#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys import re import lib.feedparser as feedparser import lib.requests as requests import ftpsshup import datetime import gzip from StringIO import StringIO import mylar from mylar import db, logger, ftpsshup, helpers, auth32p def _start_newznab_attr(self, attrsD): context = self._getContext() context.setdefault('newznab', feedparser.FeedParserDict()) context['newznab'].setdefault('tags', feedparser.FeedParserDict()) name = attrsD.get('name') value = attrsD.get('value') if name == 'category': context['newznab'].setdefault('categories', []).append(value) else: context['newznab'][name] = value feedparser._FeedParserMixin._start_newznab_attr = _start_newznab_attr def torrents(pickfeed=None, seriesname=None, issue=None, feedinfo=None): if pickfeed is None: return srchterm = None if seriesname: srchterm = re.sub(' ', '%20', seriesname) if issue: srchterm += '%20' + str(issue) if mylar.KAT_PROXY: if mylar.KAT_PROXY.endswith('/'): kat_url = mylar.KAT_PROXY else: kat_url = mylar.KAT_PROXY + '/' else: #switched to https. kat_url = 'https://kat.cr/' if pickfeed == 'KAT': #we need to cycle through both categories (comics & other) - so we loop. loopit = 2 else: loopit = 1 lp = 0 totalcount = 0 title = [] link = [] description = [] seriestitle = [] feeddata = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() torthekat = [] torthe32p = [] torinfo = {} while (lp < loopit): if lp == 0 and loopit == 2: pickfeed = '2' elif lp == 1 and loopit == 2: pickfeed = '5' feedtype = None if pickfeed == "1" and mylar.ENABLE_32P: # 32pages new releases feed. feed = 'https://32pag.es/feeds.php?feed=torrents_all&user=' + feedinfo['user'] + '&auth=' + feedinfo['auth'] + '&passkey=' + feedinfo['passkey'] + '&authkey=' + feedinfo['authkey'] feedtype = ' from the New Releases RSS Feed for comics' verify = bool(mylar.VERIFY_32P) elif pickfeed == "2" and srchterm is not None: # kat.ph search feed = kat_url + "usearch/" + str(srchterm) + "%20category%3Acomics%20seeds%3A" + str(mylar.MINSEEDS) + "/?rss=1" verify = bool(mylar.KAT_VERIFY) elif pickfeed == "3": # kat.ph rss feed feed = kat_url + "usearch/category%3Acomics%20seeds%3A" + str(mylar.MINSEEDS) + "/?rss=1" feedtype = ' from the New Releases RSS Feed for comics' verify = bool(mylar.KAT_VERIFY) elif pickfeed == "4": #32p search if any([mylar.USERNAME_32P is None, mylar.USERNAME_32P == '', mylar.PASSWORD_32P is None, mylar.PASSWORD_32P == '']): logger.error('[RSS] Warning - you NEED to enter in your 32P Username and Password to use this option.') lp=+1 continue if mylar.MODE_32P == 0: logger.warn('[32P] Searching is not available in 32p Legacy mode. Switch to Auth mode to use the search functionality.') lp=+1 continue return elif pickfeed == "5" and srchterm is not None: # kat.ph search (category:other since some 0-day comics initially get thrown there until categorized) feed = kat_url + "usearch/" + str(srchterm) + "%20category%3Aother%20seeds%3A1/?rss=1" verify = bool(mylar.KAT_VERIFY) elif pickfeed == "6": # kat.ph rss feed (category:other so that we can get them quicker if need-be) feed = kat_url + "usearch/.cbr%20category%3Aother%20seeds%3A" + str(mylar.MINSEEDS) + "/?rss=1" feedtype = ' from the New Releases for category Other RSS Feed that contain comics' verify = bool(mylar.KAT_VERIFY) elif int(pickfeed) >= 7 and feedinfo is not None: #personal 32P notification feeds. #get the info here feed = 'https://32pag.es/feeds.php?feed=' + feedinfo['feed'] + '&user=' + feedinfo['user'] + '&auth=' + feedinfo['auth'] + '&passkey=' + feedinfo['passkey'] + '&authkey=' + feedinfo['authkey'] + '&name=' + feedinfo['feedname'] feedtype = ' from your Personal Notification Feed : ' + feedinfo['feedname'] verify = bool(mylar.VERIFY_32P) else: logger.error('invalid pickfeed denoted...') return if pickfeed == "3" or pickfeed == "6" or pickfeed == "2" or pickfeed == "5": picksite = 'KAT' elif pickfeed == "1" or pickfeed == "4" or int(pickfeed) > 7: picksite = '32P' if pickfeed != '4': payload = None try: r = requests.get(feed, params=payload, verify=verify) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching RSS Feed Data from %s: %s' % (picksite, e)) return feedme = feedparser.parse(r.content) #feedme = feedparser.parse(feed) i = 0 if pickfeed == '4': for entry in searchresults['entries']: justdigits = entry['file_size'] #size not available in follow-list rss feed seeddigits = entry['seeders'] #number of seeders not available in follow-list rss feed if int(seeddigits) >= int(mylar.MINSEEDS): torthe32p.append({ 'site': picksite, 'title': entry['torrent_seriesname'].lstrip() + ' ' + entry['torrent_seriesvol'] + ' #' + entry['torrent_seriesiss'], 'volume': entry['torrent_seriesvol'], # not stored by mylar yet. 'issue': entry['torrent_seriesiss'], # not stored by mylar yet. 'link': entry['torrent_id'], #just the id for the torrent 'pubdate': entry['pubdate'], 'size': entry['file_size'], 'seeders': entry['seeders'], 'files': entry['num_files'] }) i += 1 else: for entry in feedme['entries']: if any([pickfeed == "3", pickfeed == "6"]): tmpsz = feedme.entries[i].enclosures[0] feeddata.append({ 'site': picksite, 'title': feedme.entries[i].title, 'link': tmpsz['url'], 'pubdate': feedme.entries[i].updated, 'size': tmpsz['length'] }) elif any([pickfeed == "2", pickfeed == "5"]): tmpsz = feedme.entries[i].enclosures[0] torthekat.append({ 'site': picksite, 'title': feedme.entries[i].title, 'link': tmpsz['url'], 'pubdate': feedme.entries[i].updated, 'size': tmpsz['length'] }) elif pickfeed == "1" or int(pickfeed) > 7: tmpdesc = feedme.entries[i].description st_pub = feedme.entries[i].title.find('(') st_end = feedme.entries[i].title.find(')') pub = feedme.entries[i].title[st_pub +1:st_end] # +1 to not include ( #logger.fdebug('publisher: ' + re.sub("'",'', pub).strip()) #publisher sometimes is given within quotes for some reason, strip 'em. vol_find = feedme.entries[i].title.find('vol.') series = feedme.entries[i].title[st_end +1:vol_find].strip() series = re.sub('&', '&', series).strip() #logger.fdebug('series title: ' + series) iss_st = feedme.entries[i].title.find(' - ', vol_find) vol = re.sub('\.', '', feedme.entries[i].title[vol_find:iss_st]).strip() #logger.fdebug('volume #: ' + str(vol)) issue = feedme.entries[i].title[iss_st +3:].strip() #logger.fdebug('issue # : ' + str(issue)) #break it down to get the Size since it's available on THIS 32P feed only so far. #when it becomes available in the new feeds, this will be working, for now it just nulls out. sizestart = tmpdesc.find('Size:') justdigits = 0 if sizestart >= 0: sizeend = tmpdesc.find('Leechers:') sizestart +=5 # to get to the end of the word 'Size:' tmpsize = tmpdesc[sizestart:sizeend].strip() fdigits = re.sub("[^0123456789\.]", "", tmpsize).strip() if '.' in fdigits: decfind = fdigits.find('.') wholenum = fdigits[:decfind] decnum = fdigits[decfind +1:] else: wholenum = fdigits decnum = 0 if 'MB' in tmpsize: wholebytes = int(wholenum) * 1048576 wholedecimal = (int(decnum) * 1048576) / 100 justdigits = wholebytes + wholedecimal else: #it's 'GB' then wholebytes = (int(wholenum) * 1024) * 1048576 wholedecimal = ((int(decnum) * 1024) * 1048576) / 100 justdigits = wholebytes + wholedecimal #this is not currently working for 32p #Get the # of seeders. #seedstart = tmpdesc.find('Seeders:') #seedend = tmpdesc.find('Added:') #seedstart +=8 # to get to the end of the word 'Seeders:' #tmpseed = tmpdesc[seedstart:seedend].strip() #seeddigits = re.sub("[^0123456789\.]", "", tmpseed).strip() seeddigits = 0 if int(mylar.MINSEEDS) >= int(seeddigits): #new releases has it as '&id', notification feeds have it as %ampid (possibly even &id link = feedme.entries[i].link link = re.sub('&','&', link) link = re.sub('&','&', link) linkst = link.find('&id') linken = link.find('&', linkst +1) if linken == -1: linken = len(link) newlink = re.sub('&id=', '', link[linkst:linken]).strip() feeddata.append({ 'site': picksite, 'title': series.lstrip() + ' ' + vol + ' #' + issue, 'volume': vol, # not stored by mylar yet. 'issue': issue, # not stored by mylar yet. 'link': newlink, #just the id for the torrent 'pubdate': feedme.entries[i].updated, 'size': justdigits }) i += 1 if feedtype is None: logger.info('[' + picksite + '] there were ' + str(i) + ' results..') else: logger.info('[' + picksite + '] there were ' + str(i) + ' results' + feedtype) totalcount += i lp += 1 if not seriesname: #rss search results rssdbupdate(feeddata, totalcount, 'torrent') else: #backlog (parsing) search results if pickfeed == '4': torinfo['entries'] = torthe32p else: torinfo['entries'] = torthekat return torinfo return def nzbs(provider=None, forcerss=False): feedthis = [] def _parse_feed(site, url, verify): logger.fdebug('[RSS] Fetching items from ' + site) payload = None headers = {'User-Agent': str(mylar.USER_AGENT)} try: r = requests.get(url, params=payload, verify=verify, headers=headers) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching RSS Feed Data from %s: %s' % (site, e)) return feedme = feedparser.parse(r.content) feedthis.append({"site": site, "feed": feedme}) newznab_hosts = [] if mylar.NEWZNAB == 1: for newznab_host in mylar.EXTRA_NEWZNABS: logger.fdebug('[RSS] newznab name: ' + str(newznab_host[0]) + ' - enabled: ' + str(newznab_host[5])) if str(newznab_host[5]) == '1': newznab_hosts.append(newznab_host) providercount = len(newznab_hosts) + int(mylar.EXPERIMENTAL == 1) + int(mylar.NZBSU == 1) + int(mylar.DOGNZB == 1) logger.fdebug('[RSS] You have enabled ' + str(providercount) + ' NZB RSS search providers.') if mylar.EXPERIMENTAL == 1: max_entries = "250" if forcerss else "50" _parse_feed('experimental', 'http://nzbindex.nl/rss/alt.binaries.comics.dcp/?sort=agedesc&max=' + max_entries + '&more=1', False) if mylar.NZBSU == 1: num_items = "&num=100" if forcerss else "" # default is 25 _parse_feed('nzb.su', 'http://api.nzb.su/rss?t=7030&dl=1&i=' + (mylar.NZBSU_UID or '1') + '&r=' + mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY + num_items, bool(mylar.NZBSU_VERIFY)) if mylar.DOGNZB == 1: num_items = "&num=100" if forcerss else "" # default is 25 _parse_feed('dognzb', 'https://dognzb.cr/rss.cfm?r=' + mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY + '&t=7030' + num_items, bool(mylar.DOGNZB_VERIFY)) for newznab_host in newznab_hosts: site = newznab_host[0].rstrip() (newznabuid, _, newznabcat) = (newznab_host[4] or '').partition('#') newznabuid = newznabuid or '1' newznabcat = newznabcat or '7030' # 11-21-2014: added &num=100 to return 100 results (or maximum) - unsure of cross-reliablity _parse_feed(site, newznab_host[1].rstrip() + '/rss?t=' + str(newznabcat) + '&dl=1&i=' + str(newznabuid) + '&num=100&r=' + newznab_host[3].rstrip(), bool(newznab_host[2])) feeddata = [] for ft in feedthis: site = ft['site'] logger.fdebug('[RSS] (' + site + ') now being updated...') for entry in ft['feed'].entries: if site == 'dognzb': #because the rss of dog doesn't carry the enclosure item, we'll use the newznab size value size = 0 if 'newznab' in entry and 'size' in entry['newznab']: size = entry['newznab']['size'] else: # experimental, nzb.su, newznab size = entry.enclosures[0]['length'] # Link if site == 'experimental': link = entry.enclosures[0]['url'] else: # dognzb, nzb.su, newznab link = entry.link #Remove the API keys from the url to allow for possible api key changes if site == 'dognzb': link = re.sub(mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY, '', link).strip() else: link = link[:link.find('&i=')].strip() feeddata.append({'Site': site, 'Title': entry.title, 'Link': link, 'Pubdate': entry.updated, 'Size': size}) # logger.fdebug(" Site: " + site) # logger.fdebug(" Title: " + entry.title) # logger.fdebug(" Link: " + link) # logger.fdebug(" pubdate: " + entry.updated) # logger.fdebug(" size: " + size) logger.info('[RSS] (' + site + ') ' + str(len(ft['feed'].entries)) + ' entries indexed.') i = len(feeddata) if i: logger.info('[RSS] ' + str(i) + ' entries have been indexed and are now going to be stored for caching.') rssdbupdate(feeddata, i, 'usenet') return def rssdbupdate(feeddata, i, type): rsschktime = 15 myDB = db.DBConnection() #let's add the entries into the db so as to save on searches #also to build up the ID's ;) for dataval in feeddata: if type == 'torrent': #we just store the torrent ID's now. if dataval['site'] == '32P': newlink = dataval['link'] else: #store the hash/id from KAT newlink = os.path.basename(re.sub('.torrent', '', dataval['link'][:dataval['link'].find('?title')])) newVal = {"Link": newlink, "Pubdate": dataval['pubdate'], "Site": dataval['site'], "Size": dataval['size']} ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['title']} else: newlink = dataval['Link'] newVal = {"Link": newlink, "Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'], "Site": dataval['Site'], "Size": dataval['Size']} ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['Title']} myDB.upsert("rssdb", newVal, ctrlVal) logger.fdebug('Completed adding new data to RSS DB. Next add in ' + str(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + ' minutes') return def torrentdbsearch(seriesname, issue, comicid=None, nzbprov=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() seriesname_alt = None if comicid is None or comicid == 'None': pass else: logger.fdebug('ComicID: ' + str(comicid)) snm = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if snm is None: logger.fdebug('Invalid ComicID of ' + str(comicid) + '. Aborting search.') return else: seriesname = snm['ComicName'] seriesname_alt = snm['AlternateSearch'] #remove 'and' and 'the': tsearch_rem1 = re.sub("\\band\\b", "%", seriesname.lower()) tsearch_rem2 = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", "%", tsearch_rem1.lower()) tsearch_removed = re.sub('\s+', ' ', tsearch_rem2) tsearch_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\-\;\/\\=\?\&\.\s]', '%', tsearch_removed) if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 0: tsearch = tsearch_seriesname + "%" elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: tsearch = tsearch_seriesname + "%cbr%" elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: tsearch = tsearch_seriesname + "%cbz%" else: tsearch = tsearch_seriesname + "%" logger.fdebug('tsearch : ' + tsearch) AS_Alt = [] tresults = [] tsearch = '%' + tsearch if mylar.ENABLE_32P: tresults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='32P'", [tsearch]) if mylar.ENABLE_KAT: tresults += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='KAT'", [tsearch]) logger.fdebug('seriesname_alt:' + str(seriesname_alt)) if seriesname_alt is None or seriesname_alt == 'None': if tresults is None: logger.fdebug('no Alternate name given. Aborting search.') return "no results" else: chkthealt = seriesname_alt.split('##') if chkthealt == 0: AS_Alternate = seriesname_alt AS_Alt.append(seriesname_alt) for calt in chkthealt: AS_Alter = re.sub('##', '', calt) u_altsearchcomic = AS_Alter.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip() AS_Altrem = re.sub("\\band\\b", "", u_altsearchcomic.lower()) AS_Altrem = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", "", AS_Altrem.lower()) AS_Alternate = re.sub('[\_\#\,\/\:\;\.\-\!\$\%\+\'\&\?\@\s]', '%', AS_Altrem) AS_Altrem_mod = re.sub('[\&]', ' ', AS_Altrem) AS_formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.]', '', AS_Altrem_mod) AS_formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', AS_formatrem_seriesname) if AS_formatrem_seriesname[:1] == ' ': AS_formatrem_seriesname = AS_formatrem_seriesname[1:] AS_Alt.append(AS_formatrem_seriesname) if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 0: AS_Alternate += "%" elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: AS_Alternate += "%cbr%" elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: AS_Alternate += "%cbz%" else: AS_Alternate += "%" AS_Alternate = '%' + AS_Alternate if mylar.ENABLE_32P: tresults += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='32P'", [AS_Alternate]) if mylar.ENABLE_KAT: tresults += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site='KAT'", [AS_Alternate]) if tresults is None: logger.fdebug('torrent search returned no results for ' + seriesname) return "no results" extensions = ('cbr', 'cbz') tortheinfo = [] torinfo = {} for tor in tresults: #& have been brought into the title field incorretly occassionally - patched now, but to include those entries already in the #cache db that have the incorrect entry, we'll adjust. torTITLE = re.sub('&', '&', tor['Title']).strip() #torsplit = torTITLE.split(' ') if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: if 'cbr' in torTITLE: logger.fdebug('Quality restriction enforced [ cbr only ]. Accepting result.') else: logger.fdebug('Quality restriction enforced [ cbr only ]. Rejecting result.') continue elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: if 'cbz' in torTITLE: logger.fdebug('Quality restriction enforced [ cbz only ]. Accepting result.') else: logger.fdebug('Quality restriction enforced [ cbz only ]. Rejecting result.') continue logger.fdebug('tor-Title: ' + torTITLE) #logger.fdebug('there are ' + str(len(torsplit)) + ' sections in this title') i=0 if nzbprov is not None: if nzbprov != tor['Site']: logger.fdebug('this is a result from ' + str(tor['Site']) + ', not the site I am looking for of ' + str(nzbprov)) continue #0 holds the title/issue and format-type. #--- this was for old cbt feeds, no longer used for 32p # while (i < len(torsplit)): # #we'll rebuild the string here so that it's formatted accordingly to be passed back to the parser. # logger.fdebug('section(' + str(i) + '): ' + torsplit[i]) # #remove extensions # titletemp = torsplit[i] # titletemp = re.sub('cbr', '', titletemp) # titletemp = re.sub('cbz', '', titletemp) # titletemp = re.sub('none', '', titletemp) # if i == 0: # rebuiltline = titletemp # else: # rebuiltline = rebuiltline + ' (' + titletemp + ')' # i+=1 # logger.fdebug('rebuiltline is :' + rebuiltline) #---- seriesname_mod = seriesname foundname_mod = torTITLE #torsplit[0] seriesname_mod = re.sub("\\band\\b", " ", seriesname_mod.lower()) foundname_mod = re.sub("\\band\\b", " ", foundname_mod.lower()) seriesname_mod = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", " ", seriesname_mod.lower()) foundname_mod = re.sub("\\bthe\\b", " ", foundname_mod.lower()) seriesname_mod = re.sub('[\&]', ' ', seriesname_mod) foundname_mod = re.sub('[\&]', ' ', foundname_mod) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\=\?\.]', '', seriesname_mod) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\-]', ' ', formatrem_seriesname) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\/]', ' ', formatrem_seriesname) #not necessary since seriesname in a torrent file won't have / formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', formatrem_seriesname) if formatrem_seriesname[:1] == ' ': formatrem_seriesname = formatrem_seriesname[1:] formatrem_torsplit = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\\=\?\.]', '', foundname_mod) formatrem_torsplit = re.sub('[\-]', ' ', formatrem_torsplit) #we replace the - with space so we'll get hits if differnces formatrem_torsplit = re.sub('[\/]', ' ', formatrem_torsplit) #not necessary since if has a /, should be removed in above line formatrem_torsplit = re.sub('\s+', ' ', formatrem_torsplit) logger.fdebug(str(len(formatrem_torsplit)) + ' - formatrem_torsplit : ' + formatrem_torsplit.lower()) logger.fdebug(str(len(formatrem_seriesname)) + ' - formatrem_seriesname :' + formatrem_seriesname.lower()) if formatrem_seriesname.lower() in formatrem_torsplit.lower() or any(x.lower() in formatrem_torsplit.lower() for x in AS_Alt): logger.fdebug('matched to : ' + torTITLE) logger.fdebug('matched on series title: ' + seriesname) titleend = formatrem_torsplit[len(formatrem_seriesname):] titleend = re.sub('\-', '', titleend) #remove the '-' which is unnecessary #remove extensions titleend = re.sub('cbr', '', titleend) titleend = re.sub('cbz', '', titleend) titleend = re.sub('none', '', titleend) logger.fdebug('titleend: ' + titleend) sptitle = titleend.split() extra = '' #the title on 32P has a mix-mash of crap...ignore everything after cbz/cbr to cleanit #ctitle = torTITLE.find('cbr') #if ctitle == 0: # ctitle = torTITLE.find('cbz') # if ctitle == 0: # ctitle = torTITLE.find('none') # if ctitle == 0: # logger.fdebug('cannot determine title properly - ignoring for now.') # continue #cttitle = torTITLE[:ctitle] # if tor['Site'] == '32P': # st_pub = rebuiltline.find('(') # if st_pub < 2 and st_pub != -1: # st_end = rebuiltline.find(')') # rebuiltline = rebuiltline[st_end +1:] tortheinfo.append({ 'title': torTITLE, #cttitle, 'link': tor['Link'], 'pubdate': tor['Pubdate'], 'site': tor['Site'], 'length': tor['Size'] }) torinfo['entries'] = tortheinfo return torinfo def nzbdbsearch(seriesname, issue, comicid=None, nzbprov=None, searchYear=None, ComicVersion=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() seriesname_alt = None if comicid is None or comicid == 'None': pass else: snm = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if snm is None: logger.info('Invalid ComicID of ' + str(comicid) + '. Aborting search.') return else: seriesname = snm['ComicName'] seriesname_alt = snm['AlternateSearch'] nsearch_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.\-\s]', '%', seriesname) formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.]', '', seriesname) nsearch = '%' + nsearch_seriesname + "%" nresults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site=?", [nsearch, nzbprov]) if nresults is None: logger.fdebug('nzb search returned no results for ' + seriesname) if seriesname_alt is None: logger.fdebug('no nzb Alternate name given. Aborting search.') return "no results" else: chkthealt = seriesname_alt.split('##') if chkthealt == 0: AS_Alternate = AlternateSearch for calt in chkthealt: AS_Alternate = re.sub('##', '', calt) AS_Alternate = '%' + AS_Alternate + "%" nresults += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM rssdb WHERE Title like ? AND Site=?", [AS_Alternate, nzbprov]) if nresults is None: logger.fdebug('nzb alternate name search returned no results.') return "no results" nzbtheinfo = [] nzbinfo = {} if nzbprov == 'experimental': except_list=['releases', 'gold line', 'distribution', '0-day', '0 day'] if ComicVersion: ComVersChk = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", ComicVersion) if ComVersChk == '': ComVersChk = 0 else: ComVersChk = 0 else: ComVersChk = 0 filetype = None if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: filetype = 'cbr' elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: filetype = 'cbz' for results in nresults: title = results['Title'] #logger.fdebug("titlesplit: " + str(title.split("\""))) splitTitle = title.split("\"") noYear = 'False' _digits = re.compile('\d') for subs in splitTitle: #logger.fdebug(subs) if len(subs) >= len(seriesname) and not any(d in subs.lower() for d in except_list) and bool(_digits.search(subs)) is True: if subs.lower().startswith('for'): # need to filter down alternate names in here at some point... if seriesname.lower().startswith('for'): pass else: #this is the crap we ignore. Continue logger.fdebug('this starts with FOR : ' + str(subs) + '. This is not present in the series - ignoring.') continue if ComVersChk == 0: noYear = 'False' if ComVersChk != 0 and searchYear not in subs: noYear = 'True' noYearline = subs if searchYear in subs and noYear == 'True': #this would occur on the next check in the line, if year exists and #the noYear check in the first check came back valid append it subs = noYearline + ' (' + searchYear + ')' noYear = 'False' if noYear == 'False': if filetype is not None: if filetype not in subs.lower(): continue nzbtheinfo.append({ 'title': subs, 'link': re.sub('\/release\/', '/download/', results['Link']), 'pubdate': str(results['PubDate']), 'site': str(results['Site']), 'length': str(results['Size'])}) else: for nzb in nresults: # no need to parse here, just compile and throw it back .... nzbtheinfo.append({ 'title': nzb['Title'], 'link': nzb['Link'], 'pubdate': nzb['Pubdate'], 'site': nzb['Site'], 'length': nzb['Size'] }) #logger.fdebug("entered info for " + nzb['Title']) nzbinfo['entries'] = nzbtheinfo return nzbinfo def torsend2client(seriesname, issue, seriesyear, linkit, site): logger.info('matched on ' + seriesname) filename = helpers.filesafe(seriesname) filename = re.sub(' ', '_', filename) filename += "_" + str(issue) + "_" + str(seriesyear) if linkit[-7:] != "torrent": # and site != "KAT": filename += ".torrent" if mylar.TORRENT_LOCAL and mylar.LOCAL_WATCHDIR is not None: filepath = os.path.join(mylar.LOCAL_WATCHDIR, filename) logger.fdebug('filename for torrent set to : ' + filepath) elif mylar.TORRENT_SEEDBOX and mylar.SEEDBOX_WATCHDIR is not None: filepath = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, filename) logger.fdebug('filename for torrent set to : ' + filepath) else: logger.error('No Local Watch Directory or Seedbox Watch Directory specified. Set it and try again.') return "fail" if site == '32P': url = 'https://32pag.es/torrents.php' if mylar.VERIFY_32P == 1 or mylar.VERIFY_32P == True: verify = True else: verify = False logger.fdebug('[32P] Verify SSL set to : ' + str(verify)) if mylar.MODE_32P == 0: if mylar.KEYS_32P is None or mylar.PASSKEY_32P is None: logger.warn('[32P] Unable to retrieve keys from provided RSS Feed. Make sure you have provided a CURRENT RSS Feed from 32P') mylar.KEYS_32P = helpers.parse_32pfeed(mylar.FEED_32P) if mylar.KEYS_32P is None or mylar.KEYS_32P == '': return "fail" else: logger.fdebug('[32P-AUTHENTICATION] 32P (Legacy) Authentication Successful. Re-establishing keys.') mylar.AUTHKEY_32P = mylar.KEYS_32P['authkey'] else: logger.fdebug('[32P-AUTHENTICATION] 32P (Legacy) Authentication already done. Attempting to use existing keys.') mylar.AUTHKEY_32P = mylar.KEYS_32P['authkey'] else: if any([mylar.USERNAME_32P is None, mylar.USERNAME_32P == '', mylar.PASSWORD_32P is None, mylar.PASSWORD_32P == '']): logger.error('[RSS] Unable to sign-on to 32P to validate settings and initiate download sequence. Please enter/check your username password in the configuration.') return "fail" elif mylar.PASSKEY_32P is None or mylar.AUTHKEY_32P is None or mylar.KEYS_32P is None: logger.fdebug('[32P-AUTHENTICATION] 32P (Auth Mode) Authentication enabled. Keys have not been established yet, attempting to gather.') feed32p = auth32p.info32p(reauthenticate=True) feedinfo = feed32p.authenticate() if feedinfo == "disable": mylar.ENABLE_32P = 0 mylar.config_write() return "fail" if mylar.PASSKEY_32P is None or mylar.AUTHKEY_32P is None or mylar.KEYS_32P is None: logger.error('[RSS] Unable to sign-on to 32P to validate settings and initiate download sequence. Please enter/check your username password in the configuration.') return "fail" else: logger.fdebug('[32P-AUTHENTICATION] 32P (Auth Mode) Authentication already done. Attempting to use existing keys.') payload = {'action': 'download', 'torrent_pass': mylar.PASSKEY_32P, 'authkey': mylar.AUTHKEY_32P, 'id': linkit} headers = None #{'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', # 'User-Agent': str(mylar.USER_AGENT)} elif site == 'KAT': #stfind = linkit.find('?') #if stfind == -1: # kat_referrer = helpers.torrent_create('KAT', linkit) #else: # kat_referrer = linkit[:stfind] url = helpers.torrent_create('KAT', linkit) if url.startswith('https'): kat_referrer = 'https://torcache.net/' else: kat_referrer = 'http://torcache.net/' #logger.fdebug('KAT Referer set to :' + kat_referrer) headers = {'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': str(mylar.USER_AGENT), 'Referer': kat_referrer} logger.fdebug('Grabbing torrent from url:' + str(url)) payload = None verify = False else: headers = {'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': str(mylar.USER_AGENT)} #'Referer': kat_referrer} url = linkit #helpers.torrent_create('TOR', linkit) payload = None verify = False if not verify: #32P throws back an insecure warning because it can't validate against the CA. The below suppresses the message just for 32P instead of being displayed. #disable SSL warnings - too many 'warning' messages about invalid certificates try: from lib.requests.packages.urllib3 import disable_warnings disable_warnings() except ImportError: #this is probably not necessary and redudant, but leaving in for the time being. from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() try: from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning urllib3.disable_warnings() except ImportError: logger.warn('[EPIC FAILURE] Cannot load the requests module') return "fail" try: r = requests.get(url, params=payload, verify=verify, stream=True, headers=headers) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (site, e)) if site == '32P': if mylar.MODE_32P == 1: logger.info('Attempting to re-authenticate against 32P and poll new keys as required.') feed32p = auth32p.info32p(reauthenticate=True) feedinfo = feed32p.authenticate() if feedinfo == "disable": mylar.ENABLE_32P = 0 mylar.config_write() return "fail" try: r = requests.get(url, params=payload, verify=verify, stream=True, headers=headers) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (site, e)) return "fail" else: logger.warn('[32P] Unable to authenticate using existing RSS Feed given. Make sure that you have provided a CURRENT feed from 32P') return "fail" else: return "fail" if str(r.status_code) == '403': #retry with the alternate torrent link. url = helpers.torrent_create('KAT', linkit, True) try: r = requests.get(url, params=payload, verify=verify, stream=True, headers=headers) except Exception, e: return "fail" if str(r.status_code) != '200': logger.warn('Unable to download torrent from ' + site + ' [Status Code returned: ' + str(r.status_code) + ']') return "fail" if site == 'KAT': if r.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(r.content) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() logger.fdebug('[' + site + '] Saved torrent file to : ' + filepath) if mylar.TORRENT_LOCAL: return "pass" elif mylar.TORRENT_SEEDBOX: if mylar.RTORRENT_HOST: import test rp = test.RTorrent() torrent_info = rp.main(filepath=filepath) logger.info(torrent_info) if torrent_info: return "pass" else: return "fail" else: tssh = ftpsshup.putfile(filepath, filename) return tssh if __name__ == '__main__': #torrents(sys.argv[1]) #torrentdbsearch(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) nzbs(provider=sys.argv[1])