<%inherit file="base.html"/> <%! import mylar from operator import itemgetter %> <%def name="headerIncludes()">
Shut Down Restart
<%def name="body()"> <% mylar.DONATEBUTTON = False %>


Configuration Options



Bragging Rights
Useful Information
Branch history
Show Stats
e.g. localhost or

*Use this if experiencing parsing problems*
Annual Handling
Series need to be Refreshed for annuals to appear

Enabled: Annuals are tracked as part of the series it belongs to
Disabled: Annuals are tracked independently and will appear on your watchlist as a series
specify your own CV API key here
Current API key: ${config['api_key']}
Access the OPDS server at http://mylarhost/opds/ - keep in mind your scheme (http or https), your hostname, port, and any http_root you may have set.
<% opds_notes = "Require authentication for OPDS. If checked\nyou will need to provide a username/password.\nThe service user name will work (if set). Additionally,\nyou can provide a user with only OPDS access below.\nNOTE: If this is not checked, OPDS will be available\nwithout a password." %>

Warning: Enabling this will slow down issue listing significantly, but will give writer info and book summary
mins The amount of time to wait between each search request (minimum is 1 min)
Comic Location
Automatic folder creation happens BENEATH this path
Where do you store your comics?
(or where do you want me to store them)
e.g. /Users/name/Comics or /Volumes/share/comics
Permissions on created/moved directories
Permissions on created/moved files
%if 'windows' not in mylar.OS_DETECT.lower():
Set Ownership of files/directories (name OR uid)
Set Group Ownership of files/directories (name OR gid)
Usenet Sabnzbd   NZBget   Black Hole
usually http://localhost:8080
This is *ONLY* required if Mylar and SABnzbd are on separate machines, otherwise don't touch it
Where your SAB downloads go (required for PP)
ComicRN script cannot be used with this enabled & required SAB version > 0.8.0

<% if mylar.CONFIG.SAB_VERSION is not None: sabv = 'last tested version: %s' % mylar.CONFIG.SAB_VERSION else: sabv = '' %> ${sabv}
usually http://localhost
Where your NZBGet downloads go... (optional)
ComicRN script cannot be used with this enabled

Folder your Download program watches for NZBs
Watchdir   uTorrent   rTorrent
Transmission   Deluge   qBittorrent

Local Folder your torrent client watches

Folder path your torrent seedbox client watches

Label for your uTorrent downloads
ie. my.rtorrent:80,, scgi://localhost:5000
ie. httprpc plugin = rutorrent/plugins/httprpc/action.php
rpc plugin = user/RPC2

Folder path where torrent download will be assigned

Label to assign for torrents
Automatically start torrent on successful loading within rtorrent client

Folder path where torrent download will be assigned
(ie. port uses the deluge daemon port (remote connection to daemon has to be enabled)

Label to be used on the torrents

Label to be used on the torrents

Folder path where torrents will be assigned to
<% porder = [] for k,v in sorted(mylar.CONFIG.PROVIDER_ORDER.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(0), reverse=False): porder.append(v) porder = ', '.join(porder) %>
Search Order: ${porder}
(Mins) Force RSS
last run: ${config['rss_last']}
( only needed for RSS feed )
Use Experimental Search
Note: this is an experimental search - results may be better/worse.
Enable DDL (GetComics)
Search: WWT / RSS: WWT
python 2.7.9 required for 32P usage
Legacy Mode Auth Mode
( enter in the full url for any CURRENT 32P RSS feed ) ( Currently will only montior NEW releases feed )
do NOT use a VPN with this option
( monitor the NEW releases feed & your personal notifications )

<% if mylar.INKDROPS_32P is None: inkdrops = '' else: inkdrops = 'Inkdrops Available: ' + '{:06,}'.format(float(mylar.INKDROPS_32P)) %> ${inkdrops}
<% torznab_number = 1 %> %for torznab in config['extra_torznabs']: <% if torznab[4] == '1' or torznab[4] == 1: torznab_enabled = "checked" else: torznab_enabled = "" %>
<% torznab_number += 1 %> %endfor
<% newznab_number = 1 %> %for newznab in config['extra_newznabs']: <% if newznab[5] == '1' or newznab[5] == 1: newznab_enabled = "checked" else: newznab_enabled = "" if newznab[2] == '1' or newznab[2] == 1: newznab_verify = "checked" else: newznab_verify = "" %>
( only needed for RSS feed )
<% newznab_number += 1 %> %endfor
File-Size Search Restrictions
Duplicate Handling ( if filetypes are identical, will retain larger filesize )
Duplicate Dump Folder
Failed Download Handling

enter in the absolute path to monitor for new issues
mins enter in the time delay scanning the folder
enter in the absolute path to the script
enter in the absolute path to the script
enter in the absolute path to the script
Metadata TaggingComicTagger is included
If ComicVine API Key specified, will use with ComicTagger
Writing each type of metadata will increase API count respectively
Renaming options
<% folder_options = "$Series = SeriesName\n$Year = SeriesYear\n$Annual = Annual (word)\n$VolumeY = V{SeriesYear}\n$VolumeN = V{Volume#}\n$Type = BookType (TPB/GN)" %> Use: $Publisher, $Series, $Year
E.g.: $Publisher/$Series ($Year) = DC Comics/Action Comics (2011)
<% file_options = "$Series = SeriesName\n$Year = IssueYear\n$Annual = Annual (word)\n$Issue = IssueNumber\n$VolumeY = V{SeriesYear}\n$VolumeN = V{Volume#}\n$month = publication month number\n$monthname = publication month name\n$Type = BookType (TPB)" %> Use: $Series, $Year, $Issue
E.g.: $Series $Issue ($Year) = Animal Man 0 (2012)
if tag isn't available, won't create it
Advanced Options

(will work regardless if Rename Files is enabled)
%if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENTS: %endif




Separate multiple api keys with commas




Warning: Will send to ALL your pushbullet devices
Send to all subscribers of the channel with this tag (Optional)



Web Interface changes require a restart to take effect

<%def name="javascriptIncludes()">