highest_series_pos: if not volume_found: highest_series_pos = issue_number_position else: if sep_volume: highest_series_pos = issue_number_position -2 else: if split_file[issue_number_position -1].lower() == 'annual' or split_file[issue_number_position -1].lower() == 'special': highest_series_pos = issue_number_position else: highest_series_pos = issue_number_position - 1 #if volume_found['position'] < issue_number_position: # highest_series_pos = issue_number_position - 1 #else: # highest_series_pos = issue_number_position #make sure if we have multiple years detected, that the right one gets picked for the actual year vs. series title if len(possible_years) > 1: for x in sorted(possible_years, key=operator.itemgetter('yearposition'), reverse=False): if x['yearposition'] <= highest_series_pos: logger.fdebug('year ' + str(x['year']) + ' is within series title. Ignoring as YEAR value') else: logger.fdebug('year ' + str(x['year']) + ' is outside of series title range. Accepting of year.') issue_year = x['year'] highest_series_pos = x['yearposition'] break else: try: if possible_years[0]['yearposition'] <= highest_series_pos and possible_years[0]['year_position'] != 0: highest_series_pos = possible_years[0]['yearposition'] elif possible_years[0]['year_position'] == 0: yearposition = 1 except: pass match_type = None #folder/file based on how it was matched. #logger.fdebug('highest_series_pos is : ' + str(highest_series_pos) splitvalue = None alt_series = None alt_issue = None try: if yearposition is not None: tmpval = yearposition - issue_number_position else: tmpval = 1 except: pass else: if tmpval > 2: logger.fdebug('There are %s extra words between the issue # and the year position. Deciphering if issue title or part of series title.' % tmpval) tmpval1 = ' '.join(split_file[issue_number_position:yearposition]) if split_file[issue_number_position+1] == '-': usevalue = ' '.join(split_file[issue_number_position+2:yearposition]) splitv = split_file[issue_number_position+2:yearposition] else: splitv = split_file[issue_number_position:yearposition] splitvalue = ' '.join(splitv) else: #store alternate naming of title just in case if '-' not in split_file[0]: c_pos = 1 #logger.info('split_file: %s' % split_file) while True: try: fdash = split_file.index("-", c_pos) except: #logger.info('dash not located/finished searching for dashes.') break else: #logger.info('hyphen located at position: ' + str(fdash)) c_pos = 2 #c_pos = fdash +1 break if c_pos > 1: #logger.info('Issue_number_position: %s / fdash: %s' % (issue_number_position, fdash)) try: if volume_found['position'] < issue_number_position: alt_issue = ' '.join(split_file[fdash+1:volume_found['position']]) else: alt_issue = ' '.join(split_file[fdash+1:issue_number_position]) except: alt_issue = ' '.join(split_file[fdash+1:issue_number_position]) if alt_issue.endswith('-'): alt_issue = alt_issue[:-1].strip() if len(alt_issue) == 0: alt_issue = None alt_series = ' '.join(split_file[:fdash]) logger.fdebug('ALT-SERIES NAME [ISSUE TITLE]: %s [%s]' % (alt_series, alt_issue)) #logger.info('highest_series_position: ' + str(highest_series_pos)) #logger.info('issue_number_position: ' + str(issue_number_position)) #logger.info('volume_found: ' + str(volume_found)) #2017-10-21 if highest_series_pos > issue_number_position: highest_series_pos = issue_number_position #if volume_found['position'] >= issue_number_position: # highest_series_pos = issue_number_position #else: # print 'nuhuh' #--- match_type = None #folder/file based on how it was matched. logger.fdebug('sf_highest_series_pos: %s' % split_file[:highest_series_pos]) #here we should account for some characters that get stripped out due to the regex's #namely, unique characters - known so far: + #c1 = '+' #series_name = ' '.join(split_file[:highest_series_pos]) if yearposition != 0: if yearposition is not None and yearposition < highest_series_pos: if yearposition+1 == highest_series_pos: highest_series_pos = yearposition else: if split_file[yearposition+1] == '-' and yearposition+2 == highest_series_pos: highest_series_pos = yearposition series_name = ' '.join(split_file[:highest_series_pos]) else: if highest_series_pos <= issue_number_position and all([len(split_file[0]) == 4, split_file[0].isdigit()]): series_name = ' '.join(split_file[:highest_series_pos]) else: series_name = ' '.join(split_file[yearposition+1:highest_series_pos]) for x in list(wrds): if x != '': if 'XCV' in series_name: series_name = re.sub('XCV', x, series_name,1) elif 'XCV' in issue_number: issue_number = re.sub('XCV', x, issue_number,1) if alt_series is not None: if 'XCV' in alt_series: alt_series = re.sub('XCV', x, alt_series,1) elif 'XCV' in alt_issue: alt_issue = re.sub('XCV', x, alt_issue,1) series_name = re.sub('c11', '+', series_name) series_name = re.sub('f11', '&', series_name) series_name = re.sub('g11', '\'', series_name) if alt_series is not None: alt_series = re.sub('c11', '+', alt_series) alt_series = re.sub('f11', '&', alt_series) alt_series = re.sub('g11', '\'', alt_series) if series_name.endswith('-'): series_name = series_name[:-1].strip() if '\?' in series_name: series_name = re.sub('\?', '', series_name).strip() logger.fdebug('series title possibly: ' + series_name) if splitvalue is not None: logger.fdebug('[SPLITVALUE] possible issue title: %s' % splitvalue) alt_series = '%s %s' % (series_name, splitvalue) if booktype != 'issue': if alt_issue is not None: alt_issue = re.sub('tpb', '', splitvalue, flags=re.I).strip() if alt_series is not None: alt_series = re.sub('tpb', '', alt_series, flags=re.I).strip() if alt_series is not None: if booktype != 'issue': if alt_series is not None: alt_series = re.sub('tpb', '', alt_series, flags=re.I).strip() logger.fdebug('Alternate series / issue title: %s [%s]' % (alt_series, alt_issue)) #if the filename is unicoded, it won't match due to the unicode translation. Keep the unicode as well as the decoded. series_name_decoded= unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', helpers.conversion(series_name)).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') #check for annual in title(s) here. if not self.justparse and all([mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON, 'annual' not in self.watchcomic.lower(), 'special' not in self.watchcomic.lower()]): if 'annual' in series_name.lower(): isn = 'Annual' if issue_number is not None: issue_number = '%s %s' % (isn, issue_number) else: issue_number = isn series_name = re.sub('annual', '', series_name, flags=re.I).strip() series_name_decoded = re.sub('annual', '', series_name_decoded, flags=re.I).strip() elif 'special' in series_name.lower(): isn = 'Special' if issue_number is not None: issue_number = '%s %s' % (isn, issue_number) else: issue_number = isn series_name = re.sub('special', '', series_name, flags=re.I).strip() series_name_decoded = re.sub('special', '', series_name_decoded, flags=re.I).strip() if (any([issue_number is None, series_name is None]) and booktype == 'issue'): if all([issue_number is None, booktype == 'issue', issue_volume is not None]): logger.info('Possible UKNOWN TPB/GN detected - no issue number present, no clarification in filename, but volume present with series title') else: logger.fdebug('Cannot parse the filename properly. I\'m going to make note of this filename so that my evil ruler can make it work.') if series_name is not None: dreplace = self.dynamic_replace(series_name)['mod_seriesname'] else: dreplace = None return {'parse_status': 'failure', 'sub': path_list, 'comicfilename': filename, 'comiclocation': self.dir, 'series_name': series_name, 'series_name_decoded': series_name_decoded, 'issueid': issueid, 'alt_series': alt_series, 'alt_issue': alt_issue, 'dynamic_name': dreplace, 'issue_number': issue_number, 'justthedigits': issue_number, #redundant but it's needed atm 'series_volume': issue_volume, 'issue_year': issue_year, 'annual_comicid': None, 'scangroup': scangroup, 'booktype': booktype, 'reading_order': None} if self.justparse: return {'parse_status': 'success', 'type': re.sub('\.','', filetype).strip(), 'sub': path_list, 'comicfilename': filename, 'comiclocation': self.dir, 'series_name': series_name, 'series_name_decoded': series_name_decoded, 'issueid': issueid, 'alt_series': alt_series, 'alt_issue': alt_issue, 'dynamic_name': self.dynamic_replace(series_name)['mod_seriesname'], 'series_volume': issue_volume, 'issue_year': issue_year, 'issue_number': issue_number, 'scangroup': scangroup, 'booktype': booktype, 'reading_order': reading_order} series_info = {} series_info = {'sub': path_list, 'type': re.sub('\.','', filetype).strip(), 'comicfilename': filename, 'comiclocation': self.dir, 'series_name': series_name, 'series_name_decoded': series_name_decoded, 'issueid': issueid, 'alt_series': alt_series, 'alt_issue': alt_issue, 'series_volume': issue_volume, 'issue_year': issue_year, 'issue_number': issue_number, 'scangroup': scangroup, 'booktype': booktype} return self.matchIT(series_info) def matchIT(self, series_info): series_name = series_info['series_name'] alt_series = series_info['alt_series'] filename = series_info['comicfilename'] #compare here - match comparison against u_watchcomic. #logger.fdebug('Series_Name: ' + series_name + ' --- WatchComic: ' + self.watchcomic) #check for dynamic handles here. mod_dynamicinfo = self.dynamic_replace(series_name) mod_seriesname = mod_dynamicinfo['mod_seriesname'] mod_watchcomic = mod_dynamicinfo['mod_watchcomic'] mod_altseriesname = None mod_altseriesname_decoded = None #logger.fdebug('series_info: %s' % series_info) if series_info['alt_series'] is not None: mod_dynamicalt = self.dynamic_replace(alt_series) mod_altseriesname = mod_dynamicalt['mod_seriesname'] mod_alt_decoded = self.dynamic_replace(alt_series) mod_altseriesname_decoded = mod_alt_decoded['mod_seriesname'] #logger.fdebug('mod_altseriesname: %s' % mod_altseriesname) mod_series_decoded = self.dynamic_replace(series_info['series_name_decoded']) mod_seriesname_decoded = mod_series_decoded['mod_seriesname'] mod_watch_decoded = self.dynamic_replace(self.og_watchcomic) mod_watchname_decoded = mod_watch_decoded['mod_watchcomic'] #remove the spaces... nspace_seriesname = re.sub(' ', '', mod_seriesname) nspace_watchcomic = re.sub(' ', '', mod_watchcomic) nspace_altseriesname = None if mod_altseriesname is not None: nspace_altseriesname = re.sub(' ', '', mod_altseriesname) nspace_altseriesname_decoded = re.sub(' ', '', mod_altseriesname_decoded) nspace_seriesname_decoded = re.sub(' ', '', mod_seriesname_decoded) nspace_watchname_decoded = re.sub(' ', '', mod_watchname_decoded) try: if self.AS_ALT[0] != '127372873872871091383 abdkhjhskjhkjdhakajhf': logger.fdebug('Possible Alternate Names to match against (if necessary): ' + str(self.AS_Alt)) except: pass justthedigits = series_info['issue_number'] if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON and 'annual' not in nspace_watchcomic.lower(): if 'annual' in series_name.lower(): justthedigits = 'Annual' if series_info['issue_number'] is not None: justthedigits += ' %s' % series_info['issue_number'] nspace_seriesname = re.sub('annual', '', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip() nspace_seriesname_decoded = re.sub('annual', '', nspace_seriesname_decoded.lower()).strip() if alt_series is not None and 'annual' in alt_series.lower(): nspace_altseriesname = re.sub('annual', '', nspace_altseriesname.lower()).strip() nspace_altseriesname_decoded = re.sub('annual', '', nspace_altseriesname_decoded.lower()).strip() if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON and 'special' not in nspace_watchcomic.lower(): if 'special' in series_name.lower(): justthedigits = 'Special' if series_info['issue_number'] is not None: justthedigits += ' %s' % series_info['issue_number'] nspace_seriesname = re.sub('special', '', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip() nspace_seriesname_decoded = re.sub('special', '', nspace_seriesname_decoded.lower()).strip() if alt_series is not None and 'special' in alt_series.lower(): nspace_altseriesname = re.sub('special', '', nspace_altseriesname.lower()).strip() nspace_altseriesname_decoded = re.sub('special', '', nspace_altseriesname_decoded.lower()).strip() seriesalt = False if nspace_altseriesname is not None: if re.sub('\|','', nspace_altseriesname.lower()).strip() == re.sub('\|', '', nspace_watchcomic.lower()).strip(): seriesalt = True if any([seriesalt is True, re.sub('\|','', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip() == re.sub('\|', '', nspace_watchcomic.lower()).strip(), re.sub('\|','', nspace_seriesname_decoded.lower()).strip() == re.sub('\|', '', nspace_watchname_decoded.lower()).strip()]) or any(re.sub('[\|\s]','', x.lower()).strip() == re.sub('[\|\s]','', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip() for x in self.AS_Alt): #logger.fdebug('[MATCH: ' + series_info['series_name'] + '] ' + filename) enable_annual = False annual_comicid = None if any(re.sub('[\|\s]','', x.lower()).strip() == re.sub('[\|\s]','', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip() for x in self.AS_Alt): #if the alternate search name is almost identical, it won't match up because it will hit the 'normal' first. #not important for series' matches, but for annuals, etc it is very important. #loop through the Alternates picking out the ones that match and then do an overall loop. loopchk = [x for x in self.AS_Alt if re.sub('[\|\s]','', x.lower()).strip() == re.sub('[\|\s]','', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip()] if len(loopchk) > 0 and loopchk[0] != '': if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] This should be an alternate: ' + str(loopchk)) if any(['annual' in series_name.lower(), 'special' in series_name.lower()]): if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] Annual/Special detected - proceeding') enable_annual = True else: loopchk = [] #logger.info('loopchk: ' + str(loopchk)) #if the names match up, and enable annuals isn't turned on - keep it all together. if re.sub('\|', '', nspace_watchcomic.lower()).strip() == re.sub('\|', '', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip() and enable_annual == False: loopchk.append(nspace_watchcomic) if any(['annual' in nspace_seriesname.lower(), 'special' in nspace_seriesname.lower()]): if 'biannual' in nspace_seriesname.lower(): if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] BiAnnual detected - wouldn\'t Deadpool be proud?') nspace_seriesname = re.sub('biannual', '', nspace_seriesname).strip() enable_annual = True elif 'annual' in nspace_seriesname.lower(): if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] Annual detected - proceeding cautiously.') nspace_seriesname = re.sub('annual', '', nspace_seriesname).strip() enable_annual = False elif 'special' in nspace_seriesname.lower(): if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] Special detected - proceeding cautiously.') nspace_seriesname = re.sub('special', '', nspace_seriesname).strip() enable_annual = False if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] Complete matching list of names to this file [' + str(len(loopchk)) + '] : ' + str(loopchk)) for loopit in loopchk: #now that we have the list of all possible matches for the watchcomic + alternate search names, we go through the list until we find a match. modseries_name = loopit if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] AS_Tuple : ' + str(self.AS_Tuple)) for ATS in self.AS_Tuple: if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] ' + str(ATS['AS_Alternate']) + ' comparing to ' + nspace_seriesname) if re.sub('\|','', ATS['AS_Alternate'].lower()).strip() == re.sub('\|','', nspace_seriesname.lower()).strip(): if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] Associating ComiciD : ' + str(ATS['ComicID'])) annual_comicid = str(ATS['ComicID']) modseries_name = ATS['AS_Alternate'] break logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] ' + modseries_name + ' - watchlist match on : ' + filename) if enable_annual: if annual_comicid is not None: if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('enable annual is on') logger.fdebug('annual comicid is ' + str(annual_comicid)) if 'biannual' in nspace_watchcomic.lower(): if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('bi annual detected') justthedigits = 'BiAnnual ' + justthedigits elif 'annual' in nspace_watchcomic.lower(): if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('annual detected') justthedigits = 'Annual ' + justthedigits elif 'special' in nspace_watchcomic.lower(): justthedigits = 'Special ' + justthedigits return {'process_status': 'match', 'sub': series_info['sub'], 'volume': series_info['series_volume'], 'match_type': None, #match_type - will eventually pass if it wasa folder vs. filename match, 'comicfilename': filename, 'comiclocation': series_info['comiclocation'], 'series_name': series_info['series_name'], 'series_volume': series_info['series_volume'], 'alt_series': series_info['alt_series'], 'alt_issue': series_info['alt_issue'], 'issue_year': series_info['issue_year'], 'issueid': series_info['issueid'], 'justthedigits': justthedigits, 'annual_comicid': annual_comicid, 'scangroup': series_info['scangroup'], 'booktype': series_info['booktype']} else: #logger.fdebug('[NO MATCH] ' + filename + ' [WATCHLIST:' + self.watchcomic + ']') return {'process_status': 'fail', 'comicfilename': filename, 'sub': series_info['sub'], 'comiclocation': series_info['comiclocation'], 'series_name': series_info['series_name'], 'alt_series': series_info['alt_series'], 'alt_issue': series_info['alt_issue'], 'issue_number': series_info['issue_number'], 'series_volume': series_info['series_volume'], 'issue_year': series_info['issue_year'], 'issueid': series_info['issueid'], 'scangroup': series_info['scangroup'], 'booktype': series_info['booktype']} def char_file_position(self, file, findchar, lastpos): return file.find(findchar, lastpos) def traverse_directories(self, dir): filelist = [] comic_ext = ('.cbr','.cbz','.cb7','.pdf') dir = dir.encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING) if all([mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENTS is True, self.pp_mode is True]): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() pp_crclist =[] pp_crc = myDB.select("SELECT a.crc, b.IssueID FROM Snatched as a INNER JOIN issues as b ON a.IssueID=b.IssueID WHERE (a.Status='Post-Processed' or a.status='Snatched' or a.provider='32P' or a.provider='WWT' or a.provider='DEM') and a.crc is not NULL and (b.Status='Downloaded' or b.status='Archived') GROUP BY a.crc ORDER BY a.DateAdded") for pp in pp_crc: pp_crclist.append({'IssueID': pp['IssueID'], 'crc': pp['crc']}) for (dirname, subs, files) in os.walk(dir): for fname in files: if dirname == dir: direc = None else: direc = dirname if '.AppleDouble' in direc: #Ignoring MAC OS Finder directory of cached files (/.AppleDouble/) continue if all([mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENTS is True, self.pp_mode is True]): tcrc = helpers.crc(os.path.join(dirname, fname).decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)) crcchk = [x for x in pp_crclist if tcrc == x['crc']] if crcchk: #logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKEER] Already post-processed this item %s - Ignoring' % fname) continue if os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower().endswith(comic_ext): if direc is None: comicsize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dir, fname)) else: comicsize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dir, direc, fname)) filelist.append({'directory': direc, #subdirectory if it exists 'filename': fname, 'comicsize': comicsize}) logger.info('there are ' + str(len(filelist)) + ' files.') return filelist def dynamic_replace(self, series_name): mod_watchcomic = None if self.watchcomic: watchdynamic_handlers_match = [x for x in self.dynamic_handlers if x.lower() in self.watchcomic.lower()] #logger.fdebug('watch dynamic handlers recognized : ' + str(watchdynamic_handlers_match)) watchdynamic_replacements_match = [x for x in self.dynamic_replacements if x.lower() in self.watchcomic.lower()] #logger.fdebug('watch dynamic replacements recognized : ' + str(watchdynamic_replacements_match)) mod_watchcomic = re.sub('[\s\s+\_\.]', '%$', self.watchcomic) mod_watchcomic = re.sub('[\#]', '', mod_watchcomic) mod_find = [] wdrm_find = [] if any([watchdynamic_handlers_match, watchdynamic_replacements_match]): for wdhm in watchdynamic_handlers_match: #check the watchcomic #first get the position. mod_find.extend([m.start() for m in re.finditer('\\' + wdhm, mod_watchcomic)]) if len(mod_find) > 0: for mf in mod_find: spacer = '' for i in range(0, len(wdhm)): spacer+='|' mod_watchcomic = mod_watchcomic[:mf] + spacer + mod_watchcomic[mf+1:] for wdrm in watchdynamic_replacements_match: wdrm_find.extend([m.start() for m in re.finditer(wdrm.lower(), mod_watchcomic.lower())]) if len(wdrm_find) > 0: for wd in wdrm_find: spacer = '' for i in range(0, len(wdrm)): spacer+='|' mod_watchcomic = mod_watchcomic[:wd] + spacer + mod_watchcomic[wd+len(wdrm):] series_name = re.sub(u'\u2014', ' - ', series_name) series_name = re.sub(u'\u2013', ' - ', series_name) seriesdynamic_handlers_match = [x for x in self.dynamic_handlers if x.lower() in series_name.lower()] #logger.fdebug('series dynamic handlers recognized : ' + str(seriesdynamic_handlers_match)) seriesdynamic_replacements_match = [x for x in self.dynamic_replacements if x.lower() in series_name.lower()] #logger.fdebug('series dynamic replacements recognized : ' + str(seriesdynamic_replacements_match)) mod_seriesname = re.sub('[\s\s+\_\.]', '%$', series_name) mod_seriesname = re.sub('[\#]', '', mod_seriesname) ser_find = [] sdrm_find = [] if any([seriesdynamic_handlers_match, seriesdynamic_replacements_match]): for sdhm in seriesdynamic_handlers_match: #check the series_name ser_find.extend([m.start() for m in re.finditer('\\' + sdhm, mod_seriesname)]) if len(ser_find) > 0: for sf in ser_find: spacer = '' for i in range(0, len(sdhm)): spacer+='|' mod_seriesname = mod_seriesname[:sf] + spacer + mod_seriesname[sf+1:] for sdrm in seriesdynamic_replacements_match: sdrm_find.extend([m.start() for m in re.finditer(sdrm.lower(), mod_seriesname.lower())]) if len(sdrm_find) > 0: for sd in sdrm_find: spacer = '' for i in range(0, len(sdrm)): spacer+='|' mod_seriesname = mod_seriesname[:sd] + spacer + mod_seriesname[sd+len(sdrm):] if mod_watchcomic: mod_watchcomic = re.sub('\|+', '|', mod_watchcomic) if mod_watchcomic.endswith('|'): mod_watchcomic = mod_watchcomic[:-1] mod_watchcomic = re.sub('[\%\$]+', '', mod_watchcomic) mod_seriesname = re.sub('\|+', '|', mod_seriesname) if mod_seriesname.endswith('|'): mod_seriesname = mod_seriesname[:-1] mod_seriesname = re.sub('[\%\$]+', '', mod_seriesname) return {'mod_watchcomic': mod_watchcomic, 'mod_seriesname': mod_seriesname} def altcheck(self): #iniitate the alternate list here so we can add in the different alternate search names (if present) AS_Alt = [] AS_Tuple = [] if self.AlternateSearch is not None and self.AlternateSearch != 'None': chkthealt = self.AlternateSearch.split('##') #logger.info('[' + str(len(chkthealt)) + '] chkthealt: ' + str(chkthealt)) i = 0 while (i <= len(chkthealt)): try: calt = chkthealt[i] except IndexError: break AS_tupled = False AS_Alternate = re.sub('##', '', calt) if '!!' in AS_Alternate: # if it's !! present, it's the comicid associated with the series as an added annual. # extract the !!, store it and then remove it so things will continue. as_start = AS_Alternate.find('!!') if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('as_start: ' + str(as_start) + ' --- ' + str(AS_Alternate[as_start:])) as_end = AS_Alternate.find('##', as_start) if as_end == -1: as_end = len(AS_Alternate) if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('as_start: ' + str(as_end) + ' --- ' + str(AS_Alternate[as_start:as_end])) AS_ComicID = AS_Alternate[as_start +2:as_end] if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_SCAN_LOG_VERBOSE: logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] Extracted comicid for given annual : ' + str(AS_ComicID)) AS_Alternate = re.sub('!!' + str(AS_ComicID), '', AS_Alternate) AS_tupled = True as_dyninfo = self.dynamic_replace(AS_Alternate) altsearchcomic = as_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'] if AS_tupled: AS_Tuple.append({"ComicID": AS_ComicID, "AS_Alternate": altsearchcomic}) AS_Alt.append(altsearchcomic) i+=1 else: #create random characters so it will never match. altsearchcomic = "127372873872871091383 abdkhjhskjhkjdhakajhf" AS_Alt.append(altsearchcomic) return {'AS_Alt': AS_Alt, 'AS_Tuple': AS_Tuple} def checkthedate(self, txt, fulldate=False, cnt=0): # txt='''\ # Jan 19, 1990 # January 19, 1990 # Jan 19,1990 # 01/19/1990 # 01/19/90 # 1990 # Jan 1990 # January1990''' fmts = ('%Y','%b %d, %Y','%B %d, %Y','%B %d %Y','%m/%d/%Y','%m/%d/%y','(%m/%d/%Y)','%b %Y','%B%Y','%b %d,%Y','%m-%Y','%B %Y','%Y-%m-%d','%Y-%m','%Y%m') mnths = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec') parsed=[] if fulldate is False: for e in txt.splitlines(): for fmt in fmts: try: t = dt.datetime.strptime(e, fmt) parsed.append((e, fmt, t)) break except ValueError as err: pass else: for e in txt.split(): if cnt == 0: for x in mnths: mnth = re.sub('\.', '', e.lower()) if x.lower() in mnth and len(mnth) <= 4: add_date = x + ' ' cnt+=1 break elif cnt == 1: issnumb = re.sub(',', '', e).strip() if issnumb.isdigit() and int(issnumb) < 31: add_date += issnumb + ', ' cnt+=1 elif cnt == 2: possyear = helpers.cleanhtml(re.sub('\.', '', e).strip()) if possyear.isdigit() and int(possyear) > 1970 and int(possyear) < 2020: add_date += possyear cnt +=1 if cnt == 3: return self.checkthedate(add_date, fulldate=False, cnt=-1) if cnt <= 0: for fmt in fmts: try: t = dt.datetime.strptime(e, fmt) parsed.append((e, fmt, t)) break except ValueError as err: pass # check that all the cases are handled success={t[0] for t in parsed} for e in txt.splitlines(): if e not in success: pass #print e dateline = None #logger.info('parsed: %s' % parsed) for t in parsed: #logger.fdebug('"{:20}" => "{:20}" => {}'.format(*t)) if fulldate is False and cnt != -1: dateline = t[2].year else: dateline = t[2].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') break return dateline def validateAndCreateDirectory(dir, create=False, module=None): if module is None: module = '' module += '[DIRECTORY-CHECK]' try: if os.path.exists(dir): logger.info(module + ' Found comic directory: ' + dir) return True else: logger.warn(module + ' Could not find comic directory: ' + dir) if create: if dir.strip(): logger.info(module + ' Creating comic directory (' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR) + ') : ' + dir) try: os.umask(0) # this is probably redudant, but it doesn't hurt to clear the umask here. if mylar.CONFIG.ENFORCE_PERMS: permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR, 8) os.makedirs(dir.rstrip(), permission) setperms(dir.rstrip(), True) else: os.makedirs(dir.rstrip()) except OSError as e: logger.warn(module + ' Could not create directory: ' + dir + '[' + str(e) + ']. Aborting.') return False else: return True else: logger.warn(module + ' Provided directory [' + dir + '] is blank. Aborting.') return False except OSError as e: logger.warn(module + ' Could not create directory: ' + dir + '[' + str(e) + ']. Aborting.') return False return False def setperms(path, dir=False): if 'windows' not in mylar.OS_DETECT.lower(): try: os.umask(0) # this is probably redudant, but it doesn't hurt to clear the umask here. if mylar.CONFIG.CHGROUP: if mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER is None or mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER == 'None' or mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER == '': import getpass mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER = getpass.getuser() if not mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER.isdigit(): from pwd import getpwnam chowner = getpwnam(mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER)[2] else: chowner = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER) if not mylar.CONFIG.CHGROUP.isdigit(): from grp import getgrnam chgroup = getgrnam(mylar.CONFIG.CHGROUP)[2] else: chgroup = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHGROUP) if dir: permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR, 8) os.chmod(path, permission) os.chown(path, chowner, chgroup) elif os.path.isfile(path): permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE, 8) os.chown(path, chowner, chgroup) os.chmod(path, permission) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for momo in dirs: permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR, 8) os.chown(os.path.join(root, momo), chowner, chgroup) os.chmod(os.path.join(root, momo), permission) for momo in files: permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE, 8) os.chown(os.path.join(root, momo), chowner, chgroup) os.chmod(os.path.join(root, momo), permission) logger.fdebug('Successfully changed ownership and permissions [' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER) + ':' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CHGROUP) + '] / [' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR) + ' / ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE) + ']') elif os.path.isfile(path): permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE, 8) os.chmod(path, permission) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for momo in dirs: permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR, 8) os.chmod(os.path.join(root, momo), permission) for momo in files: permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE, 8) os.chmod(os.path.join(root, momo), permission) logger.fdebug('Successfully changed permissions [' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR) + ' / ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE) + ']') except OSError: logger.error('Could not change permissions : ' + path + '. Exiting...') return #if __name__ == '__main__': # test = FileChecker() # test.getlist()