# This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . import time import datetime from xml.dom.minidom import parseString import urllib2 import shlex import re import os import mylar from mylar import db, logger, helpers, filechecker def dbUpdate(): myDB = db.DBConnection() activecomics = myDB.select('SELECT ComicID, ComicName from comics WHERE Status="Active" or Status="Loading" order by LastUpdated ASC') logger.info('Starting update for %i active comics' % len(activecomics)) for comic in activecomics: comicid = comic[0] mismatch = "no" if not mylar.CV_ONLY or comicid[:1] == "G": CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass else: if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99': mismatch = "yes" if comicid[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(comicid) else: mylar.importer.addComictoDB(comicid,mismatch) else: if mylar.CV_ONETIMER == 1: logger.fdebug("CV_OneTimer option enabled...") #in order to update to JUST CV_ONLY, we need to delete the issues for a given series so it's a clean refresh. logger.fdebug("Gathering the status of all issues for the series.") issues = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]) #store the issues' status for a given comicid, after deleting and readding, flip the status back to what it is currently. logger.fdebug("Deleting all issue data.") myDB.select('DELETE FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]) logger.fdebug("Refreshing the series and pulling in new data using only CV.") mylar.importer.addComictoDB(comicid,mismatch) issues_new = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]) icount = 0 logger.fdebug("Attempting to put the Status' back how they were.") for issue in issues: for issuenew in issues_new: if issuenew['IssueID'] == issue['IssueID'] and issuenew['Status'] != issue['Status']: #change the status to the previous status ctrlVAL = {'IssueID': issue['IssueID']} newVAL = {'Status': issue['Status']} myDB.upsert("Issues", newVAL, ctrlVAL) icount+=1 break logger.info("In converting data to CV only, I changed the status of " + str(icount) + " issues.") mylar.CV_ONETIMER = 0 else: mylar.importer.addComictoDB(comicid,mismatch) time.sleep(5) #pause for 5 secs so dont hammer CV and get 500 error logger.info('Update complete') def latest_update(ComicID, LatestIssue, LatestDate): # here we add to comics.latest myDB = db.DBConnection() latestCTRLValueDict = {"ComicID": ComicID} newlatestDict = {"LatestIssue": str(LatestIssue), "LatestDate": str(LatestDate)} myDB.upsert("comics", newlatestDict, latestCTRLValueDict) def upcoming_update(ComicID, ComicName, IssueNumber, IssueDate, forcecheck=None): # here we add to upcoming table... myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValue = {"ComicID": ComicID} newValue = {"ComicName": str(ComicName), "IssueNumber": str(IssueNumber), "IssueDate": str(IssueDate)} #let's refresh the artist here just to make sure if an issue is available/not. mismatch = "no" CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass else: if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99': mismatch = "yes" lastupdatechk = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if lastupdatechk is None: pullupd = "yes" else: c_date = lastupdatechk['LastUpdated'] if c_date is None: logger.error(lastupdatechk['ComicName'] + " failed during a previous add /refresh. Please either delete and readd the series, or try a refresh of the series.") return c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(c_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") n_date = datetime.datetime.now() absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date) hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0 # no need to hammer the refresh # let's check it every 5 hours (or more) #pullupd = "yes" issuechk = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [ComicID, IssueNumber]).fetchone() if issuechk is None: logger.fdebug(ComicName + " Issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " not present in listings to mark for download...updating comic and adding to Upcoming Wanted Releases.") # we need to either decrease the total issue count, OR indicate that an issue is upcoming. upco_results = myDB.action("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UPCOMING WHERE ComicID=?",[ComicID]).fetchall() upco_iss = upco_results[0][0] #logger.info("upco_iss: " + str(upco_iss)) if int(upco_iss) > 0: #logger.info("There is " + str(upco_iss) + " of " + str(ComicName) + " that's not accounted for") newKey = {"ComicID": ComicID} newVal = {"not_updated_db": str(upco_iss)} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newKey) elif int(upco_iss) <=0 and lastupdatechk['not_updated_db']: #if not_updated_db has a value, and upco_iss is > 0, let's zero it back out cause it's updated now. newKey = {"ComicID": ComicID} newVal = {"not_updated_db": ""} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newKey) if hours > 5 or forcecheck == 'yes': pullupd = "yes" logger.fdebug("Now Refreshing comic " + ComicName + " to make sure it's up-to-date") if ComicID[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(ComicID,pullupd) else: mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID,mismatch,pullupd) else: logger.fdebug("It hasn't been longer than 5 hours since we last did this...let's wait so we don't hammer things.") return elif issuechk['Issue_Number'] == IssueNumber: logger.fdebug("Comic series already up-to-date ... no need to refresh at this time.") logger.fdebug("Available to be marked for download - checking..." + str(issuechk['ComicName']) + " Issue: " + str(issuechk['Issue_Number'])) logger.fdebug("...Existing status: " + str(issuechk['Status'])) control = {"IssueID": issuechk['IssueID']} newValue['IssueID'] = issuechk['IssueID'] if issuechk['Status'] == "Snatched": values = { "Status": "Snatched"} newValue['Status'] = "Snatched" elif issuechk['Status'] == "Downloaded": values = { "Status": "Downloaded"} newValue['Status'] = "Downloaded" elif issuechk['Status'] == "Wanted": values = { "Status": "Wanted"} newValue['Status'] = "Wanted" else: values = { "Status": "Skipped"} newValue['Status'] = "Skipped" #was in wrong place :( if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING: #for issues not in db - to be added to Upcoming table. if issuechk is None: newValue['Status'] = "Wanted" logger.fdebug("...Changing Status to Wanted and throwing it in the Upcoming section since it's not published yet.") #this works for issues existing in DB... elif issuechk['Status'] == "Skipped": newValue['Status'] = "Wanted" values = { "Status": "Wanted"} logger.fdebug("...New status of Wanted") elif issuechk['Status'] == "Wanted": logger.fdebug("...Status already Wanted .. not changing.") else: logger.fdebug("...Already have issue - keeping existing status of : " + issuechk['Status']) if issuechk is None: myDB.upsert("upcoming", newValue, controlValue) else: myDB.upsert("issues", values, control) else: logger.fdebug("Issues don't match for some reason...weekly new issue: " + str(IssueNumber)) def weekly_update(ComicName): # here we update status of weekly table... myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValue = { "COMIC": str(ComicName)} if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING: newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted"} else: newValue = {"STATUS": "Skipped"} myDB.upsert("weekly", newValue, controlValue) def newpullcheck(ComicName, ComicID): # When adding a new comic, let's check for new issues on this week's pullist and update. mylar.weeklypull.pullitcheck(ComicName, ComicID) return def no_searchresults(ComicID): # when there's a mismatch between CV & GCD - let's change the status to # something other than 'Loaded' myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValue = { "ComicID": ComicID} newValue = {"Status": "Error", "LatestDate": "Error", "LatestIssue": "Error"} myDB.upsert("comics", newValue, controlValue) def nzblog(IssueID, NZBName): myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID} #print controlValue newValue = {"NZBName": NZBName} #print newValue myDB.upsert("nzblog", newValue, controlValue) def foundsearch(ComicID, IssueID): # When doing a Force Search (Wanted tab), the resulting search calls this to update. # this is all redudant code that forceRescan already does. # should be redone at some point so that instead of rescanning entire # series directory, it just scans for the issue it just downloaded and # and change the status to Snatched accordingly. It is not to increment the have count # at this stage as it's not downloaded - just the .nzb has been snatched and sent to SAB. myDB = db.DBConnection() comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() issue = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() CYear = issue['IssueDate'][:4] # fc = filechecker.listFiles(comic['ComicLocation'], comic['ComicName']) # HaveDict = {"ComicID": ComicID} # newHave = { "Have": fc['comiccount'] } # myDB.upsert("comics", newHave, HaveDict) # #--- issue = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicID=?', [IssueID, ComicID]).fetchone() # update the status to Snatched (so it won't keep on re-downloading!) logger.fdebug("updating status to snatched") controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID} newValue = {"Status": "Snatched"} myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) # update the snatched DB controlValueDict = {"IssueID": IssueID} newValueDict = {"Status": "Snatched"} logger.fdebug("updating snatched db.") myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueID} newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": comic['ComicName'], "ComicID": ComicID, "Issue_Number": issue['Issue_Number'], "DateAdded": helpers.now(), "Status": "Snatched" } myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate) #print ("finished updating snatched db.") logger.info(u"Updating now complete for " + comic['ComicName'] + " issue: " + str(issue['Issue_Number'])) return def forceRescan(ComicID,archive=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() # file check to see if issue exists rescan = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() logger.info(u"Now checking files for " + rescan['ComicName'] + " (" + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ") in " + str(rescan['ComicLocation']) ) if archive is None: fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch']) else: fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=archive, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch']) iscnt = rescan['Total'] havefiles = 0 fccnt = int(fc['comiccount']) issnum = 1 fcnew = [] fn = 0 issuedupechk = [] issueexceptdupechk = [] reissues = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchall() # if filechecker returns 0 files (it doesn't find any), but some issues have a status of 'Archived' # the loop below won't work...let's adjust :) arcissues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID]) if len(arcissues) > 0: havefiles = len(arcissues) logger.fdebug("Adjusting have total because of this many archive files:" + str(len(arcissues))) while (fn < fccnt): haveissue = "no" issuedupe = "no" try: tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn] except IndexError: break temploc= tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ') # temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ') temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc) logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc)) if 'annual' not in temploc: #remove the extension here extensions = ('.cbr','.cbz') if temploc.lower().endswith(extensions): #logger.fdebug("removed extension for issue:" + str(temploc)) temploc = temploc[:-4] deccnt = str(temploc).count('.') if deccnt > 1: #logger.fdebug("decimal counts are :" + str(deccnt)) #if the file is formatted with '.' in place of spaces we need to adjust. #before replacing - check to see if digits on either side of decimal and if yes, DON'T REMOVE occur=1 prevstart = 0 digitfound = "no" decimalfound = "no" tempreconstruct = '' while (occur <= deccnt): n = occur start = temploc.find('.') while start >=0 and n > 1: start = temploc.find('.', start+len('.')) n-=1 #logger.fdebug("occurance " + str(occur) + " of . at position: " + str(start)) if temploc[prevstart:start].isdigit(): if digitfound == "yes": #logger.fdebug("this is a decimal, assuming decimal issue.") decimalfound = "yes" reconst = "." + temploc[prevstart:start] + " " else: #logger.fdebug("digit detected.") digitfound = "yes" reconst = temploc[prevstart:start] else: reconst = temploc[prevstart:start] + " " #logger.fdebug("word: " + reconst) tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + reconst #logger.fdebug("tempreconstruct is : " + tempreconstruct) prevstart = (start+1) occur+=1 #logger.fdebug("word: " + temploc[prevstart:]) tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + " " + temploc[prevstart:] #logger.fdebug("final filename to use is : " + str(tempreconstruct)) temploc = tempreconstruct #logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc)) fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc)) fcn = len(fcnew) n = 0 while (n <= iscnt): som = 0 try: reiss = reissues[n] except IndexError: break int_iss, iss_except = helpers.decimal_issue(reiss['Issue_Number']) issyear = reiss['IssueDate'][:4] old_status = reiss['Status'] #logger.fdebug("integer_issue:" + str(int_iss) + " ... status: " + str(old_status)) #if comic in format of "SomeSeries 5(c2c)(2013).cbr" whatever...it'll die. #can't distinguish the 5(c2c) to tell it's the issue #... fnd_iss_except = 'None' #print ("Issue, int_iss, iss_except: " + str(reiss['Issue_Number']) + "," + str(int_iss) + "," + str(iss_except)) while (som < fcn): #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr' #logger.fdebug("checking word - " + str(fcnew[som])) if ".cbr" in fcnew[som].lower(): fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "") elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som].lower(): fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "") if "(c2c)" in fcnew[som].lower(): fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace("(c2c)", " ") get_issue = shlex.split(str(fcnew[som])) if fcnew[som] != " ": fcnew[som] = get_issue[0] if '.' in fcnew[som]: #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...adjusting.") try: i = float(fcnew[som]) except ValueError, TypeError: #not numeric #logger.fdebug("NOT NUMERIC - new word: " + str(fcnew[som])) fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".", "") else: #numeric pass if fcnew[som].isdigit(): #this won't match on decimal issues - need to fix. #logger.fdebug("digit detected") if int(fcnew[som]) > 0: # fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0') #fcdigit = str(int(fcnew[som])) fcdigit = int(fcnew[som]) * 1000 if som+1 < len(fcnew) and 'au' in fcnew[som+1].lower(): #print ("AU detected") #if the 'AU' is in 005AU vs 005 AU it will yield different results. fnd_iss_except = 'AU' #logger.info("AU Detected - fnd_iss_except set.") else: #fcdigit = "0" fcdigit = 0 elif "." in fcnew[som]: #this will match on decimal issues IssueChk = fcnew[som] #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...analyzing if issue") isschk_find = IssueChk.find('.') isschk_b4dec = IssueChk[:isschk_find] isschk_decval = IssueChk[isschk_find+1:] if isschk_b4dec.isdigit(): #logger.fdebug("digit detected prior to decimal.") if isschk_decval.isdigit(): pass #logger.fdebug("digit detected after decimal.") else: #logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected after decimal") break else: #logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected prior to decimal") break #logger.fdebug("IssueNumber: " + str(IssueChk)) #logger.fdebug("..before decimal: " + str(isschk_b4dec)) #logger.fdebug("...after decimal: " + str(isschk_decval)) #--let's make sure we don't wipe out decimal issues ;) if int(isschk_decval) == 0: iss = isschk_b4dec intdec = int(isschk_decval) else: if len(isschk_decval) == 1: iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval intdec = int(isschk_decval) * 10 else: iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval.rstrip('0') intdec = int(isschk_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10 fcdigit = (int(isschk_b4dec) * 1000) + intdec #logger.fdebug("b4dec: " + str(isschk_b4dec)) #logger.fdebug("decval: " + str(isschk_decval)) #logger.fdebug("intdec: " + str(intdec)) #logger.fdebug("let's compare with this issue value: " + str(fcdigit)) elif 'au' in fcnew[som].lower(): austart = fcnew[som].lower().find('au') if fcnew[som][:austart].isdigit(): fcdigit = int(fcnew[som][:austart]) * 1000 fnd_iss_except = 'AU' #logger.info("iss_except set to AU") #if AU is part of issue (5AU instead of 5 AU) else: # it's a word, skip it. fcdigit = 19283838380101193 #logger.fdebug("fcdigit: " + str(fcdigit)) #logger.fdebug("int_iss: " + str(int_iss)) if "." in str(int_iss): int_iss = helpers.decimal_issue(int_iss) #logger.fdebug("this is the int issue:" + str(int_iss)) #logger.fdebug("this is the fcdigit:" + str(fcdigit)) if int(fcdigit) == int_iss: #logger.fdebug("fnd_iss_except: " + str(fnd_iss_except)) #logger.fdebug("iss_except: " + str(iss_except)) if str(fnd_iss_except) != 'None' and str(iss_except) == 'AU': if fnd_iss_except.lower() == iss_except.lower(): logger.fdebug("matched for AU") else: logger.fdebug("this is not an AU match..ignoring result.") break elif str(fnd_iss_except) == 'None' and str(iss_except) == 'AU':break elif str(fnd_iss_except) == 'AU' and str(iss_except) == 'None':break #if issyear in fcnew[som+1]: # print "matched on year:" + str(issyear) #issuedupechk here. #print ("fcdigit:" + str(fcdigit)) #print ("findiss_except:" + str(fnd_iss_except) + " = iss_except:" + str(iss_except)) #if int(fcdigit) in issuedupechk and str(fnd_iss_except) not in issueexceptdupechk: #str(fnd_iss_except) == str(iss_except): for d in issuedupechk: if int(d['fcdigit']) == int(fcdigit) and d['fnd_iss_except'] == str(fnd_iss_except): logger.fdebug("duplicate issue detected - not counting this: " + str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])) issuedupe = "yes" break if issuedupe == "no": logger.fdebug("matched...issue: " + rescan['ComicName'] + "#" + str(reiss['Issue_Number']) + " --- " + str(int_iss)) havefiles+=1 haveissue = "yes" isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename']) issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize']) logger.fdebug(".......filename: " + str(isslocation)) logger.fdebug(".......filesize: " + str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])) # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then # compare earlier... issuedupechk.append({'fcdigit': int(fcdigit), 'fnd_iss_except': fnd_iss_except}) break #else: # if the issue # matches, but there is no year present - still match. # determine a way to match on year if present, or no year (currently). som+=1 if haveissue == "yes": break n+=1 #we have the # of comics, now let's update the db. #even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status. #if Archived, increase the 'Have' count. if archive: issStatus = "Archived" if haveissue == "no" and issuedupe == "no": isslocation = "None" if old_status == "Skipped": if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL: issStatus = "Wanted" else: issStatus = "Skipped" elif old_status == "Archived": havefiles+=1 issStatus = "Archived" elif old_status == "Downloaded": issStatus = "Archived" havefiles+=1 elif old_status == "Wanted": issStatus = "Wanted" else: issStatus = "Skipped" controlValueDict = {"IssueID": reiss['IssueID']} newValueDict = {"Status": issStatus } elif haveissue == "yes": issStatus = "Downloaded" controlValueDict = {"IssueID": reiss['IssueID']} newValueDict = {"Location": isslocation, "ComicSize": issSize, "Status": issStatus } myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) fn+=1 #let's update the total count of comics that was found. controlValueStat = {"ComicID": rescan['ComicID']} newValueStat = {"Have": havefiles } myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat) logger.info(u"I've found " + str(havefiles) + " / " + str(rescan['Total']) + " issues." ) #now that we are finished... #adjust for issues that have been marked as Downloaded, but aren't found/don't exist. #do it here, because above loop only cycles though found comics using filechecker. downissues = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Downloaded'", [ComicID]).fetchall() if downissues is None: pass else: for down in downissues: #print "downlocation:" + str(down['Location']) #remove special characters from #temploc = rescan['ComicLocation'].replace('_', ' ') #temploc = re.sub('[\#\'\/\.]', '', temploc) #print ("comiclocation: " + str(rescan['ComicLocation'])) #print ("downlocation: " + str(down['Location'])) if down['Location'] is None: logger.fdebug("location doesn't exist which means file wasn't downloaded successfully, or was moved.") controlValue = {"IssueID": down['IssueID']} newValue = {"Status": "Archived"} myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) pass else: comicpath = os.path.join(rescan['ComicLocation'], down['Location']) if os.path.exists(comicpath): pass #print "Issue exists - no need to change status." else: #print "Changing status from Downloaded to Archived - cannot locate file" controlValue = {"IssueID": down['IssueID']} newValue = {"Status": "Archived"} myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) return