from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, UnicodeDammit import urllib2 import re import helpers import logger import datetime import sys from decimal import Decimal from HTMLParser import HTMLParseError from time import strptime def cbdb(comicnm, ComicYear): #comicnm = 'Animal Man' #print ( "comicname: " + str(comicnm) ) #print ( "comicyear: " + str(comicyr) ) comicnm = re.sub(' ', '+', comicnm) input = "" + str(comicnm) + "&form_searchtype=Title&x=0&y=0" response = urllib2.urlopen ( input ) soup = BeautifulSoup ( response) abc = soup.findAll('a', href=True) lenabc = len(abc) i=0 resultName = [] resultID = [] resultYear = [] resultIssues = [] resultURL = [] matched = "no" while (i < lenabc): titlet = abc[i] #iterate through the href's, pulling out only results. print ("titlet: " + str(titlet)) if "title.php" in str(titlet): print ("found title") tempName = titlet.findNext(text=True) print ("tempName: " + tempName) resultName = tempName[:tempName.find("(")] print ("ComicName: " + resultName) resultYear = tempName[tempName.find("(")+1:tempName.find(")")] if resultYear.isdigit(): pass else: i+=1 continue print "ComicYear: " + resultYear ID_som = titlet['href'] resultURL = ID_som print "CBDB URL: " + resultURL IDst = ID_som.find('?ID=') resultID = ID_som[(IDst+4):] print "CBDB ID: " + resultID print ("resultname: " + resultName) CleanComicName = re.sub('[\,\.\:\;\'\[\]\(\)\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\-\_\+\=\?\/]', '', comicnm) CleanComicName = re.sub(' ', '', CleanComicName).lower() CleanResultName = re.sub('[\,\.\:\;\'\[\]\(\)\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\-\_\+\=\?\/]', '', resultName) CleanResultName = re.sub(' ', '', CleanResultName).lower() print ("CleanComicName: " + CleanComicName) print ("CleanResultName: " + CleanResultName) if CleanResultName == CleanComicName or CleanResultName[3:] == CleanComicName or len(CleanComicName) == len(CleanResultName): #if resultName[n].lower() == helpers.cleanName(str(ComicName)).lower(): print ("i:" + str(i) + "...matched by name to Mylar!") print ("ComicYear: " + str(ComicYear) + ".. to ResultYear: " + str(resultYear)) if resultYear.isdigit(): if int(resultYear) == int(ComicYear) or int(resultYear) == int(ComicYear)+1: resultID = str(resultID) print ("Matchumundo!") matched = "yes" else: continue if matched == "yes": break i+=1 return IssueDetails(resultID) def IssueDetails(cbdb_id): annuals = {} annualslist = [] gcount = 0 pagethis = '' + str(cbdb_id) response = urllib2.urlopen(pagethis) soup = BeautifulSoup(response) resultp = soup.findAll("table") total = len(resultp) # -- number of tables #get details here startit = resultp[0].find("table", {"width" : "884" }) i = 0 pubchk = 0 boop = startit.findAll('strong') for t in boop: if pubchk == 0: if ("publisher.php?" in startit('a')[i]['href']): print (startit('a')[i]['href']) publisher = str(startit('a')[i].contents) print ("publisher: " + publisher) pubchk = "1" elif 'Publication Date: ' in t: pdi = boop[i].nextSibling print ("publication date: " + pdi) elif 'Number of issues cataloged: ' in t: noi = boop[i].nextSibling print ("number of issues: " + noi) i+=1 if i > len(boop): break # pd = startit.find("Publication Date: ") # resultPublished = str(pd) # noi = startit.find("Number of issues cataloged: ") # totalIssues = str(noi) # print ("Publication Dates : " + str(resultPublished)) # print ("Total Issues: " + str(totalIssues)) ti = 1 # start at one as 0 is the ENTIRE soup structure while (ti < total): #print result if resultp[ti].find("a", {"class" : "page_link" }): #print "matcheroso" tableno = resultp[ti].findAll('tr') #7th table, all the tr's #print ti, total break ti+=1 noresults = len(tableno) #print ("tableno: " + str(tableno)) print ("there are " + str(noresults) + " issues total (cover variations, et all).") i=1 # start at 1 so we don't grab the table headers ;) issue = [] storyarc = [] pubdate = [] #resultit = tableno[1] #print ("resultit: " + str(resultit)) while (i < noresults): resultit = tableno[i] # 7th table, 1st set of tr (which indicates an issue). print ("resultit: " + str(resultit)) issuet = resultit.find("a", {"class" : "page_link" }) # gets the issue # portion try: issue = issuet.findNext(text=True) except: print ("blank space - skipping") i+=1 continue if 'annual' not in issue.lower(): i+=1 continue lent = resultit('a',href=True) #gathers all the a href's within this particular tr #print ("lent: " + str(lent)) lengtht = len(lent) #returns the # of ahref's within this particular tr #print ("lengtht: " + str(lengtht)) #since we don't know which one contains the story arc, we need to iterate through to find it #we need to know story arc, because the following td is the Publication Date n=0 issuetitle = 'None' while (n < lengtht): storyt = lent[n] # print ("storyt: " + str(storyt)) if 'issue.php' in storyt: issuetitle = storyt.findNext(text=True) print ("title:" + issuetitle) if 'storyarc.php' in storyt: #print ("found storyarc") storyarc = storyt.findNext(text=True) #print ("Story Arc: " + str(storyarc)) break n+=1 pubd = resultit('td') # find all the 's within this tr publen = len(pubd) # find the # of 's pubs = pubd[publen-1] #take the last which will always contain the publication date pdaters = pubs.findNext(text=True) #get the actual date :) basmonths = {'january':'01','february':'02','march':'03','april':'04','may':'05','june':'06','july':'07','august':'09','september':'10','october':'11','december':'12','annual':''} for numbs in basmonths: if numbs in pdaters.lower(): pconv = basmonths[numbs] ParseYear = re.sub('/s','',pdaters[-5:]) if basmonths[numbs] == '': pubdate = str(ParseYear) else: pubdate= str(ParseYear) + "-" + str(pconv) #logger.fdebug("!success - Publication date: " + str(ParseDate)) #pubdate = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", pdaters) issuetmp = re.sub("[^0-9]", '', issue) print ("Issue : " + str(issuetmp) + " (" + str(pubdate) + ")") print ("Issuetitle " + str(issuetitle)) annualslist.append({ 'AnnualIssue': issuetmp.strip(), 'AnnualTitle': issuetitle, 'AnnualDate': pubdate.strip(), 'AnnualYear': ParseYear.strip() }) gcount+=1 print("annualslist appended...") i+=1 annuals['annualslist'] = annualslist print ("Issues:" + str(annuals['annualslist'])) print ("There are " + str(gcount) + " issues.") annuals['totalissues'] = gcount annuals['GCDComicID'] = cbdb_id return annuals if __name__ == '__main__': cbdb(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])