import os import sys import pytest from .client import DelugeRPCClient, RemoteException if sys.version_info > (3,): long = int @pytest.fixture def client(request): if sys.platform.startswith('win'): auth_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'), 'deluge', 'auth') else: auth_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/deluge/auth") with open(auth_path, 'rb') as f: filedata ="utf-8").split('\n')[0].split(':') username, password = filedata[:2] ip = '' port = 58846 kwargs = {'decode_utf8': True} if hasattr(request, 'param'): kwargs.update(request.param) client = DelugeRPCClient(ip, port, username, password, **kwargs) client.connect() yield client try: client.disconnect() except: pass def test_connect(client): assert client.connected def test_call_method(client): assert isinstance('core.get_free_space'), (int, long)) def test_call_method_arguments(client): assert isinstance('core.get_free_space', '/'), (int, long)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('client', [{'decode_utf8': True}, {'decode_utf8': False}], ids=['decode_utf8_on', 'decode_utf8_off'], indirect=True) def test_call_method_exception(client): with pytest.raises(RemoteException) as ex_info:'core.get_free_space', '1', '2') assert ('takes at most 2 arguments' in str(ex_info.value) or 'takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments' in str(ex_info.value)) # deluge 2.0 def test_attr_caller(client): assert isinstance(client.core.get_free_space(), (int, long)) assert isinstance(client.core.get_free_space('/'), (int, long))