# This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . import os import cherrypy from mako.template import Template from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup from mako import exceptions import time import threading import mylar from mylar import logger, db, importer, mb, search, filechecker, helpers, updater, parseit, weeklypull #from mylar.helpers import checked, radio, today import lib.simplejson as simplejson from operator import itemgetter def serve_template(templatename, **kwargs): interface_dir = os.path.join(str(mylar.PROG_DIR), 'data/interfaces/') template_dir = os.path.join(str(interface_dir), mylar.INTERFACE) _hplookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[template_dir]) try: template = _hplookup.get_template(templatename) return template.render(**kwargs) except: return exceptions.html_error_template().render() class WebInterface(object): def index(self): raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") index.exposed=True def home(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() comics = myDB.select('SELECT * from comics order by ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE') return serve_template(templatename="index.html", title="Home", comics=comics) home.exposed = True def artistPage(self, ComicID): myDB = db.DBConnection() comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() issues = myDB.select('SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? order by Int_IssueNumber DESC', [ComicID]) # make sure comic dir exists.. comlocation = comic['ComicLocation'] if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)): pass #logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...") else: print ("Directory doesn't exist!") try: os.makedirs(str(comlocation)) logger.info(u"No directory found - So I created one at: " + str(comlocation)) except OSError: logger.error(u"Could not create directory for comic : " + str(comlocation)) if comic is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") comicConfig = { "comiclocation" : mylar.COMIC_LOCATION } return serve_template(templatename="artistredone.html", title=comic['ComicName'], comic=comic, issues=issues, comicConfig=comicConfig) artistPage.exposed = True def searchit(self, name, issue=None, mode=None): type = 'comic' # let's default this to comic search only for the time being (will add story arc, characters, etc later) #mode dictates type of search: # --series ... search for comicname displaying all results # --pullseries ... search for comicname displaying a limited # of results based on issue # --want ... individual comics if mode is None: mode = 'series' if len(name) == 0: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") if type == 'comic' and mode == 'pullseries': searchresults = mb.findComic(name, mode, issue=issue) elif type == 'comic' and mode == 'series': searchresults = mb.findComic(name, mode, issue=None) elif type == 'comic' and mode == 'want': searchresults = mb.findComic(name, mode, issue) searchresults = sorted(searchresults, key=itemgetter('comicyear','issues'), reverse=True) #print ("Results: " + str(searchresults)) return serve_template(templatename="searchresults.html", title='Search Results for: "' + name + '"', searchresults=searchresults, type=type) searchit.exposed = True def addComic(self, comicid, comicname=None, comicyear=None, comicissues=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() sresults = [] mismatch = "no" #here we test for exception matches (ie. comics spanning more than one volume, known mismatches, etc). CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass else: if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99': logger.info(u"mismatched name...autocorrecting to correct GID and auto-adding.") mismatch = "yes" if CV_EXcomicid['NewComicID'] == 'none': logger.info(u"multi-volume series detected") testspx = CV_EXcomicid['GComicID'].split('/') for exc in testspx: fakeit = parseit.GCDAdd(testspx) howmany = int(CV_EXcomicid['variloop']) t = 0 while (t <= howmany): try: sres = fakeit['serieschoice'][t] except IndexError: break sresults.append({ 'ComicID' : sres['ComicID'], 'ComicName' : sres['ComicName'], 'ComicYear' : sres['ComicYear'], 'ComicIssues' : sres['ComicIssues'], 'ComicPublisher' : sres['ComicPublisher'], 'ComicCover' : sres['ComicCover'] }) t+=1 #searchfix(-1).html is for misnamed comics and wrong years. #searchfix-2.html is for comics that span multiple volumes. return serve_template(templatename="searchfix-2.html", title="In-Depth Results", sresults=sresults) threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[comicid,mismatch]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % comicid) addComic.exposed = True def GCDaddComic(self, comicid, comicname=None, comicyear=None, comicissues=None, comiccover=None, comicpublisher=None): #since we already know most of the info, let's add it to the db so we can reference it later. myDB = db.DBConnection() gcomicid = "G" + str(comicid) comicyear_len = comicyear.find(' ', 2) comyear = comicyear[comicyear_len+1:comicyear_len+5] controlValueDict = { 'ComicID': gcomicid } newValueDict = {'ComicName': comicname, 'ComicYear': comyear, 'ComicPublished': comicyear, 'ComicPublisher': comicpublisher, 'ComicImage': comiccover, 'Total' : comicissues } myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) threading.Thread(target=importer.GCDimport, args=[gcomicid]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % gcomicid) GCDaddComic.exposed = True def pauseArtist(self, ComicID): logger.info(u"Pausing comic: " + ComicID) myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Paused'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) pauseArtist.exposed = True def resumeArtist(self, ComicID): logger.info(u"Resuming comic: " + ComicID) myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Active'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) resumeArtist.exposed = True def deleteArtist(self, ComicID): myDB = db.DBConnection() comic = myDB.action('SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() if comic['ComicName'] is None: ComicName = "None" else: ComicName = comic['ComicName'] logger.info(u"Deleting all traces of Comic: " + str(ComicName)) myDB.action('DELETE from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) myDB.action('DELETE from issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") deleteArtist.exposed = True def refreshArtist(self, ComicID): myDB = db.DBConnection() mismatch = "no" CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass else: if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99': mismatch = "yes" if ComicID[:1] == "G": threading.Thread(target=importer.GCDimport, args=[ComicID]).start() else: threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[ComicID,mismatch]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) refreshArtist.exposed=True def editIssue(self, ComicID): myDB = db.DBConnection() comic = myDB.action('SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() title = 'Now Editing ' + comic['ComicName'] return serve_template(templatename="editcomic.html", title=title, comic=comic) #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" & ComicID) editIssue.exposed=True def markissues(self, action=None, **args): myDB = db.DBConnection() issuesToAdd = [] if action == 'WantedNew': newaction = 'Wanted' else: newaction = action for IssueID in args: if IssueID is None: continue else: mi = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?",[IssueID]).fetchone() miyr = myDB.action("SELECT ComicYear FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [mi['ComicID']]).fetchone() logger.info(u"Marking %s %s as %s" % (mi['ComicName'], mi['Issue_Number'], newaction)) controlValueDict = {"IssueID": IssueID} newValueDict = {"Status": newaction} myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) if action == 'Wanted': issuesToAdd.append(IssueID) if len(issuesToAdd) > 0: logger.debug("Marking issues: %s" % issuesToAdd) threading.Thread(target=search.searchIssueIDList, args=[issuesToAdd]).start() #if IssueID: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % mi['ComicID']) #else: # raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("upcoming") markissues.exposed = True def addArtists(self, **args): threading.Thread(target=importer.artistlist_to_mbids, args=[args, True]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") addArtists.exposed = True def queueissue(self, mode, ComicName=None, ComicID=None, ComicYear=None, ComicIssue=None, IssueID=None, new=False, redirect=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() #mode dictates type of queue - either 'want' for individual comics, or 'series' for series watchlist. if ComicID is None and mode == 'series': issue = None raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("searchit?name=%s&issue=%s&mode=%s" % (ComicName, 'None', 'series')) elif ComicID is None and mode == 'pullseries': # we can limit the search by including the issue # and searching for # comics that have X many issues raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("searchit?name=%s&issue=%s&mode=%s" % (ComicName, 'None', 'pullseries')) elif ComicID is None and mode == 'pullwant': #this is for marking individual comics from the pullist to be downloaded. #because ComicID and IssueID will both be None due to pullist, it's probably #better to set both to some generic #, and then filter out later... cyear = myDB.action("SELECT SHIPDATE FROM weekly").fetchone() ComicYear = str(cyear['SHIPDATE'])[:4] if ComicYear == '': ComicYear = "2012" logger.info(u"Marking " + ComicName + " " + ComicIssue + " as wanted...") foundcom = search.search_init(ComicName=ComicName, IssueNumber=ComicIssue, ComicYear=ComicYear, SeriesYear=None, IssueDate=cyear['SHIPDATE']) if foundcom == "yes": logger.info(u"Downloaded " + ComicName + " " + ComicIssue ) return elif mode == 'want': cdname = myDB.action("SELECT ComicName from comics where ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() ComicName = cdname['ComicName'] logger.info(u"Marking " + ComicName + " issue: " + ComicIssue + " as wanted...") #--- #this should be on it's own somewhere if IssueID is not None: controlValueDict = {"IssueID": IssueID} newStatus = {"Status": "Wanted"} myDB.upsert("issues", newStatus, controlValueDict) #for future reference, the year should default to current year (.datetime) issues = myDB.action("SELECT IssueDate FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if ComicYear == None: ComicYear = str(issues['IssueDate'])[:4] miyr = myDB.action("SELECT ComicYear FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() SeriesYear = miyr['ComicYear'] foundcom = search.search_init(ComicName, ComicIssue, ComicYear, SeriesYear, issues['IssueDate']) if foundcom == "yes": # file check to see if issue exists and update 'have' count if IssueID is not None: return updater.foundsearch(ComicID, IssueID) if ComicID: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect) queueissue.exposed = True def unqueueissue(self, IssueID, ComicID): myDB = db.DBConnection() issue = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() logger.info(u"Marking " + issue['ComicName'] + " issue # " + issue['Issue_Number'] + " as skipped...") controlValueDict = {'IssueID': IssueID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Skipped'} myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) unqueueissue.exposed = True def pullist(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() popit = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='weekly' and type='table'") if popit: weeklyresults = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly") pulldate = myDB.action("SELECT * from weekly").fetchone() if pulldate is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") else: return self.manualpull() return serve_template(templatename="weeklypull.html", title="Weekly Pull", weeklyresults=weeklyresults, pulldate=pulldate['SHIPDATE'],pullfilter=False) pullist.exposed = True def filterpull(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() weeklyresults = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly") pulldate = myDB.action("SELECT * from weekly").fetchone() if pulldate is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") return serve_template(templatename="weeklypull.html", title="Weekly Pull", weeklyresults=weeklyresults, pulldate=pulldate['SHIPDATE'], pullfilter=True) filterpull.exposed = True def manualpull(self): from mylar import weeklypull threading.Thread(target=weeklypull.pullit()).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("pullist") manualpull.exposed = True def upcoming(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() #upcoming = myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE ReleaseDate > date('now') order by ReleaseDate DESC") upcoming = myDB.select("SELECT * from upcoming WHERE IssueDate > date('now') order by IssueDate DESC") issues = myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE Status='Wanted'") #let's move any items from the upcoming table into the wanted table if the date has already passed. #gather the list... mvupcome = myDB.select("SELECT * from upcoming WHERE IssueDate < date('now') order by IssueDate DESC") #get the issue ID's for mvup in mvupcome: myissue = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE Issue_Number=?", [mvup['IssueNumber']]).fetchone() if myissue is None: pass else: #print ("ComicName: " + str(myissue['ComicName'])) #print ("Issue number : " + str(myissue['Issue_Number']) ) mvcontroldict = {"IssueID": myissue['IssueID']} mvvalues = {"ComicID": myissue['ComicID'], "Status": "Wanted"} myDB.upsert("issues", mvvalues, mvcontroldict) #remove old entry from upcoming so it won't try to continually download again. deleteit = myDB.action("DELETE from upcoming WHERE ComicName=? AND IssueNumber=?", [mvup['ComicName'],mvup['IssueNumber']]) return serve_template(templatename="upcoming.html", title="Upcoming", upcoming=upcoming, issues=issues) upcoming.exposed = True def searchScan(self, name): return serve_template(templatename="searchfix.html", title="Manage", name=name) searchScan.exposed = True def manage(self): return serve_template(templatename="manage.html", title="Manage") manage.exposed = True def manageComics(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() comics = myDB.select('SELECT * from comics order by ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE') return serve_template(templatename="managecomics.html", title="Manage Comics", comics=comics) manageComics.exposed = True def manageIssues(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() issues = myDB.select('SELECT * from issues') return serve_template(templatename="manageissues.html", title="Manage Issues", issues=issues) manageIssues.exposed = True def manageNew(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() newcomics = myDB.select('SELECT * from newartists') return serve_template(templatename="managenew.html", title="Manage New Artists", newcomics=newcomics) manageNew.exposed = True def markComics(self, action=None, **args): myDB = db.DBConnection() comicsToAdd = [] for ComicID in args: if action == 'delete': myDB.action('DELETE from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) myDB.action('DELETE from issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) elif action == 'pause': controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Paused'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) elif action == 'resume': controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Active'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) else: comicsToAdd.append(ComicID) if len(comicsToAdd) > 0: logger.debug("Refreshing comics: %s" % comicsToAdd) threading.Thread(target=importer.addComicIDListToDB, args=[comicsToAdd]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") markComics.exposed = True def forceUpdate(self): from mylar import updater threading.Thread(target=updater.dbUpdate).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") forceUpdate.exposed = True def forceSearch(self): from mylar import search threading.Thread(target=search.searchforissue).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") forceSearch.exposed = True def forceRescan(self, ComicID): threading.Thread(target=updater.forceRescan, args=[ComicID]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) forceRescan.exposed = True def checkGithub(self): from mylar import versioncheck versioncheck.checkGithub() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") checkGithub.exposed = True def history(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() history = myDB.select('''SELECT * from snatched order by DateAdded DESC''') return serve_template(templatename="history.html", title="History", history=history) return page history.exposed = True def logs(self): return serve_template(templatename="logs.html", title="Log", lineList=mylar.LOG_LIST) logs.exposed = True def clearhistory(self, type=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if type == 'all': logger.info(u"Clearing all history") myDB.action('DELETE from snatched') else: logger.info(u"Clearing history where status is %s" % type) myDB.action('DELETE from snatched WHERE Status=?', [type]) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("history") clearhistory.exposed = True def config(self): interface_dir = os.path.join(mylar.PROG_DIR, 'data/interfaces/') interface_list = [ name for name in os.listdir(interface_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(interface_dir, name)) ] config = { "http_host" : mylar.HTTP_HOST, "http_user" : mylar.HTTP_USERNAME, "http_port" : mylar.HTTP_PORT, "http_pass" : mylar.HTTP_PASSWORD, "launch_browser" : mylar.LAUNCH_BROWSER, "download_scan_interval" : mylar.DOWNLOAD_SCAN_INTERVAL, "nzb_search_interval" : mylar.SEARCH_INTERVAL, "libraryscan_interval" : mylar.LIBRARYSCAN_INTERVAL, "sab_host" : mylar.SAB_HOST, "sab_user" : mylar.SAB_USERNAME, "sab_api" : mylar.SAB_APIKEY, "sab_pass" : mylar.SAB_PASSWORD, "sab_cat" : mylar.SAB_CATEGORY, "sab_priority_1" : helpers.radio(mylar.SAB_PRIORITY, 1), "sab_priority_2" : helpers.radio(mylar.SAB_PRIORITY, 2), "sab_priority_3" : helpers.radio(mylar.SAB_PRIORITY, 3), "sab_priority_4" : helpers.radio(mylar.SAB_PRIORITY, 4), "sab_priority_5" : helpers.radio(mylar.SAB_PRIORITY, 5), "use_blackhole" : helpers.checked(mylar.BLACKHOLE), "blackhole_dir" : mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR, "usenet_retention" : mylar.USENET_RETENTION, "use_nzbsu" : helpers.checked(mylar.NZBSU), "nzbsu_api" : mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY, "use_dognzb" : helpers.checked(mylar.DOGNZB), "dognzb_api" : mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY, "use_experimental" : helpers.checked(mylar.EXPERIMENTAL), "destination_dir" : mylar.DESTINATION_DIR, "replace_spaces" : helpers.checked(mylar.REPLACE_SPACES), "replace_char" : mylar.REPLACE_CHAR, "interface_list" : interface_list, "autowant_all" : helpers.checked(mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL), "autowant_upcoming" : helpers.checked(mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING), "pref_qual_0" : helpers.radio(mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY, 0), "pref_qual_1" : helpers.radio(mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY, 1), "pref_qual_3" : helpers.radio(mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY, 3), "pref_qual_2" : helpers.radio(mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY, 2), "move_files" : helpers.checked(mylar.MOVE_FILES), "rename_files" : helpers.checked(mylar.RENAME_FILES), "folder_format" : mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, "file_format" : mylar.FILE_FORMAT, "log_dir" : mylar.LOG_DIR } return serve_template(templatename="config.html", title="Settings", config=config) config.exposed = True def comic_config(self, com_location, ComicID): myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValues = {"ComicLocation": com_location } #"QUALalt_vers": qual_altvers, #"QUALScanner": qual_scanner, #"QUALtype": qual_type, #"QUALquality": qual_quality #} myDB.upsert("comics", newValues, controlValueDict) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) comic_config.exposed = True def configUpdate(self, http_host='', http_username=None, http_port=8181, http_password=None, launch_browser=0, download_scan_interval=None, nzb_search_interval=None, libraryscan_interval=None, sab_host=None, sab_username=None, sab_apikey=None, sab_password=None, sab_category=None, sab_priority=0, log_dir=None, blackhole=0, blackhole_dir=None, usenet_retention=None, nzbsu=0, nzbsu_apikey=None, dognzb=0, dognzb_apikey=None, raw=0, raw_provider=None, raw_username=None, raw_password=None, raw_groups=None, experimental=0, preferred_quality=0, move_files=0, rename_files=0, folder_format=None, file_format=None, destination_dir=None, replace_spaces=0, replace_char=None, autowant_all=0, autowant_upcoming=0, interface=None): mylar.HTTP_HOST = http_host mylar.HTTP_PORT = http_port mylar.HTTP_USERNAME = http_username mylar.HTTP_PASSWORD = http_password mylar.LAUNCH_BROWSER = launch_browser mylar.DOWNLOAD_SCAN_INTERVAL = download_scan_interval mylar.SEARCH_INTERVAL = nzb_search_interval mylar.LIBRARYSCAN_INTERVAL = libraryscan_interval mylar.SAB_HOST = sab_host mylar.SAB_USERNAME = sab_username mylar.SAB_PASSWORD = sab_password mylar.SAB_APIKEY = sab_apikey mylar.SAB_CATEGORY = sab_category mylar.SAB_PRIORITY = sab_priority mylar.BLACKHOLE = blackhole mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR = blackhole_dir mylar.USENET_RETENTION = usenet_retention mylar.NZBSU = nzbsu mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY = nzbsu_apikey mylar.DOGNZB = dognzb mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY = dognzb_apikey mylar.RAW = raw mylar.RAW_PROVIDER = raw_provider mylar.RAW_USERNAME = raw_username mylar.RAW_PASSWORD = raw_password mylar.RAW_GROUPS = raw_groups mylar.EXPERIMENTAL = experimental mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY = int(preferred_quality) mylar.MOVE_FILES = move_files mylar.RENAME_FILES = rename_files mylar.REPLACE_SPACES = replace_spaces mylar.REPLACE_CHAR = replace_char mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT = folder_format mylar.FILE_FORMAT = file_format mylar.DESTINATION_DIR = destination_dir mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL = autowant_all mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING = autowant_upcoming mylar.INTERFACE = interface mylar.LOG_DIR = log_dir mylar.config_write() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("config") configUpdate.exposed = True def shutdown(self): mylar.SIGNAL = 'shutdown' message = 'Shutting Down...' return serve_template(templatename="shutdown.html", title="Shutting Down", message=message, timer=15) return page shutdown.exposed = True def restart(self): mylar.SIGNAL = 'restart' message = 'Restarting...' return serve_template(templatename="shutdown.html", title="Restarting", message=message, timer=30) restart.exposed = True def update(self): mylar.SIGNAL = 'update' message = 'Updating...
Main screen will appear in 60s' return serve_template(templatename="shutdown.html", title="Updating", message=message, timer=30) return page update.exposed = True def getInfo(self, ComicID=None, IssueID=None): from mylar import cache info_dict = cache.getInfo(ComicID, IssueID) return simplejson.dumps(info_dict) getInfo.exposed = True def getComicArtwork(self, ComicID=None, imageURL=None): from mylar import cache logger.info(u"Retrieving image for : " + comicID) return cache.getArtwork(ComicID, imageURL) getComicArtwork.exposed = True