<%inherit file="base.html" /> <%! import mylar from mylar.helpers import checked %> <%def name="headerIncludes()">
Manage Comics Manage Issues Manage Failed Links Manage DDL Queue
<%def name="body()">


Current Import Status %if mylar.IMPORT_STATUS: %if mylar.IMPORT_STATUS == 'Import completed.':
%endif %else:
%endif ${mylar.IMPORT_TOTALFILES} %if int(mylar.IMPORT_FILES) != int(mylar.IMPORT_TOTALFILES): / ${mylar.IMPORT_FILES} %endif
%if mylar.IMPORTLOCK:

Scan Comic Library

Where are the comics you want scanned in located?

You can put in any directory, and it will scan for comics
in that folder (including all subdirectories).
For example: '/Users/name/Comics'

It may take a while depending on how many files you have.
You can navigate away from the page as soon as you click 'Save changes'

%if mylar.CONFIG.COMIC_DIR: %else: %endif
Use existing Metadata to better locate series for import
Unchecked will not move anything, but will mark the issues as Archived
Rename files to configuration settings
Use the folder paths during import as the series location path

%if mylar.IMPORTBUTTON: %endif
Manual Run

Manual Post-Processing

You can put in any directory, and it will scan for comic files in that folder (including all subdirectories) that exist on your watchlist.
For example: '/Users/name/Comics'

It may take a while depending on how many files you have. You can navigate away from this as soon as you click 'Go'.

Only series' that exist on your watchlist will be post-processed with your current post-processing options.
The remainder will not be moved from the given directory

%if mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_FOLDER: %else: %endif
Additional Options


%for j in jobs: <% if j['status'] == 'Paused': grade = '#D9150F' elif j['status'] == 'Waiting': grade = '#0F49D9' elif j['status'] == 'Running': grade = '#55D90F' %> %endfor
Name Next Interval Prev Status Options
${j['jobname']} ${j['next_run_datetime']} ${j['interval']} ${j['prev_run_datetime']} ${j['status']} %if any([j['status'] == 'Running', j['status'] == 'Waiting']): Pause %elif j['status'] == 'Paused': Resume %endif %if j['jobname'] == 'Auto-Search': Force %elif j['jobname'] == 'DB Updater': Force %elif j['jobname'] == 'Weekly Pullist': Force %elif j['jobname'] == 'Folder Monitor': Force %elif j['jobname'] == 'RSS Feeds': Force %elif j['jobname'] == 'Check Version': Force %endif

There could be up to a 60s delay in a given scheduler running due to other processes currently running
<%def name="javascriptIncludes()">