# Library dependencies for the python code. You need to install these with # `pip install -r requirements.txt` before you can run this. # this might not be exhaustive, as this is still a WIP. #### ESSENTIAL LIBRARIES FOR MAIN FUNCTIONALITY #### APScheduler>=3.6.3 beautifulsoup4>=4.8.2 cfscrape>=2.0.8 cheroot==8.2.1 CherryPy>=18.5.0 configparser>=4.0.2 feedparser>=5.2.1 Mako>=1.1.0 natsort>=3.5.2 Pillow>=7.0.0 portend>=2.6 pytz>=2019.3 requests>=2.22.0 simplejson>=3.17.0 six>=1.13.0 tzlocal>=2.0.0 unrar>=0.3 urllib3>=1.25.7