#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . import mylar from mylar import db, mb, importer, search, PostProcessor, versioncheck, logger, readinglist, helpers import simplejson as simplejson import cherrypy from xml.sax.saxutils import escape import os import glob import urllib2 from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus import cache import imghdr from operator import itemgetter from cherrypy.lib.static import serve_file, serve_download import datetime from mylar.webserve import serve_template import re cmd_list = ['root', 'Publishers', 'AllTitles', 'StoryArcs', 'ReadList', 'OneOffs', 'Comic', 'Publisher', 'Issue', 'StoryArc', 'Recent', 'deliverFile'] class OPDS(object): def __init__(self): self.cmd = None self.PAGE_SIZE=30 self.img = None self.issue_id = None self.file = None self.filename = None self.kwargs = None self.data = None if mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT is None: self.opdsroot = '/opds' elif mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT.endswith('/'): self.opdsroot = mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT + 'opds' else: if mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT != '/': self.opdsroot = mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT + '/opds' else: self.opdsroot = mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT + 'opds' def checkParams(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'cmd' not in kwargs: self.cmd = 'root' if not mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_ENABLE: self.data = self._error_with_message('OPDS not enabled') return if not self.cmd: if kwargs['cmd'] not in cmd_list: self.data = self._error_with_message('Unknown command: %s' % kwargs['cmd']) return else: self.cmd = kwargs.pop('cmd') self.kwargs = kwargs self.data = 'OK' def fetchData(self): if self.data == 'OK': logger.fdebug('Recieved OPDS command: ' + self.cmd) methodToCall = getattr(self, "_" + self.cmd) result = methodToCall(**self.kwargs) if self.img: return serve_file(path=self.img, content_type='image/jpeg') if self.file and self.filename: if self.issue_id: try: readinglist.Readinglist(IssueID=self.issue_id).markasRead() except: logger.fdebug('No reading list found to update.') return serve_download(path=self.file, name=self.filename) if isinstance(self.data, basestring): return self.data else: cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/xml" return serve_template(templatename="opds.html", title=self.data['title'], opds=self.data) else: return self.data def _error_with_message(self, message): error = '%s' % message cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/xml" return error def _dic_from_query(self, query): myDB = db.DBConnection() rows = myDB.select(query) rows_as_dic = [] for row in rows: row_as_dic = dict(zip(row.keys(), row)) rows_as_dic.append(row_as_dic) return rows_as_dic def _root(self, **kwargs): myDB = db.DBConnection() feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS' currenturi = cherrypy.url() feed['id'] = re.sub('/', ':', currenturi) feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links = [] entries=[] links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=search' % self.opdsroot, type='application/opensearchdescription+xml',rel='search',title='Search')) publishers = myDB.select("SELECT ComicPublisher from comics GROUP BY ComicPublisher") entries.append( { 'title': 'Recent Additions', 'id': 'Recent', 'updated': mylar.helpers.now(), 'content': 'Recently Added Issues', 'href': '%s?cmd=Recent' % self.opdsroot, 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) if len(publishers) > 0: count = len(publishers) entries.append( { 'title': 'Publishers (%s)' % count, 'id': 'Publishers', 'updated': mylar.helpers.now(), 'content': 'List of Comic Publishers', 'href': '%s?cmd=Publishers' %self.opdsroot, 'kind': 'navigation', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) comics = mylar.helpers.havetotals() count = 0 for comic in comics: if comic['haveissues'] > 0: count += 1 if count > -1: entries.append( { 'title': 'All Titles (%s)' % count, 'id': 'AllTitles', 'updated': mylar.helpers.now(), 'content': 'List of All Comics', 'href': '%s?cmd=AllTitles' % self.opdsroot, 'kind': 'navigation', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) storyArcs = mylar.helpers.listStoryArcs() logger.debug(storyArcs) if len(storyArcs) > 0: entries.append( { 'title': 'Story Arcs (%s)' % len(storyArcs), 'id': 'StoryArcs', 'updated': mylar.helpers.now(), 'content': 'List of Story Arcs', 'href': '%s?cmd=StoryArcs' % self.opdsroot, 'kind': 'navigation', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) readList = myDB.select("SELECT * from readlist") if len(readList) > 0: entries.append( { 'title': 'Read List (%s)' % len(readList), 'id': 'ReadList', 'updated': mylar.helpers.now(), 'content': 'Current Read List', 'href': '%s?cmd=ReadList' % self.opdsroot, 'kind': 'navigation', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) gbd = mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR + '/*' oneofflist = glob.glob(gbd) if len(oneofflist) > 0: entries.append( { 'title': 'One-Offs (%s)' % len(oneofflist), 'id': 'OneOffs', 'updated': mylar.helpers.now(), 'content': 'OneOffs', 'href': '%s?cmd=OneOffs' % self.opdsroot, 'kind': 'navigation', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries self.data = feed return def _Publishers(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - Publishers' feed['id'] = 'Publishers' feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links = [] entries=[] links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publishers' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) publishers = myDB.select("SELECT ComicPublisher from comics GROUP BY ComicPublisher") comics = mylar.helpers.havetotals() for publisher in publishers: lastupdated = '0000-00-00' totaltitles = 0 for comic in comics: if comic['ComicPublisher'] == publisher['ComicPublisher'] and comic['haveissues'] > 0: totaltitles += 1 if comic['DateAdded'] > lastupdated: lastupdated = comic['DateAdded'] if totaltitles > 0: entries.append( { 'title': escape('%s (%s)' % (publisher['ComicPublisher'], totaltitles)), 'id': escape('publisher:%s' % publisher['ComicPublisher']), 'updated': lastupdated, 'content': escape('%s (%s)' % (publisher['ComicPublisher'], totaltitles)), 'href': '%s?cmd=Publisher&pubid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(publisher['ComicPublisher'])), 'kind': 'navigation', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) if len(entries) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)] self.data = feed return def _AllTitles(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - All Titles' feed['id'] = 'AllTitles' feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links = [] entries=[] links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) comics = mylar.helpers.havetotals() for comic in comics: if comic['haveissues'] > 0: entries.append( { 'title': escape('%s (%s) (comicID: %s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicID'])), 'id': escape('comic:%s (%s) [%s]' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicID'])), 'updated': comic['DateAdded'], 'content': escape('%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])), 'href': '%s?cmd=Comic&comicid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(comic['ComicID'])), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) if len(entries) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=AllTitles&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)] self.data = feed return def _Publisher(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() if 'pubid' not in kwargs: self.data =self._error_with_message('No Publisher Provided') return links = [] entries=[] allcomics = mylar.helpers.havetotals() for comic in allcomics: if comic['ComicPublisher'] == kwargs['pubid'] and comic['haveissues'] > 0: entries.append( { 'title': escape('%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])), 'id': escape('comic:%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])), 'updated': comic['DateAdded'], 'content': escape('%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])), 'href': '%s?cmd=Comic&comicid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(comic['ComicID'])), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) feed = {} pubname = '%s (%s)' % (escape(kwargs['pubid']),len(entries)) feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - %s' % (pubname) feed['id'] = 'publisher:%s' % escape(kwargs['pubid']) feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publishers' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) if len(entries) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publisher&pubid=%s&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['pubid']),index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Publisher&pubid=%s&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['pubid']),index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)] self.data = feed return def _Comic(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() if 'comicid' not in kwargs: self.data =self._error_with_message('No ComicID Provided') return links = [] entries=[] comic = myDB.selectone('SELECT * from comics where ComicID=?', (kwargs['comicid'],)).fetchone() if not comic: self.data = self._error_with_message('Comic Not Found') return issues = self._dic_from_query('SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID="' + kwargs['comicid'] + '"order by Int_IssueNumber DESC') if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: annuals = self._dic_from_query('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID="' + kwargs['comicid'] + '"') else: annuals = [] for annual in annuals: issues.append(annual) issues = [x for x in issues if x['Location']] if index <= len(issues): subset = issues[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)] for issue in subset: if 'DateAdded' in issue and issue['DateAdded']: updated = issue['DateAdded'] else: updated = issue['ReleaseDate'] image = None thumbnail = None if not 'ReleaseComicID' in issue: title = escape('%s - %s' % (issue['Issue_Number'], issue['IssueName'])) image = issue['ImageURL_ALT'] thumbnail = issue['ImageURL'] else: title = escape('Annual %s - %s' % (issue['Issue_Number'], issue['IssueName'])) fileloc = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'],issue['Location']) if not os.path.isfile(fileloc): logger.debug("Missing File: %s" % (fileloc)) continue metainfo = None if mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_METAINFO: metainfo = mylar.helpers.IssueDetails(fileloc) if not metainfo: metainfo = [{'writer': None,'summary': ''}] entries.append( { 'title': title, 'id': escape('comic:%s (%s) [%s] - %s' % (issue['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicID'], issue['Issue_Number'])), 'updated': updated, 'content': escape('%s' % (metainfo[0]['summary'])), 'href': '%s?cmd=Issue&issueid=%s&file=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(issue['IssueID']),quote_plus(issue['Location'].encode('utf-8'))), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'file', 'author': metainfo[0]['writer'], 'image': image, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, } ) feed = {} comicname = '%s' % (escape(comic['ComicName'])) feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - %s' % (comicname) feed['id'] = escape('comic:%s (%s)' % (comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'])) feed['updated'] = comic['DateAdded'] links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=Comic&comicid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['comicid'])),type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) if len(issues) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Comic&comicid=%s&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['comicid']),index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Comic&comicid=%s&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['comicid']),index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries self.data = feed return def _Recent(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() links = [] entries=[] recents = self._dic_from_query('SELECT * from snatched WHERE Status = "Post-Processed" OR Status = "Downloaded" order by DateAdded DESC LIMIT 120') if index <= len(recents): number = 1 subset = recents[index:(index+self.PAGE_SIZE)] for issue in subset: issuebook = myDB.fetch('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID = ?', (issue['IssueID'],)).fetchone() if not issuebook: issuebook = myDB.fetch('SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID = ?', (issue['IssueID'],)).fetchone() comic = myDB.fetch('SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID = ?', (issue['ComicID'],)).fetchone() updated = issue['DateAdded'] image = None thumbnail = None if issuebook: if not 'ReleaseComicID' in issuebook.keys(): if issuebook['DateAdded'] is None: title = escape('%03d: %s #%s - %s (In stores %s)' % (index + number, issuebook['ComicName'], issuebook['Issue_Number'], issuebook['IssueName'], issuebook['ReleaseDate'])) image = issuebook['ImageURL_ALT'] thumbnail = issuebook['ImageURL'] else: title = escape('%03d: %s #%s - %s (Added to Mylar %s, in stores %s)' % (index + number, issuebook['ComicName'], issuebook['Issue_Number'], issuebook['IssueName'], issuebook['DateAdded'], issuebook['ReleaseDate'])) image = issuebook['ImageURL_ALT'] thumbnail = issuebook['ImageURL'] else: title = escape('%03d: %s Annual %s - %s (In stores %s)' % (index + number, issuebook['ComicName'], issuebook['Issue_Number'], issuebook['IssueName'], issuebook['ReleaseDate'])) # logger.info("%s - %s" % (comic['ComicLocation'], issuebook['Location'])) number +=1 if not issuebook['Location']: continue location = issuebook['Location'].encode('utf-8') fileloc = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'],issuebook['Location']) metainfo = None if mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_METAINFO: metainfo = mylar.helpers.IssueDetails(fileloc) if not metainfo: metainfo = [{'writer': None,'summary': ''}] entries.append( { 'title': title, 'id': escape('comic:%s (%s) - %s' % (issuebook['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], issuebook['Issue_Number'])), 'updated': updated, 'content': escape('%s' % (metainfo[0]['summary'])), 'href': '%s?cmd=Issue&issueid=%s&file=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(issuebook['IssueID']),quote_plus(location)), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'file', 'author': metainfo[0]['writer'], 'image': image, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, } ) feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - New Arrivals' feed['id'] = escape('New Arrivals') feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=Recent' % (self.opdsroot),type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) if len(recents) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Recent&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot,index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Recent&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot,index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries self.data = feed return def _deliverFile(self, **kwargs): logger.fdebug("_deliverFile: kwargs: %s" % kwargs) if 'file' not in kwargs: self.data = self._error_with_message('No file provided') elif 'filename' not in kwargs: self.data = self._error_with_message('No filename provided') else: self.filename = os.path.split(str(kwargs['file']))[1] self.file = str(kwargs['file']) return def _Issue(self, **kwargs): if 'issueid' not in kwargs: self.data = self._error_with_message('No ComicID Provided') return myDB = db.DBConnection() issuetype = 0 issue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE IssueID=? and Location IS NOT NULL", (kwargs['issueid'],)).fetchone() if not issue: issue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?", (kwargs['issueid'],)).fetchone() if not issue: issue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=?", (kwargs['issueid'],)).fetchone() if not issue: self.data = self._error_with_message('Issue Not Found') return comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?", (issue['ComicID'],)).fetchone() if not comic: self.data = self._error_with_message('Comic Not Found in Watchlist') return self.issue_id = issue['IssueID'] self.file = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'],issue['Location']) self.filename = issue['Location'] else: self.issue_id = issue['IssueID'] self.file = issue['Location'] self.filename = os.path.split(issue['Location'])[1] return def _StoryArcs(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() links = [] entries=[] arcs = [] storyArcs = mylar.helpers.listStoryArcs() for arc in storyArcs: issuecount = 0 arcname = '' updated = '0000-00-00' arclist = myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=?", (arc,)) for issue in arclist: if issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded': issuecount += 1 arcname = issue['StoryArc'] if issue['IssueDate'] > updated: updated = issue['IssueDate'] if issuecount > 0: arcs.append({'StoryArcName': arcname, 'StoryArcID': arc, 'IssueCount': issuecount, 'updated': updated}) newlist = sorted(arcs, key=itemgetter('StoryArcName')) subset = newlist[index:(index + self.PAGE_SIZE)] for arc in subset: entries.append( { 'title': '%s (%s)' % (arc['StoryArcName'],arc['IssueCount']), 'id': escape('storyarc:%s' % (arc['StoryArcID'])), 'updated': arc['updated'], 'content': '%s (%s)' % (arc['StoryArcName'],arc['IssueCount']), 'href': '%s?cmd=StoryArc&arcid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(arc['StoryArcID'])), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'subsection', } ) feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - Story Arcs' feed['id'] = 'StoryArcs' feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArcs' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) if len(arcs) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArcs&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArcs&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries self.data = feed return def _OneOffs(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) links = [] entries = [] flist = [] book = '' gbd = str(mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR + '/*').encode('utf-8') flist = glob.glob(gbd) readlist = [] for book in flist: issue = {} fileexists = True book = book.encode('utf-8') issue['Title'] = book issue['IssueID'] = book issue['fileloc'] = book issue['filename'] = book issue['image'] = None issue['thumbnail'] = None issue['updated'] = helpers.now() if not os.path.isfile(issue['fileloc']): fileexists = False if fileexists: readlist.append(issue) if len(readlist) > 0: if index <= len(readlist): subset = readlist[index:(index + self.PAGE_SIZE)] for issue in subset: metainfo = None metainfo = [{'writer': None,'summary': ''}] entries.append( { 'title': escape(issue['Title']), 'id': escape('comic:%s' % issue['IssueID']), 'updated': issue['updated'], 'content': escape('%s' % (metainfo[0]['summary'])), 'href': '%s?cmd=deliverFile&file=%s&filename=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(issue['fileloc']), quote_plus(issue['filename'])), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'file', 'author': metainfo[0]['writer'], 'image': issue['image'], 'thumbnail': issue['thumbnail'], } ) feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - One-Offs' feed['id'] = escape('OneOffs') feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=OneOffs' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) if len(readlist) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=OneOffs&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Read&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries self.data = feed return def _ReadList(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() links = [] entries = [] rlist = self._dic_from_query("SELECT * from readlist where status!='Read'") readlist = [] for book in rlist: fileexists = False issue = {} issue['Title'] = '%s #%s' % (book['ComicName'], book['Issue_Number']) issue['IssueID'] = book['IssueID'] comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?", (book['ComicID'],)).fetchone() bookentry = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?", (book['IssueID'],)).fetchone() if bookentry: if bookentry['Location']: fileexists = True issue['fileloc'] = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'], bookentry['Location']) issue['filename'] = bookentry['Location'].encode('utf-8') issue['image'] = bookentry['ImageURL_ALT'] issue['thumbnail'] = bookentry['ImageURL'] if bookentry['DateAdded']: issue['updated'] = bookentry['DateAdded'] else: issue['updated'] = bookentry['IssueDate'] else: annualentry = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=?", (book['IssueID'],)).fetchone() if annualentry: if annualentry['Location']: fileexists = True issue['fileloc'] = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'], annualentry['Location']) issue['filename'] = annualentry['Location'].encode('utf-8') issue['image'] = None issue['thumbnail'] = None issue['updated'] = annualentry['IssueDate'] if not os.path.isfile(issue['fileloc']): fileexists = False if fileexists: readlist.append(issue) if len(readlist) > 0: if index <= len(readlist): subset = readlist[index:(index + self.PAGE_SIZE)] for issue in subset: metainfo = None if mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_METAINFO: metainfo = mylar.helpers.IssueDetails(issue['fileloc']) if not metainfo: metainfo = [{'writer': None,'summary': ''}] entries.append( { 'title': escape(issue['Title']), 'id': escape('comic:%s' % issue['IssueID']), 'updated': issue['updated'], 'content': escape('%s' % (metainfo[0]['summary'])), 'href': '%s?cmd=Issue&issueid=%s&file=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(issue['IssueID']),quote_plus(issue['filename'])), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'file', 'author': metainfo[0]['writer'], 'image': issue['image'], 'thumbnail': issue['thumbnail'], } ) feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - ReadList' feed['id'] = escape('ReadList') feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=ReadList' % self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) if len(readlist) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=ReadList&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=Read&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries self.data = feed return def _StoryArc(self, **kwargs): index = 0 if 'index' in kwargs: index = int(kwargs['index']) myDB = db.DBConnection() if 'arcid' not in kwargs: self.data =self._error_with_message('No ArcID Provided') return links = [] entries=[] arclist = self._dic_from_query("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID='" + kwargs['arcid'] + "' ORDER BY ReadingOrder") newarclist = [] arcname = '' for book in arclist: arcname = book['StoryArc'] fileexists = False issue = {} issue['ReadingOrder'] = book['ReadingOrder'] issue['Title'] = '%s #%s' % (book['ComicName'],book['IssueNumber']) issue['IssueID'] = book['IssueID'] issue['fileloc'] = '' if book['Location']: issue['fileloc'] = book['Location'] fileexists = True issue['filename'] = os.path.split(book['Location'])[1].encode('utf-8') issue['image'] = None issue['thumbnail'] = None issue['updated'] = book['IssueDate'] else: bookentry = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?", (book['IssueID'],)).fetchone() if bookentry: if bookentry['Location']: comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?", ( bookentry['ComicID'],)).fetchone() fileexists = True issue['fileloc'] = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'], bookentry['Location']) issue['filename'] = bookentry['Location'].encode('utf-8') issue['image'] = bookentry['ImageURL_ALT'] issue['thumbnail'] = bookentry['ImageURL'] if bookentry['DateAdded']: issue['updated'] = bookentry['DateAdded'] else: issue['updated'] = bookentry['IssueDate'] else: annualentry = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=?", (book['IssueID'],)).fetchone() if annualentry: if annualentry['Location']: comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?", ( annualentry['ComicID'],)) fileexists = True issue['fileloc'] = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'], annualentry['Location']) issue['filename'] = annualentry['Location'].encode('utf-8') issue['image'] = None issue['thumbnail'] = None issue['updated'] = annualentry['IssueDate'] else: if book['Location']: fileexists = True issue['fileloc'] = book['Location'] issue['filename'] = os.path.split(book['Location'])[1].encode('utf-8') issue['image'] = None issue['thumbnail'] = None issue['updated'] = book['IssueDate'] if not os.path.isfile(issue['fileloc']): fileexists = False if fileexists: newarclist.append(issue) if len(newarclist) > 0: if index <= len(newarclist): subset = newarclist[index:(index + self.PAGE_SIZE)] for issue in subset: metainfo = None if mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_METAINFO: metainfo = mylar.helpers.IssueDetails(issue['fileloc']) if not metainfo: metainfo = [{'writer': None,'summary': ''}] entries.append( { 'title': escape('%s - %s' % (issue['ReadingOrder'], issue['Title'])), 'id': escape('comic:%s' % issue['IssueID']), 'updated': issue['updated'], 'content': escape('%s' % (metainfo[0]['summary'])), 'href': '%s?cmd=Issue&issueid=%s&file=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(issue['IssueID']),quote_plus(issue['filename'])), 'kind': 'acquisition', 'rel': 'file', 'author': metainfo[0]['writer'], 'image': issue['image'], 'thumbnail': issue['thumbnail'], } ) feed = {} feed['title'] = 'Mylar OPDS - %s' % escape(arcname) feed['id'] = escape('storyarc:%s' % kwargs['arcid']) feed['updated'] = mylar.helpers.now() links.append(getLink(href=self.opdsroot,type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='start', title='Home')) links.append(getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArc&arcid=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['arcid'])),type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation',rel='self')) if len(newarclist) > (index + self.PAGE_SIZE): links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArc&arcid=%s&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['arcid']),index+self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='next')) if index >= self.PAGE_SIZE: links.append( getLink(href='%s?cmd=StoryArc&arcid=%s&index=%s' % (self.opdsroot, quote_plus(kwargs['arcid']),index-self.PAGE_SIZE), type='application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=navigation', rel='previous')) feed['links'] = links feed['entries'] = entries self.data = feed return def getLink(href=None, type=None, rel=None, title=None): link = {} if href: link['href'] = href if type: link['type'] = type if rel: link['rel'] = rel if title: link['title'] = title return link