from ..base import * try: from ..translators.translator import translate_js except: pass @Js def Function(): # convert arguments to python list of strings a = [e.to_string().value for e in arguments.to_list()] body = ';' args = () if len(a): body = '%s;' % a[-1] args = a[:-1] # translate this function to js inline function js_func = '(function (%s) {%s})' % (','.join(args), body) # now translate js inline to python function py_func = translate_js(js_func, '') # add set func scope to global scope # a but messy solution but works :) globals()['var'] = PyJs.GlobalObject # define py function and return it temp = executor(py_func, globals()) temp.source = '{%s}'%body temp.func_name = 'anonymous' return temp def executor(f, glob): exec(f, globals()) return globals()['PyJs_anonymous_0_'] #new statement simply calls Function Function.create = Function #set constructor property inside FunctionPrototype fill_in_props(FunctionPrototype, {'constructor':Function}, default_attrs) #attach prototype to Function constructor Function.define_own_property('prototype', {'value': FunctionPrototype, 'enumerable': False, 'writable': False, 'configurable': False}) #Fix Function length (its 0 and should be 1) Function.own['length']['value'] = Js(1)