# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . from StringIO import StringIO import urllib from threading import Thread import os import sys import re import gzip import time import datetime import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import cfscrape import zipfile import logger import mylar from mylar import db class GC(object): def __init__(self, query=None, issueid=None, comicid=None, oneoff=False): self.valreturn = [] self.url = 'https://getcomics.info' self.query = query self.comicid = comicid self.issueid = issueid self.oneoff = oneoff self.local_filename = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, "getcomics.html") self.headers = {'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1', 'Referer': 'https://getcomics.info/'} def search(self): with cfscrape.create_scraper() as s: cf_cookievalue, cf_user_agent = s.get_tokens(self.url, headers=self.headers) t = s.get(self.url+'/', params={'s': self.query}, verify=True, cookies=cf_cookievalue, headers=self.headers, stream=True, timeout=30) with open(self.local_filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in t.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() return self.search_results() def loadsite(self, id, link): title = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'getcomics-' + id) with cfscrape.create_scraper() as s: self.cf_cookievalue, cf_user_agent = s.get_tokens(link, headers=self.headers) t = s.get(link, verify=True, cookies=self.cf_cookievalue, headers=self.headers, stream=True, timeout=30) with open(title+'.html', 'wb') as f: for chunk in t.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() def search_results(self): results = {} resultlist = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(open(self.local_filename), 'html.parser') resultline = soup.find("span", {"class": "cover-article-count"}).get_text(strip=True) logger.info('There are %s results' % re.sub('Articles', '', resultline).strip()) for f in soup.findAll("article"): id = f['id'] lk = f.find('a') link = lk['href'] titlefind = f.find("h1", {"class": "post-title"}) title = titlefind.get_text(strip=True) title = re.sub(u'\u2013', '-', title).strip() filename = title issues = None pack = False #see if it's a pack type issfind_st = title.find('#') issfind_en = title.find('-', issfind_st) if issfind_en != -1: if all([title[issfind_en+1] == ' ', title[issfind_en+2].isdigit()]): iss_en = title.find(' ', issfind_en+2) if iss_en != -1: issues = title[issfind_st+1:iss_en] pack = True if title[issfind_en+1].isdigit(): iss_en = title.find(' ', issfind_en+1) if iss_en != -1: issues = title[issfind_st+1:iss_en] pack = True # if it's a pack - remove the issue-range and the possible issue years (cause it most likely will span) and pass thru as separate items if pack is True: title = re.sub(issues, '', title).strip() if title.endswith('#'): title = title[:-1].strip() else: if any(['Marvel Week+' in title, 'INDIE Week+' in title, 'Image Week' in title, 'DC Week+' in title]): continue option_find = f.find("p", {"style": "text-align: center;"}) i = 0 while i <= 2: option_find = option_find.findNext(text=True) if 'Year' in option_find: year = option_find.findNext(text=True) year = re.sub('\|', '', year).strip() if pack is True and '-' in year: title = re.sub('\('+year+'\)', '', title).strip() else: size = option_find.findNext(text=True) if all([re.sub(':', '', size).strip() != 'Size', len(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', size).strip()) > 0]): if 'MB' in size: size = re.sub('MB', 'M', size).strip() elif 'GB' in size: size = re.sub('GB', 'G', size).strip() if '//' in size: nwsize = size.find('//') size = re.sub('\[', '', size[:nwsize]).strip() else: size = '0M' i+=1 dateline = f.find('time') datefull = dateline['datetime'] datestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(datefull, "%Y-%m-%d")) resultlist.append({"title": title, "pubdate": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(datestamp)).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'), "filename": filename, "size": re.sub(' ', '', size).strip(), "pack": pack, "issues": issues, "link": link, "year": year, "id": re.sub('post-', '', id).strip(), "site": 'DDL'}) logger.fdebug('%s [%s]' % (title, size)) results['entries'] = resultlist return results def parse_downloadresults(self, id, mainlink): myDB = db.DBConnection() series = None year = None size = None title = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'getcomics-' + id) soup = BeautifulSoup(open(title+'.html'), 'html.parser') orig_find = soup.find("p", {"style": "text-align: center;"}) i = 0 option_find = orig_find possible_more = None while True: #i <= 10: prev_option = option_find option_find = option_find.findNext(text=True) if i == 0 and series is None: series = option_find elif 'Year' in option_find: year = option_find.findNext(text=True) year = re.sub('\|', '', year).strip() else: if 'Size' in prev_option: size = option_find #.findNext(text=True) possible_more = orig_find.next_sibling break i+=1 logger.fdebug('Now downloading: %s [%s] / %s ... this can take a while (go get some take-out)...' % (series, year, size)) link = None for f in soup.findAll("div", {"class": "aio-pulse"}): lk = f.find('a') if lk['title'] == 'Download Now': link = {"series": series, "site": lk['title'], "year": year, "issues": None, "size": size, "link": lk['href']} break #get the first link just to test links = [] if link is None and possible_more.name == 'ul': try: bb = possible_more.findAll('li') except: pass else: for x in bb: linkline = x.find('a') if linkline: if 'go.php' in linkline['href']: volume = x.findNext(text=True) if u'\u2013' in volume: volume = re.sub(u'\u2013', '-', volume) #volume label contains series, issue(s), year(s), and size series_st = volume.find('(') issues_st = volume.find('#') series = volume[:series_st] if any([issues_st == -1, series_st == -1]): issues = None else: series = volume[:issues_st].strip() issues = volume[issues_st+1:series_st].strip() year_end = volume.find(')', series_st+1) year = re.sub('[\(\)]', '', volume[series_st+1: year_end]).strip() size_end = volume.find(')', year_end+1) size = re.sub('[\(\)]', '', volume[year_end+1: size_end]).strip() linked = linkline['href'] site = linkline.findNext(text=True) if site == 'Main Server': links.append({"series": series, "site": site, "year": year, "issues": issues, "size": size, "link": linked}) else: check_extras = soup.findAll("h3") for sb in check_extras: header = sb.findNext(text=True) if header == 'TPBs': nxt = sb.next_sibling if nxt.name == 'ul': bb = nxt.findAll('li') for x in bb: volume = x.findNext(text=True) if u'\u2013' in volume: volume = re.sub(u'\u2013', '-', volume) series_st = volume.find('(') issues_st = volume.find('#') series = volume[:issues_st].strip() issues = volume[issues_st:series_st].strip() year_end = volume.find(')', series_st+1) year = re.sub('[\(\)\|]', '', volume[series_st+1: year_end]).strip() size_end = volume.find(')', year_end+1) size = re.sub('[\(\)\|]', '', volume[year_end+1: size_end]).strip() linkline = x.find('a') linked = linkline['href'] site = linkline.findNext(text=True) links.append({"series": series, "volume": volume, "site": site, "year": year, "issues": issues, "size": size, "link": linked}) if all([link is None, len(links) == 0]): logger.warn('Unable to retrieve any valid immediate download links. They might not exist.') return {'success': False} if all([link is not None, len(links) == 0]): logger.info('only one item discovered, changing queue length to accomodate: %s [%s]' % (link, type(link))) links = [link] elif len(links) > 0: if link is not None: links.append(link) logger.fdebug('[DDL-QUEUE] Making sure we download the original item in addition to the extra packs.') if len(links) > 1: logger.fdebug('[DDL-QUEUER] This pack has been broken up into %s separate packs - queueing each in sequence for your enjoyment.' % len(links)) cnt = 1 for x in links: if len(links) == 1: mod_id = id else: mod_id = id+'-'+str(cnt) #logger.fdebug('[%s] %s (%s) %s [%s][%s]' % (x['site'], x['series'], x['year'], x['issues'], x['size'], x['link'])) ctrlval = {'id': mod_id} vals = {'series': x['series'], 'year': x['year'], 'size': x['size'], 'issues': x['issues'], 'issueid': self.issueid, 'comicid': self.comicid, 'link': x['link'], 'mainlink': mainlink, 'updated_date': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'status': 'Queued'} myDB.upsert('ddl_info', vals, ctrlval) mylar.DDL_QUEUE.put({'link': x['link'], 'mainlink': mainlink, 'series': x['series'], 'year': x['year'], 'size': x['size'], 'comicid': self.comicid, 'issueid': self.issueid, 'oneoff': self.oneoff, 'id': mod_id, 'resume': None}) cnt+=1 return {'success': True} def downloadit(self, id, link, mainlink, resume=None): #logger.info('[%s] %s -- mainlink: %s' % (id, link, mainlink)) if mylar.DDL_LOCK is True: logger.fdebug('[DDL] Another item is currently downloading via DDL. Only one item can be downloaded at a time using DDL. Patience.') return else: mylar.DDL_LOCK = True myDB = db.DBConnection() filename = None try: with cfscrape.create_scraper() as s: if resume is not None: logger.info('[DDL-RESUME] Attempting to resume from: %s bytes' % resume) self.headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-' % resume cf_cookievalue, cf_user_agent = s.get_tokens(mainlink, headers=self.headers, timeout=30) t = s.get(link, verify=True, cookies=cf_cookievalue, headers=self.headers, stream=True, timeout=30) filename = os.path.basename(urllib.unquote(t.url).decode('utf-8')) if 'GetComics.INFO' in filename: filename = re.sub('GetComics.INFO', '', filename, re.I).strip() try: remote_filesize = int(t.headers['Content-length']) logger.fdebug('remote filesize: %s' % remote_filesize) except Exception as e: if 'go.php-urls' not in link: link = re.sub('go.php-url=', 'go.php-urls', link) t = s.get(link, verify=True, cookies=cf_cookievalue, headers=self.headers, stream=True, timeout=30) filename = os.path.basename(urllib.unquote(t.url).decode('utf-8')) if 'GetComics.INFO' in filename: filename = re.sub('GetComics.INFO', '', filename, re.I).strip() try: remote_filesize = int(t.headers['Content-length']) logger.fdebug('remote filesize: %s' % remote_filesize) except Exception as e: logger.warn('[WARNING] Unable to retrieve remote file size - this is usually due to the page being behind a different click-bait/ad page. Error returned as : %s' % e) logger.warn('[WARNING] Considering this particular download as invalid and will ignore this result.') remote_filesize = 0 mylar.DDL_LOCK = False return ({"success": False, "filename": filename, "path": None}) else: logger.warn('[WARNING] Unable to retrieve remote file size - this is usually due to the page being behind a different click-bait/ad page. Error returned as : %s' % e) logger.warn('[WARNING] Considering this particular download as invalid and will ignore this result.') remote_filesize = 0 mylar.DDL_LOCK = False return ({"success": False, "filename": filename, "path": None}) #write the filename to the db for tracking purposes... myDB.upsert('ddl_info', {'filename': filename, 'remote_filesize': remote_filesize}, {'id': id}) if mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION is not None and not os.path.isdir(mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION): checkdirectory = mylar.filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION, True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('[ABORTING] Error trying to validate/create DDL download directory: %s.' % mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION) return ({"success": False, "filename": filename, "path": None}) path = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION, filename) if t.headers.get('content-encoding') == 'gzip': #.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(t.content) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) if resume is not None: with open(path, 'ab') as f: for chunk in t.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush() else: with open(path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in t.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush() except Exception as e: logger.error('[ERROR] %s' % e) mylar.DDL_LOCK = False return ({"success": False, "filename": filename, "path": None}) else: mylar.DDL_LOCK = False if os.path.isfile(path): if path.endswith('.zip'): new_path = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION, re.sub('.zip', '', filename).strip()) logger.info('Zip file detected. Unzipping into new modified path location: %s' % new_path) try: zip_f = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') zip_f.extractall(new_path) zip_f.close() except Exception as e: logger.warn('[ERROR: %s] Unable to extract zip file: %s' % (e, new_path)) return ({"success": False, "filename": filename, "path": None}) else: try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: logger.warn('[ERROR: %s] Unable to remove zip file from %s after extraction.' % (e, path)) filename = None else: new_path = path return ({"success": True, "filename": filename, "path": new_path}) def issue_list(self, pack): #packlist = [x.strip() for x in pack.split(',)] packlist = pack.replace('+', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split() print packlist plist = [] pack_issues = [] for pl in packlist: if '-' in pl: plist.append(range(int(pl[:pl.find('-')]),int(pl[pl.find('-')+1:])+1)) else: if 'TPBs' not in pl: plist.append(int(pl)) else: plist.append('TPBs') for pi in plist: if type(pi) == list: for x in pi: pack_issues.append(x) else: pack_issues.append(pi) pack_issues.sort() print "pack_issues: %s" % pack_issues #if __name__ == '__main__': # ab = GC(sys.argv[1]) #'justice league aquaman') #sys.argv[0]) # #c = ab.search() # b = ab.loadsite('test', sys.argv[2]) # c = ab.parse_downloadresults('test', '60MB') # #c = ab.issue_list(sys.argv[2])