# mako/cache.py
# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 the Mako authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of Mako and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

from mako import exceptions

cache = None

class BeakerMissing(object):
    def get_cache(self, name, **kwargs):
        raise exceptions.RuntimeException("the Beaker package is required to use cache functionality.")

class Cache(object):
    """Represents a data content cache made available to the module
    space of a :class:`.Template` object.
    :class:`.Cache` is a wrapper on top of a Beaker CacheManager object.
    This object in turn references any number of "containers", each of
    which defines its own backend (i.e. file, memory, memcached, etc.) 
    independently of the rest.
    def __init__(self, id, starttime):
        self.id = id
        self.starttime = starttime
        self.def_regions = {}
    def put(self, key, value, **kwargs):
        """Place a value in the cache.
        :param key: the value's key.
        :param value: the value
        :param \**kwargs: cache configuration arguments.  The 
         backend is configured using these arguments upon first request.
         Subsequent requests that use the same series of configuration
         values will use that same backend.
        defname = kwargs.pop('defname', None)
        expiretime = kwargs.pop('expiretime', None)
        createfunc = kwargs.pop('createfunc', None)
        self._get_cache(defname, **kwargs).put_value(key, starttime=self.starttime, expiretime=expiretime)
    def get(self, key, **kwargs):
        """Retrieve a value from the cache.
        :param key: the value's key.
        :param \**kwargs: cache configuration arguments.  The 
         backend is configured using these arguments upon first request.
         Subsequent requests that use the same series of configuration
         values will use that same backend.
        defname = kwargs.pop('defname', None)
        expiretime = kwargs.pop('expiretime', None)
        createfunc = kwargs.pop('createfunc', None)
        return self._get_cache(defname, **kwargs).get_value(key, starttime=self.starttime, expiretime=expiretime, createfunc=createfunc)
    def invalidate(self, key, **kwargs):
        """Invalidate a value in the cache.
        :param key: the value's key.
        :param \**kwargs: cache configuration arguments.  The 
         backend is configured using these arguments upon first request.
         Subsequent requests that use the same series of configuration
         values will use that same backend.
        defname = kwargs.pop('defname', None)
        expiretime = kwargs.pop('expiretime', None)
        createfunc = kwargs.pop('createfunc', None)
        self._get_cache(defname, **kwargs).remove_value(key, starttime=self.starttime, expiretime=expiretime)
    def invalidate_body(self):
        """Invalidate the cached content of the "body" method for this template.
        self.invalidate('render_body', defname='render_body')
    def invalidate_def(self, name):
        """Invalidate the cached content of a particular <%def> within this template."""
        self.invalidate('render_%s' % name, defname='render_%s' % name)
    def invalidate_closure(self, name):
        """Invalidate a nested <%def> within this template.
        Caching of nested defs is a blunt tool as there is no
        management of scope - nested defs that use cache tags
        need to have names unique of all other nested defs in the 
        template, else their content will be overwritten by 
        each other.
        self.invalidate(name, defname=name)
    def _get_cache(self, defname, type=None, **kw):
        global cache
        if not cache:
                from beaker import cache as beaker_cache
                cache = beaker_cache.CacheManager()
            except ImportError:
                # keep a fake cache around so subsequent 
                # calls don't attempt to re-import
                cache = BeakerMissing()

        if type == 'memcached':
            type = 'ext:memcached'
        if not type:
            (type, kw) = self.def_regions.get(defname, ('memory', {}))
            self.def_regions[defname] = (type, kw)
        return cache.get_cache(self.id, type=type, **kw)