#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys import re import lib.feedparser as feedparser import urllib2 import ftpsshup import datetime import gzip from StringIO import StringIO import mylar from mylar import db, logger, ftpsshup, helpers def tehMain(forcerss=None): logger.info('RSS Feed Check was last run at : ' + str(mylar.RSS_LASTRUN)) firstrun = "no" #check the last run of rss to make sure it's not hammering. if mylar.RSS_LASTRUN is None or mylar.RSS_LASTRUN == '' or mylar.RSS_LASTRUN == '0' or forcerss == True: logger.info('RSS Feed Check First Ever Run.') firstrun = "yes" mins = 0 else: c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(mylar.RSS_LASTRUN, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") n_date = datetime.datetime.now() absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date) mins = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 60.0 #3600 is for hours. if firstrun == "no" and mins < int(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL): logger.fdebug('RSS Check has taken place less than the threshold - not initiating at this time.') return mylar.RSS_LASTRUN = helpers.now() logger.fdebug('Updating RSS Run time to : ' + str(mylar.RSS_LASTRUN)) mylar.config_write() #function for looping through nzbs/torrent feeds if mylar.ENABLE_TORRENTS: logger.fdebug("[RSS] Initiating Torrent RSS Check.") if mylar.ENABLE_KAT: logger.fdebug('[RSS] Initiating Torrent RSS Feed Check on KAT.') torrents(pickfeed='3') if mylar.ENABLE_CBT: logger.fdebug('[RSS] Initiating Torrent RSS Feed Check on CBT.') torrents(pickfeed='1') torrents(pickfeed='4') logger.fdebug('RSS] Initiating RSS Feed Check for NZB Providers.') nzbs() logger.fdebug('[RSS] RSS Feed Check/Update Complete') logger.fdebug('[RSS] Watchlist Check for new Releases') #if mylar.ENABLE_TORRENTS: # if mylar.ENABLE_KAT: # search.searchforissue(rsscheck='yes') # if mylar.ENABLE_CBT: mylar.search.searchforissue(rsscheck='yes') #nzbcheck here #nzbs(rsscheck='yes') logger.fdebug('[RSS] Watchlist Check complete.') return def torrents(pickfeed=None,seriesname=None,issue=None): if pickfeed is None: pickfeed = 1 #else: # print "pickfeed is " + str(pickfeed) passkey = mylar.CBT_PASSKEY srchterm = None if seriesname: srchterm = re.sub(' ', '%20', seriesname) if issue: srchterm += '%20' + str(issue) if mylar.KAT_PROXY: if mylar.KAT_PROXY.endswith('/'): kat_url = mylar.KAT_PROXY else: kat_url = mylar.KAT_PROXY + '/' else: kat_url = 'http://kat.ph/' if pickfeed == "1": # cbt rss feed based on followlist feed = "http://comicbt.com/rss.php?action=browse&passkey=" + str(passkey) + "&type=dl" elif pickfeed == "2" and srchterm is not None: # kat.ph search feed = kat_url + "usearch/" + str(srchterm) + "%20category%3Acomics%20seeds%3A1/?rss=1" elif pickfeed == "3": # kat.ph rss feed feed = kat_url + "usearch/category%3Acomics%20seeds%3A1/?rss=1" elif pickfeed == "4": #cbt follow link feed = "http://comicbt.com/rss.php?action=follow&passkey=" + str(passkey) + "&type=dl" elif pickfeed == "5": # cbt series link # seriespage = "http://comicbt.com/series.php?passkey=" + str(passkey) feed = "http://comicbt.com/rss.php?action=series&series=" + str(seriesno) + "&passkey=" + str(passkey) else: logger.error('invalid pickfeed denoted...') return title = [] link = [] description = [] seriestitle = [] if pickfeed == "5": # we need to get the series # first seriesSearch(seriespage, seriesname) feedme = feedparser.parse(feed) i = 0 feeddata = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() torthekat = [] katinfo = {} for entry in feedme['entries']: if pickfeed == "3": tmpsz = feedme.entries[i].enclosures[0] feeddata.append({ 'Site': 'KAT', 'Title': feedme.entries[i].title, 'Link': tmpsz['url'], 'Pubdate': feedme.entries[i].updated, 'Size': tmpsz['length'] }) elif pickfeed == "2": tmpsz = feedme.entries[i].enclosures[0] torthekat.append({ 'site': 'KAT', 'title': feedme.entries[i].title, 'link': tmpsz['url'], 'pubdate': feedme.entries[i].updated, 'length': tmpsz['length'] }) #print ("Site: KAT") #print ("Title: " + str(feedme.entries[i].title)) #print ("Link: " + str(tmpsz['url'])) #print ("pubdate: " + str(feedme.entries[i].updated)) #print ("size: " + str(tmpsz['length'])) elif pickfeed == "1" or pickfeed == "4": # tmpsz = feedme.entries[i].enclosures[0] feeddata.append({ 'Site': 'CBT', 'Title': feedme.entries[i].title, 'Link': feedme.entries[i].link, 'Pubdate': feedme.entries[i].updated # 'Size': tmpsz['length'] }) #print ("Site: CBT") #print ("Title: " + str(feeddata[i]['Title'])) #print ("Link: " + str(feeddata[i]['Link'])) #print ("pubdate: " + str(feeddata[i]['Pubdate'])) i+=1 logger.fdebug('there were ' + str(i) + ' results..') if not seriesname: rssdbupdate(feeddata,i,'torrent') else: katinfo['entries'] = torthekat return katinfo return def nzbs(provider=None): nzbprovider = [] nzbp = 0 if mylar.NZBSU == 1: nzbprovider.append('nzb.su') nzbp+=1 if mylar.DOGNZB == 1: nzbprovider.append('dognzb') nzbp+=1 # -------- # Xperimental if mylar.EXPERIMENTAL == 1: nzbprovider.append('experimental') nzbp+=1 newznabs = 0 newznab_hosts = [] if mylar.NEWZNAB == 1: for newznab_host in mylar.EXTRA_NEWZNABS: if newznab_host[4] == '1' or newznab_host[4] == 1: newznab_hosts.append(newznab_host) nzbprovider.append('newznab') newznabs+=1 logger.fdebug('newznab name:' + str(newznab_host[0]) + ' - enabled: ' + str(newznab_host[4])) # -------- providercount = int(nzbp + newznabs) logger.fdebug('there are : ' + str(providercount) + ' RSS search providers you have enabled.') nzbpr = providercount - 1 if nzbpr < 0: nzbpr == 0 feeddata = [] feedthis = [] ft = 0 totNum = 0 nonexp = "no" while (nzbpr >= 0 ): if nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'experimental': feed = feedparser.parse("http://nzbindex.nl/rss/alt.binaries.comics.dcp/?sort=agedesc&max=50&more=1") totNum = len(feed.entries) site = 'experimental' keyPair = {} regList = [] entries = [] mres = {} countUp = 0 i = 0 for entry in feed['entries']: tmpsz = feed.entries[i].enclosures[0] feeddata.append({ 'Site': site, 'Title': feed.entries[i].title, 'Link': tmpsz['url'], #feed.entries[i].link, 'Pubdate': feed.entries[i].updated, 'Size': tmpsz['length'] }) # print ("Site:" + str(site)) # print ("Title:" + str(feed.entries[i].title)) # print ("Link:" + str(feed.entries[i].link)) # print ("Pubdate:" + str(feed.entries[i].updated)) # print ("Size:" + str(tmpsz['length'])) i+=1 logger.info(str(i) + ' results from Experimental feed indexed.') nzbpr-=1 else: if nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'newznab': for newznab_host in newznab_hosts: if newznab_host[3] is None: newznabuid = '1' newznabcat = '7030' else: if '#' not in newznab_host[3]: newznabuid = newznab_host[3] newznabcat = '7030' else: newzst = newznab_host[3].find('#') newznabuid = newznab_host[3][:newzst] newznabcat = newznab_host[3][newzst+1:] feed = newznab_host[1].rstrip() + '/rss?t=' + str(newznabcat) + '&dl=1&i=' + str(newznabuid) + '&r=' + newznab_host[2].rstrip() feedme = feedparser.parse(feed) site = newznab_host[0].rstrip() feedthis.append({"feed": feedme, "site": site}) totNum+=len(feedme.entries) ft+=1 nonexp = "yes" nzbpr-=1 elif nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'nzb.su': if mylar.NZBSU_UID is None: mylar.NZBSU_UID = '1' feed = 'http://nzb.su/rss?t=7030&dl=1&i=' + mylar.NZBSU_UID + '&r=' + mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY feedme = feedparser.parse(feed) site = nzbprovider[nzbpr] feedthis.append({"feed": feedme, "site": site }) totNum+=len(feedme.entries) ft+=1 nonexp = "yes" nzbpr-=1 elif nzbprovider[nzbpr] == 'dognzb': if mylar.DOGNZB_UID is None: mylar.DOGNZB_UID = '1' feed = 'http://dognzb.cr/rss?t=7030&dl=1&i=' + mylar.DOGNZB_UID + '&r=' + mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY feedme = feedparser.parse(feed) site = nzbprovider[nzbpr] ft+=1 nonexp = "yes" feedthis.append({"feed": feedme, "site": site }) totNum+=len(feedme.entries) nzbpr-=1 i = 0 if nonexp == "yes": #print str(ft) + " sites checked. There are " + str(totNum) + " entries to be updated." #print feedme #i = 0 for ft in feedthis: site = ft['site'] #print str(site) + " now being updated..." for entry in ft['feed'].entries: #print "entry: " + str(entry) tmpsz = entry.enclosures[0] feeddata.append({ 'Site': site, 'Title': entry.title, 'Link': entry.link, 'Pubdate': entry.updated, 'Size': tmpsz['length'] }) # print ("Site: " + str(feeddata[i]['Site'])) # print ("Title: " + str(feeddata[i]['Title'])) # print ("Link: " + str(feeddata[i]['Link'])) # print ("pubdate: " + str(feeddata[i]['Pubdate'])) # print ("size: " + str(feeddata[i]['Size'])) i+=1 logger.info(str(site) + ' : ' + str(i) + ' entries indexed.') rssdbupdate(feeddata,i,'usenet') return def rssdbupdate(feeddata,i,type): rsschktime = 15 myDB = db.DBConnection() #let's add the entries into the db so as to save on searches #also to build up the ID's ;) x = 1 while x <= i: try: dataval = feeddata[x] except IndexError: logger.fdebug('reached the end of populating. Exiting the process.') break #print "populating : " + str(dataval) #remove passkey so it doesn't end up in db if type == 'torrent': newlink = dataval['Link'][:(dataval['Link'].find('&passkey'))] newVal = {"Link": newlink, "Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'], "Site": dataval['Site']} else: newlink = dataval['Link'] newVal = {"Link": newlink, "Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'], "Site": dataval['Site'], "Size": dataval['Size']} ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['Title']} myDB.upsert("rssdb", newVal,ctrlVal) x+=1 logger.fdebug('Completed adding new data to RSS DB. Next add in ' + str(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + ' minutes') return def torrentdbsearch(seriesname,issue,comicid=None,nzbprov=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() seriesname_alt = None if comicid is None or comicid == 'None': pass else: logger.fdebug('ComicID: ' + str(comicid)) snm = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if snm is None: logger.fdebug('Invalid ComicID of ' + str(comicid) + '. Aborting search.') return else: seriesname = snm['ComicName'] seriesname_alt = snm['AlternateSearch'] #remove 'and' and 'the': tsearch_rem1 = re.sub("\\band\\b", "%", seriesname.lower()) tsearch_rem2 = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", "%", tsearch_rem1.lower()) tsearch_removed = re.sub('\s+', ' ', tsearch_rem2) tsearch_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\-\;\/\\=\?\&\.\s]', '%',tsearch_removed) tsearch = tsearch_seriesname + "%" logger.fdebug('tsearch : ' + str(tsearch)) AS_Alt = [] tresults = [] if mylar.ENABLE_CBT: tresults = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='CBT'", [tsearch]).fetchall() if mylar.ENABLE_KAT: tresults += myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='KAT'", [tsearch]).fetchall() logger.fdebug('seriesname_alt:' + str(seriesname_alt)) if seriesname_alt is None or seriesname_alt == 'None': if tresults is None: logger.fdebug('no Alternate name given. Aborting search.') return "no results" else: chkthealt = seriesname_alt.split('##') if chkthealt == 0: AS_Alternate = seriesname_alt AS_Alt.append(seriesname_alt) for calt in chkthealt: AS_Alter = re.sub('##','',calt) u_altsearchcomic = AS_Alter.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip() AS_Altrem = re.sub("\\band\\b", "", u_altsearchcomic.lower()) AS_Altrem = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", "", AS_Altrem.lower()) AS_Alternate = re.sub('[\_\#\,\/\:\;\.\-\!\$\%\+\'\&\?\@\s]', '%', AS_Altrem) AS_Altrem_mod = re.sub('[\&]', ' ', AS_Altrem) AS_formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.]', '',AS_Altrem_mod) AS_formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', AS_formatrem_seriesname) if AS_formatrem_seriesname[:1] == ' ': AS_formatrem_seriesname = AS_formatrem_seriesname[1:] AS_Alt.append(AS_formatrem_seriesname) AS_Alternate += '%' if mylar.ENABLE_CBT: #print "AS_Alternate:" + str(AS_Alternate) tresults += myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='CBT'", [AS_Alternate]).fetchall() if mylar.ENABLE_KAT: tresults += myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='KAT'", [AS_Alternate]).fetchall() if tresults is None: logger.fdebug('torrent search returned no results for ' + seriesname) return "no results" extensions = ('cbr', 'cbz') tortheinfo = [] torinfo = {} for tor in tresults: torsplit = tor['Title'].split('/') logger.fdebug('tor-Title: ' + tor['Title']) logger.fdebug('there are ' + str(len(torsplit)) + ' sections in this title') i=0 #0 holds the title/issue and format-type. while (i < len(torsplit)): #we'll rebuild the string here so that it's formatted accordingly to be passed back to the parser. logger.fdebug('section(' + str(i) + '): ' + str(torsplit[i])) if i == 0: rebuiltline = str(torsplit[i]) else: rebuiltline = rebuiltline + ' (' + str(torsplit[i]) + ')' i+=1 logger.fdebug('rebuiltline is :' + str(rebuiltline)) seriesname_mod = seriesname foundname_mod = torsplit[0] seriesname_mod = re.sub("\\band\\b", " ", seriesname_mod.lower()) foundname_mod = re.sub("\\band\\b", " ", foundname_mod.lower()) seriesname_mod = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", " ", seriesname_mod.lower()) foundname_mod = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", " ", foundname_mod.lower()) seriesname_mod = re.sub('[\&]', ' ', seriesname_mod) foundname_mod = re.sub('[\&]', ' ', foundname_mod) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\=\?\.]', '',seriesname_mod) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\/]', '-', formatrem_seriesname) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', formatrem_seriesname) if formatrem_seriesname[:1] == ' ': formatrem_seriesname = formatrem_seriesname[1:] formatrem_torsplit = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\\=\?\.]', '',foundname_mod) formatrem_torsplit = re.sub('[\/]', '-', formatrem_torsplit) formatrem_torsplit = re.sub('\s+', ' ', formatrem_torsplit) logger.fdebug(str(len(formatrem_torsplit)) + ' - formatrem_torsplit : ' + formatrem_torsplit.lower()) logger.fdebug(str(len(formatrem_seriesname)) + ' - formatrem_seriesname :' + formatrem_seriesname.lower()) if formatrem_seriesname.lower() in formatrem_torsplit.lower() or any(x.lower() in formatrem_torsplit.lower() for x in AS_Alt): logger.fdebug('matched to : ' + tor['Title']) logger.fdebug('matched on series title: ' + seriesname) titleend = formatrem_torsplit[len(formatrem_seriesname):] titleend = re.sub('\-', '', titleend) #remove the '-' which is unnecessary titleend = re.sub('cbr', '', str(titleend)) #remove extensions logger.fdebug('titleend: ' + str(titleend)) sptitle = titleend.split() extra = '' # for sp in sptitle: # if 'v' in sp.lower() and sp[1:].isdigit(): # volumeadd = sp # elif 'vol' in sp.lower() and sp[3:].isdigit(): # volumeadd = sp # #if sp.isdigit(): # #print("issue # detected : " + str(issue)) # elif helpers.issuedigits(issue.rstrip()) == helpers.issuedigits(sp.rstrip()): # logger.fdebug("Issue matched for : " + str(issue)) #the title on CBT has a mix-mash of crap...ignore everything after cbz/cbr to cleanit ctitle = tor['Title'].find('cbr') if ctitle == 0: ctitle = tor['Title'].find('cbz') if ctitle == 0: logger.fdebug('cannot determine title properly - ignoring for now.') continue cttitle = tor['Title'][:ctitle] #print("change title to : " + str(cttitle)) # if extra == '': tortheinfo.append({ 'title': cttitle, #tor['Title'], 'link': tor['Link'], 'pubdate': tor['Pubdate'], 'site': tor['Site'], 'length': tor['Size'] }) # continue # #torsend2client(formatrem_seriesname,tor['Link']) # else: # logger.fdebug("extra info given as :" + str(extra)) # logger.fdebug("extra information confirmed as a match") # logger.fdebug("queuing link: " + str(tor['Link'])) # tortheinfo.append({ # 'title': cttitle, #tor['Title'], # 'link': tor['Link'], # 'pubdate': tor['Pubdate'], # 'site': tor['Site'], # 'length': tor['Size'] # }) # logger.fdebug("entered info.") # continue #torsend2client(formatrem_seriesname,tor['Link']) #else: # logger.fdebug("invalid issue#: " + str(sp)) # #extra = str(extra) + " " + str(sp) # else: # logger.fdebug("word detected - assuming continuation of title: " + str(sp)) # extra = str(extra) + " " + str(sp) torinfo['entries'] = tortheinfo return torinfo def nzbdbsearch(seriesname,issue,comicid=None,nzbprov=None,searchYear=None,ComicVersion=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() seriesname_alt = None if comicid is None or comicid == 'None': pass else: snm = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if snm is None: logger.info('Invalid ComicID of ' + str(comicid) + '. Aborting search.') return else: seriesname = snm['ComicName'] seriesname_alt = snm['AlternateSearch'] nsearch_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.\-\s]', '%',seriesname) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.]', '',seriesname) nsearch = '%' + nsearch_seriesname + "%" nresults = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site=?", [nsearch,nzbprov]) if nresults is None: logger.fdebug('nzb search returned no results for ' + seriesname) if seriesname_alt is None: logger.fdebug('no nzb Alternate name given. Aborting search.') return "no results" else: chkthealt = seriesname_alt.split('##') if chkthealt == 0: AS_Alternate = AlternateSearch for calt in chkthealt: AS_Alternate = re.sub('##','',calt) nresults += myDB.action("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site=?", [AS_Alternate,nzbprov]) if nresults is None: logger.fdebug('nzb alternate name search returned no results.') return "no results" nzbtheinfo = [] nzbinfo = {} if nzbprov == 'experimental': except_list=['releases', 'gold line', 'distribution', '0-day', '0 day'] if ComicVersion: ComVersChk = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", ComicVersion) if ComVersChk == '': ComVersChk = 0 else: ComVersChk = 0 else: ComVersChk = 0 for results in nresults: title = results['Title'] #logger.fdebug("titlesplit: " + str(title.split("\""))) splitTitle = title.split("\"") noYear = 'False' for subs in splitTitle: #logger.fdebug(subs) if len(subs) > 10 and not any(d in subs.lower() for d in except_list): if ComVersChk == 0: noYear = 'False' if ComVersChk != 0 and searchYear not in subs: noYear = 'True' noYearline = subs if searchYear in subs and noYear == 'True': #this would occur on the next check in the line, if year exists and #the noYear check in the first check came back valid append it subs = noYearline + ' (' + searchYear + ')' noYear = 'False' if noYear == 'False': nzbtheinfo.append({ 'title': subs, 'link': re.sub('\/release\/', '/download/', results['Link']), 'pubdate': str(results['PubDate']), 'site': str(results['Site']), 'length': str(results['Size'])}) else: for nzb in nresults: # no need to parse here, just compile and throw it back .... nzbtheinfo.append({ 'title': nzb['Title'], 'link': nzb['Link'], 'pubdate': nzb['Pubdate'], 'site': nzb['Site'], 'length': nzb['Size'] }) logger.fdebug("entered info for " + nzb['Title']) nzbinfo['entries'] = nzbtheinfo return nzbinfo def torsend2client(seriesname, issue, seriesyear, linkit, site): logger.info('matched on ' + str(seriesname)) filename = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.]', '',seriesname) filename = re.sub(' ', '_', filename) filename += "_" + str(issue) + "_" + str(seriesyear) if site == 'CBT': logger.info(linkit) linkit = str(linkit) + '&passkey=' + str(mylar.CBT_PASSKEY) if linkit[-7:] != "torrent": # and site != "KAT": filename += ".torrent" if mylar.TORRENT_LOCAL and mylar.LOCAL_WATCHDIR is not None: filepath = os.path.join(mylar.LOCAL_WATCHDIR, filename) logger.fdebug('filename for torrent set to : ' + filepath) elif mylar.TORRENT_SEEDBOX and mylar.SEEDBOX_WATCHDIR is not None: filepath = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, filename) logger.fdebug('filename for torrent set to : ' + filepath) else: logger.error('No Local Watch Directory or Seedbox Watch Directory specified. Set it and try again.') return "fail" try: request = urllib2.Request(linkit) #request.add_header('User-Agent', str(mylar.USER_AGENT)) request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') if site == 'KAT': stfind = linkit.find('?') kat_referrer = linkit[:stfind] request.add_header('Referer', kat_referrer) logger.fdebug('KAT Referer set to :' + kat_referrer) # response = helpers.urlretrieve(urllib2.urlopen(request), filepath) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if response.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(response.read()) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) torrent = f.read() else: torrent = response.read() except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (site, e)) return "fail" with open(filepath, 'wb') as the_file: the_file.write(torrent) logger.info("saved.") #logger.fdebug('torrent file saved as : ' + str(filepath)) if mylar.TORRENT_LOCAL: return "pass" #remote_file = urllib2.urlopen(linkit) #if linkit[-7:] != "torrent": # filename += ".torrent" #local_file = open('%s' % (os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR,filename)), 'w') #local_file.write(remote_file.read()) #local_file.close() #remote_file.close() elif mylar.TORRENT_SEEDBOX: tssh = ftpsshup.putfile(filepath,filename) return tssh if __name__ == '__main__': #torrents(sys.argv[1]) #torrentdbsearch(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) nzbs(sys.argv[1])