# This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . import time import datetime from xml.dom.minidom import parseString import urllib2 import shlex import operator import re import os import itertools import sys import exceptions import mylar from mylar import db, logger, helpers, filechecker def dbUpdate(ComicIDList=None, calledfrom=None, sched=False): if mylar.IMPORTLOCK: logger.info('Import is currently running - deferring this until the next scheduled run sequence.') return myDB = db.DBConnection() if ComicIDList is None: if mylar.CONFIG.UPDATE_ENDED: logger.info('Updating only Continuing Series (option enabled) - this might cause problems with the pull-list matching for rebooted series') comiclist = [] completelist = myDB.select('SELECT LatestDate, ComicPublished, ForceContinuing, NewPublish, LastUpdated, ComicID, ComicName, Corrected_SeriesYear, ComicYear from comics WHERE Status="Active" or Status="Loading" order by LastUpdated DESC, LatestDate ASC') for comlist in completelist: if comlist['LatestDate'] is None: recentstatus = 'Loading' elif comlist['ComicPublished'] is None or comlist['ComicPublished'] == '' or comlist['LatestDate'] is None: recentstatus = 'Unknown' elif comlist['ForceContinuing'] == 1: recentstatus = 'Continuing' elif 'present' in comlist['ComicPublished'].lower() or (helpers.today()[:4] in comlist['LatestDate']): latestdate = comlist['LatestDate'] c_date = datetime.date(int(latestdate[:4]), int(latestdate[5:7]), 1) n_date = datetime.date.today() recentchk = (n_date - c_date).days if comlist['NewPublish']: recentstatus = 'Continuing' else: if recentchk < 55: recentstatus = 'Continuing' else: recentstatus = 'Ended' else: recentstatus = 'Ended' if recentstatus == 'Continuing': comiclist.append({"LatestDate": comlist['LatestDate'], "LastUpdated": comlist['LastUpdated'], "ComicID": comlist['ComicID'], "ComicName": comlist['ComicName'], "ComicYear": comlist['ComicYear'], "Corrected_SeriesYear": comlist['Corrected_SeriesYear']}) else: comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT LatestDate, LastUpdated, ComicID, ComicName, ComicYear, Corrected_SeriesYear from comics WHERE Status="Active" or Status="Loading" order by LastUpdated DESC, latestDate ASC') else: comiclist = [] comiclisting = ComicIDList for cl in comiclisting: comiclist += myDB.select('SELECT ComicID, ComicName, ComicYear, Corrected_SeriesYear, LastUpdated from comics WHERE ComicID=? order by LastUpdated DESC, LatestDate ASC', [cl]) if all([sched is False, calledfrom is None]): logger.info('Starting update for %i active comics' % len(comiclist)) cnt = 1 if sched is True: logger.fdebug('Refresh sequence set to fire every %s minutes for %s day(s)' % (mylar.DBUPDATE_INTERVAL, mylar.CONFIG.REFRESH_CACHE)) for comic in sorted(comiclist, key=operator.itemgetter('LastUpdated'), reverse=True): dspyear = comic['ComicYear'] csyear = None if comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] is not None: csyear = comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] if int(csyear) != int(comic['ComicYear']): comic['ComicYear'] = csyear dspyear = csyear if ComicIDList is None: ComicID = comic['ComicID'] ComicName = comic['ComicName'] c_date = comic['LastUpdated'] if c_date is None: logger.error(ComicName + ' failed during a previous add /refresh as it has no Last Update timestamp. Forcing refresh now.') else: c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(c_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") n_date = datetime.datetime.now() absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date) hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0 cache_hours = mylar.CONFIG.REFRESH_CACHE * 24 if hours < cache_hours: #logger.fdebug('%s [%s] Was refreshed less than %s hours ago. Skipping Refresh at this time.' % (ComicName, ComicID, cache_hours)) cnt +=1 continue logger.info('[' + str(cnt) + '/' + str(len(comiclist)) + '] Refreshing :' + ComicName + ' (' + str(dspyear) + ') [' + str(ComicID) + ']') else: ComicID = comic['ComicID'] ComicName = comic['ComicName'] logger.fdebug('Refreshing: ' + ComicName + ' (' + str(dspyear) + ') [' + str(ComicID) + ']') mismatch = "no" if not mylar.CONFIG.CV_ONLY or ComicID[:1] == "G": CV_EXcomicid = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass else: if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99': mismatch = "yes" if ComicID[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(ComicID) else: cchk = importer.addComictoDB(ComicID, mismatch) else: if mylar.CONFIG.CV_ONETIMER == 1: if sched is True: helpers.job_management(write=True, job='DB Updater', current_run=helpers.utctimestamp(), status='Running') mylar.UPDATER_STATUS = 'Running' logger.fdebug("CV_OneTimer option enabled...") #in order to update to JUST CV_ONLY, we need to delete the issues for a given series so it's a clea$ logger.fdebug("Gathering the status of all issues for the series.") issues = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) if not issues: #if issues are None it's probably a bad refresh/maxed out API that resulted in the issue data #getting wiped out and not refreshed. Setting whack=True will force a complete refresh. logger.fdebug('No issue data available. This is Whack.') whack = True else: #check for series that are numerically out of whack (ie. 5/4) logger.fdebug('Checking how out of whack the series is.') whack = helpers.havetotals(refreshit=ComicID) if calledfrom == 'weekly': if whack == True: logger.info('Series is out of whack. Forcibly refreshing series to ensure everything is in order.') return True else: return False annload = [] #initiate the list here so we don't error out below. if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: #now we load the annuals into memory to pass through to importer when refreshing so that it can #refresh even the manually added annuals. annual_load = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) logger.fdebug('checking annual db') for annthis in annual_load: if not any(d['ReleaseComicID'] == annthis['ReleaseComicID'] for d in annload): #print 'matched on annual' annload.append({ 'ReleaseComicID': annthis['ReleaseComicID'], 'ReleaseComicName': annthis['ReleaseComicName'], 'ComicID': annthis['ComicID'], 'ComicName': annthis['ComicName'] }) #print 'added annual' issues += annual_load #myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) #store the issues' status for a given comicid, after deleting and readding, flip the status back to$ #logger.fdebug("Deleting all issue data.") #myDB.action('DELETE FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) #myDB.action('DELETE FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) logger.fdebug("Refreshing the series and pulling in new data using only CV.") if whack == False: chkstatus = mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID, mismatch, calledfrom='dbupdate', annload=annload, csyear=csyear) if chkstatus['status'] == 'complete': #delete the data here if it's all valid. logger.fdebug("Deleting all old issue data to make sure new data is clean...") myDB.action('DELETE FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) myDB.action('DELETE FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) mylar.importer.issue_collection(chkstatus['issuedata'], nostatus='True') #need to update annuals at this point too.... if chkstatus['anndata'] is not None: mylar.importer.manualAnnual(annchk=chkstatus['anndata']) else: logger.warn('There was an error when refreshing this series - Make sure directories are writable/exist, etc') return issues_new = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) annuals = [] ann_list = [] #reload the annuals here. if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: annuals_list = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) ann_list += annuals_list issues_new += annuals_list logger.fdebug("Attempting to put the Status' back how they were.") icount = 0 #the problem - the loop below will not match on NEW issues that have been refreshed that weren't present in the #db before (ie. you left Mylar off for abit, and when you started it up it pulled down new issue information) #need to test if issuenew['Status'] is None, but in a seperate loop below. fndissue = [] for issue in issues: for issuenew in issues_new: #logger.fdebug(str(issue['Issue_Number']) + ' - issuenew:' + str(issuenew['IssueID']) + ' : ' + str(issuenew['Status'])) #logger.fdebug(str(issue['Issue_Number']) + ' - issue:' + str(issue['IssueID']) + ' : ' + str(issue['Status'])) try: if issuenew['IssueID'] == issue['IssueID']: newVAL = None ctrlVAL = {"IssueID": issue['IssueID']} if any([issuenew['Status'] != issue['Status'], issue['IssueDate_Edit'] is not None]): #if the status is None and the original status is either Downloaded / Archived, keep status & stats if issuenew['Status'] == None and (issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or issue['Status'] == 'Archived'): newVAL = {"Location": issue['Location'], "ComicSize": issue['ComicSize'], "Status": issue['Status']} #if the status is now Downloaded/Snatched, keep status & stats (downloaded only) elif issuenew['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or issue['Status'] == 'Snatched': newVAL = {"Location": issue['Location'], "ComicSize": issue['ComicSize']} if issuenew['Status'] == 'Downloaded': newVAL['Status'] = issuenew['Status'] else: newVAL['Status'] = issue['Status'] elif issue['Status'] == 'Archived': newVAL = {"Status": issue['Status'], "Location": issue['Location'], "ComicSize": issue['ComicSize']} else: #change the status to the previous status newVAL = {"Status": issue['Status']} if all([issuenew['Status'] == None, issue['Status'] == 'Skipped']): if issuenew['ReleaseDate'] == '0000-00-00': dk = re.sub('-', '', issue['IssueDate']).strip() else: dk = re.sub('-', '', issuenew['ReleaseDate']).strip() # converts date to 20140718 format if dk == '0000-00-00': logger.warn('Issue Data is invalid for Issue Number %s. Marking this issue as Skipped' % issue['Issue_Number']) newVAL = {"Status": "Skipped"} else: datechk = datetime.datetime.strptime(dk, "%Y%m%d") nowdate = datetime.datetime.now() now_week = datetime.datetime.strftime(nowdate, "%Y%U") issue_week = datetime.datetime.strftime(datechk, "%Y%U") if mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_ALL: newVAL = {"Status": "Wanted"} elif issue_week >= now_week: logger.fdebug('Issue_week: %s -- now_week: %s' % (issue_week, now_week)) logger.fdebug('Issue date [%s] is in/beyond current week - marking as Wanted.' % dk) newVAL = {"Status": "Wanted"} else: newVAL = {"Status": "Skipped"} if newVAL is not None: if issue['IssueDate_Edit']: logger.fdebug('[#' + str(issue['Issue_Number']) + '] detected manually edited Issue Date.') logger.fdebug('new value : ' + str(issue['IssueDate']) + ' ... cv value : ' + str(issuenew['IssueDate'])) newVAL['IssueDate'] = issue['IssueDate'] newVAL['IssueDate_Edit'] = issue['IssueDate_Edit'] if any(d['IssueID'] == str(issue['IssueID']) for d in ann_list): logger.fdebug("annual detected for " + str(issue['IssueID']) + " #: " + str(issue['Issue_Number'])) myDB.upsert("Annuals", newVAL, ctrlVAL) else: #logger.fdebug('#' + str(issue['Issue_Number']) + ' writing issuedata: ' + str(newVAL)) myDB.upsert("Issues", newVAL, ctrlVAL) fndissue.append({"IssueID": issue['IssueID']}) icount+=1 break except (RuntimeError, TypeError, ValueError, OSError) as e: logger.warn('Something is out of whack somewhere with the series: %s' % e) #if it's an annual (ie. deadpool-2011 ) on a refresh will throw index errors for some reason. except: logger.warn('Unexpected Error: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0]) raise logger.info("In the process of converting the data to CV, I changed the status of " + str(icount) + " issues.") issuesnew = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status is NULL', [ComicID]) if mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING: newstatus = "Wanted" else: newstatus = "Skipped" newiss = [] for iss in issuesnew: newiss.append({"IssueID": iss['IssueID'], "Status": newstatus, "Annual": False}) if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: annualsnew = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Status is NULL', [ComicID]) for ann in annualsnew: newiss.append({"IssueID": iss['IssueID'], "Status": newstatus, "Annual": True}) if len(newiss) > 0: for newi in newiss: ctrlVAL = {"IssueID": newi['IssueID']} newVAL = {"Status": newi['Status']} #logger.fdebug('writing issuedata: ' + str(newVAL)) if newi['Annual'] == True: myDB.upsert("Annuals", newVAL, ctrlVAL) else: myDB.upsert("Issues", newVAL, ctrlVAL) logger.info('I have added ' + str(len(newiss)) + ' new issues for this series that were not present before.') forceRescan(ComicID) else: chkstatus = mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID, mismatch, annload=annload, csyear=csyear) #if cchk: # #delete the data here if it's all valid. # #logger.fdebug("Deleting all old issue data to make sure new data is clean...") # myDB.action('DELETE FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) # myDB.action('DELETE FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) # mylar.importer.issue_collection(cchk, nostatus='True') # #need to update annuals at this point too.... # if annchk: # mylar.importer.manualAnnual(annchk=annchk) else: chkstatus = mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID, mismatch) cnt += 1 if all([sched is False, calledfrom != 'refresh']): time.sleep(15) #pause for 15 secs so dont hammer CV and get 500 error else: break helpers.job_management(write=True, job='DB Updater', last_run_completed=helpers.utctimestamp(), status='Waiting') mylar.UPDATER_STATUS = 'Waiting' logger.info('Update complete') def latest_update(ComicID, LatestIssue, LatestDate): # here we add to comics.latest logger.fdebug(str(ComicID) + ' - updating latest_date to : ' + str(LatestDate)) myDB = db.DBConnection() latestCTRLValueDict = {"ComicID": ComicID} newlatestDict = {"LatestIssue": str(LatestIssue), "LatestDate": str(LatestDate)} myDB.upsert("comics", newlatestDict, latestCTRLValueDict) def upcoming_update(ComicID, ComicName, IssueNumber, IssueDate, forcecheck=None, futurepull=None, altissuenumber=None, weekinfo=None): # here we add to upcoming table... myDB = db.DBConnection() dspComicName = ComicName #to make sure that the word 'annual' will be displayed on screen if 'annual' in ComicName.lower(): adjComicName = re.sub("\\bannual\\b", "", ComicName.lower()) # for use with comparisons. logger.fdebug('annual detected - adjusting name to : ' + adjComicName) else: adjComicName = ComicName controlValue = {"ComicID": ComicID} newValue = {"ComicName": adjComicName, "IssueNumber": str(IssueNumber), "DisplayComicName": dspComicName, "IssueDate": str(IssueDate)} #let's refresh the series here just to make sure if an issue is available/not. mismatch = "no" CV_EXcomicid = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass else: if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99': mismatch = "yes" if mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL != 2 or mylar.PULLBYFILE is True: lastupdatechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if lastupdatechk is None: pullupd = "yes" else: c_date = lastupdatechk['LastUpdated'] if c_date is None: logger.error(lastupdatechk['ComicName'] + ' failed during a previous add /refresh. Please either delete and readd the series, or try a refresh of the series.') return c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(c_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") n_date = datetime.datetime.now() absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date) hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0 else: #if it's at this point and the refresh is None, odds are very good that it's already up-to-date so let it flow thru if mylar.CONFIG.PULL_REFRESH is None: mylar.CONFIG.PULL_REFRESH = datetime.datetime.today().replace(second=0,microsecond=0) #update the PULL_REFRESH #mylar.config_write() logger.fdebug('pull_refresh: ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.PULL_REFRESH)) c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(mylar.CONFIG.PULL_REFRESH),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #logger.fdebug('c_obj_date: ' + str(c_obj_date)) n_date = datetime.datetime.now() #logger.fdebug('n_date: ' + str(n_date)) absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date) #logger.fdebug('absdiff: ' + str(absdiff)) hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0 #logger.fdebug('hours: ' + str(hours)) if any(['annual' in ComicName.lower(), 'special' in ComicName.lower()]): if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: logger.info('checking: ' + str(ComicID) + ' -- issue#: ' + str(IssueNumber)) issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [ComicID, IssueNumber]).fetchone() else: logger.fdebug('Non-standard issue detected (annual/special/etc), but Annual Integration is not enabled. Ignoring result.') return else: issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [ComicID, IssueNumber]).fetchone() if issuechk is None and altissuenumber is not None: logger.info('altissuenumber is : ' + str(altissuenumber)) issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [ComicID, helpers.issuedigits(altissuenumber)]).fetchone() if issuechk is None: if futurepull is None: og_status = None if mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL != 2 or mylar.PULLBYFILE is True: logger.fdebug(adjComicName + ' Issue: ' + str(IssueNumber) + ' not present in listings to mark for download...updating comic and adding to Upcoming Wanted Releases.') # we need to either decrease the total issue count, OR indicate that an issue is upcoming. upco_results = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UPCOMING WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]) upco_iss = upco_results[0][0] #logger.info("upco_iss: " + str(upco_iss)) if int(upco_iss) > 0: #logger.info("There is " + str(upco_iss) + " of " + str(ComicName) + " that's not accounted for") newKey = {"ComicID": ComicID} newVal = {"not_updated_db": str(upco_iss)} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newKey) elif int(upco_iss) <=0 and lastupdatechk['not_updated_db']: #if not_updated_db has a value, and upco_iss is > 0, let's zero it back out cause it's updated now. newKey = {"ComicID": ComicID} newVal = {"not_updated_db": ""} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newKey) if hours > 5 or forcecheck == 'yes': pullupd = "yes" logger.fdebug('Now Refreshing comic ' + ComicName + ' to make sure it is up-to-date') if ComicID[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(ComicID, pullupd) else: cchk = mylar.importer.updateissuedata(ComicID, ComicName, calledfrom='weeklycheck') #mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID,mismatch,pullupd) else: logger.fdebug('It has not been longer than 5 hours since we last did this...we will wait so we do not hammer things.') else: logger.fdebug('[WEEKLY-PULL] Walksoftly has been enabled. ComicID/IssueID control given to the ninja to monitor.') logger.fdebug('hours: ' + str(hours) + ' -- forcecheck: ' + str(forcecheck)) if hours > 2 or forcecheck == 'yes': logger.fdebug('weekinfo:' + str(weekinfo)) mylar.CONFIG.PULL_REFRESH = datetime.datetime.today().replace(second=0,microsecond=0) #update the PULL_REFRESH #mylar.config_write() chkitout = mylar.locg.locg(weeknumber=str(weekinfo['weeknumber']),year=str(weekinfo['year'])) logger.fdebug('linking ComicID to Pull-list to reflect status.') downstats = {"ComicID": ComicID, "IssueID": None, "Status": None} return downstats else: # if futurepull is not None, let's just update the status and ComicID # NOTE: THIS IS CREATING EMPTY ENTRIES IN THE FUTURE TABLE. ??? nKey = {"ComicID": ComicID} nVal = {"Status": "Wanted"} myDB.upsert("future", nVal, nKey) return if issuechk is not None: if issuechk['Issue_Number'] == IssueNumber or issuechk['Issue_Number'] == altissuenumber: og_status = issuechk['Status'] #check for 'out-of-whack' series here. whackness = dbUpdate([ComicID], calledfrom='weekly', sched=False) if any([whackness == True, og_status is None]): if any([issuechk['Status'] == 'Downloaded', issuechk['Status'] == 'Archived', issuechk['Status'] == 'Snatched']): logger.fdebug('Forcibly maintaining status of : ' + og_status + ' for #' + issuechk['Issue_Number'] + ' to ensure integrity.') logger.fdebug('Comic series has an incorrect total count. Forcily refreshing series to ensure data is current.') dbUpdate([ComicID]) issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [ComicID, helpers.issuedigits(IssueNumber)]).fetchone() if issuechk['Status'] != og_status and (issuechk['Status'] != 'Downloaded' or issuechk['Status'] != 'Archived' or issuechk['Status'] != 'Snatched'): logger.fdebug('Forcibly changing status of %s back to %s for #%s to stop repeated downloads.' % (issuechk['Status'], og_status, issuechk['Issue_Number'])) else: logger.fdebug('[%s] / [%s] Status has not changed during refresh or is marked as being Wanted/Skipped correctly.' % (issuechk['Status'], og_status)) og_status = issuechk['Status'] else: logger.fdebug('Comic series already up-to-date ... no need to refresh at this time.') logger.fdebug('Available to be marked for download - checking...' + adjComicName + ' Issue: ' + str(issuechk['Issue_Number'])) logger.fdebug('...Existing status: ' + og_status) control = {"IssueID": issuechk['IssueID']} newValue['IssueID'] = issuechk['IssueID'] if og_status == "Snatched": values = {"Status": "Snatched"} newValue['Status'] = "Snatched" elif og_status == "Downloaded": values = {"Status": "Downloaded"} newValue['Status'] = "Downloaded" #if the status is Downloaded and it's on the pullist - let's mark it so everyone can bask in the glory elif og_status == "Wanted": values = {"Status": "Wanted"} newValue['Status'] = "Wanted" elif og_status == "Archived": values = {"Status": "Archived"} newValue['Status'] = "Archived" elif og_status == 'Failed': if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING: if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_AUTO: values = {"Status": "Wanted"} newValue['Status'] = "Wanted" else: values = {"Status": "Failed"} newValue['Status'] = "Failed" else: values = {"Status": "Skipped"} newValue['Status'] = "Skipped" else: values = {"Status": "Skipped"} newValue['Status'] = "Skipped" #was in wrong place :( else: logger.fdebug('Issues do not match for some reason...weekly new issue: %s' % IssueNumber) return if mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING: #for issues not in db - to be added to Upcoming table. if og_status is None: newValue['Status'] = "Wanted" logger.fdebug('...Changing Status to Wanted and throwing it in the Upcoming section since it is not published yet.') #this works for issues existing in DB... elif og_status == "Skipped": newValue['Status'] = "Wanted" values = {"Status": "Wanted"} logger.fdebug('...New status of Wanted') elif og_status == "Wanted": logger.fdebug('...Status already Wanted .. not changing.') else: logger.fdebug('...Already have issue - keeping existing status of : ' + og_status) if issuechk is None: myDB.upsert("upcoming", newValue, controlValue) logger.fdebug('updating Pull-list to reflect status.') downstats = {"Status": newValue['Status'], "ComicID": ComicID, "IssueID": None} return downstats else: logger.fdebug('--attempt to find errant adds to Wanted list') logger.fdebug('UpcomingNewValue: ' + str(newValue)) logger.fdebug('UpcomingcontrolValue: ' + str(controlValue)) if issuechk['IssueDate'] == '0000-00-00' and newValue['IssueDate'] != '0000-00-00': logger.fdebug('Found a 0000-00-00 issue - force updating series to try and get it proper.') dateVal = {"IssueDate": newValue['IssueDate'], "ComicName": issuechk['ComicName'], "Status": newValue['Status'], "IssueNumber": issuechk['Issue_Number']} logger.fdebug('updating date in upcoming table to : ' + str(newValue['IssueDate']) + '[' + newValue['Status'] + ']') logger.fdebug('ComicID:' + str(controlValue)) myDB.upsert("upcoming", dateVal, controlValue) logger.fdebug('Temporarily putting the Issue Date for ' + str(issuechk['Issue_Number']) + ' to ' + str(newValue['IssueDate'])) values = {"IssueDate": newValue['IssueDate']} #if ComicID[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(ComicID,pullupd='yes') #else: mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID,mismatch,pullupd='yes') if any(['annual' in ComicName.lower(), 'special' in ComicName.lower()]): myDB.upsert("annuals", values, control) else: myDB.upsert("issues", values, control) if any([og_status == 'Downloaded', og_status == 'Archived', og_status == 'Snatched', og_status == 'Wanted', newValue['Status'] == 'Wanted']): logger.fdebug('updating Pull-list to reflect status change: ' + og_status + '[' + newValue['Status'] + ']') if og_status != 'Skipped': downstats = {"Status": og_status, "ComicID": issuechk['ComicID'], "IssueID": issuechk['IssueID']} else: downstats = {"Status": newValue['Status'], "ComicID": issuechk['ComicID'], "IssueID": issuechk['IssueID']} return downstats def weekly_update(ComicName, IssueNumber, CStatus, CID, weeknumber, year, altissuenumber=None): logger.fdebug('Weekly Update for week ' + str(weeknumber) + '-' + str(year) + ' : ' + str(ComicName) + ' #' + str(IssueNumber) + ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus)) if altissuenumber: logger.fdebug('weekly_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) + ' (Alternate Issue #):' + str(altissuenumber) + ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus)) # here we update status of weekly table... # added Issue to stop false hits on series' that have multiple releases in a week # added CStatus to update status flags on Pullist screen myDB = db.DBConnection() issuecheck = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=? and WEEKNUMBER=? AND YEAR=?", [ComicName, IssueNumber, int(weeknumber), year]).fetchone() if issuecheck is not None: controlValue = {"COMIC": str(ComicName), "ISSUE": str(IssueNumber), "WEEKNUMBER": int(weeknumber), "YEAR": year} logger.info('controlValue:' + str(controlValue)) try: if CID['IssueID']: cidissueid = CID['IssueID'] else: cidissueid = None except: cidissueid = None logger.info('CStatus:' + str(CStatus)) if CStatus: newValue = {"STATUS": CStatus} else: if mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING: newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted"} else: newValue = {"STATUS": "Skipped"} #setting this here regardless, as it will be a match for a watchlist hit at this point anyways - so link it here what's availalbe. newValue['ComicID'] = CID['ComicID'] newValue['IssueID'] = cidissueid logger.info('newValue:' + str(newValue)) myDB.upsert("weekly", newValue, controlValue) def newpullcheck(ComicName, ComicID, issue=None): # When adding a new comic, let's check for new issues on this week's pullist and update. if mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL != 2 or mylar.PULLBYFILE is True: mylar.weeklypull.pullitcheck(comic1off_name=ComicName, comic1off_id=ComicID, issue=issue) else: mylar.weeklypull.new_pullcheck(weeknumber=mylar.CURRENT_WEEKNUMBER, pullyear=mylar.CURRENT_YEAR, comic1off_name=ComicName, comic1off_id=ComicID, issue=issue) return def no_searchresults(ComicID): # when there's a mismatch between CV & GCD - let's change the status to # something other than 'Loaded' myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValue = {"ComicID": ComicID} newValue = {"Status": "Error", "LatestDate": "Error", "LatestIssue": "Error"} myDB.upsert("comics", newValue, controlValue) def nzblog(IssueID, NZBName, ComicName, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None, id=None, prov=None, alt_nzbname=None, oneoff=False): myDB = db.DBConnection() newValue = {'NZBName': NZBName} if SARC: logger.fdebug("Story Arc (SARC) detected as: " + str(SARC)) IssueID = 'S' + str(IssueArcID) newValue['SARC'] = SARC if oneoff is True: logger.fdebug('One-Off download detected when updating - crossing the t\'s and dotting the i\'s so things work...') newValue['OneOff'] = True if IssueID is None or IssueID == 'None': #if IssueID is None, it's a one-off download from the pull-list. #give it a generic ID above the last one so it doesn't throw an error later. if any([mylar.CONFIG.HIGHCOUNT == 0, mylar.CONFIG.HIGHCOUNT is None]): mylar.CONFIG.HIGHCOUNT = 900000 else: mylar.CONFIG.HIGHCOUNT+=1 IssueID = mylar.CONFIG.HIGHCOUNT #mylar.config_write() controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID, "Provider": prov} if id: logger.info('setting the nzbid for this download grabbed by ' + prov + ' in the nzblog to : ' + str(id)) newValue['ID'] = id if alt_nzbname: logger.info('setting the alternate nzbname for this download grabbed by ' + prov + ' in the nzblog to : ' + alt_nzbname) newValue['AltNZBName'] = alt_nzbname #check if it exists already in the log. chkd = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=? and Provider=?', [IssueID, prov]).fetchone() if chkd is None: pass else: if chkd['AltNZBName'] is None or chkd['AltNZBName'] == '': #we need to wipe the entry so we can re-update with the alt-nzbname if required myDB.action('DELETE FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=? and Provider=?', [IssueID, prov]) logger.fdebug('Deleted stale entry from nzblog for IssueID: ' + str(IssueID) + ' [' + prov + ']') myDB.upsert("nzblog", newValue, controlValue) def foundsearch(ComicID, IssueID, mode=None, down=None, provider=None, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None, module=None, hash=None, crc=None, comicname=None, issuenumber=None, pullinfo=None): # When doing a Force Search (Wanted tab), the resulting search calls this to update. # this is all redudant code that forceRescan already does. # should be redone at some point so that instead of rescanning entire # series directory, it just scans for the issue it just downloaded and # and change the status to Snatched accordingly. It is not to increment the have count # at this stage as it's not downloaded - just the .nzb has been snatched and sent to SAB. if module is None: module = '' module += '[UPDATER]' myDB = db.DBConnection() modcomicname = False logger.fdebug(module + ' comicid: ' + str(ComicID)) logger.fdebug(module + ' issueid: ' + str(IssueID)) if mode != 'pullwant': if mode != 'story_arc': comic = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() ComicName = comic['ComicName'] if mode == 'want_ann': issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if ComicName != issue['ReleaseComicName'] + ' Annual': ComicName = issue['ReleaseComicName'] modcomicname = True else: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() CYear = issue['IssueDate'][:4] IssueNum = issue['Issue_Number'] else: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?', [IssueArcID]).fetchone() ComicName = issue['ComicName'] CYear = issue['IssueYEAR'] IssueNum = issue['IssueNumber'] else: oneinfo = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if oneinfo is None: ComicName = comicname IssueNum = issuenumber onefail = True else: ComicName = oneinfo['COMIC'] IssueNum = oneinfo['ISSUE'] onefail = False if down is None: # update the status to Snatched (so it won't keep on re-downloading!) logger.info(module + ' Updating status to snatched') logger.fdebug(module + ' Provider is ' + provider) if hash: logger.fdebug(module + ' Hash set to : ' + hash) newValue = {"Status": "Snatched"} if mode == 'story_arc': cValue = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID} snatchedupdate = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newValue, cValue) # update the snatched DB snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueArcID, "Status": "Snatched", "Provider": provider } else: if mode == 'want_ann': controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID} myDB.upsert("annuals", newValue, controlValue) else: controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID} if mode != 'pullwant': myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) # update the snatched DB snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueID, "Status": "Snatched", "Provider": provider } if mode == 'story_arc': IssueNum = issue['IssueNumber'] newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": ComicName, "ComicID": 'None', "Issue_Number": IssueNum, "DateAdded": helpers.now(), "Status": "Snatched", "Hash": hash } myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate) elif mode != 'pullwant': if modcomicname: IssueNum = issue['Issue_Number'] else: if mode == 'want_ann': IssueNum = "Annual " + issue['Issue_Number'] else: IssueNum = issue['Issue_Number'] newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": ComicName, "ComicID": ComicID, "Issue_Number": IssueNum, "DateAdded": helpers.now(), "Status": "Snatched", "Hash": hash } myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate) else: #updating snatched table with one-off is abit difficult due to lack of complete information in some instances #ie. alt_pull 2 not populated yet, alt_pull 0 method in general doesn't have enough info.... newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": ComicName, "ComicID": ComicID, "IssueID": IssueID, "Issue_Number": IssueNum, "DateAdded": helpers.now(), "Status": "Snatched", "Hash": hash } myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate) #this will update the weeklypull list immediately after snatching to reflect the new status. #-is ugly, should be linked directly to other table (IssueID should be populated in weekly pull at this point hopefully). chkit = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?", [ComicID, IssueID]).fetchone() if chkit is not None: comicname = chkit['COMIC'] issue = chkit['ISSUE'] ctlVal = {"ComicID": ComicID, "IssueID": IssueID} myDB.upsert("weekly", newValue, ctlVal) newValue['IssueNumber'] = issue newValue['ComicName'] = comicname newValue['Status'] = "Snatched" if pullinfo is not None: newValue['weeknumber'] = pullinfo['weeknumber'] newValue['year'] = pullinfo['year'] else: try: newValue['weeknumber'] = chkit['weeknumber'] newValue['year'] = chkit['year'] except: pass myDB.upsert("oneoffhistory", newValue, ctlVal) logger.info(module + ' Updated the status (Snatched) complete for ' + ComicName + ' Issue: ' + str(IssueNum)) else: if down == 'PP': logger.info(module + ' Setting status to Post-Processed in history.') downstatus = 'Post-Processed' else: logger.info(module + ' Setting status to Downloaded in history.') downstatus = 'Downloaded' if mode == 'want_ann': if not modcomicname: IssueNum = "Annual " + IssueNum elif mode == 'story_arc': IssueID = IssueArcID snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueID, "Status": downstatus, "Provider": provider } newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": ComicName, "ComicID": ComicID, "Issue_Number": IssueNum, "DateAdded": helpers.now(), "Status": downstatus, "crc": crc } myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate) if mode == 'story_arc': cValue = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID} nValue = {"Status": "Downloaded"} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", nValue, cValue) elif mode != 'pullwant': controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID} newValue = {"Status": "Downloaded"} if mode == 'want_ann': myDB.upsert("annuals", newValue, controlValue) else: myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) #this will update the weeklypull list immediately after post-processing to reflect the new status. chkit = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=? AND Status='Snatched'", [ComicID, IssueID]).fetchone() if chkit is not None: comicname = chkit['COMIC'] issue = chkit['ISSUE'] ctlVal = {"ComicID": ComicID, "IssueID": IssueID} newVal = {"Status": "Downloaded"} myDB.upsert("weekly", newVal, ctlVal) newVal['IssueNumber'] = issue newVal['ComicName'] = comicname newVal['Status'] = "Downloaded" if pullinfo is not None: newVal['weeknumber'] = pullinfo['weeknumber'] newVal['year'] = pullinfo['year'] myDB.upsert("oneoffhistory", newVal, ctlVal) logger.info(module + ' Updating Status (' + downstatus + ') now complete for ' + ComicName + ' issue: ' + IssueNum) return def forceRescan(ComicID, archive=None, module=None, recheck=False): if module is None: module = '' module += '[FILE-RESCAN]' myDB = db.DBConnection() # file check to see if issue exists rescan = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() if rescan['AlternateSearch'] is not None: altnames = rescan['AlternateSearch'] + '##' else: altnames = '' annscan = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) if annscan is None: pass else: for ascan in annscan: #logger.info('ReleaseComicName: ' + ascan['ReleaseComicName']) if ascan['ReleaseComicName'] not in altnames: altnames += ascan['ReleaseComicName'] + '!!' + ascan['ReleaseComicID'] + '##' altnames = altnames[:-2] logger.info(module + ' Now checking files for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') in ' + rescan['ComicLocation']) fca = [] if archive is None: tval = filechecker.FileChecker(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=altnames) tmpval = tval.listFiles() #tmpval = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=altnames) comiccnt = int(tmpval['comiccount']) #logger.fdebug(module + 'comiccnt is:' + str(comiccnt)) fca.append(tmpval) try: if all([mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None, mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None', os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation'])) != rescan['ComicLocation'], os.path.exists(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation'])))]): logger.fdebug(module + 'multiple_dest_dirs:' + mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS) logger.fdebug(module + 'dir: ' + rescan['ComicLocation']) logger.fdebug(module + 'os.path.basename: ' + os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation'])) pathdir = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation'])) logger.info(module + ' Now checking files for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') in :' + pathdir) mvals = filechecker.FileChecker(dir=pathdir, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=altnames) tmpv = mvals.listFiles() #tmpv = filechecker.listFiles(dir=pathdir, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=altnames) logger.fdebug(module + 'tmpv filecount: ' + str(tmpv['comiccount'])) comiccnt += int(tmpv['comiccount']) fca.append(tmpv) except: pass else: # files_arc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=archive, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch']) arcval = filechecker.FileChecker(dir=archive, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch']) files_arc = arcval.listFiles() fca.append(files_arc) comiccnt = int(files_arc['comiccount']) fcb = [] fc = {} #if len(fca) > 0: for ca in fca: i = 0 while True: try: cla = ca['comiclist'][i] except (IndexError, KeyError) as e: break fcb.append({"ComicFilename": cla['ComicFilename'], "ComicLocation": cla['ComicLocation'], "ComicSize": cla['ComicSize'], "JusttheDigits": cla['JusttheDigits'], "AnnualComicID": cla['AnnualComicID']}) i+=1 fc['comiclist'] = fcb is_cnt = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]) iscnt = is_cnt[0][0] #iscnt = rescan['Total'] havefiles = 0 if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: an_cnt = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]) anncnt = an_cnt[0][0] else: anncnt = 0 fccnt = comiccnt #int(fc['comiccount']) issnum = 1 fcnew = [] fn = 0 issuedupechk = [] annualdupechk = [] issueexceptdupechk = [] mc_issue = [] mc_issuenumber = [] multiple_check = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? GROUP BY Int_IssueNumber HAVING (COUNT(Int_IssueNumber) > 1)', [ComicID]) if len(multiple_check) == 0: logger.fdebug('No issues with identical issue numbering were detected for this series') mc_issuenumber = None else: logger.fdebug('Multiple issues with identical numbering were detected. Attempting to accomodate.') for mc in multiple_check: mc_issuenumber.append({"Int_IssueNumber": mc['Int_IssueNumber']}) if not mc_issuenumber is None: for mciss in mc_issuenumber: mchk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [ComicID, mciss['Int_IssueNumber']]) for mck in mchk: mc_issue.append({"Int_IssueNumber": mck['Int_IssueNumber'], "IssueYear": mck['IssueDate'][:4], "IssueID": mck['IssueID']}) mc_annual = [] mc_annualnumber = [] if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: mult_ann_check = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? GROUP BY Int_IssueNumber HAVING (COUNT(Int_IssueNumber) > 1)', [ComicID]) if len(mult_ann_check) == 0: logger.fdebug('[ANNUAL-CHK] No annuals with identical issue numbering across annual volumes were detected for this series') mc_annualnumber = None else: logger.fdebug('[ANNUAL-CHK] Multiple issues with identical numbering were detected across multiple annual volumes. Attempting to accomodate.') for mc in mult_ann_check: mc_annualnumber.append({"Int_IssueNumber": mc['Int_IssueNumber']}) if not mc_annualnumber is None: for mcann in mc_annualnumber: achk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [ComicID, mcann['Int_IssueNumber']]) for ack in achk: mc_annual.append({"Int_IssueNumber": ack['Int_IssueNumber'], "IssueYear": ack['IssueDate'][:4], "IssueID": ack['IssueID'], "ReleaseComicID": ack['ReleaseComicID']}) #logger.fdebug('mc_issue:' + str(mc_issue)) #logger.fdebug('mc_annual:' + str(mc_annual)) issID_to_ignore = [] issID_to_ignore.append(str(ComicID)) issID_to_write = [] ANNComicID = None reissues = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) while (fn < fccnt): haveissue = "no" issuedupe = "no" annualdupe = "no" try: tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn] except IndexError: logger.fdebug(module + ' Unable to properly retrieve a file listing for the given series.') logger.fdebug(module + ' Probably because the filenames being scanned are not in a parseable format') if fn == 0: return else: break temploc = tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ') temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc) logger.fdebug(module + ' temploc: ' + temploc) if all(['annual' not in temploc.lower(), 'special' not in temploc.lower()]): #remove the extension here extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz', '.cb7') if temploc.lower().endswith(extensions): logger.fdebug(module + ' Removed extension for issue: ' + temploc) temploc = temploc[:-4] fcnew_af = re.findall('[^\()]+', temploc) fcnew = shlex.split(fcnew_af[0]) fcn = len(fcnew) n = 0 while True: try: reiss = reissues[n] except IndexError: break int_iss = helpers.issuedigits(reiss['Issue_Number']) issyear = reiss['IssueDate'][:4] old_status = reiss['Status'] issname = reiss['IssueName'] fnd_iss_except = 'None' fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(temploc) if int(fcdigit) == int_iss: logger.fdebug(module + ' [' + str(reiss['IssueID']) + '] Issue match - fcdigit: ' + str(fcdigit) + ' ... int_iss: ' + str(int_iss)) if '-' in temploc and temploc.find(reiss['Issue_Number']) > temploc.find('-'): logger.fdebug(module + ' I have detected a possible Title in the filename') logger.fdebug(module + ' the issue # has occured after the -, so I assume that it is part of the Title') break #baseline these to default to normal scanning multiplechk = False issuedupe = "no" foundchk = False #check here if muliple identical numbering issues exist for the series if len(mc_issue) > 1: for mi in mc_issue: if mi['Int_IssueNumber'] == int_iss: if mi['IssueID'] == reiss['IssueID']: logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID matches to multiple issues : ' + str(mi['IssueID']) + '. Checking dupe.') logger.fdebug(module + ' miISSUEYEAR: ' + str(mi['IssueYear']) + ' -- issyear : ' + str(issyear)) if any(mi['IssueID'] == d['issueid'] for d in issuedupechk): logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID already within dupe. Checking next if available.') multiplechk = True break if (mi['IssueYear'] in tmpfc['ComicFilename']) and (issyear == mi['IssueYear']): logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched to year within filename : ' + str(issyear)) multiplechk = False break else: logger.fdebug(module + ' Did not match to year within filename : ' + str(issyear)) multiplechk = True if multiplechk == True: n+=1 continue #this will detect duplicate filenames within the same directory. for di in issuedupechk: if di['fcdigit'] == fcdigit: #base off of config - base duplication keep on filesize or file-type (or both) logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Duplicate issue detected [' + di['filename'] + '] [' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'] + ']') # mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT = 'filesize' / 'filetype-cbr' / 'filetype-cbz' logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Based on duplication preferences I will retain based on : ' + mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT) removedupe = False if 'cbr' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT or 'cbz' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: if 'cbr' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: #this has to be configured in config - either retain cbr or cbz. if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbz'): #keep di['filename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in file : ' + di['filename']) issuedupe = "yes" break else: #keep tmpfc['ComicFilename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename']) removedupe = True elif 'cbz' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbr'): #keep di['filename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename']) issuedupe = "yes" break else: #keep tmpfc['ComicFilename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename']) removedupe = True if mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT == 'filesize': if tmpfc['ComicSize'] <= di['filesize']: logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename']) issuedupe = "yes" break else: logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename']) removedupe = True if removedupe: #need to remove the entry from issuedupechk so can add new one. #tuple(y for y in x if y) for x in a issuedupe_temp = [] tmphavefiles = 0 for x in issuedupechk: #logger.fdebug('Comparing x: ' + x['filename'] + ' to di:' + di['filename']) if x['filename'] != di['filename']: #logger.fdebug('Matched.') issuedupe_temp.append(x) tmphavefiles+=1 issuedupechk = issuedupe_temp havefiles = tmphavefiles + len(annualdupechk) foundchk = False break if issuedupe == "no": if foundchk == False: logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched...issue: ' + rescan['ComicName'] + '#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + ' --- ' + str(int_iss)) havefiles+=1 haveissue = "yes" isslocation = helpers.conversion(tmpfc['ComicFilename']) issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize']) logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filename: ' + isslocation) logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filesize: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])) # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then # compare earlier... issuedupechk.append({'fcdigit': fcdigit, 'filename': tmpfc['ComicFilename'], 'filesize': tmpfc['ComicSize'], 'issueyear': issyear, 'issueid': reiss['IssueID']}) break if issuedupe == "yes": logger.fdebug(module + ' I should break out here because of a dupe.') break if haveissue == "yes" or issuedupe == "yes": break n+=1 else: if tmpfc['AnnualComicID']: ANNComicID = tmpfc['AnnualComicID'] logger.fdebug(module + ' Forcing ComicID to ' + str(ANNComicID) + ' in case of duplicate numbering across volumes.') reannuals = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND ReleaseComicID=?', [ComicID, ANNComicID]) else: reannuals = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) ANNComicID = ComicID if len(reannuals) == 0: #it's possible if annual integration is enabled, and an annual series is added directly to the wachlist, #not as part of a series, that the above won't work since it's looking in the wrong table. reannuals = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) ANNComicID = None #need to set this to None so we write to the issues table and not the annuals # annual inclusion here. #logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc)) fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc)) fcn = len(fcnew) n = 0 reann = None while True: try: reann = reannuals[n] except IndexError: break int_iss = helpers.issuedigits(reann['Issue_Number']) #logger.fdebug(module + ' int_iss:' + str(int_iss)) issyear = reann['IssueDate'][:4] old_status = reann['Status'] fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('annual', '', temploc.lower()).strip()) if fcdigit == 999999999999999: fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('special', '', temploc.lower()).strip()) if int(fcdigit) == int_iss and ANNComicID is not None: logger.fdebug(module + ' [' + str(ANNComicID) + '] Annual match - issue : ' + str(int_iss)) #baseline these to default to normal scanning multiplechk = False annualdupe = "no" foundchk = False #check here if muliple identical numbering issues exist for the series if len(mc_annual) > 1: for ma in mc_annual: if ma['Int_IssueNumber'] == int_iss: if ma['IssueID'] == reann['IssueID']: logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID matches to multiple issues : ' + str(ma['IssueID']) + '. Checking dupe.') logger.fdebug(module + ' maISSUEYEAR: ' + str(ma['IssueYear']) + ' -- issyear : ' + str(issyear)) if any(ma['IssueID'] == d['issueid'] for d in annualdupechk): logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID already within dupe. Checking next if available.') multiplechk = True break if (ma['IssueYear'] in tmpfc['ComicFilename']) and (issyear == ma['IssueYear']): logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched to year within filename : ' + str(issyear)) multiplechk = False ANNComicID = ack['ReleaseComicID'] break else: logger.fdebug(module + ' Did not match to year within filename : ' + str(issyear)) multiplechk = True if multiplechk == True: n+=1 continue #this will detect duplicate filenames within the same directory. for di in annualdupechk: if di['fcdigit'] == fcdigit and di['issueid'] == reann['IssueID']: #base off of config - base duplication keep on filesize or file-type (or both) logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Duplicate issue detected [' + di['filename'] + '] [' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'] + ']') # mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT = 'filesize' / 'filetype-cbr' / 'filetype-cbz' logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Based on duplication preferences I will retain based on : ' + mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT) removedupe = False if 'cbr' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT or 'cbz' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: if 'cbr' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: #this has to be configured in config - either retain cbr or cbz. if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbz'): #keep di['filename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in file : ' + di['filename']) annualdupe = "yes" break else: #keep tmpfc['ComicFilename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename']) removedupe = True elif 'cbz' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbr'): #keep di['filename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename']) annualdupe = "yes" break else: #keep tmpfc['ComicFilename'] logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename']) removedupe = True if mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT == 'filesize': if tmpfc['ComicSize'] <= di['filesize']: logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename']) annualdupe = "yes" break else: logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename']) removedupe = True if removedupe: #need to remove the entry from issuedupechk so can add new one. #tuple(y for y in x if y) for x in a annualdupe_temp = [] tmphavefiles = 0 for x in annualdupechk: logger.fdebug('Comparing x: ' + x['filename'] + ' to di:' + di['filename']) if x['filename'] != di['filename']: annualdupe_temp.append(x) tmphavefiles+=1 annualdupechk = annualdupe_temp havefiles = tmphavefiles + len(issuedupechk) foundchk = False break if annualdupe == "no": if foundchk == False: logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched...annual issue: ' + rescan['ComicName'] + '#' + str(reann['Issue_Number']) + ' --- ' + str(int_iss)) havefiles+=1 haveissue = "yes" isslocation = helpers.conversion(tmpfc['ComicFilename']) issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize']) logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filename: ' + isslocation) logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filesize: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])) # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then # compare earlier... annualdupechk.append({'fcdigit': int(fcdigit), 'anncomicid': ANNComicID, 'filename': tmpfc['ComicFilename'], 'filesize': tmpfc['ComicSize'], 'issueyear': issyear, 'issueid': reann['IssueID']}) break if annualdupe == "yes": logger.fdebug(module + ' I should break out here because of a dupe.') break if haveissue == "yes" or annualdupe == "yes": break n+=1 if issuedupe == "yes" or annualdupe == "yes": pass else: #we have the # of comics, now let's update the db. #even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status. #-- if annuals aren't enabled, this will bugger out. writeit = True try: if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: if any(['annual' in temploc.lower(), 'special' in temploc.lower()]): if reann is None: logger.fdebug(module + ' Annual/Special present in location, but series does not have any annuals attached to it - Ignoring') writeit = False else: iss_id = reann['IssueID'] else: iss_id = reiss['IssueID'] else: if any(['annual' in temploc.lower(), 'special' in temploc.lower()]): logger.fdebug(module + ' Annual support not enabled, but annual/special issue present within directory. Ignoring issue.') writeit = False else: iss_id = reiss['IssueID'] except: logger.warn(module + ' An error occured trying to get the relevant issue data. This is probably due to the series not having proper issue data.') logger.warn(module + ' you should either Refresh the series, and/or submit an issue on github in regards to the series and the error.') return if writeit == True and haveissue == 'yes': #logger.fdebug(module + ' issueID to write to db:' + str(iss_id)) controlValueDict = {"IssueID": str(iss_id)} #if Archived, increase the 'Have' count. if archive: issStatus = "Archived" else: issStatus = "Downloaded" newValueDict = {"Location": isslocation, "ComicSize": issSize, "Status": issStatus } issID_to_ignore.append(str(iss_id)) if ANNComicID: myDB.upsert("annuals", newValueDict, controlValueDict) ANNComicID = None else: myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) else: ANNComicID = None fn+=1 #here we need to change the status of the ones we DIDN'T FIND above since the loop only hits on FOUND issues. update_iss = [] #break this up in sequnces of 200 so it doesn't break the sql statement. cnt = 0 for genlist in helpers.chunker(issID_to_ignore, 200): tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID not in ({seq})".format(seq=','.join(['?'] *(len(genlist) -1))) chkthis = myDB.select(tmpsql, genlist) if chkthis is None: pass else: for chk in chkthis: if chk['IssueID'] in issID_to_ignore: continue old_status = chk['Status'] if old_status == "Skipped": if mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_ALL: issStatus = "Wanted" else: issStatus = "Skipped" #elif old_status == "Archived": # issStatus = "Archived" elif old_status == "Downloaded": issStatus = "Archived" else: continue #elif old_status == "Wanted": # issStatus = "Wanted" #elif old_status == "Ignored": # issStatus = "Ignored" #elif old_status == "Snatched": #this is needed for torrents, or else it'll keep on queuing.. # issStatus = "Snatched" #else: # issStatus = "Skipped" update_iss.append({"IssueID": chk['IssueID'], "Status": issStatus}) if len(update_iss) > 0: i = 0 #do it like this to avoid DB locks... for ui in update_iss: controlValueDict = {"IssueID": ui['IssueID']} newStatusValue = {"Status": ui['Status']} myDB.upsert("issues", newStatusValue, controlValueDict) i+=1 logger.info(module + ' Updated the status of ' + str(i) + ' issues for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') that were not found.') logger.info(module + ' Total files located: ' + str(havefiles)) foundcount = havefiles arcfiles = 0 arcanns = 0 # if filechecker returns 0 files (it doesn't find any), but some issues have a status of 'Archived' # the loop below won't work...let's adjust :) arcissues = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID]) if int(arcissues[0][0]) > 0: arcfiles = arcissues[0][0] arcannuals = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID]) if int(arcannuals[0][0]) > 0: arcanns = arcannuals[0][0] if havefiles == 0: if arcfiles > 0 or arcanns > 0: arcfiles = arcfiles + arcanns havefiles = havefiles + arcfiles logger.fdebug(module + ' Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many archive files already in Archive status :' + str(arcfiles)) else: #if files exist in the given directory, but are in an archived state - the numbers will get botched up here. if (arcfiles + arcanns) > 0: logger.fdebug(module + ' ' + str(int(arcfiles + arcanns)) + ' issue(s) are in an Archive status already. Increasing Have total from ' + str(havefiles) + ' to include these archives.') havefiles = havefiles + (arcfiles + arcanns) ignorecount = 0 if mylar.CONFIG.IGNORE_HAVETOTAL: # if this is enabled, will increase Have total as if in Archived Status ignoresi = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status='Ignored'", [ComicID]) ignoresa = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Status='Ignored'", [ComicID]) ignorecount = int(ignoresi[0][0]) + int(ignoresa[0][0]) if ignorecount > 0: havefiles = havefiles + ignorecount logger.fdebug(module + ' Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many Ignored files:' + str(ignorecount)) snatchedcount = 0 if mylar.CONFIG.SNATCHED_HAVETOTAL: # if this is enabled, will increase Have total as if in Archived Status snatches = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status='Snatched'", [ComicID]) if int(snatches[0][0]) > 0: snatchedcount = snatches[0][0] havefiles = havefiles + snatchedcount logger.fdebug(module + ' Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many Snatched files:' + str(snatchedcount)) #now that we are finished... #adjust for issues that have been marked as Downloaded, but aren't found/don't exist. #do it here, because above loop only cycles though found comics using filechecker. downissues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Downloaded'", [ComicID]) downissues += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Downloaded'", [ComicID]) if downissues is None: pass else: archivedissues = 0 #set this to 0 so it tallies correctly. for down in downissues: #print "downlocation:" + str(down['Location']) #remove special characters from #temploc = rescan['ComicLocation'].replace('_', ' ') #temploc = re.sub('[\#\'\/\.]', '', temploc) #print ("comiclocation: " + str(rescan['ComicLocation'])) #print ("downlocation: " + str(down['Location'])) if down['Location'] is None: logger.fdebug(module + ' Location does not exist which means file was not downloaded successfully, or was moved.') controlValue = {"IssueID": down['IssueID']} newValue = {"Status": "Archived"} myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) archivedissues+=1 pass else: comicpath = os.path.join(rescan['ComicLocation'], down['Location']) if os.path.exists(comicpath): continue logger.fdebug('Issue exists - no need to change status.') else: if mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None': if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation']))): #logger.fdebug('Issue(s) currently exist and found within multiple destination directory location') continue #print "Changing status from Downloaded to Archived - cannot locate file" controlValue = {"IssueID": down['IssueID']} newValue = {"Status": "Archived"} myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) archivedissues+=1 if archivedissues > 0: logger.fdebug(module + ' I have changed the status of ' + str(archivedissues) + ' issues to a status of Archived, as I now cannot locate them in the series directory.') havefiles = havefiles + archivedissues #arcfiles already tallied in havefiles in above segment #combined total for dispay total purposes only. combined_total = iscnt + anncnt #(rescan['Total'] + anncnt) #quick check if havefiles > combined_total: logger.warn(module + ' It looks like you have physical issues in the series directory, but are forcing these issues to an Archived Status. Adjusting have counts.') havefiles = havefiles - arcfiles thetotals = totals(ComicID, havefiles, combined_total, module, recheck=recheck) totalarc = arcfiles + archivedissues #enforce permissions if mylar.CONFIG.ENFORCE_PERMS: logger.fdebug(module + ' Ensuring permissions/ownership enforced for series: ' + rescan['ComicName']) filechecker.setperms(rescan['ComicLocation']) logger.info(module + ' I have physically found ' + str(foundcount) + ' issues, ignored ' + str(ignorecount) + ' issues, snatched ' + str(snatchedcount) + ' issues, and accounted for ' + str(totalarc) + ' in an Archived state [ Total Issue Count: ' + str(havefiles) + ' / ' + str(combined_total) + ' ]') def totals(ComicID, havefiles=None, totalfiles=None, module=None, issueid=None, file=None, recheck=False): if module is None: module = '[FILE-RESCAN]' myDB = db.DBConnection() filetable = 'issues' if any([havefiles is None, havefiles == '+1']): if havefiles is None: hf = myDB.selectone("SELECT Have, Total FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() havefiles = int(hf['Have']) totalfiles = int(hf['Total']) else: hf = myDB.selectone("SELECT a.Have, a.Total, b.Status as IssStatus FROM comics AS a INNER JOIN issues as b ON a.ComicID=b.ComicID WHERE b.IssueID=?", [issueid]).fetchone() if hf is None: hf = myDB.selectone("SELECT a.Have, a.Total, b.Status as IssStatus FROM comics AS a INNER JOIN annuals as b ON a.ComicID=b.ComicID WHERE b.IssueID=?", [issueid]).fetchone() filetable = 'annuals' totalfiles = int(hf['Total']) logger.fdebug('totalfiles: %s' % totalfiles) logger.fdebug('status: %s' % hf['IssStatus']) if hf['IssStatus'] != 'Downloaded': try: havefiles = int(hf['Have']) +1 if havefiles > totalfiles and recheck is False: recheck = True return forceRescan(ComicID, recheck=recheck) except TypeError: if totalfiles == 1: havefiles = 1 else: logger.warn('Total issues for this series [ComiciD:%s/IssueID:%] is not 1 when it should be. This is probably a mistake and the series should be refreshed.' % (ComicID, IssueID)) havefiles = 0 logger.fdebug('incremented havefiles: %s' % havefiles) else: havefiles = int(hf['Have']) logger.fdebug('untouched havefiles: %s' % havefiles) #let's update the total count of comics that was found. #store just the total of issues, since annuals gets tracked seperately. controlValueStat = {"ComicID": ComicID} newValueStat = {"Have": havefiles, "Total": totalfiles} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat) if file is not None: controlValueStat = {"IssueID": issueid, "ComicID": ComicID} newValueStat = {"ComicSize": os.path.getsize(file)} myDB.upsert(filetable, newValueStat, controlValueStat)