from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, UnicodeDammit import urllib2 import csv import fileinput import sys import re import os import sqlite3 import datetime import unicodedata from decimal import Decimal from HTMLParser import HTMLParseError from time import strptime import mylar from mylar import logger def newpull(): pagelinks = "" pageresponse = urllib2.urlopen (pagelinks) soup = BeautifulSoup (pageresponse) getthedate = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "Headline"})[0] #the date will be in the FIRST ahref try: getdate_link = getthedate('a')[0] newdates = getdate_link.findNext(text=True).strip() except IndexError: newdates = getthedate.findNext(text=True).strip() logger.fdebug('New Releases date detected as : ' + re.sub('New Releases For', '', newdates).strip()) cntlinks = soup.findAll('tr') lenlinks = len(cntlinks) publish = [] resultURL = [] resultmonth = [] resultyear = [] x = 0 cnt = 0 endthis = False pull_list = [] publishers = {'914': 'DARK HORSE COMICS', '915': 'DC COMICS', '916': 'IDW PUBLISHING', '917': 'IMAGE COMICS', '918': 'MARVEL COMICS', '952': 'COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS'} while (x < lenlinks): headt = cntlinks[x] #iterate through the hrefs pulling out only results. if 'STK669382' in str(headt): x+=1 continue elif '?stockItemID=' in str(headt): #914 - Dark Horse Comics #915 - DC Comics #916 - IDW Publishing #917 - Image Comics #918 - Marvel Comics #952 - Comics & Graphic Novels # - Magazines findurl_link = headt.findAll('a', href=True)[0] urlID = findurl_link.findNext(text=True) issue_link = findurl_link['href'] issue_lk = issue_link.find('?stockItemID=') if issue_lk == -1: continue #headName = headt.findNext(text=True) publisher_id = issue_link[issue_lk -3:issue_lk] for pub in publishers: if pub == publisher_id: isspublisher = publishers[pub] #logger.fdebug('publisher:' + str(isspublisher)) found_iss = headt.findAll('td') if "Home/1/1/71/920" in issue_link: #logger.fdebug('Ignoring - menu option.') return if "PREVIEWS" in headt: #logger.fdebug('Ignoring: ' + found_iss[0]) break if "MAGAZINES" in headt: #logger.fdebug('End.') endthis = True break if len(found_iss) > 0: pull_list.append({"iss_url": found_iss[0], "name": found_iss[1].findNext(text=True), "price": found_iss[2], "publisher": isspublisher, "ID": urlID}) if endthis == True: break x+=1 logger.fdebug('Saving new pull-list information into local file for subsequent merge') except_file = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, 'newreleases.txt') try: csvfile = open(str(except_file), 'rb') csvfile.close() except (OSError, IOError): logger.fdebug('file does not exist - continuing.') else: logger.fdebug('file exists - removing.') os.remove(except_file) oldpub = None breakhtml = {"", "", "", ""} with open(str(except_file), 'wb') as f: f.write('%s\n' % (newdates)) for pl in pull_list: if pl['publisher'] == oldpub: exceptln = str(pl['ID']) + "\t" + str(pl['name']) + "\t" + str(pl['price']) else: exceptln = pl['publisher'] + "\n" + str(pl['ID']) + "\t" + str(pl['name']) + "\t" + str(pl['price']) for lb in breakhtml: exceptln = re.sub(lb, '', exceptln).strip() exceptline = exceptln.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') f.write('%s\n' % (exceptline.encode('ascii', 'replace').strip())) oldpub = pl['publisher'] if __name__ == '__main__': newpull()