# This file is part of Mylar. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . from __future__ import with_statement import os import io import sys import cherrypy import requests import datetime from datetime import timedelta, date import re import json import copy import ntpath from mako.template import Template from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup from mako import exceptions import time import threading import csv import platform import urllib import shutil import mylar from mylar import logger, db, importer, mb, search, filechecker, helpers, updater, parseit, weeklypull, PostProcessor, librarysync, moveit, Failed, readinglist, notifiers, sabparse, config from mylar.auth import AuthController, require import simplejson as simplejson from operator import itemgetter def serve_template(templatename, **kwargs): interface_dir = os.path.join(str(mylar.PROG_DIR), 'data/interfaces/') template_dir = os.path.join(str(interface_dir), mylar.CONFIG.INTERFACE) _hplookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[template_dir]) try: template = _hplookup.get_template(templatename) return template.render(http_root=mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT, **kwargs) except: return exceptions.html_error_template().render() class WebInterface(object): auth = AuthController() def index(self): if mylar.SAFESTART: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("manageComics") else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") index.exposed=True def home(self): comics = helpers.havetotals() return serve_template(templatename="index.html", title="Home", comics=comics, alphaindex=mylar.CONFIG.ALPHAINDEX) home.exposed = True def comicDetails(self, ComicID): myDB = db.DBConnection() comic = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() if comic is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") totalissues = comic['Total'] haveissues = comic['Have'] if not haveissues: haveissues = 0 try: percent = (haveissues *100.0) /totalissues if percent > 100: percent = 101 except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError): percent = 0 totalissues = '?' #let's cheat. :) #comicskip = myDB.select('SELECT * from comics order by ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE') skipno = len(mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder']) lastno = mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderNo'] lastid = mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderID'] series = {} if skipno == 0: #it's a blank db, let's just null the values and go. series['Current'] = None series['Previous'] = None series['Next'] = None i = 0 while (i < skipno): cskip = mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'][i] if cskip['ComicID'] == ComicID: cursortnum = cskip['ComicOrder'] series['Current'] = cskip['ComicID'] if cursortnum == 0: # if first record, set the Previous record to the LAST record. previous = lastid else: previous = mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'][i -1]['ComicID'] # if last record, set the Next record to the FIRST record. if cursortnum == lastno: next = mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'][0]['ComicID'] else: next = mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'][i +1]['ComicID'] series['Previous'] = previous series['Next'] = next break i+=1 issues = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? order by Int_IssueNumber DESC', [ComicID]) isCounts = {} isCounts[1] = 0 #1 skipped isCounts[2] = 0 #2 wanted isCounts[3] = 0 #3 archived isCounts[4] = 0 #4 downloaded isCounts[5] = 0 #5 ignored isCounts[6] = 0 #6 failed isCounts[7] = 0 #7 snatched #isCounts[8] = 0 #8 read for curResult in issues: baseissues = {'skipped': 1, 'wanted': 2, 'archived': 3, 'downloaded': 4, 'ignored': 5, 'failed': 6, 'snatched': 7} for seas in baseissues: if curResult['Status'] is None: continue else: if seas in curResult['Status'].lower(): sconv = baseissues[seas] isCounts[sconv]+=1 continue isCounts = { "Skipped": str(isCounts[1]), "Wanted": str(isCounts[2]), "Archived": str(isCounts[3]), "Downloaded": str(isCounts[4]), "Ignored": str(isCounts[5]), "Failed": str(isCounts[6]), "Snatched": str(isCounts[7]) } usethefuzzy = comic['UseFuzzy'] allowpacks = comic['AllowPacks'] skipped2wanted = "0" if usethefuzzy is None: usethefuzzy = "0" force_continuing = comic['ForceContinuing'] if force_continuing is None: force_continuing = 0 if mylar.CONFIG.DELETE_REMOVE_DIR is None: mylar.CONFIG.DELETE_REMOVE_DIR = 0 if allowpacks is None: allowpacks = "0" if all([comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] is not None, comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] != '', comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] != 'None']): if comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] != comic['ComicYear']: comic['ComicYear'] = comic['Corrected_SeriesYear'] # imagetopull = myDB.selectone('SELECT issueid from issues where ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [comic['ComicID'], helpers.issuedigits(comic['LatestIssue'])]).fetchone() # imageurl = mylar.cv.getComic(comic['ComicID'], 'image', issueid=imagetopull[0]) # helpers.getImage(comic['ComicID'], imageurl) if comic['ComicImage'] is None: comicImage = 'cache/' + str(ComicID) + '.jpg' else: comicImage = comic['ComicImage'] comicpublisher = helpers.publisherImages(comic['ComicPublisher']) if comic['Collects'] is not None: issues_list = json.loads(comic['Collects']) else: issues_list = None #logger.info('issues_list: %s' % issues_list) if comic['Corrected_Type'] == 'TPB': force_type = 1 elif comic['Corrected_Type'] == 'Print': force_type = 2 else: force_type = 0 comicConfig = { "fuzzy_year0": helpers.radio(int(usethefuzzy), 0), "fuzzy_year1": helpers.radio(int(usethefuzzy), 1), "fuzzy_year2": helpers.radio(int(usethefuzzy), 2), "skipped2wanted": helpers.checked(skipped2wanted), "force_continuing": helpers.checked(force_continuing), "force_type": helpers.checked(force_type), "delete_dir": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.DELETE_REMOVE_DIR), "allow_packs": helpers.checked(int(allowpacks)), "corrected_seriesyear": comic['ComicYear'], "torrentid_32p": comic['TorrentID_32P'], "totalissues": totalissues, "haveissues": haveissues, "percent": percent, "publisher_image": comicpublisher['publisher_image'], "publisher_image_alt": comicpublisher['publisher_image_alt'], "publisher_imageH": comicpublisher['publisher_imageH'], "publisher_imageW": comicpublisher['publisher_imageW'], "issue_list": issues_list, "ComicImage": comicImage + '?' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: annuals = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? ORDER BY ComicID, Int_IssueNumber DESC", [ComicID]) #we need to load in the annual['ReleaseComicName'] and annual['ReleaseComicID'] #then group by ReleaseComicID, in an attempt to create seperate tables for each different annual series. #this should allow for annuals, specials, one-shots, etc all to be included if desired. acnt = 0 aName = [] annuals_list = [] annualinfo = {} prevcomicid = None for ann in annuals: if not any(d.get('annualComicID', None) == str(ann['ReleaseComicID']) for d in aName): aName.append({"annualComicName": ann['ReleaseComicName'], "annualComicID": ann['ReleaseComicID']}) issuename = ann['IssueName'] if ann['IssueName'] is not None: if len(ann['IssueName']) > 75: issuename = '%s...' % ann['IssueName'][:75] annuals_list.append({"Issue_Number": ann['Issue_Number'], "Int_IssueNumber": ann['Int_IssueNumber'], "IssueName": issuename, "IssueDate": ann['IssueDate'], "DigitalDate": ann['DigitalDate'], "Status": ann['Status'], "Location": ann['Location'], "ComicID": ann['ComicID'], "IssueID": ann['IssueID'], "ReleaseComicID": ann['ReleaseComicID'], "ComicName": ann['ComicName'], "ComicSize": ann['ComicSize'], "ReleaseComicName": ann['ReleaseComicName'], "PrevComicID": prevcomicid}) prevcomicid = ann['ReleaseComicID'] acnt+=1 annualinfo = aName #annualinfo['count'] = acnt else: annuals_list = None aName = None return serve_template(templatename="comicdetails.html", title=comic['ComicName'], comic=comic, issues=issues, comicConfig=comicConfig, isCounts=isCounts, series=series, annuals=annuals_list, annualinfo=aName) comicDetails.exposed = True def searchit(self, name, issue=None, mode=None, type=None, serinfo=None): if type is None: type = 'comic' # let's default this to comic search only for the time being (will add story arc, characters, etc later) else: logger.fdebug(str(type) + " mode enabled.") #mode dictates type of search: # --series ... search for comicname displaying all results # --pullseries ... search for comicname displaying a limited # of results based on issue # --want ... individual comics if mode is None: mode = 'series' if len(name) == 0: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") if type == 'comic' and mode == 'pullseries': if issue == 0: #if it's an issue 0, CV doesn't have any data populated yet - so bump it up one to at least get the current results. issue = 1 try: searchresults = mb.findComic(name, mode, issue=issue) except TypeError: logger.error('Unable to perform required pull-list search for : [name: ' + name + '][issue: ' + issue + '][mode: ' + mode + ']') return elif type == 'comic' and mode == 'series': if name.startswith('4050-'): mismatch = "no" comicid = re.sub('4050-', '', name) logger.info('Attempting to add directly by ComicVineID: ' + str(comicid) + '. I sure hope you know what you are doing.') threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[comicid, mismatch, None]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % comicid) try: searchresults = mb.findComic(name, mode, issue=None) except TypeError: logger.error('Unable to perform required search for : [name: ' + name + '][mode: ' + mode + ']') return elif type == 'comic' and mode == 'want': try: searchresults = mb.findComic(name, mode, issue) except TypeError: logger.error('Unable to perform required one-off pull-list search for : [name: ' + name + '][issue: ' + issue + '][mode: ' + mode + ']') return elif type == 'story_arc': try: searchresults = mb.findComic(name, mode=None, issue=None, type='story_arc') except TypeError: logger.error('Unable to perform required story-arc search for : [arc: ' + name + '][mode: ' + mode + ']') return try: searchresults = sorted(searchresults, key=itemgetter('comicyear', 'issues'), reverse=True) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to retrieve results from ComicVine: %s' % e) if mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API is None: logger.error('You NEED to set a ComicVine API key prior to adding anything. It\'s Free - Go get one!') return return serve_template(templatename="searchresults.html", title='Search Results for: "' + name + '"', searchresults=searchresults, type=type, imported=None, ogcname=None, name=name, serinfo=serinfo) searchit.exposed = True def addComic(self, comicid, comicname=None, comicyear=None, comicimage=None, comicissues=None, comicpublisher=None, imported=None, ogcname=None, serinfo=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if imported == "confirm": # if it's coming from the importer and it's just for confirmation, record the right selection and break. # if it's 'confirmed' coming in as the value for imported # the ogcname will be the original comicid that is either correct/incorrect (doesn't matter which) #confirmedid is the selected series (comicid) with the letter C at the beginning to denote Confirmed. # then sql the original comicid which will hit on all the results for the given series. # iterate through, and overwrite the existing watchmatch with the new chosen 'C' + comicid value confirmedid = "C" + str(comicid) confirms = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE WatchMatch=?", [ogcname]) if confirms is None: logger.Error("There are no results that match...this is an ERROR.") else: for confirm in confirms: controlValue = {"impID": confirm['impID']} newValue = {"WatchMatch": str(confirmedid)} myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue) self.importResults() return elif imported == 'futurecheck': print 'serinfo:' + str(serinfo) logger.info('selected comicid of : ' + str(comicid) + ' [ ' + comicname + ' (' + str(comicyear) + ') ]') ser = [] ser.append({"comicname": comicname, "comicyear": comicyear, "comicissues": comicissues, "comicpublisher": comicpublisher, "IssueDate": serinfo[0]['IssueDate'], "IssueNumber": serinfo[0]['IssueNumber']}) weeklypull.future_check_add(comicid, ser) sresults = [] cresults = [] mismatch = "no" #print ("comicid: " + str(comicid)) #print ("comicname: " + str(comicname)) #print ("comicyear: " + str(comicyear)) #print ("comicissues: " + str(comicissues)) #print ("comicimage: " + str(comicimage)) if not mylar.CONFIG.CV_ONLY: #here we test for exception matches (ie. comics spanning more than one volume, known mismatches, etc). CV_EXcomicid = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if CV_EXcomicid is None: # pass # gcdinfo=parseit.GCDScraper(comicname, comicyear, comicissues, comicid, quickmatch="yes") if gcdinfo == "No Match": #when it no matches, the image will always be blank...let's fix it. cvdata = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid, 'comic') comicimage = cvdata['ComicImage'] updater.no_searchresults(comicid) nomatch = "true" u_comicname = comicname.encode('utf-8').strip() logger.info("I couldn't find an exact match for " + u_comicname + " (" + str(comicyear) + ") - gathering data for Error-Checking screen (this could take a minute)...") i = 0 loopie, cnt = parseit.ComChk(comicname, comicyear, comicpublisher, comicissues, comicid) logger.info("total count : " + str(cnt)) while (i < cnt): try: stoopie = loopie['comchkchoice'][i] except (IndexError, TypeError): break cresults.append({ 'ComicID': stoopie['ComicID'], 'ComicName': stoopie['ComicName'].decode('utf-8', 'replace'), 'ComicYear': stoopie['ComicYear'], 'ComicIssues': stoopie['ComicIssues'], 'ComicURL': stoopie['ComicURL'], 'ComicPublisher': stoopie['ComicPublisher'].decode('utf-8', 'replace'), 'GCDID': stoopie['GCDID'] }) i+=1 if imported != 'None': #if it's from an import and it has to go through the UEC, return the values #to the calling function and have that return the template return cresults else: return serve_template(templatename="searchfix.html", title="Error Check", comicname=comicname, comicid=comicid, comicyear=comicyear, comicimage=comicimage, comicissues=comicissues, cresults=cresults, imported=None, ogcname=None) else: nomatch = "false" logger.info(u"Quick match success..continuing.") else: if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99': logger.info(u"mismatched name...autocorrecting to correct GID and auto-adding.") mismatch = "yes" if CV_EXcomicid['NewComicID'] == 'none': logger.info(u"multi-volume series detected") testspx = CV_EXcomicid['GComicID'].split('/') for exc in testspx: fakeit = parseit.GCDAdd(testspx) howmany = int(CV_EXcomicid['variloop']) t = 0 while (t <= howmany): try: sres = fakeit['serieschoice'][t] except IndexError: break sresults.append({ 'ComicID': sres['ComicID'], 'ComicName': sres['ComicName'], 'ComicYear': sres['ComicYear'], 'ComicIssues': sres['ComicIssues'], 'ComicPublisher': sres['ComicPublisher'], 'ComicCover': sres['ComicCover'] }) t+=1 #searchfix(-1).html is for misnamed comics and wrong years. #searchfix-2.html is for comics that span multiple volumes. return serve_template(templatename="searchfix-2.html", title="In-Depth Results", sresults=sresults) #print ("imported is: " + str(imported)) threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[comicid, mismatch, None, imported, ogcname]).start() time.sleep(5) #wait 5s so the db can be populated enough to display the page - otherwise will return to home page if not enough info is loaded. raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % comicid) addComic.exposed = True def addbyid(self, comicid, calledby=None, imported=None, ogcname=None, nothread=False): mismatch = "no" logger.info('Attempting to add directly by ComicVineID: ' + str(comicid)) if comicid.startswith('4050-'): comicid = re.sub('4050-', '', comicid) if nothread is False: threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[comicid, mismatch, None, imported, ogcname]).start() else: return importer.addComictoDB(comicid, mismatch, None, imported, ogcname) if calledby == True or calledby == 'True': return elif calledby == 'web-import': raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % comicid) addbyid.exposed = True def addStoryArc_thread(self, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=self.addStoryArc, kwargs=kwargs).start() addStoryArc_thread.exposed = True def addStoryArc(self, arcid, arcrefresh=False, cvarcid=None, arclist=None, storyarcname=None, storyarcyear=None, storyarcpublisher=None, storyarcissues=None, desc=None, image=None): # used when a choice is selected to 'add story arc' via the searchresults screen (via the story arc search). # arclist contains ALL the issueid's in sequence, along with the issue titles. # call the function within cv.py to grab all the issueid's and return all the issue data module = '[STORY ARC]' myDB = db.DBConnection() #check if it already exists. if cvarcid is None: arc_chk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=?', [arcid]) else: arc_chk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE CV_ArcID=?', [cvarcid]) if arc_chk is None: if arcrefresh: logger.warn(module + ' Unable to retrieve Story Arc ComicVine ID from the db. Unable to refresh Story Arc at this time. You probably have to delete/readd the story arc this one time for Refreshing to work properly.') return else: logger.fdebug(module + ' No match in db based on ComicVine ID. Making sure and checking against Story Arc Name.') arc_chk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArc=?', [storyarcname]) if arc_chk is None: logger.warn(module + ' ' + storyarcname + ' already exists on your Story Arc Watchlist!') raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("readlist") else: if arcrefresh: #cvarcid must be present here as well.. logger.info(module + '[' + str(arcid) + '] Successfully found Story Arc ComicVine ID [4045-' + str(cvarcid) + '] within db. Preparing to refresh Story Arc.') # we need to store the existing arc values that are in the db, so we don't create duplicate entries or mess up items. iss_arcids = [] for issarc in arc_chk: iss_arcids.append({"IssueArcID": issarc['IssueArcID'], "IssueID": issarc['IssueID'], "Manual": issarc['Manual']}) arcinfo = mb.storyarcinfo(cvarcid) if len(arcinfo) > 1: arclist = arcinfo['arclist'] else: logger.warn(module + ' Unable to retrieve issue details at this time. Something is probably wrong.') return # else: # logger.warn(module + ' ' + storyarcname + ' already exists on your Story Arc Watchlist.') # raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("readlist") #check to makes sure storyarcs dir is present in cache in order to save the images... if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'storyarcs')): checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'storyarcs'), True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('Error trying to validate/create cache storyarc directory. Aborting this process at this time.') return coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'storyarcs', str(cvarcid) + "-banner.jpg") if mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE is None or mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE < 2: time.sleep(2) else: time.sleep(mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE) logger.info('Attempting to retrieve the comic image for series') if arcrefresh: imageurl = arcinfo['comicimage'] else: imageurl = image logger.info('imageurl: %s' % imageurl) try: r = requests.get(imageurl, params=None, stream=True, verify=mylar.CONFIG.CV_VERIFY, headers=mylar.CV_HEADERS) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Unable to download image from CV URL link - possibly no arc picture is present: %s' % imageurl) else: logger.fdebug('comic image retrieval status code: %s' % r.status_code) if str(r.status_code) != '200': logger.warn('Unable to download image from CV URL link: %s [Status Code returned: %s]' % (imageurl, r.status_code)) else: if r.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(r.content) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) with open(coverfile, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() arc_results = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid=None, type='issue', arcid=arcid, arclist=arclist) logger.fdebug('%s Arcresults: %s' % (module, arc_results)) logger.fdebug('%s Arclist: %s' % (module, arclist)) if len(arc_results) > 0: import random issuedata = [] if storyarcissues is None: storyarcissues = len(arc_results['issuechoice']) if arcid is None: storyarcid = str(random.randint(1000,9999)) + str(storyarcissues) else: storyarcid = arcid n = 0 cidlist = '' iscnt = int(storyarcissues) while (n <= iscnt): try: arcval = arc_results['issuechoice'][n] except IndexError: break comicname = arcval['ComicName'] st_d = mylar.filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=comicname) st_dyninfo = st_d.dynamic_replace(comicname) dynamic_name = re.sub('[\|\s]','', st_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'].lower()).strip() issname = arcval['Issue_Name'] issid = str(arcval['IssueID']) comicid = str(arcval['ComicID']) #--- this needs to get changed so comicid within a comicid doesn't exist (ie. 3092 is IN 33092) cid_count = cidlist.count(comicid) +1 a_end = 0 i = 0 while i < cid_count: a = cidlist.find(comicid, a_end) a_end = cidlist.find('|',a) if a_end == -1: a_end = len(cidlist) a_length = cidlist[a:a_end-1] if a == -1 and len(a_length) != len(comicid): if n == 0: cidlist += str(comicid) else: cidlist += '|' + str(comicid) break i+=1 #don't recreate the st_issueid if it's a refresh and the issueid already exists (will create duplicates otherwise) st_issueid = None manual_mod = None if arcrefresh: for aid in iss_arcids: if aid['IssueID'] == issid: st_issueid = aid['IssueArcID'] manual_mod = aid['Manual'] break if st_issueid is None: st_issueid = str(storyarcid) + "_" + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) issnum = arcval['Issue_Number'] issdate = str(arcval['Issue_Date']) digitaldate = str(arcval['Digital_Date']) storedate = str(arcval['Store_Date']) int_issnum = helpers.issuedigits(issnum) #verify the reading order if present. findorder = arclist.find(issid) if findorder != -1: ros = arclist.find('|',findorder+1) if ros != -1: roslen = arclist[findorder:ros] else: #last entry doesn't have a trailling '|' roslen = arclist[findorder:] rosre = re.sub(issid,'', roslen) readingorder = int(re.sub('[\,\|]','', rosre).strip()) else: readingorder = 0 logger.fdebug('[%s] issueid: %s - findorder#: %s' % (readingorder, issid, findorder)) issuedata.append({"ComicID": comicid, "IssueID": issid, "StoryArcID": storyarcid, "IssueArcID": st_issueid, "ComicName": comicname, "DynamicName": dynamic_name, "IssueName": issname, "Issue_Number": issnum, "IssueDate": issdate, "ReleaseDate": storedate, "DigitalDate": digitaldate, "ReadingOrder": readingorder, #n +1, "Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum, "Manual": manual_mod}) n+=1 comicid_results = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid=None, type='comicyears', comicidlist=cidlist) logger.fdebug('%s Initiating issue updating - just the info' % module) for AD in issuedata: seriesYear = 'None' issuePublisher = 'None' seriesVolume = 'None' if AD['IssueName'] is None: IssueName = 'None' else: IssueName = AD['IssueName'][:70] for cid in comicid_results: if cid['ComicID'] == AD['ComicID']: seriesYear = cid['SeriesYear'] issuePublisher = cid['Publisher'] seriesVolume = cid['Volume'] bookType = cid['Type'] seriesAliases = cid['Aliases'] if storyarcpublisher is None: #assume that the arc is the same storyarcpublisher = issuePublisher break newCtrl = {"IssueID": AD['IssueID'], "StoryArcID": AD['StoryArcID']} newVals = {"ComicID": AD['ComicID'], "IssueArcID": AD['IssueArcID'], "StoryArc": storyarcname, "ComicName": AD['ComicName'], "Volume": seriesVolume, "DynamicComicName": AD['DynamicName'], "IssueName": IssueName, "IssueNumber": AD['Issue_Number'], "Publisher": storyarcpublisher, "TotalIssues": storyarcissues, "ReadingOrder": AD['ReadingOrder'], "IssueDate": AD['IssueDate'], "ReleaseDate": AD['ReleaseDate'], "DigitalDate": AD['DigitalDate'], "SeriesYear": seriesYear, "IssuePublisher": issuePublisher, "CV_ArcID": arcid, "Int_IssueNumber": AD['Int_IssueNumber'], "Type": bookType, "Aliases": seriesAliases, "Manual": AD['Manual']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVals, newCtrl) #run the Search for Watchlist matches now. logger.fdebug(module + ' Now searching your watchlist for matches belonging to this story arc.') self.ArcWatchlist(storyarcid) if arcrefresh: logger.info('%s Successfully Refreshed %s' % (module, storyarcname)) return else: logger.info('%s Successfully Added %s' % (module, storyarcname)) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("detailStoryArc?StoryArcID=%s&StoryArcName=%s" % (storyarcid, storyarcname)) addStoryArc.exposed = True def wanted_Export(self,mode): import unicodedata myDB = db.DBConnection() wantlist = myDB.select("select b.ComicName, b.ComicYear, a.Issue_Number, a.IssueDate, a.ComicID, a.IssueID from issues a inner join comics b on a.ComicID=b.ComicID where a.status=? and b.ComicName is not NULL", [mode]) if wantlist is None: logger.info("There aren't any issues marked as " + mode + ". Aborting Export.") return #write out a wanted_list.csv logger.info("gathered data - writing to csv...") wanted_file = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, str(mode) + "_list.csv") if os.path.exists(wanted_file): try: os.remove(wanted_file) except (OSError, IOError): wanted_file_new = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, str(mode) + '_list-1.csv') logger.warn('%s already exists. Writing to: %s' % (wanted_file, wanted_file_new)) wanted_file = wanted_file_new wcount=0 with open(wanted_file, 'wb+') as f: try: fieldnames = ['SeriesName','SeriesYear','IssueNumber','IssueDate','ComicID','IssueID'] writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() for want in wantlist: writer.writerow({'SeriesName': want['ComicName'], 'SeriesYear': want['ComicYear'], 'IssueNumber': want['Issue_Number'], 'IssueDate': want['IssueDate'], 'ComicID': want['ComicID'], 'IssueID': want['IssueID']}) wcount += 1 except IOError as Argument: logger.info("Error writing value to {}. {}".format(wanted_file, Argument)) except Exception as Argument: logger.info("Unknown error: {}".format(Argument)) if wcount > 0: logger.info('Successfully wrote to csv file %s entries from your %s list.' % (wcount, mode)) else: logger.info('Nothing written to csv file for your %s list.' % mode) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") wanted_Export.exposed = True def from_Exceptions(self, comicid, gcdid, comicname=None, comicyear=None, comicissues=None, comicpublisher=None, imported=None, ogcname=None): import unicodedata mismatch = "yes" #write it to the custom_exceptions.csv and reload it so that importer will pick it up and do it's thing :) #custom_exceptions in this format... #99, (comicid), (gcdid), none logger.info("saving new information into custom_exceptions.csv...") except_info = "none #" + str(comicname) + "-(" + str(comicyear) + ")\n" except_file = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, "custom_exceptions.csv") if not os.path.exists(except_file): try: csvfile = open(str(except_file), 'rb') csvfile.close() except (OSError, IOError): logger.error("Could not locate " + str(except_file) + " file. Make sure it's in datadir: " + mylar.DATA_DIR + " with proper permissions.") return exceptln = "99," + str(comicid) + "," + str(gcdid) + "," + str(except_info) exceptline = exceptln.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') with open(str(except_file), 'a') as f: #f.write('%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ("99", comicid, gcdid, except_info) f.write('%s\n' % (exceptline.encode('ascii', 'replace').strip())) logger.info("re-loading csv file so it's all nice and current.") mylar.csv_load() if imported: threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[comicid, mismatch, None, imported, ogcname]).start() else: threading.Thread(target=importer.addComictoDB, args=[comicid, mismatch]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % comicid) from_Exceptions.exposed = True def GCDaddComic(self, comicid, comicname=None, comicyear=None, comicissues=None, comiccover=None, comicpublisher=None): #since we already know most of the info, let's add it to the db so we can reference it later. myDB = db.DBConnection() gcomicid = "G" + str(comicid) comicyear_len = comicyear.find(' ', 2) comyear = comicyear[comicyear_len +1:comicyear_len +5] if comyear.isdigit(): logger.fdebug("Series year set to : " + str(comyear)) else: logger.fdebug("Invalid Series year detected - trying to adjust from " + str(comyear)) #comicyear_len above will trap wrong year if it's 10 October 2010 - etc ( 2000 AD)... find_comicyear = comicyear.split() for i in find_comicyear: if len(i) == 4: logger.fdebug("Series year detected as : " + str(i)) comyear = str(i) continue logger.fdebug("Series year set to: " + str(comyear)) controlValueDict = {'ComicID': gcomicid} newValueDict = {'ComicName': comicname, 'ComicYear': comyear, 'ComicPublished': comicyear, 'ComicPublisher': comicpublisher, 'ComicImage': comiccover, 'Total': comicissues} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) threading.Thread(target=importer.GCDimport, args=[gcomicid]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % gcomicid) GCDaddComic.exposed = True def post_process(self, nzb_name, nzb_folder, failed=False, apc_version=None, comicrn_version=None): if all([nzb_name != 'Manual Run', nzb_name != 'Manual+Run']): if comicrn_version is None and apc_version is None: logger.warn('ComicRN should be v' + str(mylar.STATIC_COMICRN_VERSION) + ' and autoProcessComics.py should be v' + str(mylar.STATIC_APC_VERSION) + ', but they are not and are out of date. Post-Processing may or may not work.') elif comicrn_version is None or comicrn_version != mylar.STATIC_COMICRN_VERSION: if comicrn_version == 'None': comicrn_version = "0" logger.warn('Your ComicRN.py script should be v' + str(mylar.STATIC_COMICRN_VERSION) + ', but is v' + str(comicrn_version) + ' and is out of date. Things may still work - but you are taking your chances.') elif apc_version is None or apc_version != mylar.STATIC_APC_VERSION: if apc_version == 'None': apc_version = "0" if mylar.CONFIG.AUTHENTICATION == 2: logger.warn('YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR autoProcessComics.py file in order to use this option with the Forms Login enabled due to security.') logger.warn('Your autoProcessComics.py script should be v' + str(mylar.STATIC_APC_VERSION) + ', but is v' + str(apc_version) + ' and is out of date. Odds are something is gonna fail - you should update it.') else: logger.info('ComicRN.py version: ' + str(comicrn_version) + ' -- autoProcessComics.py version: ' + str(apc_version)) import Queue logger.info('Starting postprocessing for : ' + nzb_name) if failed == '0': failed = False elif failed == '1': failed = True queue = Queue.Queue() retry_outside = False if not failed: PostProcess = PostProcessor.PostProcessor(nzb_name, nzb_folder, queue=queue) if nzb_name == 'Manual Run' or nzb_name == 'Manual+Run': threading.Thread(target=PostProcess.Process).start() #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") else: thread_ = threading.Thread(target=PostProcess.Process, name="Post-Processing") thread_.start() thread_.join() chk = queue.get() while True: if chk[0]['mode'] == 'fail': yield chk[0]['self.log'] logger.info('Initiating Failed Download handling') if chk[0]['annchk'] == 'no': mode = 'want' else: mode = 'want_ann' failed = True break elif chk[0]['mode'] == 'stop': yield chk[0]['self.log'] break elif chk[0]['mode'] == 'outside': yield chk[0]['self.log'] retry_outside = True break else: logger.error('mode is unsupported: ' + chk[0]['mode']) yield chk[0]['self.log'] break if failed: if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING is True: #drop the if-else continuation so we can drop down to this from the above if statement. logger.info('Initiating Failed Download handling for this download.') FailProcess = Failed.FailedProcessor(nzb_name=nzb_name, nzb_folder=nzb_folder, queue=queue) thread_ = threading.Thread(target=FailProcess.Process, name="FAILED Post-Processing") thread_.start() thread_.join() failchk = queue.get() if failchk[0]['mode'] == 'retry': yield failchk[0]['self.log'] logger.info('Attempting to return to search module with ' + str(failchk[0]['issueid'])) if failchk[0]['annchk'] == 'no': mode = 'want' else: mode = 'want_ann' self.queueit(mode=mode, ComicName=failchk[0]['comicname'], ComicIssue=failchk[0]['issuenumber'], ComicID=failchk[0]['comicid'], IssueID=failchk[0]['issueid'], manualsearch=True) elif failchk[0]['mode'] == 'stop': yield failchk[0]['self.log'] else: logger.error('mode is unsupported: ' + failchk[0]['mode']) yield failchk[0]['self.log'] else: logger.warn('Failed Download Handling is not enabled. Leaving Failed Download as-is.') if retry_outside: PostProcess = PostProcessor.PostProcessor('Manual Run', nzb_folder, queue=queue) thread_ = threading.Thread(target=PostProcess.Process, name="Post-Processing") thread_.start() thread_.join() chk = queue.get() while True: if chk[0]['mode'] == 'fail': yield chk[0]['self.log'] logger.info('Initiating Failed Download handling') if chk[0]['annchk'] == 'no': mode = 'want' else: mode = 'want_ann' failed = True break elif chk[0]['mode'] == 'stop': yield chk[0]['self.log'] break else: logger.error('mode is unsupported: ' + chk[0]['mode']) yield chk[0]['self.log'] break return post_process.exposed = True def pauseSeries(self, ComicID): logger.info(u"Pausing comic: " + ComicID) myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Paused'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) pauseSeries.exposed = True def resumeSeries(self, ComicID): logger.info(u"Resuming comic: " + ComicID) myDB = db.DBConnection() controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Active'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) resumeSeries.exposed = True def deleteSeries(self, ComicID, delete_dir=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() comic = myDB.selectone('SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() if comic['ComicName'] is None: ComicName = "None" else: ComicName = comic['ComicName'] seriesdir = comic['ComicLocation'] seriesyear = comic['ComicYear'] seriesvol = comic['ComicVersion'] logger.info(u"Deleting all traces of Comic: " + ComicName) myDB.action('DELETE from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) myDB.action('DELETE from issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: myDB.action('DELETE from annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) myDB.action('DELETE from upcoming WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) if delete_dir: #mylar.CONFIG.DELETE_REMOVE_DIR: logger.fdebug('Remove directory on series removal enabled.') if os.path.exists(seriesdir): logger.fdebug('Attempting to remove the directory and contents of : ' + seriesdir) try: shutil.rmtree(seriesdir) except: logger.warn('Unable to remove directory after removing series from Mylar.') else: logger.info('Successfully removed directory: %s' % (seriesdir)) else: logger.warn('Unable to remove directory as it does not exist in : ' + seriesdir) myDB.action('DELETE from readlist WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]) logger.info('Successful deletion of %s %s (%s) from your watchlist' % (ComicName, seriesvol, seriesyear)) helpers.ComicSort(sequence='update') raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") deleteSeries.exposed = True def wipenzblog(self, ComicID=None, IssueID=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if ComicID is None: logger.fdebug("Wiping NZBLOG in it's entirety. You should NOT be downloading while doing this or else you'll lose the log for the download.") myDB.action('DROP table nzblog') logger.fdebug("Deleted nzblog table.") myDB.action('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nzblog (IssueID TEXT, NZBName TEXT, SARC TEXT, PROVIDER TEXT, ID TEXT, AltNZBName TEXT, OneOff TEXT)') logger.fdebug("Re-created nzblog table.") raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("history") if IssueID: logger.fdebug('Removing all download history for the given IssueID. This should allow post-processing to finish for the given IssueID.') myDB.action('DELETE FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]) logger.fdebug('Successfully removed all entries in the download log for IssueID: ' + str(IssueID)) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("history") wipenzblog.exposed = True def refreshSeries(self, ComicID): comicsToAdd = [ComicID] logger.fdebug("Refreshing comic: %s" % comicsToAdd) #myDB = db.DBConnection() #myDB.upsert('comics', {'Status': 'Loading'}, {'ComicID': ComicID}) #threading.Thread(target=updater.dbUpdate, args=[comicsToAdd,'refresh']).start() updater.dbUpdate(comicsToAdd, 'refresh') refreshSeries.exposed = True def issue_edit(self, id, value): logger.fdebug('id: ' + str(id)) logger.fdebug('value: ' + str(value)) comicid = id[:id.find('.')] logger.fdebug('comicid:' + str(comicid)) issueid = id[id.find('.') +1:] logger.fdebug('issueid:' + str(issueid)) myDB = db.DBConnection() comicchk = myDB.selectone('SELECT ComicYear FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone() issuechk = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone() if issuechk is None: logger.error('Cannot edit this for some reason - something is wrong.') return oldissuedate = issuechk['IssueDate'] seriesyear = comicchk['ComicYear'] issuenumber = issuechk['Issue_Number'] #check if the new date is in the correct format of yyyy-mm-dd try: valid_date = time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: logger.error('invalid date provided. Rejecting edit.') return oldissuedate #if the new issue year is less than the series year - reject it. if value[:4] < seriesyear: logger.error('Series year of ' + str(seriesyear) + ' is less than new issue date of ' + str(value[:4])) return oldissuedate newVal = {"IssueDate": value, "IssueDate_Edit": oldissuedate} ctrlVal = {"IssueID": issueid} myDB.upsert("issues", newVal, ctrlVal) logger.info('Updated Issue Date for issue #' + str(issuenumber)) return value issue_edit.exposed=True def force_rss(self): logger.info('Attempting to run RSS Check Forcibly') forcethis = mylar.rsscheckit.tehMain() threading.Thread(target=forcethis.run, args=[True]).start() force_rss.exposed = True def markannuals(self, ann_action=None, **args): self.markissues(ann_action, **args) markannuals.exposed = True def markissues(self, action=None, **args): myDB = db.DBConnection() issuesToAdd = [] issuestoArchive = [] if action == 'WantedNew': newaction = 'Wanted' else: newaction = action for IssueID in args: if any([IssueID is None, 'issue_table' in IssueID, 'history_table' in IssueID, 'manage_issues' in IssueID, 'issue_table_length' in IssueID, 'issues' in IssueID, 'annuals' in IssueID, 'annual_table_length' in IssueID]): continue else: mi = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() annchk = 'no' if mi is None: if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: mi = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() comicname = mi['ReleaseComicName'] annchk = 'yes' else: comicname = mi['ComicName'] miyr = myDB.selectone("SELECT ComicYear FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [mi['ComicID']]).fetchone() if action == 'Downloaded': if mi['Status'] == "Skipped" or mi['Status'] == "Wanted": logger.fdebug(u"Cannot change status to %s as comic is not Snatched or Downloaded" % (newaction)) continue elif action == 'Archived': logger.fdebug(u"Marking %s %s as %s" % (comicname, mi['Issue_Number'], newaction)) #updater.forceRescan(mi['ComicID']) issuestoArchive.append(IssueID) elif action == 'Wanted' or action == 'Retry': if mi['Status'] == 'Wanted': logger.fdebug('Issue already set to Wanted status - no need to change it again.') continue if action == 'Retry': newaction = 'Wanted' logger.fdebug(u"Marking %s %s as %s" % (comicname, mi['Issue_Number'], newaction)) issuesToAdd.append(IssueID) elif action == 'Skipped': logger.fdebug(u"Marking " + str(IssueID) + " as Skipped") elif action == 'Clear': myDB.action("DELETE FROM snatched WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]) elif action == 'Failed' and mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING: logger.fdebug('Marking [' + comicname + '] : ' + str(IssueID) + ' as Failed. Sending to failed download handler.') failedcomicid = mi['ComicID'] failedissueid = IssueID break controlValueDict = {"IssueID": IssueID} newValueDict = {"Status": newaction} if annchk == 'yes': myDB.upsert("annuals", newValueDict, controlValueDict) else: myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) logger.fdebug("updated...to " + str(newaction)) if action == 'Failed' and mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING: self.failed_handling(failedcomicid, failedissueid) if len(issuestoArchive) > 0: updater.forceRescan(mi['ComicID']) if len(issuesToAdd) > 0: logger.fdebug("Marking issues: %s as Wanted" % (issuesToAdd)) threading.Thread(target=search.searchIssueIDList, args=[issuesToAdd]).start() #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % mi['ComicID']) markissues.exposed = True def markentries(self, action=None, **args): myDB = db.DBConnection() cnt = 0 for ID in args: logger.info(ID) if any([ID is None, 'manage_failed_length' in ID]): continue else: myDB.action("DELETE FROM Failed WHERE ID=?", [ID]) cnt+=1 logger.info('[DB FAILED CLEANSING] Cleared ' + str(cnt) + ' entries from the Failed DB so they will now be downloaded if available/working.') markentries.exposed = True def retryit(self, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=self.retryissue, kwargs=kwargs).start() retryit.exposed = True def retryissue(self, ComicName, ComicID, IssueID, IssueNumber, ReleaseComicID=None, ComicYear=None, redirect=None): logger.info('ComicID:' + str(ComicID)) logger.info('Retrying : ' + str(IssueID)) # mode = either series or annual (want vs. want_ann) #To retry the exact download again - we already have the nzb/torrent name stored in the nzblog. #0 - Change status to Retrying. #1 - we need to search the snatched table for the relevant information (since it HAS to be in snatched status) #2 - we need to reference the ID from the snatched table to the nzblog table # - if it doesn't match, then it's an invalid retry. # - if it does match, we get the nzbname/torrent name and provider info #3 - if it's an nzb - we recreate the sab/nzbget url and resubmit it directly. # - if it's a torrent - we redownload the torrent and flip it to the watchdir on the local / seedbox. #4 - Change status to Snatched. myDB = db.DBConnection() chk_snatch = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM snatched WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]) if chk_snatch is None: logger.info('Unable to locate how issue was downloaded (name, provider). Cannot continue.') return providers_snatched = [] confirmedsnatch = False for cs in chk_snatch: if cs['Provider'] == 'CBT' or cs['Provider'] == 'KAT': logger.info('Invalid provider attached to download (' + cs['Provider'] + '). I cannot find this on 32P, so ignoring this result.') elif cs['Status'] == 'Snatched': logger.info('Located snatched download:') logger.info('--Referencing : ' + cs['Provider'] + ' @ ' + str(cs['DateAdded'])) providers_snatched.append({'Provider': cs['Provider'], 'DateAdded': cs['DateAdded']}) confirmedsnatch = True elif (cs['Status'] == 'Post-Processed' or cs['Status'] == 'Downloaded') and confirmedsnatch == True: logger.info('Issue has already been Snatched, Downloaded & Post-Processed.') logger.info('You should be using Manual Search or Mark Wanted - not retry the same download.') #return if len(providers_snatched) == 0: return chk_logresults = [] for ps in sorted(providers_snatched, key=itemgetter('DateAdded', 'Provider'), reverse=True): try: Provider_sql = '%' + ps['Provider'] + '%' chk_the_log = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=? AND Provider like (?)', [IssueID, Provider_sql]).fetchone() except: logger.warn('Unable to locate provider reference for attempted Retry. Will see if I can just get the last attempted download.') chk_the_log = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=? and Provider != "CBT" and Provider != "KAT"', [IssueID]).fetchone() if chk_the_log is None: if len(providers_snatched) == 1: logger.info('Unable to locate provider information ' + ps['Provider'] + ' from nzblog - if you wiped the log, you have to search/download as per normal') return else: logger.info('Unable to locate provider information ' + ps['Provider'] + ' from nzblog. Checking additional providers that came back as being used to download this issue') continue else: chk_logresults.append({'NZBName': chk_the_log['NZBName'], 'ID': chk_the_log['ID'], 'PROVIDER': chk_the_log['PROVIDER']}) if all([ComicYear is not None, ComicYear != 'None']) and all([IssueID is not None, IssueID != 'None']): getYear = myDB.selectone('SELECT IssueDate, ReleaseDate FROM Issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if getYear is None: logger.warn('Unable to retrieve valid Issue Date for Retry of Issue (Try to refresh the series and then try again.') return if getYear['IssueDate'][:4] == '0000': if getYear['ReleaseDate'][:4] == '0000': logger.warn('Unable to retrieve valid Issue Date for Retry of Issue (Try to refresh the series and then try again.') return else: ComicYear = getYear['ReleaseDate'][:4] else: ComicYear = getYear['IssueDate'][:4] for chk_log in chk_logresults: nzbname = chk_log['NZBName'] id = chk_log['ID'] fullprov = chk_log['PROVIDER'] #the full newznab name if it exists will appear here as 'sitename (newznab)' #now we break it down by provider to recreate the link. #torrents first. if any([fullprov == '32P', fullprov == 'WWT', fullprov == 'DEM']): if not mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENT_SEARCH: logger.error('Torrent Providers are not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') continue if fullprov == '32P': if not mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_32P: logger.error('32P is not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') continue elif any([fullprov == 'WWT', fullprov == 'DEM']): if not mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_PUBLIC: logger.error('Public Torrents are not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') continue logger.fdebug("sending .torrent to watchdir.") logger.fdebug("ComicName:" + ComicName) logger.fdebug("Torrent Provider:" + fullprov) logger.fdebug("Torrent ID:" + str(id)) rcheck = mylar.rsscheck.torsend2client(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, id, fullprov) if rcheck == "fail": logger.error("Unable to send torrent - check logs and settings.") continue else: if any([mylar.USE_RTORRENT, mylar.USE_DELUGE]) and mylar.CONFIG.AUTO_SNATCH: mylar.SNATCHED_QUEUE.put(rcheck['hash']) elif mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_SNATCH_SCRIPT: #packs not supported on retry atm - Volume and Issuedate also not included due to limitations... snatch_vars = {'comicinfo': {'comicname': ComicName, 'issuenumber': IssueNumber, 'seriesyear': ComicYear, 'comicid': ComicID, 'issueid': IssueID}, 'pack': False, 'pack_numbers': None, 'pack_issuelist': None, 'provider': fullprov, 'method': 'torrent', 'clientmode': rcheck['clientmode'], 'torrentinfo': rcheck} snatchitup = helpers.script_env('on-snatch',snatch_vars) if snatchitup is True: logger.info('Successfully submitted on-grab script as requested.') else: logger.info('Could not Successfully submit on-grab script as requested. Please check logs...') logger.info('Successfully retried issue.') break else: oneoff = False chkthis = myDB.selectone('SELECT a.ComicID, a.ComicName, a.ComicVersion, a.ComicYear, b.IssueID, b.Issue_Number, b.IssueDate FROM comics as a INNER JOIN annuals as b ON a.ComicID = b.ComicID WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if chkthis is None: chkthis = myDB.selectone('SELECT a.ComicID, a.ComicName, a.ComicVersion, a.ComicYear, b.IssueID, b.Issue_Number, b.IssueDate FROM comics as a INNER JOIN issues as b ON a.ComicID = b.ComicID WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if chkthis is None: chkthis = myDB.selectone('SELECT ComicID, ComicName, year as ComicYear, IssueID, IssueNumber as Issue_number, weeknumber, year from oneoffhistory WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if chkthis is None: logger.warn('Unable to locate previous snatch details (checked issues/annuals/one-offs). Retrying the snatch for this issue is unavailable.') continue else: logger.fdebug('Successfully located issue as a one-off download initiated via pull-list. Let\'s do this....') oneoff = True modcomicname = chkthis['ComicName'] else: modcomicname = chkthis['ComicName'] + ' Annual' if oneoff is True: weekchk = helpers.weekly_info(chkthis['weeknumber'], chkthis['year']) IssueDate = weekchk['midweek'] ComicVersion = None else: IssueDate = chkthis['IssueDate'] ComicVersion = chkthis['ComicVersion'] comicinfo = [] comicinfo.append({"ComicName": chkthis['ComicName'], "ComicVolume": ComicVersion, "IssueNumber": chkthis['Issue_Number'], "comyear": chkthis['ComicYear'], "IssueDate": IssueDate, "pack": False, "modcomicname": modcomicname, "oneoff": oneoff}) newznabinfo = None link = None if fullprov == 'nzb.su': if not mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU: logger.error('nzb.su is not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') continue # http://nzb.su/getnzb/ea1befdeee0affd663735b2b09010140.nzb&i=&r= link = 'http://nzb.su/getnzb/' + str(id) + '.nzb&i=' + str(mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU_UID) + '&r=' + str(mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU_APIKEY) logger.info('fetched via nzb.su. Retrying the send : ' + str(link)) elif fullprov == 'dognzb': if not mylar.CONFIG.DOGNZB: logger.error('Dognzb is not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') continue # https://dognzb.cr/fetch/5931874bf7381b274f647712b796f0ac/ link = 'https://dognzb.cr/fetch/' + str(id) + '/' + str(mylar.CONFIG.DOGNZB_APIKEY) logger.info('fetched via dognzb. Retrying the send : ' + str(link)) elif fullprov == 'experimental': if not mylar.CONFIG.EXPERIMENTAL: logger.error('Experimental is not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') continue # http://nzbindex.nl/download/110818178 link = 'http://nzbindex.nl/download/' + str(id) logger.info('fetched via experimental. Retrying the send : ' + str(link)) elif 'newznab' in fullprov: if not mylar.CONFIG.NEWZNAB: logger.error('Newznabs are not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') continue # # trickier - we have to scroll through all the newznabs until we find a match. logger.info('fetched via newnzab. Retrying the send.') m = re.findall('[^()]+', fullprov) tmpprov = m[0].strip() for newznab_info in mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS: if tmpprov.lower() in newznab_info[0].lower(): if (newznab_info[5] == '1' or newznab_info[5] == 1): if newznab_info[1].endswith('/'): newznab_host = newznab_info[1] else: newznab_host = newznab_info[1] + '/' newznab_api = newznab_info[3] newznab_uid = newznab_info[4] link = str(newznab_host) + '/api?apikey=' + str(newznab_api) + '&t=get&id=' + str(id) logger.info('newznab detected as : ' + str(newznab_info[0]) + ' @ ' + str(newznab_host)) logger.info('link : ' + str(link)) newznabinfo = (newznab_info[0], newznab_info[1], newznab_info[2], newznab_info[3], newznab_info[4]) else: logger.error(str(newznab_info[0]) + ' is not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') break if link is not None: sendit = search.searcher(fullprov, nzbname, comicinfo, link=link, IssueID=IssueID, ComicID=ComicID, tmpprov=fullprov, directsend=True, newznab=newznabinfo) break return retryissue.exposed = True def queueit(self, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=self.queueissue, kwargs=kwargs).start() queueit.exposed = True def queueissue(self, mode, ComicName=None, ComicID=None, ComicYear=None, ComicIssue=None, IssueID=None, new=False, redirect=None, SeriesYear=None, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None, manualsearch=None, Publisher=None, pullinfo=None, pullweek=None, pullyear=None, manual=False, ComicVersion=None, BookType=None): logger.fdebug('ComicID: %s' % ComicID) logger.fdebug('mode: %s' % mode) now = datetime.datetime.now() myDB = db.DBConnection() #mode dictates type of queue - either 'want' for individual comics, or 'series' for series watchlist. if ComicID is None and mode == 'series': issue = None raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("searchit?name=%s&issue=%s&mode=%s" % (ComicName, 'None', 'series')) elif ComicID is None and mode == 'pullseries': # we can limit the search by including the issue # and searching for # comics that have X many issues raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("searchit?name=%s&issue=%s&mode=%s" % (ComicName, 'None', 'pullseries')) elif ComicID is None and mode == 'readlist': # this is for marking individual comics from a readlist to be downloaded. # Because there is no associated ComicID or IssueID, follow same pattern as in 'pullwant' # except we know the Year if len(ComicYear) > 4: ComicYear = ComicYear[:4] if SARC is None: # it's just a readlist queue (no storyarc mode enabled) SARC = True IssueArcID = None else: logger.info('Story Arc : %s queueing selected issue...' % SARC) logger.fdebug('IssueArcID : %s' % IssueArcID) #try to load the issue dates - can now sideload issue details. dateload = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?', [IssueArcID]).fetchone() if dateload is None: IssueDate = None ReleaseDate = None Publisher = None SeriesYear = None else: IssueDate = dateload['IssueDate'] ReleaseDate = dateload['ReleaseDate'] Publisher = dateload['IssuePublisher'] SeriesYear = dateload['SeriesYear'] BookType = dateload['Type'] if ComicYear is None: ComicYear = SeriesYear if dateload['Volume'] is None: logger.info('Marking %s #%s as wanted...' % (ComicName, ComicIssue)) else: logger.info('Marking %s (%s) #%s as wanted...' % (ComicName, dateload['Volume'], ComicIssue)) logger.fdebug('publisher: %s' % Publisher) controlValueDict = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID} newStatus = {"Status": "Wanted"} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newStatus, controlValueDict) moduletype = '[STORY-ARCS]' passinfo = {'issueid': IssueArcID, 'comicname': ComicName, 'seriesyear': SeriesYear, 'comicid': ComicID, 'issuenumber': ComicIssue, 'booktype': BookType} elif mode == 'pullwant': #and ComicID is None #this is for marking individual comics from the pullist to be downloaded. #--comicid & issueid may both be known (or either) at any given point if alt_pull = 2 #because ComicID and IssueID will both be None due to pullist, it's probably #better to set both to some generic #, and then filter out later... IssueDate = pullinfo try: SeriesYear = IssueDate[:4] except: SeriesYear == now.year if Publisher == 'COMICS': Publisher = None moduletype = '[PULL-LIST]' passinfo = {'issueid': IssueID, 'comicname': ComicName, 'seriesyear': SeriesYear, 'comicid': ComicID, 'issuenumber': ComicIssue, 'booktype': BookType} elif mode == 'want' or mode == 'want_ann' or manualsearch: cdname = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics where ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() ComicName_Filesafe = cdname['ComicName_Filesafe'] SeriesYear = cdname['ComicYear'] AlternateSearch = cdname['AlternateSearch'] Publisher = cdname['ComicPublisher'] UseAFuzzy = cdname['UseFuzzy'] AllowPacks= cdname['AllowPacks'] ComicVersion = cdname['ComicVersion'] ComicName = cdname['ComicName'] TorrentID_32p = cdname['TorrentID_32P'] BookType = cdname['Type'] controlValueDict = {"IssueID": IssueID} newStatus = {"Status": "Wanted"} if mode == 'want': if manualsearch: logger.info('Initiating manual search for %s issue: %s' % (ComicName, ComicIssue)) else: logger.info('Marking %s issue: %s as wanted...' % (ComicName, ComicIssue)) myDB.upsert("issues", newStatus, controlValueDict) else: annual_name = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? and IssueID=?", [ComicID, IssueID]).fetchone() if annual_name is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to locate.') else: ComicName = annual_name['ReleaseComicName'] if manualsearch: logger.info('Initiating manual search for %s : %s' % (ComicName, ComicIssue)) else: logger.info('Marking %s : %s as wanted...' % (ComicName, ComicIssue)) myDB.upsert("annuals", newStatus, controlValueDict) moduletype = '[WANTED-SEARCH]' passinfo = {'issueid': IssueID, 'comicname': ComicName, 'seriesyear': SeriesYear, 'comicid': ComicID, 'issuenumber': ComicIssue, 'booktype': BookType} if mode == 'want': issues = myDB.selectone("SELECT IssueDate, ReleaseDate FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() elif mode == 'want_ann': issues = myDB.selectone("SELECT IssueDate, ReleaseDate FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if ComicYear == None: ComicYear = str(issues['IssueDate'])[:4] if issues['ReleaseDate'] is None or issues['ReleaseDate'] == '0000-00-00': logger.info('No Store Date found for given issue. This is probably due to not Refreshing the Series beforehand.') logger.info('I Will assume IssueDate as Store Date, but you should probably Refresh the Series and try again if required.') storedate = issues['IssueDate'] else: storedate = issues['ReleaseDate'] if BookType == 'TPB': logger.info('%s[%s] Now Queueing %s (%s) for search' % (moduletype, BookType, ComicName, SeriesYear)) elif ComicIssue is None: logger.info('%s Now Queueing %s (%s) for search' % (moduletype, ComicName, SeriesYear)) else: logger.info('%s Now Queueing %s (%s) #%s for search' % (moduletype, ComicName, SeriesYear, ComicIssue)) #s = mylar.SEARCH_QUEUE.put({'issueid': IssueID, 'comicname': ComicName, 'seriesyear': SeriesYear, 'comicid': ComicID, 'issuenumber': ComicIssue, 'booktype': BookType}) s = mylar.SEARCH_QUEUE.put(passinfo) if manualsearch: # if it's a manual search, return to null here so the thread will die and not cause http redirect errors. return if ComicID: return cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) else: return #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect) queueissue.exposed = True def unqueueissue(self, IssueID, ComicID, ComicName=None, Issue=None, FutureID=None, mode=None, ReleaseComicID=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if ComicName is None: if ReleaseComicID is None: #ReleaseComicID is used for annuals. issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() else: issue = None annchk = 'no' if issue is None: if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: if ReleaseComicID is None: issann = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() else: issann = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ReleaseComicID=?', [IssueID, ReleaseComicID]).fetchone() ComicName = issann['ReleaseComicName'] IssueNumber = issann['Issue_Number'] annchk = 'yes' ComicID = issann['ComicID'] ReleaseComicID = issann['ReleaseComicID'] else: ComicName = issue['ComicName'] IssueNumber = issue['Issue_Number'] controlValueDict = {"IssueID": IssueID} if mode == 'failed' and mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING: logger.info(u"Marking " + ComicName + " issue # " + IssueNumber + " as Failed...") newValueDict = {"Status": "Failed"} myDB.upsert("failed", newValueDict, controlValueDict) if annchk == 'yes': myDB.upsert("annuals", newValueDict, controlValueDict) else: myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) self.failed_handling(ComicID=ComicID, IssueID=IssueID) else: logger.info(u"Marking " + ComicName + " issue # " + IssueNumber + " as Skipped...") newValueDict = {"Status": "Skipped"} if annchk == 'yes': myDB.upsert("annuals", newValueDict, controlValueDict) else: myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) else: #if ComicName is not None, then it's from the FuturePull list that we're 'unwanting' an issue. #ComicID may be present if it's a watch from the Watchlist, otherwise it won't exist. if ComicID is not None and ComicID != 'None': logger.info('comicid present:' + str(ComicID)) thefuture = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM future WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() else: logger.info('FutureID: ' + str(FutureID)) logger.info('no comicid - ComicName: ' + str(ComicName) + ' -- Issue: #' + Issue) thefuture = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM future WHERE FutureID=?', [FutureID]).fetchone() if thefuture is None: logger.info('Cannot find the corresponding issue in the Futures List for some reason. This is probably an Error.') else: logger.info('Marking ' + thefuture['COMIC'] + ' issue # ' + thefuture['ISSUE'] + ' as skipped...') if ComicID is not None and ComicID != 'None': cVDict = {"ComicID": thefuture['ComicID']} else: cVDict = {"FutureID": thefuture['FutureID']} nVDict = {"Status": "Skipped"} logger.info('cVDict:' + str(cVDict)) logger.info('nVDict:' + str(nVDict)) myDB.upsert("future", nVDict, cVDict) unqueueissue.exposed = True def failed_handling(self, ComicID, IssueID): import Queue queue = Queue.Queue() FailProcess = Failed.FailedProcessor(issueid=IssueID, comicid=ComicID, queue=queue) thread_ = threading.Thread(target=FailProcess.Process, name="FAILED Post-Processing") thread_.start() thread_.join() failchk = queue.get() if failchk[0]['mode'] == 'retry': logger.info('Attempting to return to search module with ' + str(failchk[0]['issueid'])) if failchk[0]['annchk'] == 'no': mode = 'want' else: mode = 'want_ann' self.queueit(mode=mode, ComicName=failchk[0]['comicname'], ComicIssue=failchk[0]['issuenumber'], ComicID=failchk[0]['comicid'], IssueID=failchk[0]['issueid'], manualsearch=True) elif failchk[0]['mode'] == 'stop': pass else: logger.error('mode is unsupported: ' + failchk[0]['mode']) failed_handling.exposed = True def archiveissue(self, IssueID, comicid): myDB = db.DBConnection() issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() annchk = 'no' if issue is None: if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: issann = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() comicname = issann['ReleaseComicName'] issue = issann['Issue_Number'] annchk = 'yes' comicid = issann['ComicID'] else: comicname = issue['ComicName'] issue = issue['Issue_Number'] logger.info(u"Marking " + comicname + " issue # " + str(issue) + " as archived...") controlValueDict = {'IssueID': IssueID} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Archived'} if annchk == 'yes': myDB.upsert("annuals", newValueDict, controlValueDict) else: myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % comicid) archiveissue.exposed = True def pullSearch(self, week, year): myDB = db.DBConnection() #retrieve a list of all the issues that are in a Wanted state from the pull that we can search for. ps = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly WHERE Status='Wanted' AND weeknumber=? AND year=?", [int(week), year]) if ps is None: logger.info('No items are marked as Wanted on the pullist to be searched for at this time') return issuesToSearch = [] for p in ps: if p['IssueID'] is not None: issuesToSearch.append(p['IssueID']) if len(issuesToSearch) > 0: logger.info('Now force searching for ' + str(len(issuesToSearch)) + ' issues from the pullist for week ' + str(week)) threading.Thread(target=search.searchIssueIDList, args=[issuesToSearch]).start() else: logger.info('Issues are marked as Wanted, but no issue information is available yet so I cannot search for anything. Try Recreating the pullist if you think this is error.') return pullSearch.exposed = True def pullist(self, week=None, year=None, generateonly=False, current=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() autowant = [] if generateonly is False: autowants = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM futureupcoming WHERE Status='Wanted'") if autowants: for aw in autowants: autowant.append({"ComicName": aw['ComicName'], "IssueNumber": aw['IssueNumber'], "Publisher": aw['Publisher'], "Status": aw['Status'], "DisplayComicName": aw['DisplayComicName']}) weeklyresults = [] wantedcount = 0 weekinfo = helpers.weekly_info(week, year, current) popit = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='weekly' and type='table'") if popit: w_results = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly WHERE weeknumber=? AND year=?", [int(weekinfo['weeknumber']),weekinfo['year']]) if len(w_results) == 0: logger.info('trying to repopulate to week: ' + str(weekinfo['weeknumber']) + '-' + str(weekinfo['year'])) repoll = self.manualpull(weeknumber=weekinfo['weeknumber'],year=weekinfo['year']) if repoll['status'] == 'success': w_results = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly WHERE weeknumber=? AND year=?", [int(weekinfo['weeknumber']),weekinfo['year']]) else: logger.warn('Problem repopulating the pullist for week ' + str(weekinfo['weeknumber']) + ', ' + str(weekinfo['year'])) if mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL == 2: logger.warn('Attempting to repoll against legacy pullist in order to have some kind of updated listing for the week.') repoll = self.manualpull() if repoll['status'] == 'success': w_results = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly WHERE weeknumber=? AND year=?", [int(weekinfo['weeknumber']),weekinfo['year']]) else: logger.warn('Unable to populate the pull-list. Not continuing at this time (will try again in abit)') if all([w_results is None, generateonly is False]): return serve_template(templatename="weeklypull.html", title="Weekly Pull", weeklyresults=weeklyresults, pullfilter=True, weekfold=weekinfo['week_folder'], wantedcount=0, weekinfo=weekinfo) watchlibrary = helpers.listLibrary() issueLibrary = helpers.listIssues(weekinfo['weeknumber'], weekinfo['year']) oneofflist = helpers.listoneoffs(weekinfo['weeknumber'], weekinfo['year']) chklist = [] for weekly in w_results: xfound = False tmp_status = weekly['Status'] if weekly['ComicID'] in watchlibrary: haveit = watchlibrary[weekly['ComicID']]['comicid'] if weekinfo['weeknumber']: if watchlibrary[weekly['ComicID']]['status'] == 'Paused': tmp_status = 'Paused' elif any([week >= int(weekinfo['weeknumber']), week is None]) and all([mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING, tmp_status == 'Skipped']): tmp_status = 'Wanted' for x in issueLibrary: if weekly['IssueID'] == x['IssueID'] and tmp_status != 'Paused': xfound = True tmp_status = x['Status'] break else: xlist = [x['Status'] for x in oneofflist if x['IssueID'] == weekly['IssueID']] if xlist: haveit = 'OneOff' tmp_status = xlist[0] else: haveit = "No" linkit = None if all([weekly['ComicID'] is not None, weekly['ComicID'] != '', haveit == 'No']) or haveit == 'OneOff': linkit = 'http://comicvine.gamespot.com/volume/4050-' + str(weekly['ComicID']) else: #setting it here will force it to set the link to the right comicid regardless of annuals or not linkit = haveit x = None try: x = float(weekly['ISSUE']) except ValueError, e: if 'au' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or 'ai' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.inh' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.now' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.mu' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.hu' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower(): x = weekly['ISSUE'] if x is not None: if not autowant: weeklyresults.append({ "PUBLISHER": weekly['PUBLISHER'], "ISSUE": weekly['ISSUE'], "COMIC": weekly['COMIC'], "STATUS": tmp_status, "COMICID": weekly['ComicID'], "ISSUEID": weekly['IssueID'], "VOLUME": weekly['volume'], "SERIESYEAR": weekly['seriesyear'], "HAVEIT": haveit, "LINK": linkit, "HASH": None, "AUTOWANT": False, "FORMAT": weekly['format'] }) else: if any(x['ComicName'].lower() == weekly['COMIC'].lower() for x in autowant): weeklyresults.append({ "PUBLISHER": weekly['PUBLISHER'], "ISSUE": weekly['ISSUE'], "COMIC": weekly['COMIC'], "STATUS": tmp_status, "COMICID": weekly['ComicID'], "ISSUEID": weekly['IssueID'], "VOLUME": weekly['volume'], "SERIESYEAR": weekly['seriesyear'], "HAVEIT": haveit, "LINK": linkit, "HASH": None, "AUTOWANT": True, "FORMAT": weekly['format'] }) else: weeklyresults.append({ "PUBLISHER": weekly['PUBLISHER'], "ISSUE": weekly['ISSUE'], "COMIC": weekly['COMIC'], "STATUS": tmp_status, "COMICID": weekly['ComicID'], "ISSUEID": weekly['IssueID'], "VOLUME": weekly['volume'], "SERIESYEAR": weekly['seriesyear'], "HAVEIT": haveit, "LINK": linkit, "HASH": None, "AUTOWANT": False, "FORMAT": weekly['format'] }) if tmp_status == 'Wanted': wantedcount +=1 elif tmp_status == 'Snatched': chklist.append(str(weekly['IssueID'])) weeklyresults = sorted(weeklyresults, key=itemgetter('PUBLISHER', 'COMIC'), reverse=False) else: self.manualpull() if generateonly is True: return weeklyresults, weekinfo else: endresults = [] if len(chklist) > 0: for genlist in helpers.chunker(chklist, 200): tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM snatched where Status='Snatched' and status != 'Post-Processed' and (provider='32P' or Provider='WWT' or Provider='DEM') AND IssueID in ({seq})".format(seq=','.join(['?'] *(len(genlist)))) chkthis = myDB.select(tmpsql, genlist) if chkthis is None: continue else: for w in weeklyresults: weekit = w snatchit = [x['hash'] for x in chkthis if w['ISSUEID'] == x['IssueID']] try: if snatchit: logger.fdebug('[%s] Discovered previously snatched torrent not downloaded. Marking for manual auto-snatch retrieval: %s' % (w['COMIC'], ''.join(snatchit))) weekit['HASH'] = ''.join(snatchit) else: weekit['HASH'] = None except: weekit['HASH'] = None endresults.append(weekit) weeklyresults = endresults if week: return serve_template(templatename="weeklypull.html", title="Weekly Pull", weeklyresults=weeklyresults, pullfilter=True, weekfold=weekinfo['week_folder'], wantedcount=wantedcount, weekinfo=weekinfo) else: return serve_template(templatename="weeklypull.html", title="Weekly Pull", weeklyresults=weeklyresults, pullfilter=True, weekfold=weekinfo['week_folder'], wantedcount=wantedcount, weekinfo=weekinfo) pullist.exposed = True def removeautowant(self, comicname, release): myDB = db.DBConnection() logger.fdebug('Removing ' + comicname + ' from the auto-want list.') myDB.action("DELETE FROM futureupcoming WHERE ComicName=? AND IssueDate=? AND Status='Wanted'", [comicname, release]) removeautowant.exposed = True def futurepull(self): from mylar import solicit #get month-year here, and self-populate in future now = datetime.datetime.now() if len(str(now.month)) != 2: month = '0' + str(now.month) else: month = str(now.month) year = str(now.year) logger.fdebug('month = ' + str(month)) logger.fdebug('year = ' + str(year)) threading.Thread(target=solicit.solicit, args=[month, year]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("futurepulllist") futurepull.exposed = True def futurepulllist(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() futureresults = [] watchresults = [] popthis = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='futureupcoming' and type='table'") if popthis: l_results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM futureupcoming WHERE Status='Wanted'") for lres in l_results: watchresults.append({ "ComicName": lres['ComicName'], "IssueNumber": lres['IssueNumber'], "ComicID": lres['ComicID'], "IssueDate": lres['IssueDate'], "Publisher": lres['Publisher'], "Status": lres['Status'] }) logger.fdebug('There are ' + str(len(watchresults)) + ' issues that you are watching for but are not on your watchlist yet.') popit = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='future' and type='table'") if popit: f_results = myDB.select("SELECT SHIPDATE, PUBLISHER, ISSUE, COMIC, EXTRA, STATUS, ComicID, FutureID from future") for future in f_results: x = None if future['ISSUE'] is None: break try: x = float(future['ISSUE']) except ValueError, e: if 'au' in future['ISSUE'].lower() or 'ai' in future['ISSUE'].lower() or '.inh' in future['ISSUE'].lower() or '.now' in future['ISSUE'].lower() or '.mu' in future['ISSUE'].lower() or '.hu' in future['ISSUE'].lower(): x = future['ISSUE'] if future['EXTRA'] == 'N/A' or future['EXTRA'] == '': future_extra = '' else: future_extra = future['EXTRA'] if '(of' in future['EXTRA'].lower(): future_extra = re.sub('[\(\)]', '', future['EXTRA']) if x is not None: #here we check the status to make sure it's ok since we loaded all the Watch For earlier. chkstatus = future['STATUS'] for wr in watchresults: if wr['ComicName'] == future['COMIC'] and wr['IssueNumber'] == future['ISSUE']: logger.info('matched on Name: ' + wr['ComicName'] + ' to ' + future['COMIC']) logger.info('matched on Issue: #' + wr['IssueNumber'] + ' to #' + future['ISSUE']) logger.info('matched on ID: ' + str(wr['ComicID']) + ' to ' + str(future['ComicID'])) chkstatus = wr['Status'] break futureresults.append({ "SHIPDATE": future['SHIPDATE'], "PUBLISHER": future['PUBLISHER'], "ISSUE": future['ISSUE'], "COMIC": future['COMIC'], "EXTRA": future_extra, "STATUS": chkstatus, "COMICID": future['ComicID'], "FUTUREID": future['FutureID'] }) futureresults = sorted(futureresults, key=itemgetter('SHIPDATE', 'PUBLISHER', 'COMIC'), reverse=False) else: logger.error('No results to post for upcoming issues...something is probably wrong') return return serve_template(templatename="futurepull.html", title="future Pull", futureresults=futureresults, pullfilter=True) futurepulllist.exposed = True def add2futurewatchlist(self, ComicName, Issue, Publisher, ShipDate, weeknumber, year, FutureID=None): #ShipDate is just weekinfo['midweek'] #a tuple ('weeknumber','startweek','midweek','endweek','year') myDB = db.DBConnection() logger.info(ShipDate) if FutureID is not None: chkfuture = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM futureupcoming WHERE ComicName=? AND IssueNumber=? WHERE weeknumber=? AND year=?', [ComicName, Issue, weeknumber, year]).fetchone() if chkfuture is not None: logger.info('Already on Future Upcoming list - not adding at this time.') return logger.info('Adding ' + ComicName + ' # ' + str(Issue) + ' [' + Publisher + '] to future upcoming watchlist') newCtrl = {"ComicName": ComicName, "IssueNumber": Issue, "Publisher": Publisher} newVal = {"Status": "Wanted", "IssueDate": ShipDate, "weeknumber": weeknumber, "year": year} myDB.upsert("futureupcoming", newVal, newCtrl) if FutureID is not None: fCtrl = {"FutureID": FutureID} fVal = {"Status": "Wanted"} myDB.upsert("future", fVal, fCtrl) add2futurewatchlist.exposed = True def future_check(self): weeklypull.future_check() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("upcoming") future_check.exposed = True def filterpull(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() weeklyresults = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly") pulldate = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from weekly").fetchone() if pulldate is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") return serve_template(templatename="weeklypull.html", title="Weekly Pull", weeklyresults=weeklyresults, pulldate=pulldate['SHIPDATE'], pullfilter=True) filterpull.exposed = True def manualpull(self,weeknumber=None,year=None): logger.info('ALT_PULL: ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL) + ' PULLBYFILE: ' + str(mylar.PULLBYFILE) + ' week: ' + str(weeknumber) + ' year: ' + str(year)) if all([mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL == 2, mylar.PULLBYFILE is False]) and weeknumber: return mylar.locg.locg(weeknumber=weeknumber,year=year) #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("pullist?week=" + str(weeknumber) + "&year=" + str(year)) else: weeklypull.pullit() return {'status' : 'success'} manualpull.exposed = True def pullrecreate(self, weeknumber=None, year=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() forcecheck = 'yes' if weeknumber is None: myDB.action("DROP TABLE weekly") mylar.dbcheck() logger.info("Deleted existing pull-list data. Recreating Pull-list...") else: myDB.action('DELETE FROM weekly WHERE weeknumber=? and year=?', [int(weeknumber), int(year)]) logger.info("Deleted existing pull-list data for week %s, %s. Now Recreating the Pull-list..." % (weeknumber, year)) weeklypull.pullit(forcecheck, weeknumber, year) weeklypull.future_check() pullrecreate.exposed = True def upcoming(self): todaydate = datetime.datetime.today() current_weeknumber = todaydate.strftime("%U") #find the given week number for the current day weeknumber = current_weeknumber stweek = datetime.datetime.strptime(todaydate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%d') startweek = stweek - timedelta(days = (stweek.weekday() + 1) % 7) midweek = startweek + timedelta(days = 3) endweek = startweek + timedelta(days = 6) weekyear = todaydate.strftime("%Y") myDB = db.DBConnection() #upcoming = myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE ReleaseDate > date('now') order by ReleaseDate DESC") #upcomingdata = myDB.select("SELECT * from upcoming WHERE IssueID is NULL AND IssueNumber is not NULL AND ComicName is not NULL order by IssueDate DESC") #upcomingdata = myDB.select("SELECT * from upcoming WHERE IssueNumber is not NULL AND ComicName is not NULL order by IssueDate DESC") upcomingdata = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly WHERE Issue is not NULL AND Comic is not NULL order by weeknumber DESC") if upcomingdata is None: logger.info('No upcoming data as of yet...') else: futureupcoming = [] upcoming = [] upcoming_count = 0 futureupcoming_count = 0 #try: # pull_date = myDB.selectone("SELECT SHIPDATE from weekly").fetchone() # if (pull_date is None): # pulldate = '00000000' # else: # pulldate = pull_date['SHIPDATE'] #except (sqlite3.OperationalError, TypeError), msg: # logger.info(u"Error Retrieving weekly pull list - attempting to adjust") # pulldate = '00000000' for upc in upcomingdata: # if len(upc['IssueDate']) <= 7: # #if it's less than or equal 7, then it's a future-pull so let's check the date and display # #tmpdate = datetime.datetime.com # tmpdatethis = upc['IssueDate'] # if tmpdatethis[:2] == '20': # tmpdate = tmpdatethis + '01' #in correct format of yyyymm # else: # findst = tmpdatethis.find('-') #find the '-' # tmpdate = tmpdatethis[findst +1:] + tmpdatethis[:findst] + '01' #rebuild in format of yyyymm # #timenow = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m') # else: # #if it's greater than 7 it's a full date. # tmpdate = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", upc['IssueDate']) #convert date to numerics only (should be in yyyymmdd) # timenow = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d') #convert to yyyymmdd # #logger.fdebug('comparing pubdate of: ' + str(tmpdate) + ' to now date of: ' + str(timenow)) # pulldate = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", pulldate) #convert pulldate to numerics only (should be in yyyymmdd) # if int(tmpdate) >= int(timenow) and int(tmpdate) == int(pulldate): #int(pulldate) <= int(timenow): mylar.WANTED_TAB_OFF = False try: ab = int(upc['weeknumber']) bc = int(upc['year']) except TypeError: logger.warn('Weekly Pull hasn\'t finished being generated as of yet (or has yet to initialize). Try to wait up to a minute to accomodate processing.') mylar.WANTED_TAB_OFF = True myDB.action("DROP TABLE weekly") mylar.dbcheck() logger.info("Deleted existed pull-list data. Recreating Pull-list...") forcecheck = 'yes' return threading.Thread(target=weeklypull.pullit, args=[forcecheck]).start() if int(upc['weeknumber']) == int(weeknumber) and int(upc['year']) == int(weekyear): if upc['Status'] == 'Wanted': upcoming_count +=1 upcoming.append({"ComicName": upc['Comic'], "IssueNumber": upc['Issue'], "IssueDate": upc['ShipDate'], "ComicID": upc['ComicID'], "IssueID": upc['IssueID'], "Status": upc['Status'], "WeekNumber": upc['weeknumber'], "DynamicName": upc['DynamicName']}) else: if int(upc['weeknumber']) > int(weeknumber) and upc['Status'] == 'Wanted': futureupcoming_count +=1 futureupcoming.append({"ComicName": upc['Comic'], "IssueNumber": upc['Issue'], "IssueDate": upc['ShipDate'], "ComicID": upc['ComicID'], "IssueID": upc['IssueID'], "Status": upc['Status'], "WeekNumber": upc['weeknumber'], "DynamicName": upc['DynamicName']}) # elif int(tmpdate) >= int(timenow): # if len(upc['IssueDate']) <= 7: # issuedate = tmpdate[:4] + '-' + tmpdate[4:6] + '-00' # else: # issuedate = upc['IssueDate'] # if upc['Status'] == 'Wanted': # futureupcoming_count +=1 # futureupcoming.append({"ComicName": upc['ComicName'], # "IssueNumber": upc['IssueNumber'], # "IssueDate": issuedate, # "ComicID": upc['ComicID'], # "IssueID": upc['IssueID'], # "Status": upc['Status'], # "DisplayComicName": upc['DisplayComicName']}) futureupcoming = sorted(futureupcoming, key=itemgetter('IssueDate', 'ComicName', 'IssueNumber'), reverse=True) #fix None DateAdded points here helpers.DateAddedFix() issues = myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE Status='Wanted'") if mylar.CONFIG.UPCOMING_STORYARCS is True: arcs = myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE Status='Wanted'") else: arcs = [] if mylar.CONFIG.UPCOMING_SNATCHED is True: issues += myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE Status='Snatched'") if mylar.CONFIG.UPCOMING_STORYARCS is True: arcs += myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE Status='Snatched'") if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING is True: issues += myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE Status='Failed'") if mylar.CONFIG.UPCOMING_STORYARCS is True: arcs += myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE Status='Failed'") if mylar.CONFIG.UPCOMING_STORYARCS is True: issues += arcs isCounts = {} isCounts[1] = 0 #1 wanted isCounts[2] = 0 #2 snatched isCounts[3] = 0 #3 failed isCounts[4] = 0 #3 wantedTier ann_list = [] ann_cnt = 0 if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: #let's add the annuals to the wanted table so people can see them #ComicName wasn't present in db initially - added on startup chk now. annuals_list = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE Status='Wanted'") if mylar.CONFIG.UPCOMING_SNATCHED: annuals_list += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE Status='Snatched'") if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING: annuals_list += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE Status='Failed'") # anncnt = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM annuals WHERE Status='Wanted' OR Status='Snatched'") # ann_cnt = anncnt[0][0] ann_list += annuals_list issues += annuals_list issues_tmp = sorted(issues, key=itemgetter('ReleaseDate'), reverse=True) issues_tmp1 = sorted(issues_tmp, key=itemgetter('DateAdded'), reverse=True) issues = sorted(issues_tmp1, key=itemgetter('Status'), reverse=True) for curResult in issues: baseissues = {'wanted': 1, 'snatched': 2, 'failed': 3} for seas in baseissues: if curResult['Status'] is None: continue else: if seas in curResult['Status'].lower(): if all([curResult['DateAdded'] <= mylar.SEARCH_TIER_DATE, curResult['Status'] == 'Wanted']): isCounts[4]+=1 else: sconv = baseissues[seas] isCounts[sconv]+=1 continue isCounts = {"Wanted": str(isCounts[1]), "Snatched": str(isCounts[2]), "Failed": str(isCounts[3]), "StoryArcs": str(len(arcs)), "WantedTier": str(isCounts[4])} iss_cnt = int(isCounts['Wanted']) wantedcount = iss_cnt + int(isCounts['WantedTier']) # + ann_cnt #let's straightload the series that have no issue data associated as of yet (ie. new series) from the futurepulllist future_nodata_upcoming = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM futureupcoming WHERE IssueNumber='1' OR IssueNumber='0'") #let's move any items from the upcoming table into the wanted table if the date has already passed. #gather the list... mvupcome = myDB.select("SELECT * from upcoming WHERE IssueDate < date('now') order by IssueDate DESC") #get the issue ID's for mvup in mvupcome: myissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT ComicName, Issue_Number, IssueID, ComicID FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [mvup['IssueID']]).fetchone() #myissue = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE Issue_Number=?", [mvup['IssueNumber']]).fetchone() if myissue is None: pass else: logger.fdebug("--Updating Status of issues table because of Upcoming status--") logger.fdebug("ComicName: " + str(myissue['ComicName'])) logger.fdebug("Issue number : " + str(myissue['Issue_Number'])) mvcontroldict = {"IssueID": myissue['IssueID']} mvvalues = {"ComicID": myissue['ComicID'], "Status": "Wanted"} myDB.upsert("issues", mvvalues, mvcontroldict) #remove old entry from upcoming so it won't try to continually download again. logger.fdebug('[DELETE] - ' + mvup['ComicName'] + ' issue #: ' + str(mvup['IssueNumber'])) deleteit = myDB.action("DELETE from upcoming WHERE ComicName=? AND IssueNumber=?", [mvup['ComicName'], mvup['IssueNumber']]) return serve_template(templatename="upcoming.html", title="Upcoming", upcoming=upcoming, issues=issues, ann_list=ann_list, futureupcoming=futureupcoming, future_nodata_upcoming=future_nodata_upcoming, futureupcoming_count=futureupcoming_count, upcoming_count=upcoming_count, wantedcount=wantedcount, isCounts=isCounts) upcoming.exposed = True def skipped2wanted(self, comicid, fromupdate=None): # change all issues for a given ComicID that are Skipped, into Wanted. issuestowanted = [] issuesnumwant = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() skipped2 = myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status='Skipped'", [comicid]) for skippy in skipped2: mvcontroldict = {"IssueID": skippy['IssueID']} mvvalues = {"Status": "Wanted"} myDB.upsert("issues", mvvalues, mvcontroldict) issuestowanted.append(skippy['IssueID']) issuesnumwant.append(skippy['Issue_Number']) if len(issuestowanted) > 0: if fromupdate is None: logger.info("Marking issues: %s as Wanted" % issuesnumwant) threading.Thread(target=search.searchIssueIDList, args=[issuestowanted]).start() else: logger.info('Marking issues: %s as Wanted' & issuesnumwant) logger.info('These will be searched for on next Search Scan / Force Check') return raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % [comicid]) skipped2wanted.exposed = True def annualDelete(self, comicid, ReleaseComicID=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if ReleaseComicID is None: myDB.action("DELETE FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]) logger.fdebug("Deleted all annuals from DB for ComicID of " + str(comicid)) else: myDB.action("DELETE FROM annuals WHERE ReleaseComicID=?", [ReleaseComicID]) logger.fdebug("Deleted selected annual from DB with a ComicID of " + str(ReleaseComicID)) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % [comicid]) annualDelete.exposed = True def ddl_requeue(self, mode, id=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if id is None: items = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM ddl_info WHERE status = 'Queued' ORDER BY updated_date DESC") else: oneitem = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM DDL_INFO WHERE ID=?", [id]).fetchone() items = [oneitem] itemlist = [x for x in items] if itemlist is not None: for item in itemlist: if all([mylar.CONFIG.DDL_AUTORESUME is True, mode == 'resume', item['status'] != 'Completed']): try: filesize = os.stat(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION, item['filename'])).st_size except: filesize = 0 resume = filesize elif mode == 'abort': myDB.upsert("ddl_info", {'Status': 'Failed'}, {'id': id}) #DELETE FROM ddl_info where ID=?', [id]) continue elif mode == 'remove': myDB.action('DELETE FROM ddl_info where ID=?', [id]) continue else: resume = None mylar.DDL_QUEUE.put({'link': item['link'], 'mainlink': item['mainlink'], 'series': item['series'], 'year': item['year'], 'size': item['size'], 'comicid': item['comicid'], 'issueid': item['issueid'], 'id': item['id'], 'resume': resume}) linemessage = '%s successful for %s' % (mode, oneitem['series']) if mode == 'restart_queue': logger.info('[DDL-RESTART-QUEUE] DDL Queue successfully restarted. Put %s items back into the queue for downloading..' % len(itemlist)) linemessage = 'Successfully restarted Queue' elif mode == 'restart': logger.info('[DDL-RESTART] Successfully restarted %s [%s] for downloading..' % (oneitem['series'], oneitem['size'])) elif mode == 'requeue': logger.info('[DDL-REQUEUE] Successfully requeued %s [%s] for downloading..' % (oneitem['series'], oneitem['size'])) elif mode == 'abort': logger.info('[DDL-ABORT] Successfully aborted downloading of %s [%s]..' % (oneitem['series'], oneitem['size'])) elif mode == 'remove': logger.info('[DDL-REMOVE] Successfully removed %s [%s]..' % (oneitem['series'], oneitem['size'])) return json.dumps({'status': True, 'message': linemessage}) ddl_requeue.exposed = True def queueManage(self): # **args): myDB = db.DBConnection() resultlist = 'There are currently no items waiting in the Direct Download (DDL) Queue for processing.' s_info = myDB.select("SELECT a.ComicName, a.ComicVersion, a.ComicID, a.ComicYear, b.Issue_Number, b.IssueID, c.size, c.status, c.id, c.updated_date, c.issues, c.year FROM comics as a INNER JOIN issues as b ON a.ComicID = b.ComicID INNER JOIN ddl_info as c ON b.IssueID = c.IssueID") # WHERE c.status != 'Downloading'") o_info = myDB.select("Select a.ComicName, b.Issue_Number, a.IssueID, a.ComicID, c.size, c.status, c.id, c.updated_date, c.issues, c.year from oneoffhistory a join snatched b on a.issueid=b.issueid join ddl_info c on b.issueid=c.issueid where b.provider = 'ddl'") if s_info: resultlist = [] for si in s_info: if si['issues'] is None: issue = si['Issue_Number'] year = si['ComicYear'] if issue is not None: issue = '#%s' % issue else: year = si['year'] issue = '#%s' % si['issues'] if si['status'] == 'Completed': si_status = '100%' else: si_status = '' resultlist.append({'series': si['ComicName'], 'issue': issue, 'id': si['id'], 'volume': si['ComicVersion'], 'year': year, 'size': si['size'].strip(), 'comicid': si['ComicID'], 'issueid': si['IssueID'], 'status': si['status'], 'updated_date': si['updated_date'], 'progress': si_status}) if o_info: if type(resultlist) is str: resultlist = [] for oi in o_info: if oi['issues'] is None: issue = oi['Issue_Number'] year = oi['year'] if issue is not None: issue = '#%s' % issue else: year = oi['year'] issue = '#%s' % oi['issues'] if oi['status'] == 'Completed': oi_status = '100%' else: oi_status = '' resultlist.append({'series': oi['ComicName'], 'issue': issue, 'id': oi['id'], 'volume': None, 'year': year, 'size': oi['size'].strip(), 'comicid': oi['ComicID'], 'issueid': oi['IssueID'], 'status': oi['status'], 'updated_date': oi['updated_date'], 'progress': oi_status}) return serve_template(templatename="queue_management.html", title="Queue Management", resultlist=resultlist) #activelist=activelist, resultlist=resultlist) queueManage.exposed = True def queueManageIt(self, iDisplayStart=0, iDisplayLength=100, iSortCol_0=0, sSortDir_0="desc", sSearch="", **kwargs): iDisplayStart = int(iDisplayStart) iDisplayLength = int(iDisplayLength) filtered = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() resultlist = 'There are currently no items waiting in the Direct Download (DDL) Queue for processing.' s_info = myDB.select("SELECT a.ComicName, a.ComicVersion, a.ComicID, a.ComicYear, b.Issue_Number, b.IssueID, c.size, c.status, c.id, c.updated_date, c.issues, c.year FROM comics as a INNER JOIN issues as b ON a.ComicID = b.ComicID INNER JOIN ddl_info as c ON b.IssueID = c.IssueID") # WHERE c.status != 'Downloading'") o_info = myDB.select("Select a.ComicName, b.Issue_Number, a.IssueID, a.ComicID, c.size, c.status, c.id, c.updated_date, c.issues, c.year from oneoffhistory a join snatched b on a.issueid=b.issueid join ddl_info c on b.issueid=c.issueid where b.provider = 'ddl'") if s_info: resultlist = [] for si in s_info: if si['issues'] is None: issue = si['Issue_Number'] year = si['ComicYear'] if issue is not None: issue = '#%s' % issue else: year = si['year'] issue = '#%s' % si['issues'] if si['status'] == 'Completed': si_status = '100%' else: si_status = '' if issue is not None: if si['ComicVersion'] is not None: series = '%s %s %s (%s)' % (si['ComicName'], si['ComicVersion'], issue, year) else: series = '%s %s (%s)' % (si['ComicName'], issue, year) else: if si['ComicVersion'] is not None: series = '%s %s (%s)' % (si['ComicName'], si['ComicVersion'], year) else: series = '%s (%s)' % (si['ComicName'], year) resultlist.append({'series': series, #i['ComicName'], 'issue': issue, 'queueid': si['id'], 'volume': si['ComicVersion'], 'year': year, 'size': si['size'].strip(), 'comicid': si['ComicID'], 'issueid': si['IssueID'], 'status': si['status'], 'updated_date': si['updated_date'], 'progress': si_status}) if o_info: if type(resultlist) is str: resultlist = [] for oi in o_info: if oi['issues'] is None: issue = oi['Issue_Number'] year = oi['year'] if issue is not None: issue = '#%s' % issue else: year = oi['year'] issue = '#%s' % oi['issues'] if oi['status'] == 'Completed': oi_status = '100%' else: oi_status = '' if issue is not None: series = '%s %s (%s)' % (oi['ComicName'], issue, year) else: series = '%s (%s)' % (oi['ComicName'], year) resultlist.append({'series': series, 'issue': issue, 'queueid': oi['id'], 'volume': None, 'year': year, 'size': oi['size'].strip(), 'comicid': oi['ComicID'], 'issueid': oi['IssueID'], 'status': oi['status'], 'updated_date': oi['updated_date'], 'progress': oi_status}) if sSearch == "" or sSearch == None: filtered = resultlist[::] else: filtered = [row for row in resultlist if any([sSearch.lower() in row['series'].lower(), sSearch.lower() in row['status'].lower()])] sortcolumn = 'series' if iSortCol_0 == '1': sortcolumn = 'series' elif iSortCol_0 == '2': sortcolumn = 'size' elif iSortCol_0 == '3': sortcolumn = 'progress' elif iSortCol_0 == '4': sortcolumn = 'status' elif iSortCol_0 == '5': sortcolumn = 'updated_date' filtered.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortcolumn], reverse=sSortDir_0 == "desc") rows = filtered[iDisplayStart:(iDisplayStart + iDisplayLength)] rows = [[row['comicid'], row['series'], row['size'], row['progress'], row['status'], row['updated_date'], row['queueid']] for row in rows] #rows = [{'comicid': row['comicid'], 'series': row['series'], 'size': row['size'], 'progress': row['progress'], 'status': row['status'], 'updated_date': row['updated_date']} for row in rows] #logger.info('rows: %s' % rows) return json.dumps({ 'iTotalDisplayRecords': len(filtered), 'iTotalRecords': len(resultlist), 'aaData': rows, }) queueManageIt.exposed = True def previewRename(self, **args): #comicid=None, comicidlist=None): file_format = mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT myDB = db.DBConnection() resultlist = [] for k,v in args.items(): if any([k == 'x', k == 'y']): continue elif 'file_format' in k: file_format = str(v) elif 'comicid' in k: if type(v) is list: comicid = str(' '.join(v)) elif type(v) is unicode: comicid = re.sub('[\]\[\']', '', v.decode('utf-8').encode('ascii')).strip() else: comicid = v if comicid is not None and type(comicid) is not list: comicidlist = [] comicidlist.append(comicid) for cid in comicidlist: comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [cid]).fetchone() comicdir = comic['ComicLocation'] comicname = comic['ComicName'] issuelist = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Location is not NULL ORDER BY ReleaseDate", [str(cid)]) if issuelist: for issue in issuelist: if 'annual' in issue['Location'].lower(): annualize = 'yes' else: annualize = None import filers rniss = filers.FileHandlers(ComicID=str(cid), IssueID=issue['IssueID']) renameiss = rniss.rename_file(issue['Location'], annualize=annualize, file_format=file_format) #renameiss = helpers.rename_param(comicid, comicname, issue['Issue_Number'], issue['Location'], comicyear=None, issueid=issue['IssueID'], annualize=annualize) resultlist.append({'issueid': renameiss['issueid'], 'comicid': renameiss['comicid'], 'original': issue['Location'], 'new': renameiss['nfilename']}) logger.info('resultlist: %s' % resultlist) return serve_template(templatename="previewrename.html", title="Preview Renamer", resultlist=resultlist, file_format=file_format, comicid=comicidlist) previewRename.exposed = True def manualRename(self, comicid): if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT == '': logger.error("You haven't specified a File Format in Configuration/Advanced") logger.error("Cannot rename files.") return if type(comicid) is not unicode: comiclist = comicid else: comiclist = [] comiclist.append(comicid) myDB = db.DBConnection() for cid in comiclist: filefind = 0 comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [cid]).fetchone() comicdir = comic['ComicLocation'] comicname = comic['ComicName'] comicyear = comic['ComicYear'] extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz', '.cb7') issues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?", [cid]) if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: issues += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?", [cid]) try: if mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None' and os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(comicdir)) != comicdir: logger.fdebug('multiple_dest_dirs:' + mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS) logger.fdebug('dir: ' + comicdir) logger.fdebug('os.path.basename: ' + os.path.basename(comicdir)) pathdir = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(comicdir)) except: pass for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(comicdir): for filename in filenames: if filename.lower().endswith(extensions): #logger.info("filename being checked is : " + str(filename)) for issue in issues: if issue['Location'] == filename: #logger.error("matched " + str(filename) + " to DB file " + str(issue['Location'])) if 'annual' in issue['Location'].lower(): annualize = 'yes' else: annualize = None renameiss = helpers.rename_param(cid, comicname, issue['Issue_Number'], filename, comicyear=comicyear, issueid=issue['IssueID'], annualize=annualize) nfilename = renameiss['nfilename'] srciss = os.path.join(comicdir, filename) if filename != nfilename: logger.info('Renaming ' + filename + ' ... to ... ' + renameiss['nfilename']) try: shutil.move(srciss, renameiss['destination_dir']) except (OSError, IOError): logger.error('Failed to move files - check directories and manually re-run.') return filefind+=1 else: logger.info('Not renaming ' + filename + ' as it is in desired format already.') #continue logger.info('I have renamed ' + str(filefind) + ' issues of ' + comicname) updater.forceRescan(cid) if len(comiclist) > 1: logger.info('[RENAMER] %s series have been renamed.' % len(comiclist)) manualRename.exposed = True def searchScan(self, name): return serve_template(templatename="searchfix.html", title="Manage", name=name) searchScan.exposed = True def manage(self): mylarRoot = mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR import db myDB = db.DBConnection() jobresults = myDB.select('SELECT DISTINCT * FROM jobhistory') if jobresults is not None: tmp = [] for jb in jobresults: if jb['prev_run_datetime'] is not None: try: pr = (datetime.datetime.strptime(jb['prev_run_datetime'][:19], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds() except ValueError: pr = (datetime.datetime.strptime(jb['prev_run_datetime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds() prev_run = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(pr) else: prev_run = None if jb['next_run_datetime'] is not None: try: nr = (datetime.datetime.strptime(jb['next_run_datetime'][:19], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds() except ValueError: nr = (datetime.datetime.strptime(jb['next_run_datetime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds() next_run = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(nr) else: next_run = None if 'rss' in jb['JobName'].lower(): if jb['Status'] == 'Waiting' and mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_RSS is False: mylar.RSS_STATUS = 'Paused' elif jb['Status'] == 'Paused' and mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_RSS is True: mylar.RSS_STATUS = 'Waiting' status = mylar.RSS_STATUS interval = str(mylar.CONFIG.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + ' mins' if 'weekly' in jb['JobName'].lower(): status = mylar.WEEKLY_STATUS if mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL == 2: interval = '4 hrs' else: interval = '24 hrs' if 'search' in jb['JobName'].lower(): status = mylar.SEARCH_STATUS interval = str(mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_INTERVAL) + ' mins' if 'updater' in jb['JobName'].lower(): status = mylar.UPDATER_STATUS interval = str(int(mylar.DBUPDATE_INTERVAL)) + ' mins' if 'folder' in jb['JobName'].lower(): status = mylar.MONITOR_STATUS interval = str(mylar.CONFIG.DOWNLOAD_SCAN_INTERVAL) + ' mins' if 'version' in jb['JobName'].lower(): status = mylar.VERSION_STATUS interval = str(mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_GITHUB_INTERVAL) + 'mins' if status != jb['Status'] and not('rss' in jb['JobName'].lower()): status = jb['Status'] tmp.append({'prev_run_datetime': prev_run, 'next_run_datetime': next_run, 'interval': interval, 'jobname': jb['JobName'], 'status': status}) jobresults = tmp return serve_template(templatename="manage.html", title="Manage", mylarRoot=mylarRoot, jobs=jobresults) manage.exposed = True def jobmanage(self, job, mode): logger.info('%s : %s' % (job, mode)) jobid = None job_id_map = {'DB Updater': 'dbupdater', 'Auto-Search': 'search', 'RSS Feeds': 'rss', 'Weekly Pullist': 'weekly', 'Check Version': 'version', 'Folder Monitor': 'monitor'} for k,v in job_id_map.iteritems(): if k == job: jobid = v break logger.info('jobid: %s' % jobid) if jobid is not None: myDB = db.DBConnection() if mode == 'pause': try: mylar.SCHED.pause_job(jobid) except: pass logger.info('[%s] Paused scheduled runtime.' % job) ctrl = {'JobName': job} val = {'Status': 'Paused'} if jobid == 'rss': mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_RSS = False elif jobid == 'monitor': mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_CHECK_FOLDER = False myDB.upsert('jobhistory', val, ctrl) elif mode == 'resume': try: mylar.SCHED.resume_job(jobid) except: pass logger.info('[%s] Resumed scheduled runtime.' % job) ctrl = {'JobName': job} val = {'Status': 'Waiting'} myDB.upsert('jobhistory', val, ctrl) if jobid == 'rss': mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_RSS = True elif jobid == 'monitor': mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_CHECK_FOLDER = True helpers.job_management() else: logger.warn('%s cannot be matched against any scheduled jobs - maybe you should restart?' % job) jobmanage.exposed = True def schedulerForceCheck(self, jobid): from apscheduler.triggers.date import DateTrigger for jb in mylar.SCHED.get_jobs(): if jobid.lower() in str(jb).lower(): logger.info('[%s] Now force submitting job for jobid %s' % (jb, jobid)) if any([jobid == 'rss', jobid == 'weekly', jobid =='search', jobid == 'version', jobid == 'updater', jobid == 'monitor']): jb.modify(next_run_time=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) break schedulerForceCheck.exposed = True def manageComics(self): comics = helpers.havetotals() return serve_template(templatename="managecomics.html", title="Manage Comics", comics=comics) manageComics.exposed = True def manageIssues(self, **kwargs): status = kwargs['status'] results = [] resultlist = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: issues = myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE Status=? AND ComicName NOT LIKE '%Annual%'", [status]) annuals = myDB.select("SELECT * from annuals WHERE Status=?", [status]) else: issues = myDB.select("SELECT * from issues WHERE Status=?", [status]) annuals = [] for iss in issues: results.append(iss) if status == 'Snatched': resultlist.append(str(iss['IssueID'])) for ann in annuals: results.append(ann) if status == 'Snatched': resultlist.append(str(ann['IssueID'])) endresults = [] if status == 'Snatched': for genlist in helpers.chunker(resultlist, 200): tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM snatched where Status='Snatched' and status != 'Post-Processed' and (provider='32P' or Provider='WWT' or Provider='DEM') AND IssueID in ({seq})".format(seq=','.join(['?'] *(len(genlist)))) chkthis = myDB.select(tmpsql, genlist) if chkthis is None: continue else: for r in results: rr = dict(r) snatchit = [x['hash'] for x in chkthis if r['ISSUEID'] == x['IssueID']] try: if snatchit: logger.fdebug('[%s] Discovered previously snatched torrent not downloaded. Marking for manual auto-snatch retrieval: %s' % (r['ComicName'], ''.join(snatchit))) rr['hash'] = ''.join(snatchit) else: rr['hash'] = None except: rr['hash'] = None endresults.append(rr) results = endresults return serve_template(templatename="manageissues.html", title="Manage " + str(status) + " Issues", issues=results, status=status) manageIssues.exposed = True def manageFailed(self): results = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() failedlist = myDB.select('SELECT * from Failed') for f in failedlist: if f['Provider'] == 'Public Torrents': link = helpers.torrent_create(f['Provider'], f['ID']) else: link = f['ID'] if f['DateFailed'] is None: datefailed = '0000-00-0000' else: datefailed = f['DateFailed'] results.append({"Series": f['ComicName'], "ComicID": f['ComicID'], "Issue_Number": f['Issue_Number'], "Provider": f['Provider'], "Link": link, "ID": f['ID'], "FileName": f['NZBName'], "DateFailed": datefailed}) return serve_template(templatename="managefailed.html", title="Failed DB Management", failed=results) manageFailed.exposed = True def flushImports(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() myDB.action('DELETE from importresults') logger.info("Flushing all Import Results and clearing the tables") flushImports.exposed = True def markImports(self, action=None, **args): import unicodedata myDB = db.DBConnection() comicstoimport = [] if action == 'massimport': logger.info('Initiating mass import.') cnames = myDB.select("SELECT ComicName, ComicID, Volume, DynamicName from importresults WHERE Status='Not Imported' GROUP BY DynamicName, Volume") for cname in cnames: if cname['ComicID']: comicid = cname['ComicID'] else: comicid = None try: comicstoimport.append({'ComicName': unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', cname['ComicName']).encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), 'DynamicName': cname['DynamicName'], 'Volume': cname['Volume'], 'ComicID': comicid}) except Exception as e: logger.warn('[ERROR] There was a problem attempting to queue %s %s [%s] to import (ignoring): %s' % (cname['ComicName'],cname['Volume'],comicid, e)) logger.info(str(len(comicstoimport)) + ' series will be attempted to be imported.') else: if action == 'importselected': logger.info('importing selected series.') for k,v in args.items(): #k = Comicname[Volume]|ComicID #v = DynamicName Volst = k.find('[') comicid_st = k.find('|') if comicid_st == -1: comicid = None volume = re.sub('[\[\]]', '', k[Volst:]).strip() else: comicid = k[comicid_st+1:] if comicid == 'None': comicid = None volume = re.sub('[\[\]]', '', k[Volst:comicid_st]).strip() ComicName = k[:Volst].strip() DynamicName = v cid = ComicName.decode('utf-8', 'replace') comicstoimport.append({'ComicName': cid, 'DynamicName': DynamicName, 'Volume': volume, 'ComicID': comicid}) elif action == 'removeimport': for k,v in args.items(): Volst = k.find('[') comicid_st = k.find('|') if comicid_st == -1: comicid = None volume = re.sub('[\[\]]', '', k[Volst:]).strip() else: comicid = k[comicid_st+1:] if comicid == 'None': comicid = None volume = re.sub('[\[\]]', '', k[Volst:comicid_st]).strip() ComicName = k[:Volst].strip() DynamicName = v if volume is None or volume == 'None': logger.info('Removing ' + ComicName + ' from the Import list') myDB.action('DELETE from importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND (Volume is NULL OR Volume="None")', [DynamicName]) else: logger.info('Removing ' + ComicName + ' [' + str(volume) + '] from the Import list') myDB.action('DELETE from importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume=?', [DynamicName, volume]) if len(comicstoimport) > 0: logger.info('Initiating selected import mode for ' + str(len(comicstoimport)) + ' series.') if len(comicstoimport) > 0: logger.debug('The following series will now be attempted to be imported: %s' % comicstoimport) threading.Thread(target=self.preSearchit, args=[None, comicstoimport, len(comicstoimport)]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") markImports.exposed = True def markComics(self, action=None, **args): myDB = db.DBConnection() comicsToAdd = [] clist = [] for k,v in args.items(): if k == 'manage_comic_length': continue #k = Comicname[ComicYear] #v = ComicID comyr = k.find('[') ComicYear = re.sub('[\[\]]', '', k[comyr:]).strip() ComicName = k[:comyr].strip() if isinstance(v, list): #because multiple items can have the same comicname & year, we need to make sure they're all unique entries for x in v: clist.append({'ComicName': ComicName, 'ComicYear': ComicYear, 'ComicID': x}) else: clist.append({'ComicName': ComicName, 'ComicYear': ComicYear, 'ComicID': v}) for cl in clist: if action == 'delete': logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][DELETION] Now deleting ' + cl['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(cl['ComicYear']) + ') [' + str(cl['ComicID']) + '] form the DB.') myDB.action('DELETE from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [cl['ComicID']]) myDB.action('DELETE from issues WHERE ComicID=?', [cl['ComicID']]) if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: myDB.action('DELETE from annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [cl['ComicID']]) logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][DELETION] Successfully deleted ' + cl['ComicName'] + '(' + str(cl['ComicYear']) + ')') elif action == 'pause': controlValueDict = {'ComicID': cl['ComicID']} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Paused'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][PAUSE] ' + cl['ComicName'] + ' has now been put into a Paused State.') elif action == 'resume': controlValueDict = {'ComicID': cl['ComicID']} newValueDict = {'Status': 'Active'} myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict) logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][RESUME] ' + cl['ComicName'] + ' has now been put into a Resumed State.') elif action == 'recheck' or action == 'metatag': comicsToAdd.append({'ComicID': cl['ComicID'], 'ComicName': cl['ComicName'], 'ComicYear': cl['ComicYear']}) else: comicsToAdd.append(cl['ComicID']) if len(comicsToAdd) > 0: if action == 'recheck': logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][RECHECK-FILES] Rechecking Files for ' + str(len(comicsToAdd)) + ' series') threading.Thread(target=self.forceRescan, args=[comicsToAdd,True,'recheck']).start() elif action == 'metatag': logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][MASS METATAGGING] Now Metatagging Files for ' + str(len(comicsToAdd)) + ' series') threading.Thread(target=self.forceRescan, args=[comicsToAdd,True,'metatag']).start() elif action == 'rename': logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][MASS RENAMING] Now Renaming Files for ' + str(len(comicsToAdd)) + ' series') threading.Thread(target=self.manualRename, args=[comicsToAdd]).start() else: logger.info('[MANAGE COMICS][REFRESH] Refreshing ' + str(len(comicsToAdd)) + ' series') threading.Thread(target=updater.dbUpdate, args=[comicsToAdd]).start() markComics.exposed = True def forceUpdate(self): from mylar import updater threading.Thread(target=updater.dbUpdate).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") forceUpdate.exposed = True def forceSearch(self): #from mylar import search #threading.Thread(target=search.searchforissue).start() #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") self.schedulerForceCheck(jobid='search') forceSearch.exposed = True def forceRescan(self, ComicID, bulk=False, action='recheck'): if bulk: cnt = 1 if action == 'recheck': for cid in ComicID: logger.info('[MASS BATCH][RECHECK-FILES][' + str(cnt) + '/' + str(len(ComicID)) + '] Rechecking ' + cid['ComicName'] + '(' + str(cid['ComicYear']) + ')') updater.forceRescan(cid['ComicID']) cnt+=1 logger.info('[MASS BATCH][RECHECK-FILES] I have completed rechecking files for ' + str(len(ComicID)) + ' series.') else: for cid in ComicID: logger.info('[MASS BATCH][METATAGGING-FILES][' + str(cnt) + '/' + str(len(ComicID)) + '] Now Preparing to metatag series for ' + cid['ComicName'] + '(' + str(cid['ComicYear']) + ')') self.group_metatag(ComicID=cid['ComicID']) cnt+=1 logger.info('[MASS BATCH][METATAGGING-FILES] I have completed metatagging files for ' + str(len(ComicID)) + ' series.') else: threading.Thread(target=updater.forceRescan, args=[ComicID]).start() forceRescan.exposed = True def checkGithub(self): from mylar import versioncheck versioncheck.checkGithub() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") checkGithub.exposed = True def history(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() history = myDB.select('''SELECT * from snatched order by DateAdded DESC''') return serve_template(templatename="history.html", title="History", history=history) history.exposed = True def reOrder(request): return request # return serve_template(templatename="reorder.html", title="ReoRdered!", reorder=request) reOrder.exposed = True def readlist(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() issuelist = myDB.select("SELECT * from readlist") #tuple this readlist = [] counts = [] c_added = 0 #count of issues that have been added to the readlist and remain in that status ( meaning not sent / read ) c_sent = 0 #count of issues that have been sent to a third-party device ( auto-marked after a successful send completion ) c_read = 0 #count of issues that have been marked as read ( manually marked as read - future: read state from xml ) for iss in issuelist: if iss['Status'] == 'Added': statuschange = iss['DateAdded'] c_added +=1 else: if iss['Status'] == 'Read': c_read +=1 elif iss['Status'] == 'Downloaded': c_sent +=1 statuschange = iss['StatusChange'] readlist.append({"ComicID": iss['ComicID'], "ComicName": iss['ComicName'], "SeriesYear": iss['SeriesYear'], "Issue_Number": iss['Issue_Number'], "IssueDate": iss['IssueDate'], "Status": iss['Status'], "StatusChange": statuschange, "inCacheDIR": iss['inCacheDIR'], "Location": iss['Location'], "IssueID": iss['IssueID']}) counts = {"added": c_added, "read": c_read, "sent": c_sent, "total": (c_added + c_read + c_sent)} return serve_template(templatename="readinglist.html", title="Reading Lists", issuelist=readlist, counts=counts) readlist.exposed = True def clear_arcstatus(self, issuearcid=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() myDB.upsert('storyarcs', {'Status': 'Skipped'}, {'IssueArcID': issuearcid}) logger.info('Status set to Skipped.') clear_arcstatus.exposed = True def storyarc_main(self, arcid=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() arclist = [] if arcid is None: alist = myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicName is not Null GROUP BY StoryArcID") #COLLATE NOCASE") else: alist = myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicName is not Null AND StoryArcID=? GROUP BY StoryArcID", [arcid]) #COLLATE NOCASE") for al in alist: totalissues = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) as count from storyarcs WHERE StoryARcID=? AND NOT Manual is 'deleted'", [al['StoryArcID']]) havecnt = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND (Status='Downloaded' or Status='Archived')", [al['StoryArcID']]) havearc = havecnt[0][0] totalarc = totalissues[0][0] if not havearc: havearc = 0 try: percent = (havearc *100.0) /totalarc if percent > 100: percent = 101 except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError): percent = 0 totalarc = '?' arclist.append({"StoryArcID": al['StoryArcID'], "StoryArc": al['StoryArc'], "TotalIssues": al['TotalIssues'], "SeriesYear": al['SeriesYear'], "StoryArcDir": al['StoryArc'], "Status": al['Status'], "percent": percent, "Have": havearc, "SpanYears": helpers.spantheyears(al['StoryArcID']), "Total": totalarc, "CV_ArcID": al['CV_ArcID']}) if arcid is None: return serve_template(templatename="storyarc.html", title="Story Arcs", arclist=arclist, delete_type=0) else: return arclist[0] storyarc_main.exposed = True def detailStoryArc(self, StoryArcID, StoryArcName=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() arcinfo = myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? and NOT Manual IS 'deleted' order by ReadingOrder ASC", [StoryArcID]) try: cvarcid = arcinfo[0]['CV_ArcID'] arcpub = arcinfo[0]['Publisher'] if StoryArcName is None: StoryArcName = arcinfo[0]['StoryArc'] lowyear = 9999 maxyear = 0 issref = [] for la in arcinfo: if all([la['Status'] == 'Downloaded', la['Location'] is None,]): issref.append({'IssueID': la['IssueID'], 'ComicID': la['ComicID'], 'IssuePublisher': la['IssuePublisher'], 'Publisher': la['Publisher'], 'StoryArc': la['StoryArc'], 'StoryArcID': la['StoryArcID'], 'ComicName': la['ComicName'], 'IssueNumber': la['IssueNumber'], 'ReadingOrder': la['ReadingOrder']}) if la['IssueDate'] is None or la['IssueDate'] == '0000-00-00': continue else: if int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) > maxyear: maxyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) if int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) < lowyear: lowyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) if maxyear == 0: spanyears = la['SeriesYear'] elif lowyear == maxyear: spanyears = str(maxyear) else: spanyears = '%s - %s' % (lowyear, maxyear) sdir = helpers.arcformat(arcinfo[0]['StoryArc'], spanyears, arcpub) except: cvarcid = None sdir = mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR if len(issref) > 0: helpers.updatearc_locs(StoryArcID, issref) arcinfo = myDB.select("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND NOT Manual IS 'deleted' order by ReadingOrder ASC", [StoryArcID]) arcdetail = self.storyarc_main(arcid=arcinfo[0]['CV_ArcID']) storyarcbanner = None #bannerheight = 400 #bannerwidth = 263 filepath = None sb = 'cache/storyarcs/' + str(arcinfo[0]['CV_ArcID']) + '-banner' storyarc_imagepath = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'storyarcs') if not os.path.exists(storyarc_imagepath): try: os.mkdir(storyarc_imagepath) except: logger.warn('Unable to create storyarc image directory @ %s' % storyarc_imagepath) if os.path.exists(storyarc_imagepath): dir = os.listdir(storyarc_imagepath) for fname in dir: if str(arcinfo[0]['CV_ArcID']) in fname: storyarcbanner = sb filepath = os.path.join(storyarc_imagepath, fname) # if any(['H' in fname, 'W' in fname]): # if 'H' in fname: # bannerheight = int(fname[fname.find('H')+1:fname.find('.')]) # elif 'W' in fname: # bannerwidth = int(fname[fname.find('W')+1:fname.find('.')]) # if any([bannerwidth != 263, 'W' in fname]): # #accomodate poster size # storyarcbanner += 'W' + str(bannerheight) # else: # #for actual banner width (ie. 960x280) # storyarcbanner += 'H' + str(bannerheight) storyarcbanner += os.path.splitext(fname)[1] + '?' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') break template = 'storyarc_detail.html' if filepath is not None: import get_image_size image = get_image_size.get_image_metadata(filepath) imageinfo = json.loads(get_image_size.Image.to_str_json(image)) #logger.fdebug('imageinfo: %s' % imageinfo) if imageinfo['width'] > imageinfo['height']: template = 'storyarc_detail.html' bannerheight = '280' bannerwidth = '960' else: template = 'storyarc_detail.poster.html' bannerwidth = '263' bannerheight = '400' else: bannerheight = '280' bannerwidth = '960' return serve_template(templatename=template, title="Detailed Arc list", readlist=arcinfo, storyarcname=StoryArcName, storyarcid=StoryArcID, cvarcid=cvarcid, sdir=sdir, arcdetail=arcdetail, storyarcbanner=storyarcbanner, bannerheight=bannerheight, bannerwidth=bannerwidth, spanyears=spanyears) detailStoryArc.exposed = True def order_edit(self, id, value): storyarcid = id[:id.find('.')] issuearcid = id[id.find('.') +1:] readingorder = value #readingorder = value valid_readingorder = None #validate input here for reading order. try: if int(readingorder) >= 0: valid_readingorder = int(readingorder) if valid_readingorder == 0: valid_readingorder = 1 except ValueError: logger.error('Non-Numeric/Negative readingorder submitted. Rejecting due to sequencing error.') return if valid_readingorder is None: logger.error('invalid readingorder supplied. Rejecting due to sequencing error') return myDB = db.DBConnection() readchk = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND NOT Manual is 'deleted' ORDER BY ReadingOrder", [storyarcid]) if readchk is None: logger.error('Cannot edit this for some reason (Cannot locate Storyarc) - something is wrong.') return new_readorder = [] oldreading_seq = None logger.fdebug('[%s] Issue to renumber sequence from : %s' % (issuearcid, valid_readingorder)) reading_seq = 1 for rc in sorted(readchk, key=itemgetter('ReadingOrder'), reverse=False): filename = None if rc['Location'] is not None: filename = ntpath.basename(rc['Location']) if str(issuearcid) == str(rc['IssueArcID']): logger.fdebug('new order sequence detected at #: %s' % valid_readingorder) if valid_readingorder > int(rc['ReadingOrder']): oldreading_seq = int(rc['ReadingOrder']) else: oldreading_seq = int(rc['ReadingOrder']) + 1 reading_seq = valid_readingorder issueid = rc['IssueID'] IssueArcID = issuearcid elif int(rc['ReadingOrder']) < valid_readingorder: logger.fdebug('keeping issue sequence of order #: %s' % rc['ReadingOrder']) reading_seq = int(rc['ReadingOrder']) issueid = rc['IssueID'] IssueArcID = rc['IssueArcID'] elif int(rc['ReadingOrder']) >= valid_readingorder: if oldreading_seq is not None: if valid_readingorder <= len(readchk): reading_seq = int(rc['ReadingOrder']) #reading_seq = oldreading_seq else: #valid_readingorder if valid_readingorder < old_reading_seq: reading_seq = int(rc['ReadingOrder']) else: reading_seq = oldreading_seq +1 logger.fdebug('old sequence discovered at %s to %s' % (oldreading_seq, reading_seq)) oldreading_seq = None elif int(rc['ReadingOrder']) == valid_readingorder: reading_seq = valid_readingorder +1 else: reading_seq +=1 #valid_readingorder + (int(rc['ReadingOrder']) - valid_readingorder) +1 issueid = rc['IssueID'] IssueArcID = rc['IssueArcID'] logger.fdebug('reordering existing sequence as lower sequence has changed. Altering from %s to %s' % (rc['ReadingOrder'], reading_seq)) new_readorder.append({'IssueArcID': IssueArcID, 'IssueID': issueid, 'ReadingOrder': reading_seq, 'filename': filename}) #we resequence in the following way: # everything before the new reading number stays the same # everything after the new reading order gets incremented # add in the new reading order at the desired sequence # check for empty spaces (missing numbers in sequence) and fill them in. logger.fdebug('new reading order: %s' % new_readorder) #newrl = 0 for rl in sorted(new_readorder, key=itemgetter('ReadingOrder'), reverse=False): if rl['filename'] is not None: try: if int(rl['ReadingOrder']) != int(rl['filename'][:rl['filename'].find('-')]) and mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME is True: logger.fdebug('Order-Change: %s TO %s' % (int(rl['filename'][:rl['filename'].find('-')]), int(rl['ReadingOrder']))) logger.fdebug('%s to %s' % (rl['filename'], helpers.renamefile_readingorder(rl['ReadingOrder']) + '-' + rl['filename'][rl['filename'].find('-')+1:])) except: pass rl_ctrl = {"IssueID": rl['IssueID'], "IssueArcID": rl['IssueArcID'], "StoryArcID": storyarcid} r1_new = {"ReadingOrder": rl['ReadingOrder']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", r1_new, rl_ctrl) logger.info('Updated Issue Date for issue #' + str(issuenumber)) return value order_edit.exposed = True def manual_arc_add(self, manual_issueid, manual_readingorder, storyarcid, x=None, y=None): logger.fdebug('IssueID to be attached : ' + str(manual_issueid)) logger.fdebug('StoryArcID : ' + str(storyarcid)) logger.fdebug('Reading Order # : ' + str(manual_readingorder)) threading.Thread(target=helpers.manualArc, args=[manual_issueid, manual_readingorder, storyarcid]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("detailStoryArc?StoryArcID=%s" % storyarcid) manual_arc_add.exposed = True def markreads(self, action=None, **args): sendtablet_queue = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() for IssueID in args: if IssueID is None or 'issue_table' in IssueID or 'issue_table_length' in IssueID: continue else: mi = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM readlist WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if mi is None: continue else: comicname = mi['ComicName'] if action == 'Downloaded': logger.fdebug(u"Marking %s #%s as %s" % (comicname, mi['Issue_Number'], action)) read = readinglist.Readinglist(IssueID) read.addtoreadlist() elif action == 'Read': logger.fdebug(u"Marking %s #%s as %s" % (comicname, mi['Issue_Number'], action)) markasRead(IssueID) elif action == 'Added': logger.fdebug(u"Marking %s #%s as %s" % (comicname, mi['Issue_Number'], action)) read = readinglist.Readinglist(IssueID=IssueID) read.addtoreadlist() elif action == 'Remove': logger.fdebug('Deleting %s #%s' % (comicname, mi['Issue_Number'])) myDB.action('DELETE from readlist WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]) elif action == 'Send': logger.fdebug('Queuing ' + mi['Location'] + ' to send to tablet.') sendtablet_queue.append({"filepath": mi['Location'], "issueid": IssueID, "comicid": mi['ComicID']}) if len(sendtablet_queue) > 0: read = readinglist.Readinglist(sendtablet_queue) threading.Thread(target=read.syncreading).start() markreads.exposed = True def removefromreadlist(self, IssueID=None, StoryArcID=None, IssueArcID=None, AllRead=None, ArcName=None, delete_type=None, manual=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if IssueID: myDB.action('DELETE from readlist WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]) logger.info("[DELETE-READ-ISSUE] Removed " + str(IssueID) + " from Reading List") elif StoryArcID: logger.info('[DELETE-ARC] Removing ' + ArcName + ' from your Story Arc Watchlist') myDB.action('DELETE from storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=?', [StoryArcID]) #ArcName should be an optional flag so that it doesn't remove arcs that have identical naming (ie. Secret Wars) if delete_type: if ArcName: logger.info('[DELETE-STRAGGLERS-OPTION] Removing all traces of arcs with the name of : ' + ArcName) myDB.action('DELETE from storyarcs WHERE StoryArc=?', [ArcName]) else: logger.warn('[DELETE-STRAGGLERS-OPTION] No ArcName provided - just deleting by Story Arc ID') stid = 'S' + str(StoryArcID) + '_%' #delete from the nzblog so it will always find the most current downloads. Nzblog has issueid, but starts with ArcID myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE IssueID LIKE ?', [stid]) logger.info("[DELETE-ARC] Removed " + str(StoryArcID) + " from Story Arcs.") elif IssueArcID: if manual == 'added': myDB.action('DELETE from storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?', [IssueArcID]) else: myDB.upsert("storyarcs", {"Manual": 'deleted'}, {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID}) #myDB.action('DELETE from storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?', [IssueArcID]) logger.info("[DELETE-ARC] Removed " + str(IssueArcID) + " from the Story Arc.") elif AllRead: myDB.action("DELETE from readlist WHERE Status='Read'") logger.info("[DELETE-ALL-READ] Removed All issues that have been marked as Read from Reading List") removefromreadlist.exposed = True def markasRead(self, IssueID=None, IssueArcID=None): read = readinglist.Readinglist(IssueID, IssueArcID) read.markasRead() markasRead.exposed = True def addtoreadlist(self, IssueID): read = readinglist.Readinglist(IssueID=IssueID) read.addtoreadlist() return #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % readlist['ComicID']) addtoreadlist.exposed = True def importReadlist(self, filename): from xml.dom.minidom import parseString, Element import random myDB = db.DBConnection() file = open(filename) data = file.read() file.close() dom = parseString(data) # of results storyarc = dom.getElementsByTagName('Name')[0].firstChild.wholeText tracks = dom.getElementsByTagName('Book') i = 1 node = dom.documentElement logger.fdebug("there are " + str(len(tracks)) + " issues in the story-arc: " + str(storyarc)) #generate a random number for the ID, and tack on the total issue count to the end as a str :) storyarcid = str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) + str(len(tracks)) i = 1 for book_element in tracks: st_issueid = str(storyarcid) + "_" + str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) comicname = book_element.getAttribute('Series') logger.fdebug("comic: " + comicname) comicnumber = book_element.getAttribute('Number') logger.fdebug("number: " + str(comicnumber)) comicvolume = book_element.getAttribute('Volume') logger.fdebug("volume: " + str(comicvolume)) comicyear = book_element.getAttribute('Year') logger.fdebug("year: " + str(comicyear)) CtrlVal = {"IssueArcID": st_issueid} NewVals = {"StoryArcID": storyarcid, "ComicName": comicname, "IssueNumber": comicnumber, "SeriesYear": comicvolume, "IssueYear": comicyear, "StoryArc": storyarc, "ReadingOrder": i, "TotalIssues": len(tracks)} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", NewVals, CtrlVal) i+=1 # Now we either load in all of the issue data for series' already on the watchlist, # or we dynamically load them from CV and write to the db. #this loads in all the series' that have multiple entries in the current story arc. Arc_MultipleSeries = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND IssueID is NULL GROUP BY ComicName HAVING (COUNT(ComicName) > 1)", [storyarcid]) if Arc_MultipleSeries is None: logger.info('Detected 0 series that have multiple entries in this Story Arc. Continuing.') else: AMS = [] for Arc_MS in Arc_MultipleSeries: print Arc_MS #the purpose of this loop is to loop through the multiple entries, pulling out the lowest & highest issue numbers #along with the publication years in order to help the auto-detector attempt to figure out what the series is on CV. #.schema storyarcs #(StoryArcID TEXT, ComicName TEXT, IssueNumber TEXT, SeriesYear TEXT, IssueYEAR TEXT, StoryArc TEXT, TotalIssues TEXT, # Status TEXT, inCacheDir TEXT, Location TEXT, IssueArcID TEXT, ReadingOrder INT, IssueID TEXT); AMS.append({"StoryArcID": Arc_MS['StoryArcID'], "ComicName": Arc_MS['ComicName'], "SeriesYear": Arc_MS['SeriesYear'], "IssueYear": Arc_MS['IssueYear'], "IssueID": Arc_MS['IssueID'], "highvalue": '0', "lowvalue": '9999', "yearRANGE": [str(Arc_MS['SeriesYear'])]}) #Arc_MS['SeriesYear']}) for MSCheck in AMS: thischk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE ComicName=? AND SeriesYear=?', [MSCheck['ComicName'], MSCheck['SeriesYear']]) for tchk in thischk: if helpers.issuedigits(tchk['IssueNumber']) > helpers.issuedigits(MSCheck['highvalue']): for key in MSCheck.keys(): if key == "highvalue": MSCheck[key] = tchk['IssueNumber'] if helpers.issuedigits(tchk['IssueNumber']) < helpers.issuedigits(MSCheck['lowvalue']): for key in MSCheck.keys(): if key == "lowvalue": MSCheck[key] = tchk['IssueNumber'] logger.fdebug(str(tchk['IssueYear'])) logger.fdebug(MSCheck['yearRANGE']) if str(tchk['IssueYear']) not in str(MSCheck['yearRANGE']): for key in MSCheck.keys(): if key == "yearRANGE": MSCheck[key].append(str(tchk['IssueYear'])) #write out here #logger.fdebug(str(MSCheck)) #now we load in the list without the multiple entries (ie. series that appear only once in the cbl and don't have an IssueID) Arc_Issues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND IssueID is NULL GROUP BY ComicName HAVING (COUNT(ComicName) = 1)", [storyarcid]) if Arc_Issues is None: logger.fdebug('No individual series detected within the Reading list (series that only appear once).') else: logger.fdebug('Detected series that occur only once in the Reading List.') for AI in Arc_Issues: logger.fdebug('Detected ' + AI['ComicName'] + ' (' + AI['SeriesYear'] + ') #' + AI['IssueNumber']) AMS.append({"StoryArcID": AI['StoryArcID'], "ComicName": AI['ComicName'], "SeriesYear": AI['SeriesYear'], "IssueYear": AI['IssueYear'], "IssueID": AI['IssueID'], "highvalue": AI['IssueNumber'], "lowvalue": AI['IssueNumber'], "yearRANGE": AI['IssueYear']}) logger.fdebug('AMS:' + str(AMS)) logger.fdebug('I need to now try to populate ' + str(len(AMS)) + ' series.') Arc_Data = [] for duh in AMS: mode='series' sresults = mb.findComic(duh['ComicName'], mode, issue=duh['highvalue'], limityear=duh['yearRANGE']) type='comic' if len(sresults) == 1: sr = sresults[0] logger.info('Only one result...automagik-mode enabled for ' + duh['ComicName'] + ' :: ' + str(sr['comicid']) + ' :: Publisher : ' + str(sr['publisher'])) issues = mylar.cv.getComic(sr['comicid'], 'issue') isscnt = len(issues['issuechoice']) logger.info('isscnt : ' + str(isscnt)) chklist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND ComicName=? AND SeriesYear=?', [duh['StoryArcID'], duh['ComicName'], duh['SeriesYear']]) if chklist is None: logger.error('I did not find anything in the Story Arc. Something is probably wrong.') continue else: n = 0 while (n <= isscnt): try: islval = issues['issuechoice'][n] except IndexError: break for d in chklist: if islval['Issue_Number'] == d['IssueNumber']: logger.info('[' + str(islval['Issue_ID']) + '] matched on Issue Number for ' + duh['ComicName'] + ' #' + str(d['IssueNumber'])) logger.info('I should write these dates: ' + islval['Issue_Date'] + ' -- ' + islval['Store_Date']) Arc_Data.append({"StoryArcID": duh['StoryArcID'], "IssueArcID": d['IssueArcID'], "ComicID": islval['Comic_ID'], "IssueID": islval['Issue_ID'], "Issue_Number": islval['Issue_Number'], "Issue_Date": islval['Issue_Date'], "Publisher": sr['publisher'], "Store_Date": islval['Store_Date']}) break n+=1 #the below cresults will auto-add and cycle through until all are added to watchlist #cresults = importer.addComictoDB(sr['comicid'],"no",None) else: logger.fdebug('Returning results to screen - more than one possibility.') resultset = 0 logger.info('I need to update ' + str(len(Arc_Data)) + ' issues in this Reading List with CV Issue Data.') if len(Arc_Data) > 0: for AD in Arc_Data: newCtrl = {"IssueArcID": AD['IssueArcID']} newVals = {"ComicID": AD['ComicID'], "IssueID": AD['IssueID'], "Publisher": AD['Publisher'], "IssueDate": AD['Issue_Date'], "ReleaseDate": AD['Store_Date']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVals, newCtrl) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("detailStoryArc?StoryArcID=%s&StoryArcName=%s" % (storyarcid, storyarc)) importReadlist.exposed = True def ArcWatchlist(self,StoryArcID=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if StoryArcID: ArcWatch = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=?", [StoryArcID]) else: ArcWatch = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs") if ArcWatch is None: logger.info("No Story Arcs to search") else: #cycle through the story arcs here for matches on the watchlist arcname = ArcWatch[0]['StoryArc'] arcdir = helpers.filesafe(arcname) arcpub = ArcWatch[0]['Publisher'] if arcpub is None: arcpub = ArcWatch[0]['IssuePublisher'] lowyear = 9999 maxyear = 0 for la in ArcWatch: if la['IssueDate'] is None: continue else: if int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) > maxyear: maxyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) if int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) < lowyear: lowyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) if maxyear == 0: spanyears = la['SeriesYear'] elif lowyear == maxyear: spanyears = str(maxyear) else: spanyears = '%s - %s' % (lowyear, maxyear) logger.info('arcpub: %s' % arcpub) dstloc = helpers.arcformat(arcdir, spanyears, arcpub) filelist = None if dstloc is not None: if not os.path.isdir(dstloc): if mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR: logger.info('Story Arc Directory [%s] does not exist! - attempting to create now.' % dstloc) else: logger.info('Story Arc Grab-Bag Directory [%s] does not exist! - attempting to create now.' % dstloc) checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(dstloc, True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.') return if all([mylar.CONFIG.CVINFO, mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR]): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dstloc, "cvinfo")) or mylar.CONFIG.CV_ONETIMER: logger.fdebug('Generating cvinfo file for story-arc.') with open(os.path.join(dstloc, "cvinfo"), "w") as text_file: if any([ArcWatch[0]['StoryArcID'] == ArcWatch[0]['CV_ArcID'], ArcWatch[0]['CV_ArcID'] is None]): cvinfo_arcid = ArcWatch[0]['StoryArcID'] else: cvinfo_arcid = ArcWatch[0]['CV_ArcID'] text_file.write('https://comicvine.gamespot.com/storyarc/4045-' + str(cvinfo_arcid)) if mylar.CONFIG.ENFORCE_PERMS: filechecker.setperms(os.path.join(dstloc, 'cvinfo')) #get the list of files within the storyarc directory, if any. if mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR: fchk = filechecker.FileChecker(dir=dstloc, watchcomic=None, Publisher=None, sarc='true', justparse=True) filechk = fchk.listFiles() fccnt = filechk['comiccount'] logger.fdebug('[STORY ARC DIRECTORY] %s files exist within this directory.' % fccnt) if fccnt > 0: filelist = filechk['comiclist'] logger.info(filechk) arc_match = [] wantedlist = [] sarc_title = None showonreadlist = 1 # 0 won't show storyarcissues on storyarcs main page, 1 will show for arc in ArcWatch: newStatus = 'Skipped' if arc['Manual'] == 'deleted': continue sarc_title = arc['StoryArc'] logger.fdebug('[%s] %s : %s' % (arc['StoryArc'], arc['ComicName'], arc['IssueNumber'])) matcheroso = "no" #fc = filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=arc['ComicName']) #modi_names = fc.dynamic_replace(arc['ComicName']) #mod_arc = re.sub('[\|\s]', '', modi_names['mod_watchcomic'].lower()).strip() #is from the arc db comics = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE DynamicComicName IN (?) COLLATE NOCASE", [arc['DynamicComicName']]) for comic in comics: mod_watch = comic['DynamicComicName'] #is from the comics db if re.sub('[\|\s]','', mod_watch.lower()).strip() == re.sub('[\|\s]', '', arc['DynamicComicName'].lower()).strip(): logger.fdebug("initial name match - confirming issue # is present in series") if comic['ComicID'][:1] == 'G': # if it's a multi-volume series, it's decimalized - let's get rid of the decimal. GCDissue, whocares = helpers.decimal_issue(arc['IssueNumber']) GCDissue = int(GCDissue) / 1000 if '.' not in str(GCDissue): GCDissue = '%s.00' % GCDissue logger.fdebug("issue converted to %s" % GCDissue) isschk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE Issue_Number=? AND ComicID=?", [str(GCDissue), comic['ComicID']]).fetchone() else: issue_int = helpers.issuedigits(arc['IssueNumber']) logger.fdebug('int_issue = %s' % issue_int) isschk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE Int_IssueNumber=? AND ComicID=?", [issue_int, comic['ComicID']]).fetchone() #AND STATUS !='Snatched'", [issue_int, comic['ComicID']]).fetchone() if isschk is None: logger.fdebug('We matched on name, but issue %s doesn\'t exist for %s' % (arc['IssueNumber'], comic['ComicName'])) else: #this gets ugly - if the name matches and the issue, it could still be wrong series #use series year to break it down further. logger.fdebug('COMIC-comicyear: %s' % comic['ComicYear']) logger.fdebug('B4-ARC-seriesyear: %s' % arc['SeriesYear']) if any([arc['SeriesYear'] is None, arc['SeriesYear'] == 'None']): vy = '2099-00-00' for x in isschk: if any([x['IssueDate'] is None, x['IssueDate'] == '0000-00-00']): sy = x['StoreDate'] if any([sy is None, sy == '0000-00-00']): continue else: sy = x['IssueDate'] if sy < vy: v_seriesyear = sy seriesyear = v_seriesyear logger.info('No Series year set. Discovered & set to %s' % seriesyear) else: seriesyear = arc['SeriesYear'] logger.fdebug('ARC-seriesyear: %s' % seriesyear) if int(comic['ComicYear']) != int(seriesyear): logger.fdebug('Series years are different - discarding match. %s != %s' % (comic['ComicYear'], seriesyear)) else: logger.fdebug('issue #: %s is present!' % arc['IssueNumber']) logger.fdebug('Comicname: %s' % arc['ComicName']) logger.fdebug('ComicID: %s' % isschk['ComicID']) logger.fdebug('Issue: %s' % arc['IssueNumber']) logger.fdebug('IssueArcID: %s' % arc['IssueArcID']) #gather the matches now. arc_match.append({ "match_storyarc": arc['StoryArc'], "match_name": arc['ComicName'], "match_id": isschk['ComicID'], "match_issue": arc['IssueNumber'], "match_issuearcid": arc['IssueArcID'], "match_seriesyear": comic['ComicYear'], "match_readingorder": arc['ReadingOrder'], "match_filedirectory": comic['ComicLocation'], #series directory path "destination_location": dstloc}) #path to given storyarc / grab-bag directory matcheroso = "yes" break if matcheroso == "no": logger.fdebug('[NO WATCHLIST MATCH] Unable to find a match for %s :#%s' % (arc['ComicName'], arc['IssueNumber'])) wantedlist.append({ "ComicName": arc['ComicName'], "IssueNumber": arc['IssueNumber'], "IssueYear": arc['IssueYear']}) if filelist is not None and mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR: logger.fdebug('[NO WATCHLIST MATCH] Checking against local Arc directory for given issue.') fn = 0 valids = [x for x in filelist if re.sub('[\|\s]','', x['dynamic_name'].lower()).strip() == re.sub('[\|\s]','', arc['DynamicComicName'].lower()).strip()] logger.fdebug('valids: %s' % valids) if len(valids) > 0: for tmpfc in valids: #filelist: haveissue = "no" issuedupe = "no" temploc = tmpfc['issue_number'].replace('_', ' ') fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(arc['IssueNumber']) int_iss = helpers.issuedigits(temploc) if int_iss == fcdigit: logger.fdebug('%s Issue #%s already present in StoryArc directory' % (arc['ComicName'], arc['IssueNumber'])) #update storyarcs db to reflect status. rr_rename = False if mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME: readorder = helpers.renamefile_readingorder(arc['ReadingOrder']) if all([tmpfc['reading_order'] is not None, int(readorder) != int(tmpfc['reading_order']['reading_sequence'])]): logger.warn('reading order sequence has changed for this issue from %s to %s' % (tmpfc['reading_order']['reading_sequence'], readorder)) rr_rename = True dfilename = '%s-%s' % (readorder, tmpfc['reading_order']['filename']) elif tmpfc['reading_order'] is None: dfilename = '%s-%s' % (readorder, tmpfc['comicfilename']) else: dfilename = '%s-%s' % (readorder, tmpfc['reading_order']['filename']) else: dfilename = tmpfc['comicfilename'] if all([tmpfc['sub'] is not None, tmpfc['sub'] != 'None']): loc_path = os.path.join(tmpfc['comiclocation'], tmpfc['sub'], dfilename) else: loc_path = os.path.join(tmpfc['comiclocation'], dfilename) if rr_rename: logger.fdebug('Now re-sequencing file to : %s' % dfilename) os.rename(os.path.join(tmpfc['comiclocation'],tmpfc['comicfilename']), loc_path) newStatus = 'Downloaded' newVal = {"Status": newStatus, "Location": loc_path} #dfilename} ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": arc['IssueArcID']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal) break else: newStatus = 'Skipped' fn+=1 if newStatus == 'Skipped': #this will set all None Status' to Skipped (at least initially) newVal = {"Status": "Skipped"} ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": arc['IssueArcID']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal) continue newVal = {"Status": "Skipped"} ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": arc['IssueArcID']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal) logger.fdebug('%s issues currently exist on your watchlist that are within this arc. Analyzing...' % len(arc_match)) for m_arc in arc_match: #now we cycle through the issues looking for a match. #issue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? and Issue_Number=?", [m_arc['match_id'], m_arc['match_issue']]).fetchone() issue = myDB.selectone("SELECT a.Issue_Number, a.Status, a.IssueID, a.ComicName, a.IssueDate, a.Location, b.readingorder FROM issues AS a INNER JOIN storyarcs AS b ON a.comicid = b.comicid where a.comicid=? and a.issue_number=?", [m_arc['match_id'], m_arc['match_issue']]).fetchone() if issue is None: pass else: logger.fdebug('issue: %s ... %s' % (issue['Issue_Number'], m_arc['match_issue'])) if issue['Issue_Number'] == m_arc['match_issue']: logger.fdebug('We matched on %s for %s' % (issue['Issue_Number'], m_arc['match_name'])) if issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or issue['Status'] == 'Archived' or issue['Status'] == 'Snatched': if showonreadlist: showctrlVal = {"IssueID": issue['IssueID']} shownewVal = {"ComicName": issue['ComicName'], "Issue_Number": issue['Issue_Number'], "IssueDate": issue['IssueDate'], "SeriesYear": m_arc['match_seriesyear'], "ComicID": m_arc['match_id']} myDB.upsert("readlist", shownewVal, showctrlVal) logger.fdebug('Already have %s : #%s' % (issue['ComicName'], issue['Issue_Number'])) if issue['Location'] is not None: issloc = os.path.join(m_arc['match_filedirectory'], issue['Location']) else: issloc = None location_path = issloc if issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded': #check multiple destination directory usage here. if not os.path.isfile(issloc): try: if all([mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None, mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None', os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(m_arc['match_filedirectory'])) != issloc, os.path.exists(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(m_arc['match_filedirectory'])))]): issloc = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(m_arc['match_filedirectory']), issue['Location']) if not os.path.isfile(issloc): logger.warn('Source file cannot be located. Please do a Recheck for the specific series to ensure everything is correct.') continue except: pass logger.fdebug('source location set to : %s' % issloc) if all([mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR, mylar.CONFIG.COPY2ARCDIR]): logger.fdebug('Destination location set to : %s' % m_arc['destination_location']) logger.fdebug('Attempting to copy into StoryArc directory') #copy into StoryArc directory... #need to make sure the file being copied over isn't already present in the directory either with a different filename, #or different reading order. rr_rename = False if mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME: readorder = helpers.renamefile_readingorder(m_arc['match_readingorder']) if all([m_arc['match_readingorder'] is not None, int(readorder) != int(m_arc['match_readingorder'])]): logger.warn('Reading order sequence has changed for this issue from %s to %s' % (m_arc['match_reading_order'], readorder)) rr_rename = True dfilename = '%s-%s' % (readorder, issue['Location']) elif m_arc['match_readingorder'] is None: dfilename = '%s-%s' % (readorder, issue['Location']) else: dfilename = '%s-%s' % (readorder, issue['Location']) else: dfilename = issue['Location'] #dfilename = str(readorder) + "-" + issue['Location'] #else: #dfilename = issue['Location'] dstloc = os.path.join(m_arc['destination_location'], dfilename) if rr_rename: logger.fdebug('Now re-sequencing COPIED file to : %s' % dfilename) os.rename(issloc, dstloc) if not os.path.isfile(dstloc): logger.fdebug('Copying %s to %s' % (issloc, dstloc)) try: fileoperation = helpers.file_ops(issloc, dstloc, arc=True) if not fileoperation: raise OSError except (OSError, IOError): logger.error('Failed to %s %s - check directories and manually re-run.' % (mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS, issloc)) continue else: logger.fdebug('Destination file exists: %s' % dstloc) location_path = dstloc else: location_path = issloc ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": m_arc['match_issuearcid']} newVal = {'Status': issue['Status'], 'IssueID': issue['IssueID'], 'Location': location_path} myDB.upsert("storyarcs",newVal,ctrlVal) else: logger.fdebug('We don\'t have %s : #%s' % (issue['ComicName'], issue['Issue_Number'])) ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": m_arc['match_issuearcid']} newVal = {"Status": issue['Status'], #"Wanted", "IssueID": issue['IssueID']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal) logger.info('Marked %s :#%s as %s' % (issue['ComicName'], issue['Issue_Number'], issue['Status'])) arcstats = self.storyarc_main(StoryArcID) logger.info('[STORY-ARCS] Completed Missing/Recheck Files for %s [%s / %s]' % (arcname, arcstats['Have'], arcstats['TotalIssues'])) return ArcWatchlist.exposed = True def SearchArcIssues(self, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=self.ReadGetWanted, kwargs=kwargs).start() SearchArcIssues.exposed = True def ReadGetWanted(self, StoryArcID): # this will queue up (ie. make 'Wanted') issues in a given Story Arc that are 'Not Watched' stupdate = [] mode = 'story_arc' myDB = db.DBConnection() wantedlist = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND Status != 'Downloaded' AND Status !='Archived' AND Status !='Snatched'", [StoryArcID]) if wantedlist is not None: for want in wantedlist: print want issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT a.Type, a.ComicYear, b.ComicName, b.Issue_Number, b.ComicID, b.IssueID FROM comics as a INNER JOIN issues as b on a.ComicID = b.ComicID WHERE b.IssueID=?", [want['IssueArcID']]).fetchone() SARC = want['StoryArc'] IssueArcID = want['IssueArcID'] Publisher = want['Publisher'] if issuechk is None: # none means it's not a 'watched' series s_comicid = want['ComicID'] #None s_issueid = want['IssueArcID'] #None BookType = want['Type'] stdate = want['ReleaseDate'] issdate = want['IssueDate'] logger.fdebug("-- NOT a watched series queue.") logger.fdebug('%s -- #%s' % (want['ComicName'], want['IssueNumber'])) logger.fdebug('Story Arc %s : queueing the selected issue...' % SARC) logger.fdebug('IssueArcID : %s' % IssueArcID) logger.fdebug('ComicID: %s --- IssueID: %s' % (s_comicid, s_issueid)) # no comicid in issues table. logger.fdebug('ReleaseDate: %s --- IssueDate: %s' % (stdate, issdate)) issueyear = want['IssueYEAR'] logger.fdebug('IssueYear: %s' % issueyear) if issueyear is None or issueyear == 'None': try: logger.fdebug('issdate:' + str(issdate)) issueyear = issdate[:4] if not issueyear.startswith('19') and not issueyear.startswith('20'): issueyear = stdate[:4] except: issueyear = stdate[:4] logger.fdebug('ComicYear: %s' % want['SeriesYear']) passinfo = {'issueid': s_issueid, 'comicname': want['ComicName'], 'seriesyear': want['SeriesYear'], 'comicid': s_comicid, 'issuenumber': want['IssueNumber'], 'booktype': BookType} #oneoff = True ? else: # it's a watched series s_comicid = issuechk['ComicID'] s_issueid = issuechk['IssueID'] logger.fdebug("-- watched series queue.") logger.fdebug('%s --- #%s' % (issuechk['ComicName'], issuechk['Issue_Number'])) passinfo = {'issueid': s_issueid, 'comicname': issuechk['ComicName'], 'seriesyear': issuechk['SeriesYear'], 'comicid': s_comicid, 'issuenumber': issuechk['Issue_Number'], 'booktype': issuechk['Type']} mylar.SEARCH_QUEUE.put(passinfo) #if foundcom['status'] is True: # logger.fdebug('sucessfully found.') # #update the status - this is necessary for torrents as they are in 'snatched' status. # updater.foundsearch(s_comicid, s_issueid, mode=mode, provider=prov, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID) #else: # logger.fdebug('not sucessfully found.') # stupdate.append({"Status": "Wanted", # "IssueArcID": IssueArcID, # "IssueID": s_issueid}) watchlistchk = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [StoryArcID]) if watchlistchk is not None: for watchchk in watchlistchk: logger.fdebug('Watchlist hit - %s' % watchchk['ComicName']) issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT a.Type, a.ComicYear, b.ComicName, b.Issue_Number, b.ComicID, b.IssueID FROM comics as a INNER JOIN issues as b on a.ComicID = b.ComicID WHERE b.IssueID=?", [watchchk['IssueArcID']]).fetchone() SARC = watchchk['StoryArc'] IssueArcID = watchchk['IssueArcID'] if issuechk is None: # none means it's not a 'watched' series try: s_comicid = watchchk['ComicID'] except: s_comicid = None try: s_issueid = watchchk['IssueArcID'] except: s_issueid = None logger.fdebug("-- NOT a watched series queue.") logger.fdebug('%s -- #%s' % (watchchk['ComicName'], watchchk['IssueNumber'])) logger.fdebug('Story Arc : %s queueing up the selected issue...' % SARC) logger.fdebug('IssueArcID : %s' % IssueArcID) try: issueyear = watchchk['IssueYEAR'] logger.fdebug('issueYEAR : %s' % issueyear) except: try: issueyear = watchchk['IssueDate'][:4] except: issueyear = watchchk['ReleaseDate'][:4] stdate = watchchk['ReleaseDate'] issdate = watchchk['IssueDate'] logger.fdebug('issueyear : %s' % issueyear) logger.fdebug('comicname : %s' % watchchk['ComicName']) logger.fdebug('issuenumber : %s' % watchchk['IssueNumber']) logger.fdebug('comicyear : %s' % watchchk['SeriesYear']) #logger.info('publisher : ' + watchchk['IssuePublisher']) <-- no publisher in table logger.fdebug('SARC : %s' % SARC) logger.fdebug('IssueArcID : %s' % IssueArcID) passinfo = {'issueid': s_issueid, 'comicname': watchchk['ComicName'], 'seriesyear': watchchk['SeriesYear'], 'comicid': s_comicid, 'issuenumber': watchchk['IssueNumber'], 'booktype': watchchk['Type']} #foundcom, prov = search.search_init(ComicName=watchchk['ComicName'], IssueNumber=watchchk['IssueNumber'], ComicYear=issueyear, SeriesYear=watchchk['SeriesYear'], Publisher=None, IssueDate=issdate, StoreDate=stdate, IssueID=s_issueid, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, oneoff=True) else: # it's a watched series s_comicid = issuechk['ComicID'] s_issueid = issuechk['IssueID'] logger.fdebug('-- watched series queue.') logger.fdebug('%s -- #%s' % (issuechk['ComicName'], issuechk['Issue_Number'])) passinfo = {'issueid': s_issueid, 'comicname': issuechk['ComicName'], 'seriesyear': issuechk['SeriesYear'], 'comicid': s_comicid, 'issuenumber': issuechk['Issue_Number'], 'booktype': issuechk['Type']} #foundcom, prov = search.search_init(ComicName=issuechk['ComicName'], IssueNumber=issuechk['Issue_Number'], ComicYear=issuechk['IssueYear'], SeriesYear=issuechk['SeriesYear'], Publisher=None, IssueDate=None, StoreDate=issuechk['ReleaseDate'], IssueID=issuechk['IssueID'], AlternateSearch=None, UseFuzzy=None, ComicVersion=None, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, mode=None, rsscheck=None, ComicID=None) mylar.SEARCH_QUEUE.put(passinfo) #if foundcom['status'] is True: # updater.foundsearch(s_comicid, s_issueid, mode=mode, provider=prov, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID) #else: # logger.fdebug('Watchlist issue not sucessfully found') # logger.fdebug('issuearcid: %s' % IssueArcID) # logger.fdebug('issueid: %s' % s_issueid) # stupdate.append({"Status": "Wanted", # "IssueArcID": IssueArcID, # "IssueID": s_issueid}) if len(stupdate) > 0: logger.fdebug('%s issues need to get updated to Wanted Status' % len(stupdate)) for st in stupdate: ctrlVal = {'IssueArcID': st['IssueArcID']} newVal = {'Status': st['Status']} if st['IssueID']: if st['IssueID']: logger.fdebug('issueid: %s' %st['IssueID']) newVal['IssueID'] = st['IssueID'] myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal) ReadGetWanted.exposed = True def ReadMassCopy(self, StoryArcID, StoryArcName): #this copies entire story arcs into the /cache/ folder #alternatively, it will copy the issues individually directly to a 3rd party device (ie.tablet) myDB = db.DBConnection() copylist = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM readlist WHERE StoryArcID=? AND Status='Downloaded'", [StoryArcID]) if copylist is None: logger.fdebug("You don't have any issues from " + StoryArcName + ". Aborting Mass Copy.") return else: dst = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, StoryArcName) for files in copylist: copyloc = files['Location'] ReadMassCopy.exposed = True def logs(self): return serve_template(templatename="logs.html", title="Log", lineList=mylar.LOGLIST) logs.exposed = True def config_dump(self): return serve_template(templatename="config_dump.html", title="Config Listing", lineList=mylar.CONFIG) config_dump.exposed = True def clearLogs(self): mylar.LOGLIST = [] logger.info("Web logs cleared") raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("logs") clearLogs.exposed = True def toggleVerbose(self): if mylar.LOG_LEVEL != 2: mylar.LOG_LEVEL = 2 else: mylar.LOG_LEVEL = 1 if logger.LOG_LANG.startswith('en'): logger.initLogger(console=not mylar.QUIET, log_dir=mylar.CONFIG.LOG_DIR, max_logsize=mylar.CONFIG.MAX_LOGSIZE, max_logfiles=mylar.CONFIG.MAX_LOGFILES, loglevel=mylar.LOG_LEVEL) else: logger.mylar_log.stopLogger() logger.mylar_log.initLogger(loglevel=mylar.LOG_LEVEL, log_dir=mylar.CONFIG.LOG_DIR, max_logsize=mylar.CONFIG.MAX_LOGSIZE, max_logfiles=mylar.CONFIG.MAX_LOGFILES) #mylar.VERBOSE = not mylar.VERBOSE #logger.initLogger(console=not mylar.QUIET, # log_dir=mylar.CONFIG.LOG_DIR, verbose=mylar.VERBOSE) if mylar.LOG_LEVEL == 2: logger.info("Verbose (DEBUG) logging is enabled") logger.debug("If you can read this message, debug logging is now working") else: logger.info("normal (INFO) logging is now enabled") raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("logs") toggleVerbose.exposed = True def getLog(self, iDisplayStart=0, iDisplayLength=100, iSortCol_0=0, sSortDir_0="desc", sSearch="", **kwargs): iDisplayStart = int(iDisplayStart) iDisplayLength = int(iDisplayLength) filtered = [] if sSearch == "" or sSearch == None: filtered = mylar.LOGLIST[::] else: filtered = [row for row in mylar.LOGLIST for column in row if sSearch.lower() in column.lower()] sortcolumn = 0 if iSortCol_0 == '1': sortcolumn = 2 elif iSortCol_0 == '2': sortcolumn = 1 filtered.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortcolumn], reverse=sSortDir_0 == "desc") rows = filtered[iDisplayStart:(iDisplayStart + iDisplayLength)] rows = [[row[0], row[2], row[1]] for row in rows] return json.dumps({ 'iTotalDisplayRecords': len(filtered), 'iTotalRecords': len(mylar.LOGLIST), 'aaData': rows, }) getLog.exposed = True def getConfig(self, iDisplayStart=0, iDisplayLength=100, iSortCol_0=0, sSortDir_0="desc", sSearch="", **kwargs): iDisplayStart = int(iDisplayStart) iDisplayLength = int(iDisplayLength) unfiltered = [] for each_section in mylar.config.config.sections(): for k,v in mylar.config.config.items(each_section): unfiltered.insert( 0, (k, v.decode('utf-8')) ) if sSearch == "" or sSearch == None: logger.info('getConfig: No search terms.') filtered = unfiltered else: logger.info('getConfig: Searching for ' + sSearch) dSearch = {sSearch: '.'} filtered = [row for row in unfiltered for column in row if sSearch.lower() in column.lower()] sortcolumn = 0 if iSortCol_0 == '1': sortcolumn = 2 elif iSortCol_0 == '2': sortcolumn = 1 filtered.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortcolumn], reverse=sSortDir_0 == "desc") rows = filtered[iDisplayStart:(iDisplayStart + iDisplayLength)] return json.dumps({ 'iTotalDisplayRecords': len(filtered), 'iTotalRecords': len(unfiltered), 'aaData': rows, }) getConfig.exposed = True def clearhistory(self, type=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() if type == 'all': logger.info(u"Clearing all history") myDB.action('DELETE from snatched') else: logger.info(u"Clearing history where status is %s" % type) myDB.action('DELETE from snatched WHERE Status=?', [type]) if type == 'Processed': myDB.action("DELETE from snatched WHERE Status='Post-Processed'") raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("history") clearhistory.exposed = True def downloadLocal(self, IssueID=None, IssueArcID=None, ReadOrder=None, dir=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() issueDL = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() comicid = issueDL['ComicID'] #print ("comicid: " + str(comicid)) comic = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone() #---issue info comicname = comic['ComicName'] issuenum = issueDL['Issue_Number'] issuedate = issueDL['IssueDate'] seriesyear = comic['ComicYear'] #--- issueLOC = comic['ComicLocation'] #print ("IssueLOC: " + str(issueLOC)) issueFILE = issueDL['Location'] #print ("IssueFILE: "+ str(issueFILE)) issuePATH = os.path.join(issueLOC, issueFILE) #print ("IssuePATH: " + str(issuePATH)) # if dir is None, it's a normal copy to cache kinda thing. # if dir is a path, then it's coming from the pullist as the location to put all the weekly comics if dir is not None: dstPATH = dir else: dstPATH = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, issueFILE) #print ("dstPATH: " + str(dstPATH)) if IssueID: ISnewValueDict = {'inCacheDIR': 'True', 'Location': issueFILE} if IssueArcID: if mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME: #if it's coming from a StoryArc, check to see if we're appending the ReadingOrder to the filename ARCissueFILE = ReadOrder + "-" + issueFILE dstPATH = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, ARCissueFILE) ISnewValueDict = {'inCacheDIR': 'True', 'Location': issueFILE} # issueDL = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?", [IssueArcID]).fetchone() # storyarcid = issueDL['StoryArcID'] # #print ("comicid: " + str(comicid)) # issueLOC = mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR # #print ("IssueLOC: " + str(issueLOC)) # issueFILE = issueDL['Location'] # #print ("IssueFILE: "+ str(issueFILE)) # issuePATH = os.path.join(issueLOC,issueFILE) # #print ("IssuePATH: " + str(issuePATH)) # dstPATH = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, issueFILE) # #print ("dstPATH: " + str(dstPATH)) try: shutil.copy2(issuePATH, dstPATH) except IOError as e: logger.error("Could not copy " + str(issuePATH) + " to " + str(dstPATH) + ". Copy to Cache terminated.") raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % comicid) #logger.debug("sucessfully copied to cache...Enabling Download link") controlValueDict = {'IssueID': IssueID} RLnewValueDict = {'inCacheDIR': 'True', 'Location': issueFILE, 'ComicID': comicid, 'ComicName': comicname, 'Issue_Number': issuenum, 'SeriesYear': seriesyear, 'IssueDate': issuedate} myDB.upsert("readlist", RLnewValueDict, controlValueDict) myDB.upsert("issues", ISnewValueDict, controlValueDict) if IssueArcID: controlValueD = {'IssueArcID': IssueArcID} newValueDict = {'inCacheDIR': 'True', 'Location': ARCissueFILE} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newValueDict, controlValueD) #print("DB updated - Download link now enabled.") downloadLocal.exposed = True def MassWeeklyDownload(self, weeknumber=None, year=None, midweek=None, weekfolder=0, filename=None): if filename is None: mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER = bool(int(weekfolder)) mylar.CONFIG.writeconfig(values={'weekfolder': mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER}) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("pullist") # this will download all downloaded comics from the weekly pull list and throw them # into a 'weekly' pull folder for those wanting to transfer directly to a 3rd party device. myDB = db.DBConnection() if mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER: if mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER_LOC: dstdir = mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER_LOC else: dstdir = mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR if mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER_FORMAT == 0: #0 = YYYY-mm desdir = os.path.join(dstdir, str(year) + '-' + str(weeknumber)) elif mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER_FORMAT == 1: #1 = YYYY-mm-dd (midweek) desdir = os.path.join(dstdir, str(midweek)) chkdir = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(desdir, create=True, module='WEEKLY-FOLDER') if not chkdir: logger.warn('Unable to create weekly directory. Check location & permissions. Aborting Copy.') return else: desdir = mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR issuelist = helpers.listIssues(weeknumber,year) if issuelist is None: # nothing on the list, just go go gone logger.info("There aren't any issues downloaded from this week yet.") else: iscount = 0 for issue in issuelist: #logger.fdebug('Checking status of ' + issue['ComicName'] + ' #' + str(issue['Issue_Number'])) if issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded': logger.info('Status Downloaded.') self.downloadLocal(issue['IssueID'], dir=desdir) logger.info("Copied " + issue['ComicName'] + " #" + str(issue['Issue_Number']) + " to " + desdir.encode('utf-8').strip()) iscount+=1 logger.info('I have copied ' + str(iscount) + ' issues from week #' + str(weeknumber) + ' pullist as requested.') raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("pullist?week=%s&year=%s" % (weeknumber, year)) MassWeeklyDownload.exposed = True def idirectory(self): return serve_template(templatename="idirectory.html", title="Import a Directory") idirectory.exposed = True def confirmResult(self, comicname, comicid): mode='series' sresults = mb.findComic(comicname, mode, None) type='comic' return serve_template(templatename="searchresults.html", title='Import Results for: "' + comicname + '"', searchresults=sresults, type=type, imported='confirm', ogcname=comicid) confirmResult.exposed = True def Check_ImportStatus(self): #logger.info('import_status: ' + mylar.IMPORT_STATUS) return mylar.IMPORT_STATUS Check_ImportStatus.exposed = True def comicScan(self, path, scan=0, libraryscan=0, redirect=None, autoadd=0, imp_move=0, imp_paths=0, imp_rename=0, imp_metadata=0, forcescan=0): import Queue queue = Queue.Queue() #save the values so they stick. mylar.CONFIG.ADD_COMICS = autoadd #too many problems for windows users, have to rethink this.... #if 'windows' in mylar.OS_DETECT.lower() and '\\\\?\\' not in path: # #to handle long paths, let's append the '\\?\' to the path to allow for unicode windows api access # path = "\\\\?\\" + path mylar.CONFIG.COMIC_DIR = path mylar.CONFIG.IMP_MOVE = bool(imp_move) mylar.CONFIG.IMP_RENAME = bool(imp_rename) mylar.CONFIG.IMP_METADATA = bool(imp_metadata) mylar.CONFIG.IMP_PATHS = bool(imp_paths) mylar.CONFIG.configure(update=True) # Write the config logger.info('Now updating config...') mylar.CONFIG.writeconfig() logger.info('forcescan is: ' + str(forcescan)) if mylar.IMPORTLOCK and forcescan == 1: logger.info('Removing Current lock on import - if you do this AND another process is legitimately running, your causing your own problems.') mylar.IMPORTLOCK = False #thread the scan. if scan == '1': scan = True mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Now starting the import' return self.ThreadcomicScan(scan, queue) else: scan = False return comicScan.exposed = True def ThreadcomicScan(self, scan, queue): thread_ = threading.Thread(target=librarysync.scanLibrary, name="LibraryScan", args=[scan, queue]) thread_.start() thread_.join() chk = queue.get() while True: if chk[0]['result'] == 'success': yield chk[0]['result'] logger.info('Successfully scanned in directory. Enabling the importResults button now.') mylar.IMPORTBUTTON = True #globally set it to ON after the scan so that it will be picked up. mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Import completed.' break else: yield ckh[0]['result'] mylar.IMPORTBUTTON = False break return ThreadcomicScan.exposed = True def importResults(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%' group by DynamicName, Volume, Status COLLATE NOCASE") #this is to get the count of issues; res = [] countit = [] ann_cnt = 0 for result in results: res.append(result) for x in res: if x['Volume']: #because Volume gets stored as NULL in the db, we need to account for it coming into here as a possible None value. countthis = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume=? AND Status=?", [x['DynamicName'],x['Volume'],x['Status']]) countannuals = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume=? AND IssueNumber LIKE 'Annual%' AND Status=?", [x['DynamicName'],x['Volume'],x['Status']]) else: countthis = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume IS NULL AND Status=?", [x['DynamicName'],x['Status']]) countannuals = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume IS NULL AND IssueNumber LIKE 'Annual%' AND Status=?", [x['DynamicName'],x['Status']]) countit.append({"DynamicName": x['DynamicName'], "Volume": x['Volume'], "IssueCount": countthis[0][0], "AnnualCount": countannuals[0][0], "ComicName": x['ComicName'], "DisplayName": x['DisplayName'], "Volume": x['Volume'], "ComicYear": x['ComicYear'], "Status": x['Status'], "ComicID": x['ComicID'], "WatchMatch": x['WatchMatch'], "ImportDate": x['ImportDate'], "SRID": x['SRID']}) return serve_template(templatename="importresults.html", title="Import Results", results=countit) #results, watchresults=watchresults) importResults.exposed = True def ImportFilelisting(self, comicname, dynamicname, volume): comicname = urllib.unquote_plus(helpers.conversion(comicname)) dynamicname = helpers.conversion(urllib.unquote_plus(dynamicname)) #urllib.unquote(dynamicname).decode('utf-8') myDB = db.DBConnection() if volume is None or volume == 'None': results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE (WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%') AND DynamicName=? AND Volume IS NULL",[dynamicname]) else: if not volume.lower().startswith('v'): volume = 'v' + str(volume) results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE (WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%') AND DynamicName=? AND Volume=?",[dynamicname,volume]) filelisting = '' filelisting += '' filelisting += '
' filelisting += '
Files that have been scanned in for:
' if volume is None or volume == 'None': filelisting += '
' + comicname + '
' else: filelisting += '
' + comicname + ' [' + str(volume) + ']
' #filelisting += '
' filelisting += '
' cnt = 0 for result in results: filelisting += result['ComicFilename'] + '
' filelisting += '
' + str(len(results)) + ' Files.
' return filelisting ImportFilelisting.exposed = True def deleteimport(self, ComicName, volume, DynamicName, Status): myDB = db.DBConnection() if volume is None or volume == 'None': logname = ComicName else: logname = ComicName + '[' + str(volume) + ']' logger.info("Removing import data for Comic: " + logname) if volume is None or volume == 'None': myDB.action('DELETE from importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Status=? AND (Volume is NULL OR Volume="None")', [DynamicName, Status]) else: myDB.action('DELETE from importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume=? AND Status=?', [DynamicName, volume, Status]) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") deleteimport.exposed = True def preSearchit(self, ComicName, comiclist=None, mimp=0, volume=None, displaycomic=None, comicid=None, dynamicname=None, displayline=None): if mylar.IMPORTLOCK: logger.info('[IMPORT] There is an import already running. Please wait for it to finish, and then you can resubmit this import.') return importlock = threading.Lock() myDB = db.DBConnection() if mimp == 0: comiclist = [] comiclist.append({"ComicName": ComicName, "DynamicName": dynamicname, "Volume": volume, "ComicID": comicid}) with importlock: #set the global importlock here so that nothing runs and tries to refresh things simultaneously... mylar.IMPORTLOCK = True #do imports that have the comicID already present (ie. metatagging has returned valid hits). #if a comicID is present along with an IssueID - then we have valid metadata. #otherwise, comicID present by itself indicates a watch match that already exists and is done below this sequence. RemoveIDS = [] for comicinfo in comiclist: logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] Checking for any valid ComicID\'s already present within filenames.') logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] %s:' % comicinfo) if comicinfo['ComicID'] is None or comicinfo['ComicID'] == 'None': continue else: results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE (WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%') AND ComicID=?", [comicinfo['ComicID']]) files = [] for result in results: files.append({'comicfilename': result['ComicFilename'], 'comiclocation': result['ComicLocation'], 'issuenumber': result['IssueNumber'], 'import_id': result['impID']}) import random SRID = str(random.randint(100000, 999999)) logger.info('[IMPORT] Issues found with valid ComicID information for : %s [%s]' % (comicinfo['ComicName'], comicinfo['ComicID'])) imported = {'ComicName': comicinfo['ComicName'], 'DynamicName': comicinfo['DynamicName'], 'Volume': comicinfo['Volume'], 'filelisting': files, 'srid': SRID} self.addbyid(comicinfo['ComicID'], calledby=True, imported=imported, ogcname=comicinfo['ComicName'], nothread=True) #if move files wasn't used - we need to update status at this point. #if mylar.CONFIG.IMP_MOVE is False: # #status update. # for f in files: # ctrlVal = {"ComicID": comicinfo['ComicID'], # "impID": f['import_id']} # newVal = {"Status": 'Imported', # "SRID": SRID, # "ComicFilename": f['comicfilename'], # "ComicLocation": f['comiclocation'], # "Volume": comicinfo['Volume'], # "IssueNumber": comicinfo['IssueNumber'], # "ComicName": comicinfo['ComicName'], # "DynamicName": comicinfo['DynamicName']} # myDB.upsert("importresults", newVal, ctrlVal) logger.info('[IMPORT] Successfully verified import sequence data for : %s. Currently adding to your watchlist.' % comicinfo['ComicName']) RemoveIDS.append(comicinfo['ComicID']) #we need to remove these items from the comiclist now, so they don't get processed again if len(RemoveIDS) > 0: for RID in RemoveIDS: newlist = [k for k in comiclist if k['ComicID'] != RID] comiclist = newlist for cl in comiclist: ComicName = cl['ComicName'] volume = cl['Volume'] DynamicName = cl['DynamicName'] #logger.fdebug('comicname: ' + ComicName) #logger.fdebug('dyn: ' + DynamicName) if volume is None or volume == 'None': comic_and_vol = ComicName else: comic_and_vol = '%s (%s)' % (ComicName, volume) logger.info('[IMPORT][%s] Now preparing to import. First I need to determine the highest issue, and possible year(s) of the series.' % comic_and_vol) if volume is None or volume == 'None': logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] [none] dynamicname: %s' % DynamicName) logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] [none] volume: None') results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume IS NULL AND Status='Not Imported'", [DynamicName]) else: logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] [!none] dynamicname: %s' % DynamicName) logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] [!none] volume: %s' % volume) results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE DynamicName=? AND Volume=? AND Status='Not Imported'", [DynamicName,volume]) if not results: logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] I cannot find any results for the given series. I should remove this from the list.') continue #if results > 0: # print ("There are " + str(results[7]) + " issues to import of " + str(ComicName)) #build the valid year ranges and the minimum issue# here to pass to search. yearRANGE = [] yearTOP = 0 minISSUE = 0 startISSUE = 10000000 starttheyear = None comicstoIMP = [] movealreadyonlist = "no" movedata = [] for result in results: if result is None or result == 'None': logger.info('[IMPORT] Ultron gave me bad information, this issue wont import correctly: %s' & DynamicName) break if result['WatchMatch']: watchmatched = result['WatchMatch'] else: watchmatched = '' if watchmatched.startswith('C'): comicid = result['WatchMatch'][1:] #since it's already in the watchlist, we just need to move the files and re-run the filechecker. #self.refreshArtist(comicid=comicid,imported='yes') if mylar.CONFIG.IMP_MOVE: comloc = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone() movedata_comicid = comicid movedata_comiclocation = comloc['ComicLocation'] movedata_comicname = ComicName movealreadyonlist = "yes" #mylar.moveit.movefiles(comicid,comloc['ComicLocation'],ComicName) #check for existing files... (this is already called after move files in importer) #updater.forceRescan(comicid) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") else: #logger.fdebug('result: %s' % result) comicstoIMP.append(result['ComicLocation']) #.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace')) getiss = result['IssueNumber'] #logger.fdebug('getiss: %s' % getiss) if 'annual' in getiss.lower(): tmpiss = re.sub('[^0-9]','', getiss).strip() if any([tmpiss.startswith('19'), tmpiss.startswith('20')]) and len(tmpiss) == 4: logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] annual detected with no issue [%s]. Skipping this entry for determining series length.' % getiss) continue else: if (result['ComicYear'] not in yearRANGE) or all([yearRANGE is None, yearRANGE == 'None']): if result['ComicYear'] <> "0000" and result['ComicYear'] is not None: yearRANGE.append(str(result['ComicYear'])) yearTOP = str(result['ComicYear']) getiss_num = helpers.issuedigits(getiss) miniss_num = helpers.issuedigits(minISSUE) startiss_num = helpers.issuedigits(startISSUE) if int(getiss_num) > int(miniss_num): logger.fdebug('Minimum issue now set to : %s - it was %s' % (getiss, minISSUE)) minISSUE = getiss if int(getiss_num) < int(startiss_num): logger.fdebug('Start issue now set to : %s - it was %s' % (getiss, startISSUE)) startISSUE = str(getiss) if helpers.issuedigits(startISSUE) == 1000 and result['ComicYear'] is not None: # if it's an issue #1, get the year and assume that's the start. startyear = result['ComicYear'] #taking this outside of the transaction in an attempt to stop db locking. if mylar.CONFIG.IMP_MOVE and movealreadyonlist == "yes": mylar.moveit.movefiles(movedata_comicid, movedata_comiclocation, movedata_comicname) updater.forceRescan(comicid) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") #figure out # of issues and the year range allowable logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] yearTOP: %s' % yearTOP) logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] yearRANGE: %s' % yearRANGE) if starttheyear is None: if all([yearTOP != None, yearTOP != 'None']): if int(str(yearTOP)) > 0: minni = helpers.issuedigits(minISSUE) #logger.info(minni) if minni < 1 or minni > 999999999: maxyear = int(str(yearTOP)) else: maxyear = int(str(yearTOP)) - ( (minni/1000) / 12 ) if str(maxyear) not in yearRANGE: #logger.info('maxyear:' + str(maxyear)) #logger.info('yeartop:' + str(yearTOP)) for i in range(maxyear, int(yearTOP),1): if not any(int(x) == int(i) for x in yearRANGE): yearRANGE.append(str(i)) else: yearRANGE = None else: yearRANGE = None else: yearRANGE.append(starttheyear) if yearRANGE is not None: yearRANGE = sorted(yearRANGE, reverse=True) #determine a best-guess to # of issues in series #this needs to be reworked / refined ALOT more. #minISSUE = highest issue #, startISSUE = lowest issue # numissues = len(comicstoIMP) logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] number of issues: %s' % numissues) ogcname = ComicName mode='series' displaycomic = helpers.filesafe(ComicName) displaycomic = re.sub('[\-]','', displaycomic).strip() displaycomic = re.sub('\s+', ' ', displaycomic).strip() logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] displaycomic : %s' % displaycomic) logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] comicname : %s' % ComicName) searchterm = '"' + displaycomic + '"' try: if yearRANGE is None: sresults = mb.findComic(searchterm, mode, issue=numissues) #ogcname, mode, issue=numissues, explicit='all') #ComicName, mode, issue=numissues) else: sresults = mb.findComic(searchterm, mode, issue=numissues, limityear=yearRANGE) #ogcname, mode, issue=numissues, limityear=yearRANGE, explicit='all') #ComicName, mode, issue=numissues, limityear=yearRANGE) except TypeError: logger.warn('[IMPORT] Comicvine API limit has been reached, and/or the comicvine website is not responding. Aborting process at this time, try again in an ~ hr when the api limit is reset.') break else: if sresults is False: sresults = [] type='comic' #we now need to cycle through the results until we get a hit on both dynamicname AND year (~count of issues possibly). logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] [%s] search results' % len(sresults)) search_matches = [] for results in sresults: rsn = filechecker.FileChecker() rsn_run = rsn.dynamic_replace(results['name']) result_name = rsn_run['mod_seriesname'] result_comicid = results['comicid'] result_year = results['comicyear'] if float(int(results['issues']) / 12): totalissues = (int(results['issues']) / 12) + 1 else: totalissues = int(results['issues']) / 12 totalyear_range = int(result_year) + totalissues #2000 + (101 / 12) 2000 +8.4 = 2008 logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] [%s] Comparing: %s - TO - %s' % (totalyear_range, re.sub('[\|\s]', '', DynamicName.lower()).strip(), re.sub('[\|\s]', '', result_name.lower()).strip())) if any([str(totalyear_range) in results['seriesrange'], result_year in results['seriesrange']]): logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] LastIssueID: %s' % results['lastissueid']) if re.sub('[\|\s]', '', DynamicName.lower()).strip() == re.sub('[\|\s]', '', result_name.lower()).strip(): logger.fdebug('[IMPORT MATCH] %s (%s)' % (result_name, result_comicid)) search_matches.append({'comicid': results['comicid'], 'series': results['name'], 'dynamicseries': result_name, 'seriesyear': result_year, 'publisher': results['publisher'], 'haveit': results['haveit'], 'name': results['name'], 'deck': results['deck'], 'url': results['url'], 'description': results['description'], 'comicimage': results['comicimage'], 'issues': results['issues'], 'ogcname': ogcname, 'comicyear': results['comicyear']}) if len(search_matches) == 1: sr = search_matches[0] logger.info('[IMPORT] There is only one result...automagik-mode enabled for %s :: %s' % (sr['series'], sr['comicid'])) resultset = 1 else: if len(search_matches) == 0 or len(search_matches) is None: logger.fdebug("[IMPORT] no results, removing the year from the agenda and re-querying.") sresults = mb.findComic(searchterm, mode, issue=numissues) #ComicName, mode, issue=numissues) logger.fdebug('[IMPORT] [%s] search results' % len(sresults)) for results in sresults: rsn = filechecker.FileChecker() rsn_run = rsn.dynamic_replace(results['name']) result_name = rsn_run['mod_seriesname'] result_comicid = results['comicid'] result_year = results['comicyear'] if float(int(results['issues']) / 12): totalissues = (int(results['issues']) / 12) + 1 else: totalissues = int(results['issues']) / 12 totalyear_range = int(result_year) + totalissues #2000 + (101 / 12) 2000 +8.4 = 2008 logger.fdebug('[IMPORT][%s] Comparing: %s - TO - %s' % (totalyear_range, re.sub('[\|\s]', '', DynamicName.lower()).strip(), re.sub('[\|\s]', '', result_name.lower()).strip())) if any([str(totalyear_range) in results['seriesrange'], result_year in results['seriesrange']]): if re.sub('[\|\s]', '', DynamicName.lower()).strip() == re.sub('[\|\s]', '', result_name.lower()).strip(): logger.fdebug('[IMPORT MATCH] %s (%s)' % (result_name, result_comicid)) search_matches.append({'comicid': results['comicid'], 'series': results['name'], 'dynamicseries': result_name, 'seriesyear': result_year, 'publisher': results['publisher'], 'haveit': results['haveit'], 'name': results['name'], 'deck': results['deck'], 'url': results['url'], 'description': results['description'], 'comicimage': results['comicimage'], 'issues': results['issues'], 'ogcname': ogcname, 'comicyear': results['comicyear']}) if len(search_matches) == 1: sr = search_matches[0] logger.info('[IMPORT] There is only one result...automagik-mode enabled for %s :: %s' % (sr['series'], sr['comicid'])) resultset = 1 else: resultset = 0 else: logger.info('[IMPORT] Returning results to Select option - there are %s possibilities, manual intervention required.' % len(search_matches)) resultset = 0 #generate random Search Results ID to allow for easier access for viewing logs / search results. import random SRID = str(random.randint(100000, 999999)) #link the SRID to the series that was just imported so that it can reference the search results when requested. if volume is None or volume == 'None': ctrlVal = {"DynamicName": DynamicName} else: ctrlVal = {"DynamicName": DynamicName, "Volume": volume} if len(sresults) > 1 or len(search_matches) > 1: newVal = {"SRID": SRID, "Status": 'Manual Intervention', "ComicName": ComicName} else: newVal = {"SRID": SRID, "Status": 'Importing', "ComicName": ComicName} myDB.upsert("importresults", newVal, ctrlVal) if resultset == 0: if len(search_matches) > 1: # if we matched on more than one series above, just save those results instead of the entire search result set. for sres in search_matches: cVal = {"SRID": SRID, "comicid": sres['comicid']} #should store ogcname in here somewhere to account for naming conversions above. nVal = {"Series": ComicName, "results": len(search_matches), "publisher": sres['publisher'], "haveit": sres['haveit'], "name": sres['name'], "deck": sres['deck'], "url": sres['url'], "description": sres['description'], "comicimage": sres['comicimage'], "issues": sres['issues'], "ogcname": ogcname, "comicyear": sres['comicyear']} myDB.upsert("searchresults", nVal, cVal) logger.info('[IMPORT] There is more than one result that might be valid - normally this is due to the filename(s) not having enough information for me to use (ie. no volume label/year). Manual intervention is required.') #force the status here just in case newVal = {'SRID': SRID, 'Status': 'Manual Intervention'} myDB.upsert("importresults", newVal, ctrlVal) elif len(sresults) > 1: # store the search results for series that returned more than one result for user to select later / when they want. # should probably assign some random numeric for an id to reference back at some point. for sres in sresults: cVal = {"SRID": SRID, "comicid": sres['comicid']} #should store ogcname in here somewhere to account for naming conversions above. nVal = {"Series": ComicName, "results": len(sresults), "publisher": sres['publisher'], "haveit": sres['haveit'], "name": sres['name'], "deck": sres['deck'], "url": sres['url'], "description": sres['description'], "comicimage": sres['comicimage'], "issues": sres['issues'], "ogcname": ogcname, "comicyear": sres['comicyear']} myDB.upsert("searchresults", nVal, cVal) logger.info('[IMPORT] There is more than one result that might be valid - normally this is due to the filename(s) not having enough information for me to use (ie. no volume label/year). Manual intervention is required.') #force the status here just in case newVal = {'SRID': SRID, 'Status': 'Manual Intervention'} myDB.upsert("importresults", newVal, ctrlVal) else: logger.info('[IMPORT] Could not find any matching results against CV. Check the logs and perhaps rename the attempted file(s)') newVal = {'SRID': SRID, 'Status': 'No Results'} myDB.upsert("importresults", newVal, ctrlVal) else: logger.info('[IMPORT] Now adding %s...' % ComicName) if volume is None or volume == 'None': results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE (WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%') AND DynamicName=? AND Volume IS NULL",[DynamicName]) else: if not volume.lower().startswith('v'): volume = 'v' + str(volume) results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE (WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%') AND DynamicName=? AND Volume=?",[DynamicName,volume]) files = [] for result in results: files.append({'comicfilename': result['ComicFilename'], 'comiclocation': result['ComicLocation'], 'issuenumber': result['IssueNumber'], 'import_id': result['impID']}) imported = {'ComicName': ComicName, 'DynamicName': DynamicName, 'Volume': volume, 'filelisting': files, 'srid': SRID} self.addbyid(sr['comicid'], calledby=True, imported=imported, ogcname=ogcname, nothread=True) mylar.IMPORTLOCK = False logger.info('[IMPORT] Import completed.') preSearchit.exposed = True def importresults_popup(self, SRID, ComicName, imported=None, ogcname=None, DynamicName=None, Volume=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() resultset = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM searchresults WHERE SRID=?", [SRID]) if not resultset: logger.warn('There are no search results to view for this entry ' + ComicName + ' [' + str(SRID) + ']. Something is probably wrong.') raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("importResults") searchresults = resultset if any([Volume is None, Volume == 'None']): results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE (WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%') AND DynamicName=? AND Volume IS NULL",[DynamicName]) else: if not Volume.lower().startswith('v'): volume = 'v' + str(Volume) else: volume = Volume results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM importresults WHERE (WatchMatch is Null OR WatchMatch LIKE 'C%') AND DynamicName=? AND Volume=?",[DynamicName,volume]) files = [] for result in results: files.append({'comicfilename': result['ComicFilename'], 'comiclocation': result['ComicLocation'], 'issuenumber': result['IssueNumber'], 'import_id': result['impID']}) imported = {'ComicName': ComicName, 'DynamicName': DynamicName, 'Volume': Volume, 'filelisting': files, 'srid': SRID} return serve_template(templatename="importresults_popup.html", title="results", searchtext=ComicName, searchresults=searchresults, imported=imported) importresults_popup.exposed = True def pretty_git(self, br_history): #in order to 'prettify' the history log for display, we need to break it down so it's line by line. br_split = br_history.split("\n") #split it on each commit commit = [] for br in br_split: commit_st = br.find('-') commitno = br[:commit_st].strip() time_end = br.find('-',commit_st+1) time = br[commit_st+1:time_end].strip() author_end = br.find('-', time_end+1) author = br[time_end+1:author_end].strip() desc = br[author_end+1:].strip() if len(desc) > 103: desc = '%s...' % (desc, desc[:103]) if author != 'evilhero': pr_tag = True dspline = '[%s][PR] %s {%s/%s}' else: pr_tag = False dspline = '[%s] %s {%s/%s}' commit.append(dspline % (""+commitno+"", desc, time, author)) return '
\n'.join(commit) pretty_git.exposed = True #--- def config(self): interface_dir = os.path.join(mylar.PROG_DIR, 'data/interfaces/') interface_list = [name for name in os.listdir(interface_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(interface_dir, name))] #---- # to be implemented in the future. if mylar.INSTALL_TYPE == 'git': try: branch_history, err = mylar.versioncheck.runGit('log --encoding=UTF-8 --pretty=format:"%h - %cr - %an - %s" -n 5') #here we pass the branch_history to the pretty_git module to break it down if branch_history: br_hist = self.pretty_git(branch_history) try: br_hist = u"" + br_hist.decode('utf-8') except: br_hist = br_hist else: br_hist = err except Exception as e: logger.fdebug('[ERROR] Unable to retrieve git revision history for some reason: %s' % e) br_hist = 'This would be a nice place to see revision history...' else: br_hist = 'This would be a nice place to see revision history...' #---- myDB = db.DBConnection() CCOMICS = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comics") CHAVES = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM issues WHERE Status='Downloaded' OR Status='Archived'") CISSUES = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM issues") CSIZE = myDB.select("select SUM(ComicSize) from issues where Status='Downloaded' or Status='Archived'") COUNT_COMICS = CCOMICS[0][0] COUNT_HAVES = CHAVES[0][0] COUNT_ISSUES = CISSUES[0][0] COUNT_SIZE = helpers.human_size(CSIZE[0][0]) CCONTCOUNT = 0 cti = helpers.havetotals() for cchk in cti: if cchk['recentstatus'] is 'Continuing': CCONTCOUNT += 1 comicinfo = {"COUNT_COMICS": COUNT_COMICS, "COUNT_HAVES": COUNT_HAVES, "COUNT_ISSUES": COUNT_ISSUES, "COUNT_SIZE": COUNT_SIZE, "CCONTCOUNT": CCONTCOUNT} DLPROVSTATS = myDB.select("SELECT Provider, COUNT(Provider) AS Frequency FROM Snatched WHERE Status = 'Snatched' AND Provider is NOT NULL GROUP BY Provider ORDER BY Frequency DESC") freq = dict() freq_tot = 0 for row in DLPROVSTATS: if any(['CBT' in row['Provider'], '32P' in row['Provider'], 'ComicBT' in row['Provider']]): try: tmpval = freq['32P'] freq.update({'32P': tmpval + row['Frequency']}) except: freq.update({'32P': row['Frequency']}) elif 'KAT' in row['Provider']: try: tmpval = freq['KAT'] freq.update({'KAT': tmpval + row['Frequency']}) except: freq.update({'KAT': row['Frequency']}) elif 'experimental' in row['Provider']: try: tmpval = freq['Experimental'] freq.update({'Experimental': tmpval + row['Frequency']}) except: freq.update({'Experimental': row['Frequency']}) elif [True for x in freq if re.sub("\(newznab\)", "", str(row['Provider'])).strip() in x]: try: tmpval = freq[re.sub("\(newznab\)", "", row['Provider']).strip()] freq.update({re.sub("\(newznab\)", "", row['Provider']).strip(): tmpval + row['Frequency']}) except: freq.update({re.sub("\(newznab\)", "", row['Provider']).strip(): row['Frequency']}) else: freq.update({re.sub("\(newznab\)", "", row['Provider']).strip(): row['Frequency']}) freq_tot += row['Frequency'] dlprovstats = sorted(freq.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST is None: rss_sclast = 'Unknown' else: rss_sclast = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST).replace(microsecond=0) config = { "comicvine_api": mylar.CONFIG.COMICVINE_API, "http_host": mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_HOST, "http_user": mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_USERNAME, "http_port": mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_PORT, "http_pass": mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_PASSWORD, "enable_https": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_HTTPS), "https_cert": mylar.CONFIG.HTTPS_CERT, "https_key": mylar.CONFIG.HTTPS_KEY, "authentication": int(mylar.CONFIG.AUTHENTICATION), "api_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.API_ENABLED), "api_key": mylar.CONFIG.API_KEY, "launch_browser": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.LAUNCH_BROWSER), "auto_update": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.AUTO_UPDATE), "max_logsize": mylar.CONFIG.MAX_LOGSIZE, "annuals_on": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON), "enable_check_folder": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_CHECK_FOLDER), "check_folder": mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_FOLDER, "download_scan_interval": mylar.CONFIG.DOWNLOAD_SCAN_INTERVAL, "search_interval": mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_INTERVAL, "nzb_startup_search": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.NZB_STARTUP_SEARCH), "search_delay": mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_DELAY, "nzb_downloader_sabnzbd": helpers.radio(mylar.CONFIG.NZB_DOWNLOADER, 0), "nzb_downloader_nzbget": helpers.radio(mylar.CONFIG.NZB_DOWNLOADER, 1), "nzb_downloader_blackhole": helpers.radio(mylar.CONFIG.NZB_DOWNLOADER, 2), "sab_host": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_HOST, "sab_user": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_USERNAME, "sab_api": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_APIKEY, "sab_pass": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_PASSWORD, "sab_cat": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_CATEGORY, "sab_priority": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_PRIORITY, "sab_directory": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_DIRECTORY, "sab_to_mylar": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.SAB_TO_MYLAR), "sab_version": mylar.CONFIG.SAB_VERSION, "sab_client_post_processing": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.SAB_CLIENT_POST_PROCESSING), "nzbget_host": mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_HOST, "nzbget_port": mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_PORT, "nzbget_user": mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_USERNAME, "nzbget_pass": mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_PASSWORD, "nzbget_cat": mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_CATEGORY, "nzbget_priority": mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_PRIORITY, "nzbget_directory": mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_DIRECTORY, "nzbget_client_post_processing": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_CLIENT_POST_PROCESSING), "torrent_downloader_watchlist": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_DOWNLOADER), 0), "torrent_downloader_utorrent": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_DOWNLOADER), 1), "torrent_downloader_rtorrent": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_DOWNLOADER), 2), "torrent_downloader_transmission": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_DOWNLOADER), 3), "torrent_downloader_deluge": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_DOWNLOADER), 4), "torrent_downloader_qbittorrent": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_DOWNLOADER), 5), "utorrent_host": mylar.CONFIG.UTORRENT_HOST, "utorrent_username": mylar.CONFIG.UTORRENT_USERNAME, "utorrent_password": mylar.CONFIG.UTORRENT_PASSWORD, "utorrent_label": mylar.CONFIG.UTORRENT_LABEL, "rtorrent_host": mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_HOST, "rtorrent_rpc_url": mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_RPC_URL, "rtorrent_authentication": mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_AUTHENTICATION, "rtorrent_ssl": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_SSL), "rtorrent_verify": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_VERIFY), "rtorrent_username": mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_USERNAME, "rtorrent_password": mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_PASSWORD, "rtorrent_directory": mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_DIRECTORY, "rtorrent_label": mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_LABEL, "rtorrent_startonload": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_STARTONLOAD), "transmission_host": mylar.CONFIG.TRANSMISSION_HOST, "transmission_username": mylar.CONFIG.TRANSMISSION_USERNAME, "transmission_password": mylar.CONFIG.TRANSMISSION_PASSWORD, "transmission_directory": mylar.CONFIG.TRANSMISSION_DIRECTORY, "deluge_host": mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_HOST, "deluge_username": mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_USERNAME, "deluge_password": mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_PASSWORD, "deluge_label": mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_LABEL, "deluge_pause": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_PAUSE), "deluge_download_directory": mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, "deluge_done_directory": mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_DONE_DIRECTORY, "qbittorrent_host": mylar.CONFIG.QBITTORRENT_HOST, "qbittorrent_username": mylar.CONFIG.QBITTORRENT_USERNAME, "qbittorrent_password": mylar.CONFIG.QBITTORRENT_PASSWORD, "qbittorrent_label": mylar.CONFIG.QBITTORRENT_LABEL, "qbittorrent_folder": mylar.CONFIG.QBITTORRENT_FOLDER, "qbittorrent_loadaction": mylar.CONFIG.QBITTORRENT_LOADACTION, "blackhole_dir": mylar.CONFIG.BLACKHOLE_DIR, "usenet_retention": mylar.CONFIG.USENET_RETENTION, "nzbsu": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU), "nzbsu_uid": mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU_UID, "nzbsu_api": mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU_APIKEY, "nzbsu_verify": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU_VERIFY), "dognzb": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.DOGNZB), "dognzb_api": mylar.CONFIG.DOGNZB_APIKEY, "dognzb_verify": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.DOGNZB_VERIFY), "experimental": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.EXPERIMENTAL), "enable_torznab": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORZNAB), "extra_torznabs": sorted(mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_TORZNABS, key=itemgetter(4), reverse=True), "newznab": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.NEWZNAB), "extra_newznabs": sorted(mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS, key=itemgetter(5), reverse=True), "enable_ddl": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_DDL), "enable_rss": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_RSS), "rss_checkinterval": mylar.CONFIG.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL, "rss_last": rss_sclast, "provider_order": mylar.CONFIG.PROVIDER_ORDER, "enable_torrents": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENTS), "minseeds": mylar.CONFIG.MINSEEDS, "torrent_local": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_LOCAL), "local_watchdir": mylar.CONFIG.LOCAL_WATCHDIR, "torrent_seedbox": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.TORRENT_SEEDBOX), "seedbox_watchdir": mylar.CONFIG.SEEDBOX_WATCHDIR, "seedbox_host": mylar.CONFIG.SEEDBOX_HOST, "seedbox_port": mylar.CONFIG.SEEDBOX_PORT, "seedbox_user": mylar.CONFIG.SEEDBOX_USER, "seedbox_pass": mylar.CONFIG.SEEDBOX_PASS, "enable_torrent_search": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENT_SEARCH), "enable_public": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_PUBLIC), "enable_32p": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_32P), "legacymode_32p": helpers.radio(mylar.CONFIG.MODE_32P, 0), "authmode_32p": helpers.radio(mylar.CONFIG.MODE_32P, 1), "rssfeed_32p": mylar.CONFIG.RSSFEED_32P, "passkey_32p": mylar.CONFIG.PASSKEY_32P, "username_32p": mylar.CONFIG.USERNAME_32P, "password_32p": mylar.CONFIG.PASSWORD_32P, "snatchedtorrent_notify": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.SNATCHEDTORRENT_NOTIFY), "destination_dir": mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, "create_folders": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.CREATE_FOLDERS), "enforce_perms": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENFORCE_PERMS), "chmod_dir": mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_DIR, "chmod_file": mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE, "chowner": mylar.CONFIG.CHOWNER, "chgroup": mylar.CONFIG.CHGROUP, "replace_spaces": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_SPACES), "replace_char": mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR, "use_minsize": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.USE_MINSIZE), "minsize": mylar.CONFIG.MINSIZE, "use_maxsize": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.USE_MAXSIZE), "maxsize": mylar.CONFIG.MAXSIZE, "interface_list": interface_list, "dupeconstraint": mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT, "ddump": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.DDUMP), "duplicate_dump": mylar.CONFIG.DUPLICATE_DUMP, "autowant_all": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_ALL), "autowant_upcoming": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING), "comic_cover_local": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.COMIC_COVER_LOCAL), "alternate_latest_series_covers": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ALTERNATE_LATEST_SERIES_COVERS), "pref_qual_0": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.PREFERRED_QUALITY), 0), "pref_qual_1": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.PREFERRED_QUALITY), 1), "pref_qual_2": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.PREFERRED_QUALITY), 2), "move_files": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.MOVE_FILES), "rename_files": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.RENAME_FILES), "folder_format": mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_FORMAT, "file_format": mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT, "zero_level": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL), "zero_level_n": mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N, "add_to_csv": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ADD_TO_CSV), "cvinfo": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.CVINFO), "lowercase_filenames": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES), "syno_fix": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.SYNO_FIX), "prowl_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_ENABLED), "prowl_onsnatch": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_ONSNATCH), "prowl_keys": mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_KEYS, "prowl_priority": mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_PRIORITY, "pushover_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_ENABLED), "pushover_onsnatch": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_ONSNATCH), "pushover_apikey": mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_APIKEY, "pushover_userkey": mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_USERKEY, "pushover_device": mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_DEVICE, "pushover_priority": mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_PRIORITY, "boxcar_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.BOXCAR_ENABLED), "boxcar_onsnatch": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.BOXCAR_ONSNATCH), "boxcar_token": mylar.CONFIG.BOXCAR_TOKEN, "pushbullet_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_ENABLED), "pushbullet_onsnatch": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_ONSNATCH), "pushbullet_apikey": mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_APIKEY, "pushbullet_deviceid": mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_DEVICEID, "pushbullet_channel_tag": mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_CHANNEL_TAG, "telegram_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.TELEGRAM_ENABLED), "telegram_onsnatch": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.TELEGRAM_ONSNATCH), "telegram_token": mylar.CONFIG.TELEGRAM_TOKEN, "telegram_userid": mylar.CONFIG.TELEGRAM_USERID, "slack_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.SLACK_ENABLED), "slack_webhook_url": mylar.CONFIG.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL, "slack_onsnatch": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.SLACK_ONSNATCH), "email_enabled": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_ENABLED), "email_from": mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_FROM, "email_to": mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_TO, "email_server": mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_SERVER, "email_user": mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_USER, "email_password": mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_PASSWORD, "email_port": int(mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_PORT), "email_raw": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_ENC), 0), "email_ssl": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_ENC), 1), "email_tls": helpers.radio(int(mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_ENC), 2), "email_ongrab": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_ONGRAB), "email_onpost": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.EMAIL_ONPOST), "enable_extra_scripts": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_EXTRA_SCRIPTS), "extra_scripts": mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS, "enable_snatch_script": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_SNATCH_SCRIPT), "snatch_script": mylar.CONFIG.SNATCH_SCRIPT, "enable_pre_scripts": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_PRE_SCRIPTS), "pre_scripts": mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS, "post_processing": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.POST_PROCESSING), "file_opts": mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS, "enable_meta": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META), "cbr2cbz_only": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.CBR2CBZ_ONLY), "cmtagger_path": mylar.CONFIG.CMTAGGER_PATH, "ct_tag_cr": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.CT_TAG_CR), "ct_tag_cbl": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.CT_TAG_CBL), "ct_cbz_overwrite": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.CT_CBZ_OVERWRITE), "unrar_cmd": mylar.CONFIG.UNRAR_CMD, "failed_download_handling": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_DOWNLOAD_HANDLING), "failed_auto": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_AUTO), "branch": mylar.CONFIG.GIT_BRANCH, "br_type": mylar.INSTALL_TYPE, "br_version": mylar.versioncheck.getVersion()[0], "py_version": platform.python_version(), "data_dir": mylar.DATA_DIR, "prog_dir": mylar.PROG_DIR, "cache_dir": mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, "config_file": mylar.CONFIG_FILE, "lang": '%s.%s' % (logger.LOG_LANG,logger.LOG_CHARSET), "branch_history" : br_hist, "log_dir": mylar.CONFIG.LOG_DIR, "opds_enable": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_ENABLE), "opds_authentication": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_AUTHENTICATION), "opds_username": mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_USERNAME, "opds_password": mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_PASSWORD, "opds_metainfo": helpers.checked(mylar.CONFIG.OPDS_METAINFO), "dlstats": dlprovstats, "dltotals": freq_tot, "alphaindex": mylar.CONFIG.ALPHAINDEX } return serve_template(templatename="config.html", title="Settings", config=config, comicinfo=comicinfo) config.exposed = True def error_change(self, comicid, errorgcd, comicname, comicyear, imported=None, mogcname=None): # if comicname contains a "," it will break the exceptions import. import urllib b = urllib.unquote_plus(comicname) # cname = b.decode("utf-8") cname = b.encode('utf-8') cname = re.sub("\,", "", cname) if mogcname != None: c = urllib.unquote_plus(mogcname) ogcname = c.encode('utf-8') else: ogcname = None if errorgcd[:5].isdigit(): logger.info("GCD-ID detected : " + str(errorgcd)[:5]) logger.info("ogcname: " + str(ogcname)) logger.info("I'm assuming you know what you're doing - going to force-match for " + cname) self.from_Exceptions(comicid=comicid, gcdid=errorgcd, comicname=cname, comicyear=comicyear, imported=imported, ogcname=ogcname) else: logger.info("Assuming rewording of Comic - adjusting to : " + str(errorgcd)) Err_Info = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid, 'comic') self.addComic(comicid=comicid, comicname=str(errorgcd), comicyear=Err_Info['ComicYear'], comicissues=Err_Info['ComicIssues'], comicpublisher=Err_Info['ComicPublisher']) error_change.exposed = True def manual_annual_add(self, manual_comicid, comicname, comicyear, comicid, x=None, y=None): import urllib b = urllib.unquote_plus(comicname) cname = b.encode('utf-8') logger.fdebug('comicid to be attached : ' + str(manual_comicid)) logger.fdebug('comicname : ' + str(cname)) logger.fdebug('comicyear : ' + str(comicyear)) logger.fdebug('comicid : ' + str(comicid)) issueid = manual_comicid logger.fdebug('I will be adding ' + str(issueid) + ' to the Annual list for this series.') threading.Thread(target=importer.manualAnnual, args=[manual_comicid, cname, comicyear, comicid]).start() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % comicid) manual_annual_add.exposed = True def comic_config(self, com_location, ComicID, alt_search=None, fuzzy_year=None, comic_version=None, force_continuing=None, force_type=None, alt_filename=None, allow_packs=None, corrected_seriesyear=None, torrentid_32p=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() chk1 = myDB.selectone('SELECT ComicLocation, Corrected_Type FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() if chk1[0] is None: orig_location = com_location else: orig_location = chk1[0] if chk1[1] is None: orig_type = None else: orig_type = chk1[1] #--- this is for multiple search terms............ #--- works, just need to redo search.py to accomodate multiple search terms ffs_alt = [] if '##' in alt_search: ffs = alt_search.find('##') ffs_alt.append(alt_search[:ffs]) ffs_alt_st = str(ffs_alt[0]) ffs_test = alt_search.split('##') if len(ffs_test) > 0: ffs_count = len(ffs_test) n=1 while (n < ffs_count): ffs_alt.append(ffs_test[n]) ffs_alt_st = str(ffs_alt_st) + "..." + str(ffs_test[n]) n+=1 asearch = ffs_alt else: asearch = alt_search asearch = str(alt_search) controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID} newValues = {} if asearch is not None: if re.sub(r'\s', '', asearch) == '': newValues['AlternateSearch'] = "None" else: newValues['AlternateSearch'] = str(asearch) else: newValues['AlternateSearch'] = "None" if fuzzy_year is None: newValues['UseFuzzy'] = "0" else: newValues['UseFuzzy'] = str(fuzzy_year) if corrected_seriesyear is not None: newValues['Corrected_SeriesYear'] = str(corrected_seriesyear) newValues['ComicYear'] = str(corrected_seriesyear) if comic_version is None or comic_version == 'None': newValues['ComicVersion'] = "None" else: if comic_version[1:].isdigit() and comic_version[:1].lower() == 'v': newValues['ComicVersion'] = str(comic_version) else: logger.info("Invalid Versioning entered - it must be in the format of v#") newValues['ComicVersion'] = "None" if force_continuing is None: newValues['ForceContinuing'] = 0 else: newValues['ForceContinuing'] = 1 if force_type == '1': newValues['Corrected_Type'] = 'TPB' elif force_type == '2': newValues['Corrected_Type'] = 'Print' else: newValues['Corrected_Type'] = None if orig_type != force_type: if '$Type' in mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_FORMAT and com_location == orig_location: #rename folder to accomodate new forced TPB format. import filers x = filers.FileHandlers(ComicID=ComicID) newcom_location = x.folder_create(booktype=newValues['Corrected_Type']) if newcom_location is not None: com_location = newcom_location if allow_packs is None: newValues['AllowPacks'] = 0 else: newValues['AllowPacks'] = 1 newValues['TorrentID_32P'] = torrentid_32p if alt_filename is None or alt_filename == 'None': newValues['AlternateFileName'] = "None" else: newValues['AlternateFileName'] = str(alt_filename) #force the check/creation of directory com_location here if any([mylar.CONFIG.CREATE_FOLDERS is True, os.path.isdir(orig_location)]): if os.path.isdir(str(com_location)): logger.info(u"Validating Directory (" + str(com_location) + "). Already exists! Continuing...") else: if orig_location != com_location: logger.fdebug('Renaming existing location [%s] to new location: %s' % (orig_location, com_location)) try: os.rename(orig_location, com_location) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Unable to rename existing directory: %s' % e) return else: logger.fdebug("Updated Directory doesn't exist! - attempting to create now.") checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(com_location, True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.') return newValues['ComicLocation'] = com_location myDB.upsert("comics", newValues, controlValueDict) logger.fdebug('Updated Series options!') raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("comicDetails?ComicID=%s" % ComicID) comic_config.exposed = True def readlistOptions(self, send2read=0, tab_enable=0, tab_host=None, tab_user=None, tab_pass=None, tab_directory=None, maintainseriesfolder=0): mylar.CONFIG.SEND2READ = bool(int(send2read)) mylar.CONFIG.MAINTAINSERIESFOLDER = bool(int(maintainseriesfolder)) mylar.CONFIG.TAB_ENABLE = bool(int(tab_enable)) mylar.CONFIG.TAB_HOST = tab_host mylar.CONFIG.TAB_USER = tab_user mylar.CONFIG.TAB_PASS = tab_pass mylar.CONFIG.TAB_DIRECTORY = tab_directory readoptions = {'send2read': mylar.CONFIG.SEND2READ, 'maintainseriesfolder': mylar.CONFIG.MAINTAINSERIESFOLDER, 'tab_enable': mylar.CONFIG.TAB_ENABLE, 'tab_host': mylar.CONFIG.TAB_HOST, 'tab_user': mylar.CONFIG.TAB_USER, 'tab_pass': mylar.CONFIG.TAB_PASS, 'tab_directory': mylar.CONFIG.TAB_DIRECTORY} mylar.CONFIG.writeconfig(values=readoptions) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("readlist") readlistOptions.exposed = True def arcOptions(self, StoryArcID=None, StoryArcName=None, read2filename=0, storyarcdir=0, arc_folderformat=None, copy2arcdir=0, arc_fileops='copy'): mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME = bool(int(read2filename)) mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR = bool(int(storyarcdir)) if arc_folderformat is None: mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FOLDERFORMAT = "($arc) ($spanyears)" else: mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FOLDERFORMAT = arc_folderformat mylar.CONFIG.COPY2ARCDIR = bool(int(copy2arcdir)) mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS = arc_fileops options = {'read2filename': mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME, 'storyarcdir': mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR, 'arc_folderformat': mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FOLDERFORMAT, 'copy2arcdir': mylar.CONFIG.COPY2ARCDIR, 'arc_fileops': mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS} mylar.CONFIG.writeconfig(values=options) #force the check/creation of directory com_location here if mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR is True: arcdir = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, 'StoryArcs') if os.path.isdir(arcdir): logger.info('Validating Directory (%s). Already exists! Continuing...' % arcdir) else: logger.fdebug('Storyarc Directory doesn\'t exist! Attempting to create now.') checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(arcdir, True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.') return if StoryArcID is not None: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("detailStoryArc?StoryArcID=%s&StoryArcName=%s" % (StoryArcID, StoryArcName)) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("storyarc_main") arcOptions.exposed = True def configUpdate(self, **kwargs): checked_configs = ['enable_https', 'launch_browser', 'syno_fix', 'auto_update', 'annuals_on', 'api_enabled', 'nzb_startup_search', 'enforce_perms', 'sab_to_mylar', 'torrent_local', 'torrent_seedbox', 'rtorrent_ssl', 'rtorrent_verify', 'rtorrent_startonload', 'enable_torrents', 'enable_rss', 'nzbsu', 'nzbsu_verify', 'dognzb', 'dognzb_verify', 'experimental', 'enable_torrent_search', 'enable_public', 'enable_32p', 'enable_torznab', 'newznab', 'use_minsize', 'use_maxsize', 'ddump', 'failed_download_handling', 'sab_client_post_processing', 'nzbget_client_post_processing', 'failed_auto', 'post_processing', 'enable_check_folder', 'enable_pre_scripts', 'enable_snatch_script', 'enable_extra_scripts', 'enable_meta', 'cbr2cbz_only', 'ct_tag_cr', 'ct_tag_cbl', 'ct_cbz_overwrite', 'rename_files', 'replace_spaces', 'zero_level', 'lowercase_filenames', 'autowant_upcoming', 'autowant_all', 'comic_cover_local', 'alternate_latest_series_covers', 'cvinfo', 'snatchedtorrent_notify', 'prowl_enabled', 'prowl_onsnatch', 'pushover_enabled', 'pushover_onsnatch', 'boxcar_enabled', 'boxcar_onsnatch', 'pushbullet_enabled', 'pushbullet_onsnatch', 'telegram_enabled', 'telegram_onsnatch', 'slack_enabled', 'slack_onsnatch', 'email_enabled', 'email_enc', 'email_ongrab', 'email_onpost', 'opds_enable', 'opds_authentication', 'opds_metainfo', 'enable_ddl', 'deluge_pause'] for checked_config in checked_configs: if checked_config not in kwargs: kwargs[checked_config] = False for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): try: _conf = mylar.CONFIG._define(k) except KeyError: continue mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS = [] for kwarg in [x for x in kwargs if x.startswith('newznab_name')]: if kwarg.startswith('newznab_name'): newznab_number = kwarg[12:] newznab_name = kwargs['newznab_name' + newznab_number] if newznab_name == "": newznab_name = kwargs['newznab_host' + newznab_number] if newznab_name == "": continue newznab_host = helpers.clean_url(kwargs['newznab_host' + newznab_number]) try: newznab_verify = kwargs['newznab_verify' + newznab_number] except: newznab_verify = 0 newznab_api = kwargs['newznab_api' + newznab_number] newznab_uid = kwargs['newznab_uid' + newznab_number] try: newznab_enabled = str(kwargs['newznab_enabled' + newznab_number]) except KeyError: newznab_enabled = '0' del kwargs[kwarg] mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS.append((newznab_name, newznab_host, newznab_verify, newznab_api, newznab_uid, newznab_enabled)) mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_TORZNABS = [] for kwarg in [x for x in kwargs if x.startswith('torznab_name')]: if kwarg.startswith('torznab_name'): torznab_number = kwarg[12:] torznab_name = kwargs['torznab_name' + torznab_number] if torznab_name == "": torznab_name = kwargs['torznab_host' + torznab_number] if torznab_name == "": continue torznab_host = helpers.clean_url(kwargs['torznab_host' + torznab_number]) torznab_api = kwargs['torznab_apikey' + torznab_number] torznab_category = kwargs['torznab_category' + torznab_number] try: torznab_enabled = str(kwargs['torznab_enabled' + torznab_number]) except KeyError: torznab_enabled = '0' del kwargs[kwarg] mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_TORZNABS.append((torznab_name, torznab_host, torznab_api, torznab_category, torznab_enabled)) mylar.CONFIG.process_kwargs(kwargs) #this makes sure things are set to the default values if they're not appropriately set. mylar.CONFIG.configure(update=True, startup=False) # Write the config logger.info('Now saving config...') mylar.CONFIG.writeconfig() configUpdate.exposed = True def SABtest(self, sabhost=None, sabusername=None, sabpassword=None, sabapikey=None): if sabhost is None: sabhost = mylar.CONFIG.SAB_HOST if sabusername is None: sabusername = mylar.CONFIG.SAB_USERNAME if sabpassword is None: sabpassword = mylar.CONFIG.SAB_PASSWORD if sabapikey is None: sabapikey = mylar.CONFIG.SAB_APIKEY logger.fdebug('Now attempting to test SABnzbd connection') #if user/pass given, we can auto-fill the API ;) if sabusername is None or sabpassword is None: logger.error('No Username / Password provided for SABnzbd credentials. Unable to test API key') return "Invalid Username/Password provided" logger.fdebug('testing connection to SABnzbd @ ' + sabhost) if sabhost.endswith('/'): sabhost = sabhost else: sabhost = sabhost + '/' querysab = sabhost + 'api' payload = {'mode': 'get_config', 'section': 'misc', 'output': 'json', 'keyword': 'api_key', 'apikey': sabapikey} if sabhost.startswith('https'): verify = True else: verify = False version = 'Unknown' try: v = requests.get(querysab, params={'mode': 'version'}, verify=verify) if str(v.status_code) == '200': logger.fdebug('sabnzbd version: %s' % v.content) version = v.text r = requests.get(querysab, params=payload, verify=verify) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (querysab, e)) if requests.exceptions.SSLError: logger.warn('Cannot verify ssl certificate. Attempting to authenticate with no ssl-certificate verification.') try: from requests.packages.urllib3 import disable_warnings disable_warnings() except: logger.warn('Unable to disable https warnings. Expect some spam if using https nzb providers.') verify = False try: v = requests.get(querysab, params={'mode': 'version'}, verify=verify) if str(v.status_code) == '200': logger.fdebug('sabnzbd version: %s' % v.text) version = v.text r = requests.get(querysab, params=payload, verify=verify) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (sabhost, e)) return 'Unable to retrieve data from SABnzbd' else: return 'Unable to retrieve data from SABnzbd' logger.fdebug('status code: ' + str(r.status_code)) if str(r.status_code) != '200': logger.warn('Unable to properly query SABnzbd @' + sabhost + ' [Status Code returned: ' + str(r.status_code) + ']') data = False else: data = r.json() try: q_apikey = data['config']['misc']['api_key'] except: logger.error('Error detected attempting to retrieve SAB data using FULL APIKey') if all([sabusername is not None, sabpassword is not None]): try: sp = sabparse.sabnzbd(sabhost, sabusername, sabpassword) q_apikey = sp.sab_get() except Exception, e: logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (sabhost, e)) if q_apikey is None: return "Invalid APIKey provided" mylar.CONFIG.SAB_APIKEY = q_apikey logger.info('APIKey provided is the FULL APIKey which is the correct key. You still need to SAVE the config for the changes to be applied.') logger.info('Connection to SABnzbd tested sucessfully') mylar.CONFIG.SAB_VERSION = version return json.dumps({"status": "Successfully verified APIkey.", "version": str(version)}) SABtest.exposed = True def NZBGet_test(self, nzbhost=None, nzbport=None, nzbusername=None, nzbpassword=None): if nzbhost is None: nzbhost = mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_HOST if nzbport is None: nzbport = mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_PORT if nzbusername is None: nzbusername = mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_USERNAME if nzbpassword is None: nzbpassword = mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_PASSWORD logger.fdebug('Now attempting to test NZBGet connection') logger.info('Now testing connection to NZBGet @ %s:%s' % (nzbhost, nzbport)) if nzbhost[:5] == 'https': protocol = 'https' nzbgethost = nzbhost[8:] elif nzbhost[:4] == 'http': protocol = 'http' nzbgethost = nzbhost[7:] url = '%s://' nzbparams = protocol, if all([nzbusername is not None, nzbpassword is not None]): url = url + '%s:%s@' nzbparams = nzbparams + (nzbusername, nzbpassword) elif nzbusername is not None: url = url + '%s@' nzbparams = nzbparams + (nzbusername,) url = url + '%s:%s/xmlrpc' nzbparams = nzbparams + (nzbgethost, nzbport,) nzb_url = (url % nzbparams) import xmlrpclib nzbserver = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(nzb_url) try: r = nzbserver.status() except Exception as e: logger.warn('Error fetching data: %s' % e) return 'Unable to retrieve data from NZBGet' logger.info('Successfully verified connection to NZBGet at %s:%s' % (nzbgethost, nzbport)) return "Successfully verified connection to NZBGet" NZBGet_test.exposed = True def shutdown(self): mylar.SIGNAL = 'shutdown' message = 'Shutting Down...' return serve_template(templatename="shutdown.html", title="Shutting Down", message=message, timer=15) return page shutdown.exposed = True def restart(self): mylar.SIGNAL = 'restart' message = 'Restarting...' return serve_template(templatename="shutdown.html", title="Restarting", message=message, timer=30) restart.exposed = True def update(self): mylar.SIGNAL = 'update' message = 'Updating...
Main screen will appear in 60s' return serve_template(templatename="shutdown.html", title="Updating", message=message, timer=30) update.exposed = True def getInfo(self, ComicID=None, IssueID=None): from mylar import cache info_dict = cache.getInfo(ComicID, IssueID) return simplejson.dumps(info_dict) getInfo.exposed = True def getComicArtwork(self, ComicID=None, imageURL=None): from mylar import cache logger.info(u"Retrieving image for : " + comicID) return cache.getArtwork(ComicID, imageURL) getComicArtwork.exposed = True def findsabAPI(self, sabhost=None, sabusername=None, sabpassword=None): sp = sabparse.sabnzbd(sabhost, sabusername, sabpassword) sabapi = sp.sab_get() logger.info('SAB APIKey found as : ' + str(sabapi) + '. You still have to save the config to retain this setting.') mylar.CONFIG.SAB_APIKEY = sabapi return sabapi findsabAPI.exposed = True def generateAPI(self): import hashlib, random apikey = hashlib.sha224(str(random.getrandbits(256))).hexdigest()[0:32] logger.info("New API generated") mylar.CONFIG.API_KEY = apikey return apikey generateAPI.exposed = True def api(self, *args, **kwargs): from mylar.api import Api a = Api() a.checkParams(*args, **kwargs) data = a.fetchData() return data api.exposed = True def opds(self, *args, **kwargs): from mylar.opds import OPDS op = OPDS() op.checkParams(*args, **kwargs) data = op.fetchData() return data opds.exposed = True def downloadthis(self, pathfile=None): #pathfile should be escaped via the |u tag from within the html call already. logger.fdebug('filepath to retrieve file from is : ' + pathfile) from cherrypy.lib.static import serve_download return serve_download(pathfile) downloadthis.exposed = True def IssueInfo(self, filelocation, comicname=None, issue=None, date=None, title=None): filelocation = filelocation.encode('ASCII') filelocation = urllib.unquote_plus(filelocation).decode('utf8') issuedetails = helpers.IssueDetails(filelocation) if issuedetails: issueinfo = '' #issueinfo += '' issuesumm = None if all([issuedetails[0]['summary'] == 'None', issuedetails[0]['summary'] is None]): issuesumm = 'No summary available within metatagging.' else: if len(issuedetails[0]['summary']) > 1000: issuesumm = issuedetails[0]['summary'][:1000] + '...' else: issuesumm = issuedetails[0]['summary'] issueinfo += '' issueinfo += '
' issueinfo += '' seriestitle = issuedetails[0]['series'] if any([seriestitle == 'None', seriestitle is None]): seriestitle = comicname issuenumber = issuedetails[0]['issue_number'] if any([issuenumber == 'None', issuenumber is None]): issuenumber = issue issuetitle = issuedetails[0]['title'] if any([issuetitle == 'None', issuetitle is None]): issuetitle = title issueinfo += '

' + seriestitle + '
[#' + issuenumber + ']

' issueinfo += '
"' + issuetitle + '"

' issueinfo += '

' + str(issuedetails[0]['pagecount']) + ' pages

' if all([issuedetails[0]['day'] is None, issuedetails[0]['month'] is None, issuedetails[0]['year'] is None]): issueinfo += '

(' + str(date) + ')

' else: issueinfo += '

(' + str(issuedetails[0]['year']) + '-' + str(issuedetails[0]['month']) + '-' + str(issuedetails[0]['day']) + ')

' if not any([issuedetails[0]['writer'] == 'None', issuedetails[0]['writer'] is None]): issueinfo += 'Writer: ' + issuedetails[0]['writer'] + '
' if not any([issuedetails[0]['penciller'] == 'None', issuedetails[0]['penciller'] is None]): issueinfo += 'Penciller: ' + issuedetails[0]['penciller'] + '
' if not any([issuedetails[0]['inker'] == 'None', issuedetails[0]['inker'] is None]): issueinfo += 'Inker: ' + issuedetails[0]['inker'] + '
' if not any([issuedetails[0]['colorist'] == 'None', issuedetails[0]['colorist'] is None]): issueinfo += 'Colorist: ' + issuedetails[0]['colorist'] + '
' if not any([issuedetails[0]['letterer'] == 'None', issuedetails[0]['letterer'] is None]): issueinfo += 'Letterer: ' + issuedetails[0]['letterer'] + '
' if not any([issuedetails[0]['editor'] == 'None', issuedetails[0]['editor'] is None]): issueinfo += 'Editor: ' + issuedetails[0]['editor'] + '
' issueinfo += '
Summary: ' + issuesumm + '
' + os.path.split(filelocation)[1] + '
' issueinfo += '
' else: ErrorPNG = 'interfaces/default/images/symbol_exclamation.png' issueinfo = '
' issueinfo += '' issueinfo += '


' issueinfo += '
Unable to retrieve metadata from within cbz file

' issueinfo += '
Maybe you should try and tag the file again?

' issueinfo += '
' + os.path.split(filelocation)[1] + '
' issueinfo += '
' return issueinfo IssueInfo.exposed = True def manual_metatag(self, dirName, issueid, filename, comicid, comversion, seriesyear=None, group=False): module = '[MANUAL META-TAGGING]' try: import cmtagmylar if mylar.CONFIG.CMTAG_START_YEAR_AS_VOLUME: if all([seriesyear is not None, seriesyear != 'None']): vol_label = seriesyear else: logger.warn('Cannot populate the year for the series for some reason. Dropping down to numeric volume label.') vol_label = comversion else: vol_label = comversion metaresponse = cmtagmylar.run(dirName, issueid=issueid, filename=filename, comversion=vol_label, manualmeta=True) except ImportError: logger.warn(module + ' comictaggerlib not found on system. Ensure the ENTIRE lib directory is located within mylar/lib/comictaggerlib/ directory.') metaresponse = "fail" if metaresponse == "fail": logger.fdebug(module + ' Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file.') return elif metaresponse == "unrar error": logger.error(module + ' This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it is incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying a different copy.') return #launch failed download handling here. else: dst = os.path.join(dirName, os.path.split(metaresponse)[1]) fail = False try: shutil.copy(metaresponse, dst) logger.info('%s Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (%s) - Continuing..' % (module, os.path.split(metaresponse)[1])) except Exception as e: if str(e.errno) == '2': try: if mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None' and os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(dirName)) != dirName: dst = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(dirName)) shutil.copy(metaresponse, dst) logger.info('%s Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (%s) - Continuing..' % (module, os.path.split(metaresponse)[1])) except Exception as e: logger.warn('%s [%s] Unable to complete metatagging : %s [%s]' % (module, dst, e, e.errno)) fail = True else: logger.warn('%s [%s] Unable to complete metatagging : %s [%s]' % (module, dst, e, e.errno)) fail = True cache_dir = os.path.split(metaresponse)[0] if os.path.isfile(metaresponse): try: os.remove(metaresponse) except OSError: pass if not os.listdir(cache_dir): logger.fdebug('%s Tidying up. Deleting temporary cache directory: %s' % (module, cache_dir)) try: shutil.rmtree(cache_dir) except Exception as e: logger.warn(module + ' Unable to remove temporary directory: %s' % cache_dir) else: logger.fdebug('Failed to remove temporary directory: %s' % cache_dir) if filename is not None: if os.path.isfile(filename) and os.path.split(filename)[1].lower() != os.path.split(metaresponse)[1].lower(): try: logger.fdebug('%s Removing original filename: %s' % (module, filename)) os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass if any([group is False, fail is False]): updater.forceRescan(comicid) manual_metatag.exposed = True def group_metatag(self, ComicID, dirName=None): myDB = db.DBConnection() cinfo = myDB.selectone('SELECT ComicLocation, ComicVersion, ComicYear, ComicName FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() groupinfo = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Location is not NULL', [ComicID]) if groupinfo is None: logger.warn('No issues physically exist within the series directory for me to (re)-tag.') return if dirName is None: meta_dir = cinfo['ComicLocation'] else: meta_dir = dirName for ginfo in groupinfo: #if multiple_dest_dirs is in effect, metadir will be pointing to the wrong location and cause a 'Unable to create temporary cache location' error message self.manual_metatag(meta_dir, ginfo['IssueID'], os.path.join(meta_dir, ginfo['Location']), ComicID, comversion=cinfo['ComicVersion'], seriesyear=cinfo['ComicYear'], group=True) updater.forceRescan(ComicID) logger.info('[SERIES-METATAGGER][' + cinfo['ComicName'] + ' (' + cinfo['ComicYear'] + ')] Finished doing a complete series (re)tagging of metadata.') group_metatag.exposed = True def CreateFolders(self, createfolders=None): if createfolders: mylar.CONFIG.CREATE_FOLDERS = int(createfolders) #mylar.config_write() CreateFolders.exposed = True def getPushbulletDevices(self, api=None): notifythis = notifiers.pushbullet result = notifythis.get_devices(api) if result: return result else: return 'Error sending Pushbullet notifications.' getPushbulletDevices.exposed = True def syncfiles(self): #3 status' exist for the readlist. # Added (Not Read) - Issue is added to the readlist and is awaiting to be 'sent' to your reading client. # Read - Issue has been read # Not Read - Issue has been downloaded to your reading client after the syncfiles has taken place. read = readinglist.Readinglist() threading.Thread(target=read.syncreading).start() syncfiles.exposed = True def search_32p(self, search=None): return mylar.rsscheck.torrents(pickfeed='4', seriesname=search) search_32p.exposed = True def testprowl(self): prowl = notifiers.prowl() result = prowl.test_notify() if result: return "Successfully sent Prowl test - check to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending test message to Prowl" testprowl.exposed = True def testboxcar(self): boxcar = notifiers.boxcar() result = boxcar.test_notify() if result: return "Successfully sent Boxcar test - check to make sure it worked" else: return "Error sending test message to Boxcar" testboxcar.exposed = True def testpushover(self, apikey, userkey, device): pushover = notifiers.PUSHOVER(test_apikey=apikey, test_userkey=userkey, test_device=device) result = pushover.test_notify() if result == True: return "Successfully sent PushOver test - check to make sure it worked" else: logger.warn('Last six characters of the test variables used [APIKEY: %s][USERKEY: %s]' % (apikey[-6:], userkey[-6:])) return "Error sending test message to Pushover" testpushover.exposed = True def testpushbullet(self, apikey): pushbullet = notifiers.PUSHBULLET(test_apikey=apikey) result = pushbullet.test_notify() if result['status'] == True: return result['message'] else: logger.warn('APIKEY used for test was : %s' % apikey) return result['message'] testpushbullet.exposed = True def testtelegram(self, userid, token): telegram = notifiers.TELEGRAM(test_userid=userid, test_token=token) result = telegram.test_notify() if result == True: return "Successfully sent Telegram test - check to make sure it worked" else: logger.warn('Test variables used [USERID: %s][TOKEN: %s]' % (userid, token)) return "Error sending test message to Telegram" testtelegram.exposed = True def testslack(self, webhook_url): slack = notifiers.SLACK(test_webhook_url=webhook_url) result = slack.test_notify() if result == True: return "Successfully sent Slack test - check to make sure it worked" else: logger.warn('Test variables used [WEBHOOK_URL: %s][USERNAME: %s]' % (webhook_url, username)) return "Error sending test message to Slack" testslack.exposed = True def testemail(self, emailfrom, emailto, emailsvr, emailport, emailuser, emailpass, emailenc): email = notifiers.EMAIL(test_emailfrom=emailfrom, test_emailto=emailto, test_emailsvr=emailsvr, test_emailport=emailport, test_emailuser=emailuser, test_emailpass=emailpass, test_emailenc=emailenc) result = email.test_notify() if result == True: return "Successfully sent email. Check your mailbox." else: logger.warn('Email test has gone horribly wrong. Variables used were [FROM: %s] [TO: %s] [SERVER: %s] [PORT: %s] [USER: %s] [PASSWORD: ********] [ENCRYPTION: %s]' % (emailfrom, emailto, emailsvr, emailport, emailuser, emailenc)) return "Error sending test message via email" testemail.exposed = True def testrtorrent(self, host, username, password, auth, verify, rpc_url): import torrent.clients.rtorrent as TorClient client = TorClient.TorrentClient() ca_bundle = None if mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_CA_BUNDLE is not None: ca_bundle = mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_CA_BUNDLE rclient = client.connect(host, username, password, auth, verify, rpc_url, ca_bundle, test=True) if not rclient: logger.warn('Could not establish connection to %s' % host) return '[rTorrent] Error establishing connection to Rtorrent' else: if rclient['status'] is False: logger.warn('[rTorrent] Could not establish connection to %s. Error returned: %s' % (host, rclient['error'])) return 'Error establishing connection to rTorrent' else: logger.info('[rTorrent] Successfully validated connection to %s [v%s]' % (host, rclient['version'])) return 'Successfully validated rTorrent connection' testrtorrent.exposed = True def testqbit(self, host, username, password): import torrent.clients.qbittorrent as QbitClient qc = QbitClient.TorrentClient() qclient = qc.connect(host, username, password, True) if not qclient: logger.warn('[qBittorrent] Could not establish connection to %s' % host) return 'Error establishing connection to Qbittorrent' else: if qclient['status'] is False: logger.warn('[qBittorrent] Could not establish connection to %s. Error returned: %s' % (host, qclient['error'])) return 'Error establishing connection to Qbittorrent' else: logger.info('[qBittorrent] Successfully validated connection to %s [v%s]' % (host, qclient['version'])) return 'Successfully validated qBittorrent connection' testqbit.exposed = True def testdeluge(self, host, username, password): import torrent.clients.deluge as DelugeClient client = DelugeClient.TorrentClient() dclient = client.connect(host, username, password, True) if not dclient: logger.warn('[Deluge] Could not establish connection to %s' % host) return 'Error establishing connection to Deluge' else: if dclient['status'] is False: logger.warn('[Deluge] Could not establish connection to %s. Error returned: %s' % (host, dclient['error'])) return 'Error establishing connection to Deluge' else: logger.info('[Deluge] Successfully validated connection to %s [daemon v%s; libtorrent v%s]' % (host, dclient['daemon_version'], dclient['libtorrent_version'])) return 'Successfully validated Deluge connection' testdeluge.exposed = True def testnewznab(self, name, host, ssl, apikey): logger.fdebug('ssl/verify: %s' % ssl) if 'ssl' == '0' or ssl == '1': ssl = bool(int(ssl)) else: if ssl == 'false': ssl = False else: ssl = True result = helpers.newznab_test(name, host, ssl, apikey) if result is True: logger.info('Successfully tested %s [%s] - valid api response received' % (name, host)) return 'Successfully tested %s!' % name else: logger.warn('Testing failed to %s [HOST:%s][SSL:%s]' % (name, host, bool(ssl))) return 'Error - failed running test for %s' % name testnewznab.exposed = True def orderThis(self, **kwargs): return orderThis.exposed = True def torrentit(self, issueid=None, torrent_hash=None, download=False): #make sure it's bool'd here. if download == 'True': download = True else: download = False if mylar.CONFIG.AUTO_SNATCH is False: logger.warn('Auto-Snatch is not enabled - this will ONLY work with auto-snatch enabled and configured. Aborting request.') return 'Unable to complete request - please enable auto-snatch if required' torrent_info = helpers.torrentinfo(issueid, torrent_hash, download) if torrent_info: torrent_name = torrent_info['name'] torrent_info['filesize'] = helpers.human_size(torrent_info['total_filesize']) torrent_info['download'] = helpers.human_size(torrent_info['download_total']) torrent_info['upload'] = helpers.human_size(torrent_info['upload_total']) torrent_info['seedtime'] = helpers.humanize_time(amount=int(time.time()) - torrent_info['time_started']) logger.info("Client: %s", mylar.CONFIG.RTORRENT_HOST) logger.info("Directory: %s", torrent_info['folder']) logger.info("Name: %s", torrent_info['name']) logger.info("Hash: %s", torrent_info['hash']) logger.info("FileSize: %s", torrent_info['filesize']) logger.info("Completed: %s", torrent_info['completed']) logger.info("Downloaded: %s", torrent_info['download']) logger.info("Uploaded: %s", torrent_info['upload']) logger.info("Ratio: %s", torrent_info['ratio']) logger.info("Seeding Time: %s", torrent_info['seedtime']) if torrent_info['label']: logger.info("Torrent Label: %s", torrent_info['label']) ti = '' ti += '' ti += '
' ti += '' ti += '' ti += '' ti += '
' ti += '
' + torrent_name + '

' if torrent_info['completed'] and download is True: ti += '
AUTO-SNATCH ENABLED: ' + torrent_info['snatch_status'] + '
Hash: ' + torrent_info['hash'] + '
Location: ' + os.path.join(torrent_info['folder'], torrent_name) + '
Filesize: ' + torrent_info['filesize'] + '
' + torrent_info['download'] + ' DOWN / ' + torrent_info['upload'] + ' UP
Ratio: ' + str(torrent_info['ratio']) + '
Seedtime: ' + torrent_info['seedtime'] + '
' ti += '
' logger.info('torrent_info:%s' % torrent_info) #commenting out the next 2 lines will return the torrent information to the screen #fp = mylar.process.Process(torrent_info['filepath'], torrent_info['dst_folder'], issueid=torrent_info['issueid'], failed=failed) #fp.post_process() else: torrent_name = 'Not Found' ti = 'Torrent not found (' + str(torrent_hash) return ti torrentit.exposed = True def get_the_hash(self, filepath): import hashlib, StringIO import rtorrent.lib.bencode as bencode # Open torrent file torrent_file = open(os.path.join('/home/hero/mylar/cache', filepath), "rb") metainfo = bencode.decode(torrent_file.read()) info = metainfo['info'] thehash = hashlib.sha1(bencode.encode(info)).hexdigest().upper() logger.info('Hash: ' + thehash) get_the_hash.exposed = True def download_0day(self, week): logger.info('Now attempting to search for 0-day pack for week: %s' % week) #week contains weekinfo['midweek'] = YYYY-mm-dd of Wednesday of the given week's pull foundcom, prov = search.search_init('0-Day Comics Pack - %s.%s' % (week[:4],week[5:]), None, week[:4], None, None, week, week, None, allow_packs=True, oneoff=True) download_0day.exposed = True def test_32p(self, username, password): import auth32p tmp = auth32p.info32p(test={'username': username, 'password': password}) rtnvalues = tmp.authenticate() if rtnvalues['status'] is True: return json.dumps({"status": "Successfully Authenticated.", "inkdrops": mylar.INKDROPS_32P}) else: return json.dumps({"status": "Could not Authenticate.", "inkdrops": mylar.INKDROPS_32P}) test_32p.exposed = True def check_ActiveDDL(self): myDB = db.DBConnection() active = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM DDL_INFO WHERE STATUS = 'Downloading'").fetchone() if active is None: return json.dumps({'status': 'There are no active downloads currently being attended to', 'percent': 0, 'a_series': None, 'a_year': None, 'a_filename': None, 'a_size': None, 'a_id': None}) else: filelocation = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DDL_LOCATION, active['filename']) #logger.fdebug('checking file existance: %s' % filelocation) if os.path.exists(filelocation) is True: filesize = os.stat(filelocation).st_size cmath = int(float(filesize*100)/int(int(active['remote_filesize'])*100) * 100) #logger.fdebug('ACTIVE DDL: %s %s [%s]' % (active['filename'], cmath, 'Downloading')) return json.dumps({'status': 'Downloading', 'percent': "%s%s" % (cmath, '%'), 'a_series': active['series'], 'a_year': active['year'], 'a_filename': active['filename'], 'a_size': active['size'], 'a_id': active['id']}) else: # myDB.upsert('ddl_info', {'status': 'Incomplete'}, {'id': active['id']}) return json.dumps({'a_id': active['id'], 'status': 'File does not exist in %s.
This probably needs to be restarted (use the option in the GUI)' % filelocation, 'percent': 0}) check_ActiveDDL.exposed = True def create_readlist(self, list=None, weeknumber=None, year=None): # ({ # "PUBLISHER": weekly['PUBLISHER'], # "ISSUE": weekly['ISSUE'], # "COMIC": weekly['COMIC'], # "STATUS": tmp_status, # "COMICID": weekly['ComicID'], # "ISSUEID": weekly['IssueID'], # "HAVEIT": haveit, # "LINK": linkit, # "AUTOWANT": False # }) issuelist = [] logger.info('weeknumber: %s' % weeknumber) logger.info('year: %s' % year) weeklyresults = [] if weeknumber is not None: myDB = db.DBConnection() w_results = myDB.select("SELECT * from weekly WHERE weeknumber=? AND year=?", [int(weeknumber),int(year)]) watchlibrary = helpers.listLibrary() issueLibrary = helpers.listIssues(weeknumber, year) oneofflist = helpers.listoneoffs(weeknumber, year) for weekly in w_results: xfound = False tmp_status = weekly['Status'] issdate = None if weekly['ComicID'] in watchlibrary: haveit = watchlibrary[weekly['ComicID']] if all([mylar.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING, tmp_status == 'Skipped']): tmp_status = 'Wanted' for x in issueLibrary: if weekly['IssueID'] == x['IssueID']: xfound = True tmp_status = x['Status'] issdate = x['IssueYear'] break else: xlist = [x['Status'] for x in oneofflist if x['IssueID'] == weekly['IssueID']] if xlist: haveit = 'OneOff' tmp_status = xlist[0] issdate = None else: haveit = "No" x = None try: x = float(weekly['ISSUE']) except ValueError, e: if 'au' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or 'ai' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.inh' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.now' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.mu' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower() or '.hu' in weekly['ISSUE'].lower(): x = weekly['ISSUE'] if x is not None: weeklyresults.append({ "PUBLISHER": weekly['PUBLISHER'], "ISSUE": weekly['ISSUE'], "COMIC": weekly['COMIC'], "STATUS": tmp_status, "COMICID": weekly['ComicID'], "ISSUEID": weekly['IssueID'], "HAVEIT": haveit, "ISSUEDATE": issdate }) weeklylist = sorted(weeklyresults, key=itemgetter('PUBLISHER', 'COMIC'), reverse=False) for ab in weeklylist: if ab['HAVEIT'] == ab['COMICID']: lb = myDB.selectone('SELECT ComicVersion, Type, ComicYear from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ab['COMICID']]).fetchone() issuelist.append({'IssueNumber': ab['ISSUE'], 'ComicName': ab['COMIC'], 'ComicID': ab['COMICID'], 'IssueID': ab['ISSUEID'], 'Status': ab['STATUS'], 'Publisher': ab['PUBLISHER'], 'ComicVolume': lb['ComicVersion'], 'ComicYear': lb['ComicYear'], 'ComicType': lb['Type'], 'IssueYear': ab['ISSUEDATE']}) from mylar import cbl ab = cbl.dict2xml(issuelist) #a = cbl.CreateList(issuelist) #ab = a.createComicRackReadlist() logger.info('returned.') logger.info(ab) create_readlist.exposed = True def downloadBanner(self, **kwargs): storyarcid = kwargs['storyarcid'] url = kwargs['url'] storyarcname = kwargs['storyarcname'] logger.info('storyarcid: %s' % storyarcid) logger.info('url: %s' % url) ext = url[-4:] for i in ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg']: if i in url: ext = i break banner = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'storyarcs', (str(storyarcid) + '-banner' + ext)) r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if str(r.status_code) != '200': logger.warn('Unable to download image from URL: %s [Status Code returned:%s]' % (url, r.status_code)) else: if r.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': import gzip from StringIO import StringIO buf = StringIO(r.content) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) with open(banner, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() logger.info('Successfully wrote image to cache directory: %s' % banner) import get_image_size image = get_image_size.get_image_metadata(banner) imageinfo = json.loads(get_image_size.Image.to_str_json(image)) logger.info('imageinfo: %s' % imageinfo) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("detailStoryArc?StoryArcID=%s&StoryArcName=%s" % (storyarcid, storyarcname)) downloadBanner.exposed = True def manageBanner(self, comicid, action, height=None, width=None): rootpath = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'storyarcs') if action == 'delete': delete = False ext = ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg'] loc = os.path.join(rootpath, str(comicid) + '-banner') for x in ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg']: if os.path.isfile(loc +x): os.remove(loc+x) deleted = True break if deleted is True: logger.info('Successfully deleted banner image for the given storyarc.') else: logger.warn('Unable to located banner image in cache folder...') elif action == 'save': filename = None dir = os.listdir(rootpath) for fname in dir: if str(comicid) in fname: ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] filepath = os.path.join(rootpath, fname) break #if 'H' in fname: # bannerheight = fname[fname.find('H')+1:fname.find('.')] # logger.info('bannerheight found at : %s' % bannerheight) #ext = ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg'] #ext = None #loc = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'storyarcs', str(comicid) + '-banner') #for x in ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg']: # if os.path.isfile(loc +x): # ext = x # break if filepath is not None: os.rename(filepath, os.path.join(rootpath, (str(comicid) + '-bannerH' + str(height) + ext))) logger.info('successfully saved %s to new dimensions of banner : 960 x %s' % (str(comicid) + '-bannerH' + str(height) + ext, height)) else: logger.warn('unable to locate %s in cache directory in order to save' % filepath) manageBanner.exposed = True def choose_specific_download(self, **kwargs): #manual=True): try: action = kwargs['action'] except: action = False try: comicvolume = kwargs['comicvolume'] except: comicvolume = None if all([kwargs['issueid'] != 'None', kwargs['issueid'] is not None]) and action is False: issueid = kwargs['issueid'] logger.info('checking for: %s' % issueid) results = search.searchforissue(issueid, manual=True) else: results = self.queueissue(kwargs['mode'], ComicName=kwargs['comicname'], ComicID=kwargs['comicid'], IssueID=kwargs['issueid'], ComicIssue=kwargs['issue'], ComicVersion=comicvolume, Publisher=kwargs['publisher'], pullinfo=kwargs['pullinfo'], pullweek=kwargs['pullweek'], pullyear=kwargs['pullyear'], manual=True) myDB = db.DBConnection() r = [] for x in mylar.COMICINFO: #results: ctrlval = {'provider': x['provider'], 'id': x['nzbid']} newval = {'kind': x['kind'], 'sarc': x['SARC'], 'issuearcid': x['IssueArcID'], 'comicname': x['ComicName'], 'comicid': x['ComicID'], 'issueid': x['IssueID'], 'issuenumber': x['IssueNumber'], 'volume': x['ComicVolume'], 'oneoff': x['oneoff'], 'fullprov': x['nzbprov'], 'modcomicname': x['modcomicname'], 'name': x['nzbtitle'], 'link': x['link'], 'size': x['size'], 'pack_numbers': x['pack_numbers'], 'pack_issuelist': x['pack_issuelist'], 'comicyear': x['comyear'], 'issuedate': x['IssueDate'], 'tmpprov': x['tmpprov'], 'pack': x['pack']} myDB.upsert('manualresults', newval, ctrlval) r.append({'kind': x['kind'], 'provider': x['provider'], 'nzbtitle': x['nzbtitle'], 'nzbid': x['nzbid'], 'size': x['size'][:-1], 'tmpprov': x['tmpprov']}) #logger.fdebug('results returned: %s' % r) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' return json.dumps(r) choose_specific_download.exposed = True def download_specific_release(self, nzbid, provider, name): myDB = db.DBConnection() dsr = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM manualresults WHERE id=? AND tmpprov=? AND name=?', [nzbid, provider, name]).fetchone() if dsr is None: logger.warn('Unable to locate result - something is wrong. Try and manually search again?') return else: oneoff = bool(int(dsr['oneoff'])) try: pack = bool(int(dsr['pack'])) except: pack = False comicinfo = [{'ComicName': dsr['comicname'], 'ComicVolume': dsr['volume'], 'IssueNumber': dsr['issuenumber'], 'comyear': dsr['comicyear'], 'IssueDate': dsr['issuedate'], 'pack': pack, 'modcomicname': dsr['modcomicname'], 'oneoff': oneoff, 'SARC': dsr['sarc'], 'IssueArcID': dsr['issuearcid']}] #logger.info('comicinfo: %s' % comicinfo) newznabinfo = None if dsr['kind'] == 'usenet': link = dsr['link'] for newznab_info in mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS: if dsr['provider'].lower() in newznab_info[0].lower(): if (newznab_info[5] == '1' or newznab_info[5] == 1): if newznab_info[1].endswith('/'): newznab_host = newznab_info[1] else: newznab_host = newznab_info[1] + '/' newznab_api = newznab_info[3] newznab_uid = newznab_info[4] link = str(newznab_host) + 'api?apikey=' + str(newznab_api) + '&t=get&id=' + str(dsr['id']) logger.info('newznab detected as : ' + str(newznab_info[0]) + ' @ ' + str(newznab_host)) logger.info('link : ' + str(link)) newznabinfo = (newznab_info[0], newznab_info[1], newznab_info[2], newznab_info[3], newznab_info[4]) else: logger.error(str(newznab_info[0]) + ' is not enabled - unable to process retry request until provider is re-enabled.') break else: link = nzbid if oneoff is True: mode = 'pullwant' else: mode = 'series' try: nzbname = search.nzbname_create(dsr['fullprov'], info=comicinfo, title=dsr['name']) sresults = search.searcher(dsr['fullprov'], nzbname, comicinfo, link=link, IssueID=dsr['issueid'], ComicID=dsr['comicid'], tmpprov=dsr['tmpprov'], directsend=True, newznab=newznabinfo) if sresults is not None: updater.foundsearch(dsr['ComicID'], dsr['IssueID'], mode='series', provider=dsr['tmpprov'], hash=sresults['t_hash']) except: return False #json.dumps({'result': 'failure'}) else: return True #json.dumps({'result': 'success'}) download_specific_release.exposed = True