#!/usr/local/bin/python import os import time import mylar from mylar import logger def putfile(localpath, file): #localpath=full path to .torrent (including filename), file=filename of torrent try: import paramiko except ImportError: logger.fdebug('paramiko not found on system. Please install manually in order to use seedbox option') logger.fdebug('get it at https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko') logger.fdebug('to install: python setup.py install') logger.fdebug('aborting send.') return "fail" host = mylar.SEEDBOX_HOST port = int(mylar.SEEDBOX_PORT) #this is usually 22 transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) logger.fdebug('Sending file: ' + str(file)) logger.fdebug('destination: ' + str(host)) logger.fdebug('Using SSH port : ' + str(port)) password = mylar.SEEDBOX_PASS username = mylar.SEEDBOX_USER transport.connect(username = username, password = password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) import sys if file[-7:] != "torrent": file += ".torrent" rempath = os.path.join(mylar.SEEDBOX_WATCHDIR, file) #this will default to the OS running mylar for slashes. logger.fdebug('remote path set to ' + str(rempath)) logger.fdebug('local path set to ' + str(localpath)) if not os.path.exists(localpath): logger.fdebug('file has not finished writing yet - pausing for 5s to allow for completion.') time.sleep(5) if not localpath.exists(): logger.fdebug('Skipping file at this time.') return "fail" sendcheck = False while sendcheck == False: try: sftp.put(localpath, rempath) sendcheck = True except Exception, e: logger.fdebug('ERROR Sending torrent to seedbox *** Caught exception: %s: %s' % (e.__class__, e)) logger.fdebug('Forcibly closing connection and attempting to reconnect') sftp.close() transport.close() #reload the transport here cause it locked up previously. transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) transport.connect(username = username, password = password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) logger.fdebug('sucessfully reconnected via sftp - attempting to resend.') #return "fail" sftp.close() transport.close() logger.fdebug('Upload complete to seedbox.') return "pass" def sendfiles(filelist): try: import paramiko except ImportError: logger.fdebug('paramiko not found on system. Please install manually in order to use seedbox option') logger.fdebug('get it at https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko') logger.fdebug('to install: python setup.py install') logger.fdebug('aborting send.') return fhost = mylar.TAB_HOST.find(':') host = mylar.TAB_HOST[:fhost] port = int(mylar.TAB_HOST[fhost +1:]) logger.fdebug('Destination: ' + host) logger.fdebug('Using SSH port : ' + str(port)) transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) password = mylar.TAB_PASS username = mylar.TAB_USER transport.connect(username = username, password = password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) remotepath = mylar.TAB_DIRECTORY logger.fdebug('remote path set to ' + remotepath) if len(filelist) > 0: logger.info('Initiating send for ' + str(len(filelist)) + ' files...') return sendtohome(sftp, remotepath, filelist, transport) def sendtohome(sftp, remotepath, filelist, transport): fhost = mylar.TAB_HOST.find(':') host = mylar.TAB_HOST[:fhost] port = int(mylar.TAB_HOST[fhost +1:]) successlist = [] filestotal = len(filelist) for files in filelist: tempfile = files['filename'] issid = files['issueid'] logger.fdebug('Checking filename for problematic characters: ' + tempfile) #we need to make the required directory(ies)/subdirectories before the get will work. if u'\xb4' in files['filename']: # right quotation logger.fdebug('detected abnormal character in filename') filename = tempfile.replace('0xb4', '\'') if u'\xbd' in files['filename']: # 1/2 character filename = tempfile.replace('0xbd', 'half') if u'\uff1a' in files['filename']: #some unknown character filename = tempfile.replace('\0ff1a', '-') #now we encode the structure to ascii so we can write directories/filenames without error. filename = tempfile.encode('ascii', 'ignore') remdir = remotepath if mylar.MAINTAINSERIESFOLDER == 1: # Get folder path of issue comicdir = os.path.split(files['filepath'])[0] # Isolate comic folder name comicdir = os.path.split(comicdir)[1] logger.info('Checking for Comic Folder: ' + comicdir) chkdir = os.path.join(remdir, comicdir) try: sftp.stat(chkdir) except IOError, e: logger.info('Comic Folder does not Exist, creating ' + chkdir ) try: sftp.mkdir(chkdir) except : # Fallback to default behavior logger.info('Could not create Comic Folder, adding to device root') else : remdir = chkdir else : remdir = chkdir localsend = files['filepath'] logger.info('Sending : ' + localsend) remotesend = os.path.join(remdir, filename) logger.info('To : ' + remotesend) try: sftp.stat(remotesend) except IOError, e: if e[0] == 2: filechk = False else: filechk = True if not filechk: sendcheck = False count = 1 while sendcheck == False: try: sftp.put(localsend, remotesend)#, callback=printTotals) sendcheck = True except Exception, e: logger.info('Attempt #' + str(count) + ': ERROR Sending issue to seedbox *** Caught exception: %s: %s' % (e.__class__, e)) logger.info('Forcibly closing connection and attempting to reconnect') sftp.close() transport.close() #reload the transport here cause it locked up previously. transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) transport.connect(username=mylar.TAB_USER, password=mylar.TAB_PASS) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) count+=1 if count > 5: break if count > 5: logger.info('Unable to send - tried 5 times and failed. Aborting entire process.') break else: logger.info('file already exists - checking if complete or not.') filesize = sftp.stat(remotesend).st_size if not filesize == os.path.getsize(files['filepath']): logger.info('file not complete - attempting to resend') sendcheck = False count = 1 while sendcheck == False: try: sftp.put(localsend, remotesend) sendcheck = True except Exception, e: logger.info('Attempt #' + str(count) + ': ERROR Sending issue to seedbox *** Caught exception: %s: %s' % (e.__class__, e)) logger.info('Forcibly closing connection and attempting to reconnect') sftp.close() transport.close() #reload the transport here cause it locked up previously. transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) transport.connect(username=mylar.TAB_USER, password=mylar.TAB_PASS) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) count+=1 if count > 5: break if count > 5: logger.info('Unable to send - tried 5 times and failed. Aborting entire process.') break else: logger.info('file 100% complete according to byte comparison.') logger.info('Marking as being successfully Downloaded to 3rd party device (Queuing to change Read Status to Downloaded)') successlist.append({"issueid": issid}) sftp.close() transport.close() logger.fdebug('Upload of readlist complete.') return successlist #def printTotals(transferred, toBeTransferred): # percent = transferred / toBeTransferred # logger.info("Transferred: " + str(transferred) + " Out of " + str(toBeTransferred)) #if __name__ == '__main__': # putfile(sys.argv[1])