""" Jobs represent scheduled tasks. """ from threading import Lock from datetime import timedelta from lib.apscheduler.util import to_unicode, ref_to_obj, get_callable_name,\ obj_to_ref class MaxInstancesReachedError(Exception): pass class Job(object): """ Encapsulates the actual Job along with its metadata. Job instances are created by the scheduler when adding jobs, and it should not be directly instantiated. :param trigger: trigger that determines the execution times :param func: callable to call when the trigger is triggered :param args: list of positional arguments to call func with :param kwargs: dict of keyword arguments to call func with :param name: name of the job (optional) :param misfire_grace_time: seconds after the designated run time that the job is still allowed to be run :param coalesce: run once instead of many times if the scheduler determines that the job should be run more than once in succession :param max_runs: maximum number of times this job is allowed to be triggered :param max_instances: maximum number of concurrently running instances allowed for this job """ id = None next_run_time = None def __init__(self, trigger, func, args, kwargs, misfire_grace_time, coalesce, name=None, max_runs=None, max_instances=1): if not trigger: raise ValueError('The trigger must not be None') if not hasattr(func, '__call__'): raise TypeError('func must be callable') if not hasattr(args, '__getitem__'): raise TypeError('args must be a list-like object') if not hasattr(kwargs, '__getitem__'): raise TypeError('kwargs must be a dict-like object') if misfire_grace_time <= 0: raise ValueError('misfire_grace_time must be a positive value') if max_runs is not None and max_runs <= 0: raise ValueError('max_runs must be a positive value') if max_instances <= 0: raise ValueError('max_instances must be a positive value') self._lock = Lock() self.trigger = trigger self.func = func self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.name = to_unicode(name or get_callable_name(func)) self.misfire_grace_time = misfire_grace_time self.coalesce = coalesce self.max_runs = max_runs self.max_instances = max_instances self.runs = 0 self.instances = 0 def compute_next_run_time(self, now): if self.runs == self.max_runs: self.next_run_time = None else: self.next_run_time = self.trigger.get_next_fire_time(now) return self.next_run_time def get_run_times(self, now): """ Computes the scheduled run times between ``next_run_time`` and ``now``. """ run_times = [] run_time = self.next_run_time increment = timedelta(microseconds=1) while ((not self.max_runs or self.runs < self.max_runs) and run_time and run_time <= now): run_times.append(run_time) run_time = self.trigger.get_next_fire_time(run_time + increment) return run_times def add_instance(self): self._lock.acquire() try: if self.instances == self.max_instances: raise MaxInstancesReachedError self.instances += 1 finally: self._lock.release() def remove_instance(self): self._lock.acquire() try: assert self.instances > 0, 'Already at 0 instances' self.instances -= 1 finally: self._lock.release() def __getstate__(self): # Prevents the unwanted pickling of transient or unpicklable variables state = self.__dict__.copy() state.pop('instances', None) state.pop('func', None) state.pop('_lock', None) state['func_ref'] = obj_to_ref(self.func) return state def __setstate__(self, state): state['instances'] = 0 state['func'] = ref_to_obj(state.pop('func_ref')) state['_lock'] = Lock() self.__dict__ = state def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Job): return self.id is not None and other.id == self.id or self is other return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name, repr(self.trigger)) def __str__(self): return '%s (trigger: %s, next run at: %s)' % (self.name, str(self.trigger), str(self.next_run_time))